Solutions To Selected Exercises
Solutions To Selected Exercises
Solutions To Selected Exercises
Bernard F Schutz
(2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2009 (reprinted with
corrections 2011))
Bernard Schutz
Potsdam, Germany
Chapter 1
1 3.7×10−24 kg m−1 ; 3.5×10−43 kg m; 10−7 ; 10−4 kg; 1.1×10−12 kg m−3 ;
103 kg m−3 ; 3.7 × 10−16 kg m−3 .
3 (a)–(k) See the top panel in Figure 1. Note that most of the items
continue into other quadrants (not shown). (l) See the bottom panel
in the same figure. Note that light always travels at speed 1 in this
frame even after reflecting off of a moving mirror.
(c) (g)
(b)(a) (i)
(m) (h)
(d) (c)
(f )
(f )
1 2 x (m) 3
reflection 1 2 xO (m) 3
Figure 1: Solution to Ex. 3 of Chapter 1. See the solution text for explana-
5 (a) See the top panel in Figure 2. The particles (short dashed world
lines) are emitted at event A and reach the detectors at events B and C.
The detectors send out their signals (more short dashed world lines)
at events D and E, which arrive back at the spatial origin at event
F. The line BC joining the two reception events (long dashed) at the
detectors is parallel to the x=axis in our diagram, which means that
they occur at the same time in this frame. Note that the lines DF
and EF are tilted over more than the lines AB and AC because the
returning signals go at speed 0.75 while the particles travel only at
speed 0.5.
(a) 6
D (m) E
2 C
-4 -2 2 4
xO (m)
-2 A
(c) 6 F
4 xO
tO (m)
-4 -2 2 4
xO (m)
Figure 2: Solution to Ex. 5 of Chapter 1. See the solution text for explana-
(b) The experimenter knows that the detectors are equidistant from
x = 0, and that the signals they send out travel at equal speeds.
Therefore they have equal travel times in this frame. Since they arrive
at the same time, they must have been sent out at the same time.
This conclusion depends on observer-dependent things, such as the
fact that the signals travel at equal speeds. Therefore the conclusion,
while valid in this particular frame, might not be valid in others.
(c) See the bottom panel in Figure 2. This is drawn using the axes of
frame Ō, which we draw in the usual horizontal and vertical directions,
since any observer would normally draw his/her axes this way. In this
frame, the frame O moves forwards at speed 0.75. These axes are
drawn in gray, and calibrated using invariant hyperbolae (not shown),
just as in the solution to Exercise 1.3. Then the events are located
according to their coordinate locations on the axes of O. Note that
to do this, lines of constant tO must be drawn parallel to the xO axis,
and lines of constant xO must be drawn parallel to the tO axis. One
such line is the long-dashed line BC. The detectors (heavy lines) must
pass through the points xO = ±2 m on the xO -axis. The two signal-
emission events D and E are clearly not simultaneous in this frame,
although they are simultaneous in O: D occurs much earlier than E.
Note also that the signal sent at the event E and received at F remains
at rest in Ō, since it was sent backwards at speed 0.75 in frame O,
exactly the same speed as the frame Ō.
(d) The interval is easily computed in frame O because the events D
and E have zero separation in time and are separated by 4 m in x.
So the squared interval is 16 m2 . To compute it in frame Ō, measure
as carefully as you can in the diagram the coordinates tŌ and xŌ for
both emission events. Given the thickness of the lines representing the
detectors, you will not get exactly 16, but you should come close.
11 “Asymptotic” refers to the behavior of the curves for large values of x
and t. But when these variables are sufficiently large, one can neglect
a and b, and then one has approximately −t2 + x2 = 0, leading to
t = ±x. This approximation is better and better as t and x get larger
and larger.
16 (a) In Fig. 1.14, we want the ratio t̄/t for event B (these are its time-
coordinate differences from A). The coordinates of B in O are (t, v t).
The first line of Eq. (1.12) implies t̄ = t(1 − v 2 )1/2 .
