Water 13 03357
Water 13 03357
Water 13 03357
Variation of Runoff and Runoff Components of the Upper
Shule River in the Northeastern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau under
Climate Change
Jinkui Wu 1,2 , Hongyuan Li 1,3, *, Jiaxin Zhou 4 , Shuya Tai 2,3,5 and Xueliang Wang 1,3,6
1 Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology of Inland River Basin, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and
Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China; jkwu@lzb.ac.cn (J.W.);
wangxueliang@nieer.ac.cn (X.W.)
2 State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China; taishuya@nieer.ac.cn
3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
4 College of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Lanzhou City University, Lanzhou 730070, China;
5 College of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
6 Pingliang Hydrological Station of Gansu Province, Pingliang 744000, China
* Correspondence: lihongyuan@nieer.ac.cn
Abstract: Quantifying the impact of climate change on hydrologic features is essential for the
scientific planning, management and sustainable use of water resources in Northwest China. Based
on hydrometeorological data and glacier inventory data, the Spatial Processes in Hydrology (SPHY)
model was used to simulate the changes of hydrologic processes in the Upper Shule River (USR) from
1971 to 2020, and variations of runoff and runoff components were quantitatively analyzed using
Citation: Wu, J.; Li, H.; Zhou, J.; Tai,
the simulations and observations. The results showed that the glacier area has decreased by 21.8%
S.; Wang, X. Variation of Runoff and
with a reduction rate of 2.06 km2 /a. Significant increasing trends in rainfall runoff, glacier runoff
Runoff Components of the Upper
(GR) and baseflow indicate there has been a consistent increase in total runoff due to increasing
Shule River in the Northeastern
rainfall and glacier melting. The baseflow has made the largest contribution to total runoff, followed
Qinghai–Tibet Plateau under Climate
Change. Water 2021, 13, 3357.
by GR, rainfall runoff and snow runoff, with mean annual contributions of 38%, 28%, 18% and
https://doi.org/10.3390/w13233357 16%, respectively. The annual contribution of glacier and snow runoff to the total runoff shows a
decreasing trend with decreasing glacier area and increasing temperature. Any increase of total
Academic Editors: Wenchuan Wang, runoff in the future will depend on an increase of rainfall, which will exacerbate the impact of drought
Zhongkai Feng and Mingwei Ma and flood disasters.
Received: 2 November 2021 Keywords: SPHY model; runoff components; glacier runoff; rainfall runoff; contribution
Accepted: 23 November 2021
Published: 26 November 2021
tend to decrease [19–21]. However, with the increase of precipitation, the extent, depth and
days of snow cover tend to increase again [22], resulting in a complex impact of snow runoff
on river runoff. Under climate change and global warming, the precipitation in Northwest
China also shows an increasing trend [23,24]. The increase in precipitation is altitude-
dependent: the higher the altitude, the greater the rate of increase in precipitation [25],
and rapid changes in precipitation in the high mountains in Northwest China have been
observed [26]. However, the precipitation pattern in Northwest China is fundamentally
different from that in eastern China [27,28]. The increase of precipitation is mainly due
to the increase of extreme and short-term convective rainfall [29–32]. Brief, heavy rainfall
often forms flash floods, causing damage to the safety of people and property [33].
Due to the presence of glaciers, snow cover and short-term heavy rainfall, the hydro-
logic processes in the high mountains are very complex, and the accelerated shrinking and
melting of glaciers and snow, and increasing short-duration heavy rainfall, will inevitably
change the evolution of river runoff [34]. Across the high mountains in Northwest China,
there is great variation in the contributions of glaciers, snow meltwater and rainfall to river
runoff, which is poorly quantified [34,35]. The lack of understanding of the hydrologic
processes of the alpine basins in Northwest China is one of the main sources of uncertainty
in assessing the regional hydrological impacts of climate change [35].
Understanding and exploring the contribution of glacier meltwater to rivers is the
premise and basis for predicting and coping with future changes in glacier and snow
resources and their impacts in Northwest China [36]. The study of runoff generation in
alpine regions has always been one of the hot and difficult issues in hydrology studies.
Methods commonly used to quantify the proportions of runoff components in the total
runoff include the isotope tracing method [37–39], numerical simulation method [40] and
hydrological model method [34]. However, the isotope tracing method does not effectively
distinguish shallow soil water from deep groundwater, and the numerical simulation
method often only distinguishes the baseflow. Distributed hydrological models have an
advantage in runoff segmentation because of their modular approach to hydrological
processes. Common distributed hydrological models such as the VIC model [41–43], SWAT
model [44] and SRM model [45] do not refine the segmentation of runoff components,
while the spatial processes in hydrology (SPHY) model can divide the total runoff into
glacier runoff (GR), snow runoff, rainfall runoff (overland flow and shallow lateral flow)
and the baseflow [46,47]. The detailed segmentation of total runoff by the SPHY model is
helpful to reveal the essential driving factors of long-time series runoff evolution.
The Upper Shule River (USR) is commonly considered to be a typical inland river
recharged by glacier and snow meltwater. The contribution of glacier meltwater to the river
has been a hot issue that researchers have tried to quantify, especially with the accelerated
glacier shrinking due to global warming. To address this issue, simulations of total runoff
and GR based on the HBV model [48] and VIC model [41,43] have been carried out in the
Upper Shule River, but these two models only separate GR from total runoff and do not
distinguish total runoff in more detail, thus failing to reveal the essential driving factors of
the increase in total runoff. To explore the response of hydrological processes to climate
change and reveal the essential driving factors of runoff evolution in the USR, there is an
urgent requirement to quantitatively assess the impact of glaciers, snowmelt and rainfall
on the evolution of river runoff under climate change. Therefore, this study combined
observed hydrometeorological data and multi-period glacier inventory data to simulate the
variation of runoff and runoff components in the USR using the SPHY model, with three
specific objectives: (1) to explore the response of hydrologic features to climate change and
the evolution of runoff, (2) to quantify the contributions of runoff components to the total
runoff and the evolution trend of runoff components and (3) to reveal the essential driving
factors of runoff evolution.
