Energies 15 01602
Energies 15 01602
Energies 15 01602
Predicting Gasoline Vehicle Fuel Consumption in Energy and
Environmental Impact Based on Machine Learning and
Multidimensional Big Data
Yushan Yang 1 , Nuoya Gong 2 , Keying Xie 3,4 and Qingfei Liu 5, *
Abstract: The underestimation of fuel consumption impacts various aspects. In the vehicle market,
manufacturers often advertise fuel economy for marketing. In fact, the fuel consumption reference
value provided by the manufacturer is quite different from the real-world fuel consumption of the
vehicles. The divergence between reference fuel consumption and real-world fuel consumption
also has negative effect on the aspects of policy and environment. In order to effectively promote
the sustainable development of transport, it is urged to recognize the real-world fuel consumption
of vehicles. The gaps in previous studies includes small sample size, single data dimension, and
lack of feature weight evaluation. To fill the research gap, in this study, we conduct a comparative
Citation: Yang, Y.; Gong, N.; Xie, K.; analysis through building five regression models to forecast the real-world fuel consumption rate
Liu, Q. Predicting Gasoline Vehicle of light-duty gasoline vehicles in China based on big data from the perspectives of vehicle factors,
Fuel Consumption in Energy and
environment factors, and driving behavior factors. Results show that the random forest regression
Environmental Impact Based on
model performs best among the five candidate models, with a mean absolute error of 0.630 L/100 km,
Machine Learning and
a mean absolute percentage error of 7.5%, a mean squared error of 0.805, an R squared of 0.776, and
Multidimensional Big Data. Energies
a 10-fold cross-validation score of 0.791. Further, we capture the most important features affecting
2022, 15, 1602. https://doi.org/
fuel consumption among the 25 factors from the above three perspectives. According to the relative
weight of each factor in the most optimal model, the three most important factors are brake and
Academic Editor: Victor Manuel
accelerator habits, engine power, and the fuel economy consciousness of vehicle owners in sequence.
Ferreira Moutinho
Received: 31 December 2021 Keywords: fuel consumption; energy and environmental; machine learning
Accepted: 11 February 2022
Published: 22 February 2022
In this paper, we extract data from the BearOil app, which is a well-known vehicle
owner service app, with 7 million installed users, over 1.2 million monthly active owners,
and more than 30 billion kilometers of mass test total mileage. At the same time, we take
vehicle factors such as vehicle brand, engine power, and engine displacement; driving
behavior factors such as usual driving speed, driving skills, brake and accelerator habits,
fuel economy awareness, and car use frequency; and environmental factors such as tem-
perature, wind speed, and precipitation into consideration. Above all, we aim to predict
the real-world fuel consumption in sustainable transport based on multidimensional data
and obtain more accurate predicted fuel consumption value through a machine learning
method. Moreover, we focus on identifying the most important factors that affect the
real-world consumption rate.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review the related
literature. In Section 3, we discuss the data source, the extraction factors in the aspect of
real-world fuel consumption rate, the driving behavior, and the environment. Section 4
describes the criteria of model selection and the architecture of models. Then, we present
the results which include the prediction results and the optimal model, as well as evaluating
the most important factors. In Section 5, we analyze the most important features and in
Section 6, we present the conclusions.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Fuel Consumption Forecasting Models
The fuel consumption prediction model can be divided into white-box model and
black-box model. White-box model mainly refers to the mathematical or physical frame-
work to predict fuel consumption which requires scholars to have a comprehensive and
through understanding of the model and related knowledge. In contrast, the black-box
model only uses input-output data and lacks physics in the model structure [17].
A typical white-box model in this field includes a mean value phenomenological
model constructed by Heywood (2018) based on knowledge on internal combustion engine
which consists of an intake system, a delivery system, a torque production system, and an
exhaust system [18]. In general, the prediction of fuel consumption using the white-box
model poses a high requirement on the understanding of the entire engine system. In
addition, there are a large number of parameters involved, even some of the parameters
are unavailable. Therefore, white-box is not practical for forecasting fuel consumption
although it is transparent.
