Guidelines For EMHC 2017
Guidelines For EMHC 2017
Guidelines For EMHC 2017
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide some general observations and principles regarding
this important ministry of the Church. They define clearly the contents of the liturgical law on this
matter, the demands of a good Eucharistic liturgy, and the expectations of the universal and local
1. The ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are Bishops, Priests and Deacons who assist the
Bishop or Priest (GIRM no. 182). At every celebrating of the Eucharist there should be sufficient number
of ministers for Holy Communion so that it can be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner.
Additionally, the sick and those unable to participate at the Eucharistic celebration have a spiritual
need to receive Holy Communion. The Church, in order to make access to so great a sacrament, allows
for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion when there is need. This is a ministry of bringing the
sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God in a dignified and reverent manner. It
also witnesses to faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of
Christ’s sacrifice. The ministry should, therefore, be treated with utmost dignity and reverence.
2. It is for these reasons that the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the
Sacraments gives clear norms for the involvement of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
When there are not enough priests and deacons available for the numbers of faithful present, those
who are authorized as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may be assigned to distribute
Communion. It should be kept in mind that ordained ministers present for the celebration of the
Eucharist are the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion and expected to distribute the Eucharist,
unless they are too frail or sick to do so (Inestimable Donum, 10, Redemptionis Sacramentum 158).
3. Baptized and Confirmed Catholic men and women of at least 25 years of age are eligible for
this ministry. They should be persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their communal
and individual lives. If they are married, they should be married in the Church (divorce does not make
one ineligible to serve as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion). They should faithfully
participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace in every aspect of their lives. People under
the age of 25 must be individually recommended for delegation by their pastors.
4. Candidates for extraordinary ministry of Holy Communion are to be properly trained in the
parish, receive delegation from the Bishop or his Episcopal Delegate to serve in a particular parish and
be commissioned for services in the parish before they serve.
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5. All new extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are to be commissioned, preferably during a
Sunday Mass. The Rite of Commissioning is found in the Book of Blessings. (Chapter 63)
6. The names of those that the Pastor requests for delegation as ministers are to be submitted
to the Office for Worship. Delegation is for, at most, a two year term. At the Pastor’s discretion,
delegation may be renewed upon request.
7. The extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are to wear proper attire. The use of a symbol
such as a cross or a medal is permissible. Albs are not appropriate vesture in that liturgical ministers
are first and foremost members of the worshipping assembly, and should appear as such.
8. At least once a year, each community is encouraged to arrange some program or retreat to
renew the faith, prayer and commitment of the present ministers. These meetings/retreats could also
include the discussions of issues that have arisen in the course of their ministry.
10. The extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are part of the faithful that form a holy
people. They are to take an active part in Mass by joining in the prayers and the singing, the
hearing of the word of God and in the common offering of Sacrifice. Their gestures and postures
should be observed in common with all the faithful. Normally, they should be seated with the
assembly during Mass. (GIRM 95, 96)
If there is a tabernacle with the Blessed Sacrament in the sanctuary (center of the sanctuary, behind
the altar), a genuflection is made by the priests and ministers before and after Mass, but not during
the celebration of Mass. Other ministers genuflect whenever they pass in front of the Blessed
Sacrament (GIRM 274).
11. At the Sign of Peace, the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion approach the
sanctuary. After the priest and deacon have received Communion, the ministers approach the altar
and stand at a convenient place to receive Holy Communion under both kinds. (GIRM 162, NORMS
(NB: if the whole assembly is not being offered the chalice, it is not appropriate to offer to the ministers
only. It is a Liturgical Norm in the Diocese of Orange to distribute Holy Communion under both kinds.)
12. After all extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion have received Communion, the priest
hands the vessels containing the Eucharistic species to the deacons and extraordinary minister of Holy
Communion (GIRM 162, NORMS 40).
13. At the end of the communion rite, if any of the Precious Blood remains, it should be
consumed: it may never be disposed of on the ground or in the sacrarium. Any remaining
consecrated hosts may be consumed or reserved in a tabernacle. The consecrated wine may not be
reserved in the tabernacle for later use. (GIRM 163, 183, 192, NORMS 52, 54)
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14. After the distribution of Communion, appointed ministers purify the vessels at a side table.
It is permissible to leave the vessels suitably covered at a side table on a corporal to be purified
immediately after Mass. (GIRM 279 & 284b)
16. The Body of Christ is always ministered to the communicant. Communicants are not
permitted to take their own hosts and communicate themselves.