Water 2021,13,
Water2021, 13,3357
x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 3ofof2121
2.1. Study
Study Area
The USR is located in the the western
western partpartofofthe
Mountainson onthe
of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. It is a runoff formation and conservation
of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. It is a runoff formation and conservation area for the area for the Shule
River, one ofone
Shule River, the of
the major inland
three major riversrivers
inland of theofHexi Corridor
the Hexi in Northwest
Corridor China.
in Northwest The
USR is located above the National Hydrological Station of Changmabao,
The USR is located above the National Hydrological Station of Changmabao, which co- which covers an
area 2 ◦ 0 ◦ 0 ◦ 0 ◦ 0
vers of
area ofkm (92 km
10,961 54 ~99
2 14 ~E,99°14′
(92°54′ 38 36E,~41 34 ~N),
38°36′ withN),
41°34′ an with
altitude that ranges
an altitude thatbetween
2038 and 2038
between 5792 and
m a.s.l.
m a.s.l.1).
(Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Overview of the
the Upper
Upper Shule
logical stations.
logical stations.
Table 1. Information on meteorological and hydrological stations in the USR and adjacent areas.
Station Name Lat/N Lon/E Elevation/m Data Type Station Type Period
CMB 39◦ 490 96◦ 510 2080 DR/Prec/Temp NHS 2000~2020
YM 40◦ 160 97◦ 020 1526 Prec/Temp NMS 1961~2020
TL 38◦ 520 98◦ 220 3360 Prec/Temp NMS 1961~2015
LHG 39◦ 300 96◦ 300 4180 Prec/Temp AWS 2009~2020
LQZ 39◦ 310 96◦ 580 2433 Prec/Temp AWS 2009~2020
YEH 39◦ 260 97◦ 060 2868 Prec AWS 2006~2020
GH 38◦ 500 97◦ 430 3443 Prec/Temp AWS 2009~2020
SMT 38◦ 250 98◦ 180 3885 Prec/Temp AWS 2009~2020
MK 38◦ 340 98◦ 220 4156 Prec AWS 2009~2020
Abbreviations: DR, daily runoff; Prec, precipitation; Temp, temperature; NHS, national hydrological station; NMS,
national meteorological station; AWS, automatic weather station.
In addition to temperature and precipitation as the basic forcing data, the forcing
data of the SPHY model also included topography data of a digital elevation model
(DEM), physical parameters of soil, land use data and glacier outlines and thickness. The
topography data were HydroSHEDS with a spatial resolution of 90 m based on SRTM DEM
from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), including hydrological information such
as river networks, basin boundaries and confluence directions [52]. Physical parameters of
soil include the field capacity (mm/mm), saturated water content (mm/mm), permanent
wilting point (mm/mm), wilting point (mm/mm) and saturated hydraulic conductivity
(mm/d) for the rootzone layer, and field capacity (mm/mm), saturated water content
(mm/mm) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/d) for the subzone layer. Physical
parameter maps of soil with a 500 m spatial resolution were obtained from the Chinese soil
dataset based on Harmonized World Soil Database version 1.1 (HWSD v1.1), provided by
the National Cryosphere Desert Data Center [53]. Land use data were derived from the
Globcover dataset with various crop coefficients; this dataset is available freely and can
be obtained from the ESA website in the GeoTIFF format and the World Geodetic System
1984 (WGS 84) coordinate system at 10 arc-seconds (~300 m) of spatial resolution [54].
Glacier outline data were derived from the First and Second Chinese Glacier Invento-
ries provided by the National Cryosphere Desert Data Center [51], and a dataset of glacier
outlines over the Qilian Mountain area (1980–2015) was provided by the National Tibetan
Plateau Data Center [55]. The First Chinese Glacier Inventory in the USR was based on
aerial photographs taken in 1956, 1957 and 1966, and the results showed that the glacier
area in the USR was about 473 km2 , accounting for 4.32% of the USR area. LANDSAT
Water 2021, 13, 3357 5 of 21
TM/ETM + and ASTER images in 2006, 2007 and 2009 were used in the Second Chinese
Glacier Inventory in the USR, which showed that the glacier area was about 409 km2 ,
accounting for 3.73% of the USR area. The estimation of glacier thickness will be detailed
in Section 2.3.
TR = GR + SR + RR + BF (3)
sum of surface runoff and lateral flow from the first soil layer, with the groundwater mod-
ule used. After simulating the four runoff components, the total runoff is eventually cal-
Water 2021, 13, 3357 culated by adding together the four runoff components: 6 of 21
𝑇𝑅 = 𝐺𝑅 + 𝑆𝑅 + 𝑅𝑅 + 𝐵𝐹 (3)
where TR, GR, SR, RR and BF are the total runoff, GR, snow runoff, rainfall runoff and
where TR, GR, SR, RR and BF are the total runoff, GR, snow runoff, rainfall runoff and
baseflow, respectively.
baseflow, respectively.
