2010 - Eye-To-Eye Partnerships Throughout The World

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50 organizations in 23 countries

Argentina Bolivia Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Peru United States

Egypt Kenya South Africa Sudan Tanzania Uganda

Afghanistan Gaza Iraq Myanmar Pakistan Philippines


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Dear Members and Supporters,

The great American labor and political leader Eugene Debs once said, I would not lead you into this promised land . . . because if I could lead you in, someone else would lead you out. Like Debs, UUSC is committed not to leading people to the promised land but to walking hand in hand with all those for whom that land is at the moment but a dream. One of our jobs is to make sure that UUSC members have opportunities to join that great journey. This years annual report describes four instances in which we did just that, in Haiti, Ecuador, Kenya, and the United States. The four projects youll read about providing earthquake relief, defending the human right to water, supporting workers, and building religious understanding are representative of the ways that UUSC works to advance human rights and social justice around the globe. But 2010 was not just about our current work. We also charted new territory by developing a strategic plan for 201115. We know weve all heard about strategic plans that were little more than words on paper. This one is different. This one is both substantive and exciting: a new youth program to seed a new generation of activist leaders; a far more robust online presence; a new College of Social Justice that will offer myriad hands-on action opportunities for our members; and a deeper partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Heres the bottom line: all of us are busy people. We have many organizations from which we can choose our support. The reason the two of us give our time and support to UUSC is because we believe it truly makes a profound difference in the world. And the stories that are told here, the lives that have been touched, the justice that has been realized prove that none of it could have happened without you. UUSC leads no caravans to the promised land but we certainly are a lot closer to a vision of justice today thanks to you having joined us on this journey. Thank you.
Rev. John Gibbons

Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz

John Gibbons Chair, Board of Directors

William F. Schulz President and CEO

- y Eye-torougEout e h h
Partnerships t the World
re about Want to learnamopartners? UUSCs progr m
A hallmark of UUSCs integrated approach to human-rights work is the eye-to-eye partnership.

rg/ Visit www.uusc.o ers for prog ram_partn ok at a comprehensive lo rtner with to organizations we pa tal justice, advance environmen s, promote defend civil liber tie d protect economic justice, an n crises. rights in humanitaria tation For a visual represen ide scope, of UUSCs wor ldw ner map at check out our part ap. www.uusc.org/m

What is an eye-to-eye partnership?

An eye-to-eye partnership is a partnership that offers respect and mutuality, that appreciates diversity, that gives each other support, that is open to teaching each other. The commonality of our partners is that we treat them as equals. Atema Eclai, Director of Programs Partnership is about learning, about solidarity, about doing together what we could not do alone.

Who do we partner with?

Over 50 grassroots social-justice organizations in 23 countries around the world u More than 45,000 generous members and supporters u An active volunteer network of more than 600 dedicated local representatives, regional coordinators, and national cochairs u Interns and volunteer experts u YOU!

As you can see, advancing human rights is the work of many joining hands. In the following pages, we will visit four countries and highlight just a few of the many projects in which UUSC is directly involved and the partners of all stripes that we work alongside every day to make justice a reality.

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with Dignity
On January 12, 2010, Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, was rocked by a magnitude-7.0 earthquake. In the devastating wake of the disaster, UUSCs integrated approach is supporting aid in the spirit of solidarity, not charity. MPP served and continues to serve thousands of IDPs in the Central Plateau, where resources were scarce even before the earthquake and where survivors received little, if any, international relief. MPP has provided food and shelter, and with facilitation by UUSC has worked with the Trauma Resourse Institute to provide body-based trauma treatment. Also with UUSC support, MPP collaborated with MITs D-Lab (which focuses on international development) to introduce practical, innovative technologies that reduce pressure on natural resources. Find out more about UUSCs many projects and partners such as the Lambi Fund, Konbit Famn Sage, and the Association for the Promotion of Integral Family Healthcare at uusc.org/haiti. Members also added their voices to urge the international community to cancel Haitis massive debt and provide new assistance in the form of grants, not loans. Thanks to grassroots advocacy, Representative Maxine Waters Debt Relief for Earthquake Recovery in Haiti Act was signed into law. At this crucial time of recovery, Haiti is now essentially free of debt.

Supporting marginalized populations

UUSCs relief and recovery efforts focus on people too often overlooked, from supporting women market vendors in Port-au-Prince to helping form child-protection committees in camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs). For example, through the Papaye Peasant Movement (MPP) a well-established Haitian grassroots organization UUSC has reached out to people in the countryside, where more than half a million earthquake survivors fled. My daughter arrived with 16 people, what could I do except take them in? said Chrisiane, a Haitian peasant leader. Though she already had 11 family members in her household, she said, If God spares someone, what can you do? You must help them.

Lifting up Haitian voices

UUSC is also working closely with human-rights, faith-based, and development organizations to influence policymakers and ensure the most vulnerable populations are not left out of the process. We want to lift up Haitian voices and help Haitians have a seat at the table, especially when long-term reconstruction priorities are being set, says Shelley Moskowitz, UUSCs manager for public policy in Washington, D.C. As part of the Haiti Advocacy Working Group, UUSC joined with allies to successfully press the White House and Congress to support emergency supplemental aid promoting a just and Haitian-led recovery.

Mobilizing members
In addition to generously donating more than $1.9 million to the UUSCUUA Joint Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund, members assisted Haitians in the United States apply for Temporary Protected Status. UUSC trained 300 volunteers to serve at a number of clinics organized by UUSC and allies.

UUSCs mission: Pou UUSC ede jistis sosyal ak dwa moun pwogrese atrav lemond, pandan lap travay ansanm ak patn k ap lite kont estrikti pouvwa ki bati sou enjistis epi f mobilizasyon pou defye politik opresyon. (Haitian Creole)

Annual Report 2010 | Annual Report 2009 | 5

a KperninyWorkers in Su po t g
Kenyas informal sector makes up more than 70 percent of the countrys economy. In the 2007 2008 post-election violence, street vendors suffered loss of goods, injury, displacement, and even death. Following that turmoil and the additional blow of the global economic recession, UUSC continues to strengthen the capacity of people in the informal economy to advance their rights, grow their livelihoods, and organize against exploitative child labor. Rock Women Group and the Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KENASVIT) are two of UUSCs several partners in this work. a loan last year when the KENASVIT program was first established, said, It was my fellow vendors who gave me this loan. And we are determined as a group to support each other in every way that we can. Rock Women Group has trained over 100 grandmothers, widowers, and other women to participate in its loan program, bolstering participants business skills. For both organizations, the revolving-loan funds have deepened members commitment to the organizations goals and built a foundation for long-lasting economic self-sufficiency.

the Informal Economy

Youth are now engaged in trades such as knitting, tailoring, photography, auto mechanics, hairdressing, and selling vegetables at food kiosks.

Influencing policy frameworks

KENASVIT recognizes that while people in the informal economy are among the most vulnerable workers, they make significant contributions to their local and national economies. The group conducts seminars for street-vendor leaders, including forums for women and disabled members. They also hold skills trainings to help traders negotiate local and national urban-planning policies to strengthen economic and social supports for informal-sector workers. As workers look toward the future with increasing hope especially with provisions in Kenyas new draft constitution that promote basic human rights they are equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to support themselves and each other.

Building skills
Both Rock Women Group and KENASVIT offer women and youth opportunities to expand their livelihoods. Rock Women Group reached out to more than 300 atrisk youth with training in incomegenerating activities. Sustainable job skills enable youth and members of their households to afford school fees; then they can return to pursuing their education rather than resorting to dangerous employment, such as sex work, gravel making, and metal picking.

Facilitating revolving-loan funds

UUSC provided KENASVIT and Rock Women Group with technical support to maintain revolving-loan funds so members could grow their savings, generate profits, and rebuild their businesses. KENASVITs fund gives small loans at a low five-percent interest rate. As members pay back the loans, the repayments cycle back to help other members access the fund. Jacinta, a vendor who received

UUSCs mission: Shirika la linaendeleza haki za kibinaadamu na usawa katika jamii kote duniani, Likishirikiana na wale ambao wanapambana na unyanyasaji na kuwawezesha kushutumu sera za ugandamizaji. (Kiswahili)

Annual Report 2010 | Annual Report 2009 |7

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Right to Water
With UUSCs support, partners in Ecuador are making headway in protecting the human right to water.

