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This download explains how to play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar
with your collection of Citadel Miniatures. It is divided into 4 sections:

CORE RULES (pg 5-27)

The Core Rules explain the basic concepts of the game, including how your
units move, shoot, charge and fight. These rules are used in all games of
Warhammer Age of Sigmar.


The Advanced Rules explain how to use special unit types like Wizards and
Priests, how to fill your army roster, how to score battle tactics, and more.
This section also covers expanded rules for terrain.

GLOSSARY (pg 59-64)

The Glossary is an alphabetised list of important rules terms along with
summarised definitions. It is a handy reference tool if you need a quick
reminder of what a particular rule does.


The Citadel Terrain List shows you which terrain types apply to which sets
of Citadel Terrain as well as clarifying how many scenery pieces each terrain
feature comprises.

The rules are numbered to make it easy to look up a rule referenced

elsewhere. For example, if a rule told you to see ‘Core Rules, 1.0’, you
would look up the rule numbered 1.0 in the Core Rules, which happens
to be ‘Core Concepts’.

While the rules explain how to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
battlepacks provide a unique experience for each of your games.

The battlepack you choose will tell you which Advanced Rules to use, and it
may include additional special rules. In addition, each battlepack contains a
collection of scenarios called battleplans that explain things like where the
armies deploy and how to win the battle. We’d recommend reading through
the Core Rules first to understand the mechanics of the game and then
picking a battlepack to play.


Spearhead is the simplest way to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar, yet it
has amazing tactical depth and re-playability. The armies used in games
of Spearhead are pre-made, so you can walk straight into your nearest
Warhammer store and grab a Spearhead army off the shelf!

The Spearhead battlepack Fire and Jade includes rules for you and your
opponent to fight battles in the lush, overgrown jungles of Ghyran and on the
fiery lava plains of Aqshy.


Matched Play is a gaming mode designed for balance and equal victory
conditions for both players. The Border War battlepack (a truncated version
of the First Blood battlepack in the Core Book) introduces you to Matched
Play, providing conditions that give no particular advantage to either side in
order to see which player is the canniest commander.

While some battlepacks focus on balance and competitive play, and others put the emphasis on the story, every
Warhammer Age of Sigmar battle is an awe-inspiring spectacle with fully painted armies and terrain.


IMPORTANT RULE Battles in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are fought on a surface that is referred
While you’re playing to as the battlefield. Each battle uses a scenario called a battleplan, which
Warhammer Age of Sigmar, will explain how to set up the battlefield and how to determine the winner.
you might encounter a rules
situation that you aren’t sure Each player is the commander of an army
army. Each army belongs to a faction
how to resolve. If you’re new and is made up of groups of models called units. Models and units in your
to the game, we recommend army are referred to as friendly models and units, and models and units in
discussing with your your opponent’s army are referred to as enemy models and units.
opponent and agreeing on a
fair and reasonable solution
so you can get on with the 2.0 TOOLS OF WAR
game as quickly as possible. To fight a battle, you will need:
Otherwise, the Special Rules
section includes detailed • A tape measure • A surface to play on (the battlefield)
instructions on how to resolve • Some dice • 2 armies of Citadel Miniatures
these situations.
Distances in Warhammer Age of Sigmar are measured
in inches ("), between the closest points on the bases
RULES UPDATES of the models you’re measuring to and from. You
We are committed to can measure distances whenever you wish. When
supporting Warhammer Age measuring the distance between units, always
of Sigmar rules via regular free measure the distance between the closest
updates based on community points on the bases of the closest
feedback. Please check models in each unit. If a model does
warhammer-community.com not have a base, measure to and from
to download the latest updates the closest point on the model instead.
and FAQs.
A model is within a certain distance of something (e.g. another unit, a
territory or an objective) if any part of its base is within that distance.
RULES SUMMARIES A model is wholly within a certain distance of something if every part
 Many pages in the rules of its base is within that distance.
have red boxes in the
sidebar, such as this one. A unit is within a certain distance of something if any part of the
 These give you base of any model in the unit is within that distance. A unit is wholly
short summaries of within a certain distance of something if every part of the bases of all
important rules. of the models in the unit is within that distance.
 If you need to read a rule in
full, refer to the main text. 2.2 DICE
Warhammer Age of Sigmar uses six-sided dice, often abbreviated to D6.

• Some rules refer to ‘2D6’, ‘3D6’ and so on – in such

DESIGNER’S NOTES cases, roll a number of dice equal to the number
Many pages have grey boxes before ‘D6’ and add the results together.
in the sidebar, like this one, • A roll of ‘2+’ means a roll of 2 or more, a roll of ‘3+’
that provide commentary means a roll of 3 or more, and so on.
on the rules or other • If a rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a dice and
supplementary information. halve the total, rounding up. For D3 rolls, a roll of ‘2+’ means a result of
These boxes provide 2 or more after halving the total and rounding up.
additional insight or context, • Effects that allow you to modify a dice roll are called modifiers.
but do not contain any rules • Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means you get to roll
needed to play the game. some or all of the dice again. You cannot re-roll a dice more than once,
and re-rolls happen before modifiers to the roll (if any) are applied.
• If you are instructed to roll off, each player should roll a dice.
Whichever player has a higher roll wins the roll-off. If the result is a
tie, each player should roll off again until there is a clear winner, unless
otherwise specified.

Each army belongs to a faction, e.g. Stormcast Eternals or Skaven.
Each faction has a set of faction rules, which include battle traits,
battle formations, enhancements and lores. These can be found in various
publications but most commonly in the faction’s battletome.

The rules for each unit are contained on a warscroll:


7 4+

2 4 7 RANGED WEAPONS Range Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
3 CONTROL Crit (Auto-wound),
Ratling Pistol 10" D6 3+ 3+ 1 1
Shoot in Combat
Clawlords are the tyrannical MELEE WEAPONS Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability
rulers of the Clans Verminus,
the lives of thousands of Warpforged Halberd 5 3+ 4+ 1 2 -
minions theirs to expend at a Gnaw-beast’s Chisel Fangs 4 4+ 3+ 1 D3 Companion
moment’s notice. It takes both
cunning and viciousness to
hold their lofty position, and Passive 8
successful Clawlords must be CORNERED RAT: A Clawlord in fear for their life
willing to stoop to any foul end fights with rabid ferocity.
and fight like cornered animals
in order to keep their star in Effect: While this unit is damaged, add 3 to the Attacks
the ascendant. Accumulating characteristic of its Warpforged Halberd.
favours from members of the
other Great Clans is a fine way
to do this, and so the most
powerful Clawlords will ride
upon a Gnaw-beast bred by
the Clans Moulder – a gangly,
shrieking abomination whose
hunger is even more voracious
than that of its Skaven master.

6 KEYWORDS Hero, Cavalry, Ward (6+)

1 The MOVE characteristic determines how quickly 5 The UNIT TYPE.
the unit6"
can move across the battlefield (see 15.0).

5 6+ The KEY WORDS that the unit has (see 5.1)


2 The HEALTH characteristic determines how
many damage points can be allocated to a unit 7 The WEAPONS the unit is armed with. Weapons
before a model in the unit is slain (see 18.2).
CONTROL are either melee weapons, used to make combat
Grey Seers are marked out from Your Hero Phase attacks, or ranged weapons, used to make
3 The CONTROL characteristic determines how
their minions not only by their shooting attacks. Each weapon has its own
pale fur and curling horns but
well each model in the unit can contest objectives
also by their ability to wield characteristics (see 16.0).
(see 32.2).
the withering magics of the
Great Horned Rat. They serve
as the executors of their terrible 8 Any special ABILITIES the unit can use (see 5.0).
4 The SAVE characteristic determines how well
god’s will amongst the clans –
though this does not prevent
armoured the unit is. This characteristic is the roll
them from pursuing their own
schemes as a matter of course.
you need to equal or exceed to save a model from
Able to handle warpstone with
harm, so a lower value isYour
greater ease than fellow ratmen, (see 17.0).
Hero Phase
a Grey Seer will use all manner
of relics to try and glean an
advantage, all while using their
sorcery and innate cunning
to undermine and drag down
enemies and rivals alike.



The vast majority of things that units can do in Warhammer Age of Sigmar
are called abilities. This is an example of an ability:

Ability icons give you an idea 1 Your Shooting Phase 1 Timing

what kind of effect the ability 2 SHOOT: The warriors take aim and unleash a
has at a glance. deadly volley. 2 Name and
Movement Ability 3 Declare: Pick a friendly unit that has not used
Offensive Ability a Run or Retreat ability this turn to use this 3 Declare
Defensive Ability ability. Then, pick one or more enemy units as the instructions
Shooting Ability target(s) of that unit’s attacks (see 16.0).
Rallying Ability 4 Effect
Special Ability
Effect: Resolve shooting attacks against the
Control Ability target unit(s). 5 Keywords
5 Keywords Core, Attack, Shoot

Some abilities have one or more keywords listed at the bottom of the
ability on their keywords bar, e.g. the ‘Shoot’ ability shown above has the
Core, Attack and Shoot keywords. Units also have a keywords bar on
their warscroll.

Keywords let you know which abilities can be used or which units can be
picked as targets for an ability. For example, the ‘Charge’ ability can only
be used by a unit if it did not use an ability with the Run or Retreat
keyword earlier in the turn. The singular and plural forms of a keyword
are synonymous for rules purposes.


The timing of an ability tells you when it can be used. When using an
ability, follow these steps:

1. Declare the Ability: Tell your opponent which ability is being used. If
the ability has Declare instructions, resolve them at this step.

2. Use Reactions: Starting with the active player (see 12.0), the players
alternate using any abilities with an appropriate Reaction timing.

3. Resolve the Effect: Follow the instructions in the Effect part of

the ability.


• A unit cannot use more than 1 Core ability per phase (see 14.0).
• A unit cannot use the same ability more than once per phase, unless
specified otherwise.
• A unit cannot be affected by the same passive ability more than once
at the same time. For example, if a unit is within range of two different
terrain features that have the ‘Cover’ passive ability, the effect only
applies to it once.


Abilities that have the Passive timing are called passive abilities. Passive
abilities are not declared. The effects of passive abilities always apply if the
conditions of the ability are met, and they must be applied if it is possible
to do so.

Ben and Jes are fighting a battle, and Ben’s Rat Ogors have charged into Jes’s Liberators. It is Ben’s turn to pick
a unit to fight. The following example shows how abilities are used, but don’t worry too much about the specific
abilities, as they will be explained later in the rules.

Ben uses the ‘Fight’ ability. The first step is to resolve any Declare
instructions for the ability. In this case, Ben picks his unit of Rat
Ogors to use the ability, then they make a pile-in move. Finally, Ben
picks Jes’s Liberators unit as the target of all the Rat Ogors’ attacks.
Any Combat Phase
FIGHT: Locked in a deadly melee, the fighters strike out at
their foes.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat or that charged

this turn to use this ability. That unit can make a pile-in move.
Then, if that unit is in combat, you must pick one or more
enemy units as the target(s) of that unit’s attacks.

Effect: Resolve combat attacks against the target unit(s). Pile in up to 3"
Keywords Core, Attack, Fight

After declaring the ability, Ben has the first opportunity After Ben uses ‘All-out Attack’, Jes uses the ‘All-out
to use any reactions. As ‘Fight’ has the Attack Defence’ ability to try to protect his Liberators against
keyword, Ben is able to use the ‘All-out Attack’ ability to the upcoming onslaught. Ben then passes on using any
improve his Rat Ogors’ attacks. further reactions, then Jes does the same.
Reaction: You declared an Attack ability 1 Reaction: Opponent declared an Attack ability 1
ALL-OUT ATTACK: The warriors fight with a ALL-OUT DEFENCE: The soldiers close ranks
frenzied vigour. to hold off an incoming attack.

Used By: The unit using that Attack ability. Used By: A unit targeted by that Attack ability.

Effect: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made as part of Effect: Add 1 to save rolls for that unit in this phase.
that Attack ability. This also affects weapons that
have the Companion weapon ability.
‘All-out Attack’ and ‘All-out Defence’ are examples of
Advanced Rules,, which are used in certain battlepacks.

Now that the Declare instructions have been resolved and both
players have had a chance to use reactions, Ben can resolve the
effect of the ability, resulting in 2 Liberators being slain (see 18.3).
Any Combat Phase
FIGHT: Locked in a deadly melee, the fighters strike out at
their foes.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat or that charged

this turn to use this ability. That unit can make a pile-in move.
Then, if that unit is in combat, you must pick one or more
enemy units as the target(s) of that unit’s attacks.

Effect: Resolve combat attacks against the target unit(s).

Keywords Core, Attack, Fight


 If any part of another A target model is visible to another model (which we’ll call the ‘observing
model can be seen by an model’) if you can draw a straight line through the air (whether horizontal,
observing model, both diagonal or vertical) from any point on the observing model to any point
the target model and its on the target model that does not intersect any objects except for other
unit are visible to that models in the observing model’s unit. A target unit is visible to an observing
observing model. unit if at least 1 model in the target unit is visible to at least 1 model in the
observing unit. A model is always considered to be visible to itself.

In some cases, it might not be

immediately clear whether a
model is visible. If so, stoop
down to get a look from
behind the observing model.
If any part of the other model
is visible, even if it is just the
tip of a spear, then that model
is visible for rules purposes.

Even though only half of this Liberator can be seen, he counts as being visible.
A model is visible no matter how much of the model is blocked from sight or
how little of it is visible; if any part of the model can be seen, it is visible.

An observing model’s visibility can be blocked by enemy models. The Rat Ogor
in this shot is visible to the Liberator on the right but is not visible to the
Liberator on the left because it is hidden by the Plague Furnace.

The Liberator at the back of this unit can see through their fellows. Models
don’t block the visibility of other models in their unit – it is assumed that they
fight in such a way as to not obstruct one another’s attacks.

Each model has a combat range that extends 3" horizontally from its base  A unit’s combat range
and any distance vertically from that circle to form a cylinder. The combat extends 3" out from every
range of a unit extends 3" horizontally and any distance vertically from every model in that unit.
model in that unit. Units from opposing armies that are within each other’s  If any enemy models are
combat range and that are visible to each other are in combat with each within a unit’s combat
other. When a unit that is not in combat enters the combat range of a visible range and visible to it, that
enemy unit, it moves into combat. unit is in combat.


3" 3"

A model’s combat range extends 3" horizontally Even though both Rat Ogors are within the combat range
outwards from it in all directions and an infinite distance of the Liberator, the Rat Ogor behind the wall is not
vertically. Note that this is measured from the edge of its visible to the Liberator and is therefore not in combat.
base, not the centre.



A unit’s combat range extends 3" horizontally and any A unit is in combat with a visible enemy unit if any of its
distance vertically from all models in the unit. As you can models are within the combat range of that enemy unit.
see, this forms a sort of ‘cloud’. Even though 1 Rat Ogor is not within the Liberators’
combat range, its unit is still in combat.



Unless specified otherwise in
the battlepack or battleplan: 8.0 THE ARMIES
Before starting a battle, both players will need an army
army. Some battlepacks use
 Set up objectives. pre-made armies, while others include rules on how to fi ll your army roster.
 Set up terrain.
 Determine territories.
 Deploy armies. 9.0 BATTLEPLANS
 The player who lost Before any battle, you’ll need to pick a battleplan. A variety of battleplans are
the roll-off to choose available in each battlepack, and additional battleplans are available in other
territories decides who publications. Each battleplan is a scenario to play – it outlines territories,
begins deployment. objectives and victory conditions, in addition to any special rules that apply
to that battle.


Each battleplan includes a battlefield map that is divided into quarters.
The map will show the locations of any objectives and the players’
territories. Each battlepack or battleplan will indicate the recommended
battlefield size based on the size of game you are playing.




Many battlefields have key locations called objectives, and almost
all battlefields have terrain features such as buildings, ruins and
woods. Unless otherwise specified, players should first set up objective
markers at the locations indicated by a gold circle ( ) on the
deployment map, then set up terrain features in a mutually agreeable
manner. Many battlepacks and battleplans include further instructions
for setting up terrain.

Unless otherwise specified in the battlepack or battleplan, after terrain
has been set up, the players should roll off. The winner decides which
territory belongs to which player. Their opponent decides which player
begins deployment.

• A unit is within a territory if any part of the base of any model in the
unit is within that territory.
• A unit is wholly within a territory if every part of the base of every
model in the unit is within that territory.
• The area of the battlefield that is neither player’s territory is
neutral territory
10.0 THE DEPLOYMENT PHASE  Player who begins
Once the battlefield is ready, the players must deploy their armies. This is deployment can use any
done in a special phase called the deployment phase. The deployment phase Deploy Terrain abilities,
happens once per battle, before the start of the first battle round (see 12.0). followed by their opponent.
 Players alternate using
Some factions have faction terrain features, which have their own  Player who begins
warscrolls and are set up using Deploy Terrain abilities. The player deployment must use
who begins deployment must use Deploy Terrain abilities first, any other Deployment
followed by their opponent. Phase abilities, then their
opponent can do so.
Unless otherwise specified in the battleplan, the players alternate using
Deploy abilities to deploy their units, starting with the player who
begins deployment. Once one player has no more Deploy abilities to
use, their opponent must continue to use Deploy abilities until they
also have no more to use.


After both players have finished deploying their units, the player who
begins deployment can use any Deployment Phase abilities that are not
Deploy or Deploy Terrain abilities, in the order of their choosing,
then their opponent can do the same.


Deployment Phase
DEPLOY UNIT: Additional forces take to Deployment Phase
the field. DEPLOY REGIMENT: A mighty hero leads
their retinue into battle.
Declare: Pick a unit from your army roster that
has not been deployed to be the target. Declare: Pick a regiment from your army
roster to be the target. No units in that regiment
Effect: Set up the target unit wholly within can have already been deployed.
friendly territory and more than 9" from
enemy territory. After you have done so, it has Effect: Keep using Deploy abilities without
been deployed. alternating until all units in that regiment have
been deployed. You cannot pick units that are
Keywords Deploy
not in that regiment as the target of any of those
Deploy abilities.
Deployment Phase
Keywords Deploy
taken to the field surrounding an important and
powerful landmark. A regiment is a collection of units. It is one of
the main building blocks of an army (see ‘Army
Declare: Pick a friendly faction terrain feature Composition’ in the Advanced Rules).
that has not been deployed to be the target.
Some factions have special Deploy abilities,
Effect: Set up the target faction terrain feature such as the ‘Scions of the Storm’ ability of the
wholly within friendly territory, more than 3" from Stormcast Eternals.
all objectives and other terrain features. After you
have done so, it has been deployed.
Keywords Deploy Terrain


 The battle lasts a fi xed

number of battle rounds.
 Each battle round contains 11.0 BATTLE SEQUENCE
2 turns. Each battle lasts a number of battle rounds, specified in the battleplan.
 The player whose turn During each battle round, each player will take a turn. Each turn is broken
is taking place is the down into multiple phases (see 13.0).
active player.
 Each turn contains
7 phases. 12.0 START OF BATTLE ROUND
 In each phase, the active At the start of each battle round, follow these steps:
player uses abilities first,
then their opponent does 1. Determine the Active Player: If it is the first battle round, the player who
the same. finished setting up their army first decides who will take the first turn
(unless otherwise specified in the battlepack or battleplan).

