Brag Sheet 24 25

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Please find below a General Brag Sheet and a Subject Brag Sheet. The general brag sheet
is needed for all those who need a letter of recommendation from school and the Subject
Brag Sheet is to be filled for all specific subjects you need a recommendation letter for.
Please type out the answers to the following questions and email it to


1. Which course you wish to pursue? Which University in particular you are aiming for?
2. Which academic setting or assignments make you thrive? What interests you?
3. Describe the academic accomplishments in external exams you appeared for while in
4. Can you provide us with a list of your achievements other than academics that you are
most proud of, and tell why you take pride in it (Make an effort to explain yours in
detail, especially if they're unique. Jot down any positions you held, whether you were
class representative in junior or senior year or any other office you held. The
extracurricular section of your brag sheet is like your high school work history – tell
colleges exactly what you did and where you excelled. If you participated in sports or
accomplished impressive feats, include that information. Write down the years you
played on the teams. Tell your resume readers about the year you won the regional
poetry/debate/elocution/ recitation contest. Point out how you organized events for
your school’s spirit club. Any accomplishments that you’re proud of deserve a spot on
your resume.)
5. What was your involvement or contribution to College and school Magazine work,
various clubs and the newsletter?
6. What experience do you have that will prepare you for your major? Delineate your
involvement in various social work activities with respect to this.
7. Discuss something else about yourself that you think is important for the writer of
your letter of recommendation to know (Any kind of research work you have been
involved with)

1. Which course you wish to pursue? Which University in particular you are aiming for?
2. How would a letter of recommendation from this teacher help you?
3. What strengths do you think you demonstrated in your classes with the teacher you
are asking to write this recommendation?
4. What should a college admissions officer know about you as a student that has not or
cannot be measured by your grades and test scores?
5. Describe a particular challenge you have faced in this class and how you addressed
the issue.
6. Discuss something else about yourself that you think is important for the writer of your
letter of recommendation to know.(Subject specific)

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