Implementing a new constitution

In October 2008, the new Ecuadoran constitution enshrining the human right to water was adopted. The right to water is a fundamental and inalienable human right, the document states. Since then, UUSC partner El Movimiento Mi Cometa (the My Kite movement), has been working to put the right into practice with technical assistance and seed grants from UUSC. A grassroots movement that engages youth and families, Mi Cometa has been helping write laws that will enforce the fundamental right to access safe, sufficient, and affordable water and they will continue to press the government to ensure implementation is carried out.

the private company InterAgua, in violation of its contract to provide municipal water and sanitation. In response, Mi Cometa joined together with 40 other organizations to form Observatorio Ciudadano de Servicios Publicos (the Citizens Observatory on Public Services, or OCSP). The coalition serves as a watchdog, testing water quality, gathering citizen testimony, attracting media examination, and bringing cases to local, national, and international courts. When more than 3,500 InterAgua customer complaints went unresolved, OCSP and Mi Cometa approached the World Bank, which had given a financial guarantee to the companies that own InterAgua. In the fall of 2009, the World Banks ombudsman responded to OCSPs claim and convinced InterAgua to begin negotiating with families. This is the first time weve been able to get Interagua to talk, attorney Augusto Parada, one of OCSPs leaders, said. By relying on the constitution, OCSP got InterAgua to agree to cancel the unpaid water debt for people in

extreme poverty as well as reduce 50 percent of the debt and forgive penalty fees and interest for others. While challenges remain, Parada optimistically reflects, The power relationships have changed. People feel we can speak together to dialogue, investigate, and come to a resolution. This is a completely new experience here in Guayaquil!

Opening eyes
In January 2010, a UUSC JustJourney delegation traveled to Guayaquil to witness progress made by communities there. Part of UUSCs experiential learning program, JustJourneys are unique educational travel experiences that enable members and supporters to experience human-rights work firsthand. Participants on the Ecuador trip learned about the human right to water, the hard work of defending that right, and the power of organizing youth and communities. The trip proved a valuable opportunity to share views and strategies and further cement a partnership.

Protecting peoples rights

For years in Guayaquil, Ecuador, people faced increasing costs, contaminated water, incorrect billing, and unfair water shutoffs from

UUSCs mission: UUSC ayuda en el avance de los derechos humanos y la justicia social en el mundo, colaborando con aquellos que enfrenten a las estructuras injustas de poder, y movilizando para cambiar las polticas opresoras. (Spanish)

Annual Report 2010 | Annual Report 2009 |9

t UnitedgeSwitates s h
UUSC is working to foster solidarity between Unitarian Universalists and Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Americans while empowering people to take action against civil-liberties infringements. show the American public that Muslim Americans defy the stereotype. You have helped give us a platform to exercise responsible leadership on challenging issues domestically and internationally. And you have shown that non-Muslims can partner with Muslims to advance projects that benefit all of humanity. A lead organizer of the D.C. workshop, Weddady is a political dissident from Mauritania who was detained by the FBI following 9/11 after baseless suspicion from his neighbors, an experience that he was able to share with participants at the D.C. workshop.

Building Brid Americans Muslim and Arab

and action plans to address issues locally, the workshops serve as a springboard for future work. In Pasadena at the Neighborhood UU church that helped organize the California workshop, the sessions led not only to personal commitments to speak up and share information but also to the creation of a Building Bridges task force. In addition to further building relationships with the local Muslim community by taking part in activities like open-mosque days, the task force is considering how best to actively support legislation to prevent racial profiling. A successful UUSC pilot project, the Building Bridges workshop offers a framework that can be taken up by communities throughout the nation, with resources that are now available online as a Building Bridges Tool Kit. As Weddady said following the D.C. event, We approached it as an experiment to test a model, and we discovered that this model works. Not only that, its a model thats been urgently needed.

Cultivating community understanding

In an increasingly hostile climate the worst since September 11, 2001 Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Americans have faced a host of challenges to their civil liberties, including racial and religious profiling, surveillance, hate crimes, and restrictions on due-process rights. In response, UUSC developed the innovative Building Bridges project, with funding from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock. The series of workshops took place across the country in Chicago, Ill.; Pasadena, Calif.; and Washington, D.C. to deepen ties of understanding among UU and Muslim Americans. Nasser Weddady, the civil rights outreach director for UUSC partner the American Islamic Congress, says, UUSC has helped us

Encouraging action
Sessions at each of the workshops, co-organized and sponsored by UUSC, were led by presenters from organizations that included Muslim Advocates, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, the Not In Our Town Movement, and the ACLU of Southern California. Their focus: citizen action. From examining successful community responses to hate crimes to developing strategies


