11 Geography Eng SM 2024
11 Geography Eng SM 2024
11 Geography Eng SM 2024
Mr. Sanjay Subhas Kumar Mrs. Ritu Singhal Dr. Raj Kumar Mr. Krishan Kumar
DDE (Exam) OSD (Exam) OSD (Exam) OSD (Exam)
1 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 8
Govt. of NCT, Delhi
Class : XI
9 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 10
XI – Geography 4
5 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 6
Constitution of India
Part IV A (Article 51 A)
Fundamental Duties
It shall be the duty of every citizen of India —
(a) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions,
the National Flag and the National Anthem;
(b) to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national
struggle for freedom;
(c) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(d) to defend the country and render national service when called
upon to do so;
(e) to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst
all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional
or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the
dignity of women;
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
(g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests,
lakes, rivers, wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures;
(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry
and reform;
(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;
(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and
collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher
levels of endeavour and achievement;
*(k) who is a parent or guardian, to provide opportunities for education
to his child or, as the case may be, ward between the age of six
and fourteen years.
Note: The Article 51A containing Fundamental Duties was inserted by the Constitution
(42nd Amendment) Act, 1976 (with effect from 3 January 1977).
*(k) was inserted by the Constitution (86th Amendment) Act, 2002 (with
effect from 1 April 2010).
7 XI – Geography
11 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 12
S.No. Chapter Name Page No.
1. Geography As A Discipline 1
5. Geomorphic Processes 49
World Climate and Climate Change - (to be tested through 117
internal assessment in the form of project and presentation)
12. Ocean water 127
13 XI – Geography
Part - B
S.No. Chapter Name Page No.
4. Climate 189
XI – Geography 14
Branches of Geography
Geomorphology Hydrology Social Economic Historical
Cultural Geography Geography
Chapter – 1
XI – Geography
Multiple choice Questions:-
Q.1 which of the following geographer propogated/ introduced
systematic approach to Study Geography:-
a) Karl Ritter b) Vidal- la-Blache,
c) Ratzel d) Alexander Von Humboldt
Ans. d) Alexander von Humboldt
XI – Geography 2
Q.6 Which of the following statement is not true with respect
to regional geography.
a) This approach was given by Karl Ritter.
b) In this approach the world is divided into regions at different
kisar hierarchical levels.
c) this approach is the same as that of general geography.
d) In this approach a region is studied in a holistic manner.
Ans. c) this approach is the same as that of general geography.
3 XI – Geography
Short Questions
Q.1. Geography is the Art and science of describing the Earth
Ans. Geography as a discipline is concerned with three sets of
1. some questions are concerned with the identification of the
patterns of natural and cultural features as found over the
surface of the earth. These are the questions about what?
2. where? few questions are related to the distribution, of the
natural and human features over the Surface of the earth.
These are questions about where.
But these two questions do not make geography a scientific
discipline It is the third question, which is related to the
explanation of the casual relationships between features
and the processes that makes geography a scientific
subject. Thus geography is both art and science of studying
XI – Geography 4
Q.3. What is studied under Human Geography?
Ans. Following are examples of sub-disciplinary studies in Human
• Social/Cultural Geography: It is concerned with the study
of society and its spatial dynamics as well as the cultural
elements contributed by the society.
• Population Geography: It studies population growth,
distribution, density, sex ratio, migration and occupational
structure, etc.
• Settlement Geography: It studies the characteristics of
rural and urban settlements.
• Economic Geography: It studies economic activities of
the people including agriculture, industry, tourism, trade,
and transport, infrastructure and services, etc.
• Historical Geography: It studies the historical processes
through which the space gets organized. In other words, it
studies historical experiences a region has undergone.
• Political Geography: It studies the impact of political
events and studies boundaries, space relations between
neighboring political units, delimitation of constituencies,
election scenario and develops theoretical framework to
understand the political behavior of the population.
5 XI – Geography
Q.5. Highlight the importance of Physical Geography?
Ans. Physical geography includes study of Lithosphere, Atmosphere,
Hydrosphere and Biosphere. Each element is very important for
human beings..
• The study of physical geography is emerging as a discipline
of evaluating and managing natural resources. In order
to achieve this objective, it is essential to understand the
intricate relationship between physical environment and
human beings.
• Physical environment provides resources, and human
beings utilize these resources and ensure their economic
and cultural development. For example land provide base
for agriculture, industries and settlements.
• Accelerated pace of resource utilization with the help of
modern technology has created ecological imbalance in
the world. Therefore, a better understanding of physical
environment is essential in study of Geography.
XI – Geography 6
3. With the gradual development of technology, human
beings were able to loosen the shackles of their physical
environment. Technology helped in reducing the harshness
of labour, increased labour efficiency and provided leisure
to human beings to attend to the higher needs of life.
7 XI – Geography
Q.8. Differentiate between Systematic approach and Regional
Ans. Main differences between systematic and regional approach
are summarized below:
XI – Geography 8
Q.9. Differentiate between Physical geography and Bio
Ans. The main differences between Physical geography and Bio-
geography are given below:
9 XI – Geography
Long Questions
Q.11. “History of a place is influenced by its geography”.
Elaborate the statement with suitable examples.
Ans. Geography of a place influences history of that area to a extend.
For e.g
XI – Geography 10
Chapter – 2
Q.3. Make correct pairs from the following columns and choose
a correct option:-
Column A Column B
(i) Differentiation a) A large number of celestial bodies
(ii) The big splat b) Explains formation of Moon
(iii) Degassing c) Process through which the earth
forming Material got separated into
different layers.
(iv) Planetesimal d) process through which the gases
were out poured from interior of the
11 XI – Geography
1. i(b), ii(d), iii(a), iv(c) 2. i(c), ii(b), iii(d), iv(a)
3. i(a), ii(b), iii(c), iv(d) 4. i(d), ii(c), iii(b), iv(a)
Ans. 2. i(c), ii(b), iii(d), iv(a)
Q.4. Which alternative theory to the Big bang theory explains argues
against the idea of expanding Universe.
a) Nebular Hypothesis, b) steady state concept.
c) Binary theory d) The Big Splat
Ans. b) steady state concept by Hoyle.
Q.7. Make correct pairs from the following two columns and
mask the correct.
1. The small rocky particles A. A very large cloud of
found between the orbits hydrogen gas
of mars and Jupiter
2. Nebula B. Gas Gaint Plant
3. Mercury C. Asteroids
4. Saturn D. Inner Planets
XI – Geography 12
(a) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D (b) 1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
(c) 1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A (d) 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B
Q.9. which of the following is not true with regard to big bang
A) There was a tiny ball temperature, that exploded. of make
with infinite.
B) Explosion led to huge expansion which continues even to
the present day.
C) This expansion continues till present day, and at a very
rapid speed matter is expanding now.
D) Within few minutes of explosion first atom war formed.
13 XI – Geography
Short answers questions
Ans. A light is the distance light travels in one year. A light year is
equal to the number of kilometers traveled by light per second.
It is a measure of distance and not of time. Light travels at a
speed of 300,000 km/second. Therefore, the distance the light
will travel in one year is taken to be one light year.
Ans. During the cooling of the earth, gases and water vapor were
released from the interior cold earth. This process through
which the gases were out poured from the earth’s interior is
called degassing. This process started evolution of the present
Ans. Till recently i.e. 2006, Pluto was also considered a planet.
However, in a meeting of International Astronomical Union, a
decision was taken to group Pluto as a dwarf planet, with other
recently discovered celestial objects, due to its smaller size.
Ans. The main differences between the two are summarized below:
• The terrestrial planets were formed in the close vicinity of
the parent star where it was too warm for gases to condense
to solid particles. Jovian planets were formed at a quite
distant location.
• The solar wind was most intense nearer the sun, so it blew
off lots of gas and dust from the terrestrial planets. The solar
winds were not all that intense to cause similar removal of
gases from the Jovian planets.
XI – Geography 14
• Terrestrial planets are more earth like as they are made
up of rocks and metals. Jovian or gas giant planets are
more like Jupiter as most of them are much larges than
the terrestrial planet. Terrestrial planets have relatively high
density where as Jovian planets have thick atmosphere.
Q.6. What is the “big splat theory”, related with the formation of
Ans. According to this theory, A large size body of like that Mars
collided with the earth and that portion was separated from the
earth. The same portion became moon which revolves around
the earth.
15 XI – Geography
Long answer Questions
Ans. The planet earth initially was a barren, rocky arid hot object with
a thin atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.
• Due to gradual increase in density the temperature inside
has increased. As a result the material inside started getting
separated depending on their densities.
• This allowed heavier materials (like iron) to sink towards
the centre of the earth and the lighter ones to move towards
the surface.
• With passage of time it cooled further and solidified and
condensed into a smaller size.
• This later led to the development of the outer surface in the
form of a crust. During the formation of moon, the earth was
further heated up.
• It is through the process of differentiation that the earth
forming material got separated into different layers.
XI – Geography 16
Q.3. What are different stages of development of atmosphere?
Ans. There are three stages in the evalution of the present atmosphere.
1. In the early stage the atmosphere with hydrogen and helium
is supposed to have been stripped off as a result of intense
solar winds.
17 XI – Geography
Q.5. Explain the collision and accretion hypothesis associated
with the evolution of the earth.
Explain the earliest theory associated with the origin of the
Ans. Below are the early theories that tries to explain origin of the
1. Collision Hypothesis: It was given by Sir James and Harold
• According to this theory, a large nebula ‘wandering in
the space came very close to smaller nebula (Sun) and
its huge upsurge of matter on the surface of smaller
nebula. The matter was detached from the smaller
nebula and on cooling condensed into planets.
2. Accretion Hypothesis: It was given by Schmidt and Carl
• According to them, solar system started out as a cloud
of gas and dust drifting in a space called nebula. This
gaseous cloud exploded violently to form supernova.
The explosion left the vast spinning cloud and gases
and thus to collapse under its own gravity and develop
as denser core.
• The denser core became larger and hotter and began
to burge. Later it developed into protostar which finally
evolved as infant Sun.
• Away from its central surface, particles of dust began
to clump together and converted into first smaller
fragments of rocks and then becoming larger bodies
which were called planetesimal which collided with
one another to form rocky inner planets like Mercury,
Venus, Earth and Mars and the remaining were outer
3. The Nebular hypothesis -
This is the idea that a spinning cloud of dust made of mostly
lights elements called a nebula, flattened into a disk a of
dense rotating gas surrounding young newly formed star,
and became a solar system consisting of a star with orbiting
XI – Geography 18
Chapter – 3
19 XI – Geography
Multiple Choice Questions
Q.2. Fast moving seismic waves which are first to arrive at the
surface :
(a) Alpha Waves (b) S-Waves
(c) P-Waves (d) Beta Waves.
XI – Geography 20
Q.6. Density at the core is the highest because-
(a) Due to heavy pressure of overlying rocks
(b) Due to heavy temperature of overlying rocks
(c) Due to heavy density of overlying rocks
(d) Due to the depth.
21 XI – Geography
Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. Name and define the two types of forces that shapes the
earth’s surface.
Ans. There are two types of forces that brings changes in the earth’s
1. Exogenic forces: These are the forces on the surface of
the earth like weathering, erosion, mining, etc.
2. Endogenic forces: These are the forces working under
the surface of the earth, like volcanic eruption, earthquake
and any other seismic activity, tectonic plates.
XI – Geography 22
Q.4. Give a brief description of caldera.
P-Waves S-Waves
2. These
These seismic waresmove
seimic wares move These arrive at surface with
faster and are the first to arrive some time lag.
at the surface.
23 XI – Geography
• Change in land: Due to earthquake we can see many
changes in the land. Many areas get converted into pits.
There are cracks in mountains.
Q.8. What are the major materials that comes out during volcanic
Ans. The material that reaches the ground includes lava flows,
pyroclastic debris, volcanic bombs, ash and dust and gases
such as nitrogen compounds, sulphur compounds and minor
amounts of chlorine, hydrogen and argon.
XI – Geography 24
Q.9. Differentiate between Magma and Lava?
25 XI – Geography
Example- Latur earthquake caused due to reserve is construction
along river Terna
XI – Geography 26
• Magnetic surveys: Magnetic surveys also provide
information about the distribution of magnetic materials in
the crustal portion, and thus, provide information about the
distribution of materials in this part.
Types of
earthquake waves
Body Surface
waves waves
Earthquake waves are basically of two types body waves and surface
• Body waves: These are generated due to the release of
energy at the focus. They move in all directions travelling
through the body of the earth. These are less destructive
than the surface waves.
27 XI – Geography
There are two types of body waves. They are called P- and
XI – Geography 28
1. Shield Volcanoes: the shield volcanoes are the largest of
all the volcanoes on the earth. These volcanoes are mostly
made up of basalt, a type of lava that is very fluid when
erupted. For this reason, these volcanoes are not steep.
Ans. The cooling of magma may take place either on reaching the
surface or also while the lava is still in thecrustal portion. When
29 XI – Geography
cooling of magma takes place below or within crust they forms
plutonic rocks. On the basis of shapes intrusive structures can
be classified as:
XI – Geography 30
Q.7. Describe the interior structure of the earth with diagram.
Ans. On the basis of direct and indirect evidences earth’s interior can
be divided into three layers:
31 XI – Geography
of the mantle are called lithosphere. Its thickness ranges
from 10-200 km. The lower mantle extends beyond the
asthenosphere. It is in solid state.
XI – Geography 32
Chapter – 4
Multiple-Choice Questions
Q.1. Which one of the following term is related to polar fleeing
(a) Revolution of the Earth (b) Gravitation
(c) Rotation of the Earth (d) Tides
33 XI – Geography
Q.5. Which method has facilitated correlating the rock formation
from different continents across oceans?
(a) The radiometric dating methods (b) Carbon 14 method
(c) Radioactive method (d) Fling Method.
XI – Geography 34
Q.9. Which one of the following is not a minor plate?
(a) Nazca (b) Arabia
(c) Philippines (d) Antartica
Ans. (d) Antartica
35 XI – Geography
Q.13. Which is the fastest moving plate?
(a) Nazca plate (b) Pacific plate
(c) North American plate (d) Australian plate
(A) As the sea floor widen out and get separated from mid- oceanic
ridge, it carries a record of
(a) Magnetic reversal (b) Electric Reversal
(c) Thermal reversal (d) Static
XI – Geography 36
(C) The place where sea-floor spreading occurs is termed as
(a) Ditches (b) Mid- ocean ridges
(c) Ocean basin (d) Craters
Ans. Two forces were responsible for the drifting of the continents:
• Polar-fleeing force and
• Tidal force.
37 XI – Geography
3. The rim of the Pacific is also called ring of fire due to the
existence of active volcanoes in this area.
Convergent boundaries
• Crust is destroyed
• Sinking of plate is called “subduction zone”. There are three
ways in which subduction occurs (i) between an oceanic
and continental plates; (ii) between two oceanic plates; and
(iii) between two continental plates. Zones where earth’s
tectonic plate dive back into mantle is called subduction
XI – Geography 38
• Transform boundaries: Where the crust is neither produced
nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each
Q.5. What are the different ways in which convergence can take
39 XI – Geography
Long answer questions
XI – Geography 40
• Divergent Boundaries: Where new crust is generated as the
plates pull away from each other, these are called divergent
• Transform Boundaries: Where the crust is neither produced
nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each
Q.3. The ocean floor may be segmented into how many divisions
based on the depth as well as the forms of relief?
Ans. The ocean floor may be segmented into three major divisions
based on the depth as well as the forms of relief. These divisions
(i) Continental margins,
1. Continental margins
• Form transitional zone between continental shore and
deep sea basins
41 XI – Geography
• They include continental slope , shelf, continental rise
and deep oceanic trenches
2. Abyssal Plains
• Extensive Plains
• Found between continental margin and mid oceanic
• Continental sediments get deposited
3. Mid-Oceanic Ridges
• Distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes
• All volcanoes and earthquakes are parallel to the coast
• This line also co-incides with mid- Atlantic ridge and
Alpine Himalayan system
• Around the Pacific Ocean it is called ring of fire mid
oceanic ridges.
Ans. The theory of plate tectonics proposes that the earth’s lithosphere
is divided into seven major and some minor plates. The major
plates are as follows:
• Antarctica and the surrounding oceanic plate
• North American plate
• South American plate
• Pacific plate
• India-Australia-New Zealand plate
• Africa with the eastern Atlantic floor plate
• Eurasia and the adjacent oceanic plate.
