Iso 8782 1 1998
Iso 8782 1 1998
Iso 8782 1 1998
ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
Contents Page
© ISO 1998
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International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
© ISO ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
Annex C (informative) Recommended methods for the assessment of penetration-resistant inserts ............ 59
ISO 8782-1:1998
ISO 8782-1:1998(E) © ISO
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 8782-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 94, Personal safety — Protective
clothing and equipment, Subcommittee SC 3, Foot protection.
ISO 8782 consists of the following parts, under the general title Safety, protective and occupational footwear for
professional use:
Part 3: Specification for protective footwear
Part 4: Specification for occupational footwear
ISO 8782-1:1998
Part 5: Additional requirements and test methods
Part 6: Additional specifications for safety7b2f310fc6b1/iso-8782-1-1998
Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISO 8782. Annexes B, C and D are for information only.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8782 specifies requirements and, where appropriate, test methods to establish conformity with
these requirements for footwear intended to protect the wearer's feet and legs against foreseeable hazards in a
variety of working sectors.
This part of ISO 8782 can be used only in conjunction with ISO 8782-2, ISO 8782-3 or ISO 8782-4, which give
requirements for footwear relating to specific levels of risk.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
ISO 8782. At the time of publication, the editions ISOindicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 8782 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISO 34-1:1994, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tear strength — Part 1: Trouser, angle and
crescent test pieces.
ISO 868:1985, Plastics and ebonite — Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore
ISO 4643:1992, Moulded plastics footwear — Lined or unlined poly(vinyl chloride) boots for general industrial use —
ISO 4648:1991, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of dimensions of test pieces and products for
test purposes.
ISO 4649:1985, Rubber — Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device.
ISO 8782-1:1998(E) © ISO
ISO 4674-1:—2), Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of tear resistance — Part 1: Constant rate of
tear methods.
ISO 5423:1992, Moulded plastics footwear — Lined or unlined polyurethane boots for general industrial use —
ISO 8782–2:1998, Safety, protective and occupational footwear for professional use — Part 2: Specification for
safety footwear.
ISO 8782–3:1998, Safety, protective and occupational footwear for professional use — Part 3: Specification for
protective footwear.
ISO 8782–4:1998, Safety, protective and occupational footwear for professional use — Part 4: Specification for
occupational footwear.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8782, the following definitions apply.
safety footwear for professional use
footwear incorporating protective features to protect the wearer from injuries which could arise through accidents in
the working sectors for which the footwear was designed, fitted with toecaps designed to give protection against
impact when tested at an energy level of 200 J
protective footwear for professional use ISO 8782-1:1998
footwear incorporating protective features to protect the wearer from injuries which could arise through accidents in
the working sectors for which the footwear was 7b2f310fc6b1/iso-8782-1-1998
designed, fitted with toecaps designed to give protection against
impact when tested at an energy level of 100 J
occupational footwear for professional use
footwear incorporating protective features to protect the wearer from injuries which could arise through accidents in
the working sectors for which the footwear was designed
3.4 Leather
NOTE This term covers full-grain leather, corrected-grain leather and leather split.
full-grain leather
hide or skin tanned to be imputrescible, with its original fibrous structure more or less intact and still possessing the
full-grain layer
corrected-grain leather
hide or skin tanned to be imputrescible, with its original fibrous structure more or less intact, but which has been
subjected to mechanical buffing to modify its grain structure
© ISO ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
leather split
flesh or middle part of a skin or hide tanned to be imputrescible, with its original fibrous structure more or less intact
and split or shaved to eliminate completely the grain layer
vulcanized elastomers
polymeric materials
materials made of polyurethane, poly(vinyl chloride) or thermoplastic rubber
height of the upper
vertical distance between the top surface of the extreme rear edge of the insole and the highest point of the back of
the upper
non-removable bottom inside component of the footwear adjacent to the foot
inside layer of the upper which is adjacent to the foot
fuel oil (
aliphatic hydrocarbon constituent of petroleum
ISO 8782-1:1998
4 Requirements 7b2f310fc6b1/iso-8782-1-1998
The minimum number of samples (i.e. separate items of footwear) to be tested in order to check compliance with
the requirements specified in this clause, together with the minimum number of test pieces taken from each sample,
shall be as given in table 1.
Wherever possible, test pieces shall be taken from the whole footwear unless otherwise stated.
NOTE If it is not possible to obtain a test piece from the footwear large enough to comply with requirements, then a sample
of the material from which the component has been manufactured may be used instead. However, this should be noted in the
test report.
Where samples are required from each of three sizes, these shall comprise the largest, smallest and a middle size3
of the footwear under test.