17 (a) 12 m.
(b) 1.25 × 10−8 s = 3.75 m; 211 m2 : spacelike.
(c) 9 m; 20 m. (d) No: spacelike separated events have no unique time
ordering. (e) If one observer saw the door close, all observers must
have seen it close. The finite speed of transmission (< c) of the shock
wave along the pole prevents it behaving rigidly. The front of the pole
may stop when it hits the wall, but the back keeps moving and can’t
be stopped until after the door has shut behind it. Many apparent
paradoxes in special relativity are resolved by allowing for the finite
speed of transmission of pressure waves: for a body to be perfectly
rigid would violate special relativity, since the communication among
its different parts would have to happen instantaneously.
position: the two events will be at the same spatial point in this new
frame. This proves (a). The proof of (b) is similar.
Chapter 2
1 (a) −4; (b) 7, 1, 26, 17; (c) same as (b); (d) −15, 27, 30, −2 (different
from (b) and (c) because the sum is on the second index, not the first);
(e) A0 B0 = 0, A2 B3 = 0, A3 B1 = 12, etc.; (f) −4; (g) the subset of
(e) with indices drawn from (1, 2, 3) only.
5 (b) No.
6 To get the basis vectors of the second frame, compose velocities to get
v = 0.882.
22 (a) 4 kg, 3.7 kg, 0.25 (e x +e y ); (b) (3, − 21 , 1, 0) kg, 3 kg, 2.8 kg, − 16 e x +
3 e y , 0.2 e y .
31 2hν cos θ; hν cos θ.
Chapter 3
3 (b) (i) −1; (ii) 2; (iii) −7; (iv) same.
5 The order of the multiplication of numbers does not matter, nor does
the order in which the sums are done; summation over ᾱ produces the
unit matrix because the two Λ matrices are inverse to one another;
summation over µ is just multiplication by the unit identity matrix.
8 See Figure 3 for the diagram. Note that in the representation of a one-
form as a set of surfaces, the extent of the surfaces and the number
of them is not important. The critical property is their orientation
and spacing. The one-form d̃t has surfaces separated by one unit in
the t-direction so that, when the basis vector ~e0 is drawn on top of
it, it crosses exactly one surface, and when the other basis vectors are
placed on it they cross no surfaces (they lie in the surfaces).
2 dt
1 2 x O (m) 3
1 2 x O (m) 3
Figure 3: Solution to Ex. 8 of Chapter 3. See the solution text for explana-
9 d̃T (P) → (−15, −15); d̃T (L) → (0, 0).
20 (a) In matrix language, Λᾱ β Aβ is the product of the matrix Λᾱ β with
the column vector Aβ , while Λα β̄ pα is the product of the transpose of
Λα β̄ with the column vector pα . Since Λα β̄ is inverse to Λᾱ β , these are
the same transformation if Λα β̄ equals the transpose of its inverse.
24 (b) No. The arguments are different geometrical objects (one vector,
one one-form) so they cannot be exchanged.
25 Use the inverse property of Λα β̄ and Λᾱ β .
26 (a) Aαβ Bαβ = −Aβα Bαβ = −Aβα Bβα = −Aµν Bµν = −Aαβ Bαβ .
Therefore 2Aαβ Bαβ = 0. The justification for each of the above steps:
antisymmetry, symmetry, relabel dummy indices, relabel dummy indices.
28 Arbitrariness of U
~ ·D
30 (a) Since D ~ = −x2 + 25t2 x2 + 2t2 6= −1, D
~ is not a four-velocity
(f) 5t.
(h) −5t because of (e).
(i) the vector gradient of ρ has components {ρ,α } = (−2t, 2x, −2y, 0).
~ → [t2 , 5t3 + 5x(1 + t2 ), √2(1 + t2 ), 0].
