Inc005 C 8 2023 101122110009
Inc005 C 8 2023 101122110009
Inc005 C 8 2023 101122110009
Dosen :
Dedi Supiadi,SPD.,MM
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
William Rio
This study aims to prove the ability of financial ratios in measuring financial distress. As
is known that the start of the number of new companies that compete in order to achieve
corporate goals, even more national companies that want to compete with foreign
companies. On this basis, researchers attempt to prove the probability of occurring financial
distress by using several financial ratios, especially large companies such as property and
real estate firms. The financial ratios used in this study are current ratio, debt ratio, return
on equity ratio, and capitalization ratio. With the type of research that is quantitative, the
population that has been used in this study are property and real estate companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2016. -. The sample obtained is a company that
continuously publish its financial report within five years. According to the results of
research that has been done, the ratio is able to measure the possibility of financial distress
in property companies and real estate is the current ratio, debt ratio, and return on equity
ratio. While the ratio is not able to measure the likelihood of occurrence of financial distress
is capitalization ratio.
Keywords: Financial Distress, Current Ratio, Debt Ratio, Return on Equity Ratio,
Capitalization Ratio
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan kemampuan rasio keuangan dalam
mengukur financial distress. Seperti yang diketahui bahwa mulai banyaknya
perusahaan baru yang berkompetisi demi mencapai tujuan perusahaan, terlebih
lagi perusahaan nasional yang ingin bersaing dengan perusahaan asing. Atas
dasar inilah, peneliti berupaya untuk membuktikan probabilitas terjadinya
financial distress dengan menggunakan beberapa rasio keuangan, khususnya
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Kata kunci: Financial Distress, Current Ratio, Debt Ratio, Returns on Equity
Capitalization Ratio
Unstable economic conditions in Indonesia can lead to a high risk for
companies experiencing financial difficulties. One reason is the imbalance between
the company's assets and the company's receivables to the creditor. Some
companies try to cope not to face financial difficulties by borrowing, merging, or
even choosing to close their business. The economic condition of this company is
called financial distress. Karl (2002) argues that financial distress is a long-term
process that negatively affects the capital structure, investment policy and the
viability of a company (Edwards et al., 2017). Some factors that can cause financial
distress, for example: the high interest rates imposed on the loan, the inhibition of
cash flow within the company, the difficulty in lending to creditors (Edwards et al.,
2017). Financial distress can be seen through the company's financial statements.
According to IAI (2002), financial statements are part of a very complete financial
report process, consisting of balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes
in financial position (presented in various ways, ie cash or fund statement).
Financial statements can be the basis of measuring the financial distress of a
company through the analysis of financial statements by using financial ratios.
Financial ratio is one form of accounting information in measuring the performance
appraisal process of the company, so that the company's financial condition can be
disclosed through financial ratios in the period specified. In this study the authors
will use several ratios, namely: current ratio, debt ratio, return on equity ratio, and
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
capitalization ratio. Based on these four ratios, the authors will examine how the
influence of financial ratios in predicting financial distress on property and real
estate firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2016. The purpose
of this study is to explain how the influence of selected financial ratios in predicting
financial distress on property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange period 2012-2016.
Financial Distress
Financial distress is a situation that the company's cash flow is inadequate to
pay off current liabilities (such as accounts payable or interest expense) and the
company is forced to take corrective action (Hapsari, 2012). Hanafi and Halim
(2007) said that financial distress is illustrated by two extremes of short-to-
insolvable liquidity shortfalls. Short-term financial difficulties are usually short-
term, but may progress to more severe. Indicators of financial difficulties can be
seen from the analysis of cash flow, financial statements, and analysis of corporate
strategy. Based on the above two definitions, the authors conclude that financial
distress is a condition in which a company can not repay its obligations to creditors
caused by financial difficulties in the short and long term.
Financial Ratios
Financial ratio analysis is one way in measuring and analyzing a company's
performance based on financial statements. Harahap and Sofyan (2008) said that
the financial ratio is the number obtained from the comparison of a financial
statement post with another post that has a relevant and significant relationship.
