Secret Histories
Secret Histories
Secret Histories
s,cR,T MISTOR1,s
First Edition
1. Introducing TRPGs
5. How to Play
7. Creating Characters
21. Glossary
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"Secret histories are layered beneath the one we know, like the notes in rare wine."
Imagine a group of people s1ttmg around a THE ROLE OF THE GAME RUNNER
table. One of them is the Game Runner. The
others are all players trying to unravel a The Game Runner sets the scene, manages
mystery through story-telling and dice-rolling. players, roleplays non-player characters
The Game Runner sets the scene, and the (NPCs) and directs the whole game. You want
players each decide what they'd like to do. players to make progress - or everyone will be
When everyone's had a turn, or when the bored - but you also want to challenge them,
situation changes, everyone gets another provide obstacles and run an engaging,
opportunity to take an action. Rinse and believable game in a frightening occult world.
Some players might fail to achieve their goals.
WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY Some might get hurt. Some might even die.
They might not figure things out before it's
Okay, okay, the ideal experience is you have too late, or they might never figure them out
everything that we've included in The Lad:y at all. It's up to you, the players and the dice.
Afterwards box. But if you don't have that, the
basic requirements are: The Game Runnel' can be as kind or as mean
as they like. Tailor it to your players, and
• A set of seven polyhedral dice, including what's most fun for everyone.
a D20, Dl2, Dl0, D8, D6, D4 and D%
( see next column and overleaf) THE ROLL OF THE DICE
• Character sheets, artefacts and The Lady Dice rolls - usually used for skill and attribute
Afterwards Game Runner's Guide checks - determine the success or failure of
certain actions. Usually it'll be the players
• This rulebook rolling dice, though you might want to raise
or lower the number they need to hit or roll
• 2-8 friends! beneath to succeed, depending on the
It's even better if you have the following, too:
Skill and attribute checks are rolled with two
• The Tarot of the Hours or the Lucid dice (the D% and the DlO), giving you a
Tarot. We'll be delighted to sell you a deck, or number out of 100. You have to roll on or
you can use a tarot deck you already own. The under a specific number - usually marked on
boxed edition of The Lady Afterwards a player's character sheet - to succeed.
includes an Essential Hours deck if you don't Generally speaking, the lower you roll, the
have anything else. better the outcome.
• Mood music, character pins, and a scented The D% die gives you the tens and the DlO
candle to set the olfactory tone. If you can't die gives you the units of the number out of
get your hands on a Lady Afterwards box, feel 100. So for a skill check against a Demolition
free to improvise. skill of 60, the highest a successful roll could
be is 60 on the D% and 0 on the DlO.
A lot of people have a favourite set of dice. If
you do, you do, great! Use one set for the
players and the other for the Regard of the
Hours (see 'Mechanics of the Invisible World'
on page 10). If you don't have your own dice, DlO D%
don't worry - you'll just have to share with the (0, 1, 2 .... ) ( 00, 10, 20... )
Hours. What could possibly go wrong? Same shape, different numbers!
Anise's car blows a tyre on a desert Anise's car blows a tyre on a desert
road. She has a spare wheel, but no jack, road. She has a spare wheel, but no jack,
and a Handyman skill of 45. She's in a and a Handyman skill of 45. She rolls a
terrible hurry because a sandstorm's just 55. Her improvised support collapses at
hit. That's two disadvantages, but her the worst moment, and the car falls on
companions roll up their sleeves and her leg. Her companions drag her out,
help - an advantage which cancels out but they're going to have to carry her
one disadvantage. Her chance of success from here.
is 35% (45 - 10 - 10 + 10). She rolls a 42.
Buffeted by the storm, she lurches
against the car and her improvised • 01 ("God is Winking") is always an
support collapses! They're not going astonishing success. 1/100 (00 D % + 01 DlO )
anywhere. is the best possible number you can roll.
