It-4406 - Pid
It-4406 - Pid
It-4406 - Pid
Introduction 03
Features 04
Technical Specifications 05
Theory 06
Experiment 1. Tuning of PWM Driver 13
Experiment 2. Open Loop Control of the Motor 15
Experiment 3. Close Loop Proportional Control of the Motor 18
Experiment 4. Closed Loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Motor 20
Experiment 5. Open Loop Control of the Light 22
Experiment 6. Closed Loop Proportional Control of the Light 25
Experiment 7. Closed Loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Light 27
Experiment 8. Closed Loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Temperature 29
The PID is the most popular controller used in the Process industries. It has been successfully
used for over 50 years. A robust easily understood algorithm can provide excellent control
Performance despite the varied dynamic characteristics of process plant.
In control system, there are different types of controller. Study of two-position mode, as
ON/OFF controller and continuous controller modes as PID controller is a very important
part of control engineering. To have a basic idea and practical hands on controllers our PID
Trainer has been designed to be used by student to investigate the fundamental principles of
PID by applying different signals to it.
With IT-4406, PID controller trainer student can study two-position mode as ON/OFF
controller and continuous controller modes as P-control mode, I-control mode, D-control
mode, Pi-control mode, PD-control mode and PID control mode. These modes of controller
can be performed individually and with different combinations in open loop and close loop
system. With this trainer user can easily understand the difference between the different
modes of controllers used.
ON/OFF Controller:
The ON/OFF or two position controller is the most widely used. It is the kind used in
domestic heating systems, refrigerators, and water tanks. When the controller is below the set
point, the controller is on and the o/p signal has the maximum values. When the measured
value is above the set point, the controller is off and the o/p is zero. Due to mechanical
friction or arcing at electrical contacts, the controller actually goes ON slightly below the Set
Point and OFF slightly above the set point. This differential gap in the controller output may
deliberately increased to give decreased frequency of operation and reduce wear
Closed-Loop Systems:
Feedback control systems are often referred to as closed loop control systems. In practice, the
terms feedback control and close loop control are used interchangeable.
Let us start with the concept of a closed-loop feedback system. An amplifier is presented with
signals from a summing junction. Output voltage is modified by a factor B, subtracted from
the input voltage, and the result is the signal that the amplifier is given to amplify.
Fig. 2
V2= A (Vin - BV2)
V2(l+BA) = Avin
V2 =Vin A+l
BA +1
V2 = A
Vin BA + 1
Op amp gains (A) are typically 50,000 to 100,000, at least at DC. Note, therefore, that the
gain of this block is quite insensitive to A. For B = .01,
A=10,000 = V2/Vin = 10000/100+1 = 99.01 If A=100,000, V2/Vin =99.90 The term A (which
could include other terms in addition to the gain of the amplifier as will be shown) changed
by a factor of 10 but the overall gain changed by 0.9%
This is the fundamental relationship for feedback control systems, and it's very powerful.
Note that in general, A and B are differential equations or LaPlace transforms that describe
the behavior of these functions with frequency and time. Because the transfer function above
is a ratio of polynomials, (A could be in series with some function G rather than just a gain
block) and since the time and frequency nature of networks can similarly be described as
ratios of polynomials in s (LaPlace transforms), many functions can be realized with this
structure. Oscillators, filters, amplifiers, impedance changers, negative-impedance blocks
comprise just a few. For now we'll confine ourselves to a simple DC case.
Because A is large and BA is therefore large compared to 1 , the transfer function can often
be simplified to
V2/Vin ≈ 1/B
Note that if other functions are in series with A, their transfer functions could be lumped with
A and would cancel out as they did above. This means that you can cancel or minimize the
effects of functions you cannot control simply by including them "inside the loop" - i.e., in
series with A.
(Error) = (set-point) - (measurement) the variable being adjusted is called the manipulated
variable, which usually is equal to the output of the controller. The output of PID controllers
will change in response to a change in measurement or set point. Manufacturers of PID
controllers use different names to identify the three modes
Proportional Band:
With proportional band, the controller output is proportional to the error or a change in
measurement (depending on the controller).
(Controller output) = (error)* 1007 (proportional band)
With a proportional controller offset (deviation from set point) is present. Increasing the
controller gain will make the loop go unstable. To reduce un-stability integral action included
in controllers to eliminate this offset.