Current ratio
Current ratio is included in the liquidity ratio. Sawir (2003) says that current
ratio is the most commonly used measure to know the ability to meet short-term
liabilities, since this ratio indicates how far the demands of short-term creditors are
met by assets that are estimated to be cash in the same period. Sutrisno (2012) said
that the current ratio is the ratio that compares the current assets owned by the
company with short-term debt. Current assets include accounts receivable, cash,
inventory, and other current assets. Current ratio is a commonly used measure of
short-term solvency and the ability of a firm to meet its debt requirements when it
matures (Fahmi, 2011).
Hypothesis 1: Current ratio can predict financial distress.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Debt Ratio
Debt ratio or so-called debt to total assets is included in the ratio of solvency.
Syamsuddin (2004) said that the debt ratio is used to measure how much the total
assets of the company financed by total debt. If the total debt is greater then the
higher the financial ratios, otherwise if the debt ratio is smaller then the debt owned
by the company will also be smaller. Thus, the company's financial risk return on
loans will also be smaller. When viewed from the shareholders, a high ratio will
result in high interest payments and will ultimately reduce dividend payouts
(Darsono, 2005).
Hypothesis 2: Debt ratio can predict financial distress.
Capitalization Ratio
Capitalization ratio is called the capital structure ratio. Rodoni and Ali (2010)
says that the capital structure is the proportion in determining the fulfillment of
corporate spending where the funds obtained using a combination or combination
of sources derived from longterm funds consisting of two main sources namely
from inside and outside company. Sartono (2010) said that the capital structure is a
balance of the amount of short-term debt is permanent, long-term debt, preferred
stock and common stock. Based on the above theoretical study, it can be formulated
hypothesis as follows: Hypothesis 4: Capitalization ratio can predict financial
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
his research there are independent variables and dependent variables. Sangadji &
Sopiah (2010) say that associative research (relationship) is a study whose purpose
is to know the relationship between two or more variables. The purpose of
associative research is to see whether there is influence and the influence of the
cause or effect of independent variables on the dependent variable in the study.
The number of data samples used are 34 property and real estate companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sample data obtained as many as 170
financial statements. A total of 11 financial statements can not be used to be
sampled because there are outliers. Then the data that can be used only 159 financial
Financial distress is a dependent variable. Financial distress is the condition of
a company that can not pay its liabilities to creditors caused by financial difficulties
that are too prolonged. Altman Z-score (bankruptcy model) is used as a tool to
measure the financial status of a company experiencing financial difficulties
(Ramadhani, Suci, & Lukviarman, 2009). In a non-manufacturing company, the
formula used consists of 4 coefficients, namely:
With the discriminant zone as follows: When Z> 2.6 = "safe" zone, when 1.1
<Z <2.6 = "gray" zone, when Z <1,1 = "distress" zone.
The financial ratios used as independent variables, namely:
Current ratio
The ratio commonly used to analyze the working capital position of the firm is
the current ratio. Current ratio is a measure showing the amount of current assets of
the company to meet its short-term liabilities (Cashmere, 2012). Here is the formula
of current ratio:
Debt ratio
Debt ratio or debt ratio is usually called the ratio of debt to total assets (total
debt to total assets ratio). Debt ratio is a measure that shows the amount of debt the
company used to finance the company's assets (Van & Wachowicz, 2009). Here is
the formula of debt ratio:
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Capitalization Ratio
Capitalization ratio is a measure that shows the share equilibrium of a company in
the fulfillment of corporate spending (Weston & Copeland, 2001). Here is the
formula of capitalization ratio:
Multicolinearity test
The multicollinearity test aims to detect whether there is any correlation
between independent variables in the regression model (Ghozali, 2011). The
multicollinearity test can be known by looking at tolerance values and variation
inflation factor (VIF) values. The tolerance value> 0.10 and the VIF value <10, it
can be said that the independent variable does not experience multicolinearity.
Heteroscedasticity test
Heterocedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is a
variance inequality of the residual one observation to another observation. There
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
are several ways that can be done to test heteroskedastisitas, namely plot test, park
test, glejser test, and white test. Tests in this study using Graph Plot between the
predicted value of the dependent variable is ZPRED with residual SRESID. No
heteroscedasticity occurs when there is no clear pattern, and the points spread above
and below the number 0 on the Y axis (Ghozali, 2011).
Normality test
Normality tests are used to test whether in a regression model, dependent
variable, independent variable or both have a normal distribution or not. A good
regression model is its normal or near-normal data distribution. The normality test
used was Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Ghozali, 2011). The hypothesis in this test is:
H0 = normal distributed data.