XI – Geography 42
Some important minor plates are:
• Cocos plate: It is between Central America and Pacific plate
• Nazca plate: It is between South America and Pacific plate
• Arabian plate: It includes mostly the Saudi Arabian landmass
• Philippine plate: It is between the Asiatic and Pacific plate
• Caroline plate: It is between the Philippine and Indian plate
(North of New Guinea)
• Fuji plate: It includes North-east of Australia.
Ans. The Indian plate includes Peninsular India and the Australian
continental portions. The Tethys Sea separated it from the Asian
continent till about 225 million years ago. India is supposed to
have started her northward journey about 200 million years ago
at the time when Pangaea broke. India collided with Asia about
40-50 million years ago causing rapid uplift of the Himalayas.
About 140 million years before the present, the subcontinent
was located as south as 50°S. latitude.
43 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 44
Ans. The two major plates were separated by the Tethys Sea and
the Tibetan block was closer to the Asiatic landmass. During the
movement of the Indian plate towards the Asiatic plate, a major
event that occurred was the outpouring of lava and formation
of the Deccan Traps. This started somewhere around 60
million years ago and continued for a long period of time. The
subcontinent was still close to the equator. From 40 million years
ago and thereafter, the event of formation of the Himalayas took
place. Scientists believe that the process is still continuing and
the height of the Himalayas is rising even to this date.
45 XI – Geography
•The deep trenches have deep-seated earthquake
occurrences while in the mid-oceanic ridge areas, the
while in thefoci
quake mid-oceanic ridge depths.
have shallow’ areas, the quake foci have shallow'
in the a broad comparative
mid-oceanic ridge areas, theoutlook of have
quake foci continental
shallow' drift
Q.7. Give a broad comparative outlook of continental drift
theory, sea floor spreading and plate tectonic theory.
depths. theory, sea floor
spreading and plate in the mid-oceanic
theory. ridge areas, the quake foci have shallow'
Ans. Comparison:
Q.7. Give a broad comparative Continental Drift-Sea Floor
outlook of continental drift Spreading-Plate
theory, sea floor
Ans. Tectonics
Comparison: Continental Drift-Sea Floor Spreading-Plate
spreading and plate tectonic theory.
Q.7. Give a broad comparative outlook of continental drift theory, sea floor
Ans. Comparison: Continental Drift-Sea
spreading and Floortheory.
plate tectonic Spreading-Plate
Tectonics Continental Sea Floor Plate Tectonics
Drift Comparison:
Ans. Continental Drift-Sea Floor Spreading-Plate
Continental Sea Floor Plate Tectonics
1. 1. Put forward 1. Arthur Holmes 1. In 1967, McKenzie
Drift Spreading
Propounder by Alfred explained Convecti
Continental Sea Floor and Parker sugge-
Plate Tectonics
1. Wegener in1. Arthur Holmes
1. Put forward -onal Current Theory 1. In 1967,sted the theory
Drift Spreading
Propounder 1920s
by Alfred explainedin the 1930s.
Convecti of plate
and Parker tectonics.
1. in -onal
1. BasedTheory
forward on convection
1. Arthursted theMorgan
Holmes theory later1.
In 1967, McKenzie
1920sPropounder in by current theory, Harry
1930s. of plate
explained lined
Convecti the theory and Parker sugge-
Based Hess
Wegener inexplained -onal
convection See Current
Morganin 1968
Theory out- sted the theory
current Spreading
theory, Harry in inthe lined
1930s. the theory of plate tectonics.
the 1940sSee Basedinon
Hess explained 1968
convection Morgan later out-
Floor Spreading in current theory, Harry lined the theory
2. Theory 2. Explains the 2. Explains the 2. Explains the Move-
the 1940s Hess explained See in 1968
Movement of Movement of Oceanic ment of Lithosment
Floor Spreading in
2. Theory Continents
2. Explains the Plates
2. Explains the only 2. Explainsofthe
the 1940s
Movement Movementplates that include both
of Oceanic ment ofcontinents
2. Theory Plates
2. onlythe
Explains 2. Explains the oceans.
of Lithospheric 2. Explains the Move-
only plates that include
Movement of both continents
Movement and
of Oceanic ment of Lithosment
3. Forces 3. Buoyancy, 3. Convection currents 3. Convection current
Continents Platesoceans.
only of Lithospheric
leading gravity, pole- in the mantle drag in the mantle drag
only plates that include both continents and
3. Forces 3. Buoyancy,fleeing force, crustal
3. Convection plates
currents crustal
3. Convection plates
leading gravity,tidal
pole-currents in the mantle drag in the mantle drag
movement fleeing tides
3. Forces crustal
3. plates
Buoyancy, crustalcurrents
3. Convection plates 3. Convection current
tidal leading
currents gravity, pole- in the mantle drag in the mantle drag
tidesmovement fleeing force, crustal plates crustal plates
tidal currents
XI – Geography 47
XI – Geography 46
XI – Geography 47
XI – Geography 47
4. 4. Apparent affinity 4. Ocean bottom relief, 4. Ocean bottom
Evidence of physical Paleomagnetic rocks, relief,
features, distribution of earthqu- Paleomagnetic
botanical akes and volcanoes rocks, distribution
evidence, etc. of earthquakes
fossi evidence, and volcanoes,
Tillite deposits, gravitational
placer deposits, anomalies at
rocks of same trenches etc.
age across
continents etc.
Ans. 1.Evidences
The matching of Continents (Jig-Saw-Fit)
supporting the Continental Drift Theory are discussed
• The coastlines of South America and Africa fronting each other
have a remarkable and unique match.
1. The matching of Continents (Jig-Saw-Fit)
2. Rocks of the Same Age across the Oceans
• The coastlines of South America and Africa fronting
• The radiometric dating methods have helped in correlating the
each other have a remarkable and unique match.
47 XI – Geography
• The ancient rocks belts on the coast of Brazil match
with those found in Western Africa.
3. Tillite
• It is the sedimentary rock made from glacier deposits.
• The Gondwana system of sediments from India is
recognized as having its counterparts in 6 different
landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere.
4. Placer Deposits
• The presence of abundant placer deposits of gold
along the Ghana coast and the complete lack of its
source rocks in the area is a phenomenal fact.
• The gold-bearing veins are present in Brazil and it is
evident that the gold deposits of Ghana IN Africa are
obtained from the Brazil plateau from the time when
the two continents were beside each other.
5. Distribution of Fossils
• The interpretations that Lemurs occur in India, Africa,
and Madagascar led to the theory of a landmass named
“Lemuria” connecting these 3 landmasses.
XI – Geography 48
Chapter – 5
Geomorphic Processes
Continent Building
49 XI – Geography
Multiple-Choice Questions
Q.1. The earth’s surface uneven due to:
(a) Gravity
(b) thermal energy
(c) Endogenic and exogenic processes
(d) All of the above
Q.2. The branch of science in which studies about soil in depth is:
(a) Pedology (b) Geology
(c) Meteorology (d) None of these
XI – Geography 50
Q.6. Which of the following is an example of endogentic forces?
(a) Erosion (b) Volcanism
(c) Weathering (d) Deposition
51 XI – Geography
Q.11. The main deriving force behind mass wasting is:
(a) Molecular Stress (b) Gravitational Force
(c) Kinetic Energy (d) Chemical Action
XI – Geography 52
(B) Which driving force is responsible for mass movement?
(a) Exogenic Forces (b) gravitational Force
(c) Kinetic energy (d) All of the above
53 XI – Geography
Ans. Physical or mechanical weathering processes depend on some
applied forces. The applied forces could be:
• Gravitational forces such as overburden pressure, load and
shearing stress.
• Expansion forces due to temperature changes, crystal
growth or animal activity.
• Water pressures controlled by wetting and drying cycles.
XI – Geography 54
5. Any exogenic elements of nature (like water, ice, wind, etc.)
capable of acquiring and transporting earth materials-can
be called geomorphic agents. An agent is a mobile medium
(like running water, moving ice. etc.) which removes,
transports and deposits earth materials. Examples: Running
water, glacier, wind waves and currents, etc. can be called
geomorphic agents.
Q.4. What are the two main ways in which organisms contribute
in soil formation? What would happen to the fertility of a
soil if all decomposers were removed? Explain.
55 XI – Geography
• Epeirogenic processes: It involves continental building
through uplift or warping of large parts of the earth’s crust.
Q.6. List the factors that activate the process of mass movement?
XI – Geography 56
deposition depressions get filled up. The same erosional agents
viz., running water, glaciers, wind, waves and groundwater act
as aggradational or depositional agents also.
57 XI – Geography
Q.10. Describe the process of enrichment.
Q.1. What are the main factors affecting soil formation? How
these factors are helpful in soil formation?
XI – Geography 58
• Time describes an ongoing factor of soil formation. The
intensity and combination of different factors leading to soil
formation change over time. Time, therefore, is not always
an indicator of the exact age of a soil or the stage of a soil’s
Q.2. What is the sole driving force behind all the exogenic
processes? Explain how?
Ans. Solar energy is the sole driving force behind all exogenic
processes. Exogenic processes derive their energy from
atmosphere determined by the ultimate energy from the sun
and also the gradients created by tectonic factors.
1. Various minerals in rocks possess their own limits of
expansion and contraction.
2. With rise in temperature, every mineral expands and
pushes against its neighbour and as temperature falls, a
corresponding contraction takes place. Because of diurnal
changes in the cause splitting of individual grains within
rocks, which eventually fall off. This process of falling off
of individual grains may result in granular disintegration or
granular foliation. Salt crystallisation is most effective of all
salt-weathering processes.
59 XI – Geography
3. In areas with alternating wetting and drving conditions salt
crystal growth is favored and the neighboring grains are
pushed aside.
Sodium chloride and gypsum crystals in desert areas
heave up overlying layers of materials and with the result
polygonal cracks develop all over the heaved surface. With
salt crystal growth, chalk breaks down most readily, followed
by limestone, sandstone, shale, gneiss and granite etc.
XI – Geography 60
Q.4. Elaborate the process Biological weathering.
61 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 62
2. Playas Barchans
3. Caves Spits 3. Deflation Hollows Seif
Chapter – 6
XI – Geography
Objective/Multiple Type Questions
(a) III - 3 IV - I I I - 4 I - 3
(b) II - 4 I-3 IV - 2 III - 1
(c) II - 3 I-1 IV - 2 III - 4
(d) III - 4 IV - 1 II - 3 I - 2
XI – Geography 64
Q.5. ________ includes lifting and removal of dust and smaller
particles from the surface of rocks.
Ans. Deflation.
Q.10. When very deep and wide meanders are found in hard
rocks, they are called..............
65 XI – Geography
Q.11. A lowland of faint relief with some low resistant remnants
is called:
(a) Terrace (b) Monadnocks
(c) Valley (d) Gorges
Q.12. Large and deep holes at the base of waterfall is Known as:
(a) Rapids (b) Pot holes.
(c) sink holes (d) Plunge Pools
XI – Geography 66
2. Which one of the following best describes the term
(a) An icicle shaped formation that hangs from ceiling of a cave
(b) Rise up from the floor of c aves
(c) Broad at free ends and taper towards bases
(d) May take the shape of a column, disc or rounded bulging
Ans. (a) An icicle shaped formation that hangs from ceiling of a
Q. II. Study the given diagram and answer the following questions.
67 XI – Geography
1. Loop like channel pattern called meanders develop over
(a) Valley sides (b) Flood plain & valley sides
(c) Deeta plain (d) Delta and flood plain
XI – Geography 68
Q.III. Study the given diagram and answer the following
69 XI – Geography
3. Often cirques are found at which part of glacial valley?
(a) Middle (b) Foot
(c) Heads (d) Lower part
Ans. Water fall- When the river water fall down from a sufficient
height along the course of the river, its forms water fall. Hard
and soft rocks are found at several places in the course of the
river. The soft rocks are eroded easily and quickly and the river
bed is lower at the place of soft rock. Thus, the water falls from
a height and water fall is created.
XI – Geography 70
Rapids– The areas of shallow and fast flowing water in the river
course with many standing hard rocks above water surface are
called rapids. This happens due to differential erosion in which
soft rocks are eroded rapidly than hard rocks.
Ans. River terraces are surfaces marking old valley or flood plain
levels. River terraces are products of vertical erosion in flood
plain. There can be a number of such terraces at different
heights indicating former river bed levels.
The river terraces may occur at the same eleveation on either
side of the rivers in which case they are called paired terraces.
When a terrace is present only on one the side of the stream and
with none on the other side or one at quite a different elevation
on the other side, the terraces are called non paired/unpaired
71 XI – Geography
Q.5. Give reasons for the formation of terraces?
Ans. Many rock out crops in the desert easily susceptible to wind
deflation and abrasion are worn out quickly leaving some
remnants of resistant rock polished beautifully in the shape
of mushroom with slender stalk & a broad and rounded pear
shaped cap above.
Ans. Moraines are long ridges of deposits of glacial till. There types
are following:
(i) Terminal moraines-Ridgse of debris at the end of the
(ii) Lateral moraines-On either side of a glacial valley.
(iii) Medial moraines-In the centre of a glacial valley, flanked by
lateral moraines.
(iv) Ground moraines-Irregular sheet of till over valley floor.
XI – Geography 72
Long Answer Questions
73 XI – Geography
Q.2. Explain or describe deflation hollows and caves erosional
landform of wind.
Ans. Weathered mantle from over the rocks or bare soil, gets blown
out by persistent movement of wind currents in one direction.
This process may create shallow depressions called deflation
hollows. Deflation creates numerous small pits or cavities over
rock surfaces. The rock faces suffer impact and abrasion of
wind borne sand and first shallow depressions called blow outs
are created, & some of the blow outs become deeper and wider
fit to be called caves.
XI – Geography 74
Ans. Erosional landforms
1. Cirque: These are found at the heads of glacier valleys.
The accumulated ice cuts these cirques while moving down
the mountain tops.
2. Horns and aretes Ridges: Horns form through of the
cirque walls. If three or more head ward Mediating glaciers
cut headward until these cirques meet, high, sharp pointed
and steep peaks called horns form.
3. Glacial Valleys / Troughs: Glaciated Valleys are trough-
like and U-shaped with broad floors and relatively smooth
and steep sides.
Depositional Landforms
4. Moraines: They are long ridges of deposits of glacial till.
Terminal moraines are long ridges of deposited at the end.
Lateral moraines sides parallel debris to the glacial Valley.
Many valley glaciers retreating rapidly leave an form edong
the Irregular of sheet fill over there Valley floods. Such
deposits varying greatly in thickness and in is call surface
ground moraine.
Ans. Dry hot deserts are good places for sand dune obstacles to
initiate dune formation are Some Variety of san- dunes formed
in deserts are:
Barchans: Crescent shaped dunes are called barchans with
the points Wings directed away from wind direction.
75 XI – Geography
Parabolic dunes: covered with Joum when Sandy surfaces are
pantially Vegetation. Parabolic dunes are reversed. barchans
with wind direction being the same.
Seif: seif similar to barch an with a small difference seif has only
one wing or point.
Longitudinal dunes: Longitudinal dunes Longitudinal dunes
form when and wind direction is constant long ridges of
considerable length bus supply of sand is They appear lord
Transverse dunes: are aligned perpendicular to wind dition.
These dunes are direction is constant and the forned when the
word source of sand is elongated feature at right angles to the
wind direction.
XI – Geography 76
Chapter – 7
77 XI – Geography
Objective/Multiple Type Questions
XI – Geography 78
(c) Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
(d) Stratosphere, Troposphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere
79 XI – Geography
Q.9. Sea salt, pollen, ash, smoke-soot these are assoicated with
which of the following.
(a) Gases (b) Water vapour
(c) Dust particles (d) Meteors
XI – Geography 80
Short Answer Questions
Ans. (i) The proportion of gases changes in the higher layers of the
(ii) Atmosphere contains life giving gases like oxygen for
humans and animals and carbondioxide for plants.
(iii) Carbon dioxide absorbs a part of terrestrial radiation and is
largely responsible for green house effect.
(iv) Ozone gas is found between 10 to 50 km above the earth’s
surface and acts as a filter and absorbs ultra-violet rays.
81 XI – Geography
Q.3. What is the importance of dust particles in atmosphere?