Simply put: players pick a character, explore a The Law of FATE.
situation, and roll dice when they do things. It
works like this: The Game Runner's decision is final. This
means YOU decide, using your own skill and
• The Game Runner tells players where they judgement, these rules and sometimes the
are and what's going on. Regard of the Hours (see page 11).
"What we are is what we were, multiplied by what we've done. That's just mathematics."
- Christopher Illopoly
Every character has 400 points to distribute • Intelligence: how clever you are, how
throughout their list of skills as they see fit. quickly you read, how deductive your
Encourage players to pick skills that are reasoning, and how much you observe.
interesting or reflect the character they're
building, rather than ones they think will be • Determination: your grit, mental tenacity
useful in a TRPG! and resistance to the occult. Also used to
determine your capacity to continue despite
There's space on each character sheet for injury (though this comes at a cost).
players to make up new skills if they really
want them and the Game Runner agrees it • Fascination: exposure to the wonders of
makes sense (yes to 'Trombone', for example, the occult world can brighten the mind and
but probably no to 'Laser Beam Death Dance' spirit. This road leads through illumination
or 'Talking in Cat'). and inspiration to insanity. How far down this
road are you?
Skills and attributes are all out of 100. You
can't change your attributes at the start of the • Dread: exposure to the horrors of the
game, and you can't raise a skill higher than occult world can darken the mind and spirit.
80. The only way to improve a skill higher Brave souls can draw grim determination from
than 80 is through playing the game (see this, but even the bravest eventually succumb
'Improving Skills and Attibutes' on page 9). to despair. How far down this road are you?
You,ll find Intelligence ends up being • Knife-Fig hting: skill using knives and
the default roll for many actions. But it's bladed weapons, like flick-knives, bayonets,
dull using the same skill check over and machetes or the humble scalpel. Think Bishop
over, so encourage players to use specific from Aliens.
skills whenever if they can. Only resort
to Intelligence if there,s really nothing • Lang uages: in The Lady Afterwards, this
else to use! is knowledge of Arabic, French or Greek. A
skill of 20 means basic proficiency (you could
order coffee without a skill check); 50 means
Social skills. intermediate (you could ask directions without
a skill check); 80 means fluent (you cou ld hold
• Allure: beau ty is a weapon. How skilled a w h ole conversation without a skill check) .
are you at using it?
• Mariner: sailing, rigging, navigation,
• Bamboozle: unleash a torrent of confident, vessel knowledge, sw1mmmg when you
vaguely coherent sentences, brook no inevitably fall in... ( "There is nothing -
interruption, and people will agree to absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing
anything just to make you stop! as simply messing about in boats.")
• Blend: become part of the background and • Medicine: knowledge of early twentieth-
avoid suspicion by fitting in with groups and centu ry medical practice, from domestic
situations around you. poultices to ground breaking clinical
• N egotiate: coax a reasonable compromise
out of any situation. Sometimes words are • Pharmacist: knowledge of natural and
enough; sometimes money helps. chemical medicines and how to make them,
from hot lemon and honey for sore throats to
• Stagecraft: give 'em the old razzle dazzle! crushing pearls, ambergris and musk into
Command your audience, whether it's home-brewed lau danum.
theatre-goers, a church congregation or
astonished sunbathers watching you give the • Sco undrel: how skilled you are at
kiss of life to a near-drowned swimmer. lockpicking, p ick-pocketing, sneaking and
other dubious activities.
Practical skills.
• Scuffle: the ability to brawl, manhandle or
• D emo lition: knowledge of explosives, fight without weaponry. Not terribly
from fireworks to Orsini bombs, most likely gentlemanly, but who cares when it's the
from experience in the Great War. (NB: this is gentleman who gets the black eye?
not a combat skill. No lobbing Molotov
cocktails at people! They haven't been invented • Shooting: skill with gu ns like pistols, rifles
yet, anyway.) and shotguns. You might be a talented police
marksman or just really good at hu nting
• Drive: it's 1920-something, so most people grouse.
don't have cars and driving tests don't exist.