Conservingof ofGlacier
adoptstwo twoschemes
schemes to to simulate
simulate thethe glacier
glacier processes
processes based
based on on the
degree-day factor method. In the first scheme, the glaciers are
degree-day factor method. In the first scheme, the glaciers are implemented as a fixed implemented as a fixed
generating glacier
glacier melt,
melt, where
where thethe snow
snow and and rainfall
rainfall on
on the
the glacier
glacier are
are not
not taken
taken into
account. In the second scheme, the glacier process is simulated based
account. In the second scheme, the glacier process is simulated based on mass conservation on mass conserva-
withwith glacier
glacier retreat
retreat and and ice redistribution,
ice redistribution, in which
in which the snow
the snow and rainfall
and rainfall on the onglacier
the glac-
ier are into
taken taken into account.
account. In thisthe
In this study, study,
second thescheme
scheme considering
the glacierthe glacier was
dynamics dy-
used towas used to
simulate thesimulate the glacier process.
glacier process.
The mass-conserving
mass-conserving module of the the glacier
glacier divides
dividesthe theglacier
lar grids according to the spatial resolution of the SPHY model,
grids according to the spatial resolution of the SPHY model, and divides the glacier and divides the glacier
into an accumulation area and ablation area based on the equilibrium
an accumulation area and ablation area based on the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) line altitude (ELA)of
thethe gridded
gridded glacier
glacier (Figure
(Figure 2). 2). When
When thethe glacier
glacier mass mass
lossloss of any
of any gridgrid
in thein ablation
the ablation
area exceeds
exceeds the thickness
the thickness of theofgrid
the grid glacier,
glacier, the glacier
the grid grid glacier will disappear,
will disappear, i.e.,
i.e., the the glac-
glacier will
ier will retreat,
retreat, and when andthewhentotalthe totalbalance
mass mass balance of the glacier
of the whole whole glacier for a hydrological
for a hydrological year is
year is negative,
negative, the accumulated
the accumulated mass of mass
the of the accumulation
accumulation areabewill
area will be equally
equally redistrib-
redistributed to
uted to the retreated
the retreated ablationablation
area at the areaend
at the endhydrological
of the of the hydrological
year. year.
area of
of glacier.
glacier. Figure
Figure cited
cited from
from [66].
Depending onthe
temperatureand andaacritical
precipitation can can
either fallas
as rainfall
or as
as snow
snow onon the
the glacier
glacier [47].
[47]. The
The rainfall
rainfall falling
falling on
on the
the glacier
glacier will
participate in
participate inthe
process of
of the
water, and
storage updatedwith withsnow
snow accumulation
accumulation and/or
and/or snowmelt.
snowmelt. The The melting
melting of glaciers
of glaciers con-
contributes to the total runoff by means of a slow and fast component, i.e., (i)
tributes to the total runoff by means of a slow and fast component, i.e., (i) percolation to percolation
to the
the groundwater
groundwater layer
layer that
that eventually
eventually becomes
becomes baseflow,and
baseflow, and(ii)
Inventories and the multi-period Qilian Mountains Glacier Inventory. These parameters are
not interrelated and have different effects on different hydrological processes, which allows
them to be calibrated one by one. These parameters were calibrated using a stepwise
approximation method, i.e., we first assigned a maximum value to a parameter, then
a minimum value to that parameter, and then gradually decreased the range of values
assigned until the best NSE, R2 and RE were obtained.
To evaluate the performance of the SPHY model for simulating monthly runoff, the
Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Coefficient (NSE, Equation (4)), the coefficient of determination
(R2 , Equation (5)) and the relative error (RE, Equation (6)) were used in this study to
evaluate the efficiencies of the calibration and validation. If the monthly NSE > 0.5 and
monthly R2 > 0.6, the model performance was considered to be acceptable [67].
∑1n ( Qobs,i − Qsim,i )
NSE = 1 − 2
∑1n Qobs,i − n1 (∑1n Qobs,i )
2 Qobs,i − Qobs,i Qsim,i − Qsim,i
R = 2 2 (5)
∑1n Qobs,i − Qobs ∑1n Qsim,i − Qsim
∑1 Qsim,i
E= − 1 × 100% (6)
∑1n Qobs,i
where n is the time-step of monthly observed runoff and monthly simulated runoff; Qobs,i
(m3 /s) and Qsim,i (m3 /s) are the monthly observed runoff and monthly simulated runoff at
time step i, respectively; Qobs,i (m3 /s) and Qsim,i (m3 /s) are the mean monthly observed
runoff and mean monthly simulated runoff, respectively.
Table 2. Sensitive parameters of the SPHY model used for the simulation during the calibration
period and validation period.
3. Results
3.1. Regional Climate Change and Runoff Evolution
The USR is a typical alpine and cold basin, which is extremely sensitive to climate
change and global warming. Under climate change and global warming, the USR has
experienced significant warming, while increases of precipitation and runoff have fluctu-
ated in the past few decades. Figure 3 shows the anomalies of annual mean temperature,
annual precipitation and annual runoff in the USR from 1961 to 2020 based on the statistics
of observed temperature, precipitation and runoff. The mean annual temperature in the
USR from 1961 to 2020 was approximately −1.62 ◦ C, and the temperature had a significant
increasing trend with an increase rate of 0.35 ◦ C/10a. However, there was an abrupt change
in the temperature in the USR. As shown in Figure 3a, the abrupt change in temperature
occurred around 1996, with a mean annual temperature of −2.12 ◦ C from 1961 to 1996
before the abrupt change and −0.88 ◦ C from 1997 to 2020 after the abrupt change. The
abrupt change of temperature in the USR was consistent with an abrupt change of temper-
of observed temperature, precipitation and runoff. The mean annual temperature in the
USR from 1961 to 2020 was approximately −1.62 °C, and the temperature had a significant
increasing trend with an increase rate of 0.35 °C/10a. However, there was an abrupt
change in the temperature in the USR. As shown in Figure 3a, the abrupt change in tem-
Water 2021, 13, 3357 perature occurred around 1996, with a mean annual temperature of −2.12 °C from 1961 8 of to
1996 before the abrupt change and −0.88 °C from 1997 to 2020 after the abrupt change. The
abrupt change of temperature in the USR was consistent with an abrupt change of tem-
perature in Northwest
ature in Northwest China
China [33].[33].