Annual Report 2010


Honor Roll ofthose who have contributed unrestricted and restricted support during the Annual Fund Major Donors UUSC recognizes and thanks
fiscal year July 1, 2009June 30, 2010.
Martha and Waitstill Sharp Society ($50,000 and over)
UUSC founders Martha and Waitstill Sharp led the first Unitarian relief efforts, aimed at helping victims of persecution and genocide in WWII Europe.They later served as ambassadors extraordinary for the Unitarian Service Committees work in France.
Anonymous (1) Doyle Bortner Bruce Field and Lucia Santini-Field David and Sarah Fischell James Gunning and Ellen Ewing Louise Hornor and Sean Welsh Fiona Knox Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Cristina Romero Curtis and Kathleen Marble Dorothy Maxcy Janet Mitchell and Jerry Cromwell Kimberly Notkin John and Elizabeth Richards Betty Sanders Michael Shonsey Aubrey and Billye Smith Sarah Stevens-Miles Philippe and Katherine Villers Susan Weaver Teri Wiss and Gart Hartz Elizabeth Zimmermann Charles Clements and Gigi Wizowaty Thomas Clewe Mayre Lee and Kelly Clifton Karen Combs William and Katherine Connor Davalene Cooper Charles Cope Claude and Lynn Coppel Stanley and Kim Corfman Deane and David Corliss Patrick Cott Clarice Cox Fred Cox Darlene Daggett George Dale and Stefanie EtzbachBace Cynthia Davidson Martha Davis Alice and Julian Dewell Ernest Dieterich David and Robin Ditzler Ulf Dolling Sally Donner John and Sheryl Downing Alvin and Eileen Drutz Charles and Barbara Du Mond Richard and Cathryn DuBow Donald Dyne Donna Ekstrand Richard and Martha England Jane Engle Smith Duane and Marjorie Erway Matthew Ewend and Lisa Carey David and Susan Feltus David Fenner and Pauline Leukhardt W. Burns and Ellen Fisher John Flanagan Brooke Floren Harold and Marilyn Fogelquist Margery Forbes Kathy Fosnaugh Harrison and Anne Frahn H. Crowell Freeman and Kathy Stevens Harry Freeman Barbara French John Gibbons and Sue Baldauf John and Margaret Gibson Barbara Glick Laura Good Debra Lopez Gottesman Michael Grady and Ellen Grimm Melissa Graf-Evans and Jonathan Evans James and Betty Grant Ruth Gray Allen Greenleaf Kathryn Gursky and Richard Bolton Gay Ann Gustafson Linda Gustitus and Robert Johnsen W. Mark and Marian Gutowski Katherine Hall Karen Hamalainen, Trustee James and June Hart Thomas Hartl Jill Hartman Judithann Hartman and Craig Beyler Kurt Hemr Peter Hendee Earl Herrick Donald and Marjory Hershberger Cynthia Hiatt and R. Thompson Arrison Tommie Hildman William and Beth Hillig Ernest and Shirley Hodas Nancy Hoecker David and Carolyn Hoeschele Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan Bill and Diantha Horton Terry and Corrine Hoyt Robert and Ruth Hucks Louise Huddleston Daniel and Kathleen Huxley Mary Ruth Idso Addison and Deborah Igleheart Timothy Illig John and Marilyn Jackson Laura Jackson Vernon and Dorrit Jacob Alicia Jacobs and Tammy Wood William and Jean Jennings Ralph and Patricia Johns Andrew Johnson and Priscilla Raughley Charlotte Jones-Carroll Todd and Allison Jones Nelson Kading David and Michelle Kallmes Virginia Karstaedt Jeffery Keffer and Suzanne Costello David and Joanne Kelleher Marion and Franklin Kellogg Richard Kern and Nancy Wangler Lisa Kerschner Don and Judy Killingbeck James Kitendaugh and Lynne Cavanaugh Judith Kleen and Robert Mills A. Lawrence and Ruth Kolbe Christine Lally James and Mary Landfried John and Nancy LaPann June Larkins Tony Larsen Edward and Helen Law Nancy Lawrence Brock and Julie Leach Joanne Leovy and Kurt Regner Philip and Elsa Lichtenberg Harold and Kyong Lischner Ruth Little Peter and Cheryl Lloyd Neal Lockwood John Long Adelma LoPrest Francis and Victoria Lowell David Lysy Dusan and Janet Lysy John and Ellen MacMillan Richard Mains and Elizabeth Eipper Beverly Majors Martin Manley Bennet and Anne Manvel Hugh Matheson Keith and Joan Mathews John and Carol Mathis Harry McAndrew Henry and Yvelyne McCarthy Patrick McDermott Donald McLaren Douglas and Susan McLeod Ellen Mellen Donald Milton and Diane Teichert Robert and Donna Mohr Ronald and Barbara Moline Sara Moser Shanna Mosher-Hoort Kenneth and Judith Mueller William Murphy Ray and Lauri Nandyal Franklin and D. Joan Neff Jerry and Janis Neff Andrew and Linda Neher Judith Neilson Sally Benson and Steve Nichols Charles Nims and Peggy Ulrich-Nims Eric and Elizabeth Nordgren Richard Norling Nancy and Leonard Nowak Ann Nugent Mary Olch Felicia Oldfather Phyllis Olin Anita Orlikoff Neal and Celia Ortenberg Priscilla and Franklin Osgood William Othersen Mary Pattison John Pepper Janet Peters Jon Peterson Robert Phelps Eric and Jacqueline Pierce Diane Pinkham Carol Poole Paul Popenoe Shelley Powsner and Stephen Skrovan Michael Quinn Richard and Page Railsback Caroline Rayner Patricia Reeser Mary Richards Warren Riley and Margery Abel Kathleen Robin Robinson Kathryn Rohde Kermit Rohde Philip and Joanne Roudebush Randy and Renee Ruchotzke Jacqueline Russell and Jane Miller John and Maggie Russell Sarah Russell and Rodney Lowe Charles Sandmel and Barbara Simonetti Robert Schuessler Susan Scrimshaw John and Elinor Severinghaus Robert and Caryl Sewell Frederick Seykora Robert and Ann Shafer Chip Sharpe and Celestine Armenta Ruth Shaw Elizabeth Simpson and John Wurr Lisa Sinclair Kathryn Smith and Family Mrs. Livingston Smith Peter Smith Andrew Snyder Mary Soens Mary Sorensen William Spears and Robin MacIlroy Charles Spence and Burt Peachy Anne St. Goar W. Lowell and Janice Steinbrenner Judith Sterling and Michael Eisman Mark Stiles and Barbara Weis Martin and Carroll Straube David Suehsdorf and Janet Muir Robert and Mary Lou Sutter Woodruff and Jennifer Sutton Charles Szabo Erik and Kerriann Tavzel James and Joni Tedesco Melita Teichert Erling Thoresen Aubrey Tobey Imre and Eleanor Toth Cherrigale Townsend Thomas Townsend and Dorothy Wavrek Wayne and Lynn Trenbeath Thomas Treuenfels Alice Trexler and Downing Cless John and Helen Tryon Bill and Kathryn Tucker Louise Ulrich David and Linda Van Ocker Patricia Vanderlaan-Post and Martin Vanderlaan Gerry Veeder Martha Wallace Kenneth and Mary Ellen Walsh Trudy and Bob Wendt Ralph Whaley and Carole Womeldorf Farley and Virginia Wheelwright Henry O. Whiteside Carolyn Wieland Joanne Williams John Winsbro Oliver and Helen Wolcott Peter and Carolyn Woodbury Robert and Carol Woolfson Nigel Wright Marvin Wunderlich Robert and Lynn Young Kenneth Youngblood A. Lee and Margaret Zeigler Richard and Teresa Zimmer June Barrett Joseph and Louise Ann Bassett Alice Beavers Richard Bebermeyer and Randolph Tibbits David Becker Charles Behrens and Kathryn Schmitz George and Phyllis Belsey Alan Benford Dan Berg and Welcome Jerde Gene Berg and Eileen Soskin Peter Bergh and Janet Prince Frances Bicknell Lewis and Wilma Biegelsen Morgan Bielawski John and Cristi Bishop Joani Blank Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blickensderfer Donald and Nancy Bliss Gregory and Martha Blus Daniel Boe David and Debra Bogash Gary and Sharon Borg Francis and Margaret Bowles Barbara Brachtl Barton Bracken and Rebecca Bryan David and Eva Bradford Richard and Claire Bradley Eric Broadbent and Susan Macrae Paul and Carol Brody Alicia Broeren Jeffrey and Jane Brune Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brunner Nancy and Robert Bukaty Robert and Mary Burdick Martin and Nancy Buss George Drew Butler Carol Byrne and R. Bruce Williams Jim Cadwell James and Dorothy Caldiero Robert and Roslyn Canosa Elizabeth Canuel and J. Emmett Duffy Alice Carlson Marvin Carlson Gerda Carmichael George and Fanny Carroll Larry and Christine Carsman Barabara Carter Robert Cary and Janet Nussmann Richard and Phyllis Cassel Katherine Cave Sally Chamberlin Steven Chamberlin and Cathy Colton Helen Chapell Ed Chappelle John Churchill Catherine Chvany Robert and Suzannah Ciernia Renata Claridge Linda Clark and Peter Mierswa Cynthia Claus Sherry Cline Judith Clock Helen Cloud Renee Coates Mr. Robert Cobb, Jr. Ken Collier and Anne Anderson Susanne Colten-Carey Roger and Faith Comstock Peggy Confer and James Thompson George Conroy and Janet Bideaux Elizabeth Cook Tim and Patricia Cook Willard and Katherine Cook Catherine Coult Elisabeth Crawford and George Wilson James Crawford John Crowley Margo Curl and Thomas Strickler Denys and Nancy Curtiss Erin Cusker Carolyn Dahab Raymond and Barbara Dalio Bruce Dame Ann Davidson Stanley and June Dean Rodney and Jeannette Debs Susan Delaney Alex and Christina Dell Wayne and Barbara Derrick Charles and Janet Devor Kurt and Diana DeWeese Robert and Gertrude Deyle Hazel Dicken David Dierdorff and Madeleine Lefebvre

Eleanor Clark French Society ($25,000-$49,999)

Eleanor Clark French was director of the Unitarian Service Committees post-WWII rest home at Monnetier, France, which served refugees as a place for comradeship, food, and rest to help in their recovery.
Anonymous (1) Harriet Denison Todd and Lorella Hess Eunice Lovejoy John and Judith Manocherian Makanah and Robert Morriss George Salzman Candace Schmidt

Hans Deutsch Society ($1,000-$4,999)

When the Nazis invaded Paris, Austrian artist Hans Deutsch abandoned all he had there and fled to Portugal, where he was assisted by the Unitarian Service Committees early relief efforts. He later became an agent of the USC and designed its logo, the flaming chalice.
Anonymous (4) Jim and Mary Adelstein Nicholas and Jeanne Aldrich Altman & Altman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ambuel Margaret Andrecovich Joseph and Jessica Armbrust Paul and Joan Armstrong Howard and Susannah Arnould Kathleen Aspin Mike and Marta Bainum Madeleine Baker and Jeanette Winfree Rachael Balyeat Barbara Banus Brian Barrett Gordon and Janet Bartels Karen Bartley and Nicole Berrey George Bauer John and Astrid Baumgardner David Beach and Carmen Rigau Gracie Beach Alan and Terry Beal Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes Holly Bell and Matthew Kaufmann Diana Bennett Jamie Berndt Christine Bishop and Paul Arkema Lizabeth Anne Bitner and Gregg Brown Christopher Blais Janet Blanchfield Rebecca and Timothy Blodgett Saul Bloom and Celia Hinrichs Frank Blumenthal John Bordenet and Rose Kundanis Bonnie Brae Drew and Deborah Bridges Lynn Broaddus and Marc Gorelick Victoria Broadie Daniel and Julia Brody Richard Brown and Linda Jean Bonk Robert Brown Willard and Dorothy Brown Linda Brundage and Ralph Kron Scott Budde John Buehrens Philip and Micheline Burger Michael Burkholder William and Eileene Butler Jeff and Anya Byam Leonard Campbell Beverley Cardona Barbara Carlstein Velaine Carnall James Carroll Elaine and Steve Castles Mary Chandler Cathy Chapman and George Woodbury, Jr. Joanne Chase

