Honeywell UDC 3000

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UDC3000 Versa-Pro

Universal Digital Controller

The UDC3000 Universal Digital
Controller is Honeywell’s general
purpose microprocessor-based,
ALM 1 2 FC

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stand alone digital controller. It

combines the highest degree of
DI 1 2
RSP 3000 %
functionality and operating sim-
plicity offered in a 1/4 DIN size. OUT 1 2 SP 3000
The bright dual displays with multi-
language prompts make the
operator interface easy to read, LOWER MANUAL SETPOINT
understand, and operate. DISPLAY AUTO SELECT
Programmed sequences of dis-
plays assure quick and accurate SET UP RUN
entry of all configurable parame- HOLD
ters. Simple keystrokes let you
select input and range configura-
tion, set the operating parameters
that meet your process control 22069
needs now, and change them later
to meet new ones.
Figure 1 - UDC3000 Versa-Pro Controller
Dual Displays - Vacuum fluores- Accutune IITM - Provides a new, Manual/Automatic Modes -
cent alphanumeric displays and truly plug and play tuning algorithm, Bumpless, balanceless transfer
indicators with dedicated PV which will, at the touch of a button between control modes.
display. or through a digital input, accurately Two Local Setpoints - Can be
Deviation Bargraph - “On Control” identify and tune any process configured to provide two local
indication or up to ± 10% deviation including those with deadtime and setpoints, keyboard or optional
display. integrating processes. This speeds- remote switch selectable.
Easy Configuration - Multi- up and simplifies startup plus allows Universal Switching Power -
language prompts, in programmed retuning at any setpoint. Also Operates on any line voltage from
sequence, provide guidance during included is the original Accutune SP 90 to 264 Vac 50/60 Hz without
configuration. Individual, reliable Adaptive tuning that can jumpers. 24V ac/dc instrument
tactile keys provide positive automatically retune whenever a SP power available as an option.
operator feedback. There are no step change is implemented.
Limit Control - provides a latching
internal jumpers to set. Fuzzy Logic - This new feature relay which is activated whenever
Universal Isolated Input - uses fuzzy logic to suppress the PV goes above or below a
Input 1 accepts 10 thermocouple process variable overshoot due to preset setpoint value. An alarm
types, RTDs, Radiamatic RHs, mA, SP changes or externally induced indicator will light when the output is
mV or voltage inputs through process disturbance. It operates activated. Reset is through a key on
keyboard configuration. It is isolated independently from Accutune the front of the controller or an
from Input 2 and all other circuits. tuning. It does not change the PID external switch.
(See Table 1.) constants, but temporarily modifies Setpoint Rate - Lets you define a
Thermocouple Failsafe - the internal controller response to ramp rate to be applied to any local
Configurable upscale or downscale suppress overshoot. This allows setpoint change. A separate
burnout and failsafe output level. more aggressive tuning to co-exist upscale or downscale rate is
with smooth PV response. It can be configurable. A single setpoint ramp
Decimal Point Location - enabled or disabled depending on
Configurable for none, one, or two is also available as an alternative.
the application or the control
places. criteria.

Industrial Automation and Control, 110 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Printed in U.S.A. ■  Copyright 1997 Honeywell Inc.
Page 2