The The annual
annual precipitation
precipitation in theinUSR
the USR also tended
also tended to in-
to increase
crease with the increase of temperature; the increase rate of the precipitation from
with the increase of temperature; the increase rate of the precipitation from 1961 to 2020 1961 to
2020 was 14.1 mm/10a. The mean annual precipitation from 1961 to 2020
was 14.1 mm/10a. The mean annual precipitation from 1961 to 2020 was approximately was approxi-
mately 235.2
235.2 mm, mm,
with with afluctuation
a large large fluctuation of annual
of annual precipitation
precipitation and a standard
and a standard devia-
deviation of
tion of 46.4
46.4 mm. mm.
The The change
abrupt abrupt of
change of precipitation
precipitation occurredoccurred
later thanlater
thatthan that of tempera-
of temperature, with
ture, with the
the abrupt abruptpoint
change change point at
at about aboutThe
2000. 2000. The annual
mean mean annual precipitation
precipitation was 218.4
was 218.4 mm
mm from 1961 to 2000 before the abrupt change and 268.8 mm from
from 1961 to 2000 before the abrupt change and 268.8 mm from 2001 to 2020 after2001 to 2020 after the
abrupt change.
8 3
The mean annual runoff of of the
the USR
USR from
2020was 10.54×× 10
was10.54 108 mm3, and the
8 3
increase rate
increase rate was 1.27 ×
was 1.27 × 10
108 mm3/10a.
changein in runoff
runoff was
was more
more pronounced
than that
than that of
of temperature
temperature and
and precipitation.
precipitation. AsAs shown
shown in
in Figure
Figure 3c,
3c, the abrupt change
the abrupt change point
of runoff occurred around 2000. The mean annual runoff from 1961–2000 before
of runoff occurred around 2000. The mean annual runoff from 1961–2000 before the ab- the abrupt
rupt was was
change × 10×8 10
8.90 8.90 m83 m
/10a, while
3/10a, whilethe
2001–2020 after
after the
abrupt change was 13.83 × 108 m3 /10a. The abrupt change characteristics of runoff were
more consistent with the abrupt change of precipitation.
The monthly variation of temperature and precipitation in the USR had characteristics
of an alpine climate and temperate continental climate. The seasonality of temperature and
precipitation were very obvious, with the maximum temperature in July and the minimum
temperature in January, while 91.4% of precipitation was mainly concentrated in the warm
season from May to September. The significant seasonal characteristics of temperature
and precipitation in the USR led to significant seasonal characteristics of runoff as well,
abrupt change was 13.83 × 108 m3/10a. The abrupt change characteristics of runoff were
more consistent with the abrupt change of precipitation.
The monthly variation of temperature and precipitation in the USR had characteris-
tics of an alpine climate and temperate continental climate. The seasonality of temperature
Water 2021, 13, 3357
and precipitation were very obvious, with the maximum temperature in July and the9min- of 21
imum temperature in January, while 91.4% of precipitation was mainly concentrated in
the warm season from May to September. The significant seasonal characteristics of tem-
perature and precipitation in the USR led to significant seasonal characteristics of runoff
as shown
well, asinshown
The maximum monthly monthly
4c. The maximum runoff occurred in July and
runoff occurred August,
in July and and
68.4% of the
gust, and annual
68.4% runoff
of the was concentrated
annual in June to September.
runoff was concentrated in June toThe maximumThe
September. monthly
mum monthly of precipitation
the USR was of in the
July, whilemonthly runoff was
the maximum in July
monthly and
August. This phenomenon indicates that the runoff of the USR has a hysteresis
was in July and August. This phenomenon indicates that the runoff of the USR has a hys- to the
precipitation, which reflects the water conservation capacity of the USR.
teresis to the precipitation, which reflects the water conservation capacity of the USR.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Seasonal characteristics
characteristics of multi-year
multi-year monthly
monthly mean
mean temperature,
temperature, precipitation
runoff in the USR. (a) Monthly mean temperature; (b) Monthly precipitation; (c) Monthly
runoff in the USR. (a) Monthly mean temperature; (b) Monthly precipitation; (c) Monthly mean mean
3.2. Performance of the
the SPHY
SPHY Model
Using the
the same
same method
method asas that
that with
with which
which many
many hydrologic
hydrologic models
models arearecalibrated
and validated,
validated, this
this study
study calibrated
calibrated andand validated
validated the
the SPHY
SPHY model
model with
with the
the observed
thelimitation of of
limitation thethe
time series
time of glacier
series inventory
of glacier data,data,
inventory the
simulation period of runoff and runoff components in the USR was set from
the simulation period of runoff and runoff components in the USR was set from 1971 to 1971 to 2020.
2020.Table 3 presents statistics on the evaluation metrics of the monthly runoff simulations
for the calibration period from 1971 to 1990, the validation period from 1991 to 2020 and
the entire simulation period from 1971 to 2020. As can be seen from Table 3, the NSE,
R2 and RE for the calibration period were 0.89, 0.90 and −3.82%, respectively, while the
NSE, R2 and RE for the validation period were 0.92, 0.92 and −11.51%, respectively. The
NSE and R2 of the SPHY model for the validation period were higher than those for the
calibration period, which may be related to improvements in the accuracy of temperature,
precipitation and glacier inventories over the validation period with advancements of
observation technology. However, the RE in the validation period was larger, which was
bration period, which may be related to improvements in the accuracy of temp
for the calibration period from 1971 to 1990, the validation period from 1991 to 2020 and
the entire simulation and1971
period from glacier inventories
to 2020. As can be over the validation
seen from Table 3, the period
NSE, R2 with advancemen
and RE for theservation
calibration technology.