17. If a host falls to the ground during distribution, the minister should pick it up, place it in the
ciborium, and consume it after the distribution is over.
19. When the members of the assembly drink from the chalice, ordinarily there should be two
ministers of the chalice for each minister with the ciborium; but each community needs to determine
what ratio is most suitable. Ministers should stand an appropriate distance from each other to
facilitate the Communion procession and not unduly impede the assembly’s easy movement.
21. After each person has received the Blood of Christ, the minister should wipe the rim of the
chalice with a purificator and turn the chalice slightly before repeating the procedure for the next
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22. Any danger of spilling the Precious Blood should be carefully avoided. If, by chance, it should
spill, the area should be marked, covered immediately and washed after Mass.
23. The chalice is always ministered to the recipient; it may never be given for self- communication.
The Chalice may never be left on the altar or another place to be picked up nor passed from one
communicant to another. The ministers consume the remainder of the Precious Blood at the side
table after the distribution of Communion. Reverence for the Precious Blood dictates that it be fully
consumed after Communion and never be poured into the ground or the sacrarium. If needed,
ministers may seek the help of others. Designated ministers should purify the vessels, either after
communion or if there are a large number of vessels, after Mass. (NORMS 44, 52, 53)
24. Ministration of Communion by intinction, that is, by dipping the consecrated host into the
Precious Blood, is reserved to the priest (for instruction see GIRM 287). In the Diocese of Orange it is
not practiced since it eliminates the communicants’ legitimate option to receive Communion in the
hand, and also denies the right of the faithful to receive Communion under the form of bread only. If
a communicant with consecrated host in hand approaches a minister distributing the Precious Blood,
it is advisable to cover the chalice with the purificator and ask the communicant to talk with a priest
after Mass.
27. Ideally, ministers to the sick are sent by the parish community each Sunday to take the
Eucharist to those who are prevented from being present because of age or illness. This is usually
done after the Prayer after Communion. The ministers may be blessed and ritually sent to extend the
unity of the Eucharist to those who are sick. The formula for the ritual ending may be in these or
similar words:
“My brothers and sisters, you are sent to bring the Word of God and the Bread of Life from this
assembly to the sick and shut-in members of our parish family. Go to them with our love and our
prayers in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord”.
Ministers may be sent in this manner at weekday Masses also.
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28. The minister to the sick may celebrate the Communion service in one of two ways: a) in context
of a liturgy of the Word; or b) in a brief form for use in more restrictive circumstances (Please refer to
Chapter 3 of Pastoral Care of the Sick). It is recommended that whenever possible a group of sick or
aged persons be brought together to celebrate the liturgy of the Word and the Communion Service in
a communal manner. If this is impossible, the minister should try to celebrate the Communion Service
as fully as possible, depending on the condition of the patient.
29. When the Eucharist is brought to the sick it should be carried in a pyx or small closed
container. Ideally a table is to be prepared with a cloth and a lighted candle for the Eucharist.
A vessel of holy waters may also be available.
30. Those who care for the sick or family members may also participate in the Communion Service
and receive Communion even if they have already received Communion for that day.
31. Priests with pastoral responsibilities should also see to it that the sick who are confined to
home or health care institutions have the Sacrament of Penance available. Ministers to the sick
should routinely remind those to whom they minister of such availability.
32. The extraordinary minister of Holy Communion is always to exercise his/her service with the
reverence and deportment expected in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The words, actions
and presence of the minister carrying the consecrated Bread or Wine should clearly reflect the words,
actions and presence of Christ.
33. If an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion uses a personal vehicle to visit the sick, they
need to check with the Parish Business Manager or other designated parish staff person to provide
proof of liability insurance with adequate coverage as defined by diocesan directives, along with a valid
Driver’s license and take an online safe driving presentation.
34. Recognizing our need as a Church to protect the most vulnerable, ministers who visit the sick
need to consult their parish regarding diocesan requirements to safeguard against victimization of
children and the elderly. This will include background screening and safe environment training.
35. Viaticum is the celebration of the Eucharist with a dying person. In the case of necessity
and with at least the presumed permission of the parish priest, the Extraordinary Minister of the
Eucharist can bring the Sacrament to the sick in the form of Viaticum, subsequently notifying the parish
priest that he/she did so. (The Code of Canon Law #911.)
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GIRM: General Instructions of the Roman Missal. 3rd. Ed. Washington, DC: United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops, 2010.
NORMS: Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds in the
Dioceses of the United States, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Liturgy Documentary
Series 14, 2011
Pastoral care of the Sick, International Commission on English in the Liturgy A Joint Commission
of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences, New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1983
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