Sumeira Psychology Project

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12th - A
Buds Public School, Dubai


Presenting this psychology project file, I wish to acknowledge the

contributions of those who have made it possible. My heartfelt thanks to my
dedicated teacher, Kajal Maam, for their guidance, patience, and invaluable
insights throughout the project’s development.

I also extend my appreciation to my fellow students who actively

participated, sharing their knowledge and ideas that enhanced the project’s

Furthermore, I’m grateful to my family for their constant support and

encouragement, which provided the emotional stability necessary for the
project’s success.

This acknowledgment signifies the collective effort that has brought this
psychology project to fruition, and I am genuinely thankful for everyone’s


This is to certify that Sumeira Haseen Ahmad of class XII A

has completed this case study under my supervision and this
case study may be considered as a part of the practical exam
of AISSCE 2023-2024 conducted by CBSE. Ms. Kajal UK


SI no Content Page Remark Signature

1. Introduction of Page :4
case study

2. Tools and Page:6

technique used

3. Objective of the Page : 8

case study

4. Family tree Page :9

5. Identification of Page: 10

6. interview Page: 11



Case study
A case study is an in-depth study of the individual in terms of his/her
psychological attributes, psychological history in the context of his/her
psychosocial and physical environment. Case studies are analyses of
persons, events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions, or
other systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods. The
case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or
reconstructing the case history of a single participant or group of
individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group), i.e. the
idiographic approach. Case studies allow a researcher to investigate a
topic in far more detail than might be possible if they were trying to deal
with a large number of research participants (nomothetic approach) with
the aim of averaging. The case study is not itself a research method, but
researchers select methods of data collection and analysis that will
generate material suitable for case studies such as qualitative techniques
(unstructured interviews, participant observation, diaries), personal notes
(e.g. letters, photographs, notes) or official document (e.g. case notes,
clinical notes, appraisal reports).

The main characteristics of the case study

1. A descriptive study
a. (I.e. The data collected constitute descriptions of psychological
processes and events, and of the contexts in which they occurred
(qualitative data).
b. The main emphasis is always on the construction of verbal
descriptions of behavior or experience but quantitative data may be
c. High levels of detail are provided
2. Narrowly focused
a. Typically a case study offers a description of only a single individual,
and sometimes about groups.
b. Often the case study focuses on a limited aspect of a person, such as
their psychopathological symptoms.
3. Combines objective and subjective data
a. i.e. the researcher may combine objective and subjective data: All are
regarded as valid data for analysis, and as a basis for inferences within
the case study.
i. The objective description of behavior and its context
ii. Details of the subjective aspect, such as feelings, beliefs, impressions
or interpretations. In fact, a case study is uniquely able to offer a means

of achieving an in-depth understanding of the behavior and experience

of a single individual.

4. Process-oriented.
a. The case study method enables the researcher to explore and describe
the nature of processes, which occur over time.


• Observation : Observation is one method for collecting research data. It

involves watching a participant and recording relevant behavior for later
analysis .

advantage:The observation approach is simple because it frequently does

not involve technical skills.

Disadvantage : In the observation method, only some things are

observed. Feelings, emotions, and opinions remain unobserved.

• Experimental method : The experimental method involves

manipulating one variable to determine if this causes changes in another

Advantages: Researchers have firm control over variables to obtain


Disadvantages: human error, the impact of environmental factors on

participants and the creation of an artificial setting.

• Psychological Testing : the systematic use of tests to quantify

psychophysical behavior, abilities, and problems and to make
predictions about psychological performance

Advantages:help identify the underlying causes of an individual's

symptoms and provide a basis for developing a treatment plan that is
tailored to their needs.

Disadvantages:People change over time, and psychological tests may not

capture these changes effectively.

• Survey : is a data collection tool used to gather information about

individuals. Surveys are commonly used in psychology research to
collect self-report data from study participants

Advantages:allow researchers to gather a large quantity of data relatively

quickly and cheaply.