period were 0.89,However, the RErespectively,
0.90 and −3.82%, in the validation period was larger, wh
while the NSE,
R2 and RE forduethe validation period were 0.92, 0.92 and −11.51%, respectively.
to the low simulation of monthly runoff in the cold season The NSE(Figure 5). The com
Water 2021, 13, 3357 and R2 of the SPHY model for the validation period were higher than those for the cali- 10 of 21
of the simulated and observed monthly runoff for the entire simulation period in
bration period, which may be related to improvements in the accuracy of temperature,
6 demonstrates that the simulated and observed monthly runoff were basically th
precipitation and glacier inventories over the validation period with advancements of ob-
with anHowever,
servation technology. NSE of the 0.91,RER
2 of 0.92 and RE of −6.44% indicating that the performanc
due to the low simulation ofinmonthly
the validation period
runoff in wasseason
the cold larger, which5).was
(Figure The comparison
due to the lowSPHY model
simulation of was
monthly acceptable.
runoff in the cold season (Figure 5). The comparison
of the simulated and observed monthly runoff for the entire simulation period in Figure
of the simulated and observedthat
6 demonstrates monthly runoff for
the simulated andthe entire simulation
observed periodwere
monthly runoff in Figure
basically the same,
6 demonstrates thatan
with the simulated
Monthly and
R ofobserved
of 0.91,efficiencies formonthly
0.92 and runoff
RE of −6.44% were from
period basically
indicating 1971the
that tosame,
the 1990, validation
performance of theperiod fr
with an NSE of to 0.91, Rand
2 of 0.92 and RE of −6.44% indicating that the performance of the
entire simulation period from 1971 to 2020.
was acceptable.
SPHY model was acceptable.
Table 3. Monthly Indicators
efficiencies forCalibration Period
calibration period from 1971 toValidation Period
1990, validation period fromSimulation
1991 to P
Table 3. Monthly efficiencies
2020 and entire for calibration
simulation period
period from
from 1971
1971 to to 1990,
2020. validation period from 1991
to 2020 and entire simulationNSEperiod from 1971 to 2020. 0.89 0.92 0.91
EvaluationR Indicators
2 0.90
Calibration Period 0.92 Simulation Period 0.92
Validation Period
Evaluation Indicators Calibration Period Validation Period Simulation Period
NSE −3.82%
0.89 0.92 −11.51% 0.91 −6.44%
NSE 0.89 0.92 0.91
R2 0.90 0.92 0.92
R 2
RE 0.90 −3.82%0.92 −11.51%0.92 −6.44%
RE −3.82% −11.51% −6.44%
Figure 5. Simulated
Figure 5.and Figure
Simulated and 5.observed
monthly runoff and
monthly theobserved
for themonthly
runoff period runoff
calibration 1971 tofor
period the
from calibration
1971 the1990
to andperiod
validation from
period 1971 to
from 1991 tothe validation period
2020. from 1991 to
the validation 2020. from 1991 to 2020.
Figure 6. Comparison of the simulated and observed monthly amounts of runoff for the entire sim-
ulation period from 1971 to 2020.
Figure 7 shows 6.6.Comparison
Figure the Comparison of the
monthly variation
of the ofsimulated andand
the simulated
simulated observed
and observed monthlymonthly
observed monthlyamounts
amounts ofrunoff of the
runoff for runoff for the en
during the calibration
ulation and
period periods.
from 1971
from 1971 toto
2020.It can be seen from Figure 7 that the SPHY
model could simulate the monthly variation of runoff better in both the calibration and
Figure 7 shows the monthly variation of the simulated and observed monthly runoff
duringFigure 7 showsand
the calibration thevalidation
monthly variation
periods. It canofbethe simulated
seen from Figure and observed
7 that the SPHYmonthly
during the calibration
model could and validation
simulate the monthly variationperiods. It caninbeboth
of runoff better seenthefrom Figure
calibration and 7 that th
model periods.
could However,
simulate themonthly
the simulated variation
runoff in August was lower
of runoff thaninthe
better measured
both the calibrat
runoff in both the calibration and validation periods, which may have been caused by an
error of the SPHY model in simulating the recession process of the USR.
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
validation periods. However, the simulated runoff in August was lower than the meas-
Water 2021, 13, 3357 periods.
uredHowever, the simulated
runoff in both runoffand
the calibration in August wasperiods,
validation lower than
have been caused
11 of 21
ured runoff in both
by anthe calibration
error and model
of the SPHY validation periods, which
in simulating may have
the recession been of
process caused
the USR.
by an error of the SPHY model in simulating the recession process of the USR.
Figure 7. Comparison of the simulated and observed monthly mean amounts of runoff for the cali-
Figure 7. Comparison
Figure 7. Comparison of thebrationof period
from and
observed toobserved
1990 and
monthly monthly mean
mean amounts amounts
period from
of runoff of
for1991 for(a)
to 2020. theperiod
calibration cali- from period;
Calibration 1971 (b)
to 1990 andbration period
validation from
period 19711991
from to 1990 and validation
to 2020. period
(a) Calibration from 1991
period; to 2020. (a)
(b) Validation Calibration period; (b)
Validation period.
