Shambaugh ChinasSoftPowerPush 2015
Shambaugh ChinasSoftPowerPush 2015
Shambaugh ChinasSoftPowerPush 2015
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David Shambaugh
image matters. For all its economic and military might, the
As China's
country global
suffers from apower
severe shortagegrows,
of soft power.Beijing
According is learning that its
to global public opinion surveys, it enjoys a decidedly mixed interna
tional image. While China's economic prowess impresses much of
the world, its repressive political system and mercantilist business
practices tarnish its reputation. And so, in an attempt to improve
perceptions, Beijing has mounted a major public relations offensive
in recent years, investing billions of dollars around the world in a variety
of efforts.
DAVID SHAMBAUGH is Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director
of the China Policy Program at George Washington University and a Nonresident Senior Fellow
in the Foreign Policy Program at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of China Goes
Global: The Partial Power (Oxford University Press, 2013), from which this essay is adapted.
The father of soft power, the political scientist Joseph Nye, defi
as emanating largely from society—specifically, cultural, politica
social values. Nye also allowed that a country's political syste
foreign policy could earn respect and thus contribute to its soft
But this definition is premised on the clear demarcation that exis
democratic societies between state and nonstate spheres. In C
the government manipulates and manages almost all propagan
cultural activities.
clout. Because the scio is a key censor and media watchdog in China,
the mere mention of its name brings a concerned look to the faces of
many Chinese, particularly intellectuals and journalists.
Every December, the scio convenes an annual conference at which
it outlines guidelines for China's external propaganda work for the
coming year. As Jiang Weiqiang, the scio's vice minister, explained to
me in 2009, the blueprint covers "exhibitions, publications, media
activities, exchange programs, 'Year of China festivals abroad, and other
activities." Jiang also called the guidelines "our soft-power strategy."
Secret at the time of adoption, the plans are subsequently published
in a volume called China Media Yearbook.
Peace Forum, the World Forum on China Studies, and the Global
Think Tank Summit—bring leading figures from around the world to
China every year. Some events are real extravaganzas, such as the 2008
Beijing Olympics, the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, and the 2014 Asia
Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting. In 2016, the G-20 summit in
Hangzhou is expected to be an equally elaborate showcase.
Then there are the government-affiliated exchange programs. The
ccp's International Department (and its front organization, the
China Center for Contemporary World Studies) convenes an annual
conference called "The Party and the World Dialogue" and brings a
steady stream of foreign politicians and intellectuals to China for
all-expenses-paid tours. The Chinese People's Institute of Foreign
Affairs, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has
long engaged in similar outreach. Programs like these offer an astute
way for the ccp to cultivate relationships with up-and-coming
politicians around the world. The Hong Kong-based China-United
States Exchange Foundation, meanwhile, amplifies the voices of
Chinese scholars through its website and promotes the positions of the
Chinese government through the research grants it gives to Ameri
can institutions. To date, China has not endowed university research
centers or faculty professorships. If and when it does, it will learn
that in the West, there are real limits to buying political influence on
campuses and in think tanks.
The Chinese military maintains its own outreach organizations:
the China Institute of International Strategic Studies and the China
Foundation for International and Strategic Studies. Both are affiliated
with military intelligence and serve as the principal conduits for
inviting foreign security specialists to China. These two institutions
both broadcast and receive: in addition to explaining Chinas positions
on strategic and military issues to foreigners, they collect views and
intelligence from foreign experts and officials.
Several of China's foreign policy think tanks perform a comparable
dual function. The most important of these include the China Institutes
of Contemporary International Relations, the China Institute of
International Studies, and the Shanghai Institutes for International
Studies—all of which are attached to various parts of the Chinese
government. To a lesser extent, the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences do the same
thing, but on a much broader range of issues. In 2009, private donors
Yet for all the billions of dollars China is spending on these efforts, it
has yet to see any demonstrable improvement in its global image,
least as measured by public opinion surveys. In fact, the country'
reputation has steadily deteriorated. A 2014 bbc poll showed th
since 2005, positive views about China's influence had declined
14 percentage points and that a full 49 percent of respondents view
China negatively. Surprisingly, as a 2013 survey by the Pew Researc
Center's Global Attitudes Project indicates, China's soft-power defic
is apparent even in Africa and Latin America, precisely the region
where one would think the country's appeal would be strongest.
In spite of these meager results, Beijing is still expending enormous
effort and resources to change perceptions. Why the disconnect? T
answer is that the Chinese government approaches public diplomac
the same way it constructs high-speed rail or builds infrastructure—b
investing money and expecting to see development. What China fai
to understand is that despite its world-class culture, cuisine, an
human capital, and despite its extraordinary economic rise over t
last several decades, so long as its political system denies, rathe
than enables, free human development, its propaganda efforts wi
face an uphill battle.
Soft power cannot be bought. It must be earned. And it is best
earned when a society's talented citizens are allowed to interac
directly with the world, rather than being controlled by authoritie
For China, that would mean loosening draconian restraints at hom
and reducing efforts to control opinion abroad. Only then could th
country tap its enormous reserves of unrealized soft power.©