Describe the importance of dust particles in atmosphere.
Ans. (i) Dust particles blows in atmopshere due to wind speed. They
are derived from different sources and include sea salts,
fine soil, smoke soot, ash, pollen, dust and disintegrated
particles of meteors.
(ii) Dust particles help in cloud formation which causes rainfall.
(iii) They also intercept and reflect insolation.
(iv) They scatter solar radiation and produce charming orange
and red colour at dawn and dusk. The Blue colour of Sky is
also because of scattering done by dust particles.
XI – Geography 82
1. Troposphere- It is the lower most layer of the atmosphere. Its
average height is 13 km. Its height is 8 km near poles and about
18 km at the equator. All changes in climate and weather take
place in this layer. This is the most important layer for mankind.
83 XI – Geography
4. Ionosphere- It is located between 80 and 400 km. It contains
electrically charged particles known as ions. Radio waves
transmitted from the earth are reflected back to the earth by this
XI – Geography 84
Chapter – 8
Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and
Distribution of Inversion of
temperature temperature
85 XI – Geography
Objective/Multiple Type Questions
XI – Geography 86
Q.5. Which of the following is the result of advection process?
(a) Loo winds in Northen India
(b) Air currents
(c) Lower layers of atmosphere get heated
(d) Cold waves.
Ans. (a) Loo winds in Northen India
Q.7. The minimum distance between the sun and the earth
occurs on
(a) December 21 (b) September 21
(c) July 4 (d) 3 January
Ans. (d) 3 January
Q.8. When the Earth is farthest from the Sun. This position is
(a) Perihelion (b) Aphelion
(c) Perigee (d) Apogee
Ans. (b) Aphelion
87 XI – Geography
Q.10. The normal lapse rate is ______
Ans. insolation
XI – Geography 88
1. Conduction- Conduction takes place when two bodies of
unequal temperature are in contact with one another, there
is a flow of energy from the warmer to cooler body. The
transfer of heat continues until both the bodies attain the
same temperature or the contact is broken. Lower layers of
atmosphere are heated in this way.
89 XI – Geography
Q. 6. Explain terrestrial radiation.
Ans. The earth receives insulation in the form of short waves, which
heats & up earth’s surface. The earth after being heated up
becomes a radiating body and it radiates energy to the
atmosphere in long wave form. This energy heats up the
atmosphere from below. This process is known as terrestrial
Ans. Consider that the insolation received at the lop of the top of
atmosphere is 100 percent. Roughly 35 units are reflected back
to space before reaching the earth’s surface.
The reflected amount of radiation is called Albedo of the earth.
The remaining 65 units are absorbed, 14 units within the
atmosphere and 51 units by earth’s surface. The earth radiates
back 51 units in the form of terrortrial radiation. Of these, 17
91 XI – Geography
unit are radiated to space directly and the remainly 34 units
are absorbed by the atmosphere. 6 units absorbed directly by
the atmosphere, 9 units through latent heat of condensation)
48 with absorbed by the atmosphere (14 units from insolation
+34 units from terrestrial radiation) are also radiated back into
space. Thus the total radiation retrieving from the earth and the
atmosphere respectively is 17+48=65 units which balance the
total of 65 units received from the sum. This is termed as the
heat budget on heat balance of the earth.
XI – Geography 92
Q.1. How much quantity reflects by clouds?
(a) 24% (b) 27%
(c) 35% (d) 14%
Ans. (b) 27%
Q.2. The total radiation (Long wave) returning from the earth
and the atmosphere is
(a) 75 (b) 48
(c) 65 (d) 29
Ans. (b) 65
93 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 94
Chapter – 9
Atmospheric Circulation and
Weather Systems
Pressure gradient
Forces affecting the velocity Frictional force
and direction of wind Coriolis force
Pressure and wind
Atmospheric Circulation
and Atmospheric
Weather Systems Pressure
Seasonal winds
Mountain and
valley winds Fronts Extra Tropical
95 XI – Geography
Objective/Multiple choice questions
XI – Geography 96
Q.5. Air pressure is measured by which of the following
(a) Thermometer (b) Hygrometer
(c) Barometer (d) Isotherm
Q.6. Which of the following is found along 30°N and 30° South?
(a) High pressure areas known as polar high
(b) High pressure areas known as equatorial high
(c) High pressure areas known as subtropical high
(d) Low pressure areas known as subtropical low
Ans. (a) The place where a trapical cyclone crosses the coast
97 XI – Geography
Q.9. Match Item I with Item II.
(a) A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2 (b) A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
(c) A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2 (d) A-3 B-4 C-2 D-1
Ans. The earth’s rotation about its axis creates a force which affects
the direction of winds in both hemispheres. This is called coriolis
XI – Geography 98
• Coriolis force deflects the wind to right direction in the
northern hemisphere and left in the southern hemisphere.
• It is maximum at the poles and is absent at the equator.
• The coriolis force is directly proportional to the angle of
Ans. Land Breeze- At night, land becomes cooler than sea due to
rapid radiation. This results in high pressure over the land and
low pressure over the sea. Wind starts blowing from land to sea
and it is known as land breeze.
Sea Breeze- During day time when the sun shines, land gets
more heated than the adjoining sea and develops low pressure.
The adjoining sea is still cooler and develps a compartively high
pressure. Cool breeze called sea breeze starts blowing from
high pressure area of sea to low pressure area of land.
99 XI – Geography
low pressue belts. Planetary winds are divided into three
categories according to pressure belts as trade winds,
westerlies and polar winds.
Ans. Valley Breeze- During day, the mountain slope is heated more
than the valley floor. The air from the valley blows up the slope
in the form of valley breeze.
XI – Geography 100
Mountain Breeze- Rapid loss of heat through terrestrial
readiation along the mountain slopes results in sliding of
cold dense air from higher elevation to valleys. This is called
mountain breeze.
Cyclone Anti-cyclone
101 XI – Geography
(iii) Small variations in the vertical wind speed.
(iv) A pre existing weak low pressure area or low level cyclonic
(v) Upper divergence above the sea level system.
XI – Geography 102
• Due to intense heating, air gets warm and rises over
the equatorial region and produces the equatorial low
pressure belt.
• There is extermely low pressure with calm conditions
in this belt. Surface winds are generally absent since
winds approaching this belt begun to rise near its
margin. Thus, only vertical currents are found.
(iii) Sub-Polar low pressure Belts- The sub polar lows are
located between 60° to 60° in both hemispheres. Cyclones
occurs in this belt, in winter.
(iv) Polar High Pressure belts- From 80°N & S to N & S poles,
There exist high pressure belt known as polar high pressure
These high pressure belts are causes by extermely low
temperature at the poles which remain below freezing point
even during the summer season.
103 XI – Geography
gradient is strong where the isobars are close to each
other and is weak where the isobars are far away from one
(ii) Frictional Force- It is greatest at the surface and its
influence generally extends up to an elevation of 1 to 3 km.
Over the sea surface the friction is minimal.
(iii) Coriolis Force- This force deflects the wind to the right
direction in the northern hemisphere and to the left in
the southern hemisphere. The coriolis force is directly
proportional to the angle of latitude. It is maximum at the
poles and is absent at the equator.
Q.3. “The extra tropical cyclone differs from the tropical cyclone
in number of ways.” Analyse it.
Ans. (i) The extra tropical cyclones have a clear frontal system
which is not present in the topical cyclones.
(ii) They cover a larger area and can originate over the land
and sea. Whereas the tropical cyclones originate only over
the seas and on reaching the land they dissipate.
(iii) The extra tropical cyclone affects a much larger area as
compared to the tropical cyclone.
(iv) The wind velocity in a tropical cyclone is much higher and it
is more destructive.
(v) The extra topical cyclones move from West to East but
tropical cyclones, move from East to West.
Conclusion- Fronts occur in middle latitudes and are known for steep
gradient in temperature and pressure.
Q.5. What is air mass? In how many categories are air masses
are categorized on the basis of their source regions?
Ans. The air with distinctive characteristics in terms of temperature
and humidity is called an air mass. The our masses are classified
according to the Source regions into five major source regions.
These are:
(i) Warm Tropical and subtropical oceans: maritime tropical
(ii) The subtropical hot deserts: Continental tropical (CT)
(iii) The very cold snow covered continents in high latitudes
Continental Polar (CP)
(iv) The Relatively cold high latitude oceans: maritime Polar
(v) Permanently ice covered continents in Arctic and Antarctica:
Continental arctic (CA)
105 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 106
It is Frozen Drops
of Mountain
raindrops that h rain Very regions
es and
It tak the solidifi ave common receives Ara
i n g refrozen ed in
in the or bi
plac of fine melted small to ographics recean sea
snow roun irrational cyc ives
form kes
fla rain l
ow water pieces ded regions rain one
of ice
of sn fall
e rain
al r
orographic ic
Highlight Rainfall
It is a process
by which water
Water in the
Atmosphere Evaporation is transformed
from liquid to
gaseons state
Chapter – 10
They are
parentally dose
Ideal Conditions for and opaque to
Water in atmopsphere
XI – Geography
Objective/Multiple Type Questions
Q.3. The ability of the air to hold water vapor depends entirely
on ________.
(a) Air pressure (b) Humidity
(c) Temperature (d) Dew point
XI – Geography 108
Q.5. Which of the following statement does not describe the
feature of convectional rainfall?
(a) With thunder and lightening heavey rainfall takes palce.
(b) It is common on the part of day.
(c) Cirrus clouds are formed.
(d) Cumulous clouds are formed.
109 XI – Geography
Q.10. The percentage of moisture present in the atmosphere
as compared to its full capacity at a given temperature is
known as—
(a) Specific humidity (b) Absolute humidity
(c) Relative humidity (d) Saturated air
XI – Geography 110
the quantity of moisture that can be held by the air has a definite
limit. This limit is known as saturation point. Types of humidity
(i) Absolute humdity- The weight of actual amout of water
vapor present in a unit volume of air is called the absolute
humidity. It is usually expressed as grams per cubic metre
of air.
(ii) Specific humidity- It is the weight of water vapor per unit
weight of air. Since it is measured in units of weight (usually
grams per kilogram), specific humidity is not affected by
changes in pressure or temperature.
(iii) Relative humidity- It is the ratio of water vapor present in
the air a particular temperature to the amount of water vapor
required to saturate the same air at the same temperature.
It is always expressed in percentages. It is important for the
weather forcast.
111 XI – Geography
Q.5. What is Frost?
Ans. Frost forms on cold surfaces when condensation takes place
below freezing point (0°C) i.e. the dew point is at or below the
freezing point.
(i) The transformation of water vapor into water is called
(ii) Condensation is caused by the loss of heat.
XI – Geography 112
water vapor takes place and convectional rainfall occurs. It
occurs almost daily in the equatorial region.
(ii) Orographic Rainfall- When humid air is forced to rise along
the slope of a mountain or a plateau, cooling is caused and
its gets saturated. Clouds are formed due to condensation
and rainfall occurs. This is called orographic rainfall.
(iii) Cyclonic Rainfall- Rainfall associated with a cyclone is
known as cyclonic or frontal rainfall.
113 XI – Geography
(ii) Cumulus- Cumulus clouds looks like cotton wool. They are
generally formed a a heigth of 4000 – 7000 meter. They
exist in patches and can be seen scattered here & there.
(iii) Stratus- These are layered clouds covering large portions
of the sky. There clouds are generalley formed either due to
loss of heat.
(iv) Nimbus- Nimbus clouds are black or dark gray, they form
at middle levels or very near to the surface of the earth.
These are extremely dense & opaque to the rays of the
sun. They can be classified as-
(i) High clouds
(ii) Middle clouds
(iii) low clouds
(iv) clouds with extensive vertical development
XI – Geography 114
Q.5. What is condensation? Mention the conditions for
Ans. Condensation is the transformation of water vapor into water.
(i) When the temperature of the air is reduced to dew point
with its volume remaining constant.
(ii) When both the volume and the temperature are reduced.
(iii) When moisture is added to the air through evaporation.
(iv) Decrease in air temperature is the most ideal condition for
115 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 116
Chapter – 11
World Climate and Climate Change
World climate
climate change
Koeppen's Classification
6. Mediterranean climate
Humid temperate climate 7. China type climate
C (with light cold and winter season) 8. West European type climate
117 XI – Geography
Objective/Multiple Type Questions
Ans. (a) Df
XI – Geography 118
Q.5. Match Column I with Column II.
(a) A-1 B-3 C-2 D-4 (b) A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
(c) A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2 (d) A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2
Ans. (a) Cs
119 XI – Geography
Q.9. Mosses and lichens are grown in which area:
(a) North America (b) California
(c) Alaska (d) Argentina
Ans. (c) Alaska
XI – Geography 120
Aw (Tropical wet and dry climate)
(i) The rainfall is variable and is much less than that in Af and Am
(ii) It borders with dry climate on the western part of the contient.
XI – Geography 122
Long Answer Questions
123 XI – Geography
(iii) Anthropogenic Causes- It may include introduction of
carbondioxide as well as some other green house gases,
like methane and chlorofluro carbon into the atmosphere.
(i) Marine west coast climate is located ward from the
mediterranean climate on the west coast of continents.
(ii) The main area are ‘North western europe, west coast of
North America, north of california and Newzealand.
(iii) The temperature is moderate and in winter, it is warmer
than for its latitude.
(iv) Precipitation varies greatly from 50-250 cm.
(v) The annual and daily ranges of temperature are small.
XI – Geography 124
atmosphere and the wavelength of radiation that it absorbs. The
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ar highly effective. Ozone which absorbs
ultra violet radiation in the stratosphere is very effective in absorbing
terrestrial radiation when it is present in the lower troposphere. Another
important point to be noted is that the more time the GHG molecule
remains in the atmosphere, the longer it will take for earth’s atmosphere
system to recover from any change brought about by the latter.
125 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 126
Chapter – 12
Ocean water
Unequal distribution
Subma e canyons
Oceanic ridge
Prevailing winds
G a y to s
g n
tin utio
ffec strib Ocean currents
a di
pe r s
t e m a ct o
Minor relief
Water is a cyclic
Water (Ocean) Hydrological resource it can be
cycle used and reused
Division of the
ocean floor
Continental slope
salinity is the term to define the
Ocean deeps and total content of dissolved salt in
sea water
Deep sea plains
127 XI – Geography
The features found on the oceanic floor can be divided into two classes.
Objective Questions
XI – Geography 128
Q.4. Which of the following canyon is a part of a relief?
(a) The continental Slope (b) Atoll
(c) Deep sea plain (d) Oceanic deeps
Q.5. Which of the following factors does not affect ocean water
(a) Prevailing wind (b) Ocean currents
(c) Salinity (d) Latitude
129 XI – Geography
Q.9. Salinity generally ________ with depth.
(a) Decreases (b) Increase
(c) Remain same (d) None of above
Ans. Salinity is the term used to define the total content of dissolved
salts in seawater. it is calculated as the amount of salt in gram
dissolved in 1000 gram (1kg) of seawater. it is usually expressed
as parts per thousand or PPT.
Ans. Deep sea plains are gently sloping areas of the ocean basins.
These are the flattest and smoothest regions of the world.
The depths vary between 3,000 and 6,000m.These plains are
covered with fine-grained sediments like clay and silt.
XI – Geography 130
Q.4. How is seamount different from Guyots?
Ans. Seamount is a mountain with pointed summits rising from the sea
floor that doesn’t reach the surface of the ocean while Guyots
is a flat topped seamount and show the evidence of gradual
subsidence through stages to become flat topped submerged
Ans. These are deep valleys, some comparable to the Grand Canyon
of the Colorado river. They are sometimes found cutting across
the continental shelves and slopes, often extending from the
mouths of large rivers. The Hudson Canyon is the best known
canyon in the world.
Ans. (i) These are low islands found in the tropical oceans consisting
of coral reefs surrounding a central depression.
(ii) It may be a part of sea.
(iii) It may form enclosing a body of fresh, brackish or highly
saline water.
131 XI – Geography
Long answer questions
Ans. Like all other objects on the earth, ocean water receives heat
from the sun. Sea water is heated by receiving heat from solar
radiation which increases its temperature. The temperature of
seawater is not always the same. It varies according to time and
133 XI – Geography
Q.5. Which layers of temperature will you face when going down
to sea? Why does temperature vary with depth?