AA comparison
comparison of of simulated
simulated and and observed
observed annual
annual runoff
runoffin in the
the USR
USR from from1971
1971 toto 2020
A comparison
is of simulated
is shown in Figure and
Figure 8. observed
8.On Onthe annual
theannual runoff
scale, in
thethe the USR from
correlation 1971
between to 2020
thethe simulated
simulated andandob-
is shown in Figure
served 8. On
observed the annual
annual runoff
runoff scale,
good, withananRR2 2ofof
correlation between the simulated
0.89, which isis considered
consideredand toob-be acceptable.
acceptable. ItIt
served annual runoff
can be is good,
be seen
seen from
Figurean R 8b2 of
8b that0.89,
the which is considered
variations to be acceptable.
of the simulated
simulated and observed
observed It annual
annual runoff
can be seen fromwereFigure
were 8b thatthe
basically thesame.
the variations
same. The of the simulated
The increase
increase rate
rate of and
of the
the observedannual
simulated annualrunoff
annual runoffwas
runoff was 1.3,
1.3, which
were basically was
the slightly
same. Thesmaller
increase than the
rate ofincrease
the rate
simulated of the observed
annual runoff
was slightly smaller than the increase rate of the observed annual runoff of 1.5.annual
was runoff
1.3, which of 1.5. In general,
it is
was slightly smalleris acceptable to
to use
than the increase
acceptable use therateSPHY
the of themodel
SPHY observed
model to
to simulate runoff
annual runoff
simulate in
in the
1.5. In general,
evolution the USR,
USR, with
with the
it is acceptable model accurately
to use the SPHY model
accurately reflecting
reflecting the
to simulatecharacteristics
runoff evolution
the characteristics of runoff evolution.
in the
of runoff USR, with
evolution. With
Withthe the help of
the help of the
model accurately SPHY
SPHY model,
model,thewe can
can better
better understand
we characteristics of runoff
understand the variation
the of
of runoff
variation With runoffthe and
and runoff
help of thecomponents
runoff components in in
SPHY model, we the
USR, which
which can
can help
understandhelp with
the planning,
planning, ofmanagement
runoff and runoff
management and
and utilization
utilization of
of water
in resources.
the USR, which can help with planning, management and utilization of water resources.
Figure 8. Comparison
Figure 8. Comparison of the simulated
simulated and
and observed
observed annual
annual runoff
2020. (a)
(a) Simulated
Figure 8. Comparison
annualof the simulated
runoff versus and observed
Observed annual
annual runoff
runoff; (b) from 1971
Interannual to 2020. (a)
variation Simulated
of observed runoff
versus Observed annual runoff; (b) Interannual variation of observed runoff and and
annual runoff versus Observed
ulated runoff.
simulated runoff.annual runoff; (b) Interannual variation of observed runoff and sim-
ulated runoff.
3.3. Glacier Shrinking in the USR
Glaciers are indicators of climate change and global warming. There is a significant
increase in temperature in the USR under climate change and global warming, which
directly leads to rapid melting and retreat of glaciers in the basin. Figure 9a compares
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Comparison
Comparison of of the
the simulated
simulated glacier
glacier area
area and
and the
the extracted
extracted (observed)
multi-period glacier inventory, and the change of the simulated glacier area in the USR in
multi-period glacier inventory, and the change of the simulated glacier area in the USR in the past the past
50 years. (a) Simulated glacier area versus Observed glacier area; (b) Simulated glacier
50 years. (a) Simulated glacier area versus Observed glacier area; (b) Simulated glacier area from area from
1971 to 2020.
1971 to 2020.
Figure 9b
Figure 9b shows
shows thethe changes
changes of of glacier
glacier area
area inin the
the USR
USR from
by the SPHY model. The glacier area in the USR decreased
by the SPHY model. The glacier area in the USR decreased from 473 km in 1971 tofrom 473 km 2 in2 1971 to 370
370 in22020, andand
in 2020, retreated
retreatedbyby103 km
103 km2, 2
with a aretreat
, with retreatratio
and aa retreat rate of
retreat rate of
2.06 km
2.06 km /a.
22 /a. With
With the
the increasing
increasing temperature
temperature in in the
the USR,
USR, the
the glacier
glacier accelerated
accelerated itsits melting
and retreated,
and retreated,which
increaseand andthen
the recharge
the recharge andand regulating
glacierson onriver
glaciersin inthe
continue to retreat at a rate of 2.06 km2 2/a, the glacier area in the basin will shrink to 43%
continue to retreat at a rate of 2.06 km /a, the glacier area in the basin will shrink to 43% of
of that
that in the
in the 1970s
1970s by by
endend of this
of this century.
3.4. Annual
Annual Variations
Variations of
of Runoff
Runoff Components
According to the structure of
to the structure of the
the SPHY
SPHY model,
model, the
the total
total runoff
runoff isiscomposed
composed of of four
runoff components: GR, snow runoff, rainfall runoff and baseflow.
runoff components: GR, snow runoff, rainfall runoff and baseflow. Among them, Among them, the base-
flow is mainly
baseflow generated
is mainly by recharge
generated of groundwater
by recharge from rainfall
of groundwater and a and
from rainfall smalla portion
small por- of
tion of meltwater. The fourThe
glacier meltwater. runoff
fourcomponents have different
runoff components responses
have different to climate
responses to change
and global
change andwarming, resulting resulting
global warming, in large interannual variation ofvariation
in large interannual each runoff component.
of each runoff com-The
interannual variations of the four runoff components are shown in Figure
ponent. The interannual variations of the four runoff components are shown in Figure 10. 10. According to
this, it can be seen that from 1971 to 2020, the GR, rainfall runoff and
According to this, it can be seen that from 1971 to 2020, the GR, rainfall runoff and baseflow showed a
significant increasing trend. The increase rate of rainfall runoff was the largest, followed
by the GR and baseflow, with increase rates of 0.56 × 108 m3 /10a, 0.43 × 108 m3 /10a and
0.21 × 108 m3 /10a, respectively. The decreasing trend of snow runoff was not significant
due to global warming, which led to a decrease in snowfall, resulting in a decrease in
snow meltwater. In the last two decades, snowfall also increased to some extent due to
precipitation was more in the form of rainfall, and the increase in precipitation did not
slow down the decrease in snowfall due to global warming.