H1 = data is not normally distributed.
* H0 is accepted if the value of significance> 0.05.
Statistical test t
Statistical test t is done to find out how far the influence of a partial independent
variable in explaining the variation of dependent variable (Ghozali, 2011). The
effect of independent variables on the dependent variable individually can be tested
by t-test where the significant level used is 5% or 0.05. If the significant value of
an independent variable <0.05 then the variable affects the dependent variable.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Coefficient of determination
To see the contribution of the ability to explain the independent variables
(R ) in which the coefficient value between 0 ≤ 1. This means that R2 is approaching
1 is an indicator that shows the stronger ability to explain change of independent
variable to dependent variable.
N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Deviation
Current Ratio 159 ,21 5,60 302,94 1,9053 1,15117
Debt Ratio 159 ,03 ,74 65,82 ,4140 ,14803
Return on Equity
Ratio 159 -,18 2,36 57,20 ,3597 ,49610
Ratio 159 ,11 17,02 359,12 2,2586 2,73015
Financial Distress 159 -3,37 10,12 515,28 3,2408 1,96851
Valid N (listwise) 159
Table 1 above shows data totaling 159 data. There are 4 independent variables
and 1 dependent variable. In the first independent variables seen the average count
(current) ratio (X1) during the observation period of 1.9053 with a standard
deviation of 1.15117 where the standard deviation value is smaller than the average
value. A small standard deviation indicates a small variable current ratio gap. The
smaller the standard deviation the lower the spread of observational data and its
variability. The same thing also happened to the debt ratio (X2) which has the
average count (mean) of 0.4140 with the standard deviation of 0.14803 where the
standard deviation value is less than the average value. A small standard deviation
indicates a small debt ratio gap. The smaller the standard deviation the lower the
spread of observational data and its variability. The same thing happened to the
financial distress (Y) which has the average count (mean) of 3.2408 with the
standard deviation of
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
1.96851 where the standard deviation value is smaller than the average value. A
small standard deviation indicates a small variable financial distress gap. The
smaller the standard deviation the lower the spread of observational data and its
variability. While the average count (mean) return on equity ratio (X3) during the
observation period of 0.3597 with a standard deviation of 0.49610 where the
standard deviation value is greater than the average value. Standard deviations
greater than the mean indicate a large gap of return on equity variables. The larger
the standard deviation the more the spread of observation data and has the tendency
of each data is different or have high variability. The same is true of the
capitalization ratio (X4) which has a mean of 2.2586 with a standard deviation of
2.73015 where the standard deviation value is greater than the average value.
Standard deviations greater than the mean indicate a large gap of variable
capitalization. The larger the standard deviation the more the spread of observation
data and has the tendency of each data is different or have high variability.
Multicolinearity Test
Table 2 shows that based on tolerance values, independent variables show a value
greater than 0.10 and based on its VIF value indicates a value less than 10 so it can
be concluded that the four independent variables have no multicollinearity
relationship and can be used to predict financial distress.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Heteroscedasticity Test
Figure 1. Scatterplot
Normality Test
Table 3. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 159
Parametersa,b Mean ,0000000
Std. Deviation ,92542904
Most Extreme
Differences Absolute ,069
Positive ,066
Negative -,069
Test Statistic ,069
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,059
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Coefficients Coefficients
Mode l
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
The Formula:
Y = financial distress, X1 = current ratio, X2 = debt ratio, X3 = return on equity ratio,
X4 = capitalization ratio.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Coefficient of Determination
Tabel 7. Coefficient of Determination
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the estimate
1 ,833a ,779 ,773 ,93737
The results of the above test can be concluded that the current ratio of the
company is in a sustainable, then the company will gradually experience financial
difficulties. Second, the debt ratio can predict financial distress where if the total
debt is greater than the total assets held by the company as the sustainable, then the
company will gradually experience financial difficulties. Third, the return on equity
ratio can predict financial distress where if the income by the company is small, the
investor's interest to invest the financial condition company in carrying out its
activities. Fourth, the capitalization ratio is not supported to predict financial
distress where the large or small total debt owned by the company will not affect
the investor's interest to invest as long as the company can still provide the
appropriate returns to the investors. Limitations in this study are only quantitative
