Dlp-W3-Variety of Salad Dressing - 092708

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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)


Teacher: Mr. Apple D. Docasao Grade Grade 9

Learning Area: TLE9 - Cookery Date: November 20, 2023

Learning competency: LO2 - Prepare Variety of Quarter 2nd

Salads and Dressings
Topic: Classification of Salads According to
Ingredients Used

Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Identify the different kinds of salad dressings and their


2. Explain each ingredient of salad dressing

3. Create a plan for the salad dressing

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding in knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required in preparing salad and dressing.

Performance Standard The learners independently prepare salad and dressing.

Content Lesson 2 – Prepare Variety of Salads and Dressings

Learning Resources
• Quarter 2 (Module 3) TLE-Cookery 9 pages 26-30.
• Curriculum Guide for Grade 9 page 17.

Additional Materials • PowerPoint Presentation

from Learning
• Laptop
Resource (LR) Portal.
• Smart TV

I. Introductory Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

1. Opening prayer

Before we begin to our discussion, let us ask the

(Everyone will bow their heads and pray.)
guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten
our mind to completely understand our lesson
for today.

Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for us

all. For your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we about to learn.

As we go on through our lessons,

May you make us instruments to do good
things. Please enlighten our minds and give us
strength to participate in this subject today.

2. Greetings

Ok class before you take your sit, please pick The students will properly arrange their seats
up some piece of trash under your chairs. and dispose any pieces of trash they may find.
Good job, class!
Students will be seated properly.

You can now take your sir, good afternoon (Good afternoon po! We are fine Sir.)
class! How is your day?

Great! You all must do in my class is to listen

and participate, I do not like any noise from Students: Yes Sir!
your mouth and body movement, all you
need to do is just listen to our lesson. Do you
understand class?

3. Checking of Attendance

Who is the secretary? The secretary will raise his/her hand (I am the
secretary sir)
Okay, do we have any absentees for today?

None so far po sir.

Very Good! I am so glad that everyone is
present for today.
II. Review of the Preview Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

What are the last topics that have been

discussed? Student: Sir, we have 3 topics that have been
Very Good! last week those are;
What are those classification can you give some • Ingredients of Salad
of them?
• Components of Salad
Yes, Very Good!
• Important factors in Salad Preparation.

What are those Ingredients of salad?

Student: Sir, the 4 components of Salad are;
• Vegetables
• Fruits
• Proteins
Very Good.

Student: Sir, the 4 components of Salad are;

How about the Components of salad? What are
those? • Base
• Body
• Garnish
• Dressing
Very Good.

Thank you very much class all your answers

were correct, it only means that the lesson we All Students: Thank you Sir
discussed last time retains in your mind.

Are you all ready to listen?

All Students: Yes, Sir.
III. Motivational

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Before we start our main topic for today let

us have first our short ice breaker which will
be called as

Direction: Examine the two pictures and

a word.

1. Correct Answer:

1. The students will answer OIL VINEGAR.

2. The students will answer FRENCH


3. The students will answer TEMPORARY



Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

What have you noticed with those words?

Student: Sir, those words are Ingredients of Salad.
Very Good.

Do you have any idea what will be our topic

Student: I think the topic today is all about
Very Good. ingredients of salad.

So, those mentioned word in your game was all

about the ingredients of salad and dressings.
Are you all ready to listen?
Student: Yes, Sir.
V. Abstraction

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

The students will read together.

Everybody please read what is on the screen.
Salad dressings are liquid, or semi
liquids used to flavor salads. The
flavors of most salad dressings
are not modified by cooking. The
quality depends directly on the
quality of the ingredients used.
Thank you!

Can you give some examples of dressing?

Student: Mayonnaise Sir.
Very Good! Very well said.

Everyone, kindly read what is on the screen. Types of Salad Dressing

1. Oil and Vinegar dressings –
Basic vinaigrette is a simple
In addition, all ingredients that is used in mixture of oil, vinegar and
preparing salad must be fresh, it is essential seasonings which is an example of
because ingredients its freshness gives temporary emulsions. The ratio of
expensive appearance to the eye of customer. oil to vinegar is 3 parts oils to 1-
part vinegar. However, it can be
Please read the next slide. changed to taste. Less oil makes
the dressing tarter, while more oil
makes it taste milder and oilier.