(j) ∇ ~ D
33 (d) Given any matrix (A) in 0(3), let (Λ) be the 4 × 4 matrix
1 0 0 0
0 (A)
Show that this is in L(4) and that the product of any two such matrices
is one of the same type, so that they form a subgroup. These are
pure rotations of the spatial axes (relative velocities of the two frames
are zero). Transformations like Eq. (1.12) are pure boosts (spatial
axes aligned, relative velocity nonzero). The most general Lorentz
transformation involves both boost and rotation.
34 (c) guu = gvv = 0, guv = −1/2, guy = guz = gyz = 0, gyy = gzz = 1.
(e) d̃u = d̃t − d̃x, d̃v = d̃t + d̃x, g(~eu, ) = −d̃v/2, g(~ev, ) = −d̃u/2.
Notice that the basis dual to {~eu , ~ev }, which is {d̃u, d̃v}, is not the
same as the set of one-forms mapped by the metric from the basis
Chapter 4
1 (a) No. (b) Yes. (c) Dense traffic can indeed resemble a continuum,
and traffic congestion on highways often shows wave-like behavior,
with cars moving through a compression zone (slow speed) into a rar-
efaction zone (fast speed) and back into a compression zone. See, for
references, the Wikipedia article on “Traffic Flow”. (d) This is one
situation where cars are not a continuum: they move through the in-
tersection one by one. (e) If the plasma is dense enough then it is a
continuum, but very rarified plasmas, particularly in astronomy, can
be difficult to describe fully this way.
˜ = d̃q, then T ∂S/∂xi = ∂q/∂xi , where xi is either p or T . The
(b) If ∆q
identity ∂ 2 q/∂T ∂p = ∂ 2 q/∂p∂T implies (∂T /∂p)(∂S/∂T ) = ∂S/∂p,
which will almost never be true.
9 Follow the steps leading to Eq. 4.33 but changing the first index ‘0’
to, say, ’x’. Use the form of Newton’s law that says that the force is
the rate of change of the momentum. Interpret the terms analogous
to those on the left-hand-side of Eq. 4.30 as fluxes of momentum.
20 (a) In Eq. 4.58, let V~ be N~ but now show that the expression does
not equal zero, but instead equals the integral of over the four-
dimensional volume. Interpret the result as the difference between
the change in the number of particles and the number that have en-
tered over the boundaries. Show that this means that is the rate of
creation of particles per unit volume per unit time.
(b) F 0 is the rate of generation of energy per unit volume, and F i is
the ith component of the force. F α is the only self-consistent general-
ization of the concept of force to relativity.
~ → γ(1, β, 0, 0), γ = (1 − β 2 )−1/2 .
21 (a) T αβ = ρ0 U α U β , U
(b) At any point on the ring, the particles have speed ωa. At position
(x, y) we have U α → γ(1, −ωy, ωx, 0), γ = (1 − ω 2 a2 )−1/2 . In the
inertial frame their number density is N [2π 2 a(δa)2 ]−1 , which equals
nU 0 , where n is the number density in their rest frame. Therefore
n = N [2π 2 γa(δa)2 ]−1 and T αβ = mnU α U β .
(c) Add (b) to itself with ω → −ω. For example, T 0x = 0 and T xx =
2mnω 2 y 2 γ 2 .
22 No bias means that T ij is invariant under rotations. By Exer. 11
T ij = pδ ij for some p. Since T 0i = 0 in the MCRF, Eq. (4.36) holds.
Clearly ρ = γnm, where γ = (1 − v 2 )−1/2 . The contributions of each
particle to T zz , say, will be the momentum flux it represents. For a
particle with speed v in the direction (θ, φ), this is a z component of
momentum mγv cos θ carried across a z = const. surface at a speed
v cos θ. If there are n particles per unit volume, with random velocities,
then T zz = n(mγv)(v) times the average value of cos2 θ over the unit
sphere. This is 31 , so T zz = p = γnmv 2 /3. Thus, p/ρ = v 2 /3 → 13 as
v → 1. (In this limit mγ remains finite, the energy of each photon.)
