Armour ShareCapitalCreditor 2000
Armour ShareCapitalCreditor 2000
Armour ShareCapitalCreditor 2000
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This article examines the case for rules of company law which regulate the raising
and maintenance of share capital by companies. The enquiry has practical
relevance because the content of company law is currently under review, and the
rules relating to share capital have been singled out for particular attention. The
existing rules, which apply generally, are commonly rationalised as a means of
protecting corporate creditors. The analysis considers whether such rules can be
understood as responses to failures in the markets for corporate credit. It suggests
that whilst the current rules are unlikely, on the whole, to be justified in terms of
efficiency, a case may be made for a framework within which companies may 'opt
in' to customised restrictions on dealings in their share capital.
* School of Law, University of Nottingham and ESRC Centre for Business Research, University
I thank Brian Cheffins, Simon Deakin, Eills Ferran, Dan Prentice, Chris Riley, Adrian Walters and two
anonymous referees for helpful comments and suggestions on earlier versions. I am also grateful for
comments received following presentations to the SPTL's Company Law Section at the annual conference
in Leeds, September 1999, and to a University of Cambridge Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law
Seminar in November 1999. The usual disclaimers apply.
The starting-point for the analysis is taken from the three 'guiding princi
the reform of company law, set out in the Strategic Framework docume
first is entitled 'facilitation of transactions', and intones that a key role fo
the corporate arena is the support and enhancement of market-led contr
solutions. The Review adopts a 'presumption against prescription', suggesti
the merit of regulation must henceforth be demonstrated in terms of its '
benefits'.12 The second guiding principle is entitled 'accessibility: ease of
identification of the law'.13 Its aim is that the law should entail 'minimum
complexity and maximum accessibility.' The third principle suggests that th
allocation of responsibility for enforcement of a particular rule be chosen with
These guiding principles are presumably intended to provide a basic
methodology for the assessment of current company law and the development of
7 For an overview, see B.R. Cheffins, 'Using Theory to Study Law: A Company Law Perspective',
(1999) 58 CLJ 197, and sources cited therein.
8 The Law Commissions, Company Directors: Regulating Conflicts of Interests and Formulating a
Statement of Duties, LCCP 153, SLCDP 105 (London: TSO, 1998) Part III. See also The Law
Commissions, Company Directors: Regulating Conflicts of Interests and Formulating a Statement of
Duties, Law Com 261, Scot Law Com 173 (London: TSO, 1999) 13-31.
9 n 5 above, 8-9.
10 Outstanding exceptions include E. Ferran, Company Law and Corporate Finance (Oxford: OUP,
1999) 279-454, and in the US context, Manning, n 4 above. From an economic perspective, see G.P.
Miller, 'Das Kapital: Solvency Regulation of the American Business Enterprise', University of
Chicago Working Paper in Law & Economics (2d) No 32, April 1995; Cheffins, n 4 above, 521-537.
11 n 5 above, 15-17.
12 ibid 16.
13 ibid.
14 ibid 17. The third principle is accorded considerably less detailed treatment than the first two.
15 ibid.
16 F. Modigliani and M. Miller, 'The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of
Investment' (1958) 48 American Economic Review 261. See A. Barnea et al, Agency Problems and
Financial Contracting (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985) 6-24; W.L. Megginson,
Corporate Finance Theory (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1997) 316-323; R.A. Brealey and S.C.
Myers, Principles of Corporate Finance (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 6th ed, 2000) 473-484.
17 A leading corporate finance textbook warns students that they may find the perfect capital market
assumptions 'almost laughably unrealistic' when they first encounter them (Megginson, ibid 316).
18 On the different meanings of 'efficiency', see S. Deakin and A. Hughes, 'Economic Efficiency and
the Proceduralisation of Company Law' (1999) 3 CfiLR 169, 173-175.