XI – Geography 134
Source based Question
135 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 136
Chapter – 13
137 XI – Geography
Objective Questions
Ans. Waves
Q.3. The tides that falls on full moon and new moon is called
(a) Neap Tides (b) Spring Tides
(c) Diurnal Tides (d) Mixed Tides
Ans. wavelength
XI – Geography 138
Q.7. The highest part of water is ________
(a) Amplitude (b) Crest
(c) Trough (d) Frequency
Q.9. The most common tidal pattern, featuring two high tides
and two low tides each day is called—
(a) Mixed tide (b) Semi-diurnal
(c) Diurnal tide (d) Neap
139 XI – Geography
Short Answer Questions (3 Marks Questions)
Short Answer Questions
Q.1. Explain the difference between waves and currents
Q.1. Explain the difference between waves and currents
Ans. Waves Currents
Water in the waves does Water moves ahead from
not move ahead. one place to another.
The motion of the surface water Currents are sufficiently
seldom affects stagnant deep deep to impact.
bottom water of the oceans.
Wind provides energy to the waves. Currents moves due to the
impact of permanent winds.
The size of the waves depends on The streams are always of
the depth of the water. huge size, their areas are
filled with fish.
The waves are permanent, The currents are the
destruction and construction is continuous flow of water in
an ongoing process. a definite direction.
How istides
How is tidesrelated
related to navigation?
to navigation ?
Ans. Tidal flows are
Tidal flows areof
importance in in navigation.
navigation. Tidal
Tidal Heights
Heights are
are very important especially harbours near rivers and within
very important especially harbours near rivers and within estuaries
estuaries having shallow bars at the entrance, which prevent
ships shallow bars
boats at the
from entrance,
entering which
into the prevent ships
harbour. and boats
Kolkata and
London ports are the examples of benefiting due to tides.
XI – Geography 131
XI – Geography 140
Q.4. Differentiate between perihelion and aphelion.
Ans. When the earth is closest to the sun is known as perihelion,
around 3rd January each year where as aphelion occurs on 4th
July when the earth is farthest from the sun.
141 XI – Geography
Q.2. Mention the characteristics of waves
Ans. Wave crest and trough: The highest and lowest points of a
wave are called the crest and trough respectively.
Wave height: It is the vertical distance from the bottom of a
trough to the top of a crest of a wave.
Wave amplitude: It is one half of the wave height.
Wave period: It is merely the time interval between two
successive war crests or troughs as they pass a fixed point.
Wavelength: It is the horizontal distance between two
successive crests. Wave speed: It is the rate at which the wave
moves through the water, and is measured in knots.
Wave frequency: It is the number of waves passing a given
point during a one second time interval.
Q.3. What are ocean currents called? Give reasons for their
Ans. Ocean currents are the continuous flow of huge amount of water
in a definite direction.
XI – Geography 142
Causes of Origin of Currents
Ocean currents are influenced by two types of forces
1 . Primary forces - that initiate the movement of water.
2. Secondary forces- that influence the currents to flow
Primary forces include the following
1. Heating by solar energy
2. Wind
3. Gravity
4. Coriolis force
Secondary forces include the following
1. Temperature difference
2. Salinity difference
3. Density difference
143 XI – Geography
Q.5. What are the effects of ocean currents?
Ans. Ocean currents have the following effects:
1. The currents affect the temperature and narrows down the
Diurnal and annual range of temperature of the visiting and
surrounding area. Warm currents increase the temperature
of colder areas and vice versa.
2. Ocean currents can also cause other climate changes,
such as increased fcg humidity etc.
XI – Geography 144
Source Based Question
145 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 146
Chapter – 14
Genetic Diversity
Bio (Life) and Species Diversity
Diversity (Variety)
Ecosystem Diversity
Endangered species
Objective Questions
Q.1. Which of the following is related to biodiversity?
(a) Types of plants (b) Animals
(c) Micro-organisms (d) All o the above
Ans. (d) All of the above
147 XI – Geography
Q.3. Areas rich in ____________ diversity are called Hotspot of
Ans. Species
Q.4. What is called the list published by IUCN about all the
endangered species in the world?
(a) Green list (b) Blacklist
(c) Red list (d) Blue list
Q.6. Out of the following, where does three fourth of the world’s
population live?
(a) Tropical regions (b) Temperate regions
(c) Mountainous regions (d) Coastal desert regions
Q.7. Which of the following has caused the biodiversity loss the
(a) Natural Calamities (b) Toxic heavy metals
(c) Increasing human Population (d) Deforestation
Q.8. Species which are not the natural inhabitants of the local
habitat are called Species.
Ans. Exotic
XI – Geography 148
Q.9. The main reason for the tiger reaching on the verge of
extinction is ?
(a) Deforestation
(b) illegal Poaching
(c) Floods
(d) Pandemic
149 XI – Geography
11.1 What is the main reason for the decline in the number of
Q.1. Explain, what are the three levels at which Biodiversity can
be understood?
XI – Geography 150
Ans. The International Union of Conservation (IUCN) has classified
the threatened species of plants and animals into the following
three categories :
(1) Endangered Species- it includes those species which are
in danger of extinction, the IUCN publishes information
about endangered species worldwide as the Red list of
threatened species.
(2) Vulnerable Species- this includes the species which are
likely to be in danger of extinction in the in near future if the
factors threatening to their extinction continue. Survival of
the species is not as good as their population has reduced
(3) Rare Species- population of the species is very small in the
world; they are confined to Limited areas of thinly scattered
over a wider area.
151 XI – Geography
Q.4. Evaluate the Importance of Biodiversity.
Ans. Biodiversity plays the following important roles :
1. Ecological Importance- species of many kinds perform
some function or the other in an ecosystem. Species
capture and store energy,produce and decompose organic
materials, help to cycle water and nutrients throughout
the ecosystem, fix atmospheric gases and help regulate
the climate.these functions are important for ecosystem
function and human survival, in other words,the more the
variety of species in an ecosystem, the more stable the
ecosystem is likely to be.
2. Economic Importance- For all humans, biodiversity is an
important resource in their day-to-day life. One important
part of biodiversity is ‘crop diversity, which is also called
agro-biodiversity. Biodiversity is seen as a reservoir of
resources to be drawn upon for the manufacture of food,
pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products. This concept of
biological resources is responsible for the deterioration of
biodiversity. At the same time, it is also the origin of new
conflicts dealing with rules of division and appropriation
of natural resources. Some of the important economic
commodities that biodiversity supplies to humankind are:
food crops, livestock, forestry, fish, medicinal resources,
3. Scientific Importance- biodiversity is important because
each species can give us some clue as to how life evolve
and will continue to evolve. Biodiversity also helps in
understanding how life functions and the role of each
species in sustaining ecosystem of which we are also
Ans. There are some countries which are situated in the tropical
region ; they possess a large number of the world’s species
XI – Geography 152
diversity. They are called megadiversity centres, there are
12 such countries namely Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,
Brazil, Zaire, Madagascar, China, lndia, Malaysia, Indonesia
and Australia in which these centres are located.
Q.7. What are the factors responsible for the loss of Biodiversity?
Ans. The following factors are responsible for the loss of Biodiversity:
1. Loss of habitat
2. Exponential Population Growth
3. Exotic species
4. Pollution
5. Deforestation
6. Poaching
7. Natural Calamities
153 XI – Geography
Q.8. Classify the ecological hotspots located in different
Q.8. Classify the ecological hotspots located in different continents.
Continents Hotspots
South and Central America I. Central America highland
II. Western Ecuador and
Colombian choco
III. Atlantic forest,Brazil
IV. Tropical Anderson
V. Central American lowland
Africa I. Eastern Madagascar
II. Upper Guinean Forests
III. Eastern Arc mountains,
Asia I. Western Ghats, Eastern
II. Sinharaja Forest.Sri Lanka
III. Indonesia
IV. Peninsular Malaysia
V. Philippines
VI. Northern Borneo
Australia I. Queensland
II. Melanesia ( New Caledonia)
XI –
– Geography
Geography 145
Part - B
Unit I : Introduction
1. India — Location
Unit II : Physiography
2. Structure and Physiography
3. Drainage System
155 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 156
Chapter – 1
157 XI – Geography
• Our southern boundary extends up to 6°45’ N latitude in the
Bay of Bengal. This was represented by Indira point which was
submerged during 2004 Tsunami.
• 82°30” E has been selected as the ‘standard meridian’ of India.
Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by 5
hours and 30 minutes.
• India has a coastline of 6,100 km in the mainland and 7,517 km
in the entire geographical coast of the mainland plus the island
groups Andaman and Nicobar located in the Bay of Bengal and
the Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea.
XI – Geography 158
• Currently India has 28 states and 8 Union Territories, Rajasthan
is the largest and Goa is the smallest state in terms of area, while
Uttar Pradesh is the largest and Sikkim is the smallest state in
terms of population.
• Terrestrial border of India touches 7 countries, these countries are
Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and
• India has longest terrestrial border with Bangladesh.
• Sri Lanka and Maldives are the two island countries located in the
Indian Ocean, which are our neighbours.
• Sri Lanka is separated from India by the Gulf of Mannar and Palk
159 XI – Geography
Q.4. Which of the following countries does not touch India’s
(a) China (b) Bangladesh
(c) Myanmar (d) Kyrgyzstan
Q.5. Which one is the largest state of India (in terms of area)?
(a) Maharashtra (b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
Ans. (a) 28
Ans. (c) 7
XI – Geography 160
Q.10. Which of the following is the latest union territory of India?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Ladakh
(c) Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
(d) All of the above
Ans. Quadrilateral
Q.2. Why is India’s central position at the top of the Indian Ocean
Ans. (1) The Indian peninsula is about 1600 km extended into the
Indian Ocean.
(2) South-central Arabian Sea in the west and Bay of Bengal in
the east. The central position of India at the top of the Indian
Ocean in Asia helps establish relations with the developed
nations of Europe in the west.
XI – Geography 162
(3) Africa and West Asia, South East Asia, Japan, Business
relations with countries like Australia, Newzealand and
America etc. are helpful in establishing.
Thus we can say that the Indian Ocean is actually a boon for the
163 XI – Geography
subcontinent includes Pakistan in the northwest, Nepal, Bhutan
in the north, Bangladesh in the east and India in the middle.
Ans. India is the seventh largest country in the world. The following
countries are larger in area than India: Russia, China, Canada,
U.S.A., Brazil and Australia.
XI – Geography 164
Northen & North Eastern
1. Kashmir or North Western
Himalaya The Northern Plain
2. Himachal or Uttarakhand Bhabhar, Tarai, Alluvial Plain
The Islands Lakshadweep & Himalaya (khadar & Bhangar)
Andaman Nicobar Islands 3. Darjiling and Sikkim
4. Arunachal Himalaya
5. Eastern Hills & Mountains
India Physiography
Chapter – 2
XI – Geography
• The earth and its landforms that we see today have evolved over
a very long time.
• Indian plate was to the south of the equator millions of years ago.
• Over millions of years, this plate broke into many parts and the
Australian plate moved towards the south-eastern direction and
the Indian plate to the north.
XI – Geography 166
• Based on these macro variations, India can be divided into the
following physiographic divisions:
167 XI – Geography
Q.4. Which ancient sea was in place of Himalayan mountain?
(a) Tethys sea (b) Southern Ocean
(c) Arabian Sea (d) Indian Ocean
Ans. Rajasthan
XI – Geography 168
Q.10. Which of the following peaks is not located in India?
(a) Nanda Devi (b) K2
(c) Mount Everest (d) Kamet
Ans. Sahyadri
169 XI – Geography
(a) Himachal and Uttarakhand Himalayas
(b) Kashmir Himalayas
(c) Arunachal Himalayas
(d) Darjiling Himalayas
XI – Geography 170
Short Questions (3 Marks)
Bhabar Terai
Q.3. Where is the cold desert located in India? Name the main ranges of
this region?
171 XI – Geography
Ans. The north-eastern part of the Kashmir Himalayas is a cold desert,
which lies between the Greater Himalayas and the Karakoram ranges.
It comprise a series of ranges such as the
Q.4. State the three features of the eastern hills of the Himalayan
Q.5. Analyse thedifference
Analyse the difference between
between Arabian
Arabian Sea
Sea and Bayand Bay of
of Bengal Is-
Bengal Islands
lands group. group.
Ans. Islands group of Arabian Sea Islands group of Bay of
Q.6. Make a comparative study of the western and the eastern coastal
plains?a comparative study of the western and the eastern
Q.6. Make
Ans. coastal plains?
The western Coastal plains
Ans. The
1. western Coastal
The western coastalplains
plains are an example of submerged coastal
1. The western coastal plains are an example of submerged
2.coastal plain. coastal plains are narrow in the middle and get
The western
2. The towards
western north plains
coastal and south.
are narrow in the middle and
get broader towards north and south.
3. The rivers flowing through
XI – Geography 163this coastal plain do not form any
Ans. The rivers flowing through this coastal plain do not form any delta
due to their shorter path.hard rocks and have low sediments for
173 XI – Geography
Q.8. Examine the statement “the Indian Desert was once part of
the sea”.
Ans. To the northwest of the Aravalli hills lies the Great Indian Desert.
lt is believed that during the Mesozoic Era,this region was under
the sea. This can be corroborated by the following evidences :
1. Wood fossils park at Aakal
2. Marine deposits around Brahmsar.near Jaisalmer.
XI – Geography 174
VI. Himalayas are not only the physical barrier.they are also a
climatic drainage and cultural divide.
Ans. 1. Rising from the height of 150 m and above the river plains
up to an elevation of 600-900m is the irregular triangle
known as the Peninsular Plateau.
2. Delhi ridge in the northwest, the Rajmahal hills in the east.
Gir range in the west and the Cardamom hills in the south
constitute the outer extent of the Peninsular Plateau.
3. This is one of the oldest and the most stable landmass of
4. The general elevation of the Plateau is from the west to
the east.which is also proved by the pattern of the flow of
175 XI – Geography
5. This is formed by gneiss and granite rocks.
6. The northwestern part of the Plateau has a complex relief
of ravines and gorges. The ravines of Chambal, Bhind and
Morena are some of the well known examples.
XI – Geography 176
Chapter – 3
177 XI – Geography
Important Drainage Patterns
Dendritic Radial
Trellis Centripetal
XI – Geography 178
MCQS objective type question
Ans. Ephemeral
(a) I-3, II- 4, III-2, IV-1 (b) II-2, III-3, IV-1, I-4
(c) IV-3, III-2, II-1, I-4 (d) III-1, II-4, I-3, IV-2
Ans. (a) I-3, II- 4, III-2, IV-1
Q.3. Which of the the following river does not rise in the
(a) Ghaghra (b) Kosi
(c) Chambal (d) Ganga
Ans- (c) Chambal
179 XI – Geography
Q.5. Examine which of the following is not in part of Indo-
Brahma river?
(a) The Indus and its five tributaties in western part.
(b) The ganga and Himalayan tributaries in the central part.
(c) The stretch of the Brahmaputra in Assam and its Himalayan
(d) River Godavri and its tributaries in South.
XI – Geography 180
(a) The origin of big rivers of peninsuar drainage is _______ .
Column A Colunmn B
Ans (a) I-d, II- e, III-f, IV-h, V-g, VI-b, VII-a, VIII-c
Ans (a) I-d, II- e, III-f, IV-h, V-g, VI-b, VII-a, VIII-c
– Geography 173
Given below are two statements, one labelied as Assertion
I and the other labelled as Reason II. Select you answer
from the codes given below:
181 XI – Geography
(C) I is correct, but II is false
(D) I is false, b ut II is correct
Ans. (i) River Bramaputra is well known for floods, channel shifting
and bank erosion.
(ii) This is due to the fact that most of its tributaries are large
bring large quantity of sediments.
(iii) They owing to heavy rainfall in its catchment area.
Q.3. In how many categories on the basis of the size of the water
shed, the drainage basins are grouped?
Ans. (a) Major river basins with more than 20,000 sq km of catchment
area. It includes 14 drainage basins as the Ganga, the
Brahmaputra etc.
(b) Medium river basins with catchment area between 2000-
20,000 sq km in corporating, 44 river basins such as the
Kalinadi, the periyar etc.
XI – Geography 182
(c) Minor river basins with catchment area of less than 2000 sq
km include faerly good number of rivers flowing in the area
of low rainfall.
Ans. (i) The rivers of India carry huge volumes of water per year but
it is unevenly distributed both in time and space.