A class of outstanding black-box models are predictive models based on machine
learning methods. They are completely data-driven and have no requirement on physical
explanation. All coefficients are determined based on big data using multiple regression
methods. The accuracy of the black-box model is always satisfied. However, the coefficients
lack interpretability. Additionally, collecting such large amounts of data for the black-box
model requires huge labor and time.
reached satisfactory MAPE for 6–10%. Similar studies used artificial neural network (ANN)
model conducted by Togun and Baysec (2010) [23] in 81 data sets, Jahirul et al. (2009) [24]
and Hjellvik and Maria (2019) [25] also suggest that ANN is very efficient for predicting fuel
consumption. Syahputra (2016) [26] presented the application of neuro-fuzzy method for
prediction of fuel consumption which shows a training RMSE of 2.767. Yao et al. (2020) [27]
used back propagation neural network, support vector regression, and random forests
to predict vehicle fuel consumption based on the mobile phone terminals and on-board
diagnostic system installed in taxis riving behavior data. Results show that all three models
are accurate with an absolute relative error less than 10%. Also focusing on driver-related
factors, Ping et al. [28] developed a deep learning-based model as a predictor of the fuel con-
sumption associated with driving behavior under the dynamic driving conditions. In terms
of data, increasing big data-driven studies which focus on the topic of fuel consumption
rate prediction extract data from the BearOil app [2,29–32].
To fill the above research gap, we construct machine learning models based on big
data in the aspects of the car models, the environment conditions, and driving behavior
information to describe the driving reality as much as possible to predict the fuel consump-
tion. Then, we comprehensively assess the impact of factors to open the so-called black
box and try to capture the features that influence the fuel consumption in the sustainable
transport. In this paper, we propose five models including linear regression, naïve Bayes
regression, neural network regression, random forest regression, and LightGBM models.
Each of them is helpful to improve the accuracy of the prediction after training on big data.
The prediction results are compared to identify the optimal model. To clarify the scope of
the study, our study focuses on gasoline vehicles as they are the most common road traffic
vehicles in real life.
The reference fuel consumption rate (Ref Consumption) of each car model is pro-
vided by the MIIT of China under the second stage of the NEDC working condition. The
distribution of actual and reference fuel consumption is displayed in Table 2 according
to displacement. It shows that most of the samples are with displacement coverages of
0.8–2.5 L. The reference fuel consumption rate of vehicles with displacement coverages
of 0.8–1.6 L is 6.459 while the corresponding real-world consumption rate is 7.888. In
addition, the reference fuel consumption rate of vehicles with displacement coverages of
1.6–2.5 L is 7.794 while the corresponding real-world consumption rate is 9.598. In a sum,
the discrepancy between reference value and the real value suggests that the reference fuel
consumption rate is often a poor estimation.
Standard Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 0.486 0.778 1.211 1.270 0.582
deviation Real Consumption (L/100 km) 1.021 1.512 2.115 2.306 2.245
Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 5.700 1.600 2.000 7.600 11.100
Real Consumption (L/100 km) 4.429 0.829 1.350 6.278 12.352
Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 6.700 9.800 12.300 15.700 13.200
Real Consumption (L/100 km) 10.815 16.915 20.379 20.675 20.214
Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 5.700 5.900 7.100 9.900 13.200
Real Consumption (L/100 km) 5.082 6.846 8.207 11.029 14.119
Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 6.700 6.400 7.800 10.400 13.200
Real Consumption (L/100 km) 5.454 7.738 9.501 12.657 15.655
Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 6.301 6.459 7.794 10.608 13.038
Real Consumption (L/100 km) 5.728 7.888 9.598 12.701 15.773
Ref Consumption (L/100 km) 6.700 6.900 8.600 11.000 13.200
Real Consumption (L/100 km) 5.974 8.774 10.889 14.178 17.059
Observation 113 116,302 53,788 866 13
To clarify our research objectives again, our objective is to predict the average real-
world fuel consumption rate of a given gasoline vehicle model under certain climate
conditions and certain driving behaviors of the vehicle owner. Therefore, the real-world
fuel consumption rate of users in the same city, the same month, and with the same driving
behavior is averaged.
