1 Asad Troubleshooting JEE 2020 2
1 Asad Troubleshooting JEE 2020 2
1 Asad Troubleshooting JEE 2020 2
Revised: 2019.12.23
Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2020, pages 1–9 Accepted: 2020.01.07
Available online: 2020.01.25
Concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) is a photovoltaic technology that generates electricity from sunlight. Contrary
to conventional photovoltaic systems, it uses lenses to focus the sunlight onto small, but highly efficient, multi-
junction solar cells. Two modules of CPV with a capacity of 6.4 kW (3.2 kW for each) were imported from Azur-
Space Solar Power GMBH (Germany) and installed in Middle East University, Jordan, for testing purposes as a
pilot project for this niche technology. It is worth mentioning that the installation of the units had been carried out
by the faculty members. A range of technical obstacles were encountered in the process due to unclear instruc-
tions/steps from the manufacturer. A series of maintenance techniques and corrective measures were implemented
in the system after one year of installation since the power output was unsatisfactory. Accordingly, the units were
dismantled, and various procedures were conducted in order to ensure that the conditions of the system were on
optimum level. In this paper, technical reviews and preventive setup were explained and presented.
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
annual Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI). The use in Figure 5. It should be noted that two units were
of optical elements to concentrate the sunlight is installed on the site, each including 8 panels with
convenient only when using very high efficiency 400 Wp for every panel. A single panel comprises
solar cells. The CPV systems can concentrate a 60 photovoltaic cells. Thus, one unit consists of
large amount of sunlight into a smaller one by ap- 480 cells that generate 3.2 kWp.
plying lenses or curved and flat mirrors as shown
in Figure 1. However, the additional costs on con- Maintaining of CPV system components
centrating optics and cooling systems made CPV
less common than non-concentrated photovoltaic After a year of installation, it was noticed
[Wiesenfarth et al. 2017, Liu 2017]. that there was an issue regarding the voltage and
The photovoltaic solar energy is based on
semiconductor materials which collect the sun-
light and convert it directly into electricity., an
electric field is created between the layers of the
semiconductor material, through the impact of
the sunlight photons. Electrical energy is created
in direct current (DC), which is then transformed
to alternating current (AC) by using Inverters.
A concentrated photovoltaics module can be
divided in two main layouts: having the concen-
trating optics in lenses (usually Fresnel lenses)
or in mirrors. The Fresnel lenses shown in Fig-
ure 2 can be made of a thin film silicon-on-glass,
known as acrylic glass or transparent thermoplas-
tic. A mirror can be made of glass or plastic cov-
ered by a thin layer of Aluminum or silver pro-
tected against oxidation. There are many different
considerations that lead the designer toward one
layout or the other. However, the installed CPV
in the site is based on the Fresnel lens technology
[Antonini et al. 2014]. Figure 1. PV cell exposed to
concentrated solar radiation
It is worth mentioning that the installation
of the two units has been implemented by the
faculty members despite the presence of many
technical obstacles during setup due to unclear
guidelines and instructions provided in the man-
ual. The installation commenced by picking a
shade-free site, for instance, with no buildings or
trees around. Then, digging was started and the
footings were sealed to protect them from mois-
ture. Finally, concrete foundation with dimen-
sion (W: 2.5m × L: 2.5m × D: 0.9m) was laid to
support the weight of the CPV structure. In order
to fit the poles with their holes onto the anchor
rods, they had to be mounted on the foundation
properly. The sequence of processes is depicted
in Figure 3.
On the other hand, steel structure frames and
beams were assembled together. The tracking
motor was mounted on the top of the structure.
These components are responsible for holding the
movable panels of CPV as shown in Figure 4. The Figure 2. A concentrated photovoltaic
final appearance of the CPV system is illustrated optical layout.units installation
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
current output readings. Thus, a series of mainte- that glass is very fragile and might break spon-
nance procedures were conducted by dismantling taneously. In fact, this process took a lot of time
all the CPV components in order to troubleshoot and had to be performed carefully, due to the fact
everything related to the panel operation. The that the Fresnel layer is made from thin transpar-
main parts that were fixed are: ent thermoplastic rubber. Figure 8 shows part of
the Fresnel layer used in the CPV modules. Mul-
a) Concentrators
tiple layers of rubber and silicon were used to re-
The most commonly used concentrators are seal the panels in a better way to avoid the issue
concentric mirrors or lenses with the magnifying of water leakage inside the panels recurring under
effect that concentrate the sunlight on the photo- rainy conditions.
voltaic cell as shown in Figure 6. However, when
the units of the system were completely disman- b) Photovoltaic cell
tled for maintenance purposes, and the sealing The photovoltaic cell is situated in the fo-
of silicon on the edges of panels were removed, cal axis of the reflective or of the lens and it is
large quantities of water that accumulated inside mounted on the bottom of panels. The photovol-
the panels, as well as a certain amount of con- taic cells are responsible for transforming the
densed water trapped between the layer of Fres- sunlight into electricity. The PV cell is composed
nel film and the glass were found, as illustrated in of two or three layers of different materials (e.g.
Figure 7. GaInP/GaInAs/Ge) each part optimized to con-
The best scenario for eliminating the water vert all the electromagnetic spectrum of sunlight
and moisture content was accomplished by ap- into direct current [Ceballos 2015]. The photovol-
plying heat as well as using a syringe to suck the taic cells are connected in series and part of them
water out from between the layers, due to the fact is illustrated in Figure 9.
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
Figure 12. Testing and validating results of Photovoltaic cells after cleaning
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
Figure 16. Linear actuator motor Gear-box before and after lathing
Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(2), 2020
Acknowledgements REFERENCES
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