23 This exercise prepares us for computing the quadrupole radiation of
gravitational waves in Ch. 9. Note that, although the stress-energy
tensor’s components vanish outside a bounded region of space, the
domain of integration in the spatial integrals in this exercise can still
be taken to be all of space: since the divergence vanishes outside the
system, integrating over the exterior does not add anything. This
seemingly small detail will be used in all parts of this exercise.
(a) The integral is over spatial variables, so the partial derivative with
respect to time may be brought inside, where it operates only on T 0α .
Then use the identity T µν ,ν = 0 to replace T 0α ,0 by −T jα ,j . This
is a spatial divergence, so its integral over d3 x converts to a surface
integral, by Gauss’ law in three dimensions. Since the region of in-
tegration in space is unbounded, this surface can be taken anywhere
outside the domain of the body, where the stress-energy components
all vanish. That means that the surface integral vanishes, and this
proves the result.
(b) The computation follows that in (a) closely. First bring one time-
derivative inside the integral, replace T 00 ,0 by −T 0k ,k , and this time
integrate by parts on xk . The integrated term is a full divergence,
and vanishes as above. But the integration by parts leaves another
term involving ∂(xi xj )/∂xk . Since partial derivatives of one coordinate
with respect to another are zero, the only terms that survive this
differentiation are where the indices i or j equal k. We can write
the result using Kronecker deltas: ∂(xi xj )/∂xk = δ i k xj + δ j k xi . The
integral involves this expression multiplied by T 0k and summed on k.
This summation leaves a relatively simple integrand: −T 0i xj − T 0j xi .
But this integral still has one further time-derivative outside it. Bring
this one in now, let it operate on the components of T µν (it does
not affect the coordinates xi and xj ), and again replace these time-
derivatives by the spatial divergences. Again integrate by parts and
evaluate the full divergence on a surface outside the body. There will
be more Kronecker deltas, but when summed they will give the simple
(c) This is a variation on the procedure in (b). Follow the same steps,
but there are now more factors of xk so the result will be the one given
in the problem.
Chapter 5
3 (b) (i) Good except at origin x = y = 0: usual polar coordinates. (ii)
Undefined for x < 0, fails at x = 0, good for x > 0: maps the right-
hand plane of (x, y) onto the whole plane of (ξ, η). (iii) Good except
at origin and infinity: an inversion of the plane through the unit circle.
4 A vector has a slope which is the ratio of its y- and x-components. For
the given vector this is (dy/dλ)/(dx/dλ) = dy/dx, which is the slope
of the curve.
5 (a) and (b) have same path, the unit circle x2 + y 2 = 1. But their
tangent vectors are different even at the same point, because the
parametrization is different. Additionally, for this problem the points
λ = 0 in (a) and t = 0 in (b) are different.
Λ1 1 = x/r = cos θ;
Λ 1 = −y/r2 = − 1r sin θ;
Λ1 2 = y/r = sin θ;
Λ 2 = x/r2 = 1
r cos θ;
Λ 10 = x/r = cos θ;
Λ 2 10 = y/r = sin θ;
Λ 20 = −y = −r sin θ;
Λ 2 20 = x = r cos θ.
8 (a)
f = r2 (1 + sin 2θ)
V r = r2 (cos3 θ + sin3 θ) + 6r(sin θ cos θ)
V θ = r sin θ cos θ(sin θ − cos θ) + 3(cos2 θ − sin2 θ)
W r = cos θ + sin θ
W θ = (cos θ − sin θ)/r
10 The key thing is to prove linearity. The lower index, associated with
the derivative, is linear in whatever vector we give it, just as is the
derivative of a scalar function. So if we double the vector argument,
we get a derivative twice as large, since it has to approximate the
change in the function when we go twice as far. Similarly, the one-
form argument is linear (associated with the upper index) because of
Eq. 5.52.
