General Terms & Conditions 2024
General Terms & Conditions 2024
General Terms & Conditions 2024
General Terms
and Conditions
Butterfield bank (cayman) limited general terms and conditions Banking Services
Clients and other individuals have certain rights with respect to the data held by Butterfield. The details of the individual rights, as well as how we handle the data provided to us, can be found in our
Privacy Statement which can be obtained from or by contacting Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited is licensed to conduct banking and
investment business by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. Address: 12 Albert Panton Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.
In the case of individual/joint accounts, you represent and warrant that you
are the beneficial and legal owner(s) of the account and that you have full legal
capacity to open the account and accept these T&C.
In the case of other accounts, you represent and warrant that you correctly stated
the beneficial and legal owner(s) when opening the account.
Joint Accounts
Except in the case of joint accounts where the account is specifically opened as an
“and” account that requires all parties to sign together for all instructions:
Any one of you may give all instructions to us with respect to the account. These
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• accepting statements, notices, confirmations, on the account causes the account to be placed in a negative or overdrawn position not previously
• providing notices, any instructions, or giving notice to us of errors or authorised by us, we may charge unsanctioned item fees for each unauthorised
objections on the account transaction and an interest charge at the Bank’s unauthorised lending rate from
• making deposits into the account time to time in effect, or at such other rate as may be established by us will be
• instructing us to make payments applied to the overdrawn balance of the account.
• instructing us to add or remove additional joint holders
• instructing us to amend the mailing address for the account We may, without prejudice to our general right to close the account relationship
• instructing us to hold the account as collateral for a debt in any name as in accordance with the Section “Closing Your Account” on page 6, suspend your
instructed by any one of you banking privileges or related services for non-payment of charges or overdrawn
• instructing us to amend, add or remove signing authorities on the account; balances due to us by you.
• closing the account For the avoidance of doubt, all approved overdrafts are considered repayable on
You agree that any liability you incur with us shall be joint as well as several which
means that you will be jointly responsible such that either one of you may be fully Banker’s General Right of Set-Off
responsible for all or a portion of the liability.
We can make charge to any of your accounts, or set-off against any of your
Notwithstanding the above, we may, in our sole discretion decline such instructions indebtedness or liabilities with us, even if this creates an overdraft, or increases
where it may have an impact on an outstanding debt or liability. an overdraft. You will be liable for any amount charged, plus interest and fees as
may be applicable, including any legal or collection agency fees incurred by us in
We agree that on the death of any one of you, any money standing to the credit attempting to collect on your debt for any such outstanding amounts. We can
of the said account and anything held by us by way of security for the safe break any fixed account with ourselves and apply the proceeds to the overdraft
custody, collection or any other purpose whatsoever on the account will be held plus any fees, charges, or other expenses incurred and owing to us. You further
to the order of the survivor(s), so that if one of you should die, the account will agree that the full amount of any joint accounts or any portion of a joint account
automatically become the property of the survivor(s). The survivor’s rights and can be applied against any such indebtedness to us irrespective of contribution.
duties under these T&C continue.
All collateral held as security now or subsequently held by us will also be used as
Telephone, Facsimile or Electronic Instructions security for any and all indebtedness, without any obligation to provide notice to
you, and apply such security to such indebtedness.
Notwithstanding the Terms and Conditions, account mandates or other agreement
in the course of dealing between ourselves, we are requested and authorised, Charge over your Account
but not obliged, to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, demand
or other communication which may from time to time be given by any verbal, You may not transfer, charge or give as security any part of your account or any
telephone, facsimile (fax) or electronic message and to be presented or delivered of your rights under any of these T&C, or any additional T&C that may be specific
by or on behalf of you. For the avoidance of doubt, we shall incur no liability to any of our products and services, to anyone else, unless we specifically agree
should any such notice, demand, or other communication be false, or there be in writing.
any error or ambiguity therein if believed by us to be genuine (whether or not
we have taken any steps to verify the genuineness of any such notice, demand or Interest & Foreign Exchange Rates
Interest, at a rate we will determine, will be computed on the daily principal
Without prejudicing our rights under the preceding sentence, we reserve the right balance on qualifying deposits. In the case of savings and call accounts, interest
to request that you complete a specific Telephone or Facsimile Authority. Under will be credited quarterly on the last business day of each quarter and unless
such Authority, you authorise us to act on telephone, fax or similar scanned image otherwise stated in specific Agreements or in individual product T&C, interest will
of your written instructions as given by you or appear or purport to be given by normally be credited monthly for all other interest bearing products.
you, or that bear or purport to bear your authorised signatures, whether or not
it may be subsequently shown that the same was not originally signed or did not Interest rates and foreign exchange rates are subject to market conditions and
contain a genuine signature or was not provided by the authorised signatories of may change at any time. Applicable interest rates, lending rates and foreign
the account. exchange rates are available on our website or by contacting any of our Banking
Centre staff.
You further acknowledge that we shall be under no duty to verify or authenticate
any of these instructions, and we may decline to accept instructions delivered by Unless otherwise agreed by us, if any cheque or other inbound or outbound
certain channels. transfer is made by you in any currency other than the currency in which any
credit balance or beneficiary as applicable is for the time being designated, we (or
Overdrafts our correspondent bank) will, at our discretion, at the risk of, and without notice
to you, be entitled to convert any currency or currencies in which your credit
You agree that overdrafts or negative balances may not be allowed unless prior balance is then comprised into the currency in which the cheque or other transfer
arrangements have been made. Unless such prior arrangements have been is denominated. We and/or our correspondent bank may also receive foreign
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made, cheques may, at our discretion, be returned or paid. Notwithstanding, exchange fees in connection thereto.
you understand that in the event that a transaction, inclusive of ATM withdrawal,
If you are a Butterfield Online user you will be able to download your account Whilst we will make every effort not to accept future or stale dated cheques, you
activity back to January 2011 (or the date of your online activation, whichever agree that, in instances where such cheques may be received and processed, you
is earlier). Your account activity will remain available online for a minimum of six will be responsible for any out-of-pocket or additional fees or charges that may be
months. Loan balance information is also available to our Butterfield Online users. incurred as a result of processing such cheques, including any costs and charges
Unless specifically noted under any individual product Terms & Conditions, or relating to your account being overdrawn.
unless specifically arranged otherwise, we will issue periodic statements/notices,
for chequing, savings, call accounts and any other account that we may determine Refer also to the Section covering “Overdrafts” on page 4.
from time to time should be offered, showing debits, credits, interest and balances
in the account as follows: Electronic Records
• Chequing Accounts Monthly Where we are party to a dispute, the electronic records, or scanned images of any
• Savings Accounts Quarterly bank documents including your instructions to us and retained by us may serve as
• Call Accounts Quarterly the sole and accurate record of the events and shall be admissible in a court of law
• Credit Card Accounts Monthly as such with equal evidentiary value as a duly authorised paper document.