The mathematical representation is,
The proportional mode adjusts the output signal in direct proportion to the controller input
(which is the error signal, e). The adjustable parameter to be specified is the controller gain,
kc. This is not to be confused with the process gain, Kp. The larger kc the more the controller
output will change for a given error. For instance, with a gain of 1 an error of 10% of scale
will change the controller output by 10% of scale. Many instrument manufacturers use
Proportional Band (PB) instead of kc.l
With integral action, the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is
present. Integral action eliminates offset.
Notice that the offset (deviation from set-point) in the time response plots is now gone.
Integral action has eliminated the offset. The response is somewhat oscillatory and can be
stabilized some by adding derivative action.
Integral action gives the controller a large gain at low frequencies that results in eliminating
offset and "beating down" load disturbances. The controller phase starts out at -90° and
increases to near 0 ° at the break frequency. This additional phase lag is what you give up by
adding integral action. Derivative action adds phase lead and used to compensate for the lag
introduced by integral action.
With derivative action, the controller output is proportional to the rate of change of the
measurement or error. The controller output is calculated by the rate of change of the
measurement with time.
Some manufacturers use the term rate or pre-act instead of derivative. Derivative, rate, and
pre-act are the same thing.
Derivative action can compensate for a changing measurement. Thus, derivative takes action
to inhibit more rapid changes of the measurement than proportional action. When a load or
set point change occurs, the derivative action causes the controller gain to move the "wrong"
way when the measurement gets near the set point. Derivative is often used to avoid
Derivative action can stabilize loops since it adds phase lead. Generally, if you use derivative
action, more controller gain and reset can be used.
A proportional + Integral:
The integral action corrects for the offset that characterizes the proportional action. The
effective result of the composite P+I action is equivalent to manual adjustment or resetting of
set point after each load change.
The mathematical representation is,
The additional integral mode (often referred to as reset) corrects for any offset (error) that
may occur between the desired value (set point) and the process output automatically over
time2. The adjustable parameter to be specified is the integral time (Ti) of the controller.
Reset is often used to describe the integral mode. Reset is the time it takes for the integral
action to produce the same change in mv as the P modes initial (static) change. Consider the
following figure,
Figure (3) shows the output that would be obtained from a PI controller given a step change
in error. The output immediately steps due to the P mode. The magnitude of the step up is
Kce. The integral mode then causes the mv to 'ramp'. Over the period 'time 0 to time TT the
mv again increases by Kce.
Integral wind-up:
When a controller that possesses integral action receives an error signal for significant
periods of time the integral term of the controller will increase at a rate governed by the
integral time of the controller. This will eventually cause the manipulated variable to reach
100% (or 0%) of its scale, i.e. its maximum or minimum limits. This is known as integral
wind-up. A sustained error can occur due to a number of scenarios, one of the more common
being control system 'override'. Override occurs when another controller takes over control of
a particular loop, e.g. because of safety reasons. The original controller is not switched off, so
it still receives an error signal, which through time, 'winds-up' the integral component unless
something is done to stop this occurring. There are many techniques that may be used to stop
this happening. One method is known as 'external reset feedback! Here, the signal of the
control valve is also sent to the controller. The controller possesses logic that enables it to
integrate the error when its signal is going to the control value, but breaks the loop if the
override controller is manipulating the valve.
Proportional + Derivative:
Proportional Integral Derivative algorithm the mathematical representation is,
Derivative action (also called rate or pre-act) anticipates where the process is heading by
looking at the time rate of change of the controlled variable (its derivative). TD is the 'rate
time' and this characterizes the derivative action (with units of minutes). In theory, derivative
action should always improve dynamic response and it does in many loops. In others,
however, the problem of noisy signals makes the use of derivative action undesirable
(differentiating noisy signals can translate into excessive mv movement).
Derivative action depends on the slope of the error, unlike P and I. If the error is constant,
derivative action has no effect.
Ideal PID:
The mathematical representation of this algorithm is:
One disadvantage of this ideal 'textbook' configuration is that a sudden change in set point
(and hence e) will cause the derivative term to become very large and thus provide a
"derivative kick" to the final control element this is undesirable. An alternative
implementation is
The derivative mode acts on the measurement and not the error. After a change in set point
the output will move slowly avoiding "derivative kick" after set point changes. This is
therefore a standard feature of most commercial controllers.