Other components are:
14 Two selected results: Arθ ;θ = r(1 + cos θ − tan θ); Arr ;r = 2r.
∂~eµ0 ∂ ∂~eα
ν 0 = β
(Λ µ0 ~eα ) Λβ ν 0 = Λα µ0 Λβ ν 0 β + Λα µ0 ,β Λβ ν 0 ~eα
∂x ∂x ∂x
0 0 0
⇒ Γλ µ0 ν 0 = Λα µ0 Λβ ν 0 Λλ γ Γγ αβ + Λα µ0 ,β Λβ ν 0 Λλ α
21 (a) Compute the vectors (dt/dλ, dx/dλ) and (dt/da, dx/da) and show
they are orthogonal.
(b) For arbitrary a and λ, x and t obey the restriction |x| > |t|. The
lines {x > 0, t = ±x} are the limit of the λ = const. hyperbolae as
a → 0+ , but for any finite λ the limit a → 0+ takes an event to the
origin x = t = 0. To reach x = t = 1, for example, one can set
λ = ln(2/a), which sends λ → ∞ as a → 0.
(c) gλλ = −a2 , gaa = 1, gaλ = 0, Γλaλ = 1/a, Γa λλ = a, all other
Christoffel symbols zero. Note the close analogy to Eqs. (5.3), (5.31),
and (5.45). Note also that gλλ (the time-time component of the metric)
vanishes on the null lines |x| = |t|, another property we will see again
when we study black holes.
Chapter 6
1 (a) Yes, singular points depend on the system.
(b) Yes: if we define r = (x2 + y 2 )1/2 , the map {X = (x/r) tan(πr/2),
Y = (y/r) tan(πr/2)} shows that, as a manifold, the interior of the
unit circle (r < 1) is indistinguishable from the whole plane (X, Y
arbitrary). This map distorts distances, but the metric is not part of
the definition of the manifold.
(c) No, discrete.
(d) This consists of the unit circle and the coordinate axes. It has the
structure of a one-dimensional manifold everywhere except at the five
intersection points, such as (1, 0).
2 (a) Normally no metric is used on this manifold: since the axes repre-
sent physically different quantities, with different units, no combina-
tion like p2 + q 2 is normally useful or meaningful.
(b) The usual Euclidean metric is normally used here.
(d) On the different segments the one-dimensional Euclidean metric
(length) is used.
10 The vector maintains the angle it makes with the side of the triangle
as it moves along. On going around a corner the angle with the new
side exceeds that with the old by an amount which depends only on
the interior angle at that corner. Summing these changes gives the
(b) If one moves on the surface of the sphere then one is at constant
r, so that dr = 0. With this in the line element, only the second and
third rows and columns of the matrix are relevant.
(c) g θθ = r−2 , g φφ = (r sin θ)−2 , g θφ = 0.
29 Rθφθφ = sin2 θ.
30 The most sensible coordinates to use are Euclidean: unwrap the cylin-
der so that it lies flat and put a flat coordinate system on it. To make
a cylinder you just have to remember that when you come to the edge
of the paper you jump to the other side, where the join was. But
locally, this makes no difference to the geometry. Since the metric is
Euclidean, its derivatives all vanish, and the Riemann tensor vanishes.
dent components:
Rtrtr = [Φ − (Φ0 )2 − Φ0 Λ0 ] exp(2Φ),
Rtrtθ = Rtrtφ = Rtrrθ = Rtrrφ = 0,
Rtθtθ = −r Φ0 exp(2Φ − 2Λ),
Rtθtφ = Rtθrθ = Rtθrφ = Rtθθφ = 0,
Rtφtφ = −r Φ0 sin2 θ exp(2Φ − 2Λ),
Rtφrθ = Rtφrφ = Rtφθφ = 0,
Rrθrθ = rΛ0 ,
Rrθrφ = Rrθθφ = Rrφθφ = 0,
Rrφrφ = r sin2 θΛ0 ,
Rθφθφ = r−2 sin2 θ[1 − exp(−2Λ)].
See if you can use the spherical symmetry and time independence of
the metric to explain why certain of these components vanish. Also
compare Rθφθφ with the answer to Exer.29 and see if you can explain
why they are different.
