Matrices 1
Matrices 1
Matrices 1
1 2
1. A matrix is a bracket with numbers in rows and columns. Thus 3 4 and
( )
( 1 2 0
−2 3 5 are matrices.
2. The order of a matrix with m rows and n columns is written as m×n and is
called an m×n matrix.
4. (i) To add and subtract matrices of the same order, add and subtract
corresponding elements
(ii) Two matrices are equal if their corresponding elements are equal
( ) (
kA = k a b = ka kb
c d kc kd )
(iv) Matrix multiplication is treated as follows:
( )( ) (
a b w x = aw +by ax+bz
c d y z cw+ dy cx+dz )
Matrix product AB≠ BA .
d −b
(ii) Adjoint of matrix A = −c a
( )
(iii) The inverse of A,
( A )= (
1 d −b
detA −c a )
(iv) The product AA = I
7. A singular matrix is the one whose determinant is zero and thus has no inverse.
1. If matrix
( )
A= 3 2 ,
1 4
(i) determinant of A
(ii) inverse of A
P= ¿( 3 1 7 ¿) ¿ ¿¿ Q = ¿ 1
( −1¿)(0 3 ¿)¿¿¿
7. If matrix ¿ ¿ and R= PQ ,
A = ¿(2 3 ¿) ¿ ¿¿ AB = ¿( 17 13 ¿)¿ ¿¿
9. If matrix ¿ find matrix B such that ¿
B = ¿( 2 3 ¿)¿ ¿¿ AB = ¿( 10 4 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
10. If matrix ¿ find matrix A such that ¿
P = ¿( 4 3 ¿) ¿ ¿¿ Q = ¿( 11 ¿)¿ ¿¿
11. If matrix ¿ ¿ and PR= Q , determine:
(ii) matrix R
P = ¿( 3 1 ¿)¿ ¿¿
12. If matrix ¿ find matrix A such that AP = I, where I is a 2 2
identity matrix.
A = ¿( x −7 ¿) ¿ ¿¿ B = ¿( 17 − y −21 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
13. If matrix ¿ and ¿ find the values x and y such
that 3A = B
3 b 7a = 43
14. Find the values of a and b such that 4 a 2 30 ( )( ) ( )
2 4 +k 3 1 = 8
15. Find the values of k and n such that −3 3
0 n −3 −1 ( ) ( )( )
( )
4 3
(1 3 2 ) x 2 = ( 39 25 )
16. Find the values of x and y such that 10 y
4 1 x =4
17. Find the values of x and y such that x −1 y 8 ( )( ) ( )
A = ¿ (1 −1 ¿ )¿ ¿¿
18. Given that matrix ¿ find the value of λ such that A2 + ¿ λ I = 5A, ¿
where I is a 2 2 identity matrix
( )
(x 3 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
21. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ is singular
( 2x 3x ¿ ) ¿¿¿
22. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ is singular
M = ¿( 2 3 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
23. Given that matrix ¿ find the values of λ such that the matrix
( M −¿ λ I ) ¿ is singular, where I is a 2 2 identity matrix
4. Given that
M= −1 2
2 4 ) show that det ( M −1
)= 1
det M
7. Given that m
A= 2 −1 B= 6
0 −1
) ( )
10 −12 find( AB )−1 and B−1 A−1
1. If
A= 6 −2 )
−4 1 and I is a2×2 identity matrix, prove that A2 =7 A+2 I
6. Given the matrices
A= 4⋅5
0 ( 1
7 and (
B= 2 −1 )
3 1 , find matrix M such that
The following steps apply in solving simultaneous equation using matrix method:
(iii) Pre multiply both sides of the matrix equation by the inverse matrix
( 3 2 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
2. Find the inverse of ¿ hence solve the simultaneous equations
3x + 2y = 12
4x + 5y = 23
3. Tom bought 3 pens and 2 books at Shs 4,800. Bob bought 5 pens and 4 books
from the same shop at Shs 9,000.
(i) Form two equations to represent the above information
(ii) Use matrix method to find the cost of each pen and that of each book
(iii) How much would Ben pay for 10 pens and 6 books
4. Shs 4000 can buy 10 bans and 5cakes or 4bans and 10cakes.
(ii) Find by matrix method the cost of each ban and that of each cake.
(b)Use matrix multiplication to find the amount of money spent by each boy
Senior two had 8 first place finishes, 9 second place finishes and 1 third place
Senior three had 10 first place finishes, 5 second place finishes and 3 third place
Senior four had 3 first place finishes, 3 second place finishes and 6 third place
A = ¿(2 −1 ¿)¿ ¿¿
1. Given that I is an identity matrix of order 2 × 2 and matrix ¿
x + y = 5
2 3
x y
+ =1
3 4
8. A hotel rents double rooms at Shs 40,000 per day and single rooms at Shs
25,000 per day. If 14 rooms were rented one day for a total of Shs 470,000
(ii) Find by matrix method how many rooms of each kind were rented.