• Loan & Mortgage Accounts Available upon request or as may be
agreed at time of advance We may provide scanned images or electronic records of any bank documents
• Time Deposits Maturity Notice, at the end of the term or as agreed including any instructions as evidence in any proceeding and may be considered
by product as a valid and enforceable document(s) in the absence of the original.
You will review within 30 days of the statement date, or within 30 days of the Further, if the account holder is involved in any legal proceedings, actual or
mailing of such statement to you, notifying us in writing of any errors or omissions. threatened, in which we are not a party, or any garnishee proceedings, then you
You will notify us promptly and in writing if you have not received your statement agree to pay us for our reasonable legal costs and time taken in dealing with the
within 30 days of the statement date. Refer also to Sections covering “Returned matter. Any amounts so due may be charged against the balance of the account.
Mail” and “Inactive & Dormant Accounts” below.
Acceptance of Statements as final and binding
You agree that all non-cash instruments deposited to your account may be credited
Unless we receive written notice from you stating otherwise, and within 30 days subject to us placing a “hold” on the funds in any of your accounts, restricting your
of receipt of statements (or within 30 days within which we have deemed you to right to withdraw said amount.
have received statements), up to a maximum of 90 days from the statement date,
you agree that details recorded in the statements are conclusive evidence of your In accordance with standard banking practices, we may, at our discretion, apply
dealings with us, are correct, complete, fully authorised and binding. You further different “hold periods” based, among other factors, on the country of origin,
release us from all responsibility for all account activity preceding said statements issuing institution, and clearing systems used to clear the items. The hold period
including all transactions in the account pertaining to any errors, omissions, may represent the usual or actual period to clear the funds.
irregularities, fraud, or unauthorised activities including negligence, but excluding
any gross negligence or willful misconduct by any one of our employees. Notwithstanding the expiry of the “hold period”, the item may subsequently be
returned. Should a cheque that has been deposited be returned to us after the
Returned Mail expiration of the hold period, we retain the right to charge the amount of that
item to your account together with any out of pocket expenses incurred by us.
If a statement or other mail is returned to us as undeliverable, we will make
every attempt to contact you using information you have provided to us and if You remain financially responsible for items deposited or cashed both before and
appropriate from information that is publicly available. However, if we are unable after the hold period.
to make contact with you, we may stop sending you statements and mail and may
place a block on your account. All dishonoured or returned cheques together with any additional expenses and
charges will be debited to the account and you will be liable, including where
You understand that any additional fees, expenses or charges that may be incurred relevant, for any overdrafts arising from payments made by us against such cheque
as a result of placing such a block on your account or for stopping the mailing deposits prior to final settlement by the drawee’s bank. If we become aware of
of correspondence and statements to you will automatically be charged to your any suspicious or fraudulent or other activity deemed to be unauthorised by us,
account. We are waived from any liability caused as a result of your non-receipt that may give rise to a claim against us or cause any loss to us, any dishonoured
of such mail or statements. cheque or returned cheque will be debited.
Cheque Images You understand that cheques in most major currencies will be accepted for credit
to an account. These will be converted to the currency of the account at our
Cheques will not be returned but instead will be stored by us via electronic imaging prevailing exchange rate on the day of the conversion.
and available online. Copies of the front of paid cheques will be sent to you in your
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statement. Copies of the front and reverse of requested cheques are available on You further indemnify us for any expenses or additional costs incurred by us
special request, on payment of our fee from time to time in effect in accordance arising from the transactions on your accounts. We further reserve the right to
to our published Schedule of Charges for such service. Copies of cheques will be wait for final clearing prior to releasing our hold on your account.
maintained by us for at least seven years.
Stop Payments We further reserve the right to terminate our relationship immediately in
circumstances where you have threatened members of our staff or have exhibited
If you wish to stop payment on certain payment types drawn on your account abusive behaviour or otherwise acted in a manner inconsistent with these T&C.
you may do so by sending us the details in writing or through our online banking
channel. Such details should, inter alia, include: Safeguard your Accounts from Theft and Fraud
a) personal cheque – cheque number, date, account number, amount and You are obliged to keep your information and bank details secure at all times. We
name of payee will not normally contact you asking you to provide us with your bank details or
b) standing order – name of recipient, currency, amount and frequency specific information regarding you or your account. If you do receive requests for
c) manager’s cheques or bank drafts – in some instances it may not be possible information, even if they are using our name and logo and the request appears to
to place a stop payment on these instruments; and in such cases, we may be genuine, you should contact us immediately via our general contact number,
further require that you complete an indemnity form. +1 (345) 949 7055.
You acknowledge that if we are not able to stop any such payment, for any You understand that it is your responsibility to prevent fraud on your account
reason (which may include, but is not limited to payments that have already been through the safeguarding of your bank information. This includes, but is not
processed and paid, instruments that are considered in the industry as “certified” limited to:
such as drafts and managers cheques), you agree that we will not be liable for
complying with, or failing to comply with a stop payment request. • ensuring that any cheques we issue on the account are correct
• that you inform us immediately by telephone, followed up in writing, should
Cancelling Standing Instructions or Payments such cheques become lost, stolen, or suspected of being in the wrongful
possession of another
You must advise us in writing if you wish to cancel regular payments or standing • not allowing any person other than yourself to have access to any device
instructions. In cases where you are cancelling a regular payment or debit or e-mail account used to receive two-factor authentication or one-time-
against a card, these instructions should be done so in writing with the merchant password (“OTP”), or access to any OTP from us, Mastercard or Visa
directly. For your protection, keep a record of both the written instruction and the • not allowing any person other than yourself to have access to your ATM card,
merchant’s acknowledgement. debit card, credit card, PINs, passwords or any other security information or
access to your Butterfield Online Banking account, etc.
