MSX Spec
MSX Spec
MSX Spec
Box 410
Schofield, WI 54476
Phone: 715.359.6171
Note to User: This document is subject to copyright protection and is proprietary to Greenheck Fan
Corporation. However, Greenheck Fan Corporation authorizes the user a limited non-exclusive license to
use this document or portions of it for the purpose of preparing written product specifications for the
above CSI MasterFormat category. All information in this document as provided by Greenheck Fan
Corporation is informational in nature and is provided without representation or warranty of any kind as to
the user or any other party, including, without limitation, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
greatest extent permitted by applicable law, Greenheck Fan Corporation assumes no liability, and User
assumes all liability and risk, for the use or results from the use of this document or the information
contained herein, whether as modified by the user or not. Users should consult to
verify that this document represents the most current version.
Specifier Notes: This product specification guide is written in accordance to the Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI) Format - 2004 Edition.
This section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Engineer to meet the requirements of the
project and local building code. Coordinate with other specification sections and the drawings.
A. This section includes units with integral Choose One [Heating and Cooling] [Heating]
[Cooling] for [rooftop] [outdoor] [indoor] installation. [Integral cooling source shall be [chilled
water coil] [packaged DX] [DX coil for connection to condensing sections provided by others]
[evaporative cooling]]. [Integral heat source shall be [steam coil] [steam face and bypass]
[electric heater] [hot water coil] [hot water face and bypass]]. Airflow arrangement shall be
[Outdoor Air only] [Outdoor Air with Variable Air Volume] [Outdoor Air with Recirculation]].
Each unit shall be constructed in a horizontal configuration and shall incorporate additional
product requirements as listed in Section 2 of this specification. If unit is intended for
installation on a concrete slab, verify design requirements and construction responsibility for
the slab.
B. Related sections include the following:
1. Section 22 0000: Scope of Work
2. Section 22 0100: General Provisions
3. Section 22 0700: Insulation
4. Section 22 1000: Plumbing
5. Section 23 0900: Controls and Instrumentation
6. Section 23 0000: Electrical
Include any other applicable specification divisions.
1.2 SUBMITTALS (This section should include all data needed by A/E to verify suitability of product
for each application. As a minimum, it should include CAPS data and IOM).
A. Product Data: For each type or model include the following:
1. Complete fan performance curves for Supply Air, with system operating conditions
indicated, as tested on an AMCA Certified Chamber.
2. Sound performance data for Supply Air, as tested on an AMCA Certified chamber.
3. Motor ratings, electrical characteristics and motor and fan accessories.
4. [Performance ratings for all chilled water or DX coils].
5. Dimensioned drawings for each type of installation, showing isometric and plan views, to
include location of attached ductwork and service clearance requirements.
6. Estimated gross weight of each installed unit.
7. Installation, Operating and Maintenance manual (IOM) for each model.
8. [Network interface Controller specifications to include available options and operating
protocols. Include complete data on all factory-supplied input devices]. If unit is to be
controlled by a BMS, verify compatibility of operating protocol. See also: “Operating
Protocol” in this document.
9. [Remote Panel description to include all functions] Note: You may specify a Remote
Panel in lieu of a Network Interface Controller.
10. [Coils shall be Recognized Components per UL 1995, CAN / CSA C22.2 No 236.05. Coil
performance shall be calculated in accordance with AHRI 410
A. Coordinate size and location of all building penetrations required for installation of each MAU
and associated ducting, plumbing and electrical systems.
B. Coordinate sequencing of construction of associated plumbing, HVAC and electrical supply
[roofing contractor].
A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specifications contained within this
document, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the work include,
but are not limited to:
1. Greenheck
CSI Specifications for Make-Up Air Unit with Heating and/or Cooling (7/15) Page 2 of 8
Copyright © 2015 Greenheck Fan Corporation
2.2 MANUFACTURED UNITS Indicate major components that must be included as part of the unit.
A. Unit with Integral [Heating and Cooling] [Heating] [Cooling] shall be fully assembled at the
factory and consist of an insulated metal cabinet, [outdoor air intake weatherhood [with
aluminum mesh filter] [with bird screen] [with combination mesh filter and louver]],
[condensate drain pan], [P trap], [Packaged DX], [DX coil for connection to condensing
sections provided by others], [evaporative cooling module], [chilled water coil], [steam coil],
[hot water coil], [motorized intake damper] [and motorized recirculating damper], [sensors],
[curb assembly], [service receptacle], [freeze protection], filter assembly for intake air, supply
air blower assembly and an electrical control center. All specified components and internal
accessories factory installed and tested and prepared for [single-point high voltage
connection] [Duel-point high voltage connection] If a VFD is provided by other than Duel point
power is needed.
