Maxillofacial Prosthetic Materials: Current Status and Recent Advances: A Comprehensive Review
Maxillofacial Prosthetic Materials: Current Status and Recent Advances: A Comprehensive Review
Maxillofacial Prosthetic Materials: Current Status and Recent Advances: A Comprehensive Review
1. Introduction
A healthy body, a beautiful face and a pleasing appearance forms an integral component for
personal and professional success. Occurrence of any defect in the body particularly in the
head and neck region adversely affects the appearance, function, social acceptance and
psychological confidence of the patient. Facial disfigurement can be the result of a congenital
anomaly, trauma or tumour surgery [1]. Among the defects, head and neck cancers contribute a
major factor as the etiology of the defect [2].
Most of the cases undergo surgery with or without radiotherapy and or/ chemotherapy.
Rehabilitation of these patients is the most essential and challenging phase of the treatment.
The aim of any rehabilitation procedure is to return the patient to the society in a near normal
status. Rehabilitation can be done either surgically or prosthetic [3]. A facial prosthesis restores
normal anatomy and appearance, protects the tissues of a defect, and provides great
psychological benefit to the patient.
Prosthodontic results are largely determined by the materials used in the construction. Success
of maxillofacial prostheses depends mainly on the physical and mechanical properties of the
material used. An ideal maxillofacial prosthetic material should have optimum physical and
mechanical properties. These include high tear strength, tensile strength, biocompatibility,
possibility of coloration and adequate hardness level similar to the tissues of defect site [4].
Materials commonly used for fabrication of maxillofacial prostheses are acrylic resins, acrylic
copolymers, vinyl polymers, polyurethane elastomers and silicone elastomers [5].
2. Historical Background
Early records indicate that artificial eyes, ears, nose were found on Egyptian mummies. They
Corresponding Author: were made from ivory, rock, silver, gold, bronze and were often overlaid with organically –
Dr. Rajat Lanzara pigmented porcelain [6]. Ambrose Pare in 1541 began keeping accurate records that benefited
Graded Specialist, deformed human subjects from facial prosthesis. He described the use of facial prosthesis as an
Prosthodontics, Military Dental alternative to surgical reconstruction and was first to use an obturator to close palatal
Centre, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh,
India perforations [7].
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Tycho Brahe in 1576 lost his nose in a sword duel and oligomers, and macromers was reported by Antonucci and
replaced it with an artificial nose made of silver and gold. He Stansbury [8]. Their approach is to incorporate high-molecular
apparently made a wax pattern to fill the defect and cast it [7]. weight acrylic polymers with molecular block of other types
In 1728, Pierre Fauchard designed a prostheses supported of polymers, for example - Poly – ether urethane, Poly –
with wings that were positioned by patient from the oral side hydrocarbon, Poly – fluoro carbon, Poly – siloxane that can
of obturator and made use of floor of nose for retention. In eliminate the short coming of traditional acrylic co-polymers
1832 a young French soldier named Alphonse Louis was and meet the requirements of a maxillofacial elastomer.
injured and rehabilitated with prosthesis of silver which had
mandibular teeth, a hinged front replacing the facial 3.3 Polyvinyl Chloride & Copolymers
structures, and an internal collecting reservoir for the secreted Chalian VA, Phillips RW introduced use of this material for
saliva. Louis was known as “Gunner with the silver mask” [8]. fabrication of facial restorations [5]. The earliest form-
In 1880, Kingsley described fabrication of nasal prosthesis consisted of a combination of a polyvinylchloride (a hard,
and obturator. Upham in 1900 described the fabrication of clear resin that is tasteless & odorless) and plasticizer (which
nasal and auricular prostheses made from vulcanite rubber. allows for processing at low temperature) [16]. Later
1913, gelatine-glycerine compounds were introduced for copolymer of 5% to 20% vinyl acetate with vinyl chloride
fabrication of maxillofacial prosthesis. Acrylic resin was was introduced. The polymer was a thermoplastic material
introduced to the dental profession in 1940, and it replaced which was supplied as a solid suspension in a solvent. The
the older vulcanite rubber. Tylman introduced the use of a material was more flexible and adaptable to both intrinsic &
resilient vinyl copolymer acrylic resin for facial prostheses [7]. extrinsic coloration. The main drawback was that metal
In 1960, Barnhart was the first to use silicone rubber for mould had to be used for curing and material exhibited poor
constructing and coloring facial prostheses by combining a tear strength and color stability.