Most people don't know how to control these • Track: the ability to find and trace objects,
newfangled machines. Do you? animals and people from the signs they leave
• H andyman: the ability to fix, alter or build
things with limited resources. MacGyver, eat • Widely -Read: you've acquired a broad
your heart out. swathe of general knowledge from being a
decided bookworm. You're intellectually
• Ho rticulture: knowledge of plants, omnivorous, and you probably use your
whether that's propagating Venus fly traps, factoids and trivia to impress people at parties.
THE CHART OF DAYS travel, death and silence and the Worms from
Nowhere. They're linked to the character
Every day has its rhythm: dawn, noon, sunset, attribute of Dread, the terror and horror of
midnight. But there are o ther rhythms, too. the occult world.
Every day there are Times of Power, hours
when the skin of the world is thinnest and The Bright Arts are more appealing - but not
occult things are more likely to break through. necessarily safer - than the Night Arts.
Mapping Times of Power onto daily rhythms
creates a Chart of Days, which looks like this: There are no rules here for summoning or
curses or other full-on adeptry. We might
publish some, some day. Until then - or unless
♦. rtUu:»ai0n you write your own - your players are dabblers
Time of Power
and scholars. They can be Van Helsings but
e,yb~ not Jonathan Stranges or Morgan le Fays. So
these skills represent general, scholarly and
pM,CUi& theoretical knowledge of the invisible world
;WTL.W & and its traditions. Players with these skills can:
f l ~~ • recognise an occult trace or sign
DAWN -~=-------=~If-- DUSK
Time of + I ,'++ Time of • understand an occult reference
Power + \\ I Power
' ,.... ,"' / • attempt a divination
THE BRIGHT ARTS & THE NIGHT ARTS Protections against occult threats should also
be veiled rolls. If a player's trying to set up
The Bright Arts are knowledge of mysticism, protection against a sophisticated attacker, a
alchemy, and the struggles and desires of the success on a Bright Arts or Night Arts roll
secret gods. They're linked to the character means a disadvantage on the attacker's roll.
attribute of Fascination, an unhealthy fixation
on the wonders of the occult world. If the player's trying to keep a summoning or
a h aunting spmt or a prowling night-beast
The Night Arts are knowledge of dream- away, make contending rolls (relevant Bright
Arts or Night Arts skill versus the spirit's p layers may decide to remin isce abou t their
Determination or relevant skill). If the player childhoods or vis it graveyards. If there are
wins, the thing's kept o ut of the protected fi ve d ice on the Red Gra il, someon e 1s
space for a day and a night. If the thing wins, probably getti ng laid - or mu rdered.
the protection doesn't work. The p layer can
try again tomorrow, but they won't know that If you don't know much abou t the H o u rs,
the protection has failed ("O ops, missed a bit or if you're us ing a traditional tarot deck,
with the chalk circle!") u ntil it's too late ... th at's fine. Decide what the illu strations
mean to you and react to that. And if you
THE REGARD OF THE HOURS have comp li cated esoteric opinions on tarot
generally, go nu ts!
The Secret Histories take place under the
inscrutable gaze o f the Hou rs, a loose The O p e r ations of the Regard .
pantheon of h idden gods who determine
everything that o ccu rs and exists. Game 4. Sometimes, a player will roll a die and
Runners would be wise to acknowledge them. get a result they don't like (usually, a
failure) . If a Regard card looks related to
Building the Regard. w hat they were trying to do, they can
re-roll, once per roll, using one of the dice
1. Place three Major Arcana cards face up from that card.
on the table. D raw three cards at random
fro m your deck, or select three that are If you're trying to find your way out of the
relevant to the evening's entertainment. For desert, the Vagabond card is relevant. If
The Lady Afterwards, we recommend picking you 're trying to u nlock a door, th e Door in
the Door in the Eye, the Lionsmith and the the Eye is relevant. If you 're trying not to
Sun-in-Rag s from the Tarot of the Hou rs. drown, the Me niscate could be relevant -
th ere's water on the card, after all.