A. Materials: Formed, [single wall metal cabinet] [single wall metal cabinet with fiberglass duct
liner insulation] [double wall insulated metal cabinet] Double wall insulated metal cabinet
should be specified if LEED credits are desired or in specific applications where even minor
erosion of insulation is unacceptable, such as food processing facilities, fabricated to permit
access to internal components for maintenance. [Underside of unit shall have formed metal
panels covering base panel insulation. Typically specified when the unit is installed indoors
and in an elevated position. If this option is not chosen the underside insulation will be visible.
1. Outside casing: 18 gauge, galvanized (G90) steel meeting ASTM A653 for components
that do not receive a painted finish. [Pre-painted components as supplied by the factory
shall have polyester urethane paint on 18 gauge G60 galvaneal steel]. Base rail is 12
gauge, galvazined (G90) steel. Note: pre-painted polyester on G60 galvanized steel
provides highest corrosion resistance. [Components that receive a painted finish per A/E
specification shall be of 18 gauge type A60 galvaneal steel and shall be painted with a
baked industrial enamel finish]. [Components that receive a painted finish per A/E
specification shall be painted with a polyester urethane powder coat]. Note: higher
corrosion-resistant finishes such as “Hi-Pro Polyester” are available for use in coastal
areas or installation in corrosive atmospheres such as wastewater treatment plants. An
excellent reference on protective coatings can be found at:
2. Internal assemblies: 24 gauge, galvanized (G90) steel except for motor supports which
shall be minimum14 gauge galvanized (G90) steel.
B. Cabinet Insulation: Comply with NFPA 90A and NFPA 90B and erosion requirements of UL
181. Note: Whenever cooling is included in the unit, full insulation of the cabinet and the
airstream downstream of the first tempering option should be specified. Note that double wall
construction does not include full insulation unless specified.
1. Materials: Fiberglass insulation. If insulation other than fiberglass is used, it must also
meet the Fire Hazard Classification shown below.
a) Thickness: 1 inch (25 mm)
b) Fire Hazard Classification: Maximum flame spread of 25 and smoke developed of
50, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 411.
c) Location and application: Floor of each unit shall be insulated with fiberglass
insulation. [Full interior coverage of entire cabinet to include walls and roof of unit
shall be semi-rigid type and installed between inner and outer shells of all cabinet
exterior components when double walls are specified]. [Full interior coverage from
“Heating on”] [Full interior coverage from “Cooling on”] [Full interior coverage from
“Damper on”] [entire unit]
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Copyright © 2015 Greenheck Fan Corporation
C. Access panels: Unit shall be equipped with [insulated] [removable] [hinged/lift off] access
panels to provide easy access to all major components. Access panels shall be fabricated of
18 gauge galvanized G90 steel. Removable access panels shall incorporate a formed drip
edge. Specific type of steel and finish should match “Cabinet Materials” above.
D. Supply Air blower assembly options:
a. Forward curve blower: Blower assembly consists of an electric motor as specified by A/E
and a belt driven, double width, and double inlet forward curve blower. Assembly shall be
mounted on heavy gauge galvanized rails and further mounted on [minimum 1.125 inch
thick neoprene vibration isolators] [spring isolation devices]. Or
E. Control center / connections: unit shall have an electrical control center where all high and
low voltage connections are made. Control center shall be constructed to permit [single-point
high voltage power supply connections] [Duel-point high voltage connection] If a VFD is
provided by other than Duel point power is needed.
F. [Condensate drain pan: Drain Pan shall be an integral part of the unit whenever a cooling
option is included. Pan shall be formed of welded austenitic stainless steel sheet material and
provided with a welded stainless steel drain connection at the front for connection to a P trap.
Drain pan shall be double pitched, sloped in opposite directions to provide positive draining.
Drain connector shall be sealed at penetration through cabinet wall]. Condensate drain pan is
necessary whenever a cooling function is part of the unit.
G. [P trap: If the unit is equipped with a condensate drain pan, contractor shall provide, or
fabricate, and install an appropriate P trap, in accordance with all local and area codes and
Best Practices]. State whether P trap must be insulated or have electric heat tape for freeze
protection by others. Indicate whether the condensate can drip onto the roof or if a drain pipe
must be run.
H. [Packaged DX: Unit shall be equipped with a Packaged DX system to include compressor(s),
evaporator and condenser coil(s), condenser fans and all appurtenant controls as specified
elsewhere in this section. The Packaged DX system is to be an integral module, incorporated
into the unit. Stand-alone Packaged DX systems that are connected to the unit or systems
that require hardware or equipment that is not integral to the unit are not acceptable].