37 (b) The ranges of the coordinates must be deduced: 0 < χ < π, 0 <
θ < π, 0 < φ < 2π. Then the volume is 2π 2 r3 .
38 2πr sin θ.
Chapter 7
1 Consider a fluid at rest, where U i = 0 and U 0 = 1 in a local inertial
frame. Then ∂n/∂t = R, so Eq. (7.3) implies creation (or destruction)
of particles by the curvature.
(rotations) on these coordinates as one would perform in Minkowski
spacetime if one wanted to re-orient the symmetry axis of the coordi-
nates in a different direction, and that would again produce a metric
independent of the new angle φ. So, just as in flat spacetime, there
are actually three conserved quantities associated with angles, three
angular momentum components. There are no other conservation laws
for Schwarzschild.
(b)(iii) There is no spherical symmetry for the Kerr metric, so we do
not find any further conserved quantities.
(b)(iv) The Robertson-Walker metric is spherically symmetric in the
same way as Schwarzschild and Minkowski are. Therefore there are
three conserved angular momentum components. But linear momen-
tum is not conserved.
9 (a)
10 (b) In terms of a Lorentz basis, the following vector fields are Killing
fields: ~et , ~ex , ~ey , ~ez , x~ey −y~ex , y~ez −z~ey , z~ex −x~ez , t~ex +x~et , t~ey +y~et , t~ez +
z~et . Any linear combination with constant coefficients of solutions to
Eq. (7.45) is a solution to Eq. (7.45), which means that the analogous
fields to these in another Lorentz frame are derivable from these.
Chapter 8
2 (c) (i) 7.425×10−11 m−2 ; (ii) 8.261×10−12 m−2 ; (iii) 1.090×10−16 m−1 ;
(iv) 2.756 × 10−12 .
(d) m PL = 2.176×10−8 kg; tPL = 5.390×10−44 s. Typical elementary-
particle lifetimes are 10−24 s or greater. The heaviest known particles
are less than 10−23 kg.
3 (a)(i) −2.122 × 10−6 ; (ii) −9.873 × 10−9 ; (iii) −6.961 × 10−10 ; (iv)
9.936 × 10−5 .
(b) We and everything on Earth are in free-fall around the Sun, so the
value of the Sun’s potential does not matter, nor even the value of its
gradient (the gravitational acceleration the Sun produces on us). What
we do experience is the tidal force of the Sun, which is comparable in
size to that of the Moon, and which raises ocean tides and distorts
Earth’s shape. The tidal forces arise in the second derivatives of the
Sun’s potential, i.e. the differences in the Sun’s acceleration across
Earth. We experience Earth’s gravity, even though its potential is
much smaller than the Sun’s, because we are not in free-fall on Earth.
The forces we feel from our weight are actually the forces of the ground
or floor pushing up on us, stopping us from falling.
because our fundamental field is a tensor (the metric) rather than a
13 The ratio of momentum to mass is velocity, so the ratio of the corre-
sponding densities, T 0i /T 00 , will be of order v, where v is a typical
velocity. In the low-velocity limit this will be small. The argument for
the stresses is similar but more subtle. In a fluid the stress components
are just pressures, and when one uses statistical mechanics to derive
pressure from the random motions of particles of the gas, one finds
p ∼ ρv 2 . Therefore in this case T ij /T 0i 1. In more general mate-
rials, the stresses can be made of direct forces between particles, but
even here they must be of the same size: too great a stress would cre-
ate forces that would accelerate a body to relativistic speeds, violating
the low-velocity assumption.
17 (a) M = Rv 2 = (C 3 /2πP 2 ) ∼ 1.3 km ∼ 1 M . (b) 100 km ∼ 68 M .
