Iso 10683 2000
Iso 10683 2000
Iso 10683 2000
First edition
Reference number
ISO 10683:2000(E)
© ISO 2000
ISO 10683:2000(E)
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Contents Page
1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................................................2
4 General characteristics .................................................................................................................................2
5 Dimensional requirements and testing .......................................................................................................2
6 Testing of corrosion protection.....................................................................................................................5
7 Mechanical and physical properties and testing........................................................................................5
7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................5
7.2 Appearance ....................................................................................................................................................5
7.3 Temperature resistance ................................................................................................................................5
7.4 Ductility...........................................................................................................................................................6
7.5 Adhesion/cohesion ........................................................................................................................................6
7.6 Cathodic protection........................................................................................................................................6
Torque/tension relationship for coatings with integral lubricant or subsequently (externally)
added lubricant...............................................................................................................................................6
8 (
Applicability of tests......................................................................................................................................6
8.1 General............................................................................................................................................................6
8.2 Tests mandatory for each lot.........................................................................................................................6
ISO 10683:2000
8.3 Tests to be conducted for in-process control..............................................................................................6
8.4 Tests which are only to be conducted when specified by the customer.................................................6
9 Designation ....................................................................................................................................................7
10 Ordering requirements..................................................................................................................................7
Annex A (informative) ..................................................................................................................................................8
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 10683 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee
SC 1 Mechanical properties of fasteners.
ISO 10683:2000
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for thickness, corrosion resistance and mechanical and physical
properties of non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings on steel fasteners with metric threads.
Coatings according to this International Standard may also be applied to steel screws which form their own mating
threads such as wood screws, self tapping screws, self drilling screws, thread cutting screws and thread rolling
screws as well as to non-threaded steel parts such as washers and pins.
They may be similarly applied to steel fasteners with other types of thread.
Coatings according to this International Standard can be supplied with integral lubricant and/or with a subsequently
added lubricant.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions ISO 10683:2000
which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties80c970e10588/iso-10683-2000
to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 898-1:1999, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, screws
and studs.
ISO 965-1:1998, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 1: Principles and basic data.
ISO 965-2:1998, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 2: Limits of sizes for general
purpose external and internal screw threads — Medium quality.
ISO 965-3:1998, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 3: Deviations for constructional
screw threads.
ISO 1463:—1), Metallic and oxide coatings — Measurement of coating thickness — Microscopical method.
ISO 1502:1996, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Gauges and gauging.
ISO 2064:1996, Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement
of thickness.
ISO 15330:1999, Fasteners — Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement — Parallel bearing
surface method.
non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coating (with or without integral lubricant)
coating which is produced by applying to the surface of a fastener a zinc flake dispersion, possibly with the addition
of aluminium flakes, in a suitable medium which under influence of heat (curing) generates a bonding amongst
flakes and also between flakes and substrate thus forming an inorganic surface coating sufficiently electrically
conducting to ensure cathodic protection
4 General characteristics
It is a characteristic of this type of coating that no hydrogen which could be absorbed by the fasteners to be coated
is generated during the coating process. Therefore, by using pretreatment cleaning methods which do not generate
nascent hydrogen (for example blast cleaning), there is no risk of hydrogen embrittlement from the surface
preparation procedure. ISO 10683:2000
If cleaning methods are applied which could lead 80c970e10588/iso-10683-2000
to hydrogen absorption (such as acid cleaning), then for fasteners
with a hardness above 365 HV in-process control shall be conducted to ensure that the process with regard to
hydrogen embrittlement is under control. This can be done by a preloading test according to ISO 15330.
However it should be noted that a non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coating has a high permeability for
hydrogen which, during the curing process, allows effusion of hydrogen which may have been absorbed before the
coating process.
The coating shall not cause the zero line (basic size) to be exceeded in the case of external threads; nor shall it fall
below in the case of internal threads. This means that for an internal thread of tolerance position H, a measurable
coating thickness can only be applied to the thread if the tolerance zone is not taken up to the zero line (basic size).
Table 1 — Theoretical upper limits of coating thicknesses for ISO metric threads
After coating, ISO metric screw threads shall be gauged according to ISO 1502 with a GO-gauge of tolerance
position h for external threads and H for internal threads. When gauging the coated thread a maximum torque of
0,001 d3 (N××m) is acceptable, where d is the nominal thread diameter in mm.
If a minimum coating thickness (tmin) is required in order to achieve a specified corrosion resistance (see clause 6)
the range of the coating thickness has to be taken into consideration of which the dimension is approximately the
same as the minimum coating thickness itself. Therefore the maximum coating thickness to be expected is twice as
much as the required minimum coating thickness, see Table 2. The minimum fundamental deviation required for a
specified minimum coating thickness which is 4 tmax (or 8 tmin) is also given in Table 2.
If, for a given pitch the fundamental deviation as given in Table 1 is not sufficient to allow for the required minimum
coating thickness then:
¾ either the tolerance position of the thread has to be changed (e.g. f instead of g);
¾ or the tolerance within the given tolerance field has to be restricted such that the thread has to be
manufactured at the upper limit for the internal thread or at the lower limit for the external thread of the
respective tolerance.
Required minimum local coating thicknesses to achieve specified corrosion resistance are given in Table 3.
NOTE Guidance for the choice of coating thickness relating to corrosion protection requirements is given in annex A.
If the minimum local coating thickness is specified (see Table 3) it may be measured by magnetic or X-ray
techniques. In the case of dispute the referee test shall be the microscopical method as described in ISO 1463.
The surfaces to be used for thickness measurements, measuring areas, are those given in Figure 1.
If fasteners with metric thread with pitch below 1 mm (< M6) or fasteners with small internal drives or cavities are to
be coated, a special agreement between supplier and purchaser is required.
Coating thickness a
minimum maximum PREVIEW
Minimum fundamental
(if required, see Table 3)
(to be expected) deviation required
tmin (
t max
4 8 32
ISO 10683:2000
5 10 40
6 12
80c970e10588/iso-10683-2000 48
8 16 64
9 18 72
10 20 80
12 24 96
a The thickness of coating on the bearing face of fasteners is important with regard to
reduction of clamp load due to relaxation.
1 Measuring area
NOTE In normal cases the coating should be defined by specifying the test duration for neutral salt spray test from those
given in Table 3, see example 1 in clause 9.
After the neutral salt spray test using a test duration as given in Table 3 there shall be no visible ferrous (red)
corrosion attack on the base metal.
7.1 General
The coating process shall not adversely influence the mechanical and physical properties of the fasteners as
specified in the relevant ISO Standards.
Consideration shall be given by the manufacturer supported by testing if necessary, to determine whether the
curing temperature and duration as specified by the coater are suitable for the particular type of fastener to be
7.2 Appearance
The colour of the coating is silver-grey. The coated fastener shall be free from blisters, localized excess coating
and uncoated areas which may have adverse effects on corrosion protection and fitness for use.
Special techniques may be necessary to avoid excess coating or uncoated areas with parts such as washers, nuts
and recess drive screws.
After heating the coated fasteners for 3 h at 150 °C (component temperature) the corrosion protection requirements
as specified in clause 6 shall still be met.