3.quantity of Water

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Course Contains:

Quantity of Water

Water is life.

• Before designing any w/s project, it is

required to :
 Determine demand
 Fixation of design period and
 Population forecast up to the end of the
design period
Water Demand & Its Types:

Amount of water required to fulfill the need of the

consumers is called water demand. Its unit is lpcd
(liters per capita per day).

Demand is higher in developed countries and less in

developing countries. After calculating total demand,
the source or combination of the sources is searched
to achieve full demand.

Total demand for water supply is the sum of the following types of demands.
1. Domestic Demand
2. Livestock Demand
3. Commercial Demand
4. Public or Municipal Demand
5. Industrial Demand
6. Fire Demand
Fire Demand is usually determined by using empirical formula:
 Loss and Wastage:
 Total Demand:
Per Capita Demand:
Factors affecting per capita demand:
1. Size of city : directly proportional
2. Presence of industries: directly proportional
3. Climatic condition: hot and dry, higher is the demand
4. Living standard of people: directly proportional
5. Quality of water: good quality, higher is the demand
6. Pressure in the distribution system: high pressure, higher
loss- higher demand
7. Sanitation system: good sanitation system –higher demand
8. Cost of water: inversely proportional
9. Policy of metering: use of meter, lesser in demand
Variation in Water Demand:
Variation in Water Demand:

1. Seasonal or Monthly Variations:

The rate of demand of water varies considerably from
season to season (or month to month).In summer season
therate of demand of water is more than the annual
average rate of demand of water, because more water is
required for drinking, bathing, washing of clothes, air
coolers, etc. In winter season the average rate of demand
of water is usually less the annual average rate of
demand of water. In Nepal seasonal variation is low.
• Maximum seasonal demand = seasonal peak factor X
annual average demand
• Seasonal peak factor for Nepal is 1.
Variation in Water Demand:

2. Daily Variations:
The rate of demand of water also varies from day
to day. This is due to change in the day to day
climatic conditions, or due to the day being a
holiday or some festival day. Thus on a rainy day
the requirement of water will be much less that on
the other day which may be dry and hot.
• Maximum daily demand = daily peak factor X
annual average demand
• Daily peak factor for Nepal is 1.1.
Variation in Water Demand:

3.Hourly variations
The demand of water also varies from hour to hour of the day. A
peak or maximum demand of water usually occurs in the morning
from about 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and in the evening from about 6 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Further in the early morning hours the demand of water is at its
minimum and also during noon from about 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the
demand of water is less.
• Maximum hourly demand = hourly peak factor X annual average
• hourly peak factor for Nepal is 3.
Variation in Water Demand:

Peak factor:
• It is the ratio of maximum or peak demand of water to that of average
annual demand of water.
Peak factor = maximum or peak demand
average annual demand
• Peak factor = Seasonal peak factor x Daily peak factor x hourly peak
• Peak factor = 1x 1.1 x 3 = 3.3
• Peak factor for Nepal is taken as 2-4. Generally peak factor is taken as 3.
Base Period & Design Period:
Base Period & Design Period

Base Period Design Period

(3yr) (20yr)

Survey Year Base Year Design Year

(2024) (2027) (2047)

Fig: Typical Base & Design Period

Base Period & Design Period
Base Period & Design Period
Base Period & Design Period
Selection basis of Design Period:

• Design period must be selected in

such a way that it is neither too long
nor too short. Shorter design period
may lead to an uneconomical project
whereas a longer design period may
result in the financial burden on the
present population as the
components need to be of high
capacities. Following are the
selection basis of design period
Selection basis of Design Period:
Selection basis of Design Period:
Selection basis of Design Period:
Selection basis of Design Period:
3.5 Population Forecasting necessity
• Water demand for the community is given by the product of per capita demand of water
and the population of the community. The population needs to be known for the design
and construction of water supply system. So, population forecasting needs to be done.
• Methods of Population Forecasting:
1. Arithmetical increase Method: In this method, the increase in population
from decade to decade is assumed to be constant. From the census data of past
decades increase in population for each decade is calculated and then average increase
in population is determined. The future population Pn after n decade is given by
Pn = P + nI
where P = Population at base year Pn = Population at the nth decade n = no of decades
I = average increase in population for a decade
(formula of Pn is same as simple interest formula)
2. Geometrical Increase Method
• In this method, the percentage increase in population per decade remains constant for each
future decade. From the census data of past decades increase in population for each decade
is calculated and then % increase in population is determined and average % increase in
population calculated. The future population Pn after n decade is given by
𝑃𝑛 = P(1+ )𝑛
Where, P = Population at base year Pn = Population at the nth decade n = no of decades
r =average % increase in population per decade
(formula of Pn is same as compound interest formula)
3. Incremental Increase Method
From the census data of past decades increase in population for each decade is calculated and
then incremental increase in population is determined. Incremental may be positive or negative
depending upon increase in population. The future population Pn after n decade is given by
Pn = P + nI + 𝑛 (𝑛+1) x
Where, P = Population at the base year Pn = Population at the n th decade n = no of decades I =
average increase in population for a decade x = average incremental increase in population for
4. Decreased rate of growth method
• This method is similar to geometrical increase method expect that instead of constant
value of the percentage increase in population per decade a decreasing value of the
percentage increase in population per decade is adopted for each future decade.
𝑟𝑛 −𝑟′ 𝑟 𝑛 −2𝑟′ 𝑟 𝑛 −𝑛𝑟 ′
• Pn = P (1+ ) (1+ )….(1+ )
100 100 100
• Where, P = Population at the base year Pn = Population at the nth decade n = no of
decades rn = percentage increase in population in the last decade r’ = average
decrease in percent increase in population per decade
5. Master Plan or Zoning Method:
• Prepared by concerned authority and future expansion is strictly regulated by various
• The city is divided into various zones and the population densities for various zones are
fixed so that the population can be forecasted as master plan.
• Eg: if there are 100 plots in a zone of city and by law only 5 persons in a plot is allowed
to live, the maximum population in that zone is 5000 numbers at fully developed stage.
6. Graphical Extension method
• In this method, the population of the past
few decades is plotted in the graph
correctly following a proper scale. The
obtained population curve is extended to
obtain the future population. The extension of
the curve is performed by a person who has
proper experience and judgement.

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