Gasoline vehicles with different brands, engine, and transmission are significantly
different in fuel consumption rate. The above parameters are related to the vehicle series
information. However, too many dimensions will be generated in the one-hot coding
Energies 2022, 15, 1602 7 of 17
stage if the vehicle series is encoded as the input. As a result, we chose engine power,
displacement, the number of cylinders, and gearbox type as the model input. Moreover,
although the reference value provided by MIIT cannot be used as a direct estimate of the
actual fuel consumption rate, we can still use the reference value to reduce the error caused
by the abnormal real fuel consumption rate. Therefore, we incorporate the reference fuel
consumption rate in our models.
Dimensions Questions
Car use Q1. Do you drive when the trip is less than 5 km?
frequency Q2. Do you always consider alternatives such as buses, subways, or bicycles instead of driving by yourself?
Q1. Do you avoid using equipment that increases fuel consumption such as air conditioners and high-power
car appliances as much as possible?
Q2. Are you used to leaving anything such as sneakers, ball bags, and spare barbecue oil in the trunk?
Q3. What is your attitude towards the maintenance, tire pressure, and car deposition condition of your car?
Q4. Will you turn off the engine if the expected idle time is more than 3 min?
Q5. Would you consider finding out the reason and adjusting your driving habits if you knew you were
getting more gas mileage than your friends?
Q6. Will you pay attention to the traffic situation to avoid possible traffic jams in advance?
Q1. What do you think of your parking skills?
Driving skill
Q2. What do you think of your driving skills?
Q1. Do you overspeed a lot on the highway?
Driving speed
Q2. What is your general approach in the traffic?Q3. What is the average speed of your driving?
Q1. What is your general strategy for intersection with red traffic light?
Q2. What kind of road conditions have you been driving with in the past year?
Q3. Do you tend to pedal to the ground when starting or accelerating?
Driving habit
Q4. How do you drive when you find that you have to slow down in the 100 m ahead on the road?
Q5. Imagine that you are driving, the green light is on, and the road ahead is empty, while one kilometer
away is the destination where you have to pull over; how do you drive?
The total score of the two questions in the dimension of car use frequency ranges from
2 to 8. When the vehicle owner chose the option representing the lower frequency in Q1,
and the option representing the higher frequency in Q2, the score would be higher. That is,
the higher the score is, the lower the car use frequency is. The fuel economy consciousness
dimension includes six questions, with a total score ranges from 6 to 28. When the vehicle
owner has a greater willingness to avoid using fuel consumption equipment in Q1, has
fewer behaviors in reality as shown in Q2, pays more attention to the situation mentioned
in Q3, Q5, Q6, and has a greater likelihood to turn off the engine in the given situation
in Q4, the score would be higher. That is, a higher score indicates stronger fuel economy
consciousness. The driving skills dimension includes two questions on a scale of 2 to 8 and
higher score indicates better driving skills (Q2) and parking skills (Q1) the user thinks he
or she is. There are 3 questions in the driving speed dimension, scoring between 3 to 13.
Vehicle owners score higher when they are more likely to speed on the highway (Q1), more
likely to race ahead of other cars in traffic (Q2), and drive at a higher average speed (Q3).
Energies 2022, 15, 1602 8 of 17
The driving habits dimension consists of 5 questions, with a total score of 5 to 19. When the
vehicle owner is more likely to avoid pedaling down or slamming on the brakes in the case
of Q1, Q3, Q4, and Q5, and chose less stop-go, more unblocked road in the past year, the
vehicle owner is seen as having better driving habits, as a result, the score is higher.
Table 4 shows the age and gender distribution of the users who filled in the question-
naire and descriptive statistics of scores in the other dimensions are shown in Table 5.