I. [Direct Expansion Cooling Coil (DX Coil): Coil shall be Recognized Components per UL 1995,
CAN / CSA C22.2 No 236.05. Coil performance shall be calculated in accordance with AHRI
410 and shall be soldered or brazed into the compressed refrigerant system. Coil shall be
constructed of copper tubing, permanently bonded to aluminum fins and enclosed in a
galvanized steel frame.] [If two owner-supplied compressors are used as components of the
MAU, then the DX coil shall be of “interlaced” or “split-face” configuration, permitting
independent operation of either compressor without conflict with the other compressor.] DX
coil shall be optimized for refrigerant type: Indicate refrigerant type; (R-410A is typical for new
installations, R-22 or R-134A may be required for integration into an existing building cooling
system). Suction line(s) are to be stubbed through the side of the MAU. Assign responsibility
to provide and install the suction line between the MAU and the owner-supplied compressors.
Liquid Line(s) are to be capped and readily accessible behind an access panel. Assign
responsibility to provide and install the liquid line(s) and Thermal Expansion Valve.
J. [Evaporative Cooling Module: Media holder and sump pan shall be fabricated of stainless
steel and shall use [CELdek] [GLASdek] media. Gutter and sump shall be sized to supply the
system with enough water to operate at its maximum flow rate and not overflow when the
system is shut down]. Cooling module shall be equipped with [re-circulating pump] [auto drain
flush] GLASdek is more expensive than CELdek and is typically used only where local codes
or building practices require it. Insert description and requirements here. For further
information on the media, see
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Copyright © 2015 Greenheck Fan Corporation
K. [Chilled water coil: A water coil for cooling shall be factory-installed in the unit for connection
to a building water source]. Coil shall be Recognized Components per UL 1995, CAN / CSA
C22.2 No 236.05. Coil performance shall be calculated in accordance with AHRI 410. Coil
shall be constructed of copper tubing, permanently bonded to aluminum fins and enclosed in
a galvanized steel frame. [These coils are to be coated with an ElectroFin® coil coating]
L. [Steam Coil: A steam coil for heating shall be factory-installed in the unit for connection to a
building steam source]. Coil shall be Recognized Components per UL 1995, CAN / CSA
C22.2 No 236.05. Coil performance shall be calculated in accordance with AHRI 410. Coil
shall be constructed of copper tubing, permanently bonded to aluminum fins and enclosed in
a galvanized steel frame. [These coils are to be coated with an ElectroFin® coil coating.]
M. [Hot Water Coil: A water coil for heating shall be factory-installed in the unit for connection to
a building water source]. Coil shall be Recognized Components per UL 1995, CAN / CSA
C22.2 No 236.05. Coil performance shall be calculated in accordance with AHRI 410. Coil
shall be constructed of copper tubing, permanently bonded to aluminum fins and enclosed in
a galvanized steel frame. [These coils are to be coated with an ElectroFin® coil coating]
N. [Electric heat: Electric heater is to be UL listed with open coil elements. Heater control cabinet
is to be installed within the units heating section. Electric heater is to be provided with SCR
controls. Electric heater is to be controlled off of [discharge temperature][external 2-10]
[external 4-20] Units with electric heat are to be provided with a center that shall be
constructed to permit [single-point high voltage power supply connections] [Duel-point high
voltage connection] If a VFD is provided by other than Duel point power is needed
O. [Motorized Inlet Air Damper:] to be of low leakage type and shall be factory installed.
P. [Motorized Recirculating Air Damper designed to permit up to 100% recirculation of building
air shall be factory installed. Damper shall be controlled by [manual switch] [time clock]
[potentiometer] [building pressure control] [external 2-10 vdc] [external 4-20mA]]. Controls are
supplied by Greenheck as part of a Remote Panel. Assign responsibility for installation of
panel and indicate location of panel. It is also possible to control the recirculating air function
by means of a BMS, without using factory-supplied controls (external 2-10 vdc or external 4-
Q. [Sensors are considered to be part of various optional operational modes or device
controllers and are to be factory supplied and installed as specified by the A/E]. See IOM /
Sensors Installed by Factory.
R. [Curb Assembly: Greenheck recommends the use of an engineered curb assembly in lieu of
an owner-supplied rail system. The curb assembly provides proper support of the unit. This
also allows for proper flashing and insulation of all roof penetrations; while also providing
adequate clearance for a P trap assembly. A curb assembly shall be made of galvanized steel
provided by the factory for field assembly and installation as part of this division. [The curb
shall include a duct adapter(s) for supply air [and return air]]. The installing contractor shall be
responsible for coordinating with roofing contractor to ensure curb unit is properly flashed to
provide protection against weather/moisture penetration. Contractor shall provide and install
appropriate insulation for the curb assembly].
S. [Service receptacle: 120 VAC GFCI service outlet shall be factory-provided and installed by
this contractor in a location designated by the A/E]. Service outlet requires a dedicated single
phase electric circuit.