(ii) There are perennial rivers carrying water throughout the
year whereas the nonperennual rivers have very little work,
during the dry season.
(iii) During the rainy season, much of the water is wasted in
floods and flows down to the sea. As there is a flood in
one part of the country whereas the other area suffers from
Ans. (i) The pattern of flow of water in a river channel over a year
is known as its regime. The north Indian rivers originating
from the Himalayas are pernnial as they are fed by glaciers
through snow- melt and receive rainfall water during rainy
183 XI – Geography
(ii) The rivers of South India do not originate from glaciers and
their flow pattern witness fluctuations.
(iii) The flow increases considerably during monsoon rains. The
regime of the rivers in South India is controlled by rainfall. It
varies from one part of the penensular plateau to the other
(iv) The discharge is the volume of water flowing in a river
measured over time. It is measured either in cubic feet per
second or cumecs (cubic metres per second)
(v) The ganga has its minimum flow during the January -
June and maximum flow is attained either in August or in
September, after it a steady fall in the flow.
(vi) There are striking differences in the river regimes in the
eastern and western parts of the Ganga basin.
XI – Geography 184
(2) The western ghats running close to western coast act
as the water divide between the major peninsular rivers,
discharging their water in the Bay of Bengal and as small
rivulets joining the Arabian sea.
(3) Most of the major peninsular rivers except Narmada and
Tapi flow from west to east.
(4) The Chambal, the Sind, the Betwa, the Ken, the Son,
originating in the northern part of the peninsula belong to
the Ganga river system.
(5) Other major river system of the peninsular drainage are
the Mahanandi, the Godavri, the Krishna. and the Kaveri.
Peninsular rivers are characterised by fixed course absence
of meanders and non-perennial flow of water. The Narmada
and Tapi which flow through the rift valley are exception.
185 XI – Geography
(2) It traverses eastward longitudinally for a distance of nearly
1200 km in a dry and flat region of southern Tibet, where it
is known as the Tsangpo which means the purifier.
(3) The river emerges from the foothills under the name of
Siang or Dihang. It enters India west of Sadiya town in
Arunanchal Pradesh flowing Southwest it receives its left
bank tributaries, viz, Debang or Sikang and Lohit, there
after it is known as Brahmaputra.
(4) The Rango Tsangpo is the major right bank tributary of this
river in Tibet.
(5) The Brahmaputra receives numerous tributaries in its 750
km long journey through the Assam valley.
XI – Geography 186
187 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 188
Chapter – 4
189 XI – Geography
MCQS type question
XI – Geography 190
Q.5. ‘Loo’ is an example of which of the following local storms?
(a) Hot dry and oppressing winds.
(b) Dreaded evening thunder storms.
(c) A clamity of the month of Baishakh.
(d) They are known as Bardolli.
Column I Colunmn II
I. Arunanchal Pradesh 1. As
II. Extreame western Rajasthan 2. Bshw
III. Coromondal coast of Tamilnadu 3. Dfc
IV. North Western Gujarat 4. Bwhw
(a) I-3, II- 4, III-1, IV-2 (b) II-4, I-1, III-3, IV-2
(c) III-3, II-2, IV-1, I-4 (d) I-1, II-4, III-2, IV-3
Q.7. The tropical zone being nearer to the equator which of the
following is experience throughout the year.
(A) High temperature with small daily and annual range
(B) High temperature with high daily and annual range
(C) Low temperature and high daily and annual range
(D) Low temperature and small daily and annual range
Ans. (A) High temperature with small daily and annual range
Q.8. Which of the following steers the tropical depression into India?
(A) Westerly jet stream (B) Eastern wind
(C) Easterly jet stream (D) Western wind
191 XI – Geography
Q.9. In which direction the winds ‘start blowing due to the shift
of I.T.C.Z to South ward?
(A) From South-East to South west
(B) From South-West to North East
(C) North East to North-West
(D) North West to South West
Ans. (d)
Ans. (a)
XI – Geography 192
Q.12. Examine which of the following is a cause of rainfall at
coastal region of Tamil Nadu in the winter season?
(a) South west monssoon
(b) North east monsoon
(c) Temperate cyclones
(d) Local winds
Ans. (b)
Ans. (d)
(A) ‘A’ and ‘R’ both are correct, ‘R’ is correct explanation of ‘A’
(B) Both A and R are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explaination
of ‘A’
(C) Only ‘A’ is correct
(D) Only ‘R’ is carect
Ans. (A) ‘A’ and ‘R’ both are correct, ‘R’ is correct explanation of ‘A’
Ans. (a)
193 XI – Geography
Summer Monsoon Winds : Surface Circulation
Ans. (i) Distribution of air pressure and winds on the surface of the
(ii) Upper air circulation caused by factors controlling global
weather and the inflow a different air masses and jet
(iii) Inflow a western cyclones generally known as disturbances
during the winter season and tropical depressions during
the south-west monsoon period into India, creating weather
conditions favourable to rainfall.
(a) During the South monsoon period after having rains for a
few days, if rains fails to occur for one a more weeks.
XI – Geography 194
(b) (i) In northern India, rains are likely to fail if the rain-bearing
storms are not very frequent along the monsoon
through the I.T.C.Z. over this region.
(ii) Over the west coast the dry spells are associated with
days when winds blow parallel to the coast.
(ii) Its sub branch strikes the Garo and Khasi hills of Meghalayas
mawsynram, located on the crest of khasi hills receives the
highest average annual rainfall in the world.
Q.4. Why the Tamil Nadu coast remains dry during the monsoon
season? In which season it receives rainfall?
Ans. (i) The Tamil Nadu coast is situated parallel to the Bay of
Bengal branch of South west monsoon.
(ii) It lies in the rain shadow area of the Arabian sea branch of
the South-west monsoon.
(iii) It recieves rainfall in winter season, by north east monsoon
when it crosses over Bay of Bengal, picks up moisture and
causes torrential rainfall over the Tamilnadu coast.
195 XI – Geography
(ii) These South east trade winds cross the equater and enter
the Bay Bengal and the Arabian sea, only to be caught up
in the air circulation over India passing over the equatorial
warm currents and bring with them moisture in abundance,
follow a south westerly direction.
(iii) The rain in the south west monsoon season begins rather
abruptly, the first rain brings down the temperature. This
sudden onset of the moisture laden winds associated with
violent thunder and lightening is termed as the burst of
Q.6. What are the main reasons for the excessive cold in north
India during the season?
Ans. (i) States like Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan being for away
from the moderating influence of sea experience continental
(ii) The snow fall in the nearby Himalayan ranges Creates cold
wave situation and
(iii) Around february the cold wind coming from the caspian sea
and Turkmenistan bring cold wave along with frost and fog
over the north Western parts of India.
Ans. (A) (i) There seems to be two rain bearing systems in India,
first originate in the Bay of Bengal causing rainfall over
the plains of north India.
XI – Geography 196
(B) Factors of the intensity of rainfall over the west coast of
(i) The offshore meteorological conditions.
(ii) The position of the equatorial jet stream along the
eastern coast of Africa.
Ans. (i) Towards the end of summer there are premonsoon showers
a common phenomena in Kerala and coastal areas of
Karnataka. They are known as mango showers locally.
(ii) It is very useful in the early ripening of mangoes.
197 XI – Geography
(ii) All the parts of the nation, except Himalayas have
temperature above the threshold level to grow the crops or
plants throughout the year.
(iii) Regional variations in monsoon climate help in growing
various types of crops.
(iv) Variability of rainfall brings droughts or floods every year in
some parts of the country.
(v) Agricultural prosperity of India depends very much on timely
and adequately distributed rainfall. If it fails agriculture is
adversely affected specially in those regions where means
of irrigation are not developed.
(vi) Winter rainfall by temperate cyclones in north India is highly
benificial for rabi crops.
(vii) Regional climate variation in India is reflected in the vast
variety of food, clothes and house types.
XI – Geography 198
199 XI – Geography
Q.3. There is mountain rainfall in India. Explain with example
the effects of relief on the distribution of rainfall.
Ans. (i) Latitude: the tropic of cancer passes through the central
part of India in east west diretion. Northern parts of the
country lies in sub-tropical and temperate zone and the
partlying south of the Tropic of cancer falls in the tropical
zone. It experiences high temperature through out the year.
XI – Geography 200
North part experiences extreme climate with high daily and
annual range of temperature.
(ii) The Himalayan Mountains: The lofty Himalayan act as an
influencive climate divide, it provides an invincible shield
to protect the sub continent from the cold northern winds,
which originate near the arctic circle and blow across central
and eastern Asia. It traps the monsoon winds facing them
to shed their moisture with the sub continent.
(iii) Distribution of Land and Water : India is flanked by the
Indian ocean on three sides in the south and girdled by
a high and continuous mountain wall in the north. Water
heats up or cools down slowly as compared to the land
mass which creates different air pressure zones in different
seasons in and the Indian subcontinent.
(iv) Distance from the Sea : Large coastal areas have an equable
climate interior parts are far away from the moderating
influence of the sea these have extremes of climate. The
people of Mumbai and the konkan coast have hardly any
idea of extremes of temperature and the season rhythm of
weather whereas the seasonal contrast in weather at Delhi,
Kanpur etc.
(v) Altitude : Temperature decreases with height Due to thin air,
places in the mountain are cooler then places on the plains,
as Agra and Darjiling are located on the same latitude but
tremperature of January in Agra is 16°C whereas it is only
4°C in Darjiling.
(vi) Relief : The physiography or relief of India affects the
temperature air pressure, direction and speed of wind and
the amount and distribution of rainfall and Assam receive
high rainfall dur ing June-September. Whereas the southern
plateau remains dry due to its leeward situation along the
201 XI – Geography
Q.5. Analyse the climatic types identified by Koeppen in India.
Q.6. Which gases are called green house gases? Andyse their
(i) These gases are better absorbers of long wave radiation
than carbon-dioxide are more effective at enhancing the
green house effect.
(ii) These gases have been contributing to global warming.
(iii) The polar ice caps and mountain glaciers world melt and
the amount of water in the oceans would increase.
(iv) Global temperature will increase by about 2°C, which cause
many other changes – rise in sea level, as result of melting
of glaciers and sea-ice due to warming.
XI – Geography 202
Q.7. What is El-Nino? What are its results? Mention its impacts
on Indian Monsoon System.
Ans. (A) EI-Nino is a complex weather system that appears once
every three to seven years, bringing drought, floods and
other weather extremes to different parts of the world.
(B) Results:
(i) the distortion of equatorial atmospheric circulation;
(ii) irregularities in the evaporation of sea water;
(iii) reduction in the amount of planktons which further
reduces the number of fish in the sea.
203 XI – Geography
(vii) During october and november, north east monsoon
whenever crossing over the Bay of Bengal, picks up
moisture and causes torrential rainfall over the Tamilnadu
coast, Southern Andhra Pradesh, South East Karnataka
and South East Kerala.
Ans. (i)
XI – Geography 204
(B) Which winds are found here?
(i) Westerlies are found here
(ii) Easterlies are found here
(iii) Trade winds
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (i)
205 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 206
Chapter – 5
207 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 208
Q.5. Tendu, Palas, Bel and axlewood trees are the examples of
which of the following forests?
(a) Tropical thorn forests
(b) Montane forests
(c) Tropical deciduous forests
(d) Tropical evergreen and semi evergreen forests
209 XI – Geography
Q.6. Examine which type of following expression the plants
give in the tropical thorn forests
(a) Very long (b) Remain evergreen
(c) Like scrub (d) Like a grass land
Column I Column II
XI – Geography 210
(iii) Bihar 3. The most deciduous
Q.12. Which one the following is the first biosphere reserve in India?
(a) Nilgiri Biosphere reserve
(b) Nanda Devi Biosphere reserve
(c) Sundarban Biosphere reserve
(d) Gulf of Mannar Biosphere reserve
211 XI – Geography
Q.13. Assertion (A) Forest provide numberous direct and indirect
advantages to our economy and society.
Reason (R) Conservation of forest is of the vital importance to
the survival and prosperity of human kind.
(A) A and R both are correct ‘R’ is correct explation of ‘A’
(B) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation of
(C) Only ‘A’ is correct
(D) Only ‘R’ is correct
Ans. (A) A and R both are correct ‘R’ is correct explation of ‘A’
XI – Geography 212
Conservation Development
Conservation of Associaton of
biodiversity and Environment with
ecosystem Development
International network for research
and monitoring
(a) These forests are found in India in large scale. They spread
over the regions which receive rainfall between 70-200 cm
(b) These are divided into moist and dry deciduous.
213 XI – Geography
Q.4. What are littoral and swamp forests? Explain the importance
of these forests in India.
Ans. These forests are grown in wetlands. India has a rich variety of
wetland habitats thus the natural vegetation is called littoral and
swamp forests.
Importance : In India, the total area of wetland is 3.9 million hect
ares. Chilka and Keoladeo national park are the protected as
water fowl habitats.
• These forests give shelter to a wide variety of birds and
• In the Ganga Brahmaputra delta, the tidal forests are known
as Sunderbans.
Q.5. When was the wildlife act enacted? What are its objectives?
Ans. (1) Tropical thorn forests occur in the areas which recieve
rainfall less than 50 cm.
(2) These consist of a variety of grasses and shrubs. It includes
semi-arid areas of south west Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
(3) In these forests, plants remain leafless for most part of the
year and give an expression of scrub vegetation. Important
species found are babool, ber, wild date palm, kair, neem,
khejri, palas. Tussocky grass grows upto a height of 2 m as
the under growth.
XI – Geography 214
Q.7. Evaluate the features of community forestry.
Q.1. When was a forest policy adopted? What were its main
Ans. (a) The Goverment of India adopted a forest policy in 1952
and further modified in 1988 emphasising the sustainable
forest management in order to conserve and expand forest
reserve o n the one hand and to meet the needs of local
215 XI – Geography
(vi) Increasing the productivity of forests to make timber,
fuel, fodder and food available to rural population
dependant on forests and encourage the substitution
of wood.
(vii) Creating of massive peoples movement involving
women to encourage planting of trees, stop felling of
trees and thus, reduce pressure on the existing forest.
XI – Geography 216
1. Industrial and technological advancement brought about a
rapid increase in the exploitation of forest resources.
2. More and more lands were cleared for agriculture, human
settlement, roads, mining, reservoirs etc.
3. Pressure on forests mounted due to lopping for fodder and
fuel wood and removal of small timber by the local people.
4. Grazing by domestic cattle caused an adverse effect on
wildlife and its habitat.
5. Hunting was taken up as a sport by the elite and hundreds
of wild animals were killed in a single hunt. Now commercial
poaching is rampant.
6. Incidence of forest fire.
217 XI – Geography
Q.5. Examine the fauna and flora of Nilgiri biosphere reserve.
XI – Geography 218
(vi) These pastures are used extensively for transhumance by
tribes like the gujjars, the Bakarwala; the Bhotiyas and the
Ans. (i) These forest are found in three distinct areas of peninsular
India-viz- the western Ghats, the Vindhyas and the Nilgiris.
(ii) They are closer to the tropics and only 1500 m above the
sea level, vegetation is temperate in the higher vegious
and sub-tropical on the lower regions of the western ghats
especially in Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka.
(iii) The temperate forests are called sholas in the Nilgiris,
Anaimalai and Palani hills.
(iv) Magnolia, laural, cinchona and wattle trees are of economic
(v) Such forests are also found in the Satpura and the Maikal
Project TIger
Project tiger has been implemented. Since 1973, the main objective
of the scheme is to ensure maintenance of viable population of tigers
in India for scientific, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values and to
preserve areas of biological importance as natural heritage for the
benefit, education and enjoyment of the people; the project tiger was
lanched in Nine tiger reserves. Which has now increased to 41 tiger
219 XI – Geography
Q.2. In howmany tiger reserves: The project tiger was lanched
Ans. Nine
Read the source (forest and life) given below carefully and answer the
questions that follow:
Forest and tribals are very closely related. The age-old knowledge of
tribals regarding forestry can be used in the development of forests.
rather than treating tribals as minor forest produce collectors they
should be made growers of minor forest produce and encouraged to
participate in conservation.
XI – Geography 220
Answer The Following Question
Ans. 188
221 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 222
Chapter – 6
223 XI – Geography
MCQ, Objective And Fill In The Blanks, Type Question
And Answers
Ans. (b)
XI – Geography 224
Q.5. Which one is not included in water-borne diseases?