Gender 18–25 26–35 36–45 45+ Total
Male 3035 14,360 4910 1270 23,575
Female 85 361 104 24 574
Total 3120 14,721 5014 1294 24,149
We matched the real-world fuel consumption rate with the corresponding driving
behavior information and climate information by User ID, city, and date, and combined
them to be used as input variables in our models.
best performance through multiple tests. For better accuracy [55], we set 25 leaf nodes in the
LightGBM model with the learning rate of 0.01 and the number of iterations of 5000.
The rules for model comparison include the mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute
percentage error (MAPE), mean squared error (MSE), R squared (R2 ), cross-validation scores
and the calculation formula of MAE, MAPE, MSE, and R2 are shown below.
1 n
n i∑
MAE = yi − yi0 (1)
1 n yi − yi0
n i∑
MAPE = (2)
1 n
MSE = yi − yi0 (3)
n i =1
2 ∑in=1 yi − yi0
R = 1− 2
∑in=1 (yi − yi )
where yi refers to the true value, yi0 refers to the predicted value, and yi refers to the mean
actual value. The smaller the value of MAE, MAPE, and MSE, the larger the value of R2
and cross-validation score, the smaller the error between the predicted and the actual value,
which also indicates the better performance.
4. Results
4.1. Training and Test Results
Row data include 1,335,232 records from 24,149 gasoline vehicle owners during the
period from 2004 to 2019. In the process of data preprocessing, 10,708 records with miss-
ing values and 355,185 records outside the observation period were removed, leaving
969,339 records. Next, we excluded detected fuel consumption outliers and 773,469 data
records remained in this stage. Finally, we averaged the fuel consumption of vehicle own-
ers with the same vehicle model and with same driving behaviors. The ultimate dataset
contains 171,089 pieces of data.
After merging the environment factors, we divided the dataset into training sets and
test sets in a ratio of 7 to 3, which is a common practice for predicting the performance
of vehicle engines with machine learning models. In Table 7, refConsumption refers to
the reference fuel consumption value provided by MIIT. It can be seen that there is a large
gap between the reference fuel consumption rate value and the actual case. Table 7 also
presents errors of the training and testing process of each proposed model.
1.585 1.585
0.965 0.965 1.011
0.827 0.805
0.747 0.776
0.800 0.718
0.630 0.659
0.559 0.559
MAE(L/100km) MAPE(%) MSE(L/100km)² R²
Linear regression Naïve Bayes Neural network Random Forest LightGBM
It indicates that the independent variables in the random forest regression explain 77.6% of
the variation in the dependent variable.
Since the training dataset and test dataset are selected randomly, regression results
may have random fluctuations, we then applied the 10-fold cross-validation to assess the
performance of five regression models. The scoring function of 10-fold cross-validation is
R2 . The scores of the models each time are shown in Figure 2 and the average scores of
the 10-fold cross-validation are shown in Table 9. Figure 2 indicates that linear regression
and naïve Bayes regression show similar accuracy since the corresponding two lines are
overlapping. Clearly, random forest regression performs the best with the highest
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW line
13 of 18 in
Figure 2 and the largest value in Table 9.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of times of cross-validation
Linear regression Naïve Bayes Neural network Random Forest LightGBM
The above results indicate that the prediction errors of the actual fuel consumption
rateThe above
based results
on the data indicate
of vehiclethat the prediction
factors, errors ofand
driving behaviors, theenvironment
actual fuel consumption
factors are
rate based on the data of vehicle factors, driving behaviors, and
far lower than that of the reference fuel consumption rate. Specifically, environment
the MAPEfactors
value isare
far lower than
decreased that ofbythe
by 16.7% reference
random forest fuel consumption
regression, which rate.
is theSpecifically,
optimal model the with
MAPE thevalue
best is
decreased by 16.7%
performance. by show
Results random thatforest regression,
the proposed which ismodel
prediction the optimal
can bemodel with
put into the best
for providingResults show that
more precise the proposed
estimates prediction
of the fuel model
consumption ratecan be put
in the into practice
real-world appli-for
cations. more precise estimates of the fuel consumption rate in the real-world applications.