As with the ideal implementation, the series mode can include either derivative on the error
or derivative on the measurement. In which case, the mathematical representation is,
Parallel PID:
The mathematical description is,
The proportional gain only acts on the error, whereas with the ideal algorithm it acts on the
integral and derivative modes as well.
Controller Responses to Different Excitations
Table 1
Tuning of PWM Driver
Characteristics of PWM driver and Motor Dead Band
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment.
Fig 1.1
1) Press the main switch (ON).
2) Connect the tip of the probe of channel CH1 of the oscilloscope to V6 TP37 of the
3) Regulate, on the oscilloscope screen, the width of the image, by selecting 5 V/DIV
through the relevant knob.
4) Turn the knob TIME/DIV on 50 microseconds.
5) Move the three position selector (AC - GND - DC) to DC.
6) Regulate the trimmer ADJ1, turning it clockwise, to obtain a triangular wave equal to
10Vpp as shown in Fig 1.2.
Fig 1.2
7) Regulate the trimmer ADJ2, turning it counter-clockwise, until the maximum of the
triangular wave is at 0V as shown in Fig 1.2.
8) Move the probe of the oscilloscope to V7 TP38.
9) Insert a terminal of the digital voltmeter, set to dc, at TP39 and the other one at TP40.
10) Now connect the Setpoint 1 TP54 to the input of PWM driver TP36.
11) Set the voltage between 0 and 10V and observe, on the oscilloscope screen, that the
duty cycle of the square wave signal is variable although its period is constant. The
luminosity variation of the LED and the voltage read on the multimeter, which
between 0 and 12V, show that the average value of the voltage is regulated.
12) Connect the +VE TP39 and –VE TP40 of PWM Driver to the +VE and -VE of the
Motor as shown in Fig 1.1.
13) Insert a terminal of the digital voltmeter, set to dc, at the output of Setpoint 1.
14) Slowly increase the voltage on Setpoint 1 and write down the voltage value which
allows the start of the motor.
15) Slowly decrease the voltage on Setpoint 1 and write down the value which allows the
stop of the motor.
16) Repeat the procedure from step No. 14 and verify that the results are the same: it has
now been determined the dead zone of the motor.
17) Put OFF the main switch.
18) Remove all the connections.
Tuning of PWM Driver
Characteristics of PWM driver and Motor Dead Band
Open Loop Control of the Motor
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment.
Fig 2.1
1. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the Test frequency output TP25. It should be
around 1 KHz.
2. Now connect output of Test block TP25 and TP26 to the input of F/V converter at
TP27 and TP28 respectively as shown in Fig 2.1.
3. Connect the output VOUT3 TP30 to the voltmeter and note the reading. It should be
approximately 10V. If not so, adjust the Gain pot to obtain the required reading.
4. Remove the connections and again note the reading at VOUT3. It should be
approximately 0V. If not so, adjust the Offset pot to obtain the required reading.
5. Repeat step 3 and again check the required result. These steps must be performed
until the required result is obtained.
6. Now connect the IR Out TP23 and TP24 to the input of F/V TP27 and TP28 as shown
in Fig 2.2.
Fig 2.2
7. Connect the Setpoint 1 output TP54 to the input of PWM driver TP36.
8. Connect the output of PWM Driver with the Motor as shown in Fig 2.3.
Fig 2.3
100 Hz = 1 V (approx.)
13. Increase the voltage by turning the potentiometer clockwise thus increases the Motor
RPM and the increase in voltages can be observed.
Closed Loop Proportional Control of the Motor
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment
Fig 3.1
1. Make all connections as shown in fig 3.1.
2. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the output of PID block TP52.
3. Set the voltage of about 3V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
4. DC motor will start to rotate. If not so, turn the proportional pot to about 25%.
5. Observe the wave form of PID block on oscilloscope.
6. There will be some oscillations in the wave. Try to remove these ripples from the
wave by adjusting proportional pot.
7. When the system is balanced it will give you straight line. Try to unstable the system
by interrupting the motor with something. It will destabilize the system for some time
but the PID controller will again stabilize it.
8. Note the time taken by the system to stabilize.
9. Now set the voltage of about 3.5V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
10. Repeat the above steps and note the readings.
Closed Loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Motor
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment
Fig 4.1
1. Make all connections as shown in fig 4.1.
2. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the output of PID block TP52.