(a) Cholera (b) Hepatitis
(c) gastro-enterites (d) Malaria
Ans. (d)
Column-I Column-II
(i) Yokohama 1. Earth summit-1993
(ii) Assam 2. Shallow water waves
(iii) Tsunami 3. World conferance on matural disaster
(iv) Rio-de-Janerio 4. Majuli
(a) i - 3, ii - 1, iv - 4, iii - 2
(b) i - 3, ii - 4, iii - 2, iv - 1
(c) iii - 1, iv - 4, ii - 3, i - 2
(d) iv - 4, iii - 3, ii - 2, i - 1
Ans. (b)
XI – Geography 226
Ans. 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - e, 5 - b
Q.13. Assertion (A) Most of the areas that can be considered, safe
are from the stable land mass covered under the deccan
Reason (R) Earthquake robs the population on the their
material and socio-cultural gains that they have preserved over
(A) A and R, both are correct, R is correct explaination of A
(B) Both, A and R are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation
of A
(C) Only ‘A’ is correct
(D) Only ‘R’ is correct
Ans. (B) Both, A and R are correct but ‘R’ is not correct explanation
of A
(vi) The centre of the cyclone is mostly a warm and low pressure,
cloudless cover known as .............
227 XI – Geography
Ans. (i) Tsunami (ii) Tectonic
(iii) Indian (iv) Low pressure
(v) Absence (vi) Eye of the storm
(vii) Streams (viii) Rainwater harvesting, draught
XI – Geography 228
(a) Atmospheric : Thunder storms, lightning, tornadoes,
drought, hail storm, tropical storm etc.
(b) Terrestrial : Earthquakes, volcanic erruptions, land slides,
avalances, soil erosion etc.
(c) Aquatic : Floods, Tidal waves, Ocean currents, storm surge,
(d) Biological : Plants and animals, fungal, bacterial and viral
diseases such as bird flue, dengue, covid-19, Ebola etc.
Ans. Causes:
(i) Earthquakes and volcanic eruption
(ii) Land slides
(i) The Tsunami waves release enormous energy stored in
them and water flows turbulontly on to the land destroying
port, cities and towns, structures buildings and other
(ii) As coastal areas are densly populated the world over and
these are also centres of intense human activity, loss of life
and property to be much higher by a Tsunami.
(iii) The extent of devastation caused by this can be examined
through visuals on band Ache (Indonesia) 2004, 26 Dec.
229 XI – Geography
(ii) During disaster rescue and relief operations like- evacuation,
construction of shelters and relief camps supplying of water,
food, clothing and medical aids.
(iii) Post-disaster operations should involve rehain litattion
and recovery of victims. It should concentrate on capicity
building in order to cope upwith future disasters.
All these measures have unique importance to the nation
like India, as a big part of its geaographical area and equal
proportion of its population vulnerable to disasters.
XI – Geography 230
(iii) Colonisation of flood plains of most of the rivers and
development of large cities and towns make them vulnerable
to the occurance of cyclones, hurricanes and Tsunamis.
Q.1. Identify the land slide prone regions of India and develop
some measures to mitigate the disasters caused by these.
231 XI – Geography
(ii) High vulnerability zone: It has the similar conditions to
those included in the very high vulnerability zone. There
is one difference, intensity and frequancy of the controlling
In this areas all Himalayan states, states from the north
eastern regions are included.
Measures :
(i) Afforestaion: Planting of trees and bushes is one sure way
of stopping land slides as vegetation helps to bind the soil.
XI – Geography 232
Q.2. Why flood occurs in India? Mention the flood prone areas
and flood control measures in India.
233 XI – Geography
Flood control measures:
(i) Reservoirs : Construction of reservoirs in the direction of
flooding of rivers can help in the storage of excess water of
XI – Geography 234
(ii) Embankment : Flood protection embankments on the bank
of rivers or streams prone to flooding can help prevent
flooding. Flood embankments along river yamuna in Delhi
has proved very effective.
235 XI – Geography
(iii) Planting of trees : In river basins can help prevent flood.
Through reduction in the speed of surface flow of water as
well as letting some water deep underground.
XI – Geography 236
(iv) Removal of human encroachment from the river channels
and depopulating the flood plains.
237 XI – Geography
(v) Re-establishment of natural drainage system: The
interferance created in natural flow of water through
construction of roads, railways, canals can be minimised by
allowing the water flow along the natural centre to reduce
impact of floods.
Ans. Scarcity of rainfall over a large area and over a long period of
time can be termed as drought to describe drought terms like
scarcity of rainfall or dryness are also used.
XI – Geography 238
(iv) In some specific areas with preciptions slopes terrace
farming and planting of trees at the periphery of the fields
can be under taken to take maximum advantages of water
resources. Irrigation canals can be lined and paved to
prevent water loss.
(i) Major causes of earthquakes are tectonic disturbances in
the interior of the earth or volcanic eruption.
(ii)Falling of roofs of rock-caves in the interior of the
earth causing, displacement of rocks also produce minor
tremors. In India, tectonic disturbances are the main cause
of earthquakes.
(i) Loss of property : during the earthquake everything from a
small cottage to a palace or from a single storeyed house
to a high-rise building everything may be reduced to rubble.
the pipe lines under the ground and railway lines on the
surface both may break into pieces.
Dams across the rivers may collapse and the floods that
may be caused more dangerous and destructives.
(ii) Loss of life: The earthquake shocks which last just few
seconds take the life of thousands of people and animals.
239 XI – Geography
with may in turn cause changes in the course of rivers. It
can be a cause of floods, which poses a danger to life and
XI – Geography 240
(v) To make it compulsory to adopt earthquake resistant designs
and use light materials in major construction activities in the
prone areas.
241 XI – Geography
Q.8. ‘Floods have serious consequences on the national
economy and society”. Analyse the statement.
XI – Geography 242
Source Based Question
Ans. Himalayas
243 XI – Geography
Source based Question
Read the given case study carefully and answer the questions:
warming and cooling of the pacific ocean is most important in terms of
general atmospheric circulation. The warm water of the central pacific
ocean slowly drifts towards South American coast and replaces the cool
peruvian current. Such appearance of warm water off the coast of Peru
is known as the ELNINO. The Eh nino Nino event is closely causciated
with the presure The Eh Central pacific and Australia. This change in
preveure condition changes en over pacific is known as the Southern
oscillation. The combined. Phenomenon of southern cecillation and EL
Nino is known as ENSO. In the years when the ENSO is strong, large-
scale variations in weather occur over the world. The arid west coast of
south America receives heavy rainfall, drought occurs in Australia and
some times in India and floods in china. This phenomenon is closely
monitored and is used for long range forecasting in major parts of the
Q.1. The warm water of the Central pacific ocean slowly drifted
a) East African wast
b) North Americar coast
c) South American coast
d) None of the above
Ans: c) South American Coast
XI – Geography 244
Q.3. The combined phenomenon of Southern oscillation and El
Nino is known as.
a) ENSO B) EL Nino
c) La Nino d) None of these
Ans. a) ENSO
245 XI – Geography
Diagram Based Question
XI – Geography 246
Source Based Questions
Major Ocean Currents are the stresses exerted by the generally
influenced by prevailing winds and Coriolis force. The Oceanic
circulation pattern roughly corresponds to the earth’s atmosphere
Circulation pattern. The air circulation over the ocean in the middle
latitudes in The oceanic circulation pattern also co 1 mainly anticyclonic
with the same. At higher latitudes, where the wind flow is the mostly
cyclonic corresponds The organic circulation flows this pattern. In
regions of pronounced monsoonal flow, the monsoon winds influence
the current movements. Due to the Coriolis fore, the warm currents
from low latitude tends to move the tight in the North- ern hemisphere
and to their left in the Southern hemisphere. The oceanic circulation
transports heat from one latitude belt to another in manner similar to
the heat a transported by the general circulation of the atmosphere.
247 XI – Geography
Biodiversity as we have today is the result of 2-5-3.5 billion years of
evolution advent of humans, our earth supported more biodiversity than
in any Before to more the emergence of humans however, biodiversity
other perood Since had began a saped decline with one species after
another beasing the due to overuse. The number bount of extinction
globally vary from 2 million to f species With to million being the best
estimate New fine million. Species are regularly discovered most
of which are yet to be classified (an estimate States that about 40
percent of fresh water fishes from South America are not classified
Yet), Tropical forests are very rich in bio-diversity.
XI – Geography 248
249 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 250
251 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 252
253 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 254
255 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 256
General Instructions:
1. There are 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. This question paper is divided into four sections A, B, C, and D.
3. Section A - Questions nos. I to 17 are multiple choice questions (MCQs)
carrying I mark each.
4. Section B - Question nos. 18 to 23 are short answer type questions
carrying 3 marksv each, Answer to each of them should be in 80 to 100
5. Question number 18 and 19 are source based questions.
6. Section C - Questions nos. 24 to 28 are long answer type questions each,
Answer to each of them should be in 120-150 words. carrying 5 marks
7. Section D-Questions nos. 29 to 30 are Map based questions related
to identification and locating and labelling of geographical features
respectively carrying 5 marks each.
8. The outline map of India and World provided to you must be attached
within your answer sheet.
9. Use of template or stencils for drawing Outline map is allowed.
257 XI – Geography
खं ड-क (बहुविकल््पपीय प्रश्न)
1. निम्नलिखित मेें से कौन सी प्लेट मध््यवर्ती अमेरिका व प्रशांत महासागरीय प्लेट के बीच
स्थित है? (1)
(क) अरे बियन प्लेट (ख) कैरोलिन प्लेट
(ग) नजका प्लेट (घ) कोकोस प्लेट
Which of the following plate lies between Central America and
Pacific plate?
(a) Arabian plate (c) Nazca plate
(b) Caroline plate (d) Cocos plate
2. निम्नलिखित मेें से भूगोल की कौन सी शाखा मौसम तथा जलवायु के तत््वोों के अध््ययन से
संबंधित है? (1)
(क) जलविज्ञान (ख) भू-आक
ृ ति विज्ञान
(ग) जलवायु विज्ञान (घ) मृदा भूगोल
Which of the following branch of Geography is related to study of
elements of weather and climates?
(a) Hydrology (b) Geomorphology
(c) Climatology (d) Soil Geography
3. निम्नलिखित मेें से कौन-सी दशाएं भौमजल अपरदन के लिए आवश््यक है? (1)
(क) पारगम््य, कम सघन व अधिक रं ध्र वाली चट्टानेें
(ख) अपारगम््य, कम सघन व कम रं ध्र वाली चट्टानेें
(ग) पारगम््य, अधिक सघन व अधिक रं ध्र वाली चट्टानेें
(घ) अपारगम््य, कम सघन चट्टानेें
Which of the following conditions are necessary for ground water
(a) Permeable, thinny bedded and highly jointed cracked rocks.
(b) Impermeable, thinny bedded and low Cracked rocks.
(c) Permeable, thickly bedded and highly cracked rocks.
(d) Impermeable, thinny bedded, rocks.
XI – Geography 258
4. दक्षिण चीन सागर मेें चक्रवात को निम्न मेें से किस नाम से जाना जाता है? (1)
(क) हरिकेन (ख) टाइफून
(ग) विली-विली (घ) तूफान
By which of the following name in the cyclone in the South China
Sea is known?
(a) Hurricanes (b) Typhoons
(c) Willy-Willies (d) Storms
259 XI – Geography
7. दिए गए पर््व तीय वनोों की वनस््पति को उत्तर से दक्षिण की ओर उचित क्रम व््यवस्थित करेें ।
(क) पाइन, ओक, स्प्रूस, चीड़ (ग) चीड़, स्प्रूस, ओक, पाइन
(ख) ओक, चीड़, स्प्रूस, पाइन (घ) ओक, चीड़, पाइन, स्प्रूस
Arrange the correct order of vegetation from North to south, for
the given Montane forests.
(a) Pines, oak, spruce, chir
(b) Oak, chir, spruce, pines
(c) Chir, spruce, oak, pines
(d) Oak, chir, pines, spruce
8. भारत के निम्नलिखित राज्ययों को मानसून निवर््तन क्रम के अनुसार व््यवस्थित करेें । (1)
(1) राजस्थान (ii) तमिलनाडु
(iii) गुजरात (iv) ओड़ीशा
(क) (i)-(iii)-(iv)-(ii) (ख) (i)-(iii)-(ii)-(iv)
(ग) (iii)-(i)-(iv)-(ii) (घ) (iv)-(ii)- (i)-(iii)
Arrange the following states of India in correct sequence according
to retreating Monsoon.
(i) Rajasthan (ii) Tamil Nadu
(iii) Gujarat (iv) Odisha
(a) (c) (iii)-(i)-(iv)-(ii) (b) (i)-(iii)-(ii)-(iv)
(c) (i)-(iii)-(iv)-(ii) (d) (iv)-(ii)-(i)-(iii)
XI – Geography 260
Consider the following statements and choose the correct option.
I. Himalayan Rivers are Perennial.
II. They depend only on Precipitation.
(a) Only Statement I is correct
(b) Both Statement I and II are correct and Statement II Explain
Statement I Correctly.
(c) Only Statement II is correct.
(d) Both Statement I and II are incorrect.
10. कथन: पश्चिमी तटीय मैदान एक संकीर््ण पट्टी मात्र है। (1)
कारण : ये मदान ज
ै लमग्न हैैं।
विकल््प :
(क) केवल कथन सही है।
(ख) केवल कारण सही है।.
(ग) दोनोों सही है तथा कंथन I कथन II की उचित व््ययाख््यया करता है।
(घ) दोनोों कथन सही है, परं तु एक-दूसरे से संबंधित नहीं है।
Assertion: Western coastal plain is a narrow belt.
Reason : They are submerged plain.
(a) Only Assertion is correct.
(b) Only Reason is correct
(c) Both are correct and Statement II explains Statement I
(d) Both Statements are correct, but not related to each other.
11. कथन : उत्तरी भारत के विशाल मैदान मेें मानसून विच््छछेद होता है। (1)
कारण : उष््ण कटिबंधीय चक्रवातोों की संख््यया बढ़ जाती है व अंत: उष््ण कटिबंधीय
अभिसरण क्षेत्र की स्थिति मेें बदलाव आता है।
विकल््प :
(क) केवल कथन सही है। (ख) कथन व कारण दोनोों गलत है।
(ग) कथन व कारण दोनोों सही है। (घ) केवल कारण सही है।
261 XI – Geography
Assertion: There is Break in Monsoon in Northern plains of North
Reason: The frequency of tropical cyclones increases and position
of ITCZ changes.
(a) Only Statement is correct.
(b) Statement and reason both are incorrect.
(c) Both, statement and Reason are correct.
(d) Only Reason is correct.
XI – Geography 262
Which of the following pair is matched correctly?
Types of Forest Vegetation
(a) Moist Tropical Deciduous Forest Shisham
(b) Thorn Forest Mahua
(c) Tropical Evergreen Forest Khair
(d) Montane Forests Mahogany
14. निम्नलिखित मेें से कौन से भारत के प्रमुख बाढ़ ग्रस््त राज्य हैैं? (1)
(क) बिहार, कर््नना टक, मध््यप्रदेश
(ख) हरियाणा, ओड़़ीशा, महाराष्टट्र
(ग) झारखण््ड, बिहार, कर््नना टक
(घ) असम, बिहार, पश्चिम बंगाल
Which the following are high flood-prone States of India?
