The guidelines which follow pertain to parish Sunday celebrations when a priest cannot
be present to celebrate the Eucharist with the community or when it is not practical for a
community to participate in a liturgy at another parish. A Sunday celebration in the absence of a
priest would happen only rarely and under an emergency situation.
In our own time, the Second Vatican Council has reminded us: "On this day, Christ's faithful
must gather together, so that, by hearing the Word of God and taking part in the Eucharist, they
may call to mind the passion, resurrection, and glorification of the Lord Jesus and may thank
God, who 'has begotten them again unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
from the dead'" (1Peter 1:3)
The Mass is the only true actualization of the Paschal Mystery and is the most complete
manifestation of the Church: "Hence the Lord's Day is the first holy day of all and should be
proposed to the devotion of the faithful and taught to them . . . Other celebrations, unless they be
truly of greatest importance, shall not have precedence over the Sunday, the foundation and core
of the whole liturgical year" (SC, art. 106).
They should occur only when, in the judgment of the diocesan Bishop, or in his absence the
Vicar General, it is not practical or possible for the community to participate in the celebration of
Mass in a church nearby. In that case, the community should assemble for Sunday worship in
their own community under the leadership of the person the Bishop and pastor have designated
to lead them in prayer. In such a case, the celebration takes one of the forms found in the ritual
Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest: Leader's Edition. These celebrations should
always lead the community back to the Eucharist. "Assemblies of this kind should not take away
but rather increase the desire of the faithful to take part in the celebration of the Eucharist, and
should make them more eager to be present at the celebration of the Eucharist" (Directory for
Sunday Celebrations).
B. For Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, a Word and Communion Service led by a
lay presider may be scheduled after consulting with the Bishop or Vicar General when the
assigned priest is prevented from presiding at Mass due to an extended leave because of illness.
C. For Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, a Word and Communion Service may be
scheduled without consulting with the Bishop or Vicar General when the assigned priest is
prevented from presiding at Mass due to the following:
1. Sudden illness of the priest;
2. Emergency in priest's family;
3. Weather conditions make travel inadvisable.
When possible, the assigned priest will make the decision to hold a Word and
Communion Service; however, in the absence of the priest or parish staff, the Parish Pastoral
Council or other pre-selected individual(s) may make the decision.
The rituals to be used for Sunday Word and Communion Services are found in the
Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest: Leader's Edition (published by the Catholic
Book Publishing Co. (this can be purchased through a Catholic bookstore or from the USCCB 1-
800-235-8722). Every parish should obtain a copy of this ritual book.
A. Definition
Leaders of Prayer are lay persons commissioned by the Bishop to lead the faithful in the
following acts of worship in their parish:
1. Liturgy of the Hours (Morning and Evening Prayer)
2. Liturgy of the Word
3. Sunday celebrations and Holy Days of Obligation when a priest cannot be present.
B. Selection
Leaders of prayer will be selected by the pastor in consultation with the Parish Pastoral
Council and the Liturgy Committee. Candidates may be women or men who are fully initiated.
Leaders of prayer should be persons who exhibit the following qualities:
1. Catholic in good standing.
2. A living appreciation for Scripture and a deep reverence for the Eucharist.
3. Apparent strong faith.
4. A sense of presence in movement, gesture and prayer.
5. Skills in public speaking.
6. A spirit of cooperative involvement and leadership with the laity and clergy of the
parish community.
7. A commitment to ministry and the time required for training and continued
Depending on size and need, each parish might eventually select a minimum of two
persons to exercise this ministry.
C. Formation
A course of formation is required for Leaders of Prayer. This formation, coordinated by
the Office of Worship and the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, will include an overview of the
Church's faith and tradition as expressed in its worship life, a study of the sacramental and prayer
life of the Church, the theology of ministry, formation in the Scriptures, the Liturgy of the Hours,
the liturgical year, and a familiarity with the Lectionary and the ritual for Sunday Celebrations in
the Absence of a Priest.
D. Commissioning
Upon completion of the course of formation, the Bishop or his delegate will commission
the new Leaders of Prayer to minister in the local parish for a period of three years. After a
favorable evaluation by parish members, the Bishop may renew the period of service.
E. Continuing Formation
Leaders of Prayer bear a responsibility for continuing personal growth through prayer and
study beyond the formation period. They will need to root themselves ever more deeply in the
mystery of Christ. Of special value will be retreats and days of recollection, parish adult
religious education programs, and workshops sponsored by the diocese that address the needs of
sacred worship. The reading of periodicals and books on liturgy and prayer, and the study of
Scripture will nourish these ministers and those they serve. Annual opportunities for continuing
formation will be offered.
6. The lay presider may offer a prepared reflection on the Gospel.
7. An intention for vocations should be included in the general intercessions.
Appendix A -- Bulletin Insert
Recommended Resources
Dallen, James. The Dilemma of Priestless Sundays. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications,
Hovda, Robert. Strong, Loving & Wise: Presiding in Liturgy. Collegeville: The Liturgical
Press, 1976.
Huck, Gabe (editor). Psalms for Morning and Evening Prayer. Chicago: Liturgy Training
Publications, 1995.
Hughes, Kathleen, R.S.C.J. Lay Presiding: The Art of Leading Prayer. Collegeville: The
Liturgical Press, 1988.
USCC. Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest: Leaders' Edition. New York: Catholic
Book Publishing Co., 1994.