Closing your Account • keeping your cards, cheques, and other security information secure at all
You may close your account at any time for any reason and we will forward • not writing down your passwords, PINs, or other security information
any existing credit balance on your account in accordance with your written • using appropriate passwords, PINs, or other security information that are
instructions. known only to you
• ensuring that all card receipts, account statements and any other information
We will, amongst other requests, ask that: relating to your accounts are held in safekeeping and only accessible by
• you return all unused cheques and cards issued on your account • being careful and vigilant when destroying account statements and other
• you repay any money you owe to us including the amount of any cheques, documents that may provide information about your accounts
outstanding card transactions; or other payment instructions you may have • keeping your devices secure at all times and use up-to-date anti-virus and
made malware prevention software
• you inform all third parties with whom you have arranged direct debits and/ • reviewing and reconciling your accounts within 30 days of receipt of your
or standing orders of the closure of your account bank statements
• provide us with updated contact information in order to arrange any final • reviewing your card activity using the Butterfield Card Alerts app and using
settlements the controls and preferences in the app to prevent fraud on your account
• keeping us fully and immediately informed about changes in your status and
We may require you to maintain balances in your account until we verify any of mailing address
the above, and until all outstanding payments are completed. • assisting us by providing us with secure detailed information about you and/
or your account that only you would know and have access to, which can
We may refuse a deposit or close your Account then be used to assist the Bank if and when we are required to do so, or
when we believe it is in either your or our best interests to further verify
We may refuse a deposit, limit the amount that may be deposited, return all or instructions received on your account
any part of deposit, or close any account by giving 30 days’ notice and without
specifying any reason. Inactive and Dormant Accounts
Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may block or close your account immediately You should make every effort to keep your accounts active at all times by:
where applicable laws, regulations or our policies say we must, or where we
consider the account activity is not in accordance with the expected activity based • in the case of current, savings and call accounts, making regular (at least
on information you have previously provided to us. Refer to the section covering annual) deposits or withdrawals into and/or out of your account; and
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“Keeping your information up to date, accurate and complete” on page 3. • in the case of fixed deposits, contacting us to update or confirm your
instructions on a regular basis (at least every three years)
For your protection, during the existence of the account when there are periods • where such disclosure is required by any applicable law or order of any
of time within which you have not initiated deposits or withdrawals in accordance court of competent jurisdiction or pursuant to any direction, request
with what is deemed by us to be normal for the account or in accordance to what or requirement (whether or not having the force of law) of any central
you have advised to us to be considered normal activity for the operation of your bank, governmental or other regulatory or taxation agency authority with
account (typically two years), the account’s status will be modified to “dormant” appropriate jurisdiction and pursuant to due legal process.
and will be subject to special dormant account, and reactivating dormant account
service fees in accordance with our Schedule of Charges. Credit & Bankers’ References
Once the account is considered “dormant”, we will apply more rigorous controls Such information may include, but is not limited to: credit reports, income sources
on the account and any transactions applied to the account. Once the account is and such other credit, bank or personal references to credit bureaux and other
dormant, statements will be discontinued. financial institutions; or to assist in the recovery of debt or such information as we
may be required to so provide in order to meet our legal obligations.
Transactions initiated on a dormant account will only be authorised after our
further due diligence. The Bank will not be liable for any additional costs or charges Market Research & Client Service
as a result of any delays caused validating transactions and or “reactivating”
dormant accounts. We may further use and share relevant information in order to assist us in
providing better client service to market research, credit research, insurance, debt
Telephone calls may be recorded collection, audit and or such other third parties engaged by us to provide services
on your behalf, which may include the processing of information about you. All
In accordance with standard practice in the financial services industry, telephone such information will be subject to strict confidentiality agreements at all times.
calls may be recorded for security, training and audit purposes.
Data Protection
Confidentiality and disclosing information about you to others
We may use outside service providers, in other countries on the basis that anyone
We agree to keep your information and our dealings with you confidential at all to whom we pass your information provides an adequate level of protection, for
times. However, notwithstanding, we may give details of you and your account the purposes of effectively managing our electronic data, and other information
with us: both directly or as additional back up and support to ensure adequate protection
for back up and business interruption planning in the event emergencies. All such
• where permitted by law information will be subject to strict confidentiality agreements at all times.
• where the law says we must
• where we have a public duty to do so This paragraph applies to information held by us relating to private individuals:
• where it is, in our opinion, necessary to protect our or your interests
• where you request us to do so on your behalf • We are a data controller. In acting as data controller we confirm that we will
comply with the relevant data protection law when obtaining and processing
We may give information about you and how you manage your account(s) to relevant data, including both personal data and special category data.
other entities within the Butterfield Group and/or to any third party as a result of • We acknowledge that you have certain rights in respect of the data held by
any restructure, sale or acquisition of any company within the Butterfield Group, us.
provided that any recipient uses your information for the same purposes as it was • You acknowledge that we have provided information to you setting out what
originally supplied to us and/or used by us. data is held by us, how this data will be used and your rights in respect of this
We reserve the right to transfer or retain any information in relation to you, • For the purpose of this paragraph, data controller, data, personal data
your account, and your use of any of our products or services whether within and special category data have the meaning set out in the relevant data
or outside the Cayman Islands and to share that information with third party protection law.
agents in such manner as, we in our absolute discretion, consider appropriate. • Further details of our data protection policy and your data protection rights
We further reserve the right to engage such agents, whether within or outside can be obtained from or by contacting
the Cayman Islands as, in our absolute discretion, we shall consider appropriate, •
to fulfill our duties more efficiently or for the purpose of complying with our
obligations pursuant to applicable laws and regulations. Interest Rate Changes – Residential & Commercial Loans/Mortgages
Accordingly, where the Bank deems it necessary in its absolute discretion, the Butterfield may, in its absolute discretion, at any time or time, increase the rate
Bank may transfer or disclose such information to counterparties, affiliates and of interest for the time being payable by you (Interest Rate) under any loan
third parties or where compelled by law or regulatory procedure, to regulators agreement, facility letter or mortgage deed.
and enforcement agencies. You understand and agree that the Bank may disclose
any information held by it in relation to you and our relationship, accounts, Butterfield may give notice of such interest rate increase by publishing from time
products or services whether or not confidential in nature; to time (i) its Cayman Dollar Base Rate, the basis of which your Interest Rate is
determined and (ii) the effective date of the interest rate increase, in a daily or
• to the Bank’s counterparties, affiliates, professional advisers or other weekly newspaper in general circulation in Cayman. You may or may not receive
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service providers, where the Bank considers such disclosure necessary or any other notice of change in the Interest Rate.
appropriate for business purposes or to enable it to properly and efficiently
fulfill its duties; or
In the event of any conflict between the interpretation of the notification Waiver of any fees or charges, or amendments to these fees and charges from
provisions contained in any loan agreement, facility letter or mortgage deed and time to time by any of our staff, will not be deemed a waiver by us of our right to
the notification terms under this section, the Terms & Conditions shall prevail. apply such fees at any time in the future.
Laws, Regulations and Policies In addition to regular service fees and charges, we may charge your account
with any out of pocket expenses that we may incur in carrying out research and
We are required to act in accordance with the Cayman Islands and international the production of documents or such other expenses in order to respond to or
laws and regulations; and within our policies and those of other financial comply with court orders, address any governmental, regulatory or legal directives
institutions in other jurisdictions from which we operate and with which we carry regarding your account.
out banking transactions (referred to generally herein as “laws, regulations and
policies”) relating to anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism, prevention of fraud, In instances where we incur any fees, interest or other charges (“Charges”) levied
prevention of tax evasion, prevention of other criminal activities and such other by our counterparty as a consequence of your account activity (which includes,
laws, regulations and policies from time to time in effect. but is not limited to, the placing of deposits), we reserve the right to charge a fee
which is commensurate with the Charges and the time and work undertaken by
In carrying out our duties under these laws, regulations and policies, we may, us in connection therewith.
without notice to you, intercept and carry out investigations on transactions,
payment instructions or other instructions sent to us whether by you or for your Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Rate changes
benefit and make further enquiries relating to any such transaction. This may, inter
alia, require us to disclose information to government or regulatory authorities, or As changes in interest rates are a reflection of world market conditions, interest
other financial institutions without disclosure to you. rates are subject to change without prior notice.