Features, continued Optional Features (Fig. 4) Optional Features continued

CE Mark- Conformity with Second Input - Isolated high level Auto/Manual Station Plus Backup
73/23/EEC, Low Voltage Directive input available for remote setpoint Control - You can use a single
and 89/336/EEC, the EMC Directive signal, PV signal via digital inputs, UDC3000 to act as both an
Moisture Resistant Front Panel - or motor slidewire input. (Table 1) Auto/Manual Station PLUS a back-
Capable of meeting NEMA 3 and Auxiliary Output* - This isolated up PID Controller, should the
IEC529 IP65 (i.e. hosedown) Auxiliary Output can be scaled from primary loop controller fail. Since
requirements. 4-20 mA for 0 to 100% for any the PID control is sometimes
Timer - This standard feature pro- range. It can be configured to implemented in the PLC, this
vides a configurable time period of represent Input 1, Input 2, PV, feature provides a very cost-
0 to 99 hours, 59 minutes. Alarm 1 active Setpoint, Local SP1, effective way to insure the process
is dedicated to be active at the end Deviation, or the Control Output. does not have to shutdown or
of the timeout period. Timer “start” Communications* - Provides a link remain in manual mode if the PLC
is selectable as either the between the UDC3000 and a should fail. Switching from the
RUN/HOLD key or Alarm 2. The Honeywell supplied interface device Auto/Manual Station to the back-up
optional Digital Input can also be capable of communicating via control mode is accomplished using
configured to start the Timer in RS232 (DMCS), or direct the Digital Input option.
addition to either the keyboard or communication via the RS422/485 Setpoint Ramp/Soak
Alarm 2. The Timer status shown in communications option to a host Programming - Enables you to
the lower display is selectable as computer. program and store 6 Ramp and 6
either time remaining or elapsed Approval Body Options - FM Soak segments for setpoint
time. approval, CSA certification and UL programming. Run or Hold of
Two Sets of Tuning Constants - Recognition are available options. program is keyboard or remote
Two sets of PID parameters can be UL Recognition applies to switch selectable.
configured for each loop and regulatory use only.
automatically selected. Physical Description
2 Digital Inputs - Allows remote
Heat/Cool Capability - Provides dry contact closure to select one of The controller is housed in a 5.8
split range control with independent the following for each digital input: inch deep, black metal case with a
PID tuning constants - one for • Manual control mode dark gray elastomer bezel, that can
heating, one for cooling, plus mixed • Local setpoint 1 be panel mounted in a 1/4 DIN
output forms. • Local setpoint 2 cutout, (see Figure 5.) The plug-in
Alarm Selection - None, one, or • Direct controller action chassis allows easy access to the
two relays to activate external controller board and its various
• Reset of Limit Controller
equipment when preset high/low option boards. All power, input, and
• Hold SP Ramp/Programming output wiring are connected to
setpoints are reached. There is an • Select PID set 2
indicator for each alarm. screw terminals on the rear panel,
• PV = Input 2 (see Fig 6.) Blue and tan elastomer
Setpoint Ramp - Provides single • External program reset bezels are optionally available.
programmable setpoint ramp of up • Disable PID integral action
to 255 minutes duration which is
• To Run - SP Ramp/Program Inputs
repeatable and activated by the
Run/Hold key. • To Automatic output value Each analog input is sampled 3
Output Rate Limiter - A maximum • Manual mode, failsafe output times a second, amplified and
output rate may be configured for • Disable keyboard then converted to a digital signal
both the upscale and downscale • Start Timer which is isolated and passed to
output directions. • To Auto/Manual Station the microprocessor. The primary
Data Security - Five levels of key- • ToTune input can be one of various
board security protect tuning, Also allows the following selections Thermocouple, Radiamatic, or
configuration, and calibration data, to be combined with the above Linear actuations, (see Table 1.)
accessed by a configurable 4-digit selections: A second input provides a remote
code. Nonvolatile EEPROM • Select PID set 2 setpoint function and accepts a 4
memory assures data integrity • Direct controller action to 20 mA or 1 to 5 Vdc range that
during loss of power. • Local setpoint 2 can be characterized. All ranges
• Disable adaptive tune are keyboard selectable. External
Quality/Support - The UDC3000 is cold junction compensation is
covered by a 2-year warranty and Transmitter Power - Provides up provided. You can select upscale
backed up by a toll-free phone to 30 volts to power a 2 wire downscale, or failsafe sensor
number for technical assistance. transmitter (requires use of alarm 2 break protection. A configurable
open collector output selection or digital filter of 0 to 120 seconds for
auxiliary output.) each Input provides input signal
* AuxOut and communications are mutually smoothing, if required.
exclusive (only one may be specified).
Page 3