in which using independent variables consisting of only four variables, namely
current ratio, debt ratio, return on equity ratio, capitalization ratio. Secondly, only
take samples within five years on property and real estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. Third, using only Altman Z-Score method to predict
financial distress and fourth, there are some outliers so that the data used for this
research is reduced. For further research may consider also qualitative aspects such
as economic factors, social, technology, and changes in government regulations that
cause bankruptcy of a company and from the use of observation period should
conduct research with a longer period. Furthermore, it should not only use the
Altman Z-Score method in predicting financial distress, but can use the Springate
S-Score and Zmijewski X-Score methods to compare accuracy in predicting
financial distress.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Wulansari Fitri
Indonesia. Kondisi neraca transaksi berjalan cenderung tidak seimbang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
Info Artikel tujuan menganalisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Neraca Transaksi Berjalan Indonesia. Penyesuaian
______________ dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kondisi neraca transaksi berjalan menuju keseimbangan. Data yang
__ digunakan adalah data sekunder yang bersumber dari bank Indonesia dan International Moneter Fund
yaitu neraca transaksi berjalan Indonesia, kurs, pengeluaran pemerintah, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi
Sejarah Artikel: dunia. Data yang digunakan adalah data tahunan dari tahun 1990 sampai dengan tahun 2011. Metode
Diterima Februari 2014 yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
Disetujui Maret 2014 diketahui bahwa variabel bebas yang mempengaruhi neraca transaksi berjalan Indonesia adalah kurs
Dipublikasikan April rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 1.468. sedangkan variabel
2014 pengeluaran pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia tidak signifikan terhadap neraca transaksi
berjalan Indonesia tahun 1990-2011. Upaya menyeimbangkan neraca transaksi berjalan dapat dilakukan
______________ dengan kebijakan stabilisasi nilai tukar rupiah di pasar valuta asing, pengurangan pengeluaran pemerintah
__ dalam impor terutama impor migas, serta pembuatan peraturan yang memudahkan berkembangnya
perdagangan internasional, dan pengembangan kerjasama di bidang ekonomi dan perdagangan sebagai
Keywords: upaya memecahkan masalah-masalah ekonomi dan perdagangan yang bersifat global.
Neraca Transaksi
Berjalan, Indonesia , Abstract
Ordinary Least Square. ______________________________________________________________
Abstrak Current Account representative Indonesia’s external condition. Current account tend to imbalance. This study is
_______________ aim to analyze Indonesia’s Current Account determinant. Adjusment is needed to improve Current Account to
be balance. The datas are exchange rate rupiah to US dollar, government expenditure, and world economic growth
_______________ sourced from Bank Indonesia and International Monetary Fund. Annual time series data on the variables under
_______________ study covering twenty-two years period are used. The ordinary least square technique used for the study. Based
_______________ on study, the positive relationship and link between exchange rate and Indonesia’s current account is established.
Government expenditure and economic growth were found to have not significant impact on Indonesia’s current
_______ account balance. The policy conclusion is that the current account disequilibrium can be corrected through
exchange rate stability policy in exchange market. Decrease government expenditure especially oil and gas sector,
Neraca transaksi berjalan
and making rules to develop international trade, and to develop cooperation in economic and trade sector for
(NTB) menggambarkan
solving economic and trade problems globally.
kondisi eksternal
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Negara menilai defisit transaksi berjalan merupakan hal yang normal dalam
yang memiliki perekonomian sebuah negara yang sedang bertumbuh, defisit transaksi
ekonomi yang berjalan Indonesia sudah memasuki level yang membahayakan jika terus
stabil dan didiamkan.Perkembangan NTB Indonesia tahun 1990-2011 ditunjukkan
kondusif pada gambar 1.
menarik para
investor asing
investasi di
tersebut. Meski
berbagai pihak
ekspor dan impor suatu negara. Pemulihan
Gambar 1 menunjukkan kondisi neraca ekonomi global pascakrisis berangsur pada
transaksi berjalan Indonesia. Meski sempat awal semester 2009 dan berlanjut di tahun
mencatat surplus yang tinggi pada triwulan 2010, ditopang oleh tingginya pertumbuhan
I2008, surplus transaksi berjalan terus tergerus ekonomi di negaranegara berkembang. Pada
di tiga triwulan berikutnya. Pertumbuhan tahun 2011, perekonomian global menurun,
ekonomi dunia mengalami perlambatan yang sejalan dengan semakin luasnya krisis utang
sangat tajam di penghujung tahun 2008. pemerintah negara maju. Upaya pemulihan
Perlambatan ekonomi dunia ini dipicu oleh ekonomi AS melalui stimulus fiskal dan
signifikansinya pelemahan ekonomi di negara- kebijakan moneter belum berhasil mendorong
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
tertentu yang dicatat oleh bank ekspor akan meningkat karena devaluasi,
sentral (Bank Indonesia:2008). sehingga neraca pembayaran akan meningkat.