The first step in the analysis considers factors which detract from the perfection of
real markets for corporate credit, and asks - at a fairly high level of abstraction -
whether rules of company law which 'protect' creditors might be able to ameliorate
Market power
Where one party has market power, the other has limited freedom in contracting.23
This is likely to give rise to inefficiencies in the terms of trade - for example, a
monopolist will tend to under-produce. Some creditors may enjoy a degree of
market power - for example, banks are commonly alleged to be in such a position
vis-a-vis small firms. However, in other cases, a firm enjoys market power as
against some of its creditors, as with trade suppliers who rely on a firm for a large
proportion of their business. And in many cases, there will be no market power
either way. Hence it seems unlikely that general rules of company law - as
opposed to competition law, for example - would be an appropriate means of
regulating market power.
19 See eg G.J. Stigler, The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1975) 103-113; see also A.I. Ogus, Regulation: Legal Form and Economic Theory (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1994) 30. Stigler's argument goes further, demanding that it also be shown that the
rules to be compared are those which a real political process is capable of implementing (ibid 114-
141). The problems raised by 'public choice' theory are, however, beyond the scope of the current
analysis, and the assumption is made throughout that it is possible to craft legislation in the public
20 ie a version of the 'Kaldor-Hicks' efficiency criterion. See J. Coleman, 'Efficiency, Utility, and
Wealth Maximization' (1980) 8 Hofstra LR 509, 512-520.
21 See S. Deakin and A. Hughes, 'Economics and Company Law Reform: A Fruitful Partnership?'
(1999) 20 Co Law 212.
22 See eg The Strategic Framework, n 5 above, 49-51.
23 ibid 15.
29 A. Schwartz, 'Relational Contracts in the Courts: An Analysis of Incomplete Contracts and Judicial
Strategies' (1992) 21 J Leg Stud 271; A. Schwartz, 'Incomplete Contracts' in P. Newman (ed) The
New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998) 277.
30 M.C. Jensen and W.H. Meckling, 'Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behaviour, Agency Costs and
Ownership Structure' (1976) 3 Journal of Financial Economics 305, 333-343; S.C. Myers,
'Determinants of Corporate Borrowing' (1977) 5 Journal of Financial Economics 147; C.W. Smith
and J.B. Warner, 'On Financial Contracting: An Analysis of Bond Covenants' (1979) 7 Journal of
Financial Economics 117; Barnea et al, n 16 above, 33-38.
31 eg text to notes 89-91 and n 102, below.
32 eg 'Share and Share Unalike' The Economist, 7 August 1999.
33 One reason is that under the Insolvency Act 1986 s 244, 'extortionate' credit transactions are
unenforceable in the borrower's insolvency.
41 eg I. Ayres and R. Gertner, 'Filling Gaps in Incomplete Contracts: An Economic Theory of Default
Rules' (1989) 99 Yale LJ 87, 87-89.
42 F.H. Easterbrook and Daniel R. Fischel, The Economic Structure of Corporate Law (Boston, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1991) 14-15.
43 Text to notes 38-40 above.
44 T.H. Jackson, 'Bankruptcy, Non-Bankruptcy Entitlements, and the Creditors' Bargain' (198
Yale LJ 857.
45 One technique is for the state to impose a collective liquidation procedure. However, the use of
security interests can also resolve the prisoner's dilemma, by establishing in advance who will get
what (R.C. Picker, 'Security Interests, Misbehaviour, and Common Pools' (1992) 59 U Chic LR 645).
46 M.J. Roe, 'The Voting Prohibition in Bond Workouts' (1987) 97 Yale LJ 232, 238.
47 eg Companies Act 1985, ss 425-427; Insolvency Act 1986, Part I.
48 eg P. Halpern et al, 'An Economic Analysis of Limited Liability in Corporation Law' (1980) 30 U
Toronto LJ 117, 144-147; n 42 above, 49-55; H.B. Hansmann and R. Kraakman, 'Towards Unlimited
Shareholder Liability for Corporate Torts' (1991) 100 Yale LJ 1879; D. Leebron, 'Limited Liability,
Tort Victims, and Creditors' (1991) 91 Colum LR 1565; B. Pettet, 'Limited Liability - A Principle for
the 21st Century?' (1995) 48 CLP 125, 152-157; Cheffins, n 4 above, 506; D. Goddard, 'Corporate
Personality: Limited Recourse and its Limits' in R. Grantham and C. Ricketts (eds.), Corporate
Personality in the Twentieth Century (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 1998) 11, 32-40.