In carrying out our duties under the laws, regulations and policies, we will monitor ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS – SPECIFIC TO
your account activity and information relating to your accounts. We may from PRODUCT OR SERVICE
time to time require additional information about you, the operation of your
accounts or updated account documentation and supporting government photo In addition to the T&C above, the following additional Terms and Conditions will
identification. We may require such documentation to be duly certified as true apply only to specific accounts and transactions as indicated below.
copies, and which we may, at our sole discretion require them to be notarised by
a notary public. You agree to provide us with such information as requested from Powers of Attorney
time to time.
We reserve the right not to accept a power of attorney from you for any reason,
Notwithstanding any part of these T&C, or such other Terms and Conditions that and may request further information or documentation before we can accept your
you may have with us or any other member of the Butterfield Group of companies, power of attorney. We are not liable for any action taken by a named attorney in
we will not be liable for any loss (whether direct loss or consequential) (e.g., due fact pursuant to the power of attorney presented to us.
to interest rate change, price change, etc.) or damages suffered by you or any
other party, caused by any such delays or failure by us in performing any of the Foreign Currency Transactions
duties or obligations under these considered appropriate in carrying our duties in
compliance with such laws, regulations or policies. In the case of foreign currency requests, instructions are acted upon on days
on which the currency is traded. If instructions are received on a holiday for the
Taxation country of the currency, they will be acted upon on the next business day for that
The services and products we offer may have tax consequences that are applicable
to you. We do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice in relation to any of Savings Accounts
the services or products we offer. We are not legal or tax advisors and assume
no liability for such matters. You acknowledge and agree that you are wholly Any person over 10 years of age may make deposits or withdrawals in the same
responsible for ascertaining your tax status and any taxation that may apply to manner as if he or she were of age and all deposits made by minors in their own
you as a result of receiving our services or using our products. You should consult name will be fully under their control and payable to them without regard to
with your own professional tax advisor. In addition, materials and information parents or guardians in accordance with the practice established by us from time
provided by us are not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for tax, to time.
accounting or legal advice
You waive the right to draw cheques or drafts against the account.
Fees and Charges – Where and how communicated
Call & Fixed Term Deposits
You agree to pay any applicable service fees and or charges in accordance with our
“Schedule of Charges” from time to time in effect and as posted on our website Unless otherwise specifically noted under any individual product T&C: A copy of our Schedule of Charges is also available
at any Banking Centre. • Interest on fixed term deposits usually will be credited to the account at
maturity of the deposit.
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We may change our fees and charges from time to time, provided that charges • If you elect not to compound the interest earnings, they will be deposited to
are posted in our Schedule of Charges at least one month prior to their effective a Butterfield account that you designate.
date. • A fixed-term deposit must be maintained to the agreed maturity date and, in
the absence of instructions to the contrary, will be rolled over automatically
for a similar term at the then applicable rate of interest. We must receive the Application who is responsible for assigning Authorised User IDs and
your instructions to repay a deposit or vary its succeeding term no later than Passwords, as well as assigning authorisation levels to Users.
two business days prior to the deposit’s maturity date. “Online Tutorial” means the Online Tutorial published by the Bank for use of
• We reserve the right to refuse an application to repay a fixed term deposit Butterfield Online (as amended by the Bank from time to time).
prior to its maturity or a Notice Account deposit within the required notice
period. If we, in our absolute discretion and without prejudice to our right 2. Agreement for provision of service
to refuse, agree to repay a deposit prior to the maturity date, it will be
subject to a minimum of 31 days’ notice and breakage fees in accordance 2.1 This Agreement provides the only and full understanding of the terms and
with the applicable Schedule of Charges. This may include but is not limited conditions for use of the Service. No waiver, alteration or modification shall
to a percentage of the deposit amount, interest penalties and replacement be binding unless in writing and approved by the Bank. Neither the course
funding cost. Such fees and penalty rates will be calculated at the sole of conduct of the Client nor trade usage shall act to modify or alter any
discretion of the Bank, and will be deducted from the proceeds of the provision of this Agreement.
deposit to be repaid. 2.2 The Client may not assign this Agreement without prior written consent of
• Interest on Notice Accounts will be credited to the account monthly. Any the Bank. If any part of this Agreement is held invalid, the remaining parts
withdrawal from a notice account is subject to the specified notice period. will continue to be valid and enforceable.
Notice may not be served during the first period corresponding to the notice 2.3 This Agreement shall be for the exclusive benefit of the Bank and the
requirement (i.e. 185 days for a 185 day notice account). Client.
2.4 Operating parameters, hours of service, and deadlines are described in
Butterfield Online Banking Agreement the Online Tutorial. The Bank may amend the Online Tutorial at any time.
The Client’s continued use of the Service subsequent to the issue of any
1. Definitions amendments shall constitute acceptance of the amendments.
2.5 Where the Bank is a party to a dispute, the electronic records retained by
1.1 In this Agreement the following terms shall have the corresponding the Bank shall (save in the case of fraud or manifest error) serve as the sole
definitions: and accurate record of the events and shall be admissible in a court of law
“Agreement” means this Personal Banking Agreement as supplemented by as such, with equal evidentiary value as a duly authorised paper document.
the Schedule of Fees and the Online Tutorial. 2.6 The Bank reserves the right to cancel this Agreement with immediate effect
“Application” means the Butterfield Online Personal Banking Application in the event that legal, regulatory, or other governmental decisions or
submitted by the Client to the Bank requesting the Service in respect of the developments would or might, in its sole opinion, preclude the Bank from
Service Accounts. providing the Service.
“Authorised User ID and Password” means any User ID and password 2.7 The Bank may, at its absolute discretion and with immediate effect, suspend
assigned by the User Administrator to each authorised User of the Service services should the Bank, in its sole opinion, consider that activity has
(which password may be amended by the Client from time to time) to allow occurred which constitutes fraudulent use of Butterfield Online, attempts
access to the Service. to perpetrate fraud through Butterfield Online, violates regular account
“Butterfield”, “Bank”, “we”, “us” and “our” means Butterfield Bank (Cayman) operation rules and regulation, Bank policy, or Cayman Islands Law; and the
Limited, Butterfield Money Market Fund Ltd.- USD, Butterfield Money Market Bank shall not be obliged, in any such case, to specify the precise nature of
Fund Ltd.- CAD, Butterfield Money Market Fund Ltd.- GBP, Butterfield Money its concerns, but may simply make reference to this clause.