If it is not the first battle round, the players make a roll-off called the
priority roll and the winner decides who will take the first turn. If the
roll-off is a tie, the player who took the first turn in the previous battle
round decides who will take the first turn in the current battle round.

When it is a player’s turn, regardless of whether they take the first or

second turn, they are referred to as the active player.

2. Determine the Underdog: Whichever player has the fewest victory points
is the underdog for the battle round. If the players are tied (e.g. in the first
battle round), then there is no underdog, unless otherwise specified.

3. Start of Battle Round Abilities: The active player can use

any Start of Battle Round abilities first, then their opponent can do
the same.


Start of Turn Each player’s turn is broken down into 7 phases, as shown on the left. In
each phase, the active player can use any abilities with the ‘Your (…) Phase’
Hero Phase
or ‘‘Any (…) Phase’ timing in the order of their choosing. For example,
Movement Phase in the Movement Phase, the active player could use abilities with
the Your Movement Phase or Any Movement Phase timing.
Shooting Phase
Once the active player has finished using abilities, their opponent can then
Charge Phase
use any abilities with an ‘Enemy (…) Phase’’ or ‘‘Any (…) Phase’ timing, in
Combat Phase the order of their choosing.

End of Turn 13.1 FIGHT ABILITIES

Abilities with the Fight keyword follow a different sequence to other
abilities. When the players are using Combat Phase abilities as described
in 13.0, they cannot use Fight abilities.
 The active player uses
Combat Phase abilities that After the players have finished using Combat Phase abilities that are not
are not Fight abilities, Fight abilities, they must alternate picking 1 eligible unit to use a Fight
then the opponent does ability, starting with the active player. Each unit in combat must use a
the same. Fight ability if it is able to.
 Players alternate picking
a unit to use a Fight Once a player has no more units that are eligible to use a Fight ability,
ability, starting with the the other player continues to pick units that are eligible to use a Fight
active player. ability, one after another, until there are no more units that are eligible to
 Each unit must use a use a Fight ability.
Fight ability if it is able to.
Active player’s Opponent’s Players alternate
Combat Phase Combat Phase using Fight abilities,
abilities abilities starting with the
(not Fight) (not Fight) active player

The following Core abilities can be used by any unit.
Remember that each unit can use a maximum of 1 Core Your Shooting Phase
ability per phase (see 5.3). SHOOT: The warriors take aim and unleash a
deadly volley.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that has not used
Your Movement Phase a Run or Retreat ability this turn to use this
NORMAL MOVE: The warriors advance across ability. Then, pick one or more enemy units as the
the battlefield. target(s) of that unit’s attacks (see 16.0).

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat Effect: Resolve shooting attacks against the
to use this ability. target unit(s).
Keywords Core, Attack, Shoot
Effect: That unit can move a distance up to its
Move characteristic. That unit cannot move into
combat during any part of that move.
Keywords Core, Move
Your Charge Phase
Your Movement Phase CHARGE: With a mighty battle cry, the warriors
RUN: The unit rushes into position. charge into combat with the enemy.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat
to use this ability. and has not used a Run or Retreat ability this
turn to use this ability. Then, make a charge roll
Effect: Make a run roll of D6. That unit can move of 2D6.
a distance up to its Move characteristic added to
the run roll. That unit cannot move into combat Effect: That unit can move a distance up to the
during any part of that move. value of the charge roll. That unit can move
through the combat ranges of any enemy units
Keywords Core, Move, Run
and must end that move within ½" of a visible
enemy unit. If it does so, the unit using this ability
Your Movement Phase has charged.
RETREAT: The fighters disengage from combat,
Keywords Core, Move, Charge
though at the cost of lowering their defences.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat to

use this ability. 14.4 COMBAT PHASE
Effect: Inflict D3 mortal damage on that unit. Any Combat Phase
That unit can move a distance up to its Move FIGHT: Locked in a deadly melee, the fighters
characteristic. That unit can move through the strike out at their foes.
combat ranges of any enemy units but cannot end
that move within an enemy unit’s combat range. Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat
or that charged this turn to use this ability. That
Keywords Core, Move, Retreat
unit can make a pile-in move (see 15.4). Then, if
that unit is in combat,, you must pick one or more
enemy units as the target(s) of that unit’s attacks
(see 16.0).

Effect: Resolve combat attacks against the

target unit(s).
Keywords Core, Attack, Fight


 When moving a unit, move
any number of models in 15.0 MOVEMENT
that unit. Some abilities allow a unit to move. When a unit moves, each model in that
 Each model can turn and unit can move, one at a time, in the order chosen by that unit’s commander.
pivot, but no part of its base
can move farther than the When a model moves, it can pivot and change direction as often as you like,
maximum distance. but no part of that model’s base can move a greater total distance than the
 Units can move any maximum allowed by the ability used. Models cannot move beyond the edge
distance up to the of the battlefield or through other models, and they can never end a move
maximum specified in standing on top of another model (the base counts as part of the model).
the ability.
 Units must end their move A model’s base is assumed to remain parallel with the battlefield as it moves.
in coherency. If a model ends its move on an uneven surface, it must be able to stand up by
itself with its base as close to parallel with the battlefield as possible (in other
words, models cannot lie flat on the battlefield or lean against terrain to stop
them from falling over).


This Grey Seer is using the ‘Normal Move’ ability to change its position on
the battlefield. No part of that move can be within the combat range of the
Liberators, so the Grey Seer has to stay outside the area marked in blue.

 After finishing a move, Any time a unit is set up or ends a move, it must be in a single group. A
a unit must be in a unit is considered to be in a coherent group if each model in that unit is
single group. within coherency range, measured horizontally, of at least 1 other model
 Coherency range is in that unit (ignore differences in height between the two models).
½" horizontally.
 Each model must be within For the majority of units, coherency range is ½", though some units
coherency range of a (particularly those with large models with overhanging parts) have a
different model from the longer coherency range noted on their warscroll for ease of play. While
same unit. there are 7 or more models in a unit, that unit is considered to be in a
 While a unit has 7+ models, coherent group if each model in that unit is within coherency range of
each model must be in at least 2 other models in that unit.
coherency with 2 other
models in the unit. If it is not possible for a unit to end a move in a single coherent group, that
move cannot be made.

When a model moves, it can move over terrain features but not through  Models can move freely
them. A model can be moved over terrain features that are 1" or less over terrain features 1" or
in height as if they were not there. A model can be moved vertically in less in height.
order to climb up or down any terrain features that are taller than 1",  Models can climb up and
counting the vertical distance as part of its move. Models cannot end a down terrain features, and
move mid-climb. they can jump down from a
higher ledge.
15.2.1 JUMPING DOWN  Models cannot end a move
When a model that is on a terrain feature moves, it can jump down mid-climb or mid-jump.
from the edge of the terrain feature to land on a lower part of the same
or a different terrain feature or to land on the battlefield. To do so,
you must trace the path of the model’s move to the edge of the terrain
feature. Then, that model can jump down any distance, but doing so
immediately ends their move. Models cannot end any kind of move
mid-jump – if it is not possible to end the move as a result, that move
cannot be made.

As a model moves across terrain, its base is assumed to stay in contact

with the terrain feature and parallel to the battlefield. Models can climb
up or down terrain. They can jump down too, but this ends their move.


Some abilities, such as Fight abilities, allow a unit to make a short move
called a pile-in move to get into a better position for combat. To do so:  Pile in: move up to 3".
 If in combat, the unit must
If your unit is in combat: Pick an enemy unit your unit is in combat with end the move closer, or at
to be the target of the pile-in move. Each model in your unit can move up least as close, to the target
to 3". That move can pass through the combat ranges of any enemy units, enemy unit.
but each model must end that move no further from the target unit. At
the end of the move, your unit must still be in combat with all units that it
was in combat with at the start of the move.

If your unit is not in combat: Each model in your unit can move 3" in any When moving flying units,
direction. That move can pass through and end within the combat ranges move them horizontally
of any enemy units. in any direction, ignoring
intervening models and
15.4 FLYING terrain, and place them where
Units with the Fly keyword have the following passive ability: you wish, so long as they are
allowed to end their move
Passive on that spot. Note that some
FLY: Soaring above the battlefield, this unit can reach destinations units have the Fly keyword
that are inaccessible to other troops. even if that unit can’t really
fly. This often represents
Effect: As this unit moves, it ignores other models, terrain features units that bounce, bound or
and the combat ranges of enemy units. It cannot end its move in skitter across the battlefield
combat unless specified in the ability that allowed it to move. Ignore so adeptly that they might as
any vertical distance moved for this unit. well be flying!


 Pick targets for all attacks
when declaring an 16.0 PICKING TARGETS
Attack ability. When declaring an Attack ability for a unit, you must pick the target
 If a unit is in combat, it unit(s) for its attacks. The number of attacks each model can make is equal to
can only attack units it is the Attacks characteristic of the weapons it is using. In most cases, models
in combat with and that attack with every weapon on their warscroll (melee weapons for combat
are visible to it. attacks, ranged weapons for shooting attacks), though some warscrolls
 If making a combat attack, specify that certain models in the unit are armed with special weapons or
the target must be within that the unit must pick between multiple weapons when it attacks.
the attacking model’s
combat range. If the unit is in combat, it can only target units that are in combat with it. If
 If making a shooting a model has more than one attack, you can split the attacks between eligible
attack, the target must targets as you wish.
be visible and within the
weapon’s Range. • Combat attacks are made with melee weapons. The target unit(s) must
 A unit cannot make be within the combat range of the attacking model and visible to it. The
shooting attacks if it model must attack with all of the melee weapons it is armed with.
is in combat, unless
otherwise specified. • Shooting attacks are made with ranged weapons. The target unit(s) must
be within a distance equal to the Range characteristic of the weapon being
used and visible to the attacking model. Models cannot make shooting
attacks if their unit is in combat, unless otherwise specified (see 20.0
Weapon Abilities).


Resolve steps 1-4 below for each attack made against a target unit, one attack
at a time. If you picked more than one target unit for the Attack ability,
resolve all the attacks made against one unit before moving on to the next, in
an order of your choosing. Once you are familiar with the attack sequence,
see ‘Fast Dice Rolling’ (see 17.3) if you want to speed up play.

Critical hits have no effect on 1. Hit Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking weapon’s
their own but often trigger Hit characteristic, the attack scores a successful hit: move on to the next
additional effects (see 20.0 step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. Unmodified hit
Weapon Abilities). rolls of 1 always fail. If an unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a
weapon is a 6, that attack is a critical hit.

2. Wound Roll: Roll a dice. If the roll equals or exceeds the attacking
weapon’s Wound characteristic, the attack successfully wounds: move
on to the next step. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends.
Unmodified wound rolls of 1 always fail.

3. Save Roll: The commander of the target unit rolls a dice, subtracting the
attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic from the roll. Unmodified save
rolls of 1 always fail. If the roll equals or exceeds the Save characteristic of
the target unit, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. If not, it is a
successful attack: move on to the next step.

Keep track of the number of 4. Determine Damage: The attack inflicts a number of damage points
damage points in the damage on the unit equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon. Inflicted
pools of target units. Placing damage points are added to a temporary damage pool for the target unit.
dice next to those units is a
handy way of doing this. After completing these steps for all of the attacks made as part of that
Attack ability, the attacks for that ability are resolved and you can move on
to the damage sequence (see 18.0).

Modifiers to hit rolls, wound rolls and save rolls are capped to prevent
overwhelming combinations of abilities. When making a hit roll or a
wound roll, add up all positive and negative modifiers that apply to the
roll, then cap the result at a maximum of +1 (if positive) or a minimum of
-1 (if negative).

When making a save roll, add up all the positive and negative modifiers
that apply to the roll, then cap the result at a maximum of +1. Note that,
unlike hit rolls and wound rolls, there is no cap on the amount that can
be subtracted from save rolls.


Some abilities inflict mortal damage. If an ability inflicts mortal damage
on a unit, add that number of damage points to the unit’s damage pool for
that ability (see 18.2 Allocating Damage).


In order to speed up play, it is often possible to make several attacks at
once. If you choose to do so, all of the attacks must have the same Hit,
Wound, Rend and Damage characteristics, the same weapon abilities
(if any – see 20.0), and they must target the same enemy unit. If this is
the case, make all of the hit rolls at the same time, then all of the wound
rolls and finally all of the save rolls. Then, add up all the damage points
inflicted on the target unit and move on to the damage sequence (see 18.0).

If the attack sequence ends for an attack made while fast dice rolling, it
doesn’t stop the attack sequence for all the attacks, just that specific attack.

The bold advance of the Stormcast Eternals enrages a pack of Rat Ogors, triggering a mad charge. These hulking Skaven
aim to tear apart their foes with brute strength and ferocity before a counter-attack can be launched.



After resolving the effect of any ability that inflicts damage points on a unit,
follow the steps below. If the ability inflicted damage points on more than
one unit, follow the steps below for each of those units, one at a time. Each
commander allocates damage points to their own units, in the order of their
choosing, starting with the active player.

1. Resolve ward saves for all damage points in the target unit’s damage pool,
if applicable (see 17.0).
2. Allocate the damage points in the unit’s damage pool and remove slain
models (see 18.3).


Units with the Ward keyword have the ‘Ward Save’ passive ability. The
number after the Ward keyword indicates the ward value for the ward
save. If a unit had Ward (5+), for example, its ward value would be 5. If
a unit has more than one ward save, only the ward save with the lowest
value applies to it; the other has no effect.
WARD SAVE: Whether through their uncanny reflexes, unnatural
toughness or a source of mystical protection, these warriors can avoid
otherwise lethal attacks.

Effect: In step 1 of the damage sequence (see 18.0), make a ward roll of
D6 for each damage point in this unit’s damage pool. If the roll equals
or exceeds this unit’s ward value, remove that damage point from the
damage pool.


After resolving the effect of any ability that inflicts damage points
(whether via attacks, mortal damage or both), you must allocate the
damage points.

When allocating damage points to a unit, the damage points in its

damage pool are allocated to it one at a time. Each time the number of
damage points allocated to the unit equals the Health characteristic
of that unit, 1 model in that unit is slain (and removed from play) and
the number of damage points allocated to that unit is reset to 0. Keep
allocating damage points until there are none left in the damage pool.

If the number of damage points allocated to a unit is not enough to slay a

model, keep track of the number of damage points currently allocated to
the unit (most players place a dice or markers next to the unit). While a
unit has any damage points allocated to it, it is damaged.


The commander of a unit must pick which model(s) in the unit are slain.
However, after each slain model is removed, the unit must be in a single
coherent group (see 15.1). If this is not possible, continue to remove
models, one at a time, until the unit is in a single coherent group.


When the last model in a unit is slain, the unit is destroyed and all
remaining damage points inflicted on that unit have no effect. Similarly,
if something causes a unit to be destroyed, all models in the unit are slain
and removed from play.

ATTACKING DIAGRA M  Attacker makes a hit roll
of D6. If the roll equals
ATTACK SEQUENCE or beats the weapon’s
Hit characteristic, it is a
ATTACK successful hit.
 Attacker makes a wound
roll of D6. If the roll equals
or beats the weapon’s
NO Hit roll
Wound characteristic, it is
success? a successful wound.
 Defender makes a save
roll of D6. Subtract the
attacking weapon’s Rend
characteristic from the
Successful Hit YES roll. If the result is less
than the defending unit’s
Save characteristic, it is a
successful attack.
Wound  Inflict an amount of
Attack Fails roll damage on the target equal
success? to the attacking weapon’s
Damage characteristic.
 Resolve ward saves.
 Allocate damage points.
Successful Wound YES  Unmodified hit rolls,
wound rolls and save rolls
of 1 always fail.

YES Save roll


Damage point(s) inflicted NO

Damage POOL

For each damage point


YES Ward roll NO


Remove damage point Allocate damage point


Erik’s Stormcast Eternals are facing off against Emma’s Skaven in a close game of Spearhead. Erik’s Liberators
have charged (see 14.3), and in the declare step of the ‘Fight’ ability, they have piled in towards Emma’s Clawlord
(see 15.3) and targeted that unit with all of their attacks (see 16.0). In this example we’ll be using fast dice rolling
to speed up play.

Erik’s 4 Liberators armed with Warhammers attack first.

They can each make 2 attacks (as a Warhammer has an
Attacks characteristic of 2), and Erik needs to make hit
rolls equal to or higher than their Hit characteristic of
3+. The Liberators score 5 successful hits out of 8 attacks.

Erik’s hit rolls

MELEE WEAPONS Att acks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability

Warhammer 2 3+ 3+ 1 1 Crit (Mortal)

Erik then makes a wound roll for each of the 5 hits. The
Warhammers have a Wound characteristic of 3+. The
Liberators successfully wound with 3 of their attacks.

Erik’s wound rolls

Emma makes a save roll for each of the 3 successful
wounds. Her Clawlord has a Save characteristic of 4+,
but the Warhammers have a Rend characteristic of 1, so
Emma must subtract 1 from each roll, meaning she now
needs to roll a 5 or more.

The Clawlord successfully saves 1 of the 3 attacks,

resulting in 2 damage points being added to his
damage pool (1 for each Warhammer, as they have a
Damage characteristic of 1).
damage pool
Emma’s save rolls

Erik repeats this process with the remaining Liberator in
the unit, who wields a mighty Grandhammer. He scores
2 hits, one of which is a critical hit of 6. This result
triggers the Grandhammer’s Crit (Mortal) weapon
ability, which inflicts 2 mortal damage (see 17.2), directly
adding 2 damage points to the damage pool.