T. [Freeze protection for optional water coil] Freeze protection consists of an adjustable
temperature sensing bulb that will disable the fan motor. Freeze protection is not a substitute
for draining of water-filled coils.
A. Blower section construction, Supply Air: Belt drive motor and blower shall be assembled onto
a minimum 14 gauge galvanized steel platform and must have [neoprene vibration isolation
devices, minimum of 1 – 1/8 inches thick] [helical coil spring vibration devices].
B. Blower assemblies: Shall be statically and dynamically balanced and designed for continuous
operation at maximum rated fan speed and horsepower.
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Copyright © 2015 Greenheck Fan Corporation
C. Centrifugal blower housing: Formed and reinforced steel panels to make curved scroll
housing with shaped cutoff.
D. Forward curved blower (fan) wheels: Galvanized or aluminum construction with inlet flange
and shallow blades curved forward in direction of airflow. Mechanically attached to shaft with
set screws.
E. Blower section motor source quality control: Blower performance shall be factory tested for
flow rate, pressure, power, air density, rotation speed and efficiency. Ratings are to be
established in accordance with AMCA 210, “Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating.”
BLOWER-DD (Optional)
A. Blower assemblies: Shall be statically and dynamically balanced and designed for continuous
operation at maximum rated fan speed and horsepower and must have [neoprene vibration
isolation devices, minimum of 1 – 1/8 inches thick]
B. Fan: [Airfoil][Backward curve][Mixed flow] plenum fan statically and dynamically balanced.
Airfoil is only available on housing sizes 35 and larger. Backward Curve or Mixed flow only
available on housing sizes 32 and smaller
C. Blower section motor source quality control: Blower performance shall be factory tested for
flow rate, pressure, power, air density, rotation speed and efficiency. Ratings are to be
established in accordance with AMCA 210, “Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating.”
D. Proceed with installation only after all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. General: Blower motors greater than ¾ horsepower shall be “NEMA Premium™” unless
otherwise indicated. Compliance with EPAct minimum energy-efficiency standards for single
speed ODP and TE enclosures is not acceptable. Motors shall be heavy-duty, permanently
lubricated type to match the fan load and furnished at the specified voltage, phase and
enclosure. [Drives shall be sized for a minimum of 150% of driven horsepower and pulleys
shall be fully machined cast-type, keyed and fully secured to the fan wheel and motor shafts.
Electric motors of ten horsepower or less shall be supplied with an adjustable drive pulley.
Comply with requirements in Division 23 05 13, matched with fan load.] Drives are only
available on forward Curve blower offerings- this is not applicable if a Direct Drive option is
B. Motors shall be Select one [60 cycle, 1 phase 115 volts] [60 cycle, 1 phase 208 volts] [60
cycle, 1 phase 230 volts] [60 cycle, 3 phase 208 volts] [60 cycle, 3 phase 230 volts] [60
cycles, 3 phase 460 volt] [60 cycle, 3 phase 575 volts]. The designation “NEMA Premium™”
applies to electric motors with efficiencies that are “better than EPAct.” The terms “high
efficiency” or “premium efficiency” have no industry definitions. An excellent explanation of
motor efficiencies and designations can be found at:
A. Unit shall have [2” thick permanent metal filters] [2" thick MERV 8 disposable pleated filters]
[2" thick MERV 13 disposable pleated filters] [2" thick MERV 8 and MERV13 disposable
pleated filters] [4” MERV 14 disposable pleated filters] [2" thick MERV 8 and 4” MERV14
disposable pleated filters] following the outdoor air intake in a V-bank arrangement and shall
be accessible from the exterior of the unit.
A. Prior to start of installation, examine area and conditions to verify correct location for
compliance with installation tolerances and other conditions affecting unit performance. See
unit IOM.
B. Examine roughing-in of plumbing, electrical and HVAC services to verify actual location and
compliance with unit requirements. See unit IOM.
C. Proceed with installation only after all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Installation shall be accomplished in accordance with these written specifications, project
drawings, manufacturer’s installation instructions as documented in manufacturer’s IOM, Best
Practices and all applicable building codes.
A. In all cases, industry Best Practices shall be incorporated. Connections are to be made
subject to the installation requirements shown above.
1. Piping installation requirements are specified in Division 22 (Plumbing). Drawings
indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings and specialties.
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Copyright © 2015 Greenheck Fan Corporation
2. Duct installation and connection requirements are specified in Division 23 of this
3. Electrical installation requirements are specified in Division 26 of this document.
CSI Specifications for Make-Up Air Unit with Heating and/or Cooling (7/15) Page 8 of 8
Copyright © 2015 Greenheck Fan Corporation