Raising capital
A number of provisions apply to t
through an issue of shares. The bas
100 of the Companies Act 1985, is
their par value.58 The 'par value' is
share. It need bear no resemblance to their market value. An issue of shares is
recorded in a company's accounts by entering a figure of 'issued capital' equal to
the number of shares, multiplied by their par value. Any amount by which the issue
price exceeds par must be entered as 'share premium'.59 Together, these are
represented on the 'right hand side' of the corporate balance sheet, as part of the
shareholders' funds.60
Paradoxically in the light of the insistence on the minimum issue price, if shares
in private companies are allotted for non-cash consideration, then no serious
attempt is made to ensure that the assets supplied are in fact worth the par value of
the shares.61 In the case of public companies, the value of non-cash consideration
must be subjected to an independent expert's valuation.62 However, there is no
requirement that shares in any company be issued at their full market price, where
this is greater than par.63
These rules provide creditors with information about the value of the assets
contributed by the shareholders to the company - which might be relevant to
lending decisions - and seek to guarantee that this information is truthful.64 Would-
be creditors may view a company's public documents and be misled if assets
representing the share capital were never actually contributed to the company.
Considerations of this sort are apparent in the reasoning of the House of Lords in
Ooregum (Gold Mines of India) Ltd v Roper.65 As Lord Halsbury stated, in laying
down the rule that a company may not allot shares for less than par, '[t]he capital is
fixed and certain, and every creditor of the company is entitled to look to that
capital as his security'.66
In economic terms, these rules might be understood as a response to problems of
information asymmetry in corporate credit markets. They publicise to investors the
value of the assets that shareholders put into the company, and seek to ensure that
57 n 52 above, implemented by the Companies Act 1980 and now consolidated into the Companies Act
1985. See generally D.D. Prentice, The Companies Act 1980 (London: Butterworths, 1980).
58 Ooregum (Gold Mines of India) Ltd v Roper [1892] AC 125.
59 Companies Act 1985, s 130.
60 ibid Sch 4. See generally Ferran, n 10 above, 44-48.
61 Re Wragg [1897] 1 Ch 796 is the locus classicus of the doctrine that, 'The value paid to the company
is measured by the price at which the company agrees to buy what it thinks it worth its while to
acquire.' (ibid 831, per Lindley LJ). It does not apply where the transaction is a sham or colourable
(ibid 830) or where it is clear from the terms of the contract that the consideration bears no
resemblance to the par value of the shares (Hong Kong Gas Company v Glen [1914] 1 Ch 527).
62 Companies Act 1985, ss 103, 108. The regime also prohibits outright the giving of services as
consideration (s 99(2)) or arrangements which may take more than five years to perform (s 102)).
63 Hilder v Dexter [1902] AC 474. That said, issuing shares below market value may constitute a breach
of directors' duties (see Shearer v Bercain Ltd [1980] 3 All ER 295, 307).
64 See Ferran, n 10 above, 283.
65 n 58 above.
66 ibid 133. See also ibid 137 per Lord Watson, 140-141, per Lord Herschell.
this information is truthful. Two observations should be made about this rationale.
First, this mechanism can obviously only assist consensual creditors. Second, the
rationale suffers from an internal weakness: the ease with which the rules may be
side-stepped by private companies through the use of non-cash consideration.
However, the 'expert valuation' rules introduced to comply with the Second
Directive can be seen as a means of plugging this gap, at least in relation to public
Minimum capital
The rules relating to minimum capital apply only to public companies. They
stipulate that such a company may not commence trading unless it has an allotted
capital of at least ?50,000.67 Furthermore, if such a company's net assets fall below
one-half of its called-up share capital, then the company is required to convene a
shareholders' meeting 'for the purposes of considering whether any, and if so what,
steps should be taken to deal with the situation'.68
These rules can be understood as a system of creditor protection when viewed in
conjunction with the 'expert valuation' rules regarding the raising of capital.