3. Set the voltage of about 3V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
4. DC motor will start to rotate. If not so, turn the proportional pot to about 25%.
5. Turn the Integral and Derivative pot to about 25%.
6. Press the RESET button given on the trainer.
7. Observe the wave form of PID block on oscilloscope.
8. There will be some oscillations in the wave. Try to remove these ripples from the
wave by adjusting proportional pot.
9. When the system is balanced it will give you straight line. Try to unstable the system
by interrupting the motor with something. It will destabilize the system for some time
but the PID controller will again stabilize it.
10. Note the time taken by the system to stabilize.
11. Now set the voltage of about 3.5V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
12. Repeat the above steps and note the readings.
Open Loop Control of the Light
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment
Fig 5.1
1. Connect the Dark Test circuit TP3 and TP5 to the input of Lx/V converter TP6 and
TP7 respectively as shown in fig 5.1.
2. Connect the voltmeter to the output of Photo Sensor Interface TP10.
3. Note the voltage at this point. There should be 0V at the output. If not so, then adjust
the OFFSET pot to make it 0V.
4. Similarly attach the input TP6 to the Full Light Test circuit TP4 as shown in Fig 5.2.
Fig 5.2
5. Now again note the voltage at VOUT-1 TP10. It should be around 10V. If not so,
adjust the gain pot so that the output is 10V.
6. Repeat step 3 and again check the required result. These steps must be performed
until the required result is obtained.
Fig 5.3
7. Now connect the Photo Sensor output TP1 and TP2 to the input of Lx/V converter
TP6 and TP7 respectively.
8. Connect the Setpoint 1 output TP54 to the input of PWM driver TP36.
9. Connect the output of PWM Driver with the Lamp 1 as shown in Fig 5.4.
Fig 5.4
Closed Loop Proportional Control of the Light
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment
Fig 6.1
1. Make all connections as shown in fig 6.1.
2. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the output of PID block TP52.
3. Set the voltage of about 3V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
4. Lamp will be enlightened. If not so, turn the proportional pot to about 25%.
5. Observe the wave form of PID block on oscilloscope.
6. There will be some oscillations in the wave. Try to remove these ripples from the
wave by adjusting proportional pot.
7. When the system is balanced it will give you straight line. Try to unstable the system
by interrupting the light with the disturbance given on the trainer. It will destabilize
the system for some time but the PID controller will again stabilize it.
8. Note the time taken by the system to stabilize.
9. Now set the voltage of about 3.5V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
10. Repeat the above steps and note the readings.
Closed Loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Light
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment
Fig 7.1
1. Make all connections as shown in fig 7.1.
2. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the output of PID block TP52.
3. Set the voltage of about 3V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
4. Lamp will start to illuminate. If not so, turn the proportional pot to about 25%.
5. Turn the Integral and Derivative pot to about 25%.
6. Press the RESET button given on the trainer.
7. Observe the wave form of PID block on oscilloscope.
8. There will be some oscillations in the wave. Try to remove these ripples from the
wave by adjusting proportional pot.
9. When the system is balanced it will give you straight line. Try to unstable the system
by interrupting the light with the disturbance given on the trainer. It will destabilize
the system for some time but the PID controller will again stabilize it.
10. Note the time taken by the system to stabilize.
11. Now set the voltage of about 3.5V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
12. Repeat the above steps and note the readings.
Closed Loop Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Temperature
1. IT-4406 Trainer Board
2. 2mm Patch Cords
3. CRO
Experimental Setup
Refer to the following diagram to configure setup for the present experiment
Fig 8.1
1. Make all connections as shown in fig 8.1.
2. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the output of PID block TP52.
3. Set the voltage of about 3V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
4. Lamp will start to illuminate. If not so, turn the proportional pot to about 25%.
5. Turn the Integral and Derivative pot to about 25%.
6. Press the RESET button given on the trainer.
7. Observe the wave form of PID block on oscilloscope.
8. There will be some oscillations in the wave. Try to remove these ripples from the
wave by adjusting proportional pot.
9. Note the time taken by the system to stabilize.
10. Now set the voltage of about 3.5V at the output of Setpoint 1 TP54.
11. Repeat the above steps and note the readings.