Teori Pendekatan Pada Neraca Jika masing-masing unsur dari elastisitas
Pembayaran permintaan kurang dari 1, tetapi jumlahnya
lebih besar dari 1, neraca pembayran akan
Ada 3 teori alternatif untuk meningkat karena perluasan ekspor dalam
menganalisis penyesuaian Neraca Pembayaran mata uang dalam negeri akan melampaui nilai
Internasional yaitu: impor.
a. Pendekatan Elastisitas b. Pendekatan Absorpsi
Pendekatan elastisitas mengaplikasikan Pendekatan absorpsi pertama kali
analisis Marshallian dari elastisitas permintaan dikenalkan oleh Sidney Alexander (1952).
dan penawaran komoditas terhadap analisis Alexander mengkritik pendekatan elastis
ekspor dan impor secara keseluruhan. sebagai analisis ekuilibrium yang parsial.
Sebagai gantinya, dia mengajukan pendekatan
Pendekatan elastisitas dikembangkan oleh absorpsi sebagai alternatif. Prinsip utama dari
Joan Robinson (1937). Robinson menekankan pendekatan absorpsi adalah bentuk yang
kondisi dimana devaluasi nilai tukar akan sesuai dari elastisitas mungkin tidak cukup
memperbaiki neraca pembayaran. Dalam untuk menghasilkan neraca pembayaran yang
konteks secara umum diasumsikan bahwa positif hasil dari devaluasi, jika devaluasi tidak
ekspor tergantung harga ekspor, dan impor menggantikan pengurangan penyerapan
tergantung harga impor. Persamaan tersebut domestik. Titik mulai dari pendekatan absorpsi
diartikan ke dalam elastisitas, dengan adalah pendapatan nasional (Rogers Dhliwayo,
membedakan persamaan di atas dengan 2003). Diidentifikasi :
memperhatikan nilai tukar.
Y = C + I +G +X – M
Pergerakan modal diasumsikan tidak
ada dan tingkat harga domestik mengikuti
tingkat harga dunia. Dalam kondisi elastis, ex + Keterangan :
em >1 terjadi, devaluasi akan memperbaiki Y = pendapatan nasional
neraca pembayaran (asumsi pasar tukar luar
negeri stabil). Ini disebut kondisi C = konsumsi swasta barang dan jasa dari
MarshallLerner. dalam dan luar negeri
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
untuk menyerap (absorb) dD= efek langsung Kanada, Robert Mundell (lahir 1932) dan Harry
dari devaluasi Johnson. Aliran ini mengangkat
perdebatan yang melibatkan beberapa
dalam penyerapan subtitusi persamaan 3 ke
persamaan di benturan dengan aliran Ortodoks Keynes.