Output Types Output Algorithms, cont Configuration

The following output types are Current/Relay Duplex (Relay = You decide how the controller is to
available per the model selection Heat) - a variation of Duplex with interact with the process by select-
guide: Current active for 0 to 50% output ing, through simple keystrokes, the
• Current output (Tuning Set 2) and Relay active 50 functions you want.
• Electromechanical relays to 100% output (Tuning Set 1). Multi-language prompts guide the
• Solid state relays Current/Relay Duplex (Relay = operator step-by-step through the
• Open collector output Cool) - a variation of Duplex with configuration process assuring
• Solid state relay (10 amp) Current active for 50 to 100% quick and accurate entry of all
output and Relay is active for 0 to configurable parameters. There are
externally mounted (optional)
50% output. no internal jumpers, all configu-
• Auxiliary current output
“Universal” Output Model - ration is via the keyboard. Five
Flexibility of the Output Algorithms languages are available via
allows the Current Output Model configuration; English, French,
Output Algorithms
with 2 Alarms (DC300K-E) to be German, Spanish and Italian.
The UDC3000 is available with one also configured for time simplex,
or more of the following output time duplex, or three position step Control Modes
algorithms: control plus, of course, the original Manual or Automatic control with
Time Proportional - provides On- capability of current simplex and bumpless, balanceless transfer
Off or Time Proportional (Relay) current/time duplex control. A Relay between modes is a standard
output. Output Model with Auxiliary Output feature. In the manual mode, the
Current Proportional - supplies can also be configured for these operator directly controls the
proportional direct current output for output algorithms. controller output level. In the
final control elements which require automatic mode, the controller will
a 4-20 mA signal. Control Algorithms operate from a local setpoint, or a
Position Proportional - positions a Depending on the output algorithms remote setpoint provided at the
reversible motor with a feedback specified, the controller can be second input or via
slidewire in proportion to the output configured for the following control communications.
of the control algorithm. Requires 2 algorithms:
output relays. Alarms
• On-Off
Time Proportional Duplex - • PID-A Alarm output terminals are located
depending on which control • PID-B at the rear terminal panel. One or
algorithm you select, this duplex two electromechanical alarm relays
output algorithm can provide On-
• PD with Manual Reset are available to activate external
Off Duplex, Time Proportional • Three Position Step Control equipment when preset alarm set
Duplex, or 3 Position Step Control. The Three Position Step points are reached. Each of the two
The time proportional duplex output Control algorithm allows the alarms can be set to monitor two
provides independent PID tuning control of a valve (or other actu- independent set points. Each alarm
constants and two time proportional ator), with an electric motor setpoint can be either high or low
outputs; one for heat zone above driven by two controller output alarm. The alarm type can be
the 50% output, and one for cool relays; one to move the motor selected to be either of the inputs,
zone below 50% output. upscale, the other downscale the Process Variable, Deviation,
Current Proportional Duplex - without a feedback slidewire Output, Shed from communications
similar to current proportional but linked to the motor shaft. or to alarm on manual mode. It can
provides a second set of tuning Accutune does not apply to this also be used as an On or Off event
parameters and a split range algorithm. Features of this at the beginning or end of a
current output or a second current algorithm are: Ramp/Soak segment. The alarm
output via the Auxiliary output 1. The controller can use all hysteresis is configurable from 0 to
option, for the heat and cool zones. three modes of control 100% of range.
(PID) instead of PI only.
2. Three Position Step is an
automatic backup mode to
Position Proportional
Control if the feedback
slidewire signal should fail.

Page 4
Upper Display - Six Characters
• Normal Operation - four digits dedicated to display the process variable
• Configuration Mode - displays parameter value or selection
Lower Display - eight characters
• Normal Operation - displays operating parameters and values
• Configuration Mode - displays function groups and parameters
Indicator definition when lit
F - °Fahrenheit being used MAN - controller in manual mode MAN and A off —
C - °Centigrade being used A - controller in automatic mode communications
option active
R - Run SP Ramp/Program
H - Hold SP Ramp/Program

Indicator definition when lit

ALM 1 2 F C

R 3000
ALM - Alarm conditions exist MAN
DI - Digital Input active DI 1 2
% Deviation Bargraph

SP 3000
RSP - Remote SP or SP2 active RSP • Center bar indicates PV is
OUT - Control Relay 1 or 2 on OUT 1 2 within ± 1% of setpoint.
• Next bar will light if PV is
between ±1% but less than
±2% in deviation.
FUNCTION • If PV is equal to or greater than
±10% deviation, the center bar
Keys - See below plus all ten deviation bars will
SET UP light.