Rev. Carleton Fisher Society ($10,000-$24,999)

Carleton Fisher served as the first executive director of the Universalist Service Committee and supervised post-WWII relief efforts in the Netherlands. He was instrumental in coordinating early cooperation between the Universalist Service Committee and the Unitarian Service Committee.
Anonymous (2) Arnold and Julia Bradburd David and Mary Colton Thomas Crane and Susan Shaw Martha Easter-Wells Garold and Joyce Faber Benjamin and Ruth Hammett Holly Kerr Thomas and Eva Marx Melanie and James Milner Emily Palmer Brydie and Erdman Palmore Thomas and Sandra Reece Warren and Martha Salinger John and Aline Schwob Barbara Swan

Compass Club ($500$999)

The Compass Club was established to recognize donors who have supported UUSC with a gift of $500 or more.
Anonymous (10) Mario Addabbo Peter Aitken and Maxine Okazaki Peter and Susan Alden Charity Alker Eric and Nancy Almquist Herbert Altholz and Emalee Andre Edward Anderson Everett Anderson William Anderson Jeffrey and Ellen Angley Arthur and Judith Anton Anna Antos Amy Armstrong and Robert Cape Sarah Armstrong Norman and Anna Arnheim Jonathan and Deanne Ater James Auler and Paula Murphy Susan Avery and Joseph Holmes Frederic Ayres and Helen MatusowAyres Phillip and Ruth Backup Dale and Jane Bacon Rachael Bail Norma Bakarich William and Harriet Ball Karen Barlow and David Reese

Dr. Ary Bordes Society ($5,000-$9,999)

For more than a decade, Ary Bordes worked with UUSC to establish progressive health care programs for the people of Haiti. His vision helped thousands of children with food and medical services.
Anonymous (2) Nancy Anderson Beverley Baxter John and Irene Bush Doyle Dobbins Richard and Carol Fencl


Donald DiJulio and Kathleen SmithDiJulio Pamela DiLavore Walter Dixon Bertram and Marjory Donn John Dorian and Sandra Rosenau John Downey and Kenneth Meek Victor and Ellen Doyno Marc Dreier and Jocelyn March Dreier Richard Dum and Donna Hoffman Allen and Janet Duncan Kathleen Dunlap and Deborah Youngman Michael and Mary Anna Dunn Leah and William Dusett Eloise Dycus Glenn Earl Elizabeth Earle Charles Eby and Lisa Ross Patricia Eckels Stephen and Irene Eckstrand John and Kathleen Edmonston Catherine Elkins Emmons Ellis Tony and Marjorie Elson Brad Engdahl Ruel and Lilia Eskelsen Carol Evans Gary and Jane Facente Michael Fallon David and Lynn Falwell Marylou and Herb Faris Tracy Fearnside and Joseph Margevicius Theodore and Jane Fetter Richard Feuerborn and Valez Bird H. Kenneth and Imogene Fish Walter and Jane Fogg Michael and Karen Folk Elizabeth Fortin Linda Jean Foster Steven Foulke and Carine Ullom E. Louise Frederick Karen Frye Elizabeth Fuller Jeffrey Gamblee Jim Gardner and Dorothy Bauer Laura and Grant Gardner Elsa Garmire and Robert Russell William Gaskins John Gates Martin and Janneane Gent Oscar and Dell Gerster Robert and Margaret Gibbons Laura Gill Bruce Gillman Gerald Gillmore Bill and Irmgard Gimby George and Barbara Gleghorn Ursula Goebels-Ellis and George Ellis Daniel Goodman Luana Goodwin Devin Gordon Beth Graham and William Schulz Marilyn and Hilary Graham Roda Graham Todd and Jennifer Graham Madeleine Grant Gary Gray Allison Greene Georgina Gregory Uwe Greife and Gisela Lachnitt Alan and Margaret Grometstein Linda Gross Avery and Kristin Guest Janine and Ralph Gunderman David and Cynthia Hackett Caroline Hadley and Kenneth Apfel Megan Hailey-Dunsheath Ann Hailey and John Dunsheath John Hain and Jennifer Allen Nancy Jo Haley Henry Hall Allen and Antoinette Hampton Peter and Kate Hand Katherine Hannaford Bruce Hansen Anne Harding Margaret Hargrove Hugh and Lorain Harouff Kenneth and Jan Harper Kevan Hartshorn and Ruth Kandel Eric and Nancy Harvey Michael Hassett and Ilene Karpf W. Lance and Letitia Haworth Beverly Haynes David and Karen Hedden

Carrie Hedges Helen Helson Jean Helz and Wayne Zimmermann Michael Henderson Warner and Barbara Henderson Helen Hensgen Mary Hepokoski Diane Herz John Hickey John and Deborah Hilke Kenneth Hill and Regina Whitaker Craig Hirshberg and Dominick Depinto G. June Hoch David Hoffman Todd Hoke William and Deborah Holden Douglas and Barbara Holdridge Gerald and Niki Hollembeak Susan Holm and Carl Hildebrandt Jan Holt Charles Holzweissig Alfred Hoose Deborah Hopkins Anders Hrnblad and Emily Melcher Lu Horner Daniel Hotchkiss Shirley Howard Norman and Christine Howe John and Elizabeth Howell Gerald and Frances Hoxworth David and Katharine Hudson Donald Hughes and Sara McCorkle Stephanie and Duncan Hughes James Hunt David Hunter and Kirsten Mueller Debrah Hunter Marjorie Hybels Dr. Beal B. Hyde Heather Hyde and Bruce Stowell Louise Ireland-Frey Karl and Beth Irikura Eric Isaacson Eric Jacobs and Jean Shapiro Margaret Jacobs Janice Jacobson-Cooper Gertrude Jacoby David Jaffe and Emily Ranken David Jarrett Edward and Myrna Jenkins Carie Johnsen Gary Johnson John Johnson and Cynthia WhiteJohnson Alastair Johnston Mary Jones and S. Kingsley Macomber Miriam Jones Robert Jones Roger and Gloria Jones Sandra Jones Mary Jorgensen and Thomas Fisher Mary Anne Joyce and Catha Loomis Bruce and Valerie Kaiser Lawrence Kaplan John and Katherine Kaufmann Douglas and Risa Keene Robert and Irene Keim John and Rebecca Keller Peter Kellerman and Maria Benotti John Kellett Charlotte Kells Andrew Kemper Robert and Judith Kendall Quentin King William Kirchgasser R. Bruce and Sandra Kirkman Erwin and Janet Klaas Gordon Klauber Philip and Robin Klein George Kleinberger and Maria Joyner Scott and Heather Kleiner Richard Koerner Mary and Leon Koziar Harm and Marian Kraai Peter Kramer and Hannah Friedman Christy Krieg Toni Kring and Larry Hayes William Kules and Julia Washburn Chris Kupper and Linda Van Blaricom Nancy Kyle Marcia Lamb and Jackson Turnacliff F. Gibbs and Jane LaMotte John Lamperti Verner Larsen E. C. Louise Larson Carolyn Lee and Stephen Gabeler Patricia Lee