Disadvantages:They depend on subjects' motivation, honesty, memory,

and ability to respond.
• Case study : a thorough study of a single person, community or event
that relies on observations, facts and experiments to gather information.

Advantages:They allow researchers to observe and record information

about rare, impractical, or unethical conditions and behaviors.

Disadvantages:Case study results can be difficult to replicate.

• Correlation : there is a relationship between two or more variables

Advantages : Neither variable goes through a manipulative process.

Disadvantages :Correlational research only uncovers relationships

Objective of the case study

The case study is a research method involving an in-depth, and detailed

examination of the subject of study, as well as its related contextual
conditions. It involves assessment of an individual's psychological,
physical, social, and emotional dimensions with the help of specific
psychological tools and techniques.


Name : Zohaib Hassan

Age :24 year
Date of birth : 24/11/1999
Place of birth: India
Gender: Male
Height: 175cm
Weight: 70kg
Religion: Islam
Educational Qualification : MBA

parental education and occupation family income birth order: Father :

engineer, Mother: housewife

number of sibling: 1 younger brother



1) Who is your role model ?

ans) rahul david
2. Do you enjoy the company of your family ?
ans) yes
3. What stream have you chosen and why ?
ans) i chose PCBM to become engineer
4. How often do you go out with your family ?
ans)once a week
5. Do you enjoy your studies?
ans) not much
6. What kind of entertainment do you like ?
ans) comedy
7. In what kind of environment do you enjoy the most ?
ans) I enjoy a collaborative environment
8. What are your hobbies ?
ans) Cooking
9).Do you feel shy talking to people in a group ?
ans)depend on the person
10.Do you share your problems with your family
ans) yes
11.What is your aim in life
ans)become a successful men
12.Whom do you trust the most in your family
ans)father , mother , grandmother and grandfather
13).Do you trust your friends ?

ans) yes
14.Are you short tempered?
ans)no , sometime

Parent interview : mother

1. Do you trust your son / daughter ?
2. Do you force him/her to do anything which he/she wouldn’t do ?
3. Do you trust his /her friends ?
4. Do you take him/her out on outing regularly ?
5. Do you force him/her in terms of studies?
6. Do you believe in giving pocket money to your child ?
ans)i never gave my son pocket money
7. How often do you allow your son/daughter to go out with his/her
friends ?
ans)i don't let him go out with his friends
8. Are you satisfied with the company of your friends ?
9.Does your child listen to you ?
10.Does he /she hesitate in sharing problems with you ?
ans) yes

11.Have you ever allowed your child to drive your vehicle ?

13.Do you think mobile phone is necessary for your child ?
ans) yes sometimes
14.Are you possessive about your child ?
ans) no i am not
15.Are you aware of his /her hobbies ?

Friend’s interview

1. Since when have you been friends with him /her ?

ans)24 year
2. How far do you trust him /her?
3. Do you like his /her company
4. Are you proud of your friend
5. Do you know about his likes and dislikes
ans)not much
6. How often do you meet him /her
ans)every week
7. Is he/she in the habit of smoking or drinking ?
8.Does he /she listen to his /her parents ?
9.What kind of sports he likes

10.Does he/she takes studies seriously
ans)sometimes he does
11.Is he /she ready to face challenges in life


I conducted my Case profile on ____Shohaib Hassan___ aged _24_

years from
_Delhi University__[School/College Name]. It was a wonderful
experience and taught me a great deal in terms of knowing the subject
and applying the techniques of assessment learned in psychology class. I
conducted the following tests on him/her:

● Comprehensive Anxiety test

● Self Concept Questionnaire

Assessment was done on the basis of behavioral observation,

psychometric testing based on self report, interview with the
subject and significant others from his/her life and two projective

My subject scored __math___ in SCAT which indicates __high___.

My subject score __science_____ in SCQ which indicates


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