Figure 2 - Operator Interface

Operator Interface (Fig. 2)

Indicators - They provide alarm,
control mode, and temperature units Sequentially displays Set Up groups and allows
indication. There is also indication of Function key to display individual functions.
when Remote Setpoint is active, the
status of the control relays, and
whether a setpoint program is in Run FUNCTION Selects functions within each Set Up group.
or Hold mode.
A 21-segment bargraph displays LOWER Selects an operating parameter to be shown in
deviation to ±10% of span and an DISPLAY the lower display.
“On-Control” indicator.
MANUAL Selects Manual or Automatic control mode.
Displays - A 4-digit upper display AUTO (may be disabled via configuration)
is dedicated to the process vari-
able during normal operation with Alternately selects Local setpoint 1 and Remote
alternate 6-character information SELECT
setpoint or between two local setpoints.
displayed when in the configure (may be disabled via configuration)
mode. Initiates or holds the single setpoint ramp
During normal operation, the lower HOLD or Ramp/Soak program.
display shows key-selected operat- (may be disabled via configuration)
ing parameters such as Output, Increases the setpoint, output, or
Setpoints, Inputs, Deviation, active configuration values displayed.
Tuning Parameter Set, Timer Status,
or minutes remaining in a setpoint Decreases the setpoint, output, or
ramp (4 digits). It also provides configuration values displayed. 22071
guidance, through prompts, for the
operator during controller
(8-characters). Figure 3 - Key Functions
Page 5
CE Conformity (Europe) This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of the following
European Council Directives: 73/23/EEC, the Low Voltage Directive, and
89/336/EEC, the EMC Directive. Conformity of this product with any other “CE
Mark” Directive(s) shall not be assumed.
Product Classification: Class I: Permanently Connected, Panel Mounted Industrial Control Equipment
with protective earthing (grounding). (EN61010-1)
Enclosure Rating: Panel Mounted Equipment, IP 00, this controller must be panel mounted.
Terminals must be enclosed within the panel. Front panel IP 65 (IEC 529).
Installation Category Category II: Energy-consuming equipment supplied from the fixed installation.
(Overvoltage Category): Local level appliances, and Industrial Control Equipment. (EN 61010-1)
Pollution Degree: Pollution Degree 2: Normally non-conductive pollution with occasional
conductivity caused by condensation. (Ref. IEC 664-1)
EMC Classification: Group 1, Class A, ISM Equipment (EN 55011, emissions), Industrial Equipment
(EN 50082-2, immunity)
Method of EMC Assessment: Technical File (TF)
Declaration of Conformity: 51309303-000.
Accuracy ± 0.20% of span typical (± 1 digit for display)
15 bit resolution typical

Temperature Stability ± 0.01% of Full Scale / ˚C change

Input Signal Failure Protection Thermocouple Inputs: Upscale or downscale burnout

