Iso Iec 4909 2006
Iso Iec 4909 2006
Iso Iec 4909 2006
First edition
Reference number
ISO/IEC 4909:2006(E)
© ISO/IEC 2006
ISO/IEC 4909:2006(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Physical characteristics of the card ................................................................................................... 2
5 Location and dimensions of embossed data..................................................................................... 2
6 Physical and performance characteristics of the magnetic material.............................................. 2
6.1 Physical characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 2
6.2 Performance characteristics ............................................................................................................... 2
7 Encoding specifications ...................................................................................................................... 2
8 Data content of track 3 ......................................................................................................................... 3
8.1 Field 1: start sentinel ............................................................................................................................ 5
8.2 Field 2: format code.............................................................................................................................. 5
Field 3: primary account number (PAN) ............................................................................................. 5
8.4 Field 4: field separator (FS) ................................................................................................................. 5
8.5 Field 5: country code............................................................................................................................ 5
8.6 Field 6: currency ................................................................................................................................... 5
8.7 ISO/IEC 4909:2006
Field 7: currency exponent .................................................................................................................. 6
Field 8: amount authorized per cycle period ..................................................................................... 6
8.9 Field 9: amount remaining this ca70df61f7b7/iso-iec-4909-2006
cycle.................................................................................................. 6
8.10 Field 10: cycle begin............................................................................................................................. 6
8.11 Field 11: cycle length............................................................................................................................ 7
8.12 Field 12: retry count.............................................................................................................................. 7
8.13 Field 13: personal identification number control parameters (PINPARM)...................................... 8
8.14 Field 14: interchange control............................................................................................................... 8
8.15 Field 15: type of account (TA) and service restriction (SR) – PAN.................................................. 9
8.16 Field 16: type of account and service restrictions - SAN-1 .............................................................. 9
8.17 Field 17: type of account and service restrictions – SAN-2 ............................................................. 9
8.18 Field 18: expiry date ........................................................................................................................... 10
8.19 Field 19: card sequence number....................................................................................................... 10
8.20 Field 20: card security number.......................................................................................................... 10
8.21 Field 21: first subsidiary account number (SAN-1) ......................................................................... 10
8.22 Field 22: field separator ..................................................................................................................... 11
8.23 Field 23: second subsidiary account number (SAN-2) ................................................................... 11
8.24 Field 24: field separator ..................................................................................................................... 11
8.25 Field 25: relay marker ......................................................................................................................... 11
8.26 Field 26: crypto check digits (CCD) .................................................................................................. 11
8.27 Field 27: additional data ..................................................................................................................... 12
8.27.1 Field 27.1: transaction date ............................................................................................................... 12
8.27.2 Field 27.2: additional verification value(s) ....................................................................................... 12
8.27.3 Field 27.3: alternative card sequence number................................................................................. 12
8.27.4 Field 27.4: international network identification code...................................................................... 13
8.27.5 Field 27.5: discretionary data ............................................................................................................ 13
8.28 Field 28: end sentinel ......................................................................................................................... 13
8.29 Field 29: longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) .............................................................................. 13
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 4909 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 17, Cards and personal identification.
This first edition of ISO/IEC 4909 cancels(
and replaces the third edition of ISO 4909:2000, which has been
technically revised.
ISO/IEC 4909:2006
This International Standard recognizes the need for formats of track 3 which can be used independently of, or
in conjunction with, track 2 as defined in ISO/IEC 7813. This approach is intended to permit the greatest
degree of flexibility within the financial community in facilitating international interchange.
Using track 3 in conjunction with track 2 is a mode of operation in both on-line and off-line interchange
environments. This mode of operation requires that the original encoded data on track 2 be read; the data on
track 3 be read; and, if update is required, all the data on track 3 be rewritten.
Independent use of track 3 is an alternative mode of operation permitting both on-line interchange and off-line
interchange based on mutual agreement between interested parties. It requires reading only of the data on
track 3 and, if update is required, the rewriting of all the data on track 3.
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes specifications for financial transaction cards using track 3 and is
intended to permit interchange based on the use of magnetic stripe encoded information. It specifies the data
content and physical location of read/write information on track 3 and is to be used in conjunction with the
relevant parts of ISO/IEC 7811 and ISO/IEC 7812.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
ISO/IEC 7810, Identification cards — Physical characteristics
ISO/IEC 4909:2006
ISO/IEC 7811 (all parts), Identification cards — Recording technique
ISO/IEC 7812 (all parts), Identification cards — Identification of issuers
ISO 9564-2: Banking — Personal Identification Number management and security — Part 2: Approved
algorithms for PIN encipherment
financial transaction card generally used to identify parties to a financial transaction, and to provide input data
for a transaction
check digit
check digit character as described in ISO/IEC 7812
cycle period
fixed or predetermined period of time qualifying the validity of certain transactions
issuer identification number
major industry identifier and issuer identifier as described in ISO/IEC 7812
individual account identification
individual account identification as described in ISO/IEC 7812
personal identification number
code or password that the cardholder possesses for verification of identity
primary account number
number containing a maximum of 19 digits which serves to identify the card issuer and the card holder,
consisting of the IIN, the individual account identification provided by the issuer and a check digit derived by
using the Luhn Formula (see ISO/IEC 7812)
first optional subsidiary account identification held in addition to PAN (see 8.21)
second optional subsidiary account identification held in addition to PAN and SAN-1 (see 8.23)
ISO/IEC 4909:2006
5 Location and dimensions of embossed data
If present, all embossed data on the card shall conform to the specifications in ISO/IEC 7811-1.
The physical characteristics and location of the magnetic material shall conform in all respects to the
requirements of ISO/IEC 7811-2 and ISO/IEC 7811-6.
The performance characteristics of the magnetic materials for the card shall conform in all respects to the
specifications contained in ISO/IEC 7811-2 and ISO/IEC 7811-6.
7 Encoding specifications
Encoding specifications shall conform in all respects to the requirements of ISO/IEC 7811-2 and
ISO/IEC 7811-6.
Purpose : To identify the start of data. The start sentinel is the first data character encoded on the track.
Format : One character.
Content : See ISO/IEC 7811-2 and ISO/IEC 7811-6.
Purpose : To indicate the end of the PAN, whether PAN is encoded or not.
Format : One character.
Content : See ISO/IEC 7811-2 and ISO/IEC 7811-6.
Purpose : To denote the type of currency to be employed when calculating for update.
Format : Three digits.
Content : Three zeros in the currency field indicate that the card is not available for international
interchange. All other codes shall signify the numeric currency code contained in ISO 4217.