analysis indicates that the
indicates that therandom
regression achieved
achieved thethe best
Therefore, we estimated theweight
estimated the weightofofinput
parameters inin random
random forest
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
According to Figure 3, reference fuel consumption rate is the parameter with the
highest weight, which indicates that it could be a basis for the fuel consumption predic-
Energies 2022,15,
Energies2022, 15,1602
x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 17
14 18
Figure 3. Weights
Among all to
According theFigure
factors,3, the drivingfuel
reference behavior-related
consumption rate factors weigh
is the the heaviest
parameter with and
have the
highest greatest
weight, influence
which on fuel
indicates that consumption. Specifically,
it could be a basis for the fuel driving habit dimension
consumption prediction. in
this study all theon
focuses factors, the driving
two aspects, that is,behavior-related
whether there are factors weigh stop-and-go
frequently the heaviestdriv- and
ing andthe whether
greatest influence
the vehicle onowners
fuel consumption. Specifically,
often brake sharply or pressdriving
the habit dimension
accelerator hard.
in this study
Previous focuses
studies haveon two aspects,
revealed that is, whether
that stop-and-go driving there
and are slam frequently
on the brake stop-and-go
driving and whether
are wasteful for fuel the[56].vehicle
Evansowners oftenrecommended
(1978) also brake sharply that or press the anticipate
drivers acceleratorcondi-
tions ahead studies have revealed
to minimize braking thatsince
extracted andenergy
slam on the brake
would behavior
be unproduc-
are wasteful
tively for fuel
dissipated [56].there
when Evansis(1978) also recommended
a braking [57]. The second thatmost drivers anticipate
important conditions
factor in this
ahead to minimize braking since previous extracted energy
regard is fuel economy consciousness. In this study, six questions were set to score the would be unproductively
fuel economy when there is a braking
consciousness [57]. The
of gasoline second
vehicle mostThe
owners. important
result isfactor
in lineinwith
this regard
common is
fuel economy consciousness. In this study, six questions were
sense, that is, the more fuel economy consciousness vehicle owners have, the more they set to score the fuel economy
avoid excess power of gasoline vehicle during
consumption owners.driving
The result
and theis inmoreline with common
they care aboutsense, that
the condi-
is, theofmore
tion fuelthe
the car, economy consciousness
less gasoline vehicleThis
they consume. owners have, thebymore
is followed car usetheyfrequency
avoid excessand
power consumption during driving and the more they care about
driving skills, which indicates that the frequency of vehicle use, the driving and parking the condition of the car,
the less gasoline they consume. This is followed by car use frequency
skills of car owners in daily life are also closely related to car fuel consumption. In addi- and driving skills, which
indicates that the
tion, driving frequency
speed of vehicleasuse,
is recognized the driving
having effectsandonparking skills of car owners
fuel consumption. Haworth in daily
life are also closely related to car fuel consumption. In addition, driving
Symmons (2001) also suggest that driving speed is positively related to fuel consumption speed is recognized as
having effects on fuel consumption. Haworth and Symmons
[58] and research highlights that the optimum fuel economy cruising speeds range be- (2001) also suggest that driving
and 50 km/hrelated to fuel consumption [58] and research highlights that the optimum
fuel economy cruising speeds
Engine power is the second rangeimportant
between 40factor
and 50among
km/h all [59].the related factors with a
Engine power is the second important factor among all the related factors with a
weight of more than 0.05. It has been widely acknowledged that more horsepower implies
weight of more than 0.05. It has been widely acknowledged that more horsepower implies
more fuel consumption [60]. The following is brand name with a weight of 0.028. In the
more fuel consumption [60]. The following is brand name with a weight of 0.028. In the
reality, some manufacturers carry out brand marketing with the slogan of fuel saving. For
reality, some manufacturers carry out brand marketing with the slogan of fuel saving. For
example, Japanese cars have always been known for fuel economy, and Honda and
example, Japanese cars have always been known for fuel economy, and Honda and Toyota
Toyota are the typical brands of fuel economy [61]. Gearbox type is also seen as an im-
are the typical brands of fuel economy [61]. Gearbox type is also seen as an important
portant vehicle-related factor when predicting the fuel consumption with a weight of
vehicle-related factor when predicting the fuel consumption with a weight of 0.022.