Burnout Current: 0.13 microamps
Failsafe Output Level: Configurable 0-100%
Input Impedance 4-20 Milliampere Input: 250 Ohms
0-10 Volt Input: 200K Ohms
All Other: 10 Megohms
Stray Rejection Common Mode
AC (50 or 60 Hz): 120 dB (with maximum source impedance of 100 Ohms) or ± 1
LSB ((least significant bit) whichever is greater.
Normal Mode
AC (50 or 60 Hz): 60 dB (with 100% span peak-to-peak maximum)
Alarm Output One SPDT electromechanical relay.
A second alarm is available using the second control relay. This is not available
with Relay Duplex, Position Proportional, or Three Position Step control.
Up to four setpoints are independently set as high or low alarm, two for each
relay. Setpoint can be on either Input, Process Variable, Deviation,
Communication Shed, or Output. A single adjustable hysteresis of 0.0 to 100.0%
is provided. The controller can also be set to alarm on shed from
communications. The alarm can also be set as an on or off event at the
beginning of a setpoint ramp/soak segment.
Alarm Relay Contacts Rating
Resistive Load: 5 ampere at 120 Vac or 30 Vdc, 2.5A at 240 Vac.
Page 6
Specifications (continued)
Design (continued)
Controller Output Types Current Output (Isolated)
Range can be set anywhere between 0 to 21 mA, and as direct or reverse
Resolution: 11 bits for 0 to 21 mA
Accuracy: 0.5% full scale
Temperature Stability: 0.1% F.S. / ˚C
Load Resistance: 0 to 1000 ohms
Electromechanical Relays (One or Two)
SPDT contacts. Both Normally Open and Normally Closed contacts are brought
out to the rear terminals.
Internally socketed
Resistive Load: 5 amps @ 120 Vac, 2.5A at 240 Vac or 30 Vdc
Inductive Load: 50 VA @ 120 Vac or 240 Vac
Motor: 1/6 H.P.
Solid State Relays (One or Two)
SPST solid state contacts consisting of a triac N.O. output.
Internally socketed
Resistive Load: 1.0 amp @ 25 ˚C and 120 or 240 Vac
0.5 amp @ 55 ˚C and 120 or 240 Vac
Inductive Load: 50 VA @ 120 Vac or 240 Vac
Open Collector Outputs (One or Two)
Maximum Sink Current: 20 mA
Overload Protection: 100 mA
Internally powered @ 30 Vdc
Opto-isolated from all other circuits except current output, but not from each
Socketed jumper assembly replaces relay.
Solid State Relays (10 amps)
One or two externally mounted triac N.O. outputs for use with open collector
Resistive Load: 15 amps @ 25 ˚C and 120 or 240 Vac
10 amps @ 55 ˚C and 120 or 240 Vac
Inductive Load: 50 VA @ 120 Vac or 240 Vac
Motor Rating: 1 HP @ 25 ˚C
0.75 HP @ 55 ˚C
Controller Output Algorithms On-Off or Time Proportional
One relay or open collector output. Control action can be set for direct or reverse.
Time Proportional Relay Resolution: 3.3 msec
On-Off Duplex, Three Position Step Control, or Time Proportional Duplex
Two relays or open collector outputs. Control action can be set for direct or
Time Proportional Relay Resolution: 3.3 msec
Current Proportional
A single 4-20 mA current output signal which can be configured for direct or
reverse action.
Current Proportional Duplex
A single split current output for both heat and cool (4-12 cool, 12-20 heat) or a
combination of current proportional output (Heat = 50 to 100% of range) and
auxiliary current output (Cool = 0 to 50% of range). Both are 4-20 mA signals
which can be set for direct or reverse action.
Position Proportional
Two SPDT electromechanical or solid state relays operate motor having a 100
ohm to 1000 ohm feedback slidewire.
Current/Time Duplex
Variation of time proportional duplex for Heat/Cool applications. Time proportional
output (heat or cool) is a relay. Current proportional output (Heat or Cool) is a 4-20
mA signal that can be fed into a negative or positive grounded load of 0 to 1000
ohms and is operational over 50% of range or the entire range.
Sampling Rate Inputs sampled 3 times a second
Page 7
Specifications (continued)
Design (continued)
Auxiliary Linear Output (Optional) 21 mA dc maximum into a negative or positive grounded load or non-grounded
load of 0 to 1000 ohms.
Output range can be set anywhere between 0 to 21 mA, and as direct or reverse
action. It can be configured to represent either Input, PV, Setpoint, Deviation, or
Control output. The range of the auxiliary output, as a function of the selected
variable, can be scaled. This output can be used as a second current output for
current duplex outputs.
Resolution: 12 bits over 0 to 21 mA
Accuracy: 0.2% of full scale
Temperature Stability: 0.01% F.S. / ˚C

Communications Interface (Optional)

DMCS Baud Rate: 19200 baud
Length of Link: 4000 ft maximum
Link Characteristics: Two wire, multi-drop proprietary protocol, 31 drops maximum

RS422/485 Baud Rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 19,200 baud
Parity: Odd or Even
Length of Link: 4000 ft maximum
Link Characteristics: Two wire or four wire, multi-drop RS422 ASCII protocol, 15
drops maximum
Digital Inputs (Optional) +15 Vdc source for external dry contacts or isolated solid state contacts. The
Digital Input option detects the state of external contacts for either of the two inputs.
On contact closure the controller will respond according to how each digital input is
configured. Opening contact causes return to previous state.
Input Filter Software : Single pole lowpass section with selectable time constants, off to 120
seconds available on both analog inputs.

Digital Displays Vacuum fluorescent, alphanumeric.

A six-character upper display dedicated to the process variable (4 digits).
Alternate information displayed during configuration mode.
A eight-character lower display primarily shows key selected operating parameters
(4 digits). Also provides guidance during controller configuration.
Indicators Alarm Relay Status (ALM 1 or 2)
Control Mode (A or MAN)
Temperature Units (F or C)
Remote Set Point or SP2 Active (RSP)
Control Relay Status (OUT 1 or 2)
Digital Input Status (DI 1 and 2)

Bargraph 21 segment, vertical Deviation bargraph

Center bar lit when “on” control
Deviation to ± 10% of PV span in 1% increments
Modes of Operation Manual
Automatic with local setpoint
Automatic with remote setpoint (2-input units only)
Dimensions See Figure 5.
Mounting Panel-mounted, 5.82 inch depth
Wiring Connections Screw terminals on the rear of the case. (See Figure 6.)
Power Consumption 18 VA maximum