Market Fund Ltd.- Euro, Butterfield Liquid Reserve Fund Ltd., Butterfield US$
Bond Fund Ltd., Butterfield Capital Appreciation Bond Fund Ltd., Butterfield 3. Authorisation & security
International Income Fund Ltd., Butterfield Equity Fund Ltd., Butterfield Asia
Fund Ltd., Butterfield Select Fund, Butterfield International Balanced Fund 3.1 The Client authorises the Bank to act upon instructions received through the
USD, Butterfield International Balanced Fund STG and/or Butterfield Global Service for the transfer of funds or other Bank services in accordance with
Blue Chip Fund. the Bank’s operating procedures, rules and guidelines (as may be amended
“Butterfield Online”, “the Service”, “electronic banking service” means the from time to time). Any action taken by the Bank on such instructions will
service which provides access to the Bank’s computer system and enables have the same legal effect and will bind the Client as fully and effectively as
clients access to, including giving instructions on, their own accounts with if they had been given in writing and signed by the Client.
the Bank. 3.2 The Bank will provide the Client with a single Client User ID and Password
“Client”, “Account Holder”, “you”, “user(s)” means the client(s) applying to to obtain access to the Service. Such Client User ID and Password may be
use Butterfield Online. shared between account holders or one account holder may be delegated
“Client User ID and Password” means the User ID and password provided by the role of User Administrator. The User Administrator may provide separate
the Bank to the Client pursuant to the Application (which password may be Authorised User ID and Password to any other joint-account holder for
amended by the User Administrator from time to time) to allow access to access to the Service.
the Service. 3.3 The Client understands and agrees that they alone are solely responsible
“Service Account” means any account that may be an account of the Client for the selection, use, confidentiality, and protection of passwords and
with Butterfield, as specified in the Schedule to the Application (or any other identifiers. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, deny access to the system
document), which the Client wishes to access using the Service. for security reasons.
“Schedule of Fees” means the schedule published by the Bank from time to 3.4 No confirmation is required by the Bank from the Client on properly
time specifying the Bank’s fees for services including Butterfield Online. authorised transactions or instructions sent from the Client to the Bank
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“User” means any account holder of the Service Account authorised to using the Service.
operate any Service Account. 3.5 The Client confirms that authorised Users of this Service shall be restricted
“User Administrator” means the individual(s) delegated by the Client in to the joint-account holders of the account only. Further all account holders
confirm and agree that any special signing or authorisation requirement 7. Revisions & improvements to the service
applicable for paper based transactions and instructions will not be
applicable when using the Service. 7.1 The Bank reserves the right to make changes in the rules of operation,
3.6 All Bank products and services accessed through the Service will continue accessibility, security procedures and provisions, type and location of
to be operated according to their individual ordinary agreements, rules and Service resources, administration, features and functionality.
guidelines, (including fee schedules), as amended by the Bank from time to
time. However, section 3.5 overrides any existing mandates, authorities and 8. Equipment & software
arrangements you have with the Bank on your existing accounts.
3.7 The Client will report to the Bank in a timely manner in writing, any 8.1 The Client alone is solely responsible for the expense, installation,
suspected breach in the Client’s security through access to the Service. Such upgrade and maintenance of all hardware, software, and provision of
notice will be effective when received by the Bank. The Bank is not liable for telecommunications used to access the Service.
any loss that occurs should there be a breach in the Client’s security prior to 8.2 The User acknowledges that it does not own any copyright or other
receipt of notice of the breach by the Bank. The Client is solely responsible intellectual property rights in the Service and is subject to the conditions of
for advising the Bank to (a) Block users from access to Butterfield Online, confidentiality specified in clause 5 above.
and (b) Add and/or remove Service Accounts. Such advice shall be in writing 8.3 If the User accesses the Service from a country outside of the Cayman
to the Bank and signed by all parties to the account or through the Secure Islands, the User/Company shall be responsible for complying with the laws
Messaging option via Butterfield Online. and regulations of that country.
4.1 Joint account holders will be provided with one Client User ID and Password 9.1 Any notice or communication under or in connection with this Agreement
for access to the Service. One account holder may act as User Administrator (other than the options available electronically through Butterfield Online)
as indicated in clause 3.2 above. shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally or shall be sent by fax or
4.2 All account holders will sign the Butterfield Online Application Form to by registered post as follows:
confirm joint agreement to use the Service as well as joint agreement to
these terms and conditions herein. To the Bank at: Butterfield Place
12 Albert Panton Street, P.O. Box 705
5. Confidentiality Grand Cayman KY1-1107, Cayman Islands.
Fax: +1 (345) 815 7975
5.1 The Bank will take all commercially reasonable precautions to ensure the Attn: Electronic Banking Department
confidentiality of the Client’s files, records and data. The User will hold all
information, documentation, and specifications relating to the Service as To the Client at: The address specified in the Application. Or at such other
being confidential and proprietary to the Bank. The User agrees that it will at address as the parties notify to the others.
no time during the term of this agreement or after its termination disclose or
otherwise transmit, directly or indirectly, any such information to any third 9.2 Proof of faxing, delivery or posting shall be deemed to be proof of receipt:
party without the prior written consent of the Bank. These obligations of (a) in the case of a notice or communication faxed, on the day it is faxed
confidentiality do not apply to necessary disclosure to auditors in the course if faxed before 5:00 p.m. on a day when banks are ordinarily open for
of audit, to any governmental agency under any statutory obligations, where business in the Cayman Islands or otherwise on the next such day;
required by law, and/or where such information is already in the public (b) in the case of a notice or communication personally delivered, on the
domain. date of delivery; and
(c) in the case of a notice or communication sent by registered post, on
6. Limitations & liability the third day after posting.
6.1 The Bank is not liable for acts of God, machine or system breakdown or 10. Termination of service
malfunction, interruption or malfunction of telecommunications, electrical
power or other third party services (including but not limited to Internet 10.1 The Service may be suspended or terminated at the discretion of the Bank.
Service Providers or Internet Browser software), labour difficulties, or any 10.2 The Client may terminate use of the Service by sending written instructions
other cause beyond its reasonable control. The Bank will take reasonable to the Bank.
care in performance of its obligations under this Agreement. In no event will
the Bank be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages, even if it is 11. Governing law & jurisdiction
advised of the possibility of such damages.
