Dlp-W3-Variety of Salad Dressing - 092708
Dlp-W3-Variety of Salad Dressing - 092708
Dlp-W3-Variety of Salad Dressing - 092708
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding in knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required in preparing salad and dressing.
Learning Resources
• Quarter 2 (Module 3) TLE-Cookery 9 pages 26-30.
• Curriculum Guide for Grade 9 page 17.
I. Introductory Activity
1. Opening prayer
2. Greetings
Ok class before you take your sit, please pick The students will properly arrange their seats
up some piece of trash under your chairs. and dispose any pieces of trash they may find.
Good job, class!
Students will be seated properly.
You can now take your sir, good afternoon (Good afternoon po! We are fine Sir.)
class! How is your day?
3. Checking of Attendance
Who is the secretary? The secretary will raise his/her hand (I am the
secretary sir)
Okay, do we have any absentees for today?
1. Correct Answer:
2. Emulsified Dressings –
Mayonnaise is an emulsified
dressing. It is more often serves
as the base for wide variety of
other dressings. Mayonnaise
based dressings are generally
thick and creamy.
Kindly read the next slide class. 3. Cooked salad dressing -is
similar with appearance to
mayonnaise, but it has a tarter
flavor, while mayonnaise is richer
and milder. Cooked dressing is
Do you have any questions or clarifications?
made with little or no oil and with
a starch thickener.
Are you familiar with the word tarter? Student: In flavor Sir.
So tarter means Sour or bitter.
This cooked salad dressing looks like a Student: Because cooked salad
mayonnaise, but they differ in what? And why? dressing has a less oil and maybe
more on vinegar and seasonings.
Is that clear?
Student: Yes Sir.
Is that clear?
All: Yes Sir.
Do you have any clarification?
All: None so far Sir.
Again, what are the Types of Salad Dressings?
The student will answer;
• Oil and Vinegar Salad Dressing
• Emulsified Dressings
• Cooked Salad Dressings
Very Good!
How about the Ingredients of Salad Dressing? The student will answer;
• Oil
• Vinegar
• Lemon Juice
• Egg yolk
• Seasoning and Flavorings
Very Good!
Keep it up!
The students will response Thank
VI. Application
Let’s Apply
Can you identify what kind of salad dressing is
Column B:
a. main part of the salad
b. Under liner