Moreover, in the aspect of environmental factors, air pressure was identified as the
Moreover, in the aspect of environmental factors, air pressure was identified as the
most important environmental factor in this study, with a weight of 0.027. Air pressure
most important environmental factor in this study, with a weight of 0.027. Air pressure
affects fuel consumption by directly affecting tire pressure. When tire pressure is relatively
affects fuel consumption by directly affecting tire pressure. When tire pressure is rela-
large, fuel consumption is considered to be lower [62]. Air temperature also affects fuel
tively large, fuel
consumption consumption
through is considered
tire pressure [63], andtoitsbeweight
lower [62].in thisAirstudy
is 0.018.also affects
fuel consumption through tire pressure [63], and its weight in
wind speed and road grade are the second and third most important environmental factors, this study is 0.018. Average
wind speed and
respectively. road grade
The higher are the wind
the average second and is,
speed third
the most
greater important environmental
the air resistance is, and fac-
tors, respectively. The higher the average wind
greater the road grade is, the more gasoline the car consumes [64]. speed is, the greater the air resistance is,
and the greater the road grade is, the more gasoline the car consumes [64].
Energies 2022, 15, 1602 14 of 17
Above all, in this section we conducted a comparative analysis of the factors from
aspects of vehicle attribution, driving behavior, and environment to capture the factors that
influence the fuel consumption value and found that, among all the factors, the driving
behavior factors that have the greatest impact on the real-world fuel consumption rate
are engine power and brand name. The driving behavior factors that have the greatest
impact are driving habit, fuel economy consciousness, car use frequency, and driving skills.
The environment factors that have the greatest impact are average pressure, average wind
speed, road grade, and average temperature.
6. Conclusions
The prediction of fuel consumption is a black-box problem with asymmetric informa-
tion. In China, the fuel consumption information mainly comes from the reference values
provide by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of
China. However, the real-world fuel consumption is greater than the reference value in
most situations. The underestimation of fuel consumption brings negative effect in multiple
aspects of policy, industry, and market.
Since machine learning models have been widely applied to prediction problems
in the field of engine performance, we utilized five regression models, namely, linear
regression, naïve Bayes regression, neural network regression, random forest regression,
and LightGBM models, to forecast the real-world fuel consumption rate of light-duty
vehicles, and capture the important features that influence fuel consumption, based on big
data from the aspects of vehicle factors, environment factors, and driving behavior factors
in this paper.
After training and testing, results show that the mean absolute error, mean absolute
percentage error, mean squared error, R squared, and 10-fold cross-validation values
between the prediction values and the actual fuel consumption rate are far better than the
reference value. The comparison analysis of the different models suggest that the random
forest regression model performs best among the 5 proposed models under all the criteria
with a mean absolute error of 0.630 L/100 km, a mean absolute percentage error of 7.5%, a
mean squared error of 0.805, an R squared of 0.776, and a 10-fold cross-validation score of
0.791, respectively.
Finally, we assess the weight of 25 different factors and capture the priority order
of each factor. Clearly, the three most important factors affecting fuel consumption are
brake and accelerator habits, engine power, and the fuel economy consciousness of vehicle
owners in sequence, according to the relative weight of each factor in the random forest
model. For a vehicle owner who is not a BearOil app user, the real fuel consumption of
the vehicle can be predicted according to reference fuel consumption and related feature
information based on our model. Research results provide a meaningful reference for
consumers, manufacturers, and related government departments.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.Y. and Q.L.; methodology, Y.Y., N.G., and K.X.; formal
analysis, Y.Y.; resources, Y.Y. and Q.L.; data curation, Y.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.Y.;
writing—review and editing, K.X. and N.G.; funding acquisition, Q.L. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The project was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11902350).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: For helpful comments and discussions, we thank Liulei Shen.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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