Rebecca Lehman George Leonberger Charles Leone Catherine Less Thomas and Janet Leversee John Levine and Antonia Saxon Neil and Pat Lichtman James and Paula Lieb Thomas Lieb Ingeborg Lock Richard Loescher Derek and Ginger Long Jeffrey and Wendy Lott Whit and Karen Ludington Stephen and Audrey Lyke Lorraine Lyman Robert MacDicken Robert and Ann MacPherson Mary Madsen Sally Madsen Marjorie Main Caroline Malde Kathleen Maloney Katherine Manker and Bruce Gardner Richard Mark and Ellis Robinson Stephen Marshall John and Janet Martin Marie Martinez-Wolcott Edward Martoglio and Barbara HavlikMartoglio Elliot and Jean Marvell Susan Mathews and Christopher Gilkerson Carolyn Matthews Neven and Ann Marie Matthews Wade Mayberry Harley McAdams Virginia McAninch Roger McCain Richard and Debra McChane Michael and Martha McCoy Betty McCreary Joan McInnes Daniel and Tammy McKanan Deborah McKeithan-Gebhardt R. Michael McKinlay Raymond and Nancy McKinley Patrick and Barbara McLaughlin Hugh and Alice McLellan Michael and Kok-Heong McNaughton Ann McPhail Teresa McShane Barbara Meislin Robert and Karen Messing John and Barbara Metz Marlene Metz Fred and Loie Meyer Donald and Mary Miles Ann Miller Larry and Dorothy Ann Miller Merrill and Patricia Miller Suzan Miller John and Sarah Mills Paul and Laura Milne Sherry Modrow and Brian Rogers Reba Montera Susan Montgomery Gerald Montie and Mary Androff Joanne Montie and Carl Besser Ellen and David Moomaw Lloyd Moore Thomas and Gwen Moore Phyllis and Peter Morales Joy Morgenstern Arthur and Patricia Morrill John and Barbara Moschner James Moskin George and Patricia Mrazek Allan and Julia Muchmore Eric and Dorys Mueller Fredric and Karen Muir Eugene and Dorothy Mulligan James Munroe and Nancy Grover Eugene Murray Maxine Neil Cynthia Newth David and Patricia Notter Vivian Nuhn Mary Ann Oakley Joann Oberbeck Kristin Ockershauser Donald Odell Peter and Erica Oesterreich Craig Oliner and Alyson Owen Robert and Anita Ormond Carol Ossefia Miriam Ostroff

Judith and Richard Ottman Lowell and Marjorie Owens Rachel and Bob Ozretich Meda Lou Padden David and Patricia Page Emily Pardee Candace Parks James Parr Jennifer Pauk Laurence Paxson Eggers Robert and Karen Peake Donald Pearson and Lynne Champion Fritzi Pease Bernard and Sandra Peavey Holger Pedersen Gerald Peet Eleanor Pelcyger George and Laurie Perry Rosetta Pervan Jean Peterson Russell and June Peterson Lois Pettinger and Dianne Erickson Janet Pfeffer Karen Pflederer Xavier and Penelope Pi-Sunyer Anne Pierce Julie Prandi Robert and Jane Pricer Robert and Joanne Prochnow Stephen and Mary Puckett Geraldine Quinlan Richard and Carol Rader Roger Ragan and Carole Chan Kenneth and Nancy Ragland Lindi Ramsden and Mary Doherty Paul Ratzlaff Mark and Kimberly Ray Kenneth and Susan Read-Brown David and Vicki Reed Doris Reed Hal Reed Wendell Refior and Marla Welsford Gare and Alison Reid Robert Reid Roger and Carol Reimers John and Sandra Reschovsky Valerie Reuther Sally Revoile Stanley Richards Thomas and Martha Rimmer Andrew Ritchie Lori and Bob Rittle Michelina Rizzo Stephen Robbins Karen Roberts Paige Roberts George and Barb Robinson Mark and Cynthia Robinson Karen Robison and Karl Bucholz Jan and Eva Rocek Paul and Stephanie Roche Kenneth and Bernadette Rock Nancy Roman, PhD Elspeth Root Deborah Rothschild Roberta Rott Pauline Rowe Roy Rupe Richard and Susanne Rupp Mary Russell Nancy Russell John and Millicent Rutherford Bonnie Sachs Jonathan and Susan Sachs Cornelia Saltus and John Smith Ethel Sapico Louis and Nadine Sapirman Lowell and Ellen Satre Ellyn Satter Fannette Sawyer Hugh and Georgia Schall Stephen Schick and Jo Ann MulreadySchick Charles Scholpp Michael and Kelly Scott Robert and Elizabeth Scott Perry and Dianne Seiffert Louis and Barbara Semrau Marilyn Sewell Marion Seymour Susan Shane Duane Shaneyfelt George and Paula Shaw Robert and Melinda Shay Anne Shelley and Robin Ross Sandra Shroyer Madeline Simon

Sandra Simon David and Grace Simons Katharine Simpson Marjorie Singleton Fred Small and Julie Wormser Donald and Deborah Smith Geoffrey and Elizabeth Smith John and Susan Smith Nancy Smith Steven Smith Lenore Snodey Robert and Margaret Soli Linda Sorauf Martha Soule and Harry Grimmnitz Don and Kathleen Southworth Robert and K. Ann Stebbins Michael Steiner Marian Stevens James and Stefanie Stevenson Sylvia Stocker and Stephen Wellcome Thomas and Allison Stovall Robert and Ruth Straus Virginia Streitfeld George and Elsa Struble Lori Strumeyer and Deborah Scharf James Sugarman Richard and Susan Sulc Kurt Summersgill Thomas and Elizabeth Surface David Sweat and Kay Giese Sidney and Wieslawa Sytsma Paul and Amy Taivalkoski Christine Tanner and Lisa Chickadonz Michael Taranowski Philip and Francine Taylor Ruth Taylor Edwin and Chartis Tebbetts Lindsay Teplesky Joseph Testa Theodore Theofrastous John Thiemann Doris Thomas Browder Christine Thomas Vern Thomas Joseph Thomasberger and Rebecca Doggett Martin Thomson and Katherine Chaurette Suzanne Thouvenelle Ann Throop Madelon Timmons Marjorie Titcomb Peter and Nancy Torpey Phyllis Tortora Barbara Tosti Paul Tremblay and Declan Cook Al and Ellen Trumpler James and Darlene Tschudy Jonathan and Linda Tuck Peggy Twohig Steven and Susan Urbatsch Phyllis Valentine Joan Van Becelaere and Jerald Wagenman Nancy and Rick Van Dyke Alice Van Wormer Lee and Carol Veal Robert Versluis Suzanne Viemeister Thomas and Martha Sue Villa-Lovoz Thomas and Jeanette Von Alten Margaret Von Dreele Joan Vondra and Thomas Chang Robert and Judi Vose Anthony and Nancy Wacker Herbert Waldren Alexander Walker Mary Lou Werner Lois and Robert Whealey Dorothy Wheeler Alexander and Anne White Brooks White Dale and Corinna Whiteaker-Lewis Kevin Whitmore Robert and Susan Whitney Gary Widdison Elizabeth Wieman James Wilber Jack and Virginia Wilkerson Catherine Williams Robert Williams and Karen Uhlenbeck M. Elizabeth Williamson Teresa Wilmot Andrew and Janet Wilson Mary Faith Wilson and Adelbert Ames Stanley an d Susan Winters Jeanne Wise

Scott Wise Don and Janet Wolf Galen and Peggy Wolf Arthur Wolfe Rebecca Wolff Anne Wolfgang Shane Wolfsmith Robert and Betsy Wones Jordan Wood and David Leppik Diane Woods Margaret Woodward William and Barbara Wymer Russell and Sylvia Yamada Sunia Yang Larry Yarak and Brenda Blair Frank Yeatman and Eileen Hiney Michael and Nancy Zajano Rev. Dr. Sara Zimmerman William Zinn Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zonligt

Estate donors
UUSC honors individuals whose realized estate bequests exceeded $25,000 or more.
Maureen Bradford May L. Brook Mary Butters Brown Margaret J. Frey Edna J. Hilberg Nathalie and Theodore Jones Charles N. Mason, Jr. Margaret Odell William T. Osborne Elizabeth B. Storer

The following foundations made grants to UUSC of $1,000 or more.
Anonymous (2) Calvert Foundation The Columbus Foundation The Minneapolis Foundation Greater Cincinnati Foundation Joukowsky Family Foundation Maine Community Foundation Namaste Foundation Oregon Community Foundation The Peierls Foundation Righteous Persons Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

This list covers the period July 1, 2009June 30, 2010. The compilers have carefully reviewed the names that are included. However, errors and omissions may have occurred. If your name or institution has been omitted, misspelled, or listed incorrectly, please accept our apologies and bring the mistake to our attention. Contact Institutional Advancement Annual Report Listings, UUSC, 689 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139-3302, e-mail development@uusc.org, or call 800-766-5236.