Power Inrush Current 10A Max. for 4 ms (under operating conditions)

CAUTION When applying power to more than one UDC3000, make sure that
sufficient power is supplied. Otherwise, the controllers may not start up normally
due to voltage drop from the inrush current.
Weight 1.3 kg (3 lbs.)
Page 8
Specifications (continued)
Environmental and Operating Conditions
Parameter Reference Rated Operative Limits Transportation and storage
Ambient 25 ± 3˚C 15 to 55 ˚C 0 to 55 ˚C -40 to 66 ˚C
Temperature 77 ± 5˚F 58 to 131 ˚F 32 to 131 ˚F -40 to 151 ˚F
Relative Humidity 10 to 55* 10 to 90* 5 to 90* 5 to 95*
Frequency (Hz) 0 0 to 70 0 to 200 0 to 200
Acceleration (g) 0 0.1 0.5 0.5
Mechanical Shock
Acceleration (g) 0 1 5 20
Duration (ms)) 0 30 30 30
Voltage (Vdc) +24 ± 1 20 to 27 20 to 27 --
Voltage (Vac)
90 to 264Vac 120 ± 1 90 to 264 90 to 264 --
(CSA models rated to 250V max.) 240 ± 2 --
24Vac 24 ± 1 20 to 27 20 to 27 --
Frequency (Hz) 50 ± 0.2 49 to 51 48 to 52 --
(For Vac) 60 ± 0.2 59 to 61 58 to 62 --
* The maximum rating only applies up to 40˚C (104˚F). For higher temperatures, the RH specification is derated to maintain constant moisture content.

Table 1 - Input Actuations

PV Input ˚F ˚C
B* 0 to 3300 -18 to 1815
E* -454 to 1832 -270 to 1000
E (low) -200 to 1100 -129 to 593
J 0 to 1600 -18 to 871
J (low) 20 to 770 -7 to 410
K 0 to 2400 -18 to 1316
K (low) -20 to 1000 -29 to 538
NiNiMoly (NNM) 32 to 2500 0 to 1371
NiNiMoly (NNM low)) 32 to 1260 0 to 682
NIC (Nicrosil Nisil) 0 to 2372 -18 to 1300
R 0 to 3100 -18 to 1704
S 0 to 3100 -18 to 1704
T -300 to 700 -184 to 371
T (low) -200 to 500 -129 to 260
W5W26 0 to 4200 -18 to 2316
W5W26 (low) 0 to 2240 -18 to 1227
(IEC) ALPHA = 0.00385
100 Ohms -300 to 1200 -184 to 649
100 Ohms (low) 0 to 300 -18 to 149
500 Ohms -300 to 1200 -184 to 649
Radiamatic RH 1400 to 3400 760 to 1871
Milliamps 4 to 20 mA
Millivolts 0 to 10 mV
10 to 50 mV
Volts 1 to 5V
0 to 10V

Optional 2nd Input

Milliamps 4 to 20 mA
Volts 1 to 5V
Slidewire for Position 100 to 1000Ω
* May require Field calibration to achieve rated accuracy below 1000 ˚F for type B and below -200 ˚F for type E thermocouple.
** Not available on FM approved Limit models.
Page 9
General Reference Data
Isolation AC Power : is electrically isolated from all other inputs and outputs to withstand a HIPOT potential of
(Functional) 1900Vdc for 2 seconds per Annex K of EN61010-1.
Analog Inputs and Outputs: are isolated from each other and all other circuits at 850Vdc for 2 seconds.
Digital Input and Digital Output: are isolated from all other circuits at 850Vdc for 2 seconds.
Relay Contacts: with a working of 115/230 Vac, isolated from each other and all other circuits at
345 Vdc for 2 seconds.
Surge Withstand Immunity: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1, Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) (Formerly IEEE 472) Mains power
Capability (SWC) input and relay contact outputs: 2.5 kV, Common Mode and Differential Mode. All other circuits: 1.0 kV,
Common Mode and Differential Mode.
Radio Frequency Immunity: No effect on performance from a 5 W walkie-talkie operated at 27, 151 or 450 MHz, one
Interference (RFI) meter from the controller.

