Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
Submitted by
Tanzim Al Mahmud
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), BUET, DHAKA
Father’s Name: Md. Hemayet Uddin Khan
Submitted to
Mohiuddin Mostofa Kamal
Deputy General Manager, Human Resource Management Division Dhaka Electric Supply
Company (DESCO) Limited
Date : 07/07/24
Letter of Transmittal
Date: 07/07/24
Mohiuddin Mostofa Kamal
Deputy General Manager, Human Resource Management Division Dhaka Electric Supply
Company (DESCO) Limited
Subject: Submission of Internship Report.
Dear Sir,
I'd like to submit a report based on my internship experience at DESCO in Dhaka as part of our
graduating program. The training duration was divided among DESCO's several departments so
that we could obtain a comprehensive understanding of their functions. Our supervisors,
respective trainers, and distinguished guests contributed invaluable insights throughout the
process, for which we are grateful.
Sincerely Yours,
(Tanzim Al Mahmud)
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all consumers and staff of DESCO, Dhaka, for their scholarly
and consistent comments and cooperation in preparing the report. I am also grateful to the
DESCO Department and all of its officials for their unwavering assistance and caring attitude, as
well as many others involved in the report's preparation. Thank you all.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.5 Methods
2: Literature Review
3.2 Profile
4.4 General Activities of Sales & Distribution Division (System, Commercial, & IT).
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Bibliography Reference……
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the Report
The goal of the Short-Term Industrial Visit/Attachment was to introduce DESCO's duties and
divisions. DESCO is a distribution firm that provides energy to customers in Dhaka's northern
region, including Uttara, Mirpur, and Gulshan. Our training findings provided insight into
DESCO's technical and management operations. The report provides an overview of DESCO's
operations, from purchasing electricity to responding to consumer complaints.
1.2 Origin of the Study
The DESCO training program was designed to provide internship opportunities for
undergraduate students beginning in their fourth year. Other universities or departments provide
similar opportunities, and we are introduced to such a program in order to gain practical
experience before pursuing a job. With the scheduled activities supplied by DESCO
management, we were able to gain a clear understanding of how workflow works in a
hierarchical fashion.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
➢ Field visits to Generation or, Distribution plants to understand DESCO’s association with
them are still to be introduced
Figure 3.1.1: DESCO Training and Development Center, Nikunja 02, Dhaka
DESCO was formed in 1996 under the Companies Act issues in 1994 and established itself as a
Public Limited company. Bangladesh Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources is the
authority over the company and Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission decides the
regulation of electricity from DESCO to customers. The company presently utilizes its own
smart meters, Electricity court, Optical fiber communication to handle end users from big
facilities like Shahjalal International Airport Dhaka, Jamuna Future Park, Metro Train and
Stations etc. to residential areas like Lake City Concord Khilkhet Dhaka, Bashundhara
Residential Area Dhaka etc. Currently, DESCO has the capability to endure only 5% loss in
maintaining supply. Furthermore, DESCO shifted its major percentage of activities from
paperwork to online based media roughly from 2021, making it an ideal utility company in the
Smart Bangladesh campaign.
3.2 Profile
1. Public Limited Company formation : 03 November, 1996
2. Business administration start : 24 September, 1998
3. Public Company Transformation : 2006
4. SCADA Project : 2022
5. SCADA Servers : 2 main(Mirpur), 1 backup(Nikunja)
6. Supply Coverage area : 400 square kilometer
7. Service Centers : 24
8. Operational zones : 3 (Gulshan, Mirpur, Uttara)
9. Substation number : 26
10. Substation voltage rating : 33/11kv
11. Optical Fiber(Ring Structure) : 250 kilometer
3.3 Vision
3.4 Mission
➢ Customer Comfort
• MDM is a two way data communication system. First, data is pushed into meter, then server-to-
meter data passing occurs. It can handle new consumer meter along with consumption, recharge
and sales strategy records.
• Smart Meter is an embedded system with a micro-controller that logically controls the relays
of the system. This can connect or, disconnect electric line to prevent overload.
• Flash memory and EPROM are two memory systems used by smart meter. Flash memory
collects energy reading and current reading data. Also, MOD/Monthly operational Data(taka,
units) is recorded and sent. Thus, load profile is sent to Smart Grid for further utilization.
• Operating System of Smart Grid is Firmware. Also, it uses PDU/Protocol Data Unit.
• Meter Tampering is easily detected by sensors in the meter. For example if terminal board is
opened then event is created and event data is sent.
Software Development
• Billing Cycle (Post Paid) is a crucial topology for reading-processing-correctingprint-
collection and certificate-issue. This process is done via software management. For overloaded
cases for more than 3 times, the relays automatically cut source to home while keeping source to
meter connection on. All the process done in the following workflow is carried by IT sector of
Figure 4.1.2: Billing Cycle Workflow (IT Division)
• DESCO SCADA started operating from 2022. It has two Control rooms:
1. Main Control Room with 2 servers (Mirpur)
2. Back-up Control Room with 1 server (Nikunja)
• Digital Data or, data concerning Fault, Circuit Breaker, Isolator Switch is analyzed here.
• Analog Data or, data concerning Ampere, Voltage is also analyzed.
• Accumulated Data or, data concerning Energy meter is also analyzed
• Supervisory Control/SC requires data intake, electricity cancel via breaker action
• Also SCADA utilizes Data Warehousing/Historical Information System, Authority
Assignment/Area of Responsibility, Dynamic Network Coloring of SLD/Single Line
Diagram(i.e. volt level), Load Shed, Disturbance Analysis etc.