18 (a)|Λ| . 4 × 10−35 m−2 . (b) This value of Λ represents a mass density
that one would get by spreading the mass of the Sun over the whole
Solar System. This is very much bigger than the average density of
the universe, since the nearest star is much further away than Pluto,
and on top of that there are vast empty spaces between galaxies. So
a cosmological constant of this size would have enormous and easily
observable consequences for the evolution of the universe. It follows
that a Λ of the same size as the cosmological mass density would not
be observable in the Solar System.
19 (a) T 00 = ρ, T 01 = −ρΩx2 , T 02 = ρΩx1 , T 03 = 0. The components
T ij are not fully determined by the given information, but they must
be of order ρv i v j , i.e. of order ρΩ2 R2 .
(b) Since ∇2 h̄00 = −16πρ, h̄00 is just minus four times the Newtonian
potential, h̄00 = 4M/r exactly. For h̄0i we have
h̄ = −4ρΩ y 2 |x − y|−1 d3 y.
1 1 3 2 2 3
y y d y= y y d y= y 3 y 3 d3 y = (4π/15)R5 .
These fall off as r−2 and are correct to order r−3 . A more careful study
of the properties of the solutions of ∇2 f = g would show that these are
in fact exact: the higher-order terms all vanish in this simple situation.
The components h̄ij are small compared to h̄00 and h̄0i because T ij is
small. Therefore Eq. (8.31) gives hµν and the metric
Chapter 9
7 A solution of Eq. (9.22) is uniquely determined by the initial position
and U α . The function U α = δ α 0 satisfies Eq. (9.22) for all time (by
virtue of Eq. (9.23)), and so must be the unique solution for initial
data in which U α = δ α 0 .
9 For the light beam, ds2 = 0 ⇒ dt/dx = (gxx /|gtt |)1/2 ≈ 1 + 12 hTxxT (t).
Therefore, if the remote particle is at coordinate location x = , the
time elapsed for a round trip of light is ∆t ≈ (2+hhTT TT
xx i)ε, where hhxx i
is some mean value of hxx during the time of flight of the photon.
Since hhTT
xx i changes with time while ε does not, free particles do see
accelerations relative to their neighbors.
The components of the tensor h T T are its values on the basis vec-
tors, so its components in the new frame are, for example, hTx0Tx0 =
h T T (~ex0 , ~ex0 ). Putting the expressions for the new basis vectors into
this gives hTx0Tx0 = hTxyT + (hTxxT + hTyyT )/2. The vanishing trace gives the
desired result.
26 (a) Does not violate relativity: this is just a coordinate speed, de-
pendent on the coordinate system. Relativity insists that the proper
distance divided by proper time along a light ray should always be 1,
but there is no constraint on the coordinate speed. (c) The statement
is correct as long as the distance is small enough that there is a local
inertial frame covering both ends of the light path. If the distance is
larger, and the geometry is time-dependent, then there is not a unique
meaning to the distance to a remote object: it depends on time and
the path being measured. (e) This is a coordinate-independent result,
since it is a proper time as measured on a single clock. So it would be
the same in any coordinate system.
30 I lm = A m(A) xi(A) xi(A) .
35 There is no radiation in (a)–(c) and (e), and no quadrupole radiation
in (f).
For (d), first put the time-dependence of I–ij from Exer. 31 into complex
form, e.g., I–xx = 10 M (a2 − b2 ) exp(−2iωt). Then use Eqs. (9.84)–
(9.86) with Ω = 2ω and the correct permutations of the various indices.
h̄TT 2 2
zz = −(m + M )ω {2A exp[−2iω(t − r)] + Al0 exp[−iω(t − r)]}/r,
yy = −h̄zz ,
xy = 0.
1 2
plane of polarization. Then h̄TT TT i TT
yy = (1 − 2 sin θ)f, h̄ly := l h̄iy =
−i cos θf, h̄TT
ll := li lj h̄TT TT 2 2
ij = −h̄yy , where f = 2ml0 ω exp[−2iω(t −
r)]/r. From Exer. 9.15b we see that the wave is elliptically polarized
with principal axes ~l and ~ey . The percentage of circular polariza-
tion is |h̄TT TT 2
ly /h̄yy | , which ranges from zero at the equator to 100% at
the poles.