(a) Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh
(b) Haryana, Odisha, Maharastra
(c) Jharkhand, Bihar, Karnataka
(d) Assam, Bihar, West Bengal
भूकंप सबसे ज्यादा अपूर््व सूचनीय और विध््ववंसक प्राक ृ तिक आपदा है। भूकंपोों की उत््पत्ति
विवर््त निकी से संबंधित है। ये विध््ववंसक है और विस््ततृ त क्षेत्र को प्रभावित करते हैैं। भूकंप पृथ््ववी
की ऊपरी सतह मेें विवर््त निक गतिविधियोों से निकली ऊर््जजा से पैदा होते हैैं। इसकी तुलना मेें
ज््ववालामुखी विस््फफोट चट्टान गिरने, भूस्खलन, जमीन के अवतलन (धँसने) (विशेषकर खदानोों
वाले क्षेत्र मेें), बाँध व जलाशयोों के बैठने इत्यादि से आने वाला भूकंप कम क्षेत्र को प्रभावित
करता है और नुकसान भी कम पहुुँचाता है।
इं डियन प्लेट प्रति वर््ष उत्तर व उत्तर-पूर््व दिशा मेें एक सेेंटीमीटर खिसक रही है। परं तु उत्तर मेें
स्थित यूरेशियन प्लेट इसके लिए अवरोध पैदा करती है। परिणामस््वरूप इन प्लेटोों के किनारे लॉक
263 XI – Geography
हो जाते हैैं और कई स्थानोों पर लगातार ऊर््जजा संग्रह होता रहता है। अधिक मात्रा मेें ऊर््जजा संग्रह
से तनाव बढ़ता रहता है और दोनोों प्लेटोों के बीच लॉक टू ट जाता है और एकाएक ऊर््जजा मोचन से
हिमालय के चाप के साथ भूकंप आ जाता है। इससे प्रभावित मुख््य राज्ययों मेें जम्मू और कश््ममीर,
हिमाचल प्रदेश उत्तराखण््ड, सिक््ककिम, पश्चिम बंगाल का दार्जिलिंग उपमंडल तथा उत्तर-पूर््व के
सात राज्य शामिल हैैं।
Earthquakes are by far the most unpredictable and highly destructive
of all the natural disasters. Earthquakes that are of tectonic origin have
proved to be the most devastating and their area of influence is also
quite large. These earthquakes result from a series of earth movements
brought about by a sudden release of energy during the tectonic
activities in the earth’s crust. As compared to these, the earthquakes
associated with volcanic eruption, rock fall, landslides, subsidence,
particularly in the mining areas, impounding of dams and reservoirs,
etc. have limited area of influence and the scale of damage.
XI – Geography 264
Which type of the following disaster the Earthquake is -
(a) Unpredictable and destructive unnatural disaster.
(b) Predictable and destructive natural disaster.
(c) Unpredictable and undestructive unnatural disaster.
(d) Unpredictable and destructive natural disaster.
16. निम्नलिखित मेें से भूकंप की उत््पत्ति का मुख््य कारक कौन सा है? (1)
(क) भूस्खलन (ख) विवर््त निकी
(ग) ज््ववालामुखी विस््फफोट (घ) जमीन का अवतलन
Which of the following is the main factor for the origin of
(a) Landslides (b) Tectonic
(c) Volcanic Eruption (d) Subsidence
265 XI – Geography
खं ड-ख (लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
18. नीचे दिए गए व््यष्टि का अध््ययन कीजिए तथा दिए गए प्रश्ननों के उत्तर दीजिए। (3x1=3)
Read the Case Study given below and answer the questions that
follow :
अं तः उष््ण कटिबं धीय अभिसरण क्षेत्र (आई.टी.सी.जेड.)
विषुवत वृत्त पर स्थित अंतः उष््ण कटिबंधीय अभिसरण क्षेत्र एक निम्न वायुदाब वाला क्षेत्र
है। इस क्षेत्र मेें व््ययापारिक पवनेें मिलती हैैं। अतः इस क्षेत्र मेें वायु ऊपर उठने लगती है।
जुलाई के महीने मेें आई.टी.सी. जेड. 20 से 25” उ. अक््षाांशोों के आस-पास गंगा के मैदान
मेें स्थित हो जाता है। इसे कभी-कभी मानसूनी गर््त भी कहते हैैं। यह मानसूनी गर््त , उत्तर
और उत्तर-पश्चिमी भारत पर तापीय निम्न वायुदाब के विकास को प्रोत्साहित करता है।
आई.टी.सी.जेड. के उत्तर की ओर खिसकने के कारण दक्षिणी गोलार्दद्ध की व््ययापारिक पवनेें
40° और 60° पूर्वी देशांतरोों के बीच विषुवत वृत्त को पार कर जाती हैैं। कोरियोलिस बल के
प्रभाव से वियुक्त वृत्त को पार करने वाली इन व््ययापारिक पवनोों की दिशा दक्षिण-पश्चिम से
उत्तर-पूर््व की ओर हो जाती है। यही दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसून है। शीत ऋतु मेें आई.टी.सी.
जेड. दक्षिण की ओर खिसक जाता है। इसी के अनुसार पवनोों की दिशा दक्षिण-पश्चिम से
बदलकर उत्तर-पूर््व हो जाती है, यही उत्तर-पूर््व मानसून है।
Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is a low pressure
zone located at the equator where trade winds converge, and so,
it is a zone where air tends to ascend. In July, the ITCZ is located
around 20°N-25°N latitudes (over the Gangetic plain), sometimes
called the monsoon trough. This monsoon trough encourages the
development of thermal low over north and northwest India. Due to
the shift of ITCZ, the trade winds of the southern hemisphere cross
the equator between 40° and 60°E longitudes and start blowing
from southwest to northeast due to the Coriolis force. It becomes
southwest monsoon. In winter. the ITCZ moves southward, and
so the reversal of winds from northeast to south and southwest.
takes place. They are called northeast monsoons.
XI – Geography 266
(1) अंत: उष््ण कटिबंधीय अभिसरण क्षेत्र कहाँ स्थित होता है?
Where does Inter Tropical convergence zone exist?
(2) दक्षिणी गोलार्दद्ध की व््ययापारिक पवने 40° और 60° पूर्वी देशांतरोों के बीच, विषुवत् वृत्त
को क्ययों पार कर जाती है?
Why the trade winds of the southern hemisphere cross the
Equator between 40° East and 60° East longitudes.
(3) शीत ऋतु मेें ITCZ किस दिशा की ओर खिसक जाता है?
In which direction does ITCZ move in winter season?
19. निम््नाांकित चित्र का पर््यवेक्षण कीजिए तथा दिए गए प्रश्ननों के उत्तर दीजिए। (3x1=3)
Observe the given diagram and answer the following questions
267 XI – Geography
नोट : यह प्रश्न के वल दृष्टिबाधित विद्यार्थियोों हेतु प्रश्न संख््यया 19 के स्थान पर हैैं-
Note : These questions are for visually impaired students only, in lieu
of Q.No.
19.1 नदी की किस अवस्था मेें डल्े ्टटा का निर््ममा ण होना चाहिए?
At which stage of river the Delta must be formed?
19.2 डेल््टटा का निर््ममा ण नदी द्वारा किस स्थान पर किया जाता है ?
At which place Delta is formed by the River?
19.3 डेल््टटा का आकार व आक
ृ ति किस कारक पर निर््भ र करती है?
The shape of delta depends on which factor?
20. उष््ण कटिबंधीय चक्रवात की किन्ही तीन विशेषताओं का वर््णन कीजिए। (3x1=3)
Describe any three features of Tropical cyclones.
अथवा / OR
वायुमंडल के गर््म होने मेें चालन प्रक्रिया की व््ययाख््यया कीजिए।
Elucidate the process of conduction in heating the atmosphere.
21. भूमंडलीय ऊष््मन के लिए उत्तरदायी मानवीय कारणोों को प्रमाणित कीजिए। (3x1=3)
Substantiate the human factors responsible for global warming.
23. “सूखे से निपटने के लिए दूरगामी कदमोों को उठाना चाहिए।” किन््हीीं तीन कदमोों का
विश्लेषण कीजिए। (3xl=3)
“Long term measures must be taken to deal with Drought.” Analyse
any three measures.
अथवा / OR
बाढ़ की स्थिति से निपटने हेतु उठाए जाने वाले कदमोों की विवेचना कीजिए।
Describe the steps to be taken to deal with flood.
XI – Geography 268
खं ड-ग (दीर््घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न )
प्र. सं . 24-28.
Q.No. 24-28
24. विश्व संरक्षण कार््य योजना मेें जव
ै विविधता संरक्षण के लिए सुझाए गए तरीकोों की व््ययाख््यया
कीजिए। (5x1=5)
Describe the measures suggested in World Conservation Strategy
for biodiversity Conservation.
अथवा / OR
महासागरीय धाराएँ क्या है? महासागरीय धाराओं को प्रभावित करने वाले प्राथमिक बलोों
का उल््ललेख कीजिए।
What are ocean currents? Mention the primary forces influencing
ocean currents. (1+4-5)
26. संघनन क्या हैैं? ओस के बनने हेतु आवश््यक दशाओं का वर््णन कीजिए। (1+4=5)
What is condensation? Describe the ideal Conditions for dew
27. वन्य प्राणियोों की संख््यया कम होने के मुख््य कारणोों को स््पष्ट कीजिए । (5x1-5)
Explain the important reasons of the declining of wild life.
28. ‘भारत मेें एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान के तापमान मेें ऋतुवत अंतर पाया जाता है।” कथन को
उचित उदाहरणोों द्वारा स््पष्ट कीजिए। (5x1=5)
“There are seasonal variations in temperature from place to place in
India”. Justify the statement with relevant Examples.
अथवा / OR
भारत मेें मानसून वर््षषा की किन््हीीं पँ ाच विशेषताओं का वर््णन कीजिए।
Describe any five characteristics of Monsoonal rainfall in India.
269 XI – Geography
खं ड-घ (मानचित्र आधारित प्रश्न)
29. भारत के दिए गए भौगोलिक मानचित्र मेें निम्नलिखित की स्थिति उपयुक्त चिन्हहों से दिखाइए
व उनके नाम लिखिए। (कोई पाँच) (1x5=5)
Locate and label the following on the given physical outline map of
India with appropriate symbols. (Any five)
(i) राजस्थान की राजधानी
Capital of Rajasthan
(ii) सुंदरवन जीवमंडल निचय
Sunderbans Biosphere Reserve
(iii) प्रायद्वीप भारत मेें 200 सेमी से अधिक वार्षिक वर््षषा वाला क्षेत्र
An area having more than zoom annual rainfall in Peninsular
(iv) अत्यधिक सूखा प्रवण क्षेत्र
Extreme drought prone area
(v) कावेरी नदी
Kaveri River
(vi) मिजो श्रेणी
Mizo Hills
(vii) नंदा देवी जीवमंडल निचय
Nanda Devi Biospher Reserve
नोट : निम्नलिखित प्रश्न केवल दृष्टिबाधित परीक्षार्थियोों के लिए प्रश्न संख््यया 29 के स्थान पर है -
(कोई पाँच कीजिए) (1x5=5)
Note: The following questions are for the Visually Impaired candidates
only in lieu of Q.No. 29 (Any 5) TIPS
29.1 राजस्थान की राजधानी का नाम लिखिए।
Name the Capital of Rajasthan.
XI – Geography 270
29.2 उड़़ीसा मेें स्थित जीवमंडल निचय का नाम लिखिए।
Write the name of Biosphere Reserve lies in Odisha. 29.3 दक्षिण
29.3 पश्चिम मानसून सर््व प्रथम किस राज्य मेें प्रवेश करता है?
In which state Southwest Monsoon enters first?
29.6 नंदा देवी पर््व त चोटी किस राज्य मेें स्थित है?
In which State Nanda Devi mountain peak is located?
271 XI – Geography
नोट : निम्नलिखित प्रश्न केवल दृष््टटिबाधित परीक्षार्थियोों के लिए प्रश्न सं ख््यया 30 के स्थान पर
है- (कोई पाँच) (1x5=5)
Note: The following questions are fo the visually impaired candidates
only in lieu of Q.No. 30. (Any 5)
30.1 एक विवर््त निकी प्लेट का नाम लिखिए जो एशिया महाद्वीप व प्रशांत महासागरीय
प्लेट के बीच स्थित है।
Write the name of tectonic plate which lies between Asia
continent and Pacific Plate.
30.2 एक महाद्वीप का नाम लिखिए जो एक देश भी है।
Write the name of the continent which is also a country.
30.3 उत्तरी अमेरिका के सबसे बड़़े देश का नाम लिखिए।
Write the name of largest country of North America.
30.4 एक ठं डी जलधारा का नाम लिखिए जो दक्षिणी अमेरिका के पश्चिमी तट के सहारे ,
दक्षिण से उत्तर दिशा मेें प्रवाहित होती है।
Name the cold current which flows from South to North along
the west coast of South America.
30.5 एक गर््म जलधारा का नाम लिखिए जो मैक्सिको की खाड़़ी मेें उत््पन्न होती है।
Write the name of warm current which originates in Gulf of
30.6 दक्षिण भारत के एक पारिस्थितिकीय हॉट-स््पपॉट का नाम लिखिए।
Name the Ecological Hot spot of South India.
30.7 अफ्रीका के किसी एक पारिस्थितिकीय हॉट-स््पपॉट का नाम लिखिए।
Name any one Ecological Hot spot of Africa.
XI – Geography 272
273 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 274
No. of pages-11 (M)
275 XI – Geography
खं ड-ख (लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
18. (1) विषुवत् वृत्त (3x1=3)
(2) आई.टी.सी. जेड के उत्तर की ओर खिसकने के कारण
(3) दक्षिण की ओर
XI – Geography 276
21. भूमंडलीय ऊष््मन के लिए मानवीय कारण - (3x1=3)
(i) जीवाश््म ईंधन का दहन (जैसे कोयला, तेल)
(ii) भूमि उपयोग परिवर््तन
(iii) वनोन्मूलन
(iv) औद्योगिक इकाइयोों का बढ़ना
(v) क््ललोरोफ््ललोरोकार््बन की मात्रा मेें वृद्धि (कोई तीन)
277 XI – Geography
(v) बाढ़ के मैदानोों मेें जनसंख््यया के जमाव पर नियंत्रण रखना। अन्य सम््बन्धित बिन््ददु
(कोई तीन)
खण््ड-ग (दीर््घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
24. विश्व संरक्षण कार््य योजना मेें जव
ै विविधता संरक्षण के निम्न तरीके सुझाए गए -
(i) संकटापन्न प्रजातियोों के संरक्षण के लिए प्रयास करने चाहिए। (5x1=5)
(ii) प्रजातियोों को लुप््त होने से बचाने के लिए उचित योजनाएँ व प्रबंधन अपेक्षित हैैं।
(iii) खाद्यान्ननों की किस्ममें चारे संबंधी पौधोों की किस्ममें, इमारती लकड़़ी के पेड़, पशुधन,
जंतु व उनकी वन्य प्रजातियोों की किस्ममों को संरक्षित करना चाहिए।
(iv) प्रत्येक देश को वन्य जीवोों के आवास को चिन्हित कर उनकी सुरक्षा को सुनिश्चित
करना चाहिए।
(v) प्रजातियोों के पलने-बढने तथा विकसित होने के स्थान सुरक्षित व संरक्षित हो।
(vi) वन्य जीवोों व पौधोों का अंतर््ररा ष्ट्रीय व््ययापार नियमोों के अनुरूप हो। (कोई पाँच)
XI – Geography 278
प्राथमिक बल -
(i) सौर ऊर््जजा से जल का गर््म होना
(ii) वायु
(iii) गुरुत््ववाकर््ष ण
(iv) कोरियोलिस बल
(बिंदुओं की व््ययाख््यया अपेक्षित)
279 XI – Geography
28. भारत मेें तापमान की स्थानिक भिन्नता - (5x1=5)
(1) गर्मियोों मेें पश्चिमी मरूस्थल मेें तापमान 55°C तक पहुुँचता है वहीं सर्दियोों मेें लेह
के आसपास तापमान 45°C तक गिरता है।
(ii) भारत मेें एक ऋतु के एक दिन के तापमान मेें भी स्थानिक भिन्नता देखने को
मिलती है। जैस ज
े ून मेें राजस्थान के चुरू का तापमान 50°C तक पहुुँचता वहीं
अरुणाचल प्रदेश के तवांग जिले का तापमान 19°C तक ही पहुुँचता है।
(iii) दिसंबर मेें जम्मू कश््ममीर के द्रास मेें तापमान -45°C तक गिर जाता है वहीं
थिरुवनंथपुरम मेें तापमान 20°C रहता है।
(iv) भारत मेें एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान के तापमान मेें अनेक विभिन्नताएँ पाई जाती है।
यह विभिन्नता दैनिक तापांतर मेें भी देखने को मिलती है।
(v) केरल मेें दिन व रात के तापमान मेें 790 से 8°C का अंतर देखने को मिलता है वहीं
थार मरुस्थल मेें दिन व रात के तापमान मेें 30°C के लगभग अंतर पाया जाता है।
अन्य सम््बन्धित बिन््ददु (कोई पाँच)
भारतीय मानसून वर््षषा की विशेषताएँ -
(i) दक्षिणी पश्चिमी मानसून से प्राप््त होने वाली वर््षषा मौसमी हैैं, जो जून से सितंबर
के मध््य होती है।
(ii) मानसून वर््षषा मुख््य रूप से उच्चावच द्वारा नियंत्रित होती हैैं।
(iii) समुद्र से बढ़ती दूरी के साथ मानसून वर््षषा मेें घटने की प्रवृत्ति पायी जाती है।
(iv) किसी एक समय मेें मानसून वर््षषा दिनोों के आर्दद्र दौरोों मेें आती है। इन गीले दौरोों
मेें कुछ सूखे अंतराल भी आते हैैं, जिन्हहें विभंग कहते हैैं।
(v) ग्रीष््मकालीन वर््षषा मूसलाधार होती है, जिससे मृदा अपरदन होता है।
(vi) भारतीय क
ृ षि अर््थ व््यवस्था के लिए मानसून महत््वपूर््ण है। कुल वर््षषा का तीन
चौथाई भाग दक्षिण-पश्चिमी मानसून से प्राप््त होता है।
(vii) मानसून वर््षषा का स्थानिक वितरण असमान है।
(viii) कई बार पूरे देश मेें इसके एक भाग मेें वर््षषा का आरं भ काफी देर से होता है।
(अन्य सम््बन्धित बिन््ददु) (कोई पाँच)
XI – Geography 280
खण््ड - घ (मानचित्र आधारित प्रश्न )
281 XI – Geography
30. मानचित्र सं लग्न हैैं। (5x1 = 5)
केवल दृष््टटिबाधित विद्यार्थियोों हे तु (कोई 5) (5x1 = 5)
30.1 फिलीपीन प्लेट
30.2 ऑस्ट्रेलिया
30.3 कनाडा
30.4 हम््बबोल््ट धारा
30.5 गल््फस्ट्रीम
30.6 पश्चिमी घाट
30.7 ऊपरी गिनी वन / पूर्वी चाप पर््व त तंजानिया / पूर्वी मडा
े गास््कर
XI – Geography 282
अभ्यास प्रश्न पत्र
सत्रात परीक्षा 2022-2023
M.M/अधिकतम अं क : 70
General Instructions:
1. There are 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question paper is divided into four sections- A, B, C and D