Together, they seek to ensure that at least a minimum level of assets is contributed
to a (public) company by its shareholders, and that if for some reason the
company's net worth should subsequently fall below a 'threshold level', then steps
should be taken to remedy the situation.69 Such a regime can act to protect
creditors without their even being aware of its existence. Because of this, it might
be seen as a means of protecting so-called 'involuntary' creditors.70
Capital maintenance
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the verb 'to maintain' as, 'to keep up,
preserve, cause to continue in being ... to keep vigorous, effective or unimpaired, to
guard from loss or derogation'.71 In accordance with this definition, we might expect
the doctrine of capital maintenance to require the preservation intact of the value of
the shareholders' contribution of assets to a company - ie a rule requiring the
'maintenance' of some net asset value. As we have seen, the minimum capital rules
for public companies go some way towards this. Yet the classical capital maintenance
doctrine, as developed by the courts and now reflected in the Companies Act 1985,
does nothing of the kind.72 It directs merely that capital must not be returned to
shareholders. 'Capital' in this sense refers not to the assets of the company - the left
hand side of the balance sheet - but to the right hand side. An ordinary shareholder
has rights: (i) to such dividends as the directors from time to time declare (whilst the
company is a going concern), and (ii) should the company be wound up, to a pro rata
67 Companies Act 1985, ss 11, 118. Only one-quarter of this need actually be paid-up (ibid s 101(1)).
See E. Ferran, 'Creditors' Interests and 'Core' Company Law' (1999) 20 Co Law 314, 317.
68 Companies Act 1985, s 142.
69 cf Ferran, n 67 above.
70 See Case 212/97 Centros Ltd v Erhvervs-og Selskabsstyrelsen [1999] 2 CMLR 551, 586-587, in
which the Danish government sought to justify their country's minimum capital laws on the basis,
inter alia, that they protected involuntary claimants.
71 Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989) Vol IX, 223.
72 On the doctrine's history, see B.S. Yamey, 'Aspects of the Law Relating to Company Dividends'
(1941) 4 MLR 273; E.A. French, 'The Evolution of the Dividend Law of England' in W.T. Baxter and
S. Davidson, Studies in Accounting, 3rd ed (London: ICAEW, 1977) 306. For practical purposes, the
common law principle has been surpassed by the statutory rules introduced in 1980.
Financial assistance
Sections 151-152 of the Companies Act 1985 impose very broad prohibitions on
the giving by companies of financial assistance for the purpose of an acquisition o
their shares. The original rationale for the introduction of these provisions, as
proposed by the Greene Committee, was the prevention of 'asset-stripping
takeovers.94 They had in mind transactions whereby a purchaser would borrow
heavily to buy a majority holding of a 'target' company's shares for cash, and th
rapidly sell the latter's assets, using the proceeds to discharge the loan. This can
seen as an indirect return of capital, whereby the 'old' shareholders are cashed ou
at the expense of the creditors. Hence the provisions are commonly treated as pa
of the capital maintenance regime.95
However, the ambit of the financial assistance provisions is broader than
necessary to ensure capital is not returned to shareholders. The basic prohibition
apply to any assistance which depletes the company's net assets, regardless
93 cf Barclays Bank plc v British & Commonwealth Holdings plc [1995] BCC 19, 29-31 per Harman J
94 Report of the Company Law Amendment Committee, Cmd 2657 (London: HMSO, 1926) para 30.
95 eg The Strategic Framework, n 5 above, 86; n 6 above, 39.
106 M. McDaniel, 'Bondholders and Corporate Governance' (1986) 41 Bus Law 413, 442-450; K. Lehn
and A. Poulsen, 'Contractual Resolution of Bondholder-Stockholder Conflicts in Leveraged Buyouts'
(1991) 34 J L & Econ 645, 654-657. See also Metropolitan Life Ins Co v RJR Nabisco Inc (1989) 716
F Supp 1504.
107 Companies Act 1985, ss 155-158.
108 ibid s 155(2). The net assets are measured according to their book value at the time of the financial
assistance. A loan to, or a guarantee on behalf of, an acquiror will only deplete the target's net assets
where the acquiror is of doubtful solvency (see Hill v Mullis & Peake [1999] BCC 325, 331-333).
109 Companies Act 1985, ss 155(6) 156.
110 ibid s 121.