Erik’s hit rolls Erik’s wound roll
Erik then makes a wound roll for the other hit, which damage pool
successfully wounds.

MELEE WEAPONS Att acks Hit Wound Rend Damage Ability

Grandhammer 2 3+ 2+ 1 2 Crit (Mortal)

Emma makes a save roll for the successful wound,
and again must subtract 1 from the roll due to the
Grandhammer’s Rend characteristic of 1. Unfortunately,
her save roll is unsuccessful, resulting in another 2
damage points being added to the damage pool, as the
Grandhammer has a Damage characteristic of 2.

The Liberators’ attacks are resolved, so Emma must

move on to the damage sequence.
damage pool
Emma’s save roll

The Clawlord is in grave peril, with 6 damage points
in the damage pool (and only 7 Health!). Fortunately,
he has Ward (6+), which gives him one last chance to
avoid the damage. Emma makes a ward roll for each of
the 6 damage points in the damage pool, and 2 of those
rolls are sixes, meaning 2 damage points are removed
from the damage pool.

The remaining 4 damage points are allocated to the

Clawlord. Emma places a dice next to the Clawlord to
keep track of the number of damage points that are
currently allocated to that unit.

The Clawlord is now damaged – luckily for Emma, this

allows her Clawlord to use his ‘Cornered Rat’ ability to
exact revenge on the dastardly Liberators…

Emma’s ward rolls


There may be situations when
a unit that has Strike-first 19.0 STRIKE-FIRST AND STRIKE-LAST
is not in combat at the start If there are any Strike-first units in combat at the start of the phase,
of the phase, but because of other units cannot be picked to use a Fight ability until those units have
moves such as pile-in moves, been picked to use a Fight ability. After all those Strike-first units have
it is ‘pulled into combat’ later fought, the active player picks the next unit to fight.
in the phase. In such cases,
Strike-first has no effect If there are any Strike-last units in combat, they cannot be picked to use a
on that unit because it was Fight ability if there are any units in combat that do not have Strike-last
not in combat at the start of and have not yet used a Fight ability.
the phase.
If a unit has Strike-first and Strike-last, treat it as if it had neither.
Abilities that allow a unit
to use a Fight ability
immediately after another 20.0 WEAPON ABILITIES
unit do not override Some weapons have one or more of the passive weapon abilities below. If a
the Strike-first or weapon has multiple weapon abilities that apply on a critical hit, before the
Strike-last constraints, attack sequence starts, the commander of the attacking model must pick 1 of
so you could not pick a unit those abilities to use.
with Strike-last to fight
immediately after a unit UNIVERSAL WEAPON ABILITIES
with Strike-first. Anti-X (+1 Rend): Add 1 to this weapon’s Rend characteristic if the
target has the keyword after ‘‘Anti-’ or fulfi ls the condition after ‘‘Anti-’.
Multiples of this ability are cumulative. For example, if a weapon has
both Anti-charge (+1 Rend) and Anti-Hero (+1 Rend), then add 2 to
the Rend characteristic of the weapon for attacks that target a Hero
that charged in the same turn.
The Companion weapon
Charge (+1 Damage): Add 1 to this weapon’s Damage characteristic if
ability restricts things like
the attacking unit charged this turn.
mounts from benefiting from
most effects that augment a Companion: This weapon is not affected by abilities used by a friendly
unit’s capabilities. unit that affect the Attacks characteristic or the attack sequence.
Crit (2 Hits): If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit,
that attack scores 2 hits on the target unit instead of 1. Make a wound
roll for each hit.
Crit (Auto-wound): If an attack made with this weapon scores a
critical hit, that attack automatically wounds the target. Make a save
roll as normal.
Crit (Mortal): If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit,
that attack inflicts mortal damage on the target unit equal to the
Damage characteristic of that weapon and the attack sequence ends.
Shoot in Combat: This weapon can be used to make shooting attacks
even if the attacking unit is in combat.

Some abilities allow you to heal a unit. To heal a unit, remove a number of
damage points from the unit equal to the number in brackets after ‘Heal’, e.g.
Heal (2).
Some abilities allow you to return slain models to a unit or add new models  Returned models must be
to a unit. In either case, set up those models, one at a time, in coherency (see set up in coherency with
15.1) with the model(s) in that unit that were not returned or added this turn. the models in their unit
The new models can only be set up in combat with an enemy unit if their unit that were not returned as
is already in combat with that enemy unit. part of that ability.
 Returned models can only
be set up in combat with
23.0 TOKENS an enemy unit if their unit
Tokens are not considered to be models for rules purposes and can be is already in combat with it.
ignored or moved out of the way for purposes of visibility, coherency or
abilities. They cannot be picked as the target of abilities. Their purpose is to
indicate persisting effects on units they are placed next to. Each time a unit
with a token finishes a move or is set up, place the token next to the unit. This Gryph-crow is
a token.


Some abilities allow you to set up a unit on the battlefield. When doing so, you
must set up all models in that unit. If this is impossible, you cannot use that
ability. A unit set up on the battlefield in a phase other than the deployment
phase cannot use Move abilities in the movement phase of the same turn.


Some abilities allow you to set up units in reserve. These units are placed
to one side instead of being set up on the battlefield. At the start of the
fourth battle round, units that were set up in reserve using a Deploy
ability and that are still in reserve are destroyed.


Some abilities allow you to set up a replacement unit. When setting up Because a replacement unit is
that unit, it should have the same warscroll type, weapon options and treated as a completely new
number of models as the original unit, unless otherwise specified in the unit, it could, for instance,
ability. Many of these abilities specify the proportion of models in the use a Once Per Battle ability
replacement unit (e.g. half the number of models from the original unit). on its warscroll even if the
In these cases, you can pick which models from the original unit are set up. unit it replaced used that
ability earlier in the battle.
The replacement unit is otherwise treated as a new unit; any keywords
or abilities the original unit gained during the battle, and any persisting
effects that applied to it, do not apply to the replacement unit. Each unit
can only be replaced once, and you cannot replace replacement units.


All Heroes that are not Monsters or War Machines have the
‘Guarded Hero’ passive ability: Understandably, Monsters
and War Machines don’t
Passive benefit from the ‘Guarded
GUARDED HERO: The leader is shielded by their warriors, who close Hero’ ability. These units are
ranks around them to protect them from harm. very conspicuous targets even
if they are surrounded by
Effect: If this Hero is within the combat range of a friendly unit that is their fellows!
not a Hero:
• Subtract 1 from hit rolls for shooting attacks that target this Hero.
• If this Hero is Infantry, they cannot be picked as the target of
shooting attacks made by units more than 12" from them.


 When using a random Some warscrolls show a random characteristic roll instead of a fi xed
characteristic, generate it value. When this is the case, the value of the characteristic is generated
each time it is needed for by the commander of the unit in question each time an ability requires
an ability. that characteristic.
 When using random
Damage, generate it for In the case of random weapon characteristics, generate a random Attacks
each attack made. characteristic for each model in the attacking unit each time you declare an
Attack ability, and generate a random Damage characteristic each time
you inflict damage with that weapon (roll once for each attack).


The effects of some abilities modify a characteristic or roll. Unless stated
otherwise, a characteristic or roll cannot be modified to less than 1. The
exception to this is Rend, which can be modified to a minimum of 0 (‘-’).

If a characteristic uses a random characteristic roll (see above), apply

characteristic modifiers after that characteristic has been generated.

If a characteristic or roll is halved or would be modified to a value that is not

a whole number, round it down to the nearest whole number.

Apply characteristic modifiers in the following order:

1. Modifiers that set a characteristic to a fi xed value.

2. Modifiers that multiply or divide a characteristic.
3. Modifiers that add to or subtract from a characteristic.

If there are multiple modifiers of the same type (e.g. that set a characteristic),
apply them in the Order of Effects (see 30.0).

Skaven technology is infamously unpredictable. Their warpstone-powered weapons are just as likely to belch out a
thunderous volley as they are a single forlorn shot – or they might just explode without warning!

• Unless stated otherwise, units using or picked as part of an ability must be WHO IS USING
on the battlefield. THE ABILITY?
• If an effect states that a unit can do something, its commander can choose Most abilities are found on
whether to resolve that part of the effect or not. warscrolls, but many appear
• If an effect states that a unit must do something, its commander has no elsewhere – the best examples
choice and must resolve that part of the effect. If this is impossible, no part being the Universal Core
of the effect is applied but the ability is still considered to have been used. Abilities (see 14.0).
• When ‘this unit’ appears in ability text (most often on warscrolls), it means
the unit that is using the ability. While abilities on warscrolls
• If an ability affects more than one unit, the player who used the ability can are always used by the unit
choose the order in which units are affected by it. whose warscroll it is, some
• When resolving an effect, if you need to roll a dice for multiple affected abilities that do not appear
units, roll and resolve the effect for one unit before moving on to the next. on warscrolls will tell you
• If an ability instructs you to pick more than 1 unit, each unit you pick must explicitly to pick a unit to use
be a different unit unless stated otherwise. the ability. In both cases, it
should be clear which unit is
28.1 PERSISTING EFFECTS using the ability.
Some abilities have effects that aren’t immediately resolved (e.g. ‘add 1 to
save rolls for this unit for the rest of the turn’ or ‘this unit has Ward (5+) Some abilities that do not
for the rest of the turn’). These effects count as the effects of passive appear on warscrolls, most
abilities (see 5.4) for their duration. commonly enhancements (see
Army Composition, 4.1), are
28.2 ‘ONCE PER’ TIMINGS given to certain units in your
The timing part of some abilities says Once Per Phase, Once Per Turn or army. In such cases, the unit
Once Per Battle.. If the ability is used by a unit, it can be used a maximum to which the enhancement
of one time in that phase, turn or battle by each unit that can use the was given is the one using
ability. If the ability is used by a player, it can be used a maximum of one the ability.
time in that timing window by that player.
Abilities that neither appear
Some abilities that are used by units say Once Per Phase (Army), Once on a warscroll nor tell you to
Per Turn (Army) or Once Per Battle (Army). These abilities can be used pick a unit to use the ability
a maximum of one time in that phase, turn or battle regardless of the are used by you, the player.
number of units in the army that can use the ability.
Finally, for the purposes
of the rules in this section,
29.0 CONTRA DICTORY RULES when a rule refers to a player
If two or more rules contradict, if one of those rules states that something using an ability, this includes
cannot do something, this takes precedence over rules that state it can abilities used by units in that
or must do that thing, unless the second rule specifically overrides the player’s army.
restriction of the first. For example, while the ‘Normal Move’ ability states
you cannot move into combat during that move, the ‘Fly’ ability specifies to
ignore the combat ranges of enemy models during a move.

Excepting the above, the effect of the most recently used ability
takes precedence.


The effects of passive abilities are considered to be applied more recently than
the effects of other abilities and rules.

The effects of the active player’s passive abilities are considered to be applied
more recently than the effects of their opponent’s passive abilities, whose
passive abilities are considered to be applied more recently than the effects
of neutral passive abilities (e.g. passive abilities on a terrain feature that is in
neither player’s army). The active player chooses the order in which neutral
passive effects are applied.


 An objective marker is a
40mm round marker. 31.0 END OF TURN OVERVIEW
 A model contests an At the end of each turn, follow these steps:
objective if the objective
marker is within its 1. The active player can use any abilities with the End of Your Turn
combat range. or End of Any Turn timing, in the order of their choosing, then
 A player gains control of their opponent can use any abilities with the End of Enemy Turn
an objective if the sum of or End of Any Turn timing, in the order of their choosing.
the Control characteristics 2. Determine which player controls each objective (if any).
of friendly models 3. The active player scores victory points as described in the battleplan.
contesting that objective
is higher than that of
enemy models. 32.0 OBJECTIVES
 Check if you gain control of Many battleplans award victory points for controlling objectives, which
objectives at the start of the are represented by objective markers. Unless otherwise specified, objective
first battle round and at the markers are round and 40mm wide. Models can move over and end their
end of each turn. moves on objective markers. If an objective marker is on the border between
 An objective remains territories, it is within all those territories but wholly within none of them.
in your control until Objective markers don’t block visibility.
your opponent gains
control of it. 32.1 CONTESTING OBJECTIVES
 Terrain features are Unless otherwise specified, if an objective is within a model’s combat
controlled in the same way range, that model is contesting that objective. If any models in a unit are
as objective markers but do contesting an objective, that unit is contesting that objective.
not remain in your control
if no friendly models are Each unit can only contest one objective per turn. If a unit would be
contesting them. able to contest more than one objective, its player must pick one of those
objectives for it to contest. If both players have more than one unit that
would be able to contest more than one objective, before determining
objective control, the active player must pick which of those objectives are
being contested by their units first, then their opponent does the same.

Sometimes objective markers 32.2 OBJECTIVE CONTROL

get accidentally nudged At the start of the first battle round and at the end of each turn, follow
while you are moving models this sequence for each objective in an order chosen by the active player:
around. This is perfectly
fine – just remember to put 1. Starting with the active player, each player determines the control score
them back in their proper of each of their units that is contesting that objective. A unit’s control
positions when determining score is the combined Control characteristics of all the models in that
objective control. unit that are contesting the objective. Some abilities modify a unit’s
control score, but it cannot be reduced to less than 1.
2. Each player adds up the control scores of all of their units contesting
that objective. This is their army control score for that objective.
3. The players compare their army control scores for that objective. If one
player’s score is higher, that player gains control of that objective. Once
a player gains control of an objective, it remains under their control
until their opponent gains control of it.


Some battleplans require you to gain control of a terrain feature. Terrain
features are controlled in the same way as objectives, but terrain features
do not remain in your control if your units are no longer contesting them.
Each unit can contest 1 objective and 1 terrain feature at the same time.


At the end of each battle round, the active player can use
any End of Battle Round abilities, then their opponent can do the same. Each
battleplan will specify the number of battle rounds that should be fought. If
you have completed the number of battle rounds specified in your battleplan,
the battle has ended, and you should follow the rules included in that
battleplan to determine the winner.

Each Advanced Rules section is designed to be modular,
allowing each battlepack to specify which Advanced BUILD YOUR OWN BATTLEPACK
Rules to use with that battlepack. This book contains the There are many, many ways to play Warhammer
following Advanced Rules sections: Age of Sigmar, from Path to Glory battlepacks,
which focus on narrative-driven battles linked in an
ongoing campaign, to Spearhead and Matched Play
COMMANDS (pg 29-30) battlepacks, in which the emphasis is on balance
These rules explain how you can earn command points and competitive play.
to use powerful commands that allow you to react to
abilities and interact in your opponent’s turn. If you are In addition to using official battlepacks, we’d
not using the Commands rules, ignore any abilities that encourage you to use the rules in this section as a
have the command point symbol in the corner. toolbox, mixing and matching the elements within
to build your own battleplan or battlepack to play
with your friends.
TERRAIN (pg 31-32)
These rules go into more detail about how your models Are you excited to field your entire collection
interact with terrain features, such as how they can take against your friends or to see which monster reigns
cover or even draw power from arcane nexuses. supreme? Maybe you want to design your own
battleplans and special rules, or perhaps you want
to keep things simple in order to teach a younger
MAGIC (pg 33-34) sibling how to play. These rules provide an open
If you’d like to wield unlimited mystical power by framework that makes each of these things possible.
including Wizards, Priests and manifestations in
your battles, see Magic. Here are some ideas to get you started:

• Instead of using the Advanced Rules for Army

ARMY COMPOSITION (pg 35-38) Composition, make an army based on your
If you’re ready to build your own army roster and favourite Black Library story or based on a
customise your army with regiments, battle formations made-up scenario that sounds exciting to you.
and enhancements, see Army Composition. For instance, how would 5 different Stormcast
Eternals heroes fare against a pair of massive
Chaos monsters?
Here you will find rules for special models called • Design your own battleplan by dividing portions
champions, standard bearers and musicians, which are of the battlefield into a territory for each player,
found in many Warhammer Age of Sigmar units. placing objectives and thinking up a fun twist
for the battle. Have fun and experiment with
different ideas – why not try alternating placing
BATTLE TACTICS (pg 40) objectives instead of having fixed locations, or
Add an additional tactical challenge to your games by try having two smaller battlefields connected
including secondary objectives called Battle Tactics. by realmgates?

• Learn the Advanced Rules by introducing

each module into your battles one at a time
– for instance, start by experimenting with
Commands, then try adding Magic into your
battles, and finally put them all together to outwit
your opponent and score Battle Tactics.


 Any ability with a
command point cost ( ) 1.0 COMMANDS OVERVIEW
is a command. Some abilities, called commands, require that you spend one or more
 Each player gains command points ( ) to use that ability. Any ability that has a command
4 command points at the point cost (indicated in the top right corner of the ability) is a command.
start of each battle round.
 The underdog gains 1 extra 1.1 EARNING COMMAND POINTS
command point. At the start of each battle round, after determining the underdog, each
 Each unit can only use 1 player gains 4 command points. If there is an underdog, they gain 1 extra
command in each phase. command point. At the end of the battle round, the players’ command
 Each command can only be points are reset to 0 (any that have not been used are lost).
used 1 time by each army
in each phase. 1.2 USING COMMANDS
 You must pay the Commands are used in a similar manner to any other ability. However,
command point cost to use each unit can only use 1 command in each phase, each command can only
a command. be used 1 time by each army in each phase, and you must spend a number
of command points equal to the command point cost to use a command.


Any Hero Phase 1 Enemy Movement Phase 1
RALLY: With an inspiring call to action, wounded REDEPLOY: Taking initiative, the warriors hastily
soldiers get a second wind and fresh troops take the reposition to respond to enemy movements.
field to replace their fallen comrades.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to use this ability.
use this ability.
Effect: Each model in that unit can move up to D6".
Effect: Make 6 rally rolls of D6. For each 4+, you That move cannot pass through or end within the
receive 1 rally point. Rally points can be spent in the combat range of an enemy unit.
following ways:
Keywords Move, Run
• For each rally point spent, Heal (1) that unit.
• You can spend a number of rally points equal to the Reaction: You declared a Run ability 1
Health characteristic of that unit to return a slain AT THE DOUBLE: At a command from their
model to that unit. general, the warriors sprint to a key position on
You can spend the rally points in any combination of the battlefield.
the above. Unspent rally points are then lost.
Used By: The unit using that Run ability.
Enemy Hero Phase 1 Effect: Do not make a run roll as part of that
MAGICAL INTERVENTION: A warrior learned Run ability. Instead, add 6" to that unit’s Move
in the mystic arts utters a rapid incantation to disrupt characteristic to determine the distance each model
the enemy’s plans. in that unit can move as part of that Run ability.

Declare: Pick a friendly Wizard or Priest to use

this ability.

Effect: That friendly unit can use a Spell or Prayer

ability (as appropriate) as if it were your hero
phase. If you do so, subtract 1 from casting rolls or
chanting rolls made as part of that ability.

Enemy Shooting Phase 1 Reaction: Opponent declared an Attack ability 1
COVERING FIRE: The warriors unleash a quick ALL-OUT DEFENCE: The soldiers close ranks to
volley at a nearby enemy unit before it charges hold off an incoming attack.
into combat.
Used By: A unit targeted by that Attack ability.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to
use this ability. Effect: Add 1 to save rolls for that unit in this phase.

Effect: Resolve shooting attacks for that unit, but all

of the attacks must target the nearest visible enemy
unit and you must subtract 1 from the hit rolls for 8.0 END OF TURN COMMANDS
those attacks.
End of Any Turn 1
Keywords Shoot, Attack
POWER THROUGH: The warriors use their sheer
mass or resilience to drive through a group of weaker
foes, leaving broken bodies in their wake.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that charged this turn
Enemy Charge Phase 2 to use this ability, then you must pick an enemy unit
COUNTER-CHARGE: Seeing the need for in combat with it to be the target. The target must
decisive action, the warriors charge forth to stall the have a lower Health characteristic than the unit
enemy’s advance or enact a bold interception. using this ability.

Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat to Effect: Inflict D3 mortal damage on the target. Then,
use this ability. the unit using this ability can move a distance up to
its Move characteristic. It can pass through and end
Effect: That unit can use a Charge ability as if it that move within the combat ranges of enemy units
were your charge phase. that were in combat with it at the start of the move,
but not those of other enemy units. It does not have
to end the move in combat.
Reaction: You declared a Charge ability 1
Keywords Move
FORWARD TO VICTORY: With their charge
faltering, a rousing command gives the unit renewed
energy to reach their foes.

Used By: The unit using that Charge ability.

Effect: You can re-roll the charge roll.


Reaction: You declared an Attack ability 1
ALL-OUT ATTACK: The warriors fight with a
frenzied vigour.

Used By: The unit using that Attack ability.

Effect: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made as part of

that Attack ability. This also affects weapons that
have the Companion weapon ability.

The Citadel Terrain List
(pg 65) includes a list of 1.0 TERRAIN OVERVIEW
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Terrain features add interest and tactical challenges to the battlefield. The
terrain features and tells you battleplan or battlepack you are using will explain how to set up terrain.
which terrain abilities each of
A model is wholly on a terrain feature if its base is on that terrain feature
and no part of its base extends past the edge of that terrain feature. A unit
is wholly on a terrain feature if every model in that unit is wholly on that
terrain feature.

When a unit is targeted by an attack, the unit is considered to be behind

a terrain feature if it is impossible to draw a straight line from a model in
the attacking unit to a model in the target unit without that line passing
across that terrain feature. Ignore parts of the terrain feature within the
attacking unit’s combat range for the purposes of determining if the target
is behind that terrain feature.


Each terrain feature has one or more of the following • Terrain that fits into an area no larger than 7" × 7"
passive abilities: is small.
• Terrain that is not small and fits into an area no
Cover: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that larger than 7" × 12" is medium.
target a unit that is behind or wholly on this • Terrain that is too big to fit into an area 7" × 12"
terrain feature, unless that unit charged or has the is large.
Fly keyword.
Impassable: Models cannot move across, be set up 1.4 TERRAIN TYPES
on or end moves on any part of this terrain feature. Each terrain feature in Warhammer Age of Sigmar is
Obscuring: A unit cannot be targeted by shooting one of the following types:
attacks if it is behind or wholly on this terrain
feature, unless it has the Fly keyword. • Obstacle
• Obscuring Terrain
Place of Power: Heroes within 3" of this terrain • Area Terrain
feature can use the ‘Activate Place of Power’ ability • Place of Power
(see below). • Faction Terrain
Unstable: Models can move across but cannot be
set up on or end any type of move on any part of Before the battle begins, players must agree on which
this terrain feature that is more than 1" tall. type applies to each terrain feature.
Start of Any Turn 1.4.1 OBSTACLES
ACTIVATE PLACE OF POWER: The hero draws Examples: Ruins, debris, statues, barricades
on the power of a nearby mythical landmark. Terrain Abilities: Cover, Unstable

Declare: Pick a friendly Hero within 3" of any 1.4.2 OBSCURING TERRAIN
Places of Power to use this ability. Examples: Wyldwood, fortress wall
Terrain Abilities: Cover, Obscuring, Unstable
Effect: Roll a dice. On a 1, inflict D3 mortal
damage on that Hero. On a 2+: 1.4.3 AREA TERRAIN
• If that Hero is a Wizard or Priest, add Examples: Hills, Stormvault
1 to casting rolls or chanting rolls for that Terrain Abilities: Cover
Hero this turn.
• If that Hero is not a Wizard or Priest, 1.4.4 PLACES OF POWER
they can use the ‘Unbind’ or ‘Banish Examples: Realmgate, Cleansing Aqualith,
Manifestation’ ability this turn as if they had Nexus Syphon
Wizard (1). Terrain Abilities: Cover, Place of Power, Unstable
Keywords Core

Some factions have special terrain features called faction terrain The Citadel Terrain List
features. Faction terrain features have their own warscrolls. They are not (pg 65) shows the number of
considered to be units, with the following exceptions: scenery pieces each terrain
feature can consist of. If you
• In the charge phase and the combat phase, they are treated as if they are using terrain features
were units for the purposes of movement, combat range and being in that are not included on
combat. Units can finish a charge move within ½" of an enemy faction that list, agree with your
terrain feature as if it were a unit. opponent before setting up
• They can be picked as targets of enemy abilities as if they were the battlefield how many
units. They are not affected by enemy abilities that do not involve scenery pieces make up each
picking targets. terrain feature.
• Damage points can be inflicted on them as if they were units and they
can be destroyed.


In some cases, it is not possible to reach an enemy unit using a Charge
ability when they are wholly on a terrain feature (e.g. a unit on top of a
tower) because the charging unit is unable to end their move mid-way
up the terrain feature and there is not enough room for the models to be
placed at the top. In these cases, the charging unit can end their charge
within ½" of that terrain feature instead if this would result in the
charging unit ending their move in combat with any enemy units wholly
on a terrain feature.


Some terrain features, such as wyldwoods or collections of smaller
timeworn ruins, are made up of multiple scenery pieces. Each scenery
piece that makes up a part of the same terrain feature must be set up
so that all of the scenery pieces fit into the area that corresponds to the
terrain feature’s size (see 1.3). The full collection of scenery pieces is This battlefield uses Citadel
considered to be a single terrain feature. terrain, so the players were
able to simply look up the
1 terrain type of each terrain
2 feature in the Citadel Terrain
6 List (pg 65).
3 1 Ruined Domicile (Obstacle)
2 Domicile Shell (Obstacle)
3 Guardian Idol (Obstacle)
4 Cleansing Aqualith
(Place of Power)
5 Nexus Syphon
1 (Place of Power)
6 Wyldwood
(Obscuring Terrain)

3 The second battlefield uses

scratch-built terrain. Before
setting up the terrain, both
players discussed and agreed
4 on the terrain type of each
terrain feature they were
using, as shown below.
1 Place of Power
2 Area Terrain
3 3 Obstacle
1 4 Obscuring Terrain


 Wizards can cast spells;
Priests can chant prayers. 1.0 WIZARDS AND PRIESTS
 Each Wizard and Priest Wizards are special units that can cast spells, and Priests are special units
can use a number of spells that can chant prayers. Spells and prayers are powerful abilities that can have
or prayers per phase equal a dramatic impact on the battle.
to their power level.
 Each Wizard can use 1.1 POWER LEVEL
a number of Unbind Each Wizard and Priest has a power level, shown in brackets after
abilities per phase equal to the keyword, e.g. Wizard (2). A Wizard or Priest’s power level
their power level. determines the number of Spell, Prayer or Banish abilities they can
 Each spell or prayer can use per phase, in any combination. For example, a Wizard (2) unit could
only be used once per turn. use 1 Spell and 1 Banish ability in their commander’s hero phase.


The declare step of each spell will tell you to make a casting roll of 2D6. If
Your Hero Phase 6 the roll does not equal or exceed the spell’s casting value (at the top-right
MYSTIC SHIELD: The caster’s corner of the spell), the spell fails and its effect is not resolved.
allies are bathed in an unearthly
glow that protects them from harm. If the unmodified casting roll includes 2 or more rolls of 1, the spell is
miscast: the spell fails, its effect is not resolved, D3 mortal damage is
Declare: Pick a visible friendly inflicted on the Wizard that used it, and that Wizard cannot use any more
unit wholly within 12" of this spells in that phase.
Wizard to be the target. Then,
make a casting roll of 2D6. If the casting roll equals or exceeds the spell’s casting value, move on to the
reaction step (Core Rules, 5.2). So long as the spell is not unbound (see 4.0),
Effect: The target has Ward (6+) then it is successfully cast: resolve its effect.
this turn.
Keywords Spell
The declare step of each prayer will tell you to make a chanting roll of D6. On
EXAMPLE PRAYER an unmodified chanting roll of 1, the prayer fails, its effect is not resolved and
you must remove D3 ritual points from the Priest using the prayer.
Once Per Battle,
Your Hero Phase 7 On a chanting roll of 2 or more, pick one of the following:
RESURRECTION: A fallen hero
is brought back from death, their • Give a number of ritual points to the Priest equal to the chanting roll
vitality fully restored. (ritual points can be accumulated over multiple turns).
• Add the Priest’s ritual points to the chanting roll. If the chanting roll
Declare: Make a chanting roll equals or exceeds the prayer’s chanting value (at the top-right corner of
of D6. the prayer), it is answered: resolve the effect of the prayer, then reset the
Priest’s ritual points total to 0.
Effect: Pick a friendly Infantry
Hero that has been slain and
return them to the battlefield. Set 4.0 UNBINDING SPELLS
up that Hero wholly within 3" of Each Wizard can use the ‘Unbind’ reaction a number of times per
this Priest. phase equal to their power level. This is an exception to The Rules of One
(Core Rules, 5.3).
Keywords Prayer
Reaction: Opponent declared a Spell ability
UNBIND: The wizard saps the energy from an enemy’s spell, nullifying
its effects.

Used By: A friendly Wizard within 30" of the enemy Wizard casting
the spell.

Effect: Make an unbinding roll of 2D6. If the roll exceeds the casting roll
for the spell, then the spell is unbound and its effect is not resolved. This
reaction cannot be used more than once per casting roll.
Keywords Unbind

No more than 1 friendly Wizard can cast the same spell per turn, unless that BUT KHORNE
spell has the Unlimited keyword. Likewise, no more than 1 friendly Priest HATES SORCERY!
can chant the same prayer per turn, unless that prayer has the Unlimited Even though wizards and
keyword. Keep in mind that each unit can still only use any given spell or priests draw upon very
prayer ability once per phase (see The Rules of One, Core Rules, 5.3). different sources of power
in the lore, the former
harnessing the motes of
6.0 KNOWN SPELLS AND PRAYERS magic that permeate the
Wizards and Priests can only use spells or prayers that they know. Each realms and the latter calling
Wizard and Priest knows any spells or prayers on its warscroll, plus all of upon the divine might of
the spells and prayers in the spell lores, manifestation lores and prayer lores the gods themselves, such
you take for your army, as appropriate (see the Army Composition module). nuances are lost on the
average person in the realms!
For rules purposes, the
7.0 MANIFESTATIONS miraculous abilities of both
There are two types of manifestation: endless spells, which can be wizards and priests are dealt
summoned by Wizards, and invocations, which can be summoned with in the Magic module.
by Priests. Each manifestation has its own warscroll, and the spell or
prayer that allows that manifestation to be summoned will be found in the
appropriate manifestation lore. No more than 1 friendly Wizard or Priest
can attempt to summon the same manifestation per turn. Manifestations are
not considered to be units, with the following exceptions:

• They are treated as if they were units for the purposes of movement, combat
range, being in combat and setting up other units. Units can finish a charge
move within ½" of an enemy manifestation as if it were a unit.
• If they have any melee or ranged weapons, they can use the ‘Fight’ and
‘Shoot’ Core abilities as if they were units.
• If they have a Move characteristic greater than 0" (‘-’), they can use Core
Move abilities as if they were units.
• They can be picked as targets of enemy abilities as if they were units. They
are not affected by enemy abilities that do not involve picking targets.
• Damage points can be inflicted on them as if they were units and they can
be destroyed.
• Manifestations that have a Move characteristic of 0" (‘-’) cannot move. For
the purposes of movement, combat range, being in combat and setting up
other units, they are only treated as if they were units in the charge phase
and the combat phase.
• Models can move through manifestations but cannot end a move on them.


If the Wizard or Priest that summoned a manifestation is slain, that
manifestation is removed from the battlefield.


All Wizards and Priests can use the ‘Banish Manifestation’ ability:
Your Hero Phase
BANISH MANIFESTATION: The wizard or priest disrupts the arcane
forces sustaining a manifestation, wiping it from existence.

Declare: Pick a friendly Wizard or Priest to use this ability, pick

a manifestation within 30" of them to be the target, then make a
banishment roll of 2D6.

Effect: If the banishment roll equals or exceeds the banishment value

listed on the manifestation’s warscroll, it is banished and removed from
play. You cannot pick the same manifestation as the target of this ability
more than once per turn.
Keywords Banish

The latest points values are
available in the Warhammer 1.0 GETTING STARTED
Age of Sigmar app, and
points updates are available at 1.1 ARMY ROSTER
warhammer-community.com These rules will explain how to create an army roster to prepare for
a battle. You can go to warhammer-community.com to download a
printable copy.


Battle profiles are regularly Before you start filling your roster, you and your opponent must agree on
updated to improve balance. a points limit for the battle. You can agree on any points limit, but most
When we republish them, the players use a limit of 1000 points, 2000 points or somewhere in between.
new version takes precedence No more than half of your points can be spent on a single unit.
over versions with an earlier
publication date or no 1.2.1 UNDERSPENDING
publication date. In many cases, the total points cost of the units in your army will
not add up to the exact points limit, but you might not have enough
points left to add another unit. If the points cost of your army is 50 or
more points lower than the points limit of the battle, you gain 1 extra
command point at the start of the first battle round.


The information you’ll need when building your army roster is found in
each unit’s battle profile. The battle profile for a unit will be in the same
publication as its warscroll (usually a battletome).

The first thing you need to do when building your army roster is to pick your
faction (e.g. Stormcast Eternals or Skaven).

Each faction has its own warscrolls, battle profiles and faction rules.
These can be found in various publications but most commonly in the
faction’s battletome.


Many factions contain one or more battle formations. Each battle
formation grants unique benefits to your army. The faction rules for your
faction will explain any battle formation options.


Some factions have access to rules for themed armies called Armies of
Renown. If you choose to use an Army of Renown, the rules for that
Army of Renown replace the normal faction rules for that army.


Armies are made up of one or more regiments, each of which is led by
a Hero. You must have at least 1 regiment in your army, and you can
include a maximum of 5 regiments. To add a regiment, pick 1 Hero from
your faction, then pick up to 3 non-Hero units to accompany them.

Each Hero’s battle profile lists which units can be added to their
regiment, and each non-Hero unit’s battle profile lists any relevant
keywords it has. The battle profiles of some Heroes (such as named
characters) may say that they can be added to the regiment of
another Hero.
You must pick 1 Hero in your army to be your general. If any units in  Pick a points limit: 1000
your army have the Warmaster keyword, you must pick one of those points or 2000 points. If
units to be your general. Your general’s regiment can include up to other points limit, agree
4 non-Hero units in addition to your general. with opponent.
 Pick your faction.
3.3 REINFORCED UNITS  Pick your battle formation
When you add a unit to your army roster, you can add it as a reinforced (if any).
unit. A reinforced unit has twice as many models as its minimum unit  Form regiments. Each
size and costs twice as many points. If a unit has a minimum unit size regiment has 1 Hero and
of 1, it cannot be reinforced. 0-3 non-Hero units (0-4 if
your general’s regiment).
3.4 UNIQUE UNITS  Add auxiliary units (if
You cannot include the same Unique unit more than once in your army. any). Auxiliary units are
Unique units cannot be reinforced. units that aren’t part of a
regiment. If your opponent
3.5 REGIMENTS OF RENOWN has more auxiliary units
In addition to creating your own regiments, you can also spend points than you, you receive 1
to include 1 Regiment of Renown. Regiments of Renown are pre-built extra command point each
regiments, each with their own special abilities. The rules for each battle round.
Regiment of Renown will specify which factions can include it. A unit in a  Add faction terrain features
Regiment of Renown cannot be your general even if it is a Warmaster. (if any).
 Pick enhancements (1 from
3.6 AUXILIARY UNITS each enhancement table).
Auxiliary units allow you to take any units from your faction without the  Pick up to 1 spell lore,
constraints of regiments, at the cost of potentially giving your opponent 1 prayer lore and 1
an advantage. You can add any number of units to the auxiliary units manifestation lore.
section of your army roster. However, the player with the fewest auxiliary
units on their roster gains 1 extra command point at the start of each
battle round (if the players have the same number of auxiliary units,
neither player receives an extra command point). Heroes that have
compulsory regiment options cannot be taken as auxiliary units.


If your faction has a faction terrain feature, or a set of faction terrain
features, you can pick 1 to include on your army roster. Faction terrain
features do not cost any points.


Each set of faction rules include a number of enhancements that can be
given to units, e.g. heroic traits, mount traits and artefacts of power.
You can take 1 enhancement from each enhancement table in your
faction rules. Each enhancement table lists which units are eligible to be
given that enhancement. Unique units cannot be given enhancements.

While some abilities allow you to take extra enhancements, the same unit
can never have more than 1 enhancement of the same type, and you can
never include the same enhancement in your army more than once.

You can pick 1 spell lore available to your faction. If you do, all Wizards
in your army know all spells from that lore.

You can pick 1 prayer lore available to your faction. If you do, all Priests
in your army know all prayers from that lore.

You can pick 1 manifestation lore available to your faction. If you do, all
Wizards in your army know all spells from that lore, and all Priests
know all prayers from that lore.



These pages provide an overview of how to create an army roster. You’ll need a blank army roster, which you can
download from warhammer-community.com. Pages 35-36 explain each of these steps in more detail.




(agree with your opponent)


5 Liberators 10 Liberators

Lord-Vigilant on
General 3 Prosecutors 5 Vindictors


Must pick 1 Hero to be your general

Each regiment has:

• 1 Hero

• 0-3 Non-Hero units (0-4 if Hero is general)

Stormcast Eternals FORMATION Reinforce: Double points cost and unit size
Vanguard Wing


Stormdrake Lord-Vigilant on Annihilators

Guard Gryph-stalker

Add any additional units from your faction as

auxiliary units

If your opponent has more auxiliary units

1 than you do, you receive 1 additional
command point each battle round

If your faction has any faction

terrain features, you can add 1 to
your army roster
Pick 1 enhancement per enhancement table
available to your faction


Pick 1 spell lore available to your Pick 1 prayer lore available to Pick 1 manifestation lore
faction (if any) your faction (if any) available to your faction (if any)


If a unit had Champion 1.0 CHAMPIONS
(1/10) on its keywords bar, Units with the Champion keyword have one or more champion models. If
then 1 model in that unit there is a number after the Champion keyword, that number indicates the
could be a champion for every proportion of models in that unit that can be champions. In any other case,
10 models in the unit. 1 model in the unit can be a champion. Units with the Champion keyword
have the following passive ability:
CHAMPION: A veteran fighter leads the charge.

Effect: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of weapons used by champions

in this unit.
Let your opponent know
which models in a unit
are champions, musicians 2.0 MUSICIANS
and standard bearers if Units with the Musician keyword have one or more musician models. The
it’s not already clear from number after the Musician keyword indicates the proportion of models in
the miniatures. that unit that can be musicians. Units with the Musician keyword have the
following passive ability:
MUSICIAN: The beat of a drum or the blast of a horn drives the soldiers
ever onward.

Effect: While this unit contains any musicians, if it uses the ‘Rally’
command, you can make one additional rally roll of D6.


Units with the Standard Bearer keyword have one or more
standard bearer models. The number after the Standard Bearer
keyword indicates the proportion of models in that unit that can be standard
bearers. Units with the Standard Bearer keyword have the following
passive ability:
STANDARD BEARER: The unit’s standard provides a rallying point in
the chaos of battle.

Effect: While this unit contains any standard bearers, add 1 to this unit’s
control score.

Clanrat Champion Clanrat Musician Clanrat Standard Bearer

 Battle tactics are picked
1.0 BATTLE TACTICS OVERVIEW using the ‘Tactical Gambit’
During a battle, each player can score extra victory points by completing ability at the start of your
battle tactics. turn and are completed at
the end of your turn.
 Each battle tactic is worth
2.0 PICKING BATTLE TACTICS 4 victory points.
Battle tactics are picked by using the ‘Tactical Gambit’ ability, below.
Once Per Battle Round, Start of Your Turn
TACTICAL GAMBIT: You order your troops to seize an opportunity that
has arisen amidst the flow of battle.

You cannot use this ability if you went second in the previous battle
round and chose to go first in the current battle round.

Effect: Pick 1 battle tactic that you have not yet attempted. You can
attempt to complete that battle tactic this turn.


If, at the end of your turn, you have completed the battle tactic you chose
to attempt this turn, you score 4 victory points.


DO NOT WAVER: We must not falter on any front. Stand fast, and keep
the enemy at bay.
You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if 2 or more friendly
units fought this turn and no friendly units were destroyed this turn.
SLAY THE ENTOURAGE: Leave the enemy’s commander exposed by
targeting members of their personal guard.
Pick a unit in the enemy general’s regiment. You complete this battle
tactic if that unit is destroyed this turn.
ATTACK ON TWO FRONTS: Divide and conquer by approaching the
foe from two directions.
You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if you control 2 or
more objectives that you did not control at the start of your turn and at
least 1 of those objectives was controlled by your opponent at the start of
your turn.
TAKE THEIR LAND: Secure a foothold within enemy territory.
Pick a terrain feature wholly or partially within enemy territory and
wholly outside friendly territory. You complete this battle tactic if you
control that terrain feature at the end of your turn.
SEIZE THE CENTRE: Secure a strong central position from which your
forces can dictate the flow of battle.
You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if 2 or more
friendly units are within 3" of the centre of the battlefield and are not
in combat.
TAKE THE FLANKS: Surround the enemy, then close in for the kill.
You complete this battle tactic at the end of your turn if you have at least
1 friendly unit within 6" of each short battlefield edge, none of those
units are wholly within friendly territory, and none of those units were
set up this turn.



In addition to the Core
Rules, Matched Play: Border
War uses the following
Advanced Rules:
• Commands (pg 29) Each player picks an army using the rules in Army Composition (pg 35).
• Terrain (pg 31)
• Magic (pg 33)
• Army Composition (pg 35) 2. SET UP THE BATTLEFIELD
• Command Models (pg 39) The players roll off. The winner chooses which player is the attacker and
• Battle Tactics (pg 40) which is the defender.

Next, the defender sets up objectives in the locations indicated by gold circles
on the battlefield map . Then, the defender sets up terrain features. Each
terrain feature must be set up more than 3" from the battlefield edge, more
than 6" from all other terrain features and more than 3" from all objectives.

After objectives and terrain have been set up, the attacker picks which
territory is their territory. The other territory is the defender’s territory. The
BATTLEFIELD SIZE players then resolve the deployment phase. The attacker begins deployment
For a 1000-point battle, (Core Rules, 10.0).
we recommend a
30" × 44" battlefield with
4 terrain features. VICTORY POINTS
Each player scores victory points at the end of each of their turns as follows:
For a 2000-point battle,
we recommend a • Score 2 victory points if you control at least 1 objective.
44" × 60" battlefield with • Score 2 victory points if you control 2 or more objectives.
8 terrain features. • Score 2 victory points if you control more objectives than your opponent.

If you have agreed on a

points limit outside these
bounds, feel free to adjust the
battlefield size and number of
terrain features appropriately.

Border War battles last for 4 battle rounds.

The player with the most victory points at the end of the battle wins a
major victory.

If the players are tied on victory points at the end of the battle, and only one
player’s general has survived the battle, that player wins a minor victory. If
the players are tied on victory points and both generals or neither general
survived the battle, the battle is a draw.

Two armies are determined to capture
vital ground that separates their
domains. From there, they can strike
deep into enemy territory.

TWIST: Score 2 additional victory points

if you control the objective in enemy
territory. If there is an underdog, they
score 1 additional victory point for each
objective they control that is within both
players’ territories. DEFENDER’S TERRITORY

Protected by armour forged by the gods themselves, the Stormcast Eternals are indomitable upon the field of battle –
but for every gleaming warrior amongst their ranks, half a dozen Skaven sharpen their knives in the shadows…

The Age of Sigmar grows fraught. On horizons yonder, the forces of Chaos
loom, threatening to engulf the Mortal Realms in mayhem and violence
once more. In the wake of these troubling times, Spearhead forces are
dispatched across the realms to seek out ancient sites of power that still
reside deep within the uncharted hinterlands. Will you take up the call to
battle and lead a Spearhead force to victory?

Welcome to the world of Spearhead. In this game mode, players engage in

small-scale battles that are fast and tactical, suitable for newcomers and
veterans alike. In Spearhead, each army is available as a self-contained
box set, allowing players to quickly muster a force. In addition, Spearhead
battles are fought upon a compact battlefield, meaning you can set up a game
even with limited space. Spearhead uses specially tailored rules to ensure
that every battle is a tense and exciting affair that comes right down to the
final moments.


Fighting a Spearhead battle could not be easier. Each player picks their
army by choosing one of the many Spearhead box sets available. Each of
these is a complete army, including all the miniatures a player will need
to do battle. The rules for 25 different Spearhead box sets are available to
download for free from warhammer-community.com, allowing you to
get stuck in as soon as your models are assembled.

Veteran players will notice similarities between the rules on Spearhead
warscrolls and those found in battletomes. However, they have been tweaked
to make sure they work specifically with Spearhead. This means a battletome
is not required to play Spearhead – all the rules you need to play are available
to download for free from warhammer-community.com. This makes
Spearhead the ideal format for newcomers to Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
as well as for players looking for a quick and casual format with lots of re-
playability and tactical depth.
Once you have mastered one Spearhead army, you When assembling the miniatures in your Spearhead
may find yourself looking for a fresh challenge. Some box, you may find options to build one of two
players choose to ‘collect broad’ – this means picking different units. Check the Spearhead rules for the
up different Spearhead box sets to use with Spearhead army to see which unit to build.
battlepacks. Perhaps you want to see how a different
faction plays in Spearhead, or you want to collect a Many more units will have options, such
Spearhead army from each of the Grand Alliances: as adding a champion, standard
Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction. bearer and musician, or
perhaps a special weapon
Other players choose to ‘collect deep’. This means or two. While the rules
picking up further units from their Spearhead army’s for these options have
faction to build an army they can use with different in most cases been
battlepacks, such as Path to Glory and Matched Play simplified in Spearhead,
battlepacks. If you choose to do so, picking up your we still recommend you
faction’s battletome should be your first port of call. assemble your units with these
extras. Not only will they look
glorious on the battlefield, if
BATTLETOMES you decide to use the army
Battletomes are the ultimate guide to the different in other battlepacks, you’ll
factions of the Mortal Realms. Each is filled with be able to take advantage
detailed lore, inspiring artwork and awesome of the additional rules
showcases of miniatures. Crucially, they contain the they provide!
faction rules and warscrolls you’ll need to use your Tree-Revenant Musician
army in most games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Sylvaneth

With Spearhead, setting up a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar with friends has never been quicker or simpler.
Just put your Spearhead force on the table, shuffle your cards and get playing!


Below is a handy step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your first few Spearhead battles. Following these
steps will help you get up and running with Spearhead in no time!


In Spearhead, players use a fixed set of units called a Spearhead army that has its own rules and warscrolls.
Each has a corresponding box set that contains all the models you need.

• Every Spearhead army has a

Spearhead box set and a set of
Spearhead rules. The rules for
SYLVANETH 25 different Spearhead armies

This Spearhead army consists
A Bitterbark Copse is a

They are led by a Branchwy

gathering of Sylvaneth that

channels the spirit-song
Aspect to purge the enemies
of natural law.
of Alarielle’s warlike Summer a vengeful creature of bark and briar that
of both their forest
can be downloaded for free
from warhammer-community.com.
of the following units: their scythe. Fiercely protective allows them to
cleaves through foes with ch wields verdant magic
and their kin, each Branchwy or add a thorned edge to
GENERA L barkflesh back together
weave sundered Sylvaneth
 Branchwych their enchanted weapons.
of the Copse. Kurnoth
wood-sinewed warriors
UNITS Alongside them stride the lines. They are
 1 Treelord g accuracy from the back
Hunters fire with devastatin s, allowing them to
 3 Kurnoth Hunters vibrations of the realmroot

• Hailing from one of Warhammer

uniquely in tune with the Defending them are
 5 Tree-Revenants wherever they might be.
draw upon Alarielle’s might imbued with the memories of their fallen
fey beings
the Tree-Revenants, places of power. With
sought to protect natural
ancestors, who have ever martial experts, able to switch

Age of Sigmar’s many factions, each

to draw on, they are Copse is also
centuries of experience with natural fluidity. Each
between attacking and defending Each one has lived for
an ancient arboreal giant.
accompanied by a Treelord, in battle.
taller, wiser and more fearsome
untold years, growing ever
nourish the lands that they
‘Our enemies’ corpses shall destroy.’
sought to
– Branchwych Saoirsa
Spearhead army offers not only a
different set of miniatures but a
unique theme and playstyle.

• The first page of each set of

Spearhead rules details the lore of
the army and the units that make
it up. It also showcases an example
of the army that has been built
Summerglade in Ghyran.
To reflect their lush habitat,
she has and painted by one of the studio
members, showing how simple but
of Sylvaneth hail from the summer, with lots of foliage
and flowers.
Studio editor Kelly’s copse to represent the height of
used bright greens and oranges

effective painting methods can
result in a glorious-looking army
of your own!


Spearhead battles are fought on realm battlefields. Each side of a realm battlefield is themed around one of the
eight Mortal Realms (see Realm Battlefields, pg 50).

Each Spearhead army has a choice of 2 different regiment abilities and 4 different enhancements for your
general. At the start of the battle, you must pick 1 of each for your army (see Spearhead Armies, pg 49).

• Every Spearhead army has a set of

battle traits, regiment abilities

and enhancements.

BATTLE TRAITS Any Turn Any Combat Phase
Any Turn Once Per Turn, End of
Once Per Turn, End of These
STRIKE AND FADE: jungles of the Seraphon are The perilous
LEY LINES: The Sylvaneth warriors use the spirit paths
to the
sites mighty Carnosaur, a reptilian hunting grounds of the
draw strength from natural ambush the enemy before
retreating titan that strikes fear

• The battle traits are rules and

of mystical power. back into the shadows.
Effect: Heal (1) each friendly Declare: Pick a friendly
unit that Pick your general to use
this ability if they
any turn and is
unit that is within 3" of used a Fight ability this
features, then

abilities for your army that you will

terrain features. within 3" of any terrain
roll a dice.
that unit Pick an enemy unit in combat
Effect: On a 2+, remove

use in every battle.

set it up with your general and roll
from the battlefield and a dice. If the roll exceeds
that unit’s Health characteri
in the unit is
again so that each model stic, 1 model in that unit
features and
within 3" of any terrain units.
more than 6" from all enemy Pick an enemy unit in
general. Subtract D6 from combat with your
that unit’s control score
Pick 1 of the following regiment
• The regiment abilities and
Phase Kroxigor
Once Per Turn, Your Movement
Once Per Turn, End of
Any Turn HIDDEN PATHS: These
OF THE LAND: The the realmroots.
VENGEFUL SPIRITS mysterious warriors walk

enhancements are picked at the start

the ancient sites Pick 1 of the following regiment
realm-spirits lingering around Per3"
within of any abilities.
unleashed upon the Declare: Pick a friendly
unit that isOnce Phase, End of Any Turn
are roused to wrath and in combat. Passive
Sylvaneth’s enemies. terrain features and not These warriors bite

of every battle. You can experiment

unit that is contesting an from the battlefield and ANS: Patrolling the
Declare: Pick an enemy Effect: Remove that unit units. lands on the outskirts of
their domain, these defenders
6" from all enemy
objective and roll a dice. set it up again more than Roll a dice will stop at nothing to see
abilities for the rest of for each enemy unit in combat intruders driven back.
That unit cannot use Move
mortal damage on that
Effect: On a 4+, inflict D3 the phase. Effect: Friendly units have

with different combinations to

enemy unit. On a 3+, inflict 1 mortal wholly within friendly territory. (6+) while they are
damage on the unit

your general 1 of the following enhancements.

Your Hero Phase
REGROW TH: Your general
channels an
scarred hide has turned
R: This Sylvaneth’s battle-
aside countless blades.
Give your general 1 of the
following enhancements.
see what works best for you. Some
regiment abilities and enhancements
invigorating bloom of magic. Any rolls
Endto for
Effect: Ignore negative modifiers
unit wholly within Once Per Battle, Enemy
Declare: Pick a visible friendly your general. Movement Phase
the target, then make a
18" of your general to be ANCIEN T STRATEG
IST: This Oldblood has

are better against certain foes, so

casting roll of 2D6. centuries of experience in
commanding their cohorts.
the target.
Effect: On a 5+, Heal (D6) Declare: Pick a friendly
unit wholly within 12" of
Your Turn
your general. You cannot
Once Per Battle, Start of pick your general.
Your Hero Phase
implores the spirits of the
TREESONG: Your general of their allies.
wyldwood s to guide the
the seed will grant them
Should its bearer ever fall,
new life.

to use this ability if they

Effect: That unit can use
if it were your movement
the ‘Normal Move’ ability
as it pays to study the strengths and
weaknesses of the enemy before
Declare: Pick your general
unit wholly within are slain and not on the
battlefield. Passive
Declare: Pick a visible friendly
the target, then make a
12" of your general to be be destroyed, before
: An ancient relic
casting roll of 2D6. Effect: If your general would a dice. On a 3+, your removed from the deepest

making your choice!

removing them from play, any remaining damage allows an Oldblood to channel vaults, this gauntlet
the Rend characteristic and the full might of the
Effect: On a 7+, add 1 to until the start of your
general is not destroyed
have no effect. Then,
Seraphon’s solar god.
the target unit’s melee weapons points inflicted on them
next turn. Heal (1) your general. Effect: The Attacks characteri
Sunbolt Gauntlet is 6 instead stic of your general’s
of D6.




Each set of Spearhead rules includes the warscrolls for all the units used in your Spearhead army. A warscroll
details how fast and tough a unit is, as well as what weapons it is armed with and any special abilities it has.

• Every unit in a Spearhead army has

its own warscroll, where you can see
its characteristics and weapons.




5 Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage

MELEE WEAPONS 4+ 1 D3 S Range Attacks
2 Greenwood Scythe and
Sunbolt Gauntlet
Hit Wound Rend Damage

• Any unique abilities the unit can use

D6 3+ 3+
CONTROL As a saurus ages, their body 1 1 Shoot in Combat
Attacks Hit
become even more finely Relic Celestite Weapon Wound Rend Damage
Your Hero Phase honed
5 Ability
Warrior matriarchs and Y: The wizard plucks
for war, and greater degrees
Carnosaur’s Massive Jaws 3+ 3+ 1
VERDUROUS HARMON air and uses them to of tactical skill are unlocked 2 -
guardians of the Sylvaneth’s 3 4+ 2+
from the

will also be found on its warscroll.

legacy, Branchwyches lead reviving motes of magic within them. They become
2 3 Companion
their kin to battle with blasts of fallen warriors. Your Hero Phase
renew the broken forms to orchestrate grand flanking
of sorcery and hissing swings unit wholly within 18"
attacks and sudden feints, ANCIENT WARLOR
of their scythes, even as their Declare: Pick a visible friendly make a casting roll though they still act upon
their saurian brethren with
D: An Oldblood commands
of this unit to be the target,
bittergrub familiars lash instinct above all. They also relentless focus and drive.
bite their adversaries. These of 2D6.
grow to possess the will not
only Pick a friendly unit wholly
same weapons are used when the to wield the destructive relics within 12" of this
return 1 slain model to unit to be the target. You
the fighting is done to harvest Effect: On a 7+, you can you of the Old Ones but to master cannot pick this unit.
a Tree-Revenants unit, a Carnosaur – a huge bipedal
the life essence and memories target unit. If you picked Until the start of your next
from the Sylvaneth’s fallen.
It is instead of 1. monster of ancient times. turn, add 1 to
can return D3 slain models charge rolls for the target.

• At the bottom of every warscroll you

s The
the duty of the Branchwyche battle frenzy of a Carnosaur
to revive their kin with the if anything, even greater
than its
Ghyran saurus rider, and together
verdurous harmonies of beast Passive
their and master can tear apart
and, if they fall, to plant even
lamentiri amidst the soulpod the most terrible of adversaries.

can find its keywords, such as Hero,

allow Alarielle’s future
groves to While this unit has 10 or
children to inherit the feelings the Attacks characterist more damage points,
and experiences within them. ic of its Carnosaur’s Massive

Hero, Wizard, Infantry KEYWORDS
Hero, Monster
Wizard, Monster or Infantry.

5" TRE ELORD 2 4+



3+ S

14 Range Attacks Hit Wound Rend Damage 1

Shoot in Combat MELEE WEAPONS
2+ 1 2
5 Strangleroots
10" 3
Hit Wound Rend Damage
Ability Celestite Club
Hit Wound Rend Damage
Attacks - 3+ 3+ 1
CONTROL MELEE WEAPONS 4+ 2+ 1 The saurus2 are the warrior Passive
1 -
5 caste of the Seraphon race. -
Sweeping Blows 2+ 2 the moment3
Treelords stomp towards
the 2 4+ From they emerge ORDERED COHORT
enemy with earth-shaking Massive Impaling Talons from the spawning pools,
they Ones, Saurus Warriors are
S: Devoted servants of the
are perfectly adapted for as intractable in defence
strides. Their roots burrow their they are relentless upon as
arrows task: muscular, protected the attack.
through the soil as fast as by
through the air, exploding
Any Combat Phase iron-hard scales and possessing
Add 1 to save rolls for this
from the ground to rend
and The earth quakes as the vicious claws and teeth. Saurus unit while it is
GROUNDSHAKER: contesting an objective
throttle, while every swing
of the enemy’s wits. are predators by nature, you control.
stamps down hard, shaking capable
of fighting with immense
their vast talons slaughters unit to
another swathe of foes. Each unit in combat with this savagery, yet though their
Declare: Pick an enemy minds are focused entirely
one draws upon the experience
in be the target, then roll a war, they are not mindless.
of several mortal lifespans
Their sheer power and On a 4+, the target has Strike-last this phase. They share a bond with their
battle. Effect: spawn-kin that goes beyond
dominance of the battlefield
smaller Sylvaneth kin to words, allowing them to
allows fight
apart with uncanny coordination
dart around them and pick Passive discipline in the prosecution
floundering enemy formations. of
The great strength and wisdom BATTLE DAMAGED the Great Plan.
10 or
Effect: While this unit has
sees them act
of Treelords often
as the captains and champions more damage points, the
of each wargrove. characterist ic of its Massive
Impaling Talons is 1.




Spearhead battles usually last around an hour and a half. During the battle, the players will each try to score
victory points, and at the end of the battle, the player with the most is declared the winner!


To play a game using this
battlepack, you’ll need
the Core Rules. The Core
Rules explain the basics of
Warhammer Age of Sigmar, 1.0 SPEARHEAD ARMIES
such as how to move your Each player in a Spearhead battle is the commander of a Spearhead army.
models and how to use A Spearhead army is a set of units that comes with its own rules and
abilities. You can find the warscrolls. You can download the rules for 25 different Spearhead armies for
Core Rules on pages 5-27. free from warhammer-community.com.

You don’t need the Advanced 1.1 ARMY COMPOSITION

Rules to use this battlepack. On the first page of every Spearhead army’s rules, you will find the army
composition. This lists which units are included in the Spearhead army
and who the general is. Unlike other Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies,
the composition of a Spearhead army is fixed and cannot be changed.


Every Spearhead army has one or more battle traits. These are powerful
and thematic abilities that apply to some or all of the units in the army.
For example, the ‘Holy Orders’ battle trait enables the Stormcast Eternals
to use powerful once-per-battle abilities to smite their foes, while the
‘Gnawhole Ambush’ battle trait allows Skaven warriors to arrive on the
battlefield behind enemy lines.


5 4+

Every Spearhead
2 army has a choice of 2 regiment abilities, each of which
provides the army with a different strength in battle.

A Loonboss never fights fair, Your Hero Phase

ducking and weaving around
his enemies and hurling
endless mobs of grots at them
to wear them down, before

Every Spearhead army has a set of 4 enhancements to pick from. These

finishing them off with a blade
to the throat or between the
shoulder blades. Some will
are upgrades for the army’s general that make them more powerful in a
don moon-shaped helms in
homage to their deity, the Bad

variety of ways.
Moon, in the hopes that it will
shine upon their battles and
allow them to spread more
madness and mayhem. Though
they will lay about themselves


with impressive commitment
if pressed, Loonbosses prefer
to lord it over their diminutive

The warscrolls for the units in each Spearhead army are included with
minions, urging them into the
fray with ear-splitting shrieks

the other rules for the army. Although Spearhead warscrolls are similar
of outrage should the grot
assault falter.

to the warscrolls found in battletomes, they have been tailored to work

specifically with Spearhead and cannot be used with other battlepacks.




Some units in Spearhead 2 6+


have the Wizard or Priest 1 MELEE WEAPONS

Wound Rend Damage
5+ - 1
keyword. If you are familiar
Squig’s Fang-filled Gob 3 4+ 3+ 1 1 Companion
Squig Hoppers bounce madly

with other battlepacks, into battle, wreaking havoc on

anything they collide with. Each
Any Movement Phase
BOING! BOING! BOING!: Squig Hoppers can cause
it is important to note
ill-tempered squig has a cackling
grot clinging to its back, who considerable damage simply by bouncing on top of their
flails wildly at nearby enemies as foes as they make their way across the battlefield.
the Magic module in the he tries vainly to steer his weird
steed. Only the most madcap of
grots will attempt to enter the
Declare: Pick an enemy unit that any models in this unit

Advanced Rules is not used in

passed across this phase to be the target, then roll a dice
Squig Hoppers’ bounding ranks, for each model in this unit that did so.
for each fang-filled mount is

Spearhead. As a result, there nigh uncontrollable – its rider

must simply cling to its bumpy
body and hope not to be bucked
Effect: For each 4+, inflict 1 mortal damage on
the target.

are no unbinding rolls and no off amidst the mayhem.

chance of miscasts (among

other things). Spells and
prayers are resolved like any
other ability. KEYWORDS Cavalry, Fly


Spearhead battles are fought on realm battlefields. Once the players have
picked their Spearhead armies, they must agree on a realm battlefield to use.
Each realm battlefield comes with a matching Spearhead deck, along with a
battleplan that explains how to fight a battle on that realm battlefield.

A realm battlefield is 30" × 22" and double-sided, with each side

corresponding to a different Mortal Realm. The first realm battlefield is Fire
and Jade, which has one side representing Aqshy
Aqshy, the Realm of Fire, and the
reverse representing Ghyran, the Realm of Life.


Spearhead decks are sets of cards that are used in Spearhead battles. Each Aqshy Twist Deck
realm battlefield has its own Spearhead deck. Each Spearhead deck consists
of 2 twist decks (one for each side of the realm battlefield) and 2 battle tactic
decks (one for each player). • AQSHY TWIST •
A raging inferno encircles the T •
dais of this ancient place of power. Khorne’s presence is
felt in this battle, and he
demands blood be spilled
picks 1 objective on the battlefield.

3.1 TWIST CARDS , the players roll off and

the winner picks the objective. 1 extra victory point at
end of their turn for each the
enemy unit destroyed in
Each twist deck is made up of twist cards. A twist is a special rule
That objective is no longer controlled by either
cannot be contested or controlled
In addition
in this battle round., if one of the players is the

that applies to the battle round being played. Each deck of twist cards
, that player picks 1 friendly
In addition, at the end of each turn in this battle unit
round, after victory
rollspoints have been scored, . Add 1 to hit
for combat attacks made by that unit

corresponds to a specific side of the realm battlefield.

inflict D3 mortal damage on each unit that has this
any models on it (roll for each unit).


Each battle tactic deck is made up of battle tactic cards. The rules on
each are split into 2 parts: a battle tactic and a command. You can either
score the battle tactic at the end of your turn if you meet its conditions (to
gain victory points) or you can use the command on the card for a more Ghyran Twist Deck
immediate benefit. You cannot do both, so choose wisely!

Each command will say when it can be used and what effect it has. After
Twisting vines burst from

the effect has been resolved, the card is discarded.. You can issue multiple
the undergrowth to ensnare hapless warriors. BLESSING: The
Realm of Life is tainted by
whoseanvirulent unit on the the touch of Nurgle,
enemy ‘gifts’
are transmitted by sputum,
underdog, the players

commands to the same unit in the same phase. roll off and the winner picks an enemy unit on
the battlefield. can pick one of the effects below.
. Until
thethe end of the, battle
the players roll off and
can pick the effect.
round, halve its Move characteristic and roll 1
fewer dice when making a charge rollPick an enemy
for that unit. unit on the
battlefield. Subtract 1 from
save rolls for that unit

4.0 SPEARHEAD BATTLEPLANS Pick an enemy unit on the

cannot be made for that

Each realm battlefield has a corresponding battleplan.. The battleplan is a set

of instructions on how to fight the battle and how to determine the winner.

You can find the battleplan for the Fire and Jade realm battlefield on
pages 55-56.
Battle Tactic Deck


FIRE AND JADE Drive deep into enemy territory and
the fight to secure sacred
sites and Surround the enemy
As the Hour of Ruin dawns, than ever. It is in Aqshy and Ghyran
geomantic nexuses rages each faction sending out You complete this battle tactic at the end of your
this new age are fought, You complet
that the first battles of power in the name of e this battle tactic at the
and hold these places of wholly within end of your
vanguard forces to take le are these
turn if there
godbeasts of myth. So unpredictab are any
their deities – or even the
frontiers of war that the land itself can lend its blessing to
the chosen or
and not in combat. friendly units within 3" of
those who incur its wrath.
send wracking curses against

PRE-BAT TLE SEQUENwho is the attacker and who is the defender. OR
IT Enemy
1. Roll off. The winner chooses RR Movement Phase
regiment ability and their
enhancement. TE • COMMAND •
2. The attacker picks their Y
Taking initiative, the
the same.
Then the defender does R
battlefield the players will TO warriors
Reaction: Opponent hastily
declared an Attack ability
which side of the realm I n to respond to
3. The defender chooses RR These warriors assume
fight on: Aqshy or Ghyran. TE
on the right and chooses ROUND SEQUENC E E a defensive formation that Pick
bluntsa friendly
the blowsunit
of that
of the deployment maps START OF THE BATTLE SEIZING THE INITIATIV in the previous battle
4. The defender picks 1
to which player. resolved at the start of
is player who went second
is not in
which territory belongs The following sequence If the
roll and chooses to go first,
by the attacker. each battle round: round wins the priority When a player
their terrain features, followed TERRITORY it is called seizing the initiative.draw any battle
5. The defender sets up
be set up wholly within
friendly territory, more A the attacker chooses who do not A friendly unitThat
targeted by that
unit can move up
unit cannot move into combat to D6". That
Each terrain feature must 3" from both long 1. If it is the first battle round, other battle round, the seizes the initiative, they
and more than round unless they are
than 6" from all other terrain
cannot be set up will take the first turn. In
any tactic cards for that battle in victory points
battlefield edges and enemy
territory. Terrain features players make a priority
roll (Core Rules, 12.0). the underdog and the differencegreater. during any part
(either wholly or partially). TERRITORY B between the two players
is 5 or
Ignore the Rend characteristic of
on top of the objectives (Core Rules, 12.0).
2. Determine the underdog
attacks that targetKeywo
that unit
rdsthis phase.
(pg 50). VICTORY POINTS points at the end of each of
3. The twist card is drawn
Each player scores victory
tactic cards (see below). their turns as follows:
4. The players draw battle
Start of Battle Round
timing you control at least
• Score 1 victory point if

5. Any abilities with the


DEPLOY MENT Instead, the attacker

A raging inferno encircles

described in the Core Rules. defender. Each

ancient place of power. Khorne’s presence is
dais of thisfelt

one objective.
in this battle, and he demands blood be spilled

Do not deploy armies as are used.

picks 1 objective on the

army first, followed by the you control two or

off and
underdog, the players roll

• Score 1 victory point if

1 extra victory point at the
picks the objective.

sets up all the units in their

the winner

and more than 6" from

end of their turn for each either
enemy unit destroyed in
controlled by
That objective is no longer

within friendly territory

cannot beIn contested or controlled

unit must be set up wholly more objectives.

addition, if one of the players is the

in this battle round.

at the start of each battle you control more objectives

, that player picks 1 friendly unit
each turn in this battle . Add 1 to hit

• Score 1 victory point if

In addition, at the end of

One twist card is drawn

have been scored,
round, after victory for combat attacks made by that unit this

enemy territory.
on each unit that has

on it as soon as it is drawn.
inflict D3 mortal damage each unit).
any models on it (roll for

round. Follow the rules than your opponent.

each battle tactic you
• Score 1 victory point for
completed this turn.
The battle lasts for 4 battle CARDS Drive deep into enemy territory and

At the start of the first You complete this battle tactic at the end of your

turn if any friendly units are wholly within

battle round, each of

and not in combat.

victory points at the end

SPECIAL RULES player draws a hand of The player with the most victory
If the players are tied on

the battle is the winner.


3 battle tactic cards.

Twisting vines burst from
GRASPING VINES: THE hapless warriors. BLESSING: The

points, the battle is a draw.

Reaction: Opponent declared an Attack ability

AD DECK the undergrowth to ensnare

Realm of Life is tainted by the touch of Nurgle,


These warriors assume

player takes the

unit on the
picks virulent are transmitted by sputum,

Jade Spearhead deck. One

underdog, the players a defensive formation that blunts the blows of
battlefield. If there is no
an enemy unit on
and roll off and the winner picks can pick one of the effects below.

At the start of each

This battle uses the Fire the players are
the battlefield. A friendly unit targeted by that

to the side of the battlefield battlefield (the

the, the
end ofcan
players roll off and
ensnared. Until thethe

subsequent battle round,

winner pick the effect.
and roll 1

twist deck that corresponds

round, halve its Move characteristic Ignore the Rend characteristic of

to the
a charge rollPick
for an unit. unit on the

places it face down next

attacks that target that unit this phase.
fewer dice when making
battlefield. Subtract 1 from save rolls for that unit

fighting on, shuffles it and Pick an enemy unit on the each player draws battle
other twist deck is not used). tactic cards until they once tactic cards. Before they do
cannot be made for that

it and places it face more have a hand of 3 battle

1 battle tactic deck, shuffles number of battle tactic cards
Then, each player takes so, they can discard any
it during the battle. discarded face-up.
down where they can reach in their hand. Cards are




In every Spearhead battle, the armies fight around 2 large terrain features and 2 small terrain features.

Before the armies are deployed, each player will set up 1 large terrain feature and 1 small terrain feature wholly
within their territory. Each terrain feature has certain passive abilities depending on its size:

Large Terrain Feature: Cover, Obscuring, Unstable

Small Terrain Feature: Cover, Unstable

COVER: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target a unit that is behind or wholly on this terrain feature,
unless that unit charged or has the Fly keyword.

OBSCURING: A unit cannot be targeted by shooting attacks if it is behind or wholly on this terrain feature, unless
it has the Fly keyword.

UNSTABLE: Models can move across but cannot be set up on or end any type of move on any part of this terrain
feature that is more than 1" tall.

Ruined Domicile
(Large Terrain Feature)
Ravaged Shrine
(Small Terrain Feature)

Ravaged Shrine
(Small Terrain Feature)
Ruined Domicile
(Large Terrain Feature)

In Spearhead battles, objectives are printed on the surface of each realm
battlefield (the objective is the whole circle, not just the symbol in the centre).


In Spearhead battles, while a model is on an objective (wholly or
partially), it is contesting it.

Each objective is named after a mythical godbeast, as shown below:

Dr a
cothion Ig n a x Behemat

Vulcatrix Nagendra

Some units have the Reinforcements keyword. These units can be Units with the
brought back to the battlefield after being destroyed as replacement units Reinforcements
(Core Rules, 24.2). keyword have this
icon in the top-right
If any of your units have the Reinforcements keyword, you can use the corner of their warscrolls for
following ability: ease of use.
Once Per Turn, Your Movement Phase
CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS: A second wave of troops enters
the fray, replacing those lost to the rigours of battle.

Declare: Pick a friendly Reinforcements unit that has been destroyed.

Effect: Set up an identical replacement unit on the battlefield, wholly

within friendly territory, wholly within 6" of the battlefield edge and
not in combat.

Each Reinforcements unit can only be replaced once. Replacement

units cannot themselves be replaced.
Keywords Core


Below you can see a game of Spearhead that is underway. Upon the scorched plains of the Great Parch in Aqshy,
a force of Stormcast Eternals clashes with a Skaven clawpack that seeks to bring ruin to a Dawnbringer outpost.

1 Flying units, such as these Prosecutors,

can soar directly over other models
and terrain, meaning they are very
good at capturing objectives at the
last moment.

10 This unit of Clanrats has

been destroyed but it can
return to the battlefield
because their warscroll has the
Reinforcements keyword.


9 A player’s battle tactics are normally

kept secret from their opponent.

8 The large terrain features block

visibility, so units can hide
behind them – but not from
units with Fly!
3 Each Spearhead army has a general,
a powerful unit that has access to
enhancements. Here, a Lord-Vigilant
astride a Gryph-stalker is locked in a duel
with a devious Clawlord mounted on a
2 The unit of Liberators is contesting the Gnaw-beast.
Dracothion objective in the centre of
the battlefield, but the Clanrats to their
flank are in a good position to charge and Each player has a hand of battle tactic
swarm the objective. 4
cards, which tell them what they should
be trying to achieve. Battle tactics can
instead be used as commands for a more
immediate benefit.


5 The twist deck is placed at the

side of the battlefield in reach
of both players. Each battle
round, a twist card is drawn,
which can lead to interesting
opportunities or hazards for
either player. Generally, twists
favour the underdog.

7 Six-sided dice and measuring

sticks (or tape measures) are your
essential tools in any Warhammer
Age of Sigmar battle. The 3" 6
Because he has a ranged weapon
measuring stick is perfect for in the form of a Warplock Musket,
measuring combat ranges. the Warlock Engineer can hang
back and shoot whilst also
contesting an objective.


As the Hour of Ruin dawns, the fight to secure sacred sites and
geomantic nexuses rages fiercer than ever. It is in Aqshy and Ghyran
that the first battles of this new age are fought, each faction sending out
vanguard forces to take and hold these places of power in the name of
their deities – or even the godbeasts of myth. So unpredictable are these
frontiers of war that the land itself can lend its blessing to the chosen or
send wracking curses against those who incur its wrath.

1. Roll off. The winner chooses who is the attacker and who is the defender. OR
2. The attacker picks their regiment ability and their enhancement.
Then the defender does the same. T ER

3. The defender chooses which side of the realm battlefield the players will
fight on: Aqshy or Ghyran. I TO
4. The defender picks 1 of the deployment maps on the right and chooses
which territory belongs to which player.

5. The defender sets up their terrain features, followed by the attacker.

Each terrain feature must be set up wholly within friendly territory, more TERRITORY
than 6" from all other terrain features and more than 3" from both long A
battlefield edges and enemy territory. Terrain features cannot be set up
on top of the objectives (either wholly or partially).

Do not deploy armies as described in the Core Rules. Instead, the attacker • AQSHY TWIST •
A raging inferno encircles the T •

sets up all the units in their army first, followed by the defender. Each dais of this ancient place of power.
felt in this battle, and he Khorne’s presence is
demands blood be spilled
picks 1 objective on the battlefield.

unit must be set up wholly within friendly territory and more than 6" from
underdog, the players roll off and
the winner picks the objective. 1 extra victory point at
end of their turn for each the
That objective is no longer controlled by either unit destroyed in
enemy territory. cannot be contested or controlled
In addition
in this battle round., if one of the players is the
, that player picks 1 friendly
In addition, at the end of each turn in this battle unit
round, after victory
rollspoints have been scored, . Add 1 to hit
for combat attacks made by that unit
inflict D3 mortal damage on each unit that has this
any models on it (roll for each unit).

The battle lasts for 4 battle rounds.

GRASPING VINES: Twisting vines burst from T •

This battle uses the Fire and Jade Spearhead deck. One player takes the
the undergrowth to ensnare hapless warriors. BLESSING: The
Realm of Life is tainted by
whosean unit on thethe touch of Nurgle,
virulent are transmitted by sputum,
twist deck that corresponds to the side of the battlefield the players are
battlefield. If there is no underdog, the players
roll off and the winner picks an enemy unit on
the battlefield. can pick one of the effects below.

fighting on, shuffles it and places it face down next to the battlefield (the ensnared. Until thethe end of the, the
winner can
round, halve its Move characteristic and pick
players roll off and
roll 1the effect.

other twist deck is not used).

fewer dice when making a charge rollPick for an
unit. unit on the
battlefield. Subtract 1 from
save rolls for that unit

Pick an enemy unit on the

cannot be made for that

Then, each player takes 1 battle tactic deck, shuffles it and places it face
down where they can reach it during the battle.


The following sequence is resolved at the start of SEIZING THE INITIATIVE
each battle round: If the player who went second in the previous battle
round wins the priority roll and chooses to go first,
1. If it is the first battle round, the attacker chooses who it is called seizing the initiative. When a player
will take the first turn. In any other battle round, the seizes the initiative, they do not draw any battle
players make a priority roll (Core Rules, 12.0). tactic cards for that battle round unless they are
the underdog and the difference in victory points
2. Determine the underdog (Core Rules, 12.0). between the two players is 5 or greater.

3. The twist card is drawn (pg 50).

4. The players draw battle tactic cards (see below). Each player scores victory points at the end of each of
their turns as follows:
5. Any abilities with the Start of Battle Round timing
are used. • Score 1 victory point if you control at least
one objective.
TWIST CARDS • Score 1 victory point if you control two or
One twist card is drawn at the start of each battle more objectives.
round. Follow the rules on it as soon as it is drawn. • Score 1 victory point if you control more objectives
than your opponent.
BATTLE TACTIC • Score 1 victory point for each battle tactic you
CARDS • BATTLE TACTIC • completed this turn.
At the start of the first Drive deep into enemy territory

You complete this battle


battle round, each

tactic at the end of your
turn if any friendly units
are wholly within
and not in combat.

player draws a hand of GLORIOUS VICTORY

3 battle tactic cards. • COMMAND • The player with the most victory points at the end of
Reaction: Opponent declared
an Attack ability
These warriors assume
a defensive formation that
the battle is the winner. If the players are tied on victory
At the start of each blunts the blows of

A friendly unit targeted

points, the battle is a draw.
subsequent battle round,
by that

Ignore the Rend characte

ristic of

each player draws battle

attacks that target that unit
this phase.

tactic cards until they once

more have a hand of 3 battle tactic cards. Before they do
so, they can discard any number of battle tactic cards
in their hand. Cards are discarded face-up.


• Roll off. Winner chooses who is attacker and who is defender.
• Attacker picks regiment ability and enhancement, then defender does so.
• Defender chooses Aqshy or Ghyran side of realm battlefield.
• Defender picks deployment map (horizontal or diagonal) and chooses which territory is theirs.
• Defender sets up 1 large and 1 small terrain feature. Then attacker does the same. Each terrain feature must
be set up wholly within friendly territory, more than 6" from all other terrain features and more than 3" from
both long battlefield edges and enemy territory. Terrain features cannot be set up on objectives.


Attacker sets up their army first, followed by SEQUENCE
the defender. Each unit must be set up wholly • First battle round: attacker chooses who takes
within friendly territory and more than 6" from the first turn. Later battle rounds: players make a
enemy territory. priority roll (Core Rules, 12.0).
• Determine underdog (Core Rules, 12.0).
• Draw twist card.
• Players draw battle tactic cards (see below).
SEIZING THE INITIATIVE • Start of Battle Round abilities are used.
If the player who went second in the previous battle
round wins the priority roll and chooses to go
first in the current battle round, they do not draw
any battle tactic cards for that battle round unless TERRAIN
they are the underdog and the difference in victory Large Terrain Feature: Cover, Obscuring, Unstable
points between the players is 5 or more. Small Terrain Feature: Cover, Unstable

Cover: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that

target a unit that is behind or wholly on this
BATTLE TACTICS CARDS terrain feature, unless that unit charged or has the
• Start of first battle round: draw 3 battle Fly keyword.
tactic cards. Obscuring: A unit cannot be targeted by shooting
• Start of second or later battle round: discard any attacks if it is behind or wholly on this terrain
battle tactic cards in your hand if you wish. Then feature, unless it has the Fly keyword.
if you have less than 3 battle tactic cards in your Unstable: Models can move across but cannot be
hand, keep drawing them until you have 3. set up on or end any type of move on any part of
this terrain feature that is more than 1" tall.

At the end of each of your turns:
• Score 1 victory point if you control at least
one objective. Once Per Turn, Your Movement Phase
• Score 1 victory point if you control two or CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS
more objectives. Declare: Pick a friendly Reinforcements
• Score 1 victory point if you control more unit that has been destroyed.
objectives than your opponent.
• Score 1 victory point for each battle tactic you Effect: Set up an identical replacement unit on
completed this turn. the battlefield, wholly within friendly territory,
wholly within 6" of the battlefield edge and
not in combat.

Each Reinforcements unit can only be

replaced once. Replacement units cannot
themselves be replaced.
Keywords Core

Your Movement Phase Your Shooting Phase
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat Declare: Pick a friendly unit that has not used
to use this ability. a Run or Retreat ability this turn to use this
ability. Then, pick one or more enemy units as the
Effect: That unit can move a distance up to its target(s) of that unit’s attacks.
Move characteristic. That unit cannot move into
combat during any part of that move. Effect: Resolve shooting attacks against the
target unit(s).
Keywords Core, Move
Keywords Core, Attack, Shoot
Your Movement Phase
RUN Your Charge Phase
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat CHARGE
to use this ability. Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is not in combat
and has not used a Run or Retreat ability this
Effect: Make a run roll of D6. That unit can move turn to use this ability. Then, make a charge roll
a distance up to its Move characteristic added to of 2D6.
the run roll. That unit cannot move into combat
during any part of that move. Effect: That unit can move a distance up to the
value of the charge roll. That unit can move
Keywords Core, Move, Run through the combat ranges of any enemy units and
must end that move within ½" of an enemy unit. If
Your Movement Phase it does so, the unit using this ability has charged.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat to Keywords Core, Move, Charge
use this ability.
Any Combat Phase
Effect: Inflict D3 mortal damage on that unit. FIGHT
That unit can move a distance up to its Move Declare: Pick a friendly unit that is in combat or
characteristic. That unit can move through the that charged this turn to use this ability. That unit
combat ranges of any enemy units but cannot end can make a pile-in move. Then, if that unit is in
that move within an enemy unit’s combat range. combat, you must pick one or more enemy units
as the target(s) of that unit’s attacks.
Keywords Core, Move, Retreat
Effect: Resolve combat attacks against the
target unit(s).
Keywords Core, Attack, Fight


Anti-X (+1 Rend): Add 1 to this weapon’s Rend characteristic if the target has the keyword after ‘Anti-’ or
fulfils the condition after ‘Anti-’. Multiples of this ability are cumulative. For example, if a weapon has both
Anti-charge (+1 Rend) and Anti-Hero (+1 Rend), then add 2 to the Rend characteristic of the weapon for
attacks that target a Hero that charged in the same turn.
Charge (+1 Damage): Add 1 to this weapon’s Damage characteristic if the attacking unit charged this turn.
Companion: This weapon is not affected by abilities used by a friendly unit that affect the Attacks
characteristic or the attack sequence.
Crit (2 Hits): If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack scores 2 hits on the target
unit instead of 1. Make a wound roll for each hit.
Crit (Auto-wound): If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack automatically wounds
the target. Make a save roll as normal.
Crit (Mortal): If an attack made with this weapon scores a critical hit, that attack inflicts mortal damage on
the target unit equal to the Damage characteristic of that weapon and the attack sequence ends.
Shoot in Combat: This weapon can be used to make shooting attacks even if the attacking unit is in combat.

This glossary is an alphabetised list of rules definitions. It is intended to be a useful resource if you need a quick
reminder of what a rule does or a short summary of a game term. It is not intended as an exhaustive list of
precise definitions – if you need the full rule, refer to the relevant rules module. If there are any contradictions
between this glossary and a rules module, the rules module takes precedence.

abilities: The things that units can army roster: The list of units in battle trait: A type of faction rule
do in the game. Some abilities, a player’s army, and any other that usually affects your army as
like ‘Normal Move’ and ‘Fight’, important information like a whole and reflects the way your
are common to all units; others enhancements. Players can check faction does battle, as opposed to
are specific to certain units and each other’s rosters any time they individual units.
only appear on their warscroll. like. (Army Composition, 1.1)
Sometimes the players themselves battlefield: The flat surface on which
use abilities. (Core Rules, 5.0) artefact of power: Enhancement. the battle is fought. Usually has 2
You can give 1 Hero in your short edges and 2 long edges, which
active player: The player whose turn army an artefact of power. (Army may collectively be referred to as
is taking place. There are 2 turns in Composition, 4.1) ‘the battlefield edge’. It is divided
a battle round. The active player can into 4 large quarters, each of which
use abilities with the ‘Your Phase’ At the Double: Command, is divided into 4 small quarters
timing. (Core Rules, 12.0) 1CP, reaction. Add 6 to Move (effectively sixteenths).
instead of making the run roll.
allocate: Damage points are (Commands, 3.0) battleplan: The set of rules that
allocated one at a time to a unit after describes the scenario of the battle
all the damage points inflicted by attack sequence: Make hit roll, and determines things such as
an ability have been totalled in the wound roll and save roll, then where the armies deploy, where
damage pool. (Core Rules, 18.2) determine damage points inflicted. any objectives are located and
(Core Rules, 17.0) how the players win the battle.
All-out Attack: Command, 1CP, (Core Rules, 9.0)
reaction. Attacking unit adds 1 to auxiliary unit: A unit on your army
hit rolls. (Commands, 6.0) roster that is not part of a regiment. begins deployment: The player who
(Army Composition, 3.6) is allowed to use a Deploy ability
All-out Defence: Command, 1CP, during deployment first is said to be
reaction. Target unit adds 1 to save Banish Manifestation: Your Hero the one who begins deployment. The
rolls. (Commands, 7.0) Phase, 30", banishment roll of 2D6. battleplan will specify which player
Equal or beat banishment value of does so. (Core Rules, 10.0)
Anti-X (+1 Rend): Weapon ability. the manifestation to remove it from
+1 Rend for attacks that target units play. (Magic, 7.2) behind a terrain feature: Impossible
that fulfil the condition after ‘Anti-’. to draw a line from a model in the
(Core Rules, 20.0) battle profile: Important attacking unit to a model in the
information about a unit that you target unit without it passing across
Any (…) Phase: Timing. Either will need to refer to if you wish to the terrain feature. (Terrain, 1.1)
player can use abilities with this include it in your army, such as its
timing, regardless of who the active points value and minimum unit Cavalry: A unit keyword. Mounted
player is. (Core Rules, 13.0) size. (Army Composition, 1.3) on warbeasts. Cavalry are fast
and hard-hitting but are generally
Army of Renown: A special type battle round: The battle lasts a vulnerable to attritional combat.
of army that uses a modified number of battle rounds specified in
set of faction rules. (Army the battleplan. Each battle round has Champion: Model’s melee weapons
Composition, 2.2) 2 turns (1 for each player), and each have +1 to Attacks characteristic.
turn has 7 phases. (Core Rules, 11.0) (Command Models, 1.0)
army: All of a player’s units are
collectively referred to as their army. battle tactics: Attempt by using the Charge: Your Charge Phase, charge
(Core Rules, 1.0) ‘Tactical Gambit’ ability at the start roll of 2D6. Must get within ½" of
of your turn. Complete at the end any visible enemy units to succeed,
army composition: The step before of your turn for 4 victory points. otherwise unit stays where it is.
a battle in which the players build (Battle Tactics, 1.0) (Core Rules, 14.3)
their armies. The battlepack may
specify in more detail what they can
and can’t include in their armies.

Charge (+1 Damage): Weapon control: Determined at the start of damaged: A unit is damaged if it
ability. +1 Damage if attacking unit the first battle round and the end of has any damage points currently
charged. (Core Rules, 20.0) each turn. Objectives are controlled allocated to it (i.e. if the damage
by player that has the highest army points allocated to it were not
climb: Movement vertically up control score for that objective. enough to slay a model in the unit).
or down the surface of a terrain (Core Rules, 32.2) Some abilities Heal damaged units.
feature. The model’s base is assumed (Core Rules, 18.2)
to stay in contact with the terrain Control characteristic: Determines
feature as it moves and remain how good unit is at contesting Damage characteristic: Determines
parallel with the battlefield floor. objectives (see ‘control’). number of damage points
(Core rules, 15.2) (Core Rules, 4.0) inflicted by successful attack.
(Core Rules, 17.0)
coherency: When a unit is set up or control score: A unit’s control
ends a move, each model in the unit score is determined by adding damage points: Damage points
must be within coherency range. all the Control characteristics of are inflicted by successful attacks
(Core Rules, 15.1) models in the unit contesting the and mortal damage. Damage
objective in question. An army’s points go into a damage pool first,
coherency range: ½" horizontally control score for that objective is then they must be allocated one
and any distance vertically of 1 or determined by adding together all at a time to the target unit. Each
more other models if unit has 6 or the control scores of units in the time the number of damage points
fewer models; 2 or more if unit has army contesting that objective. allocated to a unit equals its Health
7+ models. (Core Rules, 15.1) (Core Rules, 32.2) characteristic, a model in the unit is
slain. (Core Rules, 17.0)
combat attack: An attack made with Core: Basic ability that can only
a melee weapon. (Core Rules, 16.0) be used by each unit once per damage pool: Inflicted damage
phase, e.g. Move, Shoot, Fight. points are added to the target’s
combat range: Model’s combat (Core Rules, 5.1) damage pool until all damage points
range = 3" horizontally and inflicted by the ability have been
any distance vertically from Counter-charge: Command, 1CP. calculated. Then, each of those
model. Unit’s combat range = 3" Charge in enemy charge phase. damage points must be allocated
horizontally and any distance (Commands, 5.0) one at a time to the target unit.
vertically from all models in unit. (Core Rules, 17.0)
A unit is in combat if any enemy Cover: -1 to hit rolls for attacks
models are within its combat range. that target a unit behind or wholly Declare: The step of every ability
(Core Rules, 7.0) on this terrain feature, unless unit after which players may use
charged or has Fly. (Terrain, 1.2) reactions but before the effect is
command points: Each player resolved. (Core Rules, 5.2)
gets 4 command points at start Covering Fire: Command, 1CP.
of round. Underdog gets 1 extra. Shoot in enemy shooting phase, but deployment phase: Phase in
(Commands, 1.0) -1 to hit rolls and must target nearest which players use Deploy
enemy unit. (Commands, 4.0) abilities to deploy their armies.
commander: You are the (Core Rules, 10.0)
commander of your army and Crit (2 Hits): Weapon ability.
everything in it (units, models, etc.). Unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 2 hits destroyed: A unit is destroyed when
on target. (Core Rules, 20.0) the last model in the unit is slain.
commands: Abilities that require (Core Rules, 18.4)
you to spend a number of command Crit (Auto-wound): Weapon ability.
points in order to use them. Unmodified hit roll of 6 skips destroyed by: A unit is said to have
(Commands, 1.0) wound roll step. (Core Rules, 20.0) destroyed another unit when an
attack it made or an ability it used
Companion: Weapon ability. Crit (Mortal): Weapon ability. caused the last model in the target
Weapon doesn’t get bonuses from Unmodified hit roll of 6 inflicts an unit to be slain.
friendly abilities that affect attacks. amount of mortal damage equal to
(Core Rules, 20.0) the Damage characteristic of the effect: Abilities have effects, which
weapon and the sequence ends. are resolved after the declare and
contesting: Models contest (Core Rules, 20.0) reaction step. The thing to which the
objectives in their combat range (3"). effect is applied is said to be affected
The same unit cannot contest more critical hit: Unmodified hit roll of 6. by the ability. (Core Rules, 5.2)
than 1 objective at the same time; (Core Rules, 17.0)
the player must pick 1 if more than 1 endless spells: A type of
is within range. (Core Rules, 32.1) D3: Roll a D6 and halve the result, manifestation summoned by a
rounding up. (Core Rules, 2.2) Wizard. (Magic, 7.0)