It can also be seen from Figure 10 that there were large interannual fluctuations of
GR and rainfall runoff, while the interannual fluctuations of the baseflow were very small,
indicating that the baseflow was the most stable component of the total runoff. The large
Water 2021, 13, 3357 13 of 21
interannual fluctuations of GR were related to the interannual fluctuations of temperature
and precipitation. In the years with more precipitation, the rainfall runoff was high and
the precipitation had a certain inhibitory effect on glacier melting, while in the years with
the the
less precipitation, increase
high in precipitation.
temperatures andHowever,
increasedthe trends
glacier of snow
melting ledrunoff, rainfall runoff and the
to an increase
of GR, which hadinterannual
a rechargevariation of precipitation
and regulating in Figure
effect on total 10 Interannual
runoff. show that the increase in precipitation
of rainfall runoff more
were in the related
directly form oftorainfall, and thedue
precipitation increase in fluctuations
to large precipitationindid not slow down the
decrease in snowfall
precipitation in Northwest China. due to global warming.
of the basin is large, so even in the highest temperature season, snowfall can still occur at
Water 2021, 13, 3357 14 of 21
high elevations, which is why snow runoff can occur from March to October. The seasonal
characteristics of rainfall runoff were clearly consistent with the seasonal characteristics
of precipitation, and the months with the highest precipitation were also the months with
the highest rainfall runoff.
highest Therunoff.
rainfall monthly variations
The monthlyof the baseflow
variations were
of the very smooth,
baseflow were veryandsmooth, and the
the baseflow only increased
baseflow only somewhat in the month
increased somewhat of month
in the maximum rainfall runoff,
of maximum rainfallwhich
runoff, which gives
gives a good indication that the baseflow
a good indication was the most
that the baseflow basic
was the andbasic
most stable component
and of the of the inland
stable component
inland rivers inrivers
Northwest China. China.
in Northwest
According to Figure 3c, a significant abrupt change in the runoff of the USR occurred at
the end of the 20th century. Figure 13 compares the contributions of each runoff component
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 21
Yet, with climate change and global warming leading to rapid melting and retreat of glac-
Water 2021, 13, 3357 iers and reduction of snow cover, the recharge and regulation effect of river runoff
15 ofby
glaciers and snow cover meltwater is weakening.
to the total runoff in the two periods, i.e., before and after the abrupt change of runoff
in the USR. As can be seen from Figure 13 that the contributions of snow runoff and the
baseflow to the total runoff decreased significantly, while the contribution of rainfall runoff
to the total runoff increased significantly. Meanwhile, the contribution of GR to the total
runoff did not decrease significantly, but the contribution range of GR to the total runoff
decreased significantly in the period after the abrupt change of runoff from 2001 to 2020.
The total mean annual contribution of GR and snow runoff to the total runoff was 44%,
indicating that the recharge of river runoff in the USR was not dominated by glaciers and
snow cover meltwater, but the role of glaciers and snow cover meltwater in recharging
and regulating river runoff was very important. In the years with less precipitation, the
recharge and regulation of river runoff by glacier meltwater was prominent. Yet, with
climate change and global warming leading to rapid melting and retreat of glaciers and
reduction of snow cover, the recharge and regulation effect of river runoff by glaciers and
snow cover
Figure meltwater
12. Mean is weakening.
annual contributions of runoff components to the total runoff.
4.2. Increasing
4.2. Increasing Total
Total Runoff
Runoff Dominated
Dominated by by Increasing
Increasing Rainfall
Figure 14 shows the interannual variation of thethe
Figure 14 shows the interannual variation of contributions
contributions offour
of the the runoff
four runoff
components to the total runoff and the five-year fast Fourier filter of the contributions.
ponents to the total runoff and the five-year fast Fourier filter of the contributions. As can As
can be seen from the figure, the contribution of GR to the total runoff
be seen from the figure, the contribution of GR to the total runoff showed a trend of firstshowed a trend of
first increasing and then decreasing. Although the interannual variation
increasing and then decreasing. Although the interannual variation of snow runoff did of snow runoff
did show
not not show a significant
a significant decreasing
decreasing trend,trend, the contribution
the contribution of snowof runoff
snow runoff to therunoff
to the total total
runoff did. The decreasing trend of the contribution of GR and snow
did. The decreasing trend of the contribution of GR and snow runoff to the total runoff runoff to the total
runoff indicates
indicates that thethat the alimentation
alimentation of theof the glaciers
glaciers and snow
and snow covercover
to thetoriver
the river
decreasing. The five-year fast Fourier filter of the contribution of rainfall
creasing. The five-year fast Fourier filter of the contribution of rainfall runoff indicates runoff indicates
that the
that the contribution
contribution of of rainfall
rainfall runoff
runoff toto the
the total
total runoff
runoff showed
showed aa significant
significant increasing
trend, consistent with the increasing trend of rainfall runoff. Although it can be seen from
trend, consistent with the increasing trend of rainfall runoff. Although it can be seen from
Figure 10d that the baseflow had a significant increasing trend, the contribution of the
Figure 10d that the baseflow had a significant increasing trend, the contribution of the
baseflow to the total runoff showed a significant decreasing trend, meaning the trends of the
baseflow to the total runoff showed a significant decreasing trend, meaning the trends of
baseflow and contribution of the baseflow were the opposite. Moreover, according to the
the baseflow and contribution of the baseflow were the opposite. Moreover, according to
structure of the SPHY model, the water source of the baseflow is mainly the percolation of
the structure of the SPHY model, the water source of the baseflow is mainly the percola-
rainfall and a small part made up by glacier meltwater, meaning an increase of the baseflow
tion of rainfall and a small part made up by glacier meltwater, meaning an increase of the
actually depends on an increase of rainfall. The decreasing trends of the contributions of
baseflow actually depends on an increase of rainfall. The decreasing trends of the contri-
GR, snow runoff and the baseflow to the total runoff, and the increasing trend of rainfall
butions of GR, snow runoff and the baseflow to the total runoff, and the increasing trend
runoff in contributing to the total runoff fully indicate that with climate change and global
of rainfall runoff in contributing to the total runoff fully indicate that with climate change
warming, the rapid melting of glaciers in the past decades was an important reason for the
and global warming, the rapid melting of glaciers in the past decades was an important
increase in runoff. However, with the rapid retreat of glaciers, the contribution of GR to
the increase in the total runoff peaked and gradually decreased, and the contribution of
increased rainfall to the increase in the total runoff exceeded the contribution of GR to the
increase in runoff. This means that a future increase in the total runoff will depend on an
increase in rainfall in the USR.