ISO 8782-1:1998(E) © ISO
© ISO ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
ISO 8782-1:1998(E) © ISO
Figure 2 — Parts of all-rubber (i.e. vulcanized) or all-polymeric (i.e. entirely moulded) footwear
© ISO ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
Number of test
Requirement Subclause Number of samples pieces from
each sample
ISO 8782-1:1998(E) © ISO
Table 1 (concluded)
Number of test
Requirement Subclause Number of samples pieces from
each sample
© ISO ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
1 Variable extension which can be adapted to the wearer
ISO 8782-1:1998
NOTE Design E is a knee-height boot (design D) equipped with a thin, impermeable material which extends the upper and
which can be cut to adapt the boot to the wearer. 7b2f310fc6b1/iso-8782-1-1998 Construction
Unless the footwear has a rigid sole, an insole shall be present in such a way that it cannot be removed without
damaging the footwear.
When footwear, other than that with a rigid sole, is tested in accordance with the method given in 5.1, the bond
strength shall be no less than 4,0 N/mm, unless there is tearing of the sole, in which case the bond strength shall be
no less than 3,0 N/mm. General
Safety or protective toecaps shall be incorporated in the footwear in such a manner that they cannot be removed
without damaging it.
ISO 8782-1:1998(E) © ISO
With the exception of all-rubber and all-polymeric footwear, footwear fitted with internal toecaps shall have a vamp
lining or an element of the upper that serves as a lining, and in addition the toecaps shall have an edge covering
extending from the back edge of the toecap to at least 5 mm beneath it and at least 10 mm in the opposite direction.
Scuff-resistant coverings for the toe region shall be no less than 1 mm in thickness.
NOTE Recommendations for the assessment of toecaps to be used in safety or protective footwear are given for information
only in annex B.
When measured in accordance with the method given in 5.2, the internal toecap length shall be no less than the
appropriate value given in table 3.
When protective footwear is tested in accordance with the method given in 5.3 at an energy level of (100 ± 2) J, the
clearance under the toecap at the moment of impact shall be no less than the appropriate value given in table 4. In
addition the toecap shall not develop any cracks on the test axis which go through the material, i.e. through which
light can be seen.
© ISO ISO 8782-1:1998(E)
When safety footwear is tested in accordance with the method given in 5.4, the clearance under the toecap at a
compression load of (15 ± 0,1) kN shall be no less than the appropriate value given in table 4.
When protective footwear is tested in accordance with the method given in 5.4, the clearance under the toecap at a
compression load of (10 ± 0,1) kN shall be no less than the appropriate value given in table 4.
When all-rubber footwear is tested and assessed in accordance with the method given in 5.5.1, the metal toecap
shall exhibit no more than five areas of corrosion, none of which shall exceed 2,5 mm2 in area.
When metal toecaps to be used in all other types of footwear are tested and assessed in accordance with the
method given in 5.5.2, they shall exhibit no more than five areas of corrosion, none of which shall exceed 2,5 mm2
in area.
When footwear is tested in accordance with the method given in 5.6, the force required to penetrate the sole unit
shall be no less than 1 100 N. (
Additional requirements for footwear which incorporates penetration-resistant inserts
NOTE Recommendations for further tests which may be used to assess the suitability of penetration-resistant inserts before
ISO 8782-1:1998
they are incorporated in footwear are given for information only in annex C. Construction 7b2f310fc6b1/iso-8782-1-1998
The penetration-resistant insert shall be built into the bottom of the shoe in such a manner that it cannot be removed
without damaging the footwear.
The insert shall not lie above the flange of the safety or protective toecap and shall not be attached to it. Dimensions
With the exception of the heel region, the penetration-resistant insert shall be of such a size that the maximum
distance between the line represented by the feather edge of the last and the edge of the insert is 6,5 mm. In the
heel region the maximum distance between the line represented by the feather edge of the last and the insert shall
be 17 mm. (See figure 4.)
The penetration-resistant insert shall have no more than three holes of maximum diameter 3 mm to attach it to the
bottom of the footwear. The holes shall not lie in the shaded area shown in figure 4.
When all-rubber footwear is tested and assessed in accordance with the method given in 5.5.1 the metal
penetration-resistant insert shall exhibit no more than five areas of corrsion, none of which shall exceed 2,5 mm 2 in
In all other types of footwear, when metal penetration-resistant inserts are to be used, they shall be tested in
accordance with the method given in 5.5.3. They shall exhibit no more than five areas of corrosion, none of which
shall exceed 2,5 mm2 in area.