118 eg Society of Practitioners of Insolvency, Company Insolvency in the United Kingdom: 8th SPI
Survey (London: SPI, 1999) 17 Fig 33 (12.6 per cent of face value).
119 n 42 above, 60-61.
120 ibid 41-44.
121 eg Halpern et al, n 48 above, 148. See also J. Armour, 'Corporate Personality and Assumpti
Responsibility' [1999] LMCLQ 246, 252-253.
122 See A. Cosh and A. Hughes, 'Size, Age, Growth, Business Leadership and Business Objectives
Cosh and A. Hughes (eds), Enterprise Britain: Growth, Innovation and Public Policy in the Small
Medium Sized Enterprise Sector 1994-1997 (Cambridge: ESRC Centre for Business Research,
3, 10.
123 J. Freedman and M. Godwin, 'Incorporating the Micro Business: Perceptions and Misperceptions' in
A. Hughes and D.J. Storey, Finance and the Small Firm (London: Routledge, 1994) 232, 246.
124 eg Leebron, n 48 above.
125 Hansmann and Kraakman, n 48 above.
126 eg n 42 above, 59.
127 J.R. Grinyer and I.W. Symon, 'Maintenance of Capital Intact: An Unnecessary Abstraction?' (1
10 Accounting & Business Research 403, 408; D.A. Egginton, 'Distributable Profit and the Pursu
Prudence' (1980) 11 Accounting & Business Research 3, 14; Manning, n 4 above, 33-34; Cheffins
4 above, 531-532.
128 See D. Citron, 'Accounting Measurement Rules in UK Bank Loan Contracts' (1992) 23 Accountin
Business Research 21, 23-24; Day and Taylor, n 37 above, 397-398; Day and Taylor, n 40 abo
129 The doctrine was expunged from the post-1979 version of the Model Business Corporations A
(MBCA) and its successor the Revised MBCA (Manning, n 4 above, 164-180). The pre-1979 MBC
whilst formally restricting dividends, allowed for: (i) payments out of share premium; and (
reductions of capital by shareholder resolution (Manning, n 4 above, 59-76; J.D. Cox et a
Corporations (Guttersburg, NY: Aspen Law and Business, 1995, supp 1999) ? 21.16.
130 eg A. Kalay, 'Stockholder-Bondholder Conflict and Dividend Constraints' (1982) 10 Journa
Financial Economics 211, 214-216 (100 per cent of sample); Duke and Hunt, n 37 above, 55-56 (5
per cent of sample); Press and Weintrop, n 37 above, 74 (61 per cent of sample); cf M. McDani
106 above, 424-426 (35 per cent of sample).
131 Kalay, ibid, 216, footnote 9.
132 See American Bar Foundation, Commentaries on Debentures 410-411, in M.A. Eisenberg
Corporations and Business Associations: Statutes, Rules, Materials and Forms, 1995 ed (Westb
NY: Foundation Press, 1995) 782-786.
133 C. Leuz et al, 'An International Comparison of Accounting-Based Payout Restrictions in the United
States, United Kingdom and Germany' (1998) 28 Accounting & Business Research 111.
134 cf M. Klausner, 'Corporations, Corporate Law, and Networks of Contracts' (1995) 81 Va LR 757; M.
Kahan and M. Klausner, 'Standardization and Innovation In Corporate Contracting (or "The
Economics of Boilerplate")' (1997) 83 Va LR 713.
135 Notes 111-112 above.
136 n 123 above, 259.
137 Text to notes 107-109 above.
138 I. Webb, Management Buy-Out (Aldershot: Gower, 1985) 11-13.
139 See Wright et al, n 103 above, 158-161, and sources cited therein.
140 eg M.C. Jensen, 'Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance and Takeovers' (198
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 323, 325-326.
141 Lehn and Poulsen, n 106 above, 671. See also Kahan and Klausner, n 134 above, 740-743
142 P.R. Wood, International Loans, Bonds and Securities Regulation (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1995)
51; Day and Taylor, n 40 above, 323.
143 n 106 above, 658-659, 671.
144 Text to notes 41-42 above.
145 See LCCP 153, SLCDP 105, n 8 above, 36.