• PGCB allocates for load crisis handle i.e. load shed among feeders depending on priority of
• Additional Features are:
1. Operator Training Simulator
2. Topology Processing
3. Load Flow Analysis (Study Analysis, Current Image Analysis)
4. Network Model
5. Short Circuit Analysis
6. Load Forecasting (module yet to be built)
• Distribution SCADA System Substation Control can be done manually or, through SAS/RTU
4.4 General Activities of Sales & Distribution Division (System, Commercial, & IT) System
• One Point Service Center is a customer care service where we got to experience multiple
customer dealings. We also saw how to apply for a connection and the documents required for
registration. The corresponding trainer also showed how to insert SIM into a meter so that it can
work via GSM system.
• Prepaid Metering is currently overthrowing postpaid meters due to their reliability and ease of
consuming proper amount of current according to payment. We learned about disadvantages of
postpaid meters and customer excuses to misuse meter system. We also, learned about Token
generation, card memory re-writing when card is inserted in the meter.
• New Connections were observed by going to households with trainer. This process starts by
applying for a new connection at the one-point-service center.
• Substation Operation and Maintenance is important to both customers and big projects. A mini
substation comprising of a transformer, LT Switch gear, PF meter is required for customers with
load usage greater than 80KW which is calculated by DESCO inspection officers by calculating
square feet area of home only. We visited a household in Bashundhara Residential Area to
inspect transformer installation by the owner. The following are the actual figures of the devices
installed for handling load capacity by the owner.
• Commercial is one of the three customer care services dedicated for any DESCO utility user.
So, the services are:
(1) New Line Connection,
(2) Commercial and
(3) Prepaid meter.
For example, we saw a customer with lost bill paper excuse which was dealt with reprinting the
bill after his DESCO account was verified by a Commercial officer. However, severe complaints
are dealt by higher authority when it exceeds beyond any officers’ jurisdiction in the one-point-
service center. IT Sector
• IT sector handles full billing cycle process which we were introduced to the second day of
training. We observed in software how a customer’s historical data from meter for example: due
bills, unit consumptions, payment by bank or, cash can be extracted at any moment. The billing
cycle was clearly explained by senior officer for which a diagram is shown in Figure: 4.1.2. • We
also saw billing paper and collection paper. A sample of billing paper is shown below along with
gazette for unit-to-taka conversion rate declared in February 28, 2023
4.5 Testing (MRT) & Repairing (X-mer) Procedure
During our training in DESCO Testing and Repairing Center, Mirpur 10, Dhaka; we were given
a visit around storage and repairing facilities of electrical equipment such as transformers.
Meters are tested when they are either old, damaged or, new. Old meters are prone to tampering.
New meters require checking of Microcontroller Performance, Application Specific IC
performance, Counter-Register Combination Count Energy etc. Testing
1. 3-Phase Testbench ST, LT connection tests such as Accuracy Test, No Load Test is performed
2. Meter collects data of tampering, faults, power tampering (i.e. problem in one of the 3
3. Solar data import/export check
4. OMF/Overall Multiplication Factor was also introduced to us by the instructor and given an
example on how to use it
5. CT meter has low inner resistance and so measures current
6. PT meter has higher resistance and so measures voltage
7. Heater inside the protection device controls moisture and temperature
8. Substation grounding is kept less than value 1.
Repairing Transformer
➢ Firstly, we explored the storage facility housing various electrical equipment .such as:
• RMU Unit
• Single Phase Smart Meter
• Wire Rack Figure
• Capacitor Bank
• Unboxed Items
• Clamps
• Parallel Grave Clamp
• Wire Connector/Disconnector
• Silica Gel Containers
• RMU Unit (Front View)
➢ Secondly, we were given a tour around the Repairing workshop where we observed the
• Transformer Cores
• Transformer Core (3 phase wires visible)
• Winding Copper Wire
• Transformer Oil
➢ Transformer repairing is done in sequential steps. Firstly, the inner equipment are brought out
from the metal casing. The casing is scrubbed and washed properly and the inner equipment are
dried of oil which is used for insulation. Secondly, the core is dissembled after which windings
are removed. Thirdly, the core and wires are inspected after various load and rating tests to find
out the fault creating parameter. Eventually, if wires are burnt then new wire is used to rewind
the existing or, newly replaced core from wire bundle .
➢ Transformer Overload and Temperature monitoring are essential to prevent leakages and
accidents like transformer burn up.
➢ Finally, we were shown the usage of CT/PT meters that monitor incoming current and voltage
➢ Smart meters are gradually replacing traditional load monitoring and billing systems
➢ Electricity misuse, theft and misinformation regarding load capacity is tackled strongly ➢
Substation Maintenance is a long term process during which safety and security of workers are
considered severely.
Chapter 6: Conclusion
The internship attachment program provided strong insights of the life and work force of
DESCO. We visited the main sectors like SCADA, training center, Sales and Division, Repair
Center etc. from which many respected instructors and officers provided practical knowledge
through constructive learning. We experienced the modernization of electricity utility for which
DESCO is continuously working day by day. Furthermore, co-operation between upcoming
projects in Dhaka city can strengthen DESCO’s jurisdiction over its coverage areas.
2.Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited - Wikipedia