2. Emulsified Dressings –
Mayonnaise is an emulsified
dressing. It is more often serves
as the base for wide variety of
other dressings. Mayonnaise
based dressings are generally
thick and creamy.

Do you know what is emulsified? Student: No, Sir.

Emulsified it is the 2 liquid ingredients that
cannot be mixed.
Is that clear?
Student: Yes, Sir.

Can you give some examples of liquid

ingredients that cannot be mixed together?
Student: Oil and Vinegar Sir.
Very Good.

Kindly read the next slide class. 3. Cooked salad dressing -is
similar with appearance to
mayonnaise, but it has a tarter
flavor, while mayonnaise is richer
and milder. Cooked dressing is
Do you have any questions or clarifications?
made with little or no oil and with
a starch thickener.

Are you familiar with the word tarter? Student: In flavor Sir.
So tarter means Sour or bitter.

This cooked salad dressing looks like a Student: Because cooked salad
mayonnaise, but they differ in what? And why? dressing has a less oil and maybe
more on vinegar and seasonings.

There are variety of dressings

based on neither mayonnaise nor
oil and vinegar. They include
dressings on sour cream and on
fruit juice and yogurt and low-
calorie dressings. The important
thing is that these dressings
should have well balanced flavor
with a pleasant tartness and
should harmonize and
complement the salad which they
are served.
Let’s proceed to Ingredients of Salad Dressing
Everybody please read what is on the screen.
Ingredients of Salad Dressing
Most salad dressings are made
primarily of an oil and an acid
with other ingredients added to
modify the flavor or texture.

What Ingredient comes in your mind if it is acid?

Student: Vinegar Sir.

1. Oils – should have mild, sweet

flavor. Strongly flavored oil can
make excellent salad dressing but
not appropriate with every food.
Examples: corn oil, soybean oil,
canola oil, peanut oil, olive oil,
walnut oil.

This oil produced a flavorful dressing as long as

you use strong flavored oil.

2. Vinegar – should have a good,

clean sharp flavor. Most salad
vinegar are about 5% acidity, but
some range as 7- 8%.

Familiar with vinegar?

Student: Yes, Sir.

3. Lemon Juice – fresh lemon juice

maybe used in place of or in
addition to vinegar in some
What is the contribution of Lemon in Salad
Dressing? Student: It gives flavor or adds
acid Sir.
Very Good. Aside from adding acidity, lemons
also give aroma to have a pleasant smell.
4. Egg yolk – as essential
ingredient in mayonnaise and
other emulsifier dressings. For
safety, pasteurized eggs should be

Familiar with the egg yolk? Student: Yes Sir.

So, egg yolk is also used for salad dressing. For
safety practices the egg should be ____? Student: Pasteurize Sir.
Very Good!

Pasteurize or Pasteurization means heating a

food to kill the remaining the germs or bacteria,
or you need to partially sterilize.

Is that clear?
Student: Yes Sir.

5. Seasoning and flavorings –

fresh herbs are preferable to
dried herbs. Other flavorings
include mustard, ketchup,
Worcestershire sauce and various
kinds of cheeses.
Give an example of Seasonings and Flavorings.
Student: Pepper Sir.
Very Good! What else?
Student: Chili Powder

Let’s move forward to Emulsion of Salad

Dressing. Emulsions in Salad Dressings
The uniform mixture of two
Kindly read what is on the screen. unmixable liquids, oil and vinegar
is called emulsion.
What do you mean by Emulsions?
Student: Emulsion means the 2
liquids that cannot be mixed
together such as oil and Vinegar.
If they were not mixed it means they are ___?
Student: Separated Sir.
Firs we have Temporary Emulsions.
Everybody read what is on the screen. 1. Temporary Emulsions – a
simple oil and vinegar dressing is
called temporary emulsion
because the two liquids always
separate after being shaken. The
harder the mixture is beaten or
shaken, the longer it takes for it to

How can you say that oil and vinegar is a

temporary emulsion?
Student: Sir, the oil and vinegar
are Temporary emulsions because
they cannot be mixed together.
Very Good.

Always remember that Temporary Emulsions

cannot be______? Student: Mixed together Sir.
If there is Temporary, Of course there will
always be Permanent.