Dijelaskan bahwa sistem neraca perbankan
atas, hasilnya adalah
dapat diturunkan dengan identitas sebagai
∆B= (1-c) ∆Y + dD berikut:
Cadangan (R) + kredit domestik (D) =
suplai uang (H), atau
Persamaan (4) menjelaskan bahwa
pengujian dari pengaruh devaluasi terhadap R+D=H
neraca perdagangan penting, terutama dalam
pengujian dari kedua pengaruh tersebut
terhadap pendapatan dan pengaruh Dijelaskan bahwa pada saat terjadi
“langsung” terhadap daya serap. Pendapatan defisit neraca pembayaran, maka cadangan
akan naik apabila permintaan terhadap akan berkurang. Pendekatan moneter lebih
barang-barang ekspor dan subsitusi impor menekankan bentuk teori neraca pembayaran
(yang besarnya ditentukan oleh elastisitas) daripada neraca perdagangan (transaksi
dapat meningkatkan penawaran. Alexander berjalan). Pendekatan moneter melihat
bertolak pada pengaruh pemanfaatan sumber ketidakseimbangan dalam neraca pembayaran
daya yang menganggur hingga dapat berhubungan dengan ketidakseimbangan di
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Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
a. Pengujian Autokorelasi
Autokorelasi didefinisikan sebagai
korelasi antara anggota serangkaian observasi
yang diurutkan menurut waktu (seperti dalam
data deretan waktu) atau ruang (seperti dalam
regresi linier klasik mengasumsikan bahwa (DW), dimana cara mengujinya adalah dengan
autokorelasi seperti itu tidak terdapat dalam membandingkan nilai DW yang dihitung
disturbansi atau gangguan μi. Dengan dengan angka yang diperlukan dalam metode
menggunakan lambang: DW tersebut adalah di, du, 4-dl, dan 4-du. Jika
E(μiμj) = 0, 𝑖≠𝑗 nilainya mendekati 2 maka tidak terjadi
Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya autokorelasi, sebaliknya jika mendekati 0 atau 4
autokorelasi maka digunakan uji Durbin Watson terjadi autokorelasi (+/-).
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
[ei]= β1 Xi + vI Keterangan
model regresi tidak mengandung
[ei ] merupakan penyimpangan residual; adanya heterokedastisitas.
7 c. Pengujian
6 Normalitas
Uji normalitas bertujuan
untuk menguji apakah dalam
sebuah model regresi, variabel
3 bebas/variabel terikat kedua-
2 duanya mempunyai distribusi
normal atau tidak.
Mean -3.72e-13
Unstandardized Residual berdistribusi normal. Median 1064.306
Maximum 6181.457
Minimum -7879.441
d. Pengujian multikolinieritas Std. Dev. 3622.921
Skewness -0.331358
Multikolinieritas Sempurna yaitu suatu Kurtosis 2.540811
pelonggaran terhadap asumsi bahwa tidak ada
Jarque-Bera 0.595877
hubungan sempurna antar variabel Probability 0.742347
independen dalam sebuah persamaan regresi. Walaupun tidak melonggarkan asumsi, namun
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
R2 hitung model utama. Pengambilan terdapat multikolinieritas. Untuk lebih
keputusannya apabila nilai R2 hitung regresi mengetahui kemungkinan multikolinieritas,
parsial > R2 hitung model utama maka dapat dilihat pada tabel 1.
Wulansari Fitri/ Economics Development Analysis Journal 3 (1) (2014)
Dengan F-hitung lebih besar daripada Ftabelnya maka Ho ditolak, ini berarti
variabelvariabel independen secara serempak dan signifikan mempengaruhi variabel
Berdasarkan hasil regresi, maka model regresi yang dihasilkan, yaitu sebagai
Hasil dari regresi menunjukan bahwa variabel kurs rupiah terhadap dolar AS
terhadap neraca transaksi berjalan memiliki nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 1.468 dengan
t-statistic sebesar 4.750 dan probability t-statistic sebesar 0,000. Artinya apabila kurs naik
sebesar 1 rupiah, maka akan diikuti oleh kenaikan neraca transaksi berjalan sebesar 1,468
juta dolar. Hal ini berarti bahwa mata uang asing terapresiasi dalam hal ini dolar Amerika
Serikat diikuti dengan mata uang rupiah terdepresiasi. Depresiasi rupiah telah
meningkatkan daya saing produk Indonesia sehingga meningkatkan ekspor yang pada
akhirnya memperbaiki neraca transaksi berjalan Indonesia. Hal ini sejalan dengan
penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Agus Budi Santosa (2009) yakni adanya hubungan positif
variabel Kurs dengan variabel neraca transaksi berjalan.
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nilai tukar mengambang terkendali (managed floating exchange rate) ke sistem nilai tukar
mengambang bebas (free floating exchange rate) merubah posisi neraca transaksi berjalan
Indonesia yang sebelumnya selalu mengalami defisit menjadi surplus. Awal depresiasi
rupiah yang sangat besar sejak diberlakukanya free floating exchange rate memperparah
defisit neraca transaksi berjalan di Indonesia. Kemudian, neraca transaksi berjalan
menunjukkan posisi surplus dua kuartal setelah mengalami depresiasi yang sangat besar.
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