The G ame Runner and the players can u se this 5. If the roll is a success, the die is
as theme and inspiration. If there's a die on pe rmanently removed from that card. If the
the Fo rge o f D ays card, you might expect to roll is a failure, the die remains on the card
ru n across a watchmaker, or an instance of and nothing happens. The attention of the
arson. If there are two dice on th e Elegiast, Hour is waning.
If all dice are removed from a card, the card is Renewing the Regard.
removed from the Regard. The Hour has lost
interest, and is no longer thematically relevant. 7. Every day at dusk you can draw and
place a new card in the Regard. Populate it
This does mean that a single greedy player with any dice that have been removed from
could burn through all dice in the Regard. the Regard.
This is ill-mannered, and it would be perfectly
reasonable to vote down their more tenuous If there haven't been any re-rolls, take a die off
attempts at connection. But we imagine you the card with the highest numerical value.
and your group have the wisdom and restraint
not to let it get that far. This means there can be more than three cards
in the Regard, though there can never be a
6. The player can choose which dice to card with zero dice on it.
use and which roll to replace. This applies
even if the roll was originally made with a The newcomer affects the theme in the same
different kind of die. way that the existing cards did. The Game
Runner may also decide that something
Say you're making a roll against a skill of 50 specific happens when a particular card is
and you roll 51. It's entirely legitimate to drawn. The landlord drops by for their rent,
re-roll the tens die with a D4, in which case for example - or someone has a heart attack.
the highest you can roll would be 41 and you .
can't fail. That would mean the D4 is If it's nearly dusk and there are lots of dice left
removed, of course, and when you really need in the Regard, now might be the time to use
a roll to succeed you might be stuck re-rolling those re-rolls so you get them back when the
the D20. next card arrives. On the other hand, if the
next card turns out to be the Lionsmith and
If you re-roll a different kind of die and get an you need re-rolls for stealth or etiquette, you
absurdly high result - for example, you roll a might regret it.
61 on a skill check, re-roll the tens die with a
D20 and get an 18 for a final result of 181 -
then that result should stand, and the Game
Runner can interpret it as something
Once people start misbehaving, everyone acts You can use your action to defend yourself.
in order of Dexterity, highest first. (Though if This is at least one disadvantage to assailants,
someone, or a grou p of someones, gets the and might be more than one.
drop on someone else, they all get to act once
before the ambushees react. They also get an You can always give your attacker one
advantage on their rolls.) disadvantage by simply making a nuisance of
yourself. But if you want to give your foe
HURTING SOMEONE more than one disadvantage, you'll need to
su ggest what you're trying to do to the Game
If you want to hurt someone, roll against a Runner and then roll against Dexterity or a
relevant skill: that's Shooting for guns, relevant skill. Here's what can happen:
Knife-Fighting for sharp things and Scuffle if
you 're punching someone. Or trying to hit S: your attacker suffers whatever
them with a table. disadvantages agreed with the Game
Runner. ( Some of these may last
Advantages and disadvantages apply. If your beyond your next action - for example,
target's at point-blank range, that's an if you've dived behind cover.)
advantage. If your target's standing stock still,
that's another advantage. If they're hiding F: something's gone wrong. The bar
behind a bar or falling off a cliff, that's a was further away than you thou ght, or
disadvantage. H ere's how it works: you 've tripped. But your attacker keeps
the one disadvantage th ey had before.
Success: you injure your target. See
'Injuries' (overleaf). AS: the same outcome as a normal
success, but you can also use this
Failure: you haven't injured your action to attack someone. Dive
target. through the air guns blazing, that sort
of thing.