Model Number Interpretation

Key Number Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5

D C 3 0 0 0

0 – – – = 90-264Vac Power
Output #1 1 – – – = 24Vac/dc Power
C = Current 4 – 20mA without Alarms
B – – – = Blue Bezel with
K = Current 4 – 20mA with Alarm 1 90-264Vac Power
E = Relay, Electromechanical – 5AMP with Alarm 1 T – – – = Tan Bezel with
A = Relay, Solid State AC – 1AMP with Alarm 1 90-264 Vac Power
T = Open Collector Output – 20mA with 1 Alarm C – – – = Blue Bezel with
24Vac/dc Power
Output #2 or Alarm #2 D – – – = Tan Bezel with
O = None 24Vac/dc Power
E = Relay, Electromechanical – 5AMP (SPDT) – 0– – = None
A = Relay, Solid State AC – 1AMP (SPST) – A – – = Approvals -
T = Open Collector Output – 20mA CSA,FM,UL
– F – – = Approvals - FM,
External Interface CSA
O – – = None – – 0– = None
1 – – = RS422/485 – – T – = Customer I.D. Tag
2 – – = Auxiliary Output – – – 0 = None
4 – – = DMCS – – – D = DIN Cutout
Software Options Optional Input
– O – = None – 0 = None
– A – = Accutune – 1 = 4–20mA or 1–5V
– B – = Setpoint Program and Accutune – 2 = Slidewire Input for Position
Proportional or 3 Position
Step with motor position
Digital Inputs indication
– – O = None
– – 3 = Digital Inputs (2) PV Input
1 – = T/C, RTD, mV, 1–5V
2 – = T/C, RTD, mV, 1–5V,
3 – = T/C, RTD, mV, 1–5V,


Figure 4 - Model Number Interpretation


Page 10

96 92 -0.0
3.622 +0.03
3.780 -0.0

ALM 1 2 1 2
PV 1 2 13 24
2 C A %%
96 OUT 21 2 N
OUT 11
2 2 +0.008
3.780 Panel Cutout 92 -0.0
3.622 +0.03


24 Max Panel 2.4 with optional

.945 Thickness 10 Max (2) .093 rear cover


21.6 147.3
.850 5.82 22073

Figure 5 - UDC3000 Versa-Pro Controller dimensions - not to scale

Page 11

Wiring Diagram


DI 1
10 1 CTL 1
DI 2
L1/H 11 2
Instrument Power
4-20 MA
L2/N 12 3
22 0 13 SHIELD 4
23 14 RX+/TX+ 5
IN 2 ALM 2
24 15 RX-/TX- 6
25 16 TX+ or AUX+ 7
IN 1
26 17 TX- or AUX- 8 ALM 1
27 9

The product manual should be consulted for specific details and precautions regarding wiring.

Figure 6 - External Wiring Diagram

Page 12

Ordering Information

For the complete ordering information, request Model Selection Guide:

51-51-16-32 for UDC3000 Universal Digital Controller or .

Honeywell offers a full Iine of Sensors, Transmitters, and Final Control Devices for use with the UDC3000
Universal Digital Controller. These devices include:
Thermocouples, RTDs
Pressure Transmitters,
Flow Transmitters,
Liquid Level Transmitters.
Valve, Actuators, and Electric Motors.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Distributor :

For more information, contact your nearest Honeywell Response Center listed below.

Industrial Automation and Control

Honeywell Inc.
In the U.S.A.: Honeywell Industrial Automation and Control, 16404 North Black Canyon HWY., Phoenix, AZ 85023, (800) 343-0228
In Europe: Honeywell S.A., 80084 Amiens Cedex 2, (33)
Honeywell Control System Ltd., Honeywell House, Bracknell, UK-RG 12 1 EB, (44) 1344 826000
In Japan: Yamatake-Honeywell Co. Ltd., Nagai Int’l Bldg., 2 - 12 - 19 Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150 Japan, 81-3-3486-2051
In Asia: Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc., Room 3213-3225, Sun Hung kai Centre, No. 30 Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (852) 829-8298
In the Mediterranean: Africa and Middle East Region, Honeywell SpA, Via Vittor Pisani 13, 20124 Milano, Italy (39-2) 67731
Honeywell Pacific Division: Honeywell Pty Ltd., 5 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde Sydney, NSW Australia 2113, (61-2) 353 7000
In Canada: The Honeywell centre, 155 Gordon Baker Road., Ontario M2H 3N7, 1-800-461-0013
In Latin America: Honeywell Inc.,14505 Commerce Way, Suite 500, Miami Lakes, Florida 33016-1556, (305) 364-2300

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