A = ¿ (1 1 ¿)¿ ¿¿
17. Given that matrix ¿ find the values of x and y such that A2= I,
where I is a 2 2 identity matrix
P = ¿(6 −4 ¿) ¿ ¿¿ PQ = ¿( 16 −18 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
4. Given that ¿ and ¿ find:
(i) the inverse of P.
(ii) matrixQ= P− 1 [ PQ ] .
( x x + 9 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
5. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ has no inverse
(x x − 2 ¿ ) ¿ ¿¿
19. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ is singular
(x 2x ¿) ¿ ¿¿
19. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ is singular
( x − 5 3 ¿ ) ¿ ¿¿
19. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ is singular
(x 4 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
19. Find the values of x for which the matrix ¿ is singular
M = ¿( 2 −1 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
21. Given that matrix ¿ find the values of k such that the matrix
( kI − M ) is singular, where I is a 2 2 identity matrix
A = ¿ ( 2 1 ¿ ) ¿ ¿¿
21. Given that matrix ¿ find the values of λ such that the matrix
( A − ¿ λ I ) ¿ is singular, where I is a 2 2 identity matrix
6. Shs 244,000 can buy 5 bans and 6cakes, while Shs 356000 can buy 7 bans
and 9cakes. Find by matrix method the cost of each ban and that of a cake.
( 2y 5 ¿) ¿ ¿¿¿
7. Find the values of y for which the matrix ¿ is singular
A = ¿ (1 −1 ¿ )¿ ¿¿
8. Given that matrix ¿ find the value of λ such that A2 + ¿ λ I = 5A, ¿
where I is a 2 2 identity matrix
A = ¿( 2 4 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
9. Given the matrix ¿ , find the values of x and y such that
A = ¿ (0 3 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
9. Given the matrix ¿ , find the values of x and y such that
A = ¿( x −6 ¿) ¿ ¿¿
3. A charity organization donated Ball pens, exercise books, graph books and
table books to senior four, three and two Classes of a school as below;
Senior four students got 2 ball pens, 12 exercise books, 3 graph books and 1 table
book each.
Senior three students got 2 ball pens, 8 exercise books, 1 graph books and 1 table
book each.
Senior two students got 1 ball pens, 6 exercise books and 1 table book each
There are 100 students in senior four, 120 in senior three and 130 students in
senior two.
Ball pens at Shs500 each, Exercise books at Shs1500 each, graph book at Shs
2000 each and table books at Sh.6000 each.
(c) If the organization had to pay 5%VAT on the items bought, determine the total
amount spent.
B = ¿( 1 2 ¿)¿ ¿¿ AB = ¿( 17 13 ¿)¿ ¿¿
10. If matrix ¿ find matrix A such that ¿
P = ¿( 3 −4 ¿) ¿ ¿¿ AP = ¿ ( 1 0 ¿)¿ ¿¿
9. If matrix ¿ find matrix A such that ¿
15. If
−1 y 1 4 )( ) (
x −2 5 2 18 0
0 18 , find x and y )
( )(
3 x 1 y
) =(
7 3
16. Given that 5 4 2 3 13 7 , find x and y.
1. Given that 1 −4 , (
A= 2 −7 B= 8 3
0 2 ) ( ) and C=BA , find;
2. i)3 P−2Q+R
3. ii)C
Give that
( ) (
P= 1 2 Q= −1 1
4 5 , 3 2 and )R= 4 6 ( )
10 15 , find matrix T such
T =P2 +3 Q−R
4. If
M= 2 −1
3 −2 ; )
2 3
a) Determine ; i) M ii) M
b) identify matrix M
12. Four Secondary schools football teams of Ntare H.S, Layibi College, Mvara S.S
and Kitende S.S qualified for a football tournament , which was played in two
First round
Ntare H.S won three matches, drew one and lost one match.
Layibi college won two matches, drew one and lost two matches
Mvara S.S won one month , drew three and lost one match.
Kitende S.S won four matches , drew one and lost no match.
Second round:
Ntare H.S won three matches , drew two and lost no match.
Layibi college won two matches, drew two and lost one match.
Mvara S.S won no match, drew three and lost two matches.
Kitende S.S won three matches, drew two and lost no match.
a) Write down:
(i) a 4 x 3 matrix to show the performance of the four teams in each of the
two rounds. (02 marks)
(ii) a 4 x 3 matrix which shows the overall performance of the teams in both
b) If three points are awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no point for a loss,
use matrix multiplication to determine which school won the tournament.
(03 marks)
c) Given that MTN donated sh. 3, 450,000 to be shared by the four teams according to
the ratio of their points scored in the tournament, find how much money each team
got. (05 marks)