How To Apply ICMR
How To Apply ICMR
How To Apply ICMR
Important Instructions:
1. E-mail id and mobile number which must be valid. Under no circumstances, Candidate
should share /mention registration no. to any other person. In case, a Candidate does not
have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his / her new email ID before
applying for online application
2. Ensure that you possess the minimum qualification and fulfill all conditions / criteria
for the post applied on or before the closing date of Registration.
3. Before applying a candidate is required to have a scanned (digital) image of his / her
Photograph and Signature as per the specifications given on the website.
4. Before submitting the application form, the candidates are directed to go through the
page very carefully about data entered by them. After being satisfied that all the entries
are correct then only they should submit the application. Once the application is
submitted, no change in data will be entertained/permitted.
5. After completing Basic Registration and filling up personal details with Photograph
and Signature, the candidates can redirect to preview button for print of application form.
Post completion of form filling, candidate can download the Online Application form for
Recruitment for various positions.
How to Apply Online Application Form:
1. Before filling up the application form, the candidates are advised to carefully go
through the full advertisement published on the ICMR website and Click on Application Forms (Apply)
Link. After that click on the link of Online Application form for Recruitment for
Various positions, and follow the instructions. At basic information page,
applicants have to fill their details keeping the point in mind that total four (4)
application can be registered against one valid mobile number and email id but
cannot be apply twice for same post with same mobile no and email id.
3. Before applying online, Candidate must ensure that they have valid e-mail id,
Mobile Number, all essential Educational, Experience, etc., scanned passport
size colour photograph of maximum size 10-100 KB (JPG format), signature of
maximum size of 2-50 KB (JPG format) each for filling in the correct details and
uploading the photograph/signature respectively. The mobile number, e-mail-id
entered in the application form should remain valid for at least 01 year. No
change in the mobile number, e-mail-id will be allowed once entered. The ICMR
will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail/SMS sent, bouncing of e-mail/SMS
due to invalid/wrong e-mail id/mobile number provided by the candidate or due
to any other reasons.
6. Applicants will have to fill up Educational Qualification right from matric (10th) on
wards as prescribed in the advertisement for successful registration. In absence of
appropriate educational details as per the advertisement, candidature of applicants
will be cancelled.
7. After filling up all the details, the Candidates will have to press FINAL SUBMIT
AND CONTINUE button to save the data, once saved you cannot modify the data,
so do checkbefore finally submitting the application. In case of any incorrect
details, Candidates can edit their details at the time of preview before the final
submission, Once the final submission of application done, no further changes
shall be allowed in application form and you will be redirected to the preview page
and can download your application form to click on print button from preview
8. After successful filling of form, print the registration form to ensure that the
application has been successfully registered. Registration Slip, email
confirming of registration, and proof of application should be retained by the
applicant for all future correspondence with the INDIAN COUNCIL OF
9. For any related query, you may contact below ICMR - NIN helpline
numbers on working days mentioned below:
10. Request for change/correction in any particulars in the application form shall not
beentertained after last date of submission of online application.
Browser Settings:
Please Set the Following Settings to Ensure That The Application Process Is
Error Free.
For Opera
a. Click on "Menu", over mouse on the "Settings" then hover mouse on the "Quick
preferences" and mark the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox.
b. If "Menu bar" is shown click on the "Tools" , hover mouse on the "Quick
preferences" and mark the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox