Unit 1 - Creating Canada - 1850-1890 - History Notes

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Unit 1:

Chapter 1: Life in British North America: 1850-1864

What Shaped the Atlantic Colonies:


The Second Industrial Revolution ⇢ changed the way we travel

[emergence/introduction of steam-powered vehicles, (ships, railways,

The reason for more traveling and shipments coming in from other countries

Producing Goods:

● The mid-1800s consisted of ports in the Atlantic, bustling with business

● The lumber, iron, and coal industries benefited from the shipbuilding
● Marco Polo was the fastest ship ⇢ led movies and songwriting
after the ship had sunk

Farming and Fishing:

● The mid-1800s were an uncertain time for some people living in Atlantic
● Violent conflict often happens because landlords try to remove tenant
farmers behind on rent.
● Fishing families were often in debt to wealthy merchants
Changing Trade Relations:

● Most goods produced in the mid-1800s went to Latin America, the United
States, and West Indies
● The boom built in the 1850s created more demand for goods from Atlantic
● Britain and the United States signed the Reciprocity Treaty in 1854 which
allowed free trade (increased trade in the United States)
Free Trade: Trades between two countries without taxes or restrictions
● American Civil War broke out in 1861 (increased demand for agriculture
and natural products/resources)
● The war ended in 1865 and the United States ended the Recipitory Treaty

Import: Goods coming into a country/countries

Export: Goods coming out of a country and going to other countries

Working-Class Children:

● Most children had to work starting from a young age because their
families weren’t wealthy
● As demands in British North America increased children had to spend
more time in dangerous working conditions
● However, there were laws to protect children from dangerous jobs, (in
1842 kids under the age of 10 were banned from working in mines)
● Kids did the same jobs as adults but for lower wages
↳Martin Butler:
● Born in 1857 in New Brunswick
● Spent his childhood working to provide for his family (11 siblings, a family
of farmers)
● Left home at age 11 to work for another family as a servant
● An example of harsh working conditions for children, was his arm was
cut off at the age of 18 in a piece of machinery
First Nations Loss of Territory:

● In the Atlantic Colonies the Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, First Nations, and

Passamquody signed the Peace and Friendship treaty with the British
● Immigrants from Europe and the United States continue to come
● Chief Briot asked the government to stop the sale of a piece of land but
was denied
● Local First Nations had to earn a living in different ways because colonists
did not allow them to work with them

Note: Atlantic Colonies were made up of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince
Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador

Atlantic Colonies:
Newfoundland and Labrador ⇢ fishing industry
P.E.I ⇢ Agricultural
Nova Scotia ⇢Shipping and coal mines
New Brunswick ⇢ Forestry and Shipbuilding

1. The Reciprocity Treaty was significant for the Atlantic colonies because it
eliminated customs tariffs between the two. There was also an increase in
trade with the United States which replaced trade in the United Kingdom
and led to an economic boom in Canada.

2. The development of trade and industry affected the lives of First Nations
people living in the Atlantic colonies of British North America because of
far-reaching consequences among Native American communities,
including warfare, cultural change, and disease.
How did a French Majority affect Canada East?


● 1800s majority of the population in Canada East spoke French

● The 1800s were a time of prosperity for many businesspeople

Seigneurs and Land Ownership:

● Wealthy landowners who rendered out smaller plots of land to Canadian

farmers were seigneurs
● Sawmill was main industry (cutting logs into lumber)
Seigneurs: A landowner who owned large areas of land and lent small parcels
to farmers for their use.
↳Louis Joseph Papineau:
● Important politicians in the 1800s
● A key figure in Lower Canada rebellions in 1837

● Sold and rented land to thousands of Canadiens

● Canadians who couldn’t make regular payments often had to give up plots
of their land or sell them back.

Abandoning Farm life:

● When parents died their farming land was often divided up for their
● The land became smaller and smaller and couldn’t produce enough
● Had to find different ways to make money so they gave up their land and
moved to the cities to find work (in 1867, 20% of the population lived in

The Development of French Nationalism:

● The Province of Canada was formed in 1840 (dominated by English

● They wanted to assimilate French despite most of the East Canadian
population being French
Assimilate: To bring into conformity or adapt to the customs and attitudes of a
● British wanted to remove the French Language together
● French nationalism was an effort by Canadian leaders to create a national
Nationalism: A desire for people sharing a common culture, language, and
history to form an independent nation.
↳Lord Metcalfe (1843-1845) & Lord Elgin (1847-1854)
● Favored abandoning assimilation and supported the Canadians keeping
their culture

The Role of the Catholic Church in Promoting Canadian Identity:

● Catholic bishops and priests traveled to cities and rural communities

throughout British North America.
● Church leaders were also taking advantage of the new industries

The Rise of Canadian Artists:

● Growing French-speaking middle class in Canada East

● Stories about Canadian heroes influenced other Canadian artists who
wrote novels, plays, etc.
1. Cause and Consequences
The increase in immigration and fertility increased the demand for more
goods but as farmland was being more and more divided between
children the farms could not produce enough anymore which led to
farmers selling their land and moving to the cities to find different jobs.

2. Continuity and Change

Quebec declared that they were now a part of Canada however they
stated they were completely different and sovereign people.

3. Historical Perspective
French Canadians in North America formed the most strongly constituted
nation, one that enjoyed the highest degree of cohesion and solidarity
resulting from their blood relationship and their shared language,
history, religion, and more

4. Interpret and Analyze

Catholic bishops and priests traveled to cities and rural communities
throughout British North America. Church leaders were also taking
advantage of the new industries.
How was Canada West Changing?

Introduction of the Railway System:

● In the first half of the 1800s, tens of thousands British immigrants arrived
in Canada West
● Before 1850s, ships transported crops and timber for export to Europe
and the United States

The Relationship between rural communities, towns and cities:

● Since the development of railways, towns and cities all fertile land
stretching from Lake Ontario and Lake Erie was being farmed
● Local industries also became nearby resources

New Opportunities:

● Economic growth of railways resulted in new opportunities for

↳Thorthon Blackburn
● Black American Family
● They escaped slavery in the United States
● Blackburns saved and earned enough money to start their own
● Thorthon Blackburn ended up starting the first cab service in

Growth and Changes in Population:

● Population doubled in Canada West from 140s-1860s

● Railroad construction and local industries provide employment for many
Irish immigrants
● However this created tension between Irish immigrants and Canadians.
Irish Catholics vs Orange Order:

● Tension rose between Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants in Canada

● Protestant Societies and Catholic Societies were then formed
● One of the societies were the Orange Order formed by Irish Protestants
● Orange Order strongly influenced politics, policing and firefighting in the
second half of the 1800s
● Lots of immigrants and non-Irish people joined the Orange Order

The Underground Railroad:

● Slavery was abolished in British North America in 18333

● To help enslaved Black people escape a secret network was created ( The
Underground Railroad)
● 30,000 - 40,000 black people used the Underground Railroad to escape to
British North America
Abolitionist: A person who wants and works to end slavery.
↳Harriet Tubman
● Harriet Tubman worked as a conductor for the Underground Railroad in
the 1850s
● She herself escaped slavery as well
● Harriet Tubman participated in 19 missions and helped guide around 300
black people to Canada West
● In the 1850s, a large reward was posted for her arrest

Farming and Industry:

● The railroad and demand for more agriculture products resulted in more
farming in Canada West
● Entrepreneurs began manufacturing farm machinery to help meet the
Impact of Farming on First Nations:

● By mid-1800s many First Nations communities successfully adopted

European styles of agriculture
● The government refused to acknowledge Mississauga had ownership of
their land and would not sell them land
● A few First Nations tried to buy their land back but the government
wouldn’t let them
● Many First Nations tried to speak out about the unfair treatment like
Catherine Sutton
● People in Britain also protested against this treatment

Check In:
1. The significant change after the underground railroad was made was that
more slaves were being able to escape and the population in British North
America’s population increased. Many black people experienced positive
changes by being able to live their lives freely. However, many slaves who
were caught trying to escape experienced extremely negative changes.

2. As more and more slaves escaped to freedom in Canada West, the

population increased.

3. The questions I have about the First Nations losing their land is why they
didn’t start a rebellion as the Europeans also depended on the First
Nations as well. I am also curious as to why the government refused to let
the First Nations buy their own land back.
What Changed in the Northwest and Pacific Coast:

Population in the Early to Mid 1800s:

Métis: An Aboriginal person descended from a First Nations mother and a

father of European descent

Settling of the Red River Area:

● In the mid-1800s the Red River Settlement in Ruperts Land consisted of

many different cultures, (Scottish immigrants, Métis, etc.)
● Métis families sent their kids to European settler schools to receive an
● As fertile land in the East became scarce more people moved to Rupert’s
Land for more opportunities

Colonization of the Pacific Coast:

● Vancouver Island ( now British Columbia) became a British colony in 1849

● James Douglas was the first Governor assigned to this new colony
↳He tried keeping peace between new European Settlers who
wanted to use the land and First Nations already living
↳He offered First Nations Aboriginal Title
Aboriginal title: The legal recognition that a particular territory belongs to a
specific First Nations group


● Smallpox was an infectious disease which killed one-third of infected
● The disease was brought from San Francisco
● Almost all of the dead were First Nations people

The impact of Fraser River Gold Rush on First Nations:

● In 1858 gold was found in New Caledonia

● Governor James Douglas declared New Caledonia a British Colony to keep
it out of American hands
● Thousands of miners intruded on First Nations people’s lives and polluted
their waters
○ This resulted in many conflicts between First Nations and miners

A Colony of Many Cultures:

● Vancouver Island became home to many diverse colonies

● There were French and British immigrants and many other different
ethnicities and faiths
● Governor Douglas also made an effort to bring Black Americans who fled
Slavery to the colony and used government funds to do so
● Chinese people were not welcomed in the community

Chapter 2: The Path to Confederation: 1860-1867

What Led to the Idea of Confederation?:

A Land Divided:

● Colonies in BNA were developing quickly

● Rupert’s Land and North Western Territory was not a British colony
● In 1864 Hudson’s Bay Company was looking to sell its interest in Rupert’s
Land and the NorthWest Territory

Separate Colonial Governments:

● Colonies operated independently despite all of them being a part of

● Each colony had its own government of locally elected officials
○ (political, economic and military issues)
● Leaders started to consider Confederation a possible solution to their
Confederation: A union of, or an alliance among, colonies in BNA

Separate Colonial Governments:

● British North America was very large

● Many American settlers were already claiming lands south of the Great
Lakes that were populated by First Nations.

Manifest Destiny:

● As they succeeded in advancing west, many Americans believed it was

their manifest destiny
Manifest Destiny: American belief in a clear right and duty to expand
throughout North America
The American Civil War:

● United States was engaged in a civil war in 1861-1865 (war of secession)

Secession: Withdrawal from a larger group, such as a country
● Main reason for this separatist movement was disagreement over slavery
● Southern States relied heavily on enslaved labor for economic growth
● Britain declared themselves as neutral with allowed them to trade with
both Northern and Southern states
● The North won the war
● This war caused the death of more than 600,000 Americans

Annexation by the United States:

● British North Americans feared that Americans pursuit of manifest

destiny would put them at risk of being taken over by the United States
Annexation: Incorporation of a territory into another territory
● Fear grew in 1866 when the bill of annexation was created in the United
● The bill did not pass but fear was still there
● Russia decided to sell Alaska to the United States

Threats from Irish Nationalists:

● Fenians were also another threat to security to British North American

Fenians: Irish-Catholic organization in Ireland and the United States that
turned to violence in an effort to liberate Ireland from British rule

● Feninas became a secret society in Ireland in 1858

● Fenians decided to try and attack British colonies because they saw them
as weak as a way to gain independence
Defense costs to Britain:

● North America was a source of riches for Britain for more than 200 years
● In 1862 Britain sent more than 10,00 troops to British North America to
help protect them from Fenians

Need for New Markets:

● BNA lost favorable tax rates it had enjoyed with good exchanges with the
United States
● Negative impact on the economy in colonies.
What were the Challenges to Confederation?


● BNA was facing various threats from the United States

● The French-Catholic majority in Canada East and the English Protestant
majority in Canada West were locked in conflict
● Atlantic colonies needed more boots to help their economy
● Pacific Coast colonies had financial problems after the end of the gold

Conflicts in the Province of Canada?

● Ruling two very different groups with the same government was
● John A. Macdonald wanted to preserve French rights and people whereas
Geroge Brown wanted to diminish French rights
● Party Leaders John A. Macdonald and Gerrge Brown came to the
conclusion after conflict that unifying the colonies in confederation gave
a solution to resolving political conflict over Canada East
● Many people in Canada East did not like the idea of Canada East
● However their leader, George-Étienne Cartier convinced them to do it
because it provided greater protections and more independence

The Great Coalition:

● Macdonald, Brown and Cartier formed an unlikely alliance in June 1864

called the Great Coalition.
● The worked towards creating a federal system for Canadas
● A legislative union would give more power to the central government for
making laws and running the country
Legislative Union: Power to the govern and make laws is held by a strong,
central government
● A federal union would give more power to the central government as well
as to the provinces to run their own affairs
Federal Union: Power to the govern and make laws is divided between the
central and regional governments
● Officials in Britain supported the idea of union
● However, different groups of every region in the BNA disagreed because
they believed it would start problems then resolve them.

Concerns in the Atlantic Colonies:

● Atlantic colonies had resource-based economies and benefited from

strong trade relationships

Pros and Cons of colonies joining confederation:

● Newfoundland's economy was suffering because of decline in the cod-
and seal fishing industries
● Government revenue had decreased as a result

↳Prince Edward Island:

● Developed strong trading ties with Britain and the U.S
● Their main industries were timber, farming and shipbuilding

↳Nova Scotia:
● Their former premier Joseph Howe opposed of the idea of confederation
● He wrote a series of 12 letters (Botheration Letters)

↳New Brunswick:
● New Brunswick was split politically over confederation
A Possible Maritime Union:

● A maritime union would allow colonies to pool their tax dollars to pay for
much needed infrastructure like roads and railways
● John Hamilton Gray and John Hamilton Gray met to discuss the union of
three provinces at the Charoletteen Conference

Inclusion of the Northwest Region:

● As confederation was being considered fur trade became a decline in BNA

● Some fIrst Nations were facing food shortage, famine, etc
● Hudson’s Bay company owned the rights to the fur trade in the region
● Supporters of Confederation believe they needed to convince ATlantic
colonies and people of Canada East to join the union

Inclusion of the Pacific Coast:

● The end of the gold rush brought economic decline to the Pacific coast
● The union lacked a responsible government because most officials were
appointed and not elected
● With debt rising British Columbia considered joining confederation
How was Confederation achieved?

The Charlottetown Conference:

● In September 1864, representatives of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and

P.E.I planned to meet up and discuss a maritime union
● The conference was held in P.E.I, Charlottetown
● Newfoundland was not represented at this conference
● During the time confederation was being discussed, women could not

The Québec Conference:

● Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island had abandoned
the idea of a Maritime union with the Province of Canada
● The second conference was held on October 1864 in Quebec City
● Representatives from Canada's West, East, and Atlantic colonies
discussed the wants and needs

Compromises and Terms:

● Maritimes wanted access to new trade partners in British North America

● Needed a railway to move their goods
● PEI wanted a ferry system to have better access to mainland
● Wanted a solution to the land ownership issues so tenants could buy their
own land
● Canada East wanted a very strong central government

Framework for the Dominion of Canada:

● The Quebec conference established that the federal government would

consist of 2 houses
● Lowerhouse(House of Commons) representation would be based on
population size
● Smaller provinces would have fewer representatives
● The upper house(Senate) would be based on regional representation
● More equal number of members from Canada West, East and the Atlantic
● The federal government was responsible for Indian affairs
● Would absorb the debts of the colonies up to the maximum amount
● Control all major sources of revenue like taxes and trades
● In return, each province would receive payment from the federal

Outcome of the Québec Conference:

● Only the Province of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia agreed to
join the Confederation
● PEI and NFL were not convinced the union as their best interests

The London Conference:

● With the list of results drafted the Fathers of Confederation representing

Canada West, East New Brunswick and Nova Scotia travelled to England
to write the British North America Act
● Officially end their status as individual British colonies
● Joined together as a united self-governing country by an act of the British

The Domain of Canada:

● July 1st, 1867 was then known as Dominion Day

● Queen Victoria declared that the Province of Canada (Ontario and
Québec), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia were united as the Dominion of
● John A. Macdonald was elected as prime minister a month later
Chapter 3: The Expansion of Canada: 1869-1884
How did confederation affect the Métis in the Northwest?


● Métis population in Northwest faced the issue after confederation of the

Canadian government purchasing Rupert’s Land
● In 1868 the Canadian government began working on the Dawson Road
(120 km road)
● The Dawson road would connect Fort Garry (now in Winnipeg) to
present-day ThunderBay, Ontario.

The Sale of Rupert’s Land:

● Rupert’s Land included a large portion of present-day southern ALberta,

most of Saskatchewan, all of Manitoba, northern Ontario, northwest half
of Québec, and Nunavut.
● Rupert’s Land was controlled by Hudson’s Bay company
● In 1868 Husdon’s Bay company was getting ready to sell Rupert’s Land to
the British government
● Soon the British government would have given the territory to Canada
and it would become a colony under the Canadian government.
● However the sale did not take First Nations or Métis’s peoples votes.

Land Rights:

● As a part of the sale of Rupert’s Land the Canadian government promised

to uphold British laws and recognize aboriginal land titles.
● The government did not recognize the Métis to have the same land rights
as First Nations
● Any lang agreements made with First Nations did not apply to the Métis
● Métis people worried their land would be lost if Rupert’s Land was
handed over to the Canadian government.

Riel and the Red River Resistance:

● Conflict between the Métis and Canadian government was known as the
Red River Resistance
● In December 1869 the Canadian government sent surveyors to map out
the land into square lots to be granted as private property to new settlers
● The first group of surveyors arrived in Fort Garry of August 1869 (never
asked Métis for permission to enter their land)
● Riel
↳Emerging leader of a group of Métis in the Red River
↳Born and raised in the Red River area
Studied law in Montréal

The Provisional Government:

● Métis established their own temporary provisional government to
negotiate against the Canadian government (December 1869)
● Riel was the president of this provisional government
● The provisional government included french-speaking Métis and english-
speaking protestants residents of the Red River.
● The provisional government wrote a bill of rights outlining its terms for
joining the Canadian government

The Canadian government and execution of Thomas Scott:

● A group of Red River settlers called the Canadian PArty attempted to
overthrow the provisional government soon after it was established.
● The Métis captured about 50 members of the Canadian Party and
imprisoned them in Fort Garry.
● Thomas Scott: Protestant of the Orangemen
↳Captured in February 1870
↳Difficult prisoner and often insulted the Métis guards
↳Riel held a court for Thomas because of contempt and or
↳Thomas was found guilty and so he was executed

The Manitoba Act:

● After months of conflict, negotiation between the provisional government

and the Canadian government started.
● The provisional government wanted Manitoba to become a province
● The Canadian government passed the Manitoba act on May 12, 1870
● Prime minister Macdonald came up with idea of the Manitoba Act to to
please all of Canada
● The rest of the Northern-west territories were then known as the North-
west territories.
● The act also accepted most of the Métis terms from their bill of rights
● In Manitoba Métis language and religious rights were guaranteed.

CASE STUDY: Execution of Thomas Scott:

● Scottish immigrant
● Came to Canada West in 1863
● He moved to the Red River in 1869
● He worked as laborer on Dawson Road
● He was executed in 1870

The Red River Expedition:

● Despite the passing of the Manitoba Act there was still conflict
● People in Ontario were upset about Thomas Scott’s execution
● Macdonald sent armed forces to supposedly protect Maintoba from
● The military force was known as the Red River Expedition and as led by
Lieutenant-Colonel Garnet Wolseley
● Wolseley’s troops left Toronto the end of May in 1870 and arrived in Fort
Garry at the end of August
● It took four months for the troops to get to the unfinished Dawson Road
● When the expedition arrived Fort Garry was deserted
● Riel heard the troops planned to kill him because of the death of Thomas
Scott so he fled to the United States.

The Métis leave Manitoba:

● Settlers from Eastern-Canada quickly moved to Manitoba within months

of the Manitoba Act passing.
● Most of the land they took over had been previously inhabited by the
● The government issued scrip, or coupons to the Métis to fulfill the EE4RD
● Scrip could be exchanged for land or money
● Métis who had already settled in the area and do not have any advantage
over new settlers.
● By the time Métis applications were reviewed much of the lad had already
been given away
● Arrival of immigrants from Ontario also brought a cultural change to
● By 1880, most of the Métis had decided to give up their land claims and
move out of the province (many headed west to Saskatchewan)
What were the consequences of Confederation for First Nations?


● Since confederation in 1867, Canada has been expanding rapidly with an

increase in land, law and settlers
● In August of 2015, 10 First Nations signed the Northern Tribes Buffalo
treaty in Banff, Alberta
● Thus treaty aimed to increase buffalo population as well as engage youth
in the treaty process and recognize the relationship between First nations
and the buffalo
● For longer than 5000 years First Nations who who levied on prairie land
hunted buffalo as a primary source of food
● All parts of the buffalo was used

The Numbered Treaties:

● For more settlers to move to the Northwest, Canada needed to obtain

more land.
Numbered Treaties: Series of 11 treaties (1871-1921) between First Nations
people and the Canadian government.
● In return of First Nations giving land to the government they were given
Reserve: An area of land set aside for the use of a specific group of aboriginal

The Indian Act:

● After confederation the canadian government created laws regarding the

First Nations
● In 1867 these laws came together and became the Indian Act
● Métis and Inuit were not included in the terms of the Indian Act
● Many terms are still in affect today
Residential Schools:

● In 1833 the canadian government opened up residential schools in attempt

to educate and assimilate First Nations children
● Children as young as 4 were taken away from their families and sent to
these schools
● Children were forbidden from doing anything related to their own native

The North-west Mounted Police:

● In May 1873 the government created the North-west police

● Their job was to ensure First nations followed the rules of the Indian Act
● Americans crossed the Canadian border to trade whiskeys even thought it
was illegal
● A bloody battle took place between the well-armed Americans and the
↳Jerry Potts
● He worked with First Nations people and North-west mounted police
● He helped create unison between the two groups by showing them each
other culture
Unit 2:

Chapter 5: Canada’s Industrial Age: 1890-1905

How was industrialization changing daily life?


● 1890-1905 was an important point in time for industrialization in Canada

Industrialization: A process in which machines replace manual labor as the
dominant method of production
● Before industrialization produce goods were done by hand

Changes in Farm Life and City Life:

● Before industrialization farm life required hard work using basic tools
● Owners of large farms could afford new machine that help them work on
more land
● This made competition with small farmers easier for them and harder
financially for small farmers
● Small farmers moved to the cities for more work to improve their
↳City Life:
● Within 10 years population in Montreal increased drastically
● Small Canadian cities also experienced enormous growth


● Before 1850s most immigrants who came to Canada started out as farmers
● Many immigrants during industrialization period still sought land to farm
● Many immigrants came for America, Britain and Europe
● Minorities were mistreated in some countries so they immigrated to
Canada in hopes of more peace and security
● Close to 2 million immigrants came from 1891 and 1911

Economic Impacts:

● Industrialization caused important changes in economic status

● Building factories and machines cause a lot of money before profits could
be made
● This made it easier for the wealthy
● Business owners became wealthy but employees were loosing more
● Workers living far away from factories need more ways of transportation
● Very few could afford gas powered vehicles

Electric Streetcars and Bicycles:

● Between 1880 and the 1900s people invented new ways of transportation
● This made it easier for people to move around and get to work
● In 1890s bicycles were an important method of transportation
● Many women began using bicycles which helped improve independence
and with greater ease
● Bicycling also changed womens styling introducing shorts and slit skirts

Changing Childhood and Laws for Children:

● During 1890 and 1905 some children went to school while others worked
in farms and factories
● Children’s life was heavily determined by their family’s weather and
● By age 10 most children left urban areas to worked in factories and other
people’s homes to earn a living
● Many people in middle class soon started seeing childhood as a way fro
play and education and not to become young adults
● Laws were passed that forbid children from participating in adulthood
jobs and activities

Public Education and School Attendance:

● There was a growing sense that schools needed to teach students aspects
of the challenges in adulthood
● In 1871 the Ontario government made it mandatory for students to attend
elementary schools for a few months every year
● Despite these laws only children of wealthy families were able to attend
● Average classes used to be around 70 students per teacher
○ This is was because there were more children and less schools
● Schools in rural areas were much smaller than urban areas
How was industrialization changing the workplace?

Working in Factories:

● Before industrialization the most popular job was farming

● Many farmers moved to cities for work after industrialization
● Many working class or new immigrants worked in factories

Safety Concerns:

● Factory work was long hours with low pay as well as dangerous (accidents
and fires)
● Govern laws were passed to create a safe work environment for
employees however they were ignored
↳1904 Fire
● Fire spread quickly and by the end destroyed over 100 buildings
● More than 5000 people lost their jobs
● Fau;ty stove or electrical problems were the most likely cause of the fire

Working Conditions:

● Inspectors would show up to check out factories

● Factory workers lived under their employers
● Their quality of life was hard to improve

Women in the workplace:

● In early 1700s to 1800s most women worked by raising children, keep the
house and raising farm animals
● Their work was only supported by quality of life and they received no
● In late 1800s women started working in cities instead of homes
● 40% of young women often found work as domestic servants
Domestic Servants: Someone who is paid to work in someone else’s home to
help with children or homes

More jobs for Women:

● As technology advanced (typewriters and telephones) more women

started working as telephone operators and secretaries
● Women worked assembly lines in factories
● They worked long hours with low wages and like children didn’t earn as
much as men even if they worked the same hours
● In 1880 the Bell Telephone Company of Canada were dissatisfied with the
work that men and young boys were doing as telephone operators so they
tried employing women instead
● Women worked longer hours and were paid less

Children in the workplace:

● Industrialization still needed people to operate the machines

Unskilled Workers: A worker who has not been trained in a particular skill or
● They hired children because they were the cheapest and didn’t receive
much pay
● Children were employed in many different industries

Powering New Industries:

● Growing cities needed more power to run new factories, street lights, etc.
● Canada’s steam engines were powered by coal, gas and wood: wood
becoming more expensive
● In 1880s Canada replaced gas street lights with electrical lights
● For new demand electric companies like Toronto Electric Company
began generating and selling electricity
● Important source of electric energy was hydro
● Late 1880s wealthy investor began building hydroelectric stations to
generate electricity
● Cities across Ontario began buying electricity from private companies
● In 1906 Ontario Hydro was established to sell electricity to Onatrio
communities at the cost of production

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