Astonishing Success: you IOJure your
target, and you can immediately take DF: something bad has happened and
another action against them ( as long as you can't attack until you .ix it. This is
it's plausible). Perhaps they've dropped the same outcome as a dreadful failure
their gu ard, or panicked, or rolled out when attacking, though when avoiding
of cover. getting hurt your attacker still keeps
the one disadvantage they had before.
Dreadful Failure: something bad has
happened and you can't attack until
When someone hurts you, roll Physique.
In practice, this will usually mean that a Advantages and disadvantages apply. Armou r
defensive action is worth two isn't really a th ing in the 1920s, but if
disadvantages if successful and one if you're weari ng a tin h elmet o r a buc ket
not. This should discourage players from w h ile peeking out of a w indow, that's an
simply standing in front of something advantage. If you 've come off a motorbike
and shooting, and encourage interesting wearing leathers, th at's also an advantage.
choices and combos, like diving out of
the way and cutting a nearby rope to H ere's what can happe n:
bring the curtain down on someone.
Who doesn't want to do that? S: you suffer an injury. T he Game
Runner suggests somethi ng
appropriate and players write it on
You can also take a defensive actio n to F: you suffer an injury, and are
protect someone else - usually a distraction downed ( see next page).
("OVER H ERE, C H UMP!"). The attacker
gets a single disadvantage automatically. Any . AS: the injury is superficial ("Just a
additional disadvantages have to be specific: flesh wound!"). It doesn't have any
Anise sings tauntingly; Freddie tries to snatch mechanical effects, and doesn't need to
the gun; Colchis yanks the rug. Those could be written down on you r character
be another three disadvantages. sheet.
parts are prominent. The Wolf-Divided might advantage. Old equipment 1s a disadvantage.
mean .a chest wound and the Vagabond might
mean a hand wound. (If you use a Regard Here's what can happen:
card to help determine a wound> start with the
leftmost card and use the next along each time. S: if the injured character was
That>ll make sure not everyone gets the same downed> they can act again. The injury
injury.) is successfully treated and no longer
counts as a general disadvantage. But
If you>re downed> you can>t do anything until it>s still a disadvantage if the injured
the fight is over. But every time your turn to character uses that body part.
act comes round> you can roll Determination
to act anyway - with a disadvantage for each F: if the injured character was
injury. Here>s what could happen if you X downed> they can act again. But the
choose to do this: effects of injuries are unchanged.
Someone can roll Medical on the same
S: you can take an action> but you injury again if the situation changes
suffer another injury> which you need (like better supplies> or you arrive at a
to roll Physique for (with a hospital).
disadvantage for each existing injury).
These secondary injuries will be things AS: if the injured character was
like Blood Loss or Wound Torn Open. downed> they can act again. The injury
no longer applies any penalties> even
F: you suffer another injury> as above, when using that body part! Perhaps it
and can>t act this time. wasn't as bad as it looked.
AS: you can act this time> and don>t DF: if the injured character was
take another injury. downed> they>re still downed. All
untreated injuries are unchanged as if
DF: you suffer another injury> as you>d failed a roll for each of them.
above> and can>t act for the rest of the ( So if you roll a success for one injury
fight. and then a dreaful failure on another>
the first injury remains treated and the
In short> if you succeed, you can act. But injured player is no longer downed -
unless you roll an astonishing success> you get but all other injuries and associated
another injury. disadvantages remain.)
Once the fight is over - permanently or
temporarily> like if everyone>s crouched behind This is not a realistic system and not
an overturned car ducking occasional potshots medical advice. If someone kicks you in
- injured characters can benefit from medical the head, for god's sake go to a hospital!
(1 S)
You can be At Risk of both Fascination and Rapturous Light Candle-flames cause
Dread at the same time, but you can't build up happy reveries
Dread Effects.