Everyone kindly read what is on the screen.

2. Permanent Emulsions –
mayonnaise is also a mixture of
oil and vinegar, but the two
liquids do not separate because it
contains egg yolk which is a
strong emulsifier. The egg yolk
forms a layer around each of the
tiny droplets and holds them in
suspension. All emulsions form
more easily at room temperature.
What do you mean by the Permanent Emulsion?
Student: The student will answer
Very Good!

How can you prove that permanent emulsion is

Student: Sir, the oil and vinegar
can now be able mixed because of
mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is a
thick dressing that has an egg yolk
that is a strong emulsifier. The egg
yolk is the key for mixing oil and
How can you prove that permanent emulsion is
mixable? Student: Cooked dressing uses
starch in addition to eggs.
Commercially made dressings
may use such emulsifiers as gums,
starches and gelatin.
Very Good insights!

In cooked dressing starches is used for

thickening dressing. If there are few eggs then
you can use starches as an alternative
ingredient for thickening.

Is that clear?
All: Yes Sir.
Do you have any clarification?
All: None so far Sir.
Again, what are the Types of Salad Dressings?
The student will answer;
• Oil and Vinegar Salad Dressing
• Emulsified Dressings
• Cooked Salad Dressings
Very Good!

How about the Ingredients of Salad Dressing? The student will answer;
• Oil
• Vinegar
• Lemon Juice
• Egg yolk
• Seasoning and Flavorings
Very Good!

What type of Emulsion if the oil and vinegar

cannot be mixed together and ends in The student will answer;
• Temporary Emulsion
Very Good!
How if the mixture specifically the mayonnaise,
oil and vinegar was mixed together? What kind The student will answer;
of Emulsion is that?
• Permanent Emulsion
Very Good Job!

It seems that you really understand our lesson


Keep it up!
The students will response Thank
VI. Application

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Let’s Apply
Can you identify what kind of salad dressing is

Student: It is a Temporary Emulsions

How can you say that it is a Temporary

Emulsions? Student: Mayonnaise based dressings are generally
thick and creamy.
VII. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Can you summarize the topic we discussed


(Students raising their hands)

(Called one student) Student: Salad dressing can be liquid or semi liquid.
In making salad dressing it is important to know what
ingredient to use and choose a good quality for better
outcome of salad dressing.
Very Good.

Another one who wants to sum up the lesson

(Called one student) Student: Mayonnaise, vinegar and oils are very
essential in making salad Dressing. Egg yolk or
mayonnaise could help mixing together the oil and
vinegar for
dressing because it is a strong emulsifier. Using of
lemon could also add the acidity of vinegar as well as
the starches it helps to thicken the dressing. All in all
the ingredients of salad dressing has its own purposes.
Very Good Alexa! Very well said.

Congratulations you all did a very good job

today. The students will response Thank you.

Do you have any clarifications?

Students: None sir.
VIII. Assessment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

The students will start to answer

Direction: Match column A with the correct
the Part 1 of the assessment.
answer on column B, write only the letter of
answer on the blank provided before the
number. ANSWERS.
1. B
Column A:
______ 1. Base 2. D
______ 2. Garnish 3. E
______ 3. Dressing
______ 4. Body 4. A
______ 5. Plating 5. C

Column B:
a. main part of the salad

b. Under liner

c. process of arranging and decorating food

to enhance its presentation

d. An edible decorative item that is added to

salad to give eye appeal and adds flavor as

e. A seasoned liquid or semi liquid added to

the body of the salad to give added flavor,
spiciness, and moistness.
Are you done?
Students: Yes Sir.
Exchange your paper with your seatmate.
Student who got perfect will raise
Who got perfect? their hand.
Very Good.

Okay, pass your papers to the front.

IX. Assignment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Have an advance reading about the Ingredients

of Salad Dressing.

Is that clear? Students: Yes Sir.

Do you have any questions or clarification? Students: None Sir.

Since you do not have any questions and

clarification. I would like to impart one quote.
That is all for today. Goodbye class.
Students: Goodbye sir.

Do not forget your assignment.

“Yes sir”

Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Apple D. Docasao Mr. April Ace L. Gabriel

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

School: Technological University of the Philippines - Taguig Campus

Division: Taguig City

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