Honor Roll (continued)

Flaming Chalice Circle
Anonymous (3) Lois Abbott Peter and Susan Alden Gordon Asselstine Dr. John Bailey Rachael Balyeat Liz and Gordon Bawden Beverly Baxter Peggy and George Bell I. Inka Benton Laurel Blossom Michael Boblett Ann Booth Doyle Bortner Nancy Brach Paul and Irma Braunstein Helen Brown John and Irene Bush Evelyn Chidester Elizabeth Clark Deirdre Cochran and Daniel Couch Bruce Cornish Mildred Courtley Carol Davis Theadora Davitt-Cornyn Frances Dew Julian and Alice Dewell Lyda Dicus and Robert Hanson Imogene Draper

The Flaming Chalice Circle recognizes supporters who include UUSC in their estate plans or who have made a planned gift to UUSC.
Martha Easter-Wells Mary Ann Ely Claire Ernhart and Edward Psotta May Lou Faris Martha and John Ferger Tomas Firle and Joan Cudhea Elizabeth Ford Anne Forsyth Richard and Hillary Fuhrman Carrie Gillespie and Krishna Kaushik Anne and Julius Goldin Laura Good Michael Goodman Sara Grindlay James Gunning and Ellen Ewing John and Eileen Hamlin Joseph and Yvonne Hammerquist Henry and Marjorie Harvey William and Jean Hellmuth Warner and Barbara Henderson Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan Hanna Hopp Lu Horner Martha Jewett Barry and Ellen Johnson-Fay Alex Karter Wesla Kerr Peter Landecker Corinne LeBovit Jack Lepoff Diana Ruth Levitan Justin and Phyllis Lewis Neal and Sharon Lockwood Aimee Lykes Nancy Marsh Ms. Mitchell Lyman Linda and Seymour Mack Eleanor May Catherine McConkie Gordon and Phyllis McKeeman Hugh and Alice McLellan Barbara McMahon and Eric Spelman Donald and Audrey Micklewright Ree and Maurice Miller Malcolm Mitchell Virginia Moore Rev. Makanah Morris and Rev. Robert J. Morris Leigh and Thomas Mundhenk Robert and Elsa New Vivian Nossiter Mary Ann Oakley Rene Oehler Vernon Olson G. Timothy and Francene Orrok Charlotte Palmer Emily Palmer Brydie and Erdman Palmore Janice Park Dorothy and Tracy Patterson Laurence Paxson Eggers Edgar and Phyllis Peara Diana Peters Christian Peterson William Pratt William and Lillis Raboin Verna Renfro Judith Reynard David Riley Mary Rose and Leonard Pellettieri Jean Roxburgh David Rubin Hilda Rush John and Maggie Russell John and Millicent Rutherford Betty Sanders J. David and Fia Scheyer Robert Schuessler Dick and Jill Scobie Neil and Lillie Shadle Sulochana Sherman Joan Shkolnik Paul Siegler and Ruth Booman Elizabeth Simpson and John Wurr Clarence Lee Small Sherry and Thornton Smith Lenore Snodey Gloria Snyder Charles Spence and Burt Peachy Robert and Marion Stearns R. Rhodes Stephenson James and Mary Stephenson Joseph Stern Jack and Nancy Stiefel Joan Stockford Sally and Robert Stoddard James and Matilde Taguchi William Thomas and Helen Burke Thomas Fred Topik Helen True John and Helen Tryon Arthur and Arliss Ungar Mary Vedder Spike and Marion Vrusho Leslie Ann Weinberg Ernest Weller Herbert and Myrna West Lois and Robert Whealey Robert and Susan Whitney Edward Wight Margaret Woodward Elizabeth Zimmermann

Ambassadors Council
Margot Adler* Joan Armstrong Davis* Howard and Susannah Arnould* George and Beverly August* Nancy Bartlett and John Hammond Beverley Baxter Larry Beck and Danielle DiBona Tom Bliffert* Helen Brown* James and Dorothy Caldiero* Richard and Barbara Cheatham Dan Cheever Davalene Cooper* Fred Cox* Kim Crawford Harvie and Kem Morehead* Theadora Davitt-Cornyn Suzanne and Franklin deBeers* Alice and Julian Dewell David Dierdorff and Madeleine Lefebvre* Sayre Dixon

Through their leadership, Ambassadors Council members assist UUSC staff and board members advancing UUSCs resource development and promoting organizational efforts.
Franklin Evans Richard and Hillary Fuhrman* Annella Furtick* Bill and Irmgard Gimby* James Gunning and Ellen Ewing* Sally and Aaron Hamburger* Robert Hardies John Hickey William and Deborah Holden Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan C. Leon and Dorothy Hopper* Bill and Diantha Horton Barry and Ellen Johnson-Fay Sarah Karstaedt and Bruce Hockaday* Fiona Knox Kenneth MacLean Daniel and Linda Marquardt* Jim McCorkel* Phyllis and Peter Morales Stephen Murphy* Sally Benson and Steve Nichols* Richard and Cheryl Nikonovich-Kahn Winnie Norman* Mary Ann Oakley Kristin Ockershauser Gloria Ohanian Carolyn and Thomas Owen-Towle Emily Pardee* Dorothy and Tracy Patterson Laurence Paxson Eggers* Laura Pedersen* Ernie and Maggie Pipes June Pulcini* Thomas and Lettice Rhodes Christine Robinson and William Baker Warren and Lucile Ross Warren and Martha Salinger Dick and Jill Scobie* Marilyn Sewell* Neil and Lillie Shadle Lawrence and Alice Shafer* Theodore and Ruth Shapin Don and Kathleen Southworth Betty and Tom Stapleford David Suehsdorf and Janet Muir Ann Taylor * Betty Thompson Al and Ellen Trumpler Nancy and Rick Van Dyke* P.D. Wadler and Richard Brown Richard and Barbara Weiss* Lois and Robert Whealey* Thomas Wintle Colin and Latifa Woodhouse Elizabeth Zimmermann*

* Indicates honorary Ambassadors Council Member.

Partners Council
Anonymous (5) Nancy Anderson Beverley Baxter Doyle Bortner Arnold and Julia Bradburd John and Irene Bush David and Mary Colton Thomas Crane and Susan Shaw Harriet Hayes Denison Doyle Dobbins Martha Easter Wells Gerald and Joyce Faber Richard and Carol Fencl Bruce Field and Lucia Santini-Field

More than 50 individual donors participated in the 2010 Partners Council. Their cumulative support totaled almost $800,000.
David and Sarah Fischell James Gunning and Ellen Ewing Benjamin and Ruth Hammett Louis and Jeanne Hanover Gary Hartz and Teri Wiss Todd and Lorella Hess Louise Hornor and Sean Welsh Holly Frost Kerr Fiona Knox Ramanujachary Kumanduri and Cristina Romero Eunice Lovejoy John and Judith Manocherian Curtis and Kathleen Marble Thomas and Eva Marx Dorothy Maxcy Melanie and James Milner Janet Mitchell and Jerry Cromwell Makanah and Robert Morriss Kimberly Notkin Emily Morse Palmer Brydie and Erdman Palmore Thomas and Sandra Reece John and Elizabeth Richards Warren and Martha Salinger George Salzman Betty Sanders Candace Schmidt John and Aline Schwob Michael Shonsey Aubrey and Billye Smith Sarah Stevens Miles Barbara Swan Mark and Anne Veldman Philippe and Katherine Villers Susan Weaver Ann Zawaski and Helena Lee Elizabeth Zimmermann


Social Action Leadership Award

Each year, UUSC honors creative, inspiring, and effective leadership by an individual or group working for justice.

Lee Hawkins (left) and Ariel Jacobson, (right) UUSCs senior associate for Economic Justice, present the 2010 Social Action Leadership Award to Kitty Callaghan.

Katherine Kitty Callaghan

Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence Northampton, Mass.

Mary-Ella Holst Youth Activist Award

Each year, UUSC recognizes the achievement of a youth or youth group who advances human rights through activism and leadership.
High School Youth Group of the Unitarian Church of All Souls, New York, N.Y.

Social Justice Congregation Award

Unitarian Church in Summit, N.J.

Each year, UUSC recognizes an exemplary congregation for its efforts to advance human-rights work.
Outstanding Local Representative Awards
Ann Hailey

Each year, UUSC honors local volunteers who have shined in their work to promote UUSC and engage their congregation in UUSCs work and mission.
UU Congregation of the Quad Cities

Davenport, Iowa Lynn Roesch

East Shore Unitarian Church Bellevue, Wash.