Anise has 2 Dread. She needs help from
Effect Description an old Bame. Her Allure is 50, her
Negotiate only 30, and their old
Grim Ai r Flat > matter-of-fact connection would give her an advantage
voice if she flirted with him. Normally, then,
she'd roll for Allure. But her two points
of Dread infuse her with grim
Dead Gaze It>s difficult to meet
resignation. Her effective Allure would
your eyes
be 40 (2 x -10 for each Dread, but +10
for their romantic history). Her effective
A Mouthful of Food lacks taste; Negotiation would be 50 (2 x +10 for
. . .
Ashes mus ic is noise each Dread), so she puts aside memories
of happier times. "This is business."
The Skull Beneath People are bones>
the Skin machi n es of meat
But it>s not all bad! For every poi nt of If a player ever gets to 3 Fascination or 3
Fascination or D read> players get an advantage D read , they>ll be overwhelmed by an
on some rolls ... though also a disadvantage o n obsession. This will u sually be some sort of
o thers. enthu siastic obsession in the case o f
Fascination and some sort of destructive
Fascination Dread obsession in the case of Dread. It' ll relate to
their personality, and to whatever experience
Intelligence +10 -10 tipped them over the edge.
Here are some examples of Dread obsessions: completed. At 5, the character becomes
incapable of rational action for at least a
In-game experience Resulting obsession year and a day.
Used the Night Find and defeat the LOSING FASCINATION AND DREAD
Arts to find a summonmg, at any
protective rite cost A suitable, meaningful and distinctive
against a experience will allow players to lose a point
summoning of Fascination or Dread.
If Fascination or Dread was inflicted upon a Meaningful means not just 'dinner', but 'a
player through occult assault - for example, if really good dinner in a welcoming place you'll
someone curses them - their attacker (via the remember'. Or not just 'a chat with a friend',
Game Runner) can choose a suitable but 'a friend rolled Widely-Read to find a
obsession. poem that specifically addressed your fears'.
"It is permitted for us to know; it is not permitted for you. Don't write that down."
- Inspector Zachary Wakefield
ALUKITE Debased ( a few would say 'ascended') Long "Hokobald complains of his
driven by cannibalistic appetites. Alukites are condemnation by the Ordo Limiae.
said not to blink; to have monstrous shapes He acknowledges that he has
concealed by the arts of the skin; to be able to 'undergone alterations' after the
fly; to have a strength unmatched by all but 'consummation of that particular
Forge-long. This may not be universally true, delight', but insists that these
but they're universally bad news. changes are both elegant and
inevitable. 'Who is the .ire, and who
Also called soucouyants, or empousai. the fuel?' he asks, rhetorica//y."
ASPECTS The most fundamental elements of reality; or, "Each Hour has its colour. Each
the various natures of the Hours; or, a flame has its fuel."
post-facto invention of scholars of the invisible
THE BOUNDS Those places that are not exactly in the world "Here in the high dry byways of the
nor out of it. The Invisible Serapeum is Bounds are the intricate fissures and
arguably in the Bounds, but it depends on who snares of ten thousand years of
you ask. time."
THE CRIME OF When a Long becomes pregnant by another "Damaon speculates on the
THE SKY Long, then father and mother are both seized horrifying possibility of Hours
by a desire to devour the child once it's born. turned alukite. 'What then would
If this happens, they turn alukite. they devour?"'
EDGE The aspect of battle, struggle, strength, "These are the arts that ensure an
cunning. "All conquest occurs at the Edge." ending."
FORGE The aspect of transformation, destruction, "Fire is the winter that warms and
strength, ingenuity. the spring that consumes."
THE GLORY A source of something like light, somewhere "It's always possible to be deader.
above the Mansus. The source of all thought? The Watchman goes before; none
A blazing cosmic wound? God? A door from but seven may go after. Yet surely
somewhere else? It engenders inspiration and we are born to the Glory, as the
Fascination. It makes the Mansus visible. It's sparks fly upwards."
probably very dangerous, but the Mansus is so
dangerous, especially high up, that this is
generally beside the point.
