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A Detailed Learning Area: Grade level: Quarter: Four Duration: 1hr

Lesson Plan TVL Grade 9-12

Learning 1.1 Prepare construction resources Code:
Competencies: 1.2 Install major and other support facilities TLE_AFAQ9-
1.3 Install life support facilities 12-Iva-j-1
Key concept/ Various types in pond construction
Understanding to
be developed
knowledge Note the key steps in pond construction for aquaculture purposes
skills Apply the steps of pond construction
Attitude Comply durable pond construction
Values Value/Appreciate the step of pond construction
Content/Topic: Prepare and maintain aquaculture Facilities(PM): Pond Construction
Learning Power point presentation, teacher made visual aid, and visual image.
Activities EXPECTED
1. prayer:
Everybody stand for the prayer.

Dear God,
Bless us in our school today.
Help us grow
In love and kindness,

Good Morning class. Good morning ma’am.

How are you today? We are good, ma’am.

Good to hear that.

Please be seated.

3.Checking of Attendance
(based on set plan)

4. Collecting of Assignment
Kindly get your assignment and pass it forward
without talking and standing at the count of
Are all papers in? Yes, ma’am.

5. Classroom rules

1. Keep silent and listen carefully.

2. Raise your right hand if you want to
answer or say something.
3. Cooperate with your teacher and
C. Motivation Class, what do we call a person who likes to eat
meat? Carnivore

Very good!

How about the person who love to eat

vegetables? Vegetarian


How about the person who love to eat fish? Fish Lover


I will show you pictures and I want you to

observe and then identify. If you think it’s
carnivore then clap and stamp your feet once,
twice if vegetarian, and trice if fish lover.
Am I clear, class? Yes Ma’am

Students clap and stamp


Students claps and

stamps twice

Students claps and

stamps trice

Class do you love to eat fish? Yes Ma’am

Because you love to eat fish, do you also love to

take care of fish? Yes Ma’am

Good, I have here a picture.

(The teacher will show picture of pond)

It’s a Pond Ma’am

What have you observe about this picture?

Very good
So This will be our new lesson for today, but
before that let us watch this short video clip that I
I. introductory (The Teacher shows the class a video clip about
Activity the pond construction) (Students are watching)

II. Analysis LOTS
1. What have you observed in the video? The steps of constructing
the pond.
2. How do they perform the construction of the
pond? They are following the
3. Why we need to follow the steps?
To make the work fast
and easy.

III. Abstraction Summing up the ideas of the learner base in the

Following the steps in our pond construction will
give us good result in raising fingerlings.

1. Mark the Pond- use length of rope, hose pipes

and etc. to mark out the pond shape before you
start digging.

2. Place Filters-to remove the solids from

suspension of solids in water
3.Lay plumbing-mainly referring to the pipes in
a pond that carries the water from the pump to
the filter,

4. Hook up Biofalls-the water comes from the

pump in the skimmer and goes through a pipe up
to the biofall.

5. Excavate Pond-removal of dirt and other

6. Install Liner-provide a barrier, preventing
water leakage into the soil. (Students are listening)

7. Install skimmer-keeps water clear by pulling

leaves, twigs and fish waste into an easy-to-clean
basket before it has a chance to sink and muck up
the water.

8. Hook up Pump- a pump gets water through the

filters without sending too much or too little.
9. Rock in Pond- provides a solid pond Yes Ma’am
None Ma’am

10. Install Lights-you can also use submersible

lights to create glowing effects in ornamental fish
pond by placing them inside glass balls or other
translucent objects.

11. Wash stones- using a power washer or high-

pressure nozzle, clean the pond liner, rocks, and
any other surfaces to remove algae and debris

12. Fill Pond- use collected rainwater to fill your

pond, or fill from the tap with a hose.

13. Build Waterfall- increases the circulation and

agitation of the water.
14. Bring Topsoil- clayey-loam soils are the best
soils for pond building as they hold water well
and nutrients help to make the water green with
15. Retaining Walls- to facilitates that drainage
system by controlling how much water flows

16. Tweak Waterfall- help in turning waste that

runs in the water into nutrients which help plants
to grow.

17. Trim Liner- cut off the excess liner.

18. Finishing Touch- add something that you are


19. Add bacteria- break down organic waste and

debris, which helps keep the water clean and
healthy for any fish or plants that reside in it.

Did you understand?

Do you have any question

IV. Application Since you already understand our lesson, let’s

have an activity. I will group you into three (3)

Kindly count yourselves 1 to 3 and find your

group mates.

Group 2
Directions: Design and present a blueprint for Students’ do as told)
sustainable pond construction project. Depend
your work.
Group Presentation

( The teacher will be present and discuss the


Score Indicators

5 The outcome of the

presentation was well
delivered with full
cooperation of members.

4 The outcome was

delivered fairly with
members full cooperation.

3 The outcome of the

presentation is well
delivered but not all
members are cooperating.

2 The outcome was

delivered fairly with
members less cooperation.

1 Activity was done but the

outcome is unrelated to
the topic.

V. Assessment Directions: Encircle the correct answer.

1. This is to remove the solids from suspension

of solids in water. 1. A
a. Filters
b. Rock
c. Lights

2. It’s provides a solid pond foundation. 2. B

a. Filters
b. Rock
c. Lights

3-5 Answer the following questions.

3. Why pond construction is important in

aquaculture? It ensures sufficient
production of natural fish
feed in pond.
4. How do you personally value the impact of
well-constructed ponds? We value the impact of
well-constructed pond as
these provide sanctuary
by offering food, water,
shelter and a place for
breeding of indigenous
wildlife like dragonflies,
frogs, and birds.
5. What suggestions do you have for improving
pond construction methods in the future? By observing different
methods in pond
preparation is essential
for efficient resource
management, cost-
considerations, skill
development, and
innovation and
improvement in
VI. Assignment 1. Conduct a survey in your community to assess
the current pond construction method used in
aquaculture farms. Present your finding and
recommendation for improvement.

2. Develop a practical guide on sustainable pond

construction practices for aspiring aqua
culturists, Includes step-by-step instructions, case
studies and environmental consideration.

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