Tricia Tice

River Road UU Congregation Bethesda, Md.


Honor Roll (continued)

Membership Awards

These awards recognize congregations whose members support human rights and social justice through exemplary levels of UUSC membership.
Spirit of Justice Banner Societies
Honors congregations in which 100 percent of the membership are UUSC members.
Florida Vero Beach UU Fellowship of Vero Beach, Inc. Iowa Clinton UU Fellowship of Clinton Ohio New Madison First Universalist Church-UUA Georgia Ellijay Valdosta Maryland Great Mills Michigan Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Unitarian Fellowship Detroit Missouri Jefferson City New Jersey Newton Paramus New Mexico Albuquerque Albuquerque UU Fellowship New York Hastings on Hudson Muttontown North Carolina Brevard Greenville North Dakota Fargo Ohio Athens Delaware Findlay Pennsylvania Athens Philadelphia UU Church of the Restoration West Chester Texas Austin UU Fellowship of Austin Brownsville Longview New Braunfels San Marcos Victoria Vermont South Strafford Virginia Harrisonburg Washington Bellingham Ellensburg Friday Harbor Pasco Wisconsin Rice Lake FRANCE Paris UU Fellowship of Paris Tucson UU Congregation of NW Tucson Arkansas Eureka Springs Fayetteville California Anaheim Aptos Auburn Bakersfield Bayside Cambria Canoga Park Carmel Chico Fremont Grass Valley Hayward Laguna Beach Livermore Los Angeles Los Gatos Mendocino Mission Viejo Napa Newbury Park North Hills Palo Alto Rancho Mirage Rancho Palos Verdes Sacramento UU Community Church San Francisco San Jacinto San Luis Obispo San Mateo San Rafael Santa Barbara Santa Rosa Studio City Ventura Visalia Colorado Denver First Unitarian Society of Denver Frisco Golden Lafayette Littleton Pagosa Springs Connecticut Madison Manchester New Haven New London Stamford Woodbury Delaware Dover Wilmington Florida Bradenton Brooksville Citrus Springs Deland Fort Myers Lakeland Miami Orlando First Unitarian Church of Orlando Pensacola Plantation Rockledge Saint Petersburg UU Church of St. Petersburg UU United Fellowship Sarasota Stuart Tampa West Melbourne Georgia Atlanta First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta Northwest UU Congregation Brunswick Marietta Hawaii Honolulu Idaho Twin Falls Illinois Deerfield DeKalb Grayslake Palatine Indiana Columbus Evansville Hobart Indianapolis UU Church of Indianapolis West Lafayette Iowa Cedar Rapids Davenport Des Moines Dubuque Iowa City Mason City Sioux City Kentucky Bowling Green Louisville Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church Louisiana Lacombe Maine Bangor Brownfield Brunswick Castine Dexter Edgecomb Norway Portland Allen Avenue UU Church The First Parish in Portland Waterville Maryland Annapolis Camp Springs Churchville Columbia Finksburg Lutherville Massachusetts Andover Athol Attleboro Bedford Billerica Bridgewater Cambridge Chatham Danvers Duxbury Eastham Gardner Gloucester Harvard Hingham Old Ship Church First Parish in Hingham Second Parish UU in Hingham Kingston Littleton Medfield Melrose Newton Norwell First Parish Church Orange First Universalist Church Plymouth Quincy Rockport Sturbridge Sudbury Swampscott Waltham Watertown West Roxbury Westwood Weymouth Michigan Ann Arbor First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor Brighton Farmington Hills Flint Houghton Kalamazoo Midland Muskegon Rochester Troy Minnesota Arden Hills Bloomington Hanska Mahtomedi Nisswa Saint Cloud Wayzata Winona Missouri Ellisville Montana Kalispell New Hampshire Andover Durham Exeter Keene Manchester Milford Newfields Peterborough Tamworth New Jersey Baptistown Egg Harbor City Orange Ridgewood Toms River New Mexico Albuquerque First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque Las Cruces Los Alamos Rio Rancho Silver City New York Albany Bay Shore Bellport Bridgehampton Central Square East Aurora Flushing Fredonia Hamburg Huntington Jamestown Kingston Manhasset Mohegan Lake Mount Kisco

Beacon of Justice Banner Societies

Honors congregations in which 7599 percent of the membership are UUSC members.
Arizona Hot Springs Village Jonesboro California Redondo Beach Sunnyvale Connecticut Brooklyn Storrs Mansfield Florida Venice Missouri Rolla Oregon West Linn Texas Tyler Wisconsin Milwaukee Unitarian Fellowship of Milwaukee

Vision of Justice Banner Societies

Honors congregations in which 5074 percent of the membership are UUSC members.
Alaska Juneau Arizona Prescott Prescott UU Fellowship Sierra Vista California Berkeley Fullerton La Crescenta Petaluma Whittier Colorado Boulder UU Church of Boulder Glenwood Springs Greeley Loveland Connecticut Meriden Florida Cocoa North Palm Beach Port Charlotte Tarpon Springs

Creating Justice Banner Societies

Honors congregations in which 2549 percent of the membership are UUSC members.
Alabama Huntsville Tuscaloosa Alaska Anchorage Fairbanks Arizona Chandler Glendale Green Valley Prescott Granite Peak UU Congregation Surprise


Congregational Corporate-Giving Awards

These awards recognize congregations that demonstrate a strong commitment to justice and human rights through institutional giving.
Oneonta Queensbury Saratoga Springs Staten Island Stony Brook Syracuse First UU Society of Syracuse May Memorial UU Society North Carolina Franklin Hendersonville Morehead City Raleigh UU Fellowship of Raleigh Ohio Bellaire Berea Canton Cincinnati First Unitarian Church Columbus Dayton Fairlawn Lewis Center Lima Oberlin Toledo Wooster Oklahoma Edmond Norman Norman UU Fellowship Tulsa Church of the Restoration, UU Oregon Ashland Florence Klamath Falls Portland First Unitarian Church Pennsylvania Bethlehem Collegeville Devon Erie Lewisburg Northumberland Pittsburgh Allegheny UU Church UU Church of the South Hills State College Stroudsburg Rhode Island Providence Religious Society of Bell Street Chapel South Carolina Bluffton Port Royal South Dakota Rapid City Tennessee Nashville Greater Nashville UU Congregation Tullahoma Texas Abilene Amarillo College Station Denton Houston Unitarian Fellowship of Houston Huntsville Kerrville UU Church of the Hill Country Lufkin Midland San Antonio First UU Church of San Antonio San Juan Waco Vermont Bennington Brattleboro Burlington Middlebury Norwich Springfield Virginia Blacksburg Glen Allen Leesburg Lynchburg Norfolk Oakton Waynesboro Williamsburg Washington Bainbridge Island Blaine Bremerton Marysville Olympia Vashon Woodinville Yakima West Virginia Charleston Wisconsin Appleton Eau Claire Ephraim Green Bay Kenosha Marshfield Mukwonago Ripon River Falls Woodruff MEXICO San Miguel De Allende UU Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende

Helen Fogg Chalice Society

Honors congregations for their generous gift from their annual budget of at least $25 per church member.
Massachusetts Berlin Sterling Westwood New York Manhasset

James Luther Adams Award

Honors congregations for their generous gift from their annual budget of at least $1 per church member.
Alabama Florence Alaska Anchorage Arkansas Hot Springs Village California Clovis Escondido La Crescenta Los Gatos Modesto Montclair Palo Alto Redondo Beach San Jose Santa Barbara Studio City Colorado Golden Connecticut Storrs Mansfield Delaware Dover Florida Clearwater Gainesville Lakeland Sarasota St. Augustine St. Petersburg UU United Fellowship Venice Vero Beach Georgia Athens Atlanta Northwest UU Congregation Macon Illinois Alton Chicago Third Unitarian Church of Chicago DeKalb Palatine Indiana Bloomington Iowa Davenport Des Moines Kansas Manhattan Kentucky Louisville Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church

Guest at Your Table Special Recognition

Through Guest at Your Table, the members of each of these congregations contributed a total of $5,000 or more to UUSCs work for justice.
California Sunnyvale Florida Vero Beach Minnesota Mahtomedi Minneapolis First Universalist Church