6.2 Under no circumstances will the Bank authorise any of its employees 11.1 The construction, validity, and performance of this Agreement will be
to install, maintain, or otherwise modify any of the Client’s equipment, governed by Cayman Islands Law. The Client submits to the non-exclusive
hardware or software. The Bank will under no circumstances be liable for jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands Courts.
the performance of the Client’s hardware, software, or telecommunications
services. Butterfield Online Banking
6.3 The Bank will not be liable for the insolvency, neglect, misconduct, mistake,
Rev 02-24
default or actions or inaction of any third party, including but not limited to Authorised Agents - individual(s) from whom the Bank is authorised to accept
charges imposed or other action taken by a payee or merchant resulting from instructions via Butterfield Online Banking Agreement, the “Agreement” as
a late or missed payment, such as applicable finance charges and late fees. designated by the customer.
Either party can terminate this Service with 30 days prior notice in writing. for the selection, use, confidentiality and protection of subsequent passwords,
identifiers and security devices. We may, at our sole discretion, deny access to the
Operating parameters for the provision of the Service are described in the User system for security reasons.
Guide. We may amend the User Guide at any time on 14 days written notice.
Continued use of the Service by you or your Authorised Agents subsequent to the You and your Authorised Agents will report to us in a timely manner by phone and
issue of any amendments shall constitute acceptance of the amendments. in writing, any suspected breach in your security through access to the Service.
You will report to us in a timely manner by phone and in writing the loss or damage
We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect in the to your security token. Such notice will be effective when we receive it. We are not
event that legal, regulatory, or other governmental decisions or developments liable for any losses that occur should there be a breach in your security prior to
would or might, in our sole opinion, preclude or impede us from providing the our receiving notice of the breach.
Butterfield’s clients, from time to time (like most financial institutions) experience
We may, at our absolute discretion and with immediate effect, suspend services Phishing attacks. If you respond to an e-mail requesting that you visit a website
should we, in our sole opinion, consider that activity has occurred which to update your account information, please contact Butterfield immediately
constitutes fraudulent use of the Service, attempts to perpetrate fraud through at +1 (345) 949 7055 and login to Butterfield Online to change your password
the Service, violates law, regulations and policies or our account operation rules immediately. Such e-mails are fraudulent and designed to enable criminals to
and regulations and we shall not be obliged, in any such case, to specify the gain unauthorised access to your account(s). Butterfield will NEVER request any
precise nature of our concerns, but may simply make reference to this clause. personal or account information from you via e-mail and you are advised not to
Refer also to the Section covering “Closing your Account” on page 6. respond to e-mails that request such information, open attachments, or click on
links contained therein.
You agree that the Service will not be utilised by you or your Authorised Agents
other than for the purpose contemplated by this Agreement including without Butterfield will not accept liability for any financial losses that might occur if you
limitation re-selling, re-copying or re-communicating in any electronic form. respond to e-mails that request such information, open attachments, click on a
The information or any part thereof, obtained from the medium from which the link contained therein or the like.
Service is stored, shall not be disclosed to any third party (except where such third
party is your parent company, subsidiary or affiliate of you or your Authorised Confidentiality
Agents located in the Cayman Islands) unless prior written consent is obtained
from us and subject to such Terms and Conditions as we may solely determine. We will take all commercially reasonable precautions to ensure the confidentiality
of your files, records and data. You and your Authorised Agents will hold all
Butterfield may, in it absolute discretion, suspend the Service for non-payment of information, documentation, and specifications relating to the Service as being
charges due from you to us. confidential and proprietary to us. You agree that you and your Authorised
Agents will at no time during the term of this Agreement or after its termination
Equipment & Software disclose or otherwise transmit, directly or indirectly, any such information to any
third party without our prior written consent. These obligations of confidentiality
You and your Authorised Agents alone are solely responsible for the expense, do not apply to necessary disclosure to auditors in the course of audit, to any
installation, upgrade, maintenance and security of all hardware, software, and governmental agency under any statutory obligations, where required by law,
provision of telecommunications used to access the Service. and/or where such information is already in the public domain.
You acknowledge that you and your Authorised Agents do not own any right of Charges
copyright or other intellectual property rights in the Service and are subject to the
conditions of confidentiality as specified below. There is no set-up or monthly fees associated with this product. However,
Butterfield reserves the right to charge you a fee for using the Service. Butterfield
You and your Authorised Agents will be responsible for complying with the laws may introduce such fee on giving you thirty (30) days written notice. They will
and regulations of the country from which the Service is accessed if outside of the be automatically calculated by the system and will be included in the total
Cayman Islands. transaction amount. You may view the Schedule of Charges on the Butterfield
website periodically to see updates.
Authorisation & Security
Revisions and Improvements
You authorise us to act upon instructions received through the Service for
the transfer of funds or our other services in accordance with our operating We reserve the right to make changes, at any time, in the rules of operation,
procedures, rules and guidelines, which may be amended from time to time. accessibility, security procedures and provisions, type and location of Service
Any action we take on such instructions will have the same legal effect and will resources, administration, features and functions.
bind you as if they had been given in writing and signed by a duly authorised
signatory of the account, regardless of whether the person purporting to give Limitations of Liability
such instructions was or was not an authorised signatory of the account.
We are not liable for acts of God, machine or system breakdown or malfunction,
We will provide you and your Authorised Agents with an initial User ID Password. interruption or malfunction of telecommunications (including but not limited to
Rev 02-24
Each authorised operator will have separate credentials (such additional security Internet Service Provider or Internet Browser software), electrical power or other
devices) required as we in our absolute discretion deem necessary. You understand third party services, labour difficulties, or any other cause beyond our reasonable
and agree that you and your Authorised Agents alone are solely responsible control. We will take reasonable care in the performance of our obligations under
this Agreement. Under no circumstances will we be liable for indirect, special or Butterfield Online Executed Agreement
consequential damages, even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages.
This Agreement shall be deemed valid and will be executed immediately upon the
Under no circumstances will we authorise any of our employees to install, maintain, User signing the Butterfield Online Internet Banking Application.
or otherwise modify any of your equipment, hardware or software. Under no
circumstances will we be liable for the performance or security of your hardware, Governing Law & Jurisdiction
software, or telecommunications services. Except as otherwise provided by law,
we will not be liable for any monetary claims for fraud in instances where a PC This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with Cayman
utilised by you or your Authorised Agent has been compromised. Islands Law and the User submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Cayman
Islands Courts.