reason for the increase in runoff. However, with the rapid retreat of glaciers, the contribu-
tion of GR to the increase in the total runoff peaked and gradually decreased, and the
Water 2021, 13, 3357contribution of increased rainfall to the increase in the total runoff exceeded the contribu- 16 of 21
tion of GR to the increase in runoff. This means that a future increase in the total runoff
will depend on an increase in rainfall in the USR.
the Glabtop2 method, which is based on DEM and glacier outlines and has been used
with a high accuracy in the simulation of glacier thickness in other regions [56–58]. The
applicability of the Glabtop2 method in the Upper Shule River basin needs to be validated
due to the lack of glacier thickness data, which is dependent on the detection of glacier
thicknesses in this basin.
The parameters of the SPHY model are also one of the reasons for uncertainty. Some
of the sensitive parameters can be obtained from the relevant literature, while others need
to be calibrated. The sensitive parameters of the SPHY model listed in Table 2 actually have
a large spatial variation, and the use of averages is a common way of setting parameters
in hydrological simulations when a significant number of targeted parameters are not
investigated. Previous studies have shown that there is a large spatial variability in the
critical temperature of rain and snow separation in the Qilian Mountains [12]. The critical
temperature of rain and snow separation fluctuates widely, and there is no relatively fixed
value of the critical temperature. Similarly, the degree-day factor of glaciers and snow
cover also has large spatial variability [74], and the spatial variability of parameters is
difficult to obtain in the high mountainous basin, which increases the uncertainty of the
simulation to a certain extent. Admittedly, the method of setting parameters involves great
uncertainty, which should be investigated in future work with a large number of sensitive
parameters to improve the accuracy of runoff and runoff component simulations.
In addition, monthly mean runoff data and multi-period glacier inventory data with
measurement errors were used to validate the performance of the SPHY model, which may
have increased the uncertainty surrounding the simulation. The runoff was measured at the
National Hydrological Station of Changmabao and the measurement errors in runoff were
within specified error limits. Although the construction of reservoirs near the outlet of the
USR in recent years has affected the natural runoff involution, the impact on the total water
resources is not significant, and the errors in measured runoff are considered acceptable.
There is a slight difference in albedo between glaciers and snow cover, and the presence of
snow inevitably affects glacier inventorying [17]. Therefore, this study corrected the glacier
inventory data based on remote-sensing images without snow cover in non-glacierized
areas in the ablation season, which ensured the accuracy of the validation data.
5. Conclusions
Based on the observed hydrometeorological data and multi-period glacier inventory
data, the contributions of runoff components to the total runoff, along with the essential
driving factors of runoff evolution, were quantified in the Upper Shule River. To do so, we
used a distributed cryospheric-hydrological SPHY model coupled with a mass-conserving
glacier module. Comparisons between the monthly observed and simulated runoff and
between changes in the observed and simulated areas of glacier show indicated that the
performance of the SPHY model was reasonable.
The glaciers continually retreated with the increasing of temperature, and the area of
glacier coverage decreased from 473 km2 to 370 km2 between 1971 and 2020, a decrease
of approximately 21.8%, with a reduction rate of 2.06 km2 /a. The accelerated melting of
glaciers led to an increasing trend of glacier runoff, and the increasing precipitation led to
an increasing trend of rainfall runoff and baseflow. Meanwhile, the decreasing trend of
snow runoff was not significant, indicating that the consistent increase in the total runoff
was due to increasing rainfall and glacier melt over the past few decades.
The baseflow is the most stable and greatest contributing component to the total
runoff, with a mean annual contribution of 38%, while the glacier runoff, rainfall runoff
and snow runoff have greater interannual fluctuations, with mean annual contributions of
28%, 18% and 16% to total runoff, respectively. With decreasing glacier area and increasing
temperature, the annual contribution of glacier runoff and snow runoff to the total runoff
showed a decreasing trend.
Although the baseflow was increasing, the contribution of the baseflow to the total
runoff was not increasing, indicating that the increases in the total runoff depended more
Water 2021, 13, 3357 18 of 21
on increases in rainfall runoff dominated by surface runoff and lateral flow in shallow soil.
The role of glaciers in regulating and recharging runoff was diminishing, which indicates
that the future evolution of runoff in the Upper Shule River will depend on rainfall with
pulsating characteristics. This places new demands on the construction of flood- and
drought-control facilities in the basin.
Author Contributions: J.W. set up the SPHY model, simulated the runoff, analyzed the data and
wrote the manuscript; H.L. prepared the driven data and reviewed the manuscript; J.Z., S.T. and
X.W. conducted data collection. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
(41771084, 41730751).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data sharing not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Qiudong Zhao and Jia Qin from the Key
Laboratory of Ecohydrology of the Inland River Basin, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and
Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China for their help with setting up the SPHY
model and collecting data.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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