silicone rubber base material with acrylic resin polymer stains
. Gonzalez described the use of Polyurethane Elastomers [10]. 3.4 Polyurethane Elastomers
Lewis and Castleberry described the potential use of Juan B. Gonzalez, Edmund Y.S. Chao, Kai Nan-An described
Siphenylenes for facial prostheses [6]. Turner documented the the use of polyurethanes [17]. It is produced in presence of a
use of Isophorone Polyurethane [11]. Udagama and Drane catalyst, a polymer terminating with an isocyanate is
introduced the use of Silastic Medical Adhesive Silicone Type combined with one terminating with a hydroxyl group.
A for fabrication of facial prostheses [12]. Udagama reported Polyurethanes possess excellent properties like flexibility,
using prefabricated Polyurethane films as a lining for facial good edge strength, can be colored both intrinsically &
prostheses fabricated using Medical Adhesive Type A [13]. extrinsically and good cosmetic results [18]. An important
Advances in polymer chemistry have renewed interest in drawback is that curing requires precision as Isocyanate is
developing new materials for facial prostheses. moisture sensitive. When mold is contaminated with water –
gas bubbles cause defects & poor curing of material results.
3. Currently Available Materials Processing requires thorough dehydration before processing if
Selection of the material used for fabricating a maxillofacial stone molds are used.
prosthesis depends on the objectives of the rehabilitation
procedure. The following important objectives must be 3.5 Silicone Elastomers
fulfilled - Restoration of esthetics, function, protection of The silicones were introduced in 1946, but only past few
tissue, therapeutics or psychological effect. years they have been used in fabrication of maxillofacial
prosthesis [19]. Silicone is made up of alternate chains of
3.1 Acrylic Resin silicone and oxygen which can be modified by attaching
Acrylic resin has been successfully employed for specific various organic side groups to the silicon atoms or by cross
types of facial defects, particularly those in which little linking the molecular chains.
movement occurs in the tissue bed during function [14]. The Silicones have range of properties from rigid plastics through
major advantage of using acrylic resin is that material is elastomers to fluids. They exhibit good physical properties
readily available, chemical properties and processing over a range of temperature. Silicon is a combination of
techniques are familiar to dentists. Extrinsic and intrinsic organic and inorganic compounds. Mohammad SA in their
coloration can be utilized with acrylic resin. Goiato et al. study reported that silicon resist absorbing organic materials
reported that microhardness of the resin was not influenced by that lead to bacterial growth; so, with simple cleaning, these
the method of disinfection or the time of storage. Main materials are relatively safe and of adequate sanitary quality
drawback of the material is its rigidity so can’t be used in as compared to other materials [20]. Vulcanization makes the
highly movable tissue beds leading to local discomfort and silicone resistant to ultraviolet (UV) light [21]. Depending
exposure of margin [15]. whether the vulcanizing process uses heat or not, silicones are
available as heat vulcanized (HTV) or room temperature
3.2 Acrylic Co-Polymers (Palamed) vulcanized (RTV), and both exhibit advantages and
They are soft and elastic. The molds are underfilled (by 10%) disadvantages [22].
to permit expansion of the material and formation of the foam
like center. Cantor and Hildestad explained the complete A. High Temperature Vulcanized Silicone
procedure for fabrication of prosthesis [6]. Material however HTV silicone is usually a white, opaque, viscous material
didn’t receive wide acceptance because of objectionable having a putty like consistency. They are available as 1-
properties like - poor edge strength, poor durability, component or 2-component systems. The catalyst /
degradation when exposed to sunlight, processing and vulcanizing agent of HTV is Dichlorobenzyl peroxide/
coloration is difficult and the completed restoration becomes platinum salt [23]. Various amounts of fillers are added
tacky, predisposing to dust collection and staining. depending on degree of hardness, strength and elongation.
Development of a new generation of acrylic monomers, Polydimethyl siloxane may be added to reduce the stiffness or
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