We will not be liable for the insolvency, neglect, misconduct, mistake, default,
actions or inaction of any third party, including but not limited to charges imposed Debit Card
or other action taken by a payee or merchant resulting from a late or missed
payment. In addition to the T&C for operating accounts, the following specific terms and
conditions apply only to the use of Butterfield Debit Card and associated services
Wire Payments made via Butterfield Online Liability Disclaimer (the “Card” Agreement) unless otherwise indicated below. Nominated Primary
Account – the chequing or savings account, (in the case of a minor this must be
Butterfield accepts no responsibility and/or liability for wire transfers not delivered a savings account,) which you have designated as a main account. This account
because the client has not accurately and completely entered all of the required will be debited for merchant point-of-sale transactions and for any withdrawals
information into the Butterfield Online wire payment generation system. It is at non-Butterfield ATMs where you do not have the option to select a specific
the client’s responsibility to verify that all of the required information has been account for such purpose.
entered correctly into Butterfield Online. The client can check the wire payment
history on Butterfield Online, to verify that a transfer was successfully completed. Personal Identification Number (PIN) – A series of numbers used by our systems
In addition, clients are responsible for using Walkme to learn any changes to wire to verify your identity when the Card number is used to access our ATM or any
transfer procedures and requirements instituted from time to time by the various ATM or network specifically authorised for use as displayed on the Card. Upon
international banking and clearing organisations. input of this number you will be given authorisation to initiate transactions on any
accounts linked to the Card.
International Transfer Special Rules
Business Debit Card
Once an international transfer has been sent, it may not be cancelled or amended.
You may request an international transfer to be recalled, and we will communicate For Business Debit Card please refer to individual Terms and Conditions in the
your request to the beneficiary’s bank. If the beneficiary’s bank agrees to return Butterfield Business Debit Card Agreement.
the funds to us, then upon confirmation of receipt of funds in our account, we
will credit your account at the current Butterfield retail buy rate for that currency Using the Card
set on that day. Please note that the exchange rate may be different from the
original rate applicable to the outbound transfer, which may result in a loss to you. The Card is intended for use only by the party to whom it has been issued.
Furthermore, the beneficiary’s bank may assess charges for their services, which
will be deducted from the amount returned to you. We will have no liability to you Immediately on receipt of any new, replacement or reissued Card, you will sign
if the beneficiary’s bank or foreign beneficiary refuses your request to recall the the Card.
international wire transfer.
Use of the Card or signing of the Card application constitutes acceptance of this
If an international transfer is returned by the receiving bank or beneficiary’s Agreement.
bank for no fault of ours, we will credit your account at the current Butterfield
retail buy rate for the currency set on that day (see below). Please note that the You acknowledge joint and several liability for the use of any Cards issued so far as
exchange rate may be different from the original rate applicable to the outbound such use involves the joint account.
transfer, which may result in a loss to you. Furthermore, a returning bank and/or
beneficiary’s bank may assess charges for their services, which will be deducted You shall have access to a mix of the services described on the Card carrier,
from the amount returned to you. depending on whether your Card displays the relevant logo(s). We reserve the
right to modify or withdraw any of these services without prior notice. It should
The exchange rate that Butterfield will offer you or assign to your transaction is be noted that, depending on your age, account mandate and creditworthiness,
determined by Butterfield based upon market conditions. We consider many factors not all Cards display all logos.
in setting our exchange rates including, without limitation, exchange rates charged
by other parties, desired rates of return, market risk and credit risk. Exchange rates We will establish a daily expenditure/withdrawal limit for the Card when it is
offered by other dealers, or shown at other sources (including online sources) issued. There is one single limit per Card and it will encompass the sum of all cash
may be different from Butterfield’s rates. We do not accept any liability if our withdrawals and merchant point of sale expenditures on all accounts accessed via
rates are different from rates offered or reported by third parties, or offered by the Card. This limit is subject to the availability of funds. We reserve the right to
us at a different time, at a different location, for a different transaction amount, or modify this limit without prior notice.
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We are irrevocably authorised to: You agree that any transaction initiated with the Card may be subject to fees,
foreign exchange fees and applicable taxes and that the total cost of the transaction
a) debit your Nominated Primary Account with all amounts withdrawn through will be converted to the base currency of the account at the time of settlement of
any machine or any amounts paid to any merchant by means of any Card the transaction, and debiting from your account will complete the transaction.
issued to you, in priority to all other drawings or debits
b) act on instructions related to the transfer of funds given by means of any ATM Banking
Card issued to you
c) debit your account with the amount of all Card transactions and any The Card may be used to make payments to our authorised utility companies and
applicable fees or charges or taxes arising by means of the use of any Card other suppliers listing available through our ATMs. Transactions must be performed
issued to you under the terms of this Agreement, in priority to all other prior to Our cut off time to be processed for the same day. You are responsible
drawings or debits for notifying us of any changes of address and account relationships with such
suppliers. We must receive changes of address or account relationship with
The issuing of this Card does not entitle you to: suppliers five business days prior to the changes being effected in our records. We
do not accept liability for errors that are caused by incorrect information received
a) overdraw any account if no overdraft arrangements have previously been from you or the suppliers.
b) overdraw any account in excess of any overdraft limit we have previously Deposits can only be made at our ATMs configured for this purpose. All such
agreed to deposits are subject to our independent verification.
Debits as the result of transactions initiated with the Card will be processed as We shall incur no liability for failure of any ATM or point-of-sale machine to
follows: function due to electrical or mechanical failure, improper use by you or any other
a) Withdrawals made via any of our ATM or our other network devices will be
debited from the selected nominated account as designated by you at the Keeping your Personal Identification Number (PIN) Confidential
time of withdrawal.
b) Merchant point-of-sale transactions will be debited to the Card’s Nominated You will select a PIN code for the services provided via the Card. You may apply
Primary Account. to us to amend this PIN at your own discretion.
c) Withdrawals made via any non-Butterfield ATM or network specifically
authorised for use as displayed on the Card will be debited from the Refer also to Section on “Safeguard Your Accounts From Fraud and Theft” on
Nominated Primary Account or in the event that you are allowed to select page 6.
a specific account, from either the Nominated Primary Chequing or the
Nominated Primary Savings Account. Reporting Loss, Theft or Unauthorised Use
For signature-based transactions, you must sign a sale or cash voucher when You must report immediately, in writing and by telephone, the loss, theft, or any
produced every time the Card is used for direct payment to merchants, but failure unauthorised use of the Card or loss of the PIN. Your liability for use of the Card
to sign does not relieve you from any responsibility for payment. will cease only when we receive such notice. In the instance of unauthorised use
as outlined immediately below, you will be liable for all debts incurred using the
Dealing with transactions in a foreign currency Card until the Card is surrendered to us.
