Noori Report 17

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Iqbal Welcare Hospital Faisalabad

Submitted To: Dr. Syeda Huma Mahmood

Submitted By: Muhammad Sami

Roll No: 26122931

Session: 2021-2023

Department: Applied Psychology

Government College University Faisalabad

It is certified that the Internship Report has been successfully completed by the
students under my supervision. It is also certified that the Report meets all criteria and
standards laid down for Completion of Degree.

The details are as follows:

Hospital Name: Iqbal Welcare Hospital

Student Name: Muhammad Sami

Department: Applied Psychology

Roll no: 26122931

Session: 2021-2023

Signature of Supervisor: ______________________

Date: _____________________


All praise to Allah Almighty the most merciful and most beneficent who gave me confidence,
guidance and abilities to complete this report successfully. It was new place for me so was
little bit confused at the beginning but Allah Almighty gave me strength at that time. I am
very grateful to my parents who are always been a source of encouragement for me
throughout my life and from the start to end of this journey. I expressed my greatest gratitude
my kind hearted supervisor Psychologist Syeda Huma Mehmood (Clinical Psychologist and
speech Language Therapist). Her enthusiasm shows the way forward tome to achieve this
success who kept me in high spirit through her appreciation she helped me a lot each time
when I went up to there. There are many people whose names are not mentioned here but I
would like to thank them for their kind suggestions and support during internship. They
provide me proper guidance and support time to time which helps me a lot to work in that
time. Special thanks and appreciation goes to my university beloved teachers especially head
of the department Ms Sidra Tabassam.. However, it is not possible without kind support of
my teachers of Applied Psychology at Government college university of Faisalabad.

Muhammed Sami

Table of Content

Sr No. Topic Page No

1. Bio Data 5

2. Identifying Information 5
3. Reasons and Resource of Referral 5
4. Presenting Complaints 5
5. Assessment Method 6
5.1. Informal Assessment 6

5.2 Formal Assessment 6

5.2.1 SIT 7
5.2.2 SPM 7
6. Tentative Diagnosis 8

7. Prognosis 8
8. Management Plan 9


1. Bio data
Name Abdullah
Father Name Muhammad Tanveer
Age 11 years
Gender Male
Birth Order 2nd
Education 5th Grade
No of family members 5
Siblings 2(1 brother, 1 sisters)
Family system Neuclear
Social economic Middle class
Current address Faisalabad
Date of birth 18-12-2012
Assessment Date 9-6-2023
Examiner Muhammad Sami
2. Identifying information
Abdullah is the name of my Client. He was 11 years old. He is studying in 5th
standard, He has 2 siblings. His birth order was 2nd. Client’s parents were alive. Client
belonged to a middle-class family. He belongs to Muslim community.
3. Source of Referral
Client was referred by Iqbal welcare Hospital to the trainer Muhamad Sami for the
acadmic purpose for the Psychological assessment.
4. Presenting complaints
Client was suffered from some psychological problems. According to the client, he has
stabber and anger issues. Client shows short tempered and get anger on small issue.
According to the client, he doesn’t pay attention on study from long time. His appetite is
disturbed. He does not listen directly, if the same thing is said to her siblings or others, then
it is understood.

5. Assessment Method
5.1. Informal Method
Clinical Interview
Appointment was made by Abdullah’s Father at noon on Friday Abdullah’s dressing was
looking quite descent. So, I asked Abdullah’s father the reason why they come here or what is
the issue Abdullah’s father told us, he has loose Temper he suddenly acts aggressively to
certain things he dislikes. I am worried about his actions he also not good in studies
Behavioral Observation
The client was well dressed shows good manner initially, but as Time Passes and when I
asked some questions The client started showing more and more aggression toward me I
observe that the initial 5-8 minutes were quite good after that my client showed irritated and
aggressive towards me.i observed he has some speaking issues.
General Appearance
The client dressed properly well and smells good.
Behaviour/Mood Effects
Initially the client mood was quite good but with passage of time he showed aggression he
was not comfortable.
Speech was not good feels difficulty in pronouncing some words
Attention was not good he was easily distracted from any other stimulus.
He was oriented he knows everything about time,Date and place etc.
As I earlier said he was distracted overall he was inactive.
His insight was normal.
5.2. Formal Method
Slooson Drawing coordination Test
Age Error Score Accuracy Cut-off Score
11 10 72% 85%

Qualitative Analysis
According to slooson drawing test the eye hand coordination of client is Normal.
5.2.1. SIT(Slosson Intelligence Test)
Mental Age(Ma) 90

Basal Age(Ba) 82

Chronological Age(Ca) 131

Iq Range(Iq) 65.00-70.00

Intelligence Quotient(IQ)=MA/CAx100 = 90/131x100= 68.70

Qualitative Analysis
According to the slosson intelligence test(SIT) client mental age was 90 months and his IQ
level Was 68.70 that fall in the iq range of 65.00-70.00 these score indicate that client has
mild level of intellectual disability.
5.2.2. SPM(Standard Progressive Matrix)
Set Obtained Score Expected Score Discrepancy
A 8 12 0
B 8 12 0
C 8 12 -1
D 7 11 +1
E 7 10 0

Total Score = 38
Discrepancies = 0,0,-1,+1,0
Percentile = 25
Grade = 4
Level of Intelligence = definitely below the average in intellectual capacity.
Total time taken= 30 min intellectual capacity.

The Subject scored 38 marks/scores out of the Go scores. And thus given the Grade 4 and
percentile of the subject becomes the 25
The test diagnosis suggests that the Subject is definitely below the average intellectual
6. Tentative Diagnosis
According to the Test report of 11 year old Abdullah. Has poor eye hand coordination,
Speech difficulty and poor social connections According to SPM Test he ranked below the
average intellectual capacity. He has speech disturbance & In light of all these things
Symptoms, The child has The problem of autism spectrum and intellectual disability.
7. Prognosis
Initially the interaction between the client was good he was well-dressed but there are still
Some Speaking problem in their but with passage of time shown a little aggression toward
examiner. According to test reports & applied Therapies the child has a mild. Level of
intellectual disability. The disability can be countered by parent child interaction speaking
sessions.The client is recoverable.
8. Management Plan
➢ Create a structured and predictable environment to help individuals with autism and
intellectual disability feel secure.
➢ Identify specific sensory needs and provide appropriate accommodations. This can
include creating sensory-friendly spaces, offering sensory breaks, and using adaptive
equipment to address sensory sensitivities.
➢ Collaborate with educators to develop an individualized education plan that addresses
the person’s academic and functional goals. Provide appropriate accommodations,
modifications, and specialized instruction to support their learning.
➢ Engage and educate the family members about autism and intellectual disability.
Provide them with resources, training, and support groups to enhance their
understanding and ability to support the individual effectively.

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