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BAM 201: International Business and Trade

Student’s Activity Sheet Module #9

Name: __________________________________________ Class number: __________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________ Date: _________________

Lesson Title: 1st Periodic Examinations Material: SAS

General Instructions:
Read and carefully analyze the following test questions on:
Test I – Identification = 15 pts.
Test II – True or False = 10 pts.
Test III – Enumeration = 25 pts.
Test IV – Essay = 50 pts.
100 pts.

Test I: Identification. Select your answers from the table below. (15 points)

Disequilibrium Balance of Trade Trading Bloc Anti-Boycott Law

Protectionism Advertising Parallel Export Cost - Plus Pricing

Import Quotas Currency Islamic Law License/Franchise

Distributor Personal Selling Anti-Dumping Law Tariff

Conciliation Commission-agent Competitive Advantage Surplus

________________________________ 1. A policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign

competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions or handicaps placed on the
imports of foreign competitors.
________________________________ 2. A “tax” or import duty levied on goods or services entering a
________________________________ 3. A formal agreement between two or more regional countries that
remove trade barriers between the countries in the agreement while keeping trade barriers for other countries.

________________________________ 4. A surplus or deficit resulting from the sum of the balance on goods
and the balance of services.

________________________________ 5. The amount of an asset exceeds the portion that is actively utilized.

________________________________ 6. A medium of exchange for goods and services. In short, it is a

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BAM 201: International Business and Trade
Student’s Activity Sheet Module #9

Name: __________________________________________ Class number: __________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________ Date: _________________

money, in the form of paper or coins, usually issued by a government and generally accepted at its face value
as a method of payment.

_________________________________ 7. It provides restrictions to the total number or value of goods which

may be imported into the country during a specified period.

_________________________________ 8. The most common used and also called mark-up pricing. Is a
very simple cost-based pricing strategy for setting the prices of goods and services

_________________________________ 9. When retailer buys more merchandise than they need and sell the
excess for other retailers.

_______________________________ 10. “Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of

ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor"

_______________________________ 11. A protectionist tariff that a domestic government imposes on foreign

imports that it believes are priced below fair market value.

_______________________________ 12. “Oral presentation in conversation with one or more prospective

purchasers for the purpose of making sales"

______________________________ 13. Sometimes referred to as wholesalers, stockists, dealers etc.

Purchases goods from the manufacturer at a discounted price and resells into the specified territory at a profit.

______________________________ 14. Sale of ’intellectual property’ such as know-how, patents, trade

names or marks or copyright, in return for disclosure fees and royalties.

______________________________ 15. Derived from the interpretation of the Koran and found in Pakistan,
Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other Islamic states.

Test II: Write True if you think the statement is correct and False if you think it is incorrect. (10 points)

____________ 1. Voluntary export restraints is an agreed arrangements whereby an exporter agrees not to
export more than a specific amount of a good to the importing country.

____________ 2. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) prime task is to try to regulate the way in which
countries adjust to fluctuations in exchange rates.

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BAM 201: International Business and Trade
Student’s Activity Sheet Module #9

Name: __________________________________________ Class number: __________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________ Date: _________________

____________ 3. A market in equilibrium is said to be operating efficiently as its quantity supplied equals its
quantity demanded at an equilibrium price or a market clearing price. In an equilibrium market, there are
neither surpluses or shortages for a good or service.

____________ 4. An international exchange rate, also known as a foreign exchange (FX) rate, is the price of
one country's currency in terms of another country's currency.

____________ 5. Import duties (tariffs) is intended to reduce demand for the commodities in question by
increasing the price to the ultimate user.

_____________ 6. Publicity is a “Non- personal and unpaid publication or broadcast."

_____________ 7. Sales Promotions are "Those marketing activities, other than advertising, publicity and
personal calling that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness." Includes a wide variety of
activities, other than advertising, publicity and personal selling which have a particular application in overseas

_____________ 8. Differential Pricing is a method of charging different prices for the same type of a product,
and for the same number of quantities from different customers based on the product form, payment terms,
time of delivery, customer segment, image and location pricing.

_____________ 9. Common law seeks “interpretation through the past decisions of higher courts which
interpret the same statutes or apply established and customary principles of law to a similar set of facts.”

_____________ 10. Distributor sometimes referred to as wholesalers, stockists, dealers etc. Purchases goods
from the manufacturer at a discounted price and resells into the specified territory at a profit.

Test 3: Enumeration (25 points)

1. Provide the five non – tariff measures. 5 points


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BAM 201: International Business and Trade
Student’s Activity Sheet Module #9

Name: __________________________________________ Class number: __________

Section: ____________ Schedule: _____________________ Date: _________________

2. The four basic models of Trading Blocs. 5 points


3. The acronym “PESTLE” stands for. 5 points


4. The four licensing of “Intellectual property” includes:5 points


5. The four bases of Legal System. 5 points


Test 5: Essay. Answer the five questions below. (50 points)

1. What are the two basic types of trade between countries?

2. What is the difference between a GNP and GDP? (Give 3 differences)

3. In your own understanding, what is International Marketing?

4. What are the seven elements/variables of the marketing mix?

5. What does Conciliation mean?

Bonus question: (5 points) Write the complete/full name of your teacher in this subject (BAM 201).

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