The amount of any purchase(s) in any currency other than Cayman Islands You are liable for all debts, withdrawals and account activity resulting from:
dollars will be charged to your account in US dollars (USD). Conversion from any
other foreign currency to USD will be made by the Bank at a rate of exchange a) use of the Card by persons to whom you have made the Card and/or PIN
determined by the Bank on the date notification of your purchase is received and available
the relevant amount is charged to your Account. The currency conversion rate b) use of the Card and/or PIN, where you have made available for use the Card
used on the processing date may differ from the rate in effect on the transaction and PIN (e.g., written down, or a poorly disguised record, or by keeping
date or posting date. Transactions made outside of Cayman may also be assessed them together or in such a manner as to make them available for use)
a cross border fee by MasterCard® regardless of the currency of the transaction, c) selection of a PIN that is similar to an obvious number combination such as
including transactions done in the United States. your date of birth, bank account numbers, telephone numbers, etc.
d) you otherwise reveal your PIN, resulting in the subsequent unauthorised
use of your Card and PIN together
You acknowledge that once you have confirmed the details of a payment on a
transaction, you may not revoke or stop the payment or transaction. You will not be liable for losses in circumstances beyond your control. Such
circumstances include:
We shall not be responsible for the failure of any merchant or bank to honour
the Card. a) technical problems and system malfunctions
b) transactions authorised once the Card has been reported lost or stolen, the
The Card may only be used for legal and genuine transactions. You agree to Card has been cancelled or has expired, or you have reported that the PIN is
Rev 02-24
notify us immediately of any change of residential status as it relates to such known to another person
Cancelling this Agreement Notification of cancellation, amendments and set-up, of standing orders must
be received one (1) business day prior to the due date before the Bank’s cut off
You can cancel this Agreement by advising us in writing at any time and by time.
returning the Card to us. We can also cancel the Card Agreement by advising you
in writing. We can also cancel the Card immediately without prior notice, but will In cases where standing order credits are sent by International Money Transfer
seek to notify you as soon as possible. (IMT), the Bank only guarantees that the payment will be remitted for good value
on the payment date, or the next business day if the payment falls on a weekend
The Card is always our property and you are required to return it to us, or someone or holiday. The value date of the credit to the beneficiary’s account overseas
acting on our behalf, when requested. If either of us cancels this Card Agreement, cannot be guaranteed. In cases where the standing order debits are being sent by
you still have to pay for any charges incurred with the Card in full. draft or manager’s cheque, the Bank will issue and post the drafts no later than
Settling Disputes the payment date. The Bank cannot guarantee when the draft will be received
by the beneficiary or his/her bankers, nor when the draft will be credited to the
You must retain the receipts issued by the ATM or point of sale merchant in beneficiary’s account.
respect to all transactions until such time as the account has been reconciled. All
transactions and receipts are subject to review and verification. Standing orders will remain in force unless written notification is received indicating
otherwise. Incomplete standing order instructions will not be accepted.
If a dispute arises about a transaction for which you used the Card, you must
settle it directly with the merchant or business concerned. You agree to indemnify All standing orders will be subject to a fee per the Bank’s existing Schedule of
us in respect of all claims arising from any such dispute with or by the merchant Fees. We reserve the right to amend such fees from time to time or with 30 days
or any third party. written notice.
You agree to accept our records of a transaction as accurate unless you can In addition to the T&C for operating accounts, the following additional T&C apply
provide contrary evidence that is satisfactory to us. only to wire payments, unless otherwise indicated below.
Third Party Services We shall not be liable for any loss or damage consequential or otherwise caused
by delays, interruptions, misinterpretations or errors in transmission or payment
We accept no responsibility whatsoever for, or in connection with, the provision which are not directly due to the willful negligence or default of our own
of any insurance coverage or other benefits, services or products which may be employees.
provided by third parties to you or your family.
Our liability shall only be for a delay in funds being credited to a beneficiary’s
Standing Orders institution or being received by the beneficiary to the extent that we have been
willfully negligent, in which case, we shall only be liable to compensate you for the
Instructions must be received in writing using the “New Standing Order Form” or loss of interest for the period during which the payment was delayed.
the “Standing Order Amendment or Cancellation Form” which can be obtained at
any of our Banking Centres. Your instructions to us will be in such format as may be prescribed by us from
time to time and as available on our website Such
You are required to have the funds in your account at least one business day prior forms will also be available upon request in any of our Banking Centres.
to the standing order due date. All payments will be remitted for good value on
the payment date, or the next business day if the payment falls on a weekend or We are not responsible for checking details (including details of the beneficiary or
holiday. the beneficiary’s institution) that you provide.
Once mandated, unless an expiry date is specified, a standing order instruction We reserve the right to reject or otherwise delay any payment instruction that is
will remain in effect until cancelled in writing by the authorised signatory(ies) of not in the prescribed format, is ambiguous, is not legible, or is otherwise deemed
the account as outlined in the most recent account mandate on file with the Bank by us to be incomplete. Incomplete and/or ambiguous instructions may cause
as outlined below. Standing Orders may be cancelled in the event the Bank is delays or prevent the processing of the payment instruction.
unable to process the standing order more than three times due to insufficient
funds being available in your account. We will not be responsible for any claim or loss caused by such circumstances.
Standing orders will be processed on the date scheduled. After the initial attempt, Rejected payments will be credited back to your originating account
two further attempts will be made to process standing orders where there are automatically.
insufficient funds in your account, at a cost listed in the schedule of fees which is
posted on our website from time to time. The exception to this rule is if the due Rejected payments may also incur additional charges from us and our
date of the standing order falls on a non-business day, in which case it will be correspondent banks and, in cases where there is a foreign currency exchange
processed on the next business day. involved, such rejected payments may incur additional losses due to delays and
changes in foreign currency rates.
Rev 02-24
Local bank standing orders will be processed on the date scheduled. After the
initial attempt, no further attempts will be made to process local bank standing The Bank is not responsible for any foreign bank charges associated with a
orders where there are insufficient funds in your account. payment initiated through Butterfield.
We accept instructions on the basis of sufficient funds being held in the account
being debited to meet the payment instructed amount. If funds are not available,
we are not responsible for loss, delay or cancellation or additional fees incurred as
a result of any such affected instructions.
From time to time, there may be instances where the Bank may need to seek
further verification, authentication, and/or additional information before
executing wire instruction requests. In such instances, we reserve the right
to withhold processing of the wire request until telephone or such additional
satisfactory confirmation with the client has been made.
We will use any bank of our own or any intermediary bank’s choice, in the
country whose national currency is being remitted and/or the country where the
beneficiary resides, without responsibility for such paying bank.
You shall be bound by and agree to hold us harmless against all obligations and
responsibilities imposed by foreign laws.
You indemnify the Bank against any claim for accepting and acting on faxed
payment instructions. Clients who choose to send confirmations should clearly
mark the payment CONFIRMATION ONLY, otherwise the Bank will not be held
responsible should duplications occur
How to Contact Us
Products & Services
If you have any questions about any of our products or services, please contact
our Call Centre on +1 (345) 949 7055
In the event that you have cause to complain about any aspect of our service or
products, please contact us in any of the following ways:
Once we have received your complaint, we will promptly acknowledge its receipt
and confirm when you can expect to hear from us. We will aim to resolve your
complaint as quickly as possible.
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