enemy models/units: Models/ Guarded Hero: Passive ability that keyword: A term that carries
units in your opponent’s army. all Heroes have. If Hero is within Keyword Format, allowing
(Core Rules, 1.0) 3" of a friendly non-Hero unit, the thing that has it to be tagged
then shooting attacks targeting the and referenced by other rules.
Enemy (…) Phase: Timing. A phase Hero are -1 to hit, and if Hero (Core Rules, 5.1)
in which your opponent is the active is Infantry, they also cannot be
player. (Core Rules, 13.0) picked as the target of shooting Magical Intervention: Command,
attacks made by units more than 12" 1CP. Wizard or Priest can cast
enhancements: A type of faction from them. (Core Rules, 25.0) or chant in enemy hero phase,
rule. You can take 1 enhancement but -1 to casting/chanting roll.
of each type for your army, you Heal: Remove a number of damage (Commands, 2.0)
can’t take the same enhancement points that have been allocated to a
more than once, and you can’t unit equal to the number in brackets manifestations: Arcane or divine
give the same unit more than 1 after ‘Heal’. (Core Rules, 21.0) entities or phenomena that have
enhancement of the same type. their own miniatures and are
(Army Composition, 4.1) Health characteristic: The summoned to the battlefield by a
characteristic that shows the Wizard or Priest. (Magic, 7.0)
faction: The units in your army number of damage points that
must all belong to the same faction can be allocated to the unit manifestation lore: If taken, all
(excepting Regiments of Renown). before a model in the unit is slain. Wizards in your army know
Most factions in Warhammer Age of (Core Rules, 4.0) all spells from that lore, and all
Sigmar have their own battletome, Priests in your army know all
which contains the rules for the heroic trait: Enhancement that can prayers from that lore. (Army
units from that faction, along with be given to a Hero in your army. Composition, 4.2)
the battle traits and enhancements (Army Composition, 4.1)
for that faction. miscast: Casting roll that contains
hit roll modifiers: Add up all two or more 1s is a miscast (D3
faction rules: These are split into modifiers to a hit roll and cap at +1 mortal damage, attempt fails, and
battle traits and enhancements. if the result is a positive value or caster can’t cast any more spells that
Battle traits tend to be army-wide -1 if the result is a negative value. phase). (Magic, 2.0)
abilities, while enhancements are (Core Rules, 17.1)
given to specific units. models: The warriors in your army
in combat: A unit is in combat are referred to as models and are
Fight: The Core ability that units if any visible enemy models are grouped into units. Some units
use to attack each other in combat. within its combat range (within 3"). consist of only 1 model.
(Core Rules, 14.4) (Core Rules, 7.0)
modifiers (dice rolls): Many rules
Fly: A keyword. Units that can Infantry: A unit keyword. Models let you change the result of a dice
fly often ignore intervening on foot. Infantry form the roll. Sometimes, multiple modifiers
models and terrain when moving. backbone of most armies and tend will apply to the same roll. Modifiers
(Core Rules, 15.4) to be good at contesting objectives. to some types of rolls, such as hit
and wound rolls, are capped.
Forward to Victory: Command, inflict: Successful attacks inflict
1CP, reaction. Re-roll charge roll. damage points. Inflict is not the modifiers (characteristics):
(Commands, 5.0) same as allocate. Ward rolls can Characteristics cannot be modified
be made for inflicted damage to less than 0. Round down any
friendly models/units: Models/ points before they are allocated. fractions. Set, multiply or divide,
units in your army. (Core Rules, 1.0) (Core Rules, 17.0) then add or subtract, in that order
(if more than one modifier applies).
general: You must pick 1 Hero invocation: A type of manifestation (Core rules, 27.0)
in your army to be your general. summoned by a Priest. (Magic, 7.0)
Certain rules will interact with your Monster: A unit keyword.
general. (Army Composition, 3.2) jump down: Models can move Monsters are large and imposing
directly down through the air from units, often consisting of a single
a terrain feature to the battlefield. model that can have a large impact
They can do so any distance, but it all by itself.
ends their move (Core Rules, 15.2.1)
mortal damage: If mortal damage
is inflicted, just add that many
damage points to the damage pool.
(Core Rules, 17.2)

mount trait: Enhancement that pile-in: A short move, usually Reaction: After an ability is
can be given to a Hero riding a 3", that allows a unit using a declared, players alternate using any
warbeast. (Army Composition, 4.1) Fight ability to get a bit closer eligible reactions they wish to. Then
to the unit(s) it is in combat with. the effect of the ability is resolved.
Move characteristic: Characteristic (Core Rules, 15.3) (Core Rules, 5.2)
that determines the number of
inches a unit can move across the points limit: The combined points Redeploy: Command, 1CP. D6"
battlefield when using certain cost of units in your army cannot move in enemy movement phase.
abilities, most commonly Normal exceed the points limit for the (Commands, 3.0)
Move. (Core Rules, 4.0) battle. Players usually agree on
the points limit before the battle, regiment: A group of units,
Musician: While unit contains but it may be pre-determined by including a Hero, that are taken
any musicians, if it uses the ‘Rally’ the battlepack being used. (Army as a set during Army Composition.
command, make one additional Composition, 1.2) Regiments often allow multiple units
rally roll of D6. (Command to be deployed at the same time.
Models, 2.0) power level: The number in (Army Composition, 3.1)
brackets after the Wizard or
neutral territory: The area of the Priest keyword that determines Regiment of Renown: A fixed
battlefield that is neither player’s the number of spells or prayers regiment that has its own rules for
territory. (Core Rules, 9.1.2) they can cast or unbind per phase. including it in an army and may also
(Magic, 1.1) have a special ability or abilities.
Normal Move: Move each model in (Army Composition, 3.5)
unit up to Move characteristic but prayer: A special type of ability
models cannot move into combat. that can only be used by Priests. reinforced unit: A unit whose
(Core Rules, 14.1) (Magic, 3.0) minimum unit size and points cost
is doubled when you add it to your
objectives: Many battleplans require prayer lore: If taken, all eligible army. You cannot reinforce units
players to gain control of specific Priests in your army know the with a minimum unit size of 1.
points on the battlefield to secure prayers from that lore. (Army (Army Composition, 3.3)
victory. Objectives are represented Composition, 4.2)
by 40mm round markers. Models replacement unit: A unit that is
can move over and end a move on an Priest: Unit that can use prayers. brought back to the battlefield after
objective marker. (Core Rules, 32.0) (Magic, 1.0) it has been destroyed. Although the
same miniatures are used, the unit
Obscuring: Unit behind or wholly Rally: Command, Any Hero counts as an entirely new unit in the
on this terrain feature cannot be Phase, 1CP. Roll 6 dice; for each 4+, rules, unless specified otherwise.
targeted by shooting attacks unless gain 1 rally point. For each rally (Core Rules, 24.2)
it has Fly. (Terrain, 1.2) point, Heal (1) or spend a number
of rally points equal to Health Rend characteristic: Subtract the
passive abilities: The effects of characteristic to return 1 slain Rend of the weapon from save
passive abilities are applied any time model. (Commands, 2.0) rolls made for the target unit.
their conditions are met. You cannot (Core Rules, 17.0)
use reactions in response to passive random characteristic: Generate
abilities. (Core Rules, 5.4) the characteristic before applying reserves/in reserve: A unit set up
modifiers, and each time it is needed in reserve is set up off the battlefield
persisting abilities: Abilities that for an ability. Random Attacks and will be set up on the battlefield
have effects that last for a specified characteristics are generated per at a specified time once the battle is
length of time, for example, ‘add Attack ability; other random under way. (Core Rules, 24.1)
1 to wound rolls for attacks made weapon characteristics are generated
by this unit until the start of your per attack made with the weapon. Retreat: Inflict D3 mortal damage
next turn.’ (Core Rules, 26.0) on the unit then move it out of
combat. Cannot use Shoot or
phases: There are 7 phases in each Range characteristic: A Charge abilities later in turn.
turn: Start of Turn, Hero Phase, characteristic, most often on weapon (Core Rules, 14.1)
Movement Phase, Shooting Phase, profiles, that determines how close
Charge Phase, Combat Phase, End something must be for it to be an return slain model: Set up model
of Turn. Ability timings can be Your eligible target. (Core Rules, 16.0) that was slain, in coherency with
Phase (you are the active player), its unit and with no damage points
Enemy Phase (opponent is active allocated to it. Only set up in combat
player) or Any Phase (either player is if its unit is already in combat.
active player). (Core Rules, 13.0) (Core Rules, 22.0)

roll off: Each player rolls a D6; slain by: A model is said to have territory (within/wholly within):
player who rolls highest wins. If been slain by a unit when an attack A unit is within a territory if any
tied, keep rolling off until there is a made by or an ability used by that part of the base of any model in the
winner. (Core Rules, 2.2) unit caused that model to be slain. unit is within that territory. A unit
is wholly within a territory if all
Run: Roll D6 and add to unit’s Standard Bearer: Add 1 to the parts of the bases of all models in
Move, then move unit up to that control score of units with any the unit are within that territory.
distance. Prevents unit from using standard bearers. (Command (Core Rules, 9.1.2)
Shoot or Charge later in turn. Models, 3.0)
(Core Rules, 14.1) token: Tokens are not considered
straight line: If a rule asks you to models for rules purposes.
Save characteristic: The number draw a line between two points, it Their main purpose is to act as
you need to equal or beat to make is assumed to be an imaginary line reminders for persisting effects
a successful save roll for the unit. 1mm wide. that apply to specific units. They
Attacks that are saved do not inflict are otherwise ignored and can be
damage points. (Core Rules, 4.0) Strike-first: Units with this freely moved if they get in the way.
keyword use Fight abilities before (Core Rules, 23.0)
save roll modifiers: Save roll units that don’t have this keyword.
modifiers are capped at +1 but there If both players have units with timing: The part of an ability
is no negative cap. (Core Rules, 17.1) Strike-first, they alternate that specifies when it can be used.
fighting with those units before Usually appears as a colour-
set up: When setting up a unit, all other units get to fight, starting coded bar at the top of the ability.
models in the unit must be set up, with the active player. After those (Core Rules, 5.2)
otherwise the ability cannot be used. units have fought, the active player
A unit set up on the battlefield in a chooses the next unit to fight. turns: Each battle round consists
phase other than the deployment (Core Rules, 19.0) of 2 turns (1 for each player), each
phase cannot use Move abilities comprising 7 phases. The player
in the movement phase of the same Strike-last: Units with this whose turn is taking place is the
turn. (Special Rules, 24.0) keyword use Fight abilities active player. (Core Rules, 11.0)
after all units that don’t have this
Shoot: Attack with ranged weapons. keyword. If both players have units Unbind: Reaction to a Spell ability.
Units cannot shoot if they are in with Strike-last, they alternate Make an unbinding roll of 2D6. If
combat. (Core Rules, 14.2) fighting with those units after all the roll beats the casting roll, the
other eligible units have fought, Spell ability fails. (Magic, 4.0)
Shoot in Combat: Weapon ability. starting with the active player.
Weapon can be used to make (Core Rules, 19.0) underdog: Player with fewest
shooting attacks even if attacking victory points. (Core Rules, 12.0)
unit is in combat. (Core Rules, 20.0) summon: Manifestations are
summoned to the battlefield using Unique: A unit with this keyword
spell: A special type of ability that the spell or prayer on their warscroll. can only be included in your army
can only be used by Wizards. (Magic, 7.0) once. (Army Composition, 3.4)
(Magic, 2.0)
Tactical Gambit: You must use unique enhancements: Special
spell lore: If taken, all eligible this ability at the start of your turn types of enhancement that some
Wizards in your army know in order to attempt a battle tactic. factions have access to. They will be
the spells from that lore. (Army (Battle Tactics, 2.0) accompanied by rules that tell you
Composition, 4.2) which units can be given them.
target (attacks): You must declare
slain: A model in a unit is slain the targets of all the attacks you are units: A group of models that move
each time the number of damage making with a unit before following and fight together. An army is
points allocated to the unit equals the attack sequence for those made up of a number of units. Each
its Health characteristic. Each time attacks, and you can split attacks unit has a warscroll that details its
a model is slain, the number of freely between eligible target units. characteristics and abilities.
damage points allocated to the unit (Core Rules, 16.0)
resets to 0. If there are still damage Unstable: Models can move across
points in the damage pool, keep terrain features: Models that but cannot be set up on or end a
allocating them and removing slain reflect the battlefield environment. move on parts of this terrain feature
models until there are no damage They often have their own rules. taller than 1". (Terrain, 1.2)
points left. (Core Rules, 18.2) (Terrain, 1.0)

visible: An observing model can weapon ability: A passive ability within (model): model x is within
see a target model if you could that affects attacks made with a specified distance of y if any part
draw a straight line from any point the weapon that has the ability. of model x’s base is within that
on the observing model to the (Core Rules, 20.0) distance of y.
target model without it crossing
any objects except other models wholly on a terrain feature: A unit within (unit): unit x is within a
in the observing model’s unit. A is wholly on terrain if all parts of specified distance of y if any part
model is always visible to itself. the bases of all models in the unit of the base of any model in unit x is
(Core Rules, 6.0) are on the same terrain feature. within that distance of y.
(Terrain, 1.1)
Ward: Before you allocate an Wizard: Unit that can use spells
inflicted damage point to a unit that wholly within (model): model x is (Magic, 1.0)
has this keyword, you can make wholly within a distance of y if every
a ward roll. If the result equals or part of model x’s base is within that wound roll modifiers: Add up all
beats the number in brackets after distance of y. modifiers to a wound roll and cap
Ward, that damage point is negated at +1 if the result is a positive value
and ignored. (Core Rules, 18.1) wholly within (unit): unit x is or -1 if the result is a negative value.
wholly within a distance of y if every (Core Rules, 17.1)
warscroll: Every unit has a part of all the bases of all the models
warscroll, which includes vital in unit x is within that distance of y. Your (…) Phase: Timing. Only the
information that determines active player can use abilities with
the unit’s capabilities in battle. this timing. (Core Rules, 13.0)
(Core Rules, 4.0)

This list shows you which terrain types apply to which sets of Citadel Terrain and the number of scenery pieces
(Terrain, 1.7) that make up each terrain feature. New terrain will be added to this list as it is released – see
warhammer-community.com for the most up-to-date list. Note that not all of this terrain is currently available,
but it is included here for players who have those terrain features in their collections. If a terrain feature lists
multiple options for its number of scenery pieces and size, pick which apply to it before setting it up.

Scenery Pieces Per

Terrain Feature Terrain Type Size
Terrain Feature
Arcane Ruins Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Awakened Wyldwood Faction Terrain 1-3 Small-Large
Azyrite Ruined Chapel Obstacle 1-2 Small-Large
Azyrite Ruins Obstacle 2 Small-Large
Azyrite Shattered Plaza Obstacle 1-2 Small-Large
Bad Moon Loonshrine Faction Terrain 1 Medium
Baleful Realmgate Place of Power 1 Small
Barbed Venomgorse Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Bone-tithe Nexus Faction Terrain 1 Large
Chaos Dreadhold Crucible Area Terrain 1 Large
Chaos Dreadhold Helfort Area Terrain 1 Small
Chapel Place of Power 1 Small
Charnel Throne Faction Terrain 1 Small
Cleansing Aqualith Place of Power 1 Medium
Corpsewrack Mausoleum Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Deathknell Watch Obscuring Terrain 1 Medium
Domicile Shell Obstacle 1 Small
Dominion of Sigmar:
Area Terrain 1 Large
Hallowed Stormthrone
Dominion of Sigmar:
Area Terrain 1 Large
Shattered Temple
Dominion of Sigmar:
Obstacle 1-3 Small
Timeworn Ruins (ruins)
Dominion of Sigmar:
Obstacle 1 Small
Timeworn Ruins (statue of Sigmar)
Dragonfate Dais Place of Power 1 Medium
Dreadfire Portal Place of Power 1 Medium
Dreadstone Blight Obscuring Terrain 1 Large
Enduring Stormvault Area Terrain 1 Large
Eternity Stair Place of Power 1 Small
Fane of Slaanesh Faction Terrain 1 Small
Feculent Gnarlmaw Faction Terrain 1 Small
Fortified Manor Obstacle 1 Large
Garden of Morr Obstacle 1-3 Small
Gloomtide Shipwreck Faction Terrain 1-2 Small
Gnarlwood Watchcamp Obstacle 1-3 Small
Gnawhole Faction Terrain 1 Small
Great Mawpot Faction Terrain 1 Medium
Guardian Idol Obstacle 1 Small
Herdstone Faction Terrain 1 Small
Magewrath Throne Place of Power 1 Small

Scenery Pieces per
Terrain Feature Terrain Type
Terrain Feature
Magmic Battleforge Faction Terrain 1 Small
Mawpit Faction Terrain 1 Medium
Nexus Syphon Place of Power 1 Small
Numinous Occulum Place of Power 1 Medium
Ophidian Archway Obstacle 1 Medium
Penumbral Engine Place of Power 1 Small
Pit Dredger Camp Obstacle 1-3 Small
Ravaged Shrine Obstacle 1-2 Small
Realmscape: Megadroth Remains Obstacle 1-2 Small
Realmshaper Engine Faction Terrain 1 Small
Ruined Domicile Obstacle 1-2 Medium-Large
Shardwrack Spine Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Shrine Luminor Faction Terrain 1 Small
Sigmarite Dais Place of Power 1 Large
Sigmarite Mausoleum Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Skull Altar Faction Terrain 1 Small
Temple of Skulls Area Terrain 1 Large
Varanite Syphon Camp Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Walls and Fences Obstacle 1-3 Small-Large
Warscryer Citadel Place of Power 1 Large
Watchtower Obscuring Terrain 1 Small
Witchfate Tor Obscuring Terrain 1 Medium
Wyldwood Obscuring Terrain 1-3 Small-Large

Guardian Idol Cleansing Aqualith

Obstacle Place of Power

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