GRAIL The aspect of hunger, lust, the drowning "Some words are spelt correctly
waters; the birth and the feast. only when the proper ink is used."
HEART The aspect of life, preservation, protection and "There are common sentiments in
the drumbeat and dance that must never cease. every thunderclap."
HOURS The secret gods who live behind the world; "The seasons of famine and plenty,
said to be thirty in number. Their decisions the rum of the Earth, the
shape the world and its histories. Some rose transformations of the furnace - all
through the ranks of Know and Long and these are only the results of the
Names. Some came by their estate in a enactment of the lesser passions of
different way entirely. All are perilous, sublime, the Hours."
and inclined to suppress competition.
THE INVISIBLE Knowledge of practices that shouldn't work if "We don't say 'magic'. Magic is a
ARTS the world was actually how it seemed. But they story. Or that thing people do in
do. public, for people, with rabbits."
KNOCK The aspect of wounds and openings, of "Sooner or later, every locksmith
locksmiths, burglars and oracles. has the Dream."
KNOW Mortals who've answered a dream-riddle and "The Stag Door is the Adept's Gate.
entered the Mansus through the Stag Door. To pass it is to be initiated into the
(And returned: otherwise they probably don't .irst true mystery of the House of
count as mortal any more.) Initiation into the the Sun.''
ranks of the Know allows them to learn further
knowledge usually kept from mortals by the
LANTERN The aspect of light, knowledge, and the secret "Each Hour has its colour, bur
place sometimes called the House of the Sun. colour exists only in light."
LONG Mortals turned immortal through devotion to "Hours don' t dream. Long try nor
an Hour. Most were formerly counted among ro."
the Know. Possibly some were never mortal.
·THE MANSUS T he dwelling-place of (most of) the Hours "Behind the world is the Mansus,
( and the Names , many inhuman spirits, and the fortress of the Hours, the house
some among the Dead) . of the Sun. Its wa/Is are the size of
starlight. Its corridors are the angles
Accessible in dreams to sufficiently of time. Life begins in the Mansus,
knowledgeable mortals, and to very unlucky and memory ends there."
MOTH T he aspect of change, whimsy, u nreason, "These are the roads that chaos
secrecy, nature and the Wood. ride."
NAMES Major servants, aspects or emanatio ns of the "When the Sun-in-Splendour was
Hours . Some, perhaps all, Names were divided, its Names fractured too."
previously Long. Many Mansus-spirits claim
to be Names but probably are n't: true Names
are the rarest and most powerful.
NOWHERE The place most Dead go, .and o nly very bad "Shohei's preferred theories are that
things come from. Perhaps it's below the we are the children of apes who
Mansus. walked upright... or that we
consumed not only our parents,
'which is not the Crime of the Sky',
but also our origin, so that we
came from Nowhere."
PORT NOON A tropical sea-side resort w here Long drink "Port Noon is where the Long go
"from the Spring that makes them forgot ten". to stay, mostly, out of trouble."
REAL Scholars of the Invisible Arts mean someth ing "The wine is imaginary, but the cup
different from the usual meaning of this wo rd. is not. To navigate the Mansus one
The Mansus is not physical, but it's very real. must understand the distinction."
SECRET The aspect of alternate realities that have been "There is never only one history."
HISTORIES suppressed, forgotten or erased.
THE WAKE If it exists, and you can see it while you're not "The Nameless Name has been
asleep, then it's in the Wake. known to hunt secrets in the Wake."
THE WOOD A tangled and p rimordial place where the "The Wood grows about the wa/Is
Glory's light does not reach. Accessible to of the Mansus. As any student of
those who fo llow instinct and passion through Histories knows, the Mansus has no
dark dreams. The most savage and Dionysiac wa/Is. ''
of the Hours are said to dwell i n the Wood
rathe r than in the Mansus itself.
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