3. In section-A Questions No. 1-17 are multiple choice questions.
4. In Section B, Question numbers 18 to 23 are short answer type
questions (80-100 words). Question No. 18 and 19 are source-based
5. In Section C Question numbers 24 to 28 are long answer type
questions (120-150 words).
6. In Section D, Question numbers 29 and 30 are map based questions
having five sub-parts.
7. 15 Minutes time has been provided to read the question paper.
सामान्य निर्दे शः
1. इस प्रश्न पत्र मेें कुल 30 प्रश्न हैैं। सभी प्रश्न अनिवार््य हैैं।।
2. प्रश्न पत्र चार खण््डोों A, B, C और D मेें विभाजित है।
3. खंड- A मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 01-17 बहु-विकल््पपीय प्रश्न हैैं।
4. खंड-8 मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 18 से 23 लघु उत्तरीय (80-100 शब््द) प्रकार के प्रश्न हैैं। प्रश्न
18 और 19 श्रोत आधारित प्रश्न हैैं।
5. खंड-C मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 24 से 28 दीर््घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (120 से 150 शब््द) हैैं।
6. खंड-D मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 29 और 30 मानचित्र आधारित प्रश्न हैैं जिनमेें पांच उपभाग हैैं।
7. प्रश्ननों को पढ़ने हेतु 15 मिनट का अंतरिक्त समय दिया गया है।
283 XI – Geography
खं ड / Section: A
इस खं ड मेें 17 प्रश्न हैैं। सभी प्रश्न अनिवार््य हैैं।
Q. No. Marks
There are 17 questions in this section and all are
1. Meteorology A. Population Geography
2. Demography B. Soil Geography
3. Sociology C. Climatology
4. Pedology D. Social Geography
XI – Geography 284
जलयोजन प्रक्रिया निम्नलिखित पदार्थथों मेें से किसे प्रभावित करती है?
(a) ग्रेनाइट (b) क््ववाटर््ज
(c) चीका (क््लले) मिट्टी (d) लवण
निम्नलिखित मेें से किस प्रक्रिया द्वारा वायुमंडल मुख््यतः गर््म होता है।
(a) लघु तरं गदैर््ध््य वाले सौर विकिरण से
(b) लंबी तरं गदैर््ध््य वाले स्थलीय विकिरण से
(c) परावर्तित सौर विकिरण से
(d) प्रकीर्णित सौर विकिरण से
नम्नलिखित प्रकार के बादलोों मेें से आकाश मेें सबसे ऊंचा बादल कौन सा है?
(a) पक्षाभ (b) स््तरी
(c) वर््षषा मेघ (d) कपासी
XI – Geography 286
(c) Only ‘a’ is correct.
(d) Both ‘a’ & ‘b’ are correct.
उत्तराखंड, उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार, पश्चिम बंगाल और सिक््ककिम की सीमाएँ किस देश को
छूती हैैं?
(a) चीन (b) भूटान
(c) नेपाल (d) म््ययाांमार
10. Which one of the following rivers has the largest river basin 1
in India?
(a) The Indus (b) The Ganga
(c) The Brahmaputra (d) The Krishna
287 XI – Geography
निम्नलिखित मेें से किस नदी की द्रोणी भारत मेें सबसे बड़़ी है?
(a) सिंधु (b) गंगा
(c) बह्मपुत्र (d) क
ृ ष््णणा
XI – Geography 288
भागीरथी नदी, अलकनंदा से कहां मिलती है?
(a) देवप्रयाग (b) रुद्रप्रयाग
(c) विष््णणुप्रयाग (d) कर््ण प्रयाग
13. Assertion (A): Punjab receives less rainfall than West Bengal. 1
Reason (R): The monsoon rainfall has a declining trend with
increasing distance from the sea..
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation
of A.
(c) A is true but R is false..
(d) A is false and R is true.
अभिकथन (A): पंजाब मेें पश्चिम बंगाल की तुलना मेें कम वर््षषा होती है।
कारण (R): समुद्र से बढ़ती दूरी के साथ मानसून वर््षषा मेें घटने की प्रवृति पाई जाती है।
(a) A और R दोनोों सत्य हैैं और R, A की सही व््ययाख््यया है।
(b) A और R दोनोों सत्य हैैं और R, A की सही व््ययाख््यया नहीं है।
(c) A सत्य है लेकिन R गलत है।
(d) A गलत है और R सत्य है।
14. What causes rainfall on the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu in 1
the beginning of winters?
(a) South-West monsoon (c) North-Eastern monsoon
(b) Temperate cyclones (d) Local air circulation
जाड़े के आरं भ मेें तमिलनाडु के तटीय प्रदेशोों मेें वर््षषा किस कारण होती है?
(a) दक्षिण-पश्चिमी मानसून (b) शीतोष््ण कटिबंधीय चक्रवात
(c) उत्तर-पूर्वी मानसून (d) स्थानीय वायु परिसंचरण
289 XI – Geography
15. Which one of the following was the purpose of Project Tiger? 1
(a) to kill tigers
(b) to protect tigers from illegal hunting
(c) to put tigers in the Zoo
(d) to make films on tigers
प्रोजेक््ट टाईगर निम्नलिखित मेें से किस उद्देश््य से शुरू किया गया है-
(a) बाघ मारने के लिए
(b) बाघ को शिकार से बचाने के लिए
(c) बाघ को चिड़़ियाघर मेें डालने के लिए
(d) बाघ पर फिल्म बनाने के लिए
16. Sandalwood is an example of: 1
(a) Evergreen forest (b) Deciduous forest
(c) Deltaic forest (d) Thorny forest
XI – Geography 290
(a) A और R दोनोों सत्य हैैं और R, A की सही व््ययाख््यया है।
(b) A और R दोनोों सत्य हैैं और R, A की सही व््ययाख््यया नहीं है।
(c) A सत्य है लेकिन R गलत है।
(d) A गलत है और R सत्य है।
खं ड / Section: B
खंड-B मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 18 से 23 लघु-उत्तरीय (80-100 शब््द) प्रकार के प्रश्न हैैं। प्रश्न 18 और
19 श्रोत आधारित प्रश्न हैैं ।
In Section B, Question numbers 18 to 23 are short answer type
questions (80-100 words). Question No. 18 and 19 are source-based
18. Observe the given karst features and answer the questions 3
that follow.
गुफा मुख
19. Read the given passage and answer the Questions that follow 3
The western cyclonic disturbances which enter the Indian
subcontinent from the west and the northwest during the winter
months, originate over the Mediterranean Sea and are brought
into India by the westerly jet stream. An increase in the prevailing
night temperature generally indicates an advance in the arrival of
these cyclones disturbances. As the summer sets in and the sun
shifts northwards, the wind circulation over the subcontinent
undergoes a complete reversal at both, the lower as well as the
upper levels. By the middle of July, the low-pressure belt nearer
the surface [termed as Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)]
shifts northwards, roughly parallel to the Himalayas between
20” N and 25 N. By this time, the westerly jet stream withdraws
from the Indian region. In fact, meteorologists have found an
interrelationship between the northward shift of the equatorial
XI – Geography 292
trough (ITCZ) and the withdrawal of the westerly jet stream
from over the North Indian Plain. It is generally believed that
there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the two. The
ITCZ being a zone of low pressure, attracts inflow of winds from
different directions. The maritime tropical airmass (mT) from the
southern hemisphere, after crossing the equator, rushes to the
low-pressure area in the general south- westerly direction. It is
this moist air current which is popularly known as the southwest
monsoon. The pattern of pressure and winds as mentioned above
is formed only at the level of the troposphere.
निम्न गद््याांश को सावधानी पूर््व क पढ़ें तथा दिए गए प्रश्ननों के उत्तर देें।
पश्चिमी विक्षोभ, जो भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप मेें जाड़े के मौसम मेें पश्चिम तथा उत्तर- पश्चिम
से प्रवेश करते हैैं, भूमध््य सागर पर उत््पन्न होते हैैं। भारत मेें इनका प्रवेश पश्चिमी जेट
प्रवाह द्वारा होता है। शीतकाल मेें रात्रि के तापमान मेें वृद्धि इन विक्षोभोों के आने का पूर््व
संकेत माना जाता है।
गर्मी का मौसम शुरू होने पर जब सूर््य उत्तरायण स्थिति मेें आता है, उपमहाद्वीप के
निम्न तथा उच्च दोनोों ही स््तरोों पर वायु परिसंचरण मेें उत्कक्रमण हो जाता है। जुलाई के
मध््य तक धरातल के निकट निम्न वायुदाब पेटी जिसे अंतः उष््ण कटिबंधीय अभिसरण
क्षेत्र (आई.टी.सी. जेड.) कहा जाता है, उत्तर की ओर खिसक कर हिमालय के लगभग
समानांतर 20 से 25 उत्तरी अक््षाांश पर स्थित हो जाती है। इस समय तक पश्चिमी जेट
प्रवाह भारतीय क्षेत्र से लौट चुका होता है। वास््तव मेें मौसम विज्ञानियोों। ने पाया है कि
भूमध््यरे खीय द्रोणी (आई.टी.सी.जेड.) के उत्तर की ओर खिसकने तथा पश्चिमी जेट
प्रवाह के भारत के उत्तरी मैदान से लौटने के बीच एक अंतसंबंध है। प्रायः ऐसा माना
जाता है कि इन दोनोों के बीच कार््य-कारण का संबंध है। आई-टी-सी-जेड-। निम्न
वायुदाब का क्षेत्र होने के कारण विभिन्न दिशाओं से पवनोों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित
करता है। दक्षिणी गोलार्दद्ध से उष््णकटिबंधीय सामुद्रिक वायु संहति (एम.टी.) विषुवत
वृत्त को पार करके सामान्यतः दक्षिण-पश्चिमी दिशा मेें इसी कम दाब वाली पेटी की ओर
अग्रसर होती है। यही आर्दद्र वायुधारा दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसून कहलाती है। वायुदाब एवं
पवनोों का उपर््ययु क्त प्रतिरूप केवल क्षोभमंडल के निम्न स््तर पर पाया जाता है।
293 XI – Geography
19.1 पश्चिमी विक्षोभ का उद्गम कहाँ होता है?
19. 2. कौन सी ऊपरी वायुमंडल की वायु पश्चिमी विक्षोभ को भारत तक लाने मेें मदद करती
19.3 भूमध््यरे खीय द्रोणी (आई.टी.सी. जेड.) तथा पश्चिमी जेट प्रवाह के बीच किस प्रकार
का संबंध पाया जाता है?
23. Make a comparison of the island groups of the Arabian Sea and
the Bay of Bengal on the basis of any three points. 3
अरब सागर तथा बंगाल की खाड़़ी के द्वीप समूहोों की तुलना किन््हीीं तीन बिंदुओं के
आधार पर करेें ।
XI – Geography 294
खं ड / Section: C
In Section C, Question numbers 24 to 28 are long answer type
questions (120-150 words).
खंड-C मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 24 से 28 दीर््घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (120 से 150 शब््द) हैैं।
24. What are tides? How are tides caused? How are tides 5
related to navigation?
ज््ववार-भाटा क्या है? ज््ववार-भाटा उत््पन्न होने के क्या कारण हैैं? ज््ववार-भाटा
नौसंचालन से कैसे संबंधित है? (1+3+1=5)
25. Describe the layered structure of the atmosphere. 5
वायुमंडल के परतदार संरचना की व््ययाख््यया करेें ।
26. Draw a simplified diagram to show the general circulation of 5
the atmosphere over the globe. What are the possible reasons
for the formation of subtropical high pressure over 30° North
and South latitudes?
पृथ््ववी पर वायुमंडलीय सामान्य परिसंचरण का चित्र बनाएँ। 30° उत्तरी व दक्षिण
अक््षाांशोों पर उपोष््ण कटिबंधीय उच्च वायुदाब के संभव कारण बताएं ?
What do you mean by atmospheric pressure? Explain the forces
affecting the velocity and direction of wind.
वायुमंडलीय दाब क्या है? पवनोों की दिशा व वेग को प्रभावित करने वाले बलोों की
व््ययाख््यया करेें ।
27. बाढ़ से आप क्या समझते हैैं? बाद के किन््हीीं दो कारणोों की व््ययाख््यया करेें तथा इस
आपदा के निवारण के कोई दो उपाय बताएँ। (1+2+2=5)
What do you mean by flood? Explain any two reasons of flood
and suggest any two mitigation measures?
What is drought? Explain different types of droughts.
सूखा क्या है? सूखे के विभिन्न प्रकारोों की व््ययाख््यया करेें ।
28. How are the Himalayan rivers different from Peninsular rivers?
Write any five points of differences. 5
हिमालयी नदियाँ प्रायद्वीपीय नदियोों से किस प्रकार भिन्न हैैं? भिन्नता के कोई पाँच बिंदु
लिखेें। 295 XI – Geography
खंड / Section D
खंड -D मेें प्रश्न संख््यया 29 और 30 मानचित्र आधारित प्रश्न हैैं जिनमेें पांच उपभाग हैैं.
In Section D, Question numbers 29 and 30 are map based questions
having five sub-parts
30. Locate and label the following features with appropriate symbols
on the given outline map of India. (Any five)
(30.1) Karakoram range.
(30.2) Anai Mudi peak.
(30.3) Malabar coast.
XI – Geography 296
(30.4) One area receiving winter rain.
(30.5) Manas Biosphere Reserve.
(30.6) Sunder Ban biosphere Reserve.
(30.7) Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
भारत के दिए गए राजनीतिक रे खा मानचित्र मेें निम्नलिखित लक्षणोों को उपयुक्त संकेतोों
से दर््शशा इए और उनके नाम लिखिए। (कोई पांच)
(30.1) काराकोरम श्रेणी
(30.2) अनाई मुडी चोटी
(30.3) मालाबार तट
(30.4) शीत कालीन वर््षषा का एक क्षेत्र
(30.5) मानस जीवमंडल निचय
(30.6) सुंदर वन जीवमंडल निचय
(30.7) नीलगिरी जीवमंडल निचय
297 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 298
299 XI – Geography
XI – Geography 300