Louisiana Baton Rouge Maine Edgecomb Maryland Bethesda Cedar Lane UU Church River Road UU Congregation Camp Springs Chestertown Columbia Frederick Massachusetts Belmont Boston First Church in Boston Hingham Old Ship Church First Parish in Hingham Kingston Littleton Needham North Andover Quincy Reading Sudbury Watertown Wayland Weston Minnesota Bloomington Saint Cloud Willmar Missouri Ellisville Kansas City Montana Helena Nevada Las Vegas New Hampshire Milford New Jersey Orange New York Fredonia Huntington Mohegan Lake New York Community Church of New York UU Unitarian Church of All Souls Oneonta Rochester First Unitarian Church Syracuse May Memorial UU Society North Carolina Hillsborough Ohio Berea Columbus Wooster Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oregon Hillsboro Tennessee Nashville First UU Church of Nashville Oak Ridge Tullahoma Texas El Paso Houston Unitarian Fellowship of Houston Plano San Antonio First UU Church of San Antonio Stafford

Vermont Montpelier Virginia Burke Reston Washington Edmonds Seattle University Unitarian Church Westside Seattle UU Fellowship Wisconsin Ephraim Fond Du Lac Kenosha Madison Prairie UU Society Milwaukee First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee Woodruff

UUSC membership awards are calculated by church size, as reported by the UUA for that fiscal year. The compilers have carefully reviewed the names that are included. However, errors and omissions may have occurred. If your congregation has been omitted, misspelled, or listed incorrectly, please accept our apologies and bring the mistake to our attention. Contact Volunteer Services, UUSC, 689 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-3302, e-mail volunteerservices@uusc.org, or call 800-766-5236.


tly appreciate UUSC is a unique funder. We grea s with us rk the way that UUSC currently woing WITH us and we truly feel that you are workiting to get the not just funding our work or wa final-results report. ala STITCH, UUSC partner in Guatemand that supports women workers union organizers in Central America

One of the key differences between UUSC and other donors and partners is the collaboration and continued discussions and feedback on the project during various stages of planning and implementation. Asuda, UUSC partner in Iraq that works to end violence against women

Annual Report 2010

Unsurpassed Generosity
As UUSCs single largest contributor, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock (UUCSR), in Manhasset, N.Y., is a vital partner in making our daily work possible. For more than three decades, UUSC has been the fortunate recipient of UUSCRs generous support of human-rights and social-justice initiatives. The numbers are humbling: an annual unrestricted $750,000 contribution; a total of more than $21 million dollars over 30 years; support for hundreds of UUSC programs in more than 20 countries. And this year, UUCSR came forward with an additional $500,000 matching challenge grant to support the UUSC-UUA Joint Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund. All of these numbers take on greater significance when we consider who is behind them a group of people truly dedicated to acting on their values. The magnitude of their generosity is clear when we reflect on the results: disaster relief that serves marginalized populations, outreach and education on the human right to water, the cultivation of religious understanding, and more. Time and again, the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock has joined hands with UUSC to advance human rights around the world and for that we are enormously grateful.

Annual Report 2010


Frinaarnencdianel 30Statements the ye de Ju , 2010

Fo , 2009) (with comparative totals for June 30
Functional Expenses
Program services n Environmental Justice n Economic Justice n Civil Liberties n Right in Humanitarian Crises Total program services Supporting services n Fundraising n Management Total supporting services Total functional expenses
n Environmental Justice n Economic Justice n Civil Liberties n Rights in Humanitarian Crises n Fundraising n Management

Statement of Financial Position

32% 21% 17% 11% 81% 13% 6% 19% 100% 1,792,902 1,169,283 935,428 653,215 4,550,828 750,241 338,814 1,089,055 5,639,883
Assets Cash and equivalents Cash Money market fund Investments Accounts and interest receivable Pledges receivable, net Prepaid expenses and other assets Cash - escrow Property and equipment, net Total Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued compensation Pooled income deferred revenue Unearned revenue Bond payable Donor advance - promissory notes Planned giving obligations: Gift annuities Trust agreements Pooled income Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets

June 2010
2,168,806 464,843 2,633,649 11,345,315 75,781 1,720,960 141,716 78,407 5,869,499 21,865,327

June 2009
410,527 464,140 874,667 10,252,041 62,682 805,297 97,147 196,423 6,028,069 18,316,326

371,974 166,823 185,805 3,262,985 375,000 1,233,814 74,912 5,377 5,676,690 8,968,504 3,634,346 3,585,787 16,188,637 21,865,327

203,961 204,283 207,561 14,142 3,341,566 375,000 1,239,613 82,289 7,292 5,675,707 8,084,182 1,371,007 3,185,430 12,640,619 18,316,326

Statement of Activities for the Years Ended June 30

Unrestricted Public support and revenue Net assets released from restrictions Total public support and revenue and net assets released from restrictions Expenses Program services Fundraising Management Total expenses Income/(loss) from operations Net nonoperating activities Net assets Change in net assets Beginning of the year End of year

Total 8,644,031 0 8,644,031 4,550,828 750,241 338,814 5,639,883 Total 6,051,776 0 6,051,776 4,984,878 896,515 371,761 6,253,154 (201,378) (3,518,706) (3,720,084) 16,360,703

Temporarily restricted 2,906,141 (907,087) 1,999,054

Permanently restricted 406,100 (4,413) 401,687

5,331,790 911,500 6,243,290 4,550,828 750,241 338,814 5,639,883

(a) (b) (a+b)

603,407 280,915 884,322 8,084,182 8,968,504

1,999,054 264,285 2,263,339 1,371,007 3,634,346

401,687 (1,330) 400,357 3,185,430 3,585,787

3,004,148 543,870 3,548,018 12,640,619 16,188,637


work with human-rights My career has provided me with the opportunity to nd the world. I and womens-rights groups in the United States and arou oach to partnership support UUSC because I like its unique, effective appr works to change the with community-based organizations and the ways it , or global. The staff underlying problematic policies, whether local, national my donation has selected focus issues strategically, so I know that are aimed directly and my activism when I have time to participate with UUSC and at transforming the status quo. I am proud to partner from those who lack with people working for justice throughout the world, still living in tents in affordable water in Bolivia or Boston to those who are Port-au-Prince. s Kathy Hall, Vice Chair of UUSCs Board of Trustee

Current UUSC Staff and Board

Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz President and CEO Constance Kane Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Quang Nguyen Human Resources Manager Bobbi Woodward Executive Assistant

Atema Eclai Director of Programs Gretchen Alther Senior Associate for Rights in Humanitarian Crises Anna Bartlett Senior Administrative Assistant Wendy Flick Haiti Emergency Response Manager Ariel Jacobson Senior Associate for Economic Justice Patricia Jones Program Manager, Environmental Justice Rachel Ordu Dan-Harry Associate for Environmental Justice Wayne Smith Program Manager, Civil Liberties Martha Thompson Program Manager, Rights in Humanitarian Crises

Jessica Atcheson Writer/Editor Dick Campbell Senior Associate for Media and Public Affairs Eric Grignol Senior Associate for Marketing and Multimedia Mark Simon Senior Associate for Web Administration and Graphic Design

Finance And Operations

Michael Zouzoua Chief Financial Officer Ethan Adams Facility and Operations Manager Mayckon Gaspar Staff Accountant Wai Ng Senior Accountant Shari Yeaton Operations Assistant Mohamed Zine abidine Accountant

Board of Trustees
Rev. John Gibbons Chair Katherine C. Hall Vice Chair Charles Sandmel Treasurer Lucia Santini-Field Secretary John A. Buehrens David Colton Martha Easter-Wells David Lysy Dave Madan Karen Schneider Susan C. Scrimshaw Mike Shonsey Charles C. Spence Felisa Tibbitts

Institutional Advancement
Maxine Neil Director of Institutional Advancement Laurie Brunner Prospect Research Assistant Charles Huschle Senior Associate for Individual Giving Daniel Karp Senior Associate for Donor Marketing Susan Mosher Associate for Donor Services Lauralyn Smith Senior Associate for Member Development Kate Wallace Program Assistant for Member Development

Outreach and Mobilization

Nicole Cirillo Campaign Manager Aiesha Cummings Administrative Assistant for Outreach and Mobilization Shelley Moskowitz Manager of Public Policy, Washington, D.C. Kara Smith Campaign Assistant


Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

689 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 www.uusc.org 617-868-6600 info@uusc.org

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