39 (a) Let the stars orbit in the x-y plane, with the center of mass at
the origin. If the polar coordinates of m are (r1 , θ), both functions of
time, and if those of M are (r2 , θ + π), then their total separation is
r = r1 + r2 , with r1 /r = M/(m + M ), r2 /r = m/(m + M ). In terms
of these variables the quadrupole tensor follows straightforwardly:
I xx = µr2 cos2 θ,
I yy = µr2 sin2 θ,
I xy = I yx = µr2 sin θ cos θ,
l0 = a(1 − e).
convenient. The results are E = −mM/2a, L2 = µ2 (m + M )a(1 − e2 ).
From these follow the desired relations:
P 2 = −π 2 (M + m)2 µ3 /2E 3 ,
e2 = 1 + 2EL2 /(M + m)2 µ3 ,
a = −mM/2E,
l0 = a(1 − e).
I xx = µr2 (cos2 θ − 31 ),
I yy = µr2 (sin2 θ − 31 ),
–I xy = I–yx = µr2 sin θ cos θ,
–I zz = − 13 µr2 .
40 Bring out the R−1 as r−1 , as in Eq. (9.103), but expand t − R about
t−r. Eq. (9.104) and its consequences still follow. The first term is Eq.
(9.105) but higher terms depend on (d/dt)n ρyi yk . . . yl ym d3 y, where
Chapter 10
1 This is essentially a repeat of Exer. 28, except with the time-dimension
present. However, the transformation affects only the spatial coordi-
nates, so the solution follows in simple way.
Then, from all the components of the Ricci tensor one forms the Ricci
scalar, R = g αβ Rαβ . Finally one forms the Einstein tensor, e.g.
that. Since there is no differential equation for S one does not change
the manner of integration; one just adds an auxiliary function or look-
up table to determine the entropy at any radius and hence allow the
pressure there to be computed.
8 (a) Use reasoning similar to that in Exer. 5. (b) Make sure to include
the Christoffel symbols in the computation of the covariant derivative!
These can be found in Exer. 35 of Sec. 6.9.
15 Putting the power series into the differential equations and matching
up powers of r shows that ρ1 = 0 and
The power series solution for the three functions then becomes
ρ = ρc + ρ2 r2 ,
p = pc (1 + ρ2 Γc /ρc r2 ),
m = 4πr3 ρc /3 + 4πr5 ρ2 /5.
19 (a) 1.12 × 1042 kg m2 s−1 ; (b) 1.4 × 104 s−1 ; yes, by 50%; (c) 2.7 × 10−4 ;
(d) 5 × 109 Gauss.
Chapter 11
1 In Eq. 11.9, find the minimum approach distance by setting dτ = 0,
and calling this radial distance b. If M = 0 solving for b gives the
result. Note that if m = 0 the result is the same as if one had started
with Eq. 11.10. The impact parameter is defined for any orbit (even
if M is not zero) by the equation
b = L/[E 2 − m2 ]1/2 .
It can be thought of as the offset of the “aim” of the trajectory from
the center of the metric, when the trajectory is far away. If M is non-
zero then the trajectory will approach the center more closely than
b. For a photon orbit with m = 0, again even when M is not zero,
one can replace in Eq. 11.12 L by bE. Then if one re-scales the affine
parameter λ to a new one λ0 = Eλ, the resulting equation depends
only on one parameter, b. Re-scaling the affine parameter is always
allowed and does not change the path of the geodesic through the
spacetime. So we learn that photons follow geodesics that depend
only on their “aim”, or offset, from the center. Massive particles do
not: the degree to which they approach more closely than b depends
on their velocity far away, which (unlike that of a photon) depends on
the initial conditions.
4 The key radii are 3M , the location of the unstable photon circular
orbit, and 6M , the location of the last stable circular orbit for massive
particles. So if a star has a radius of 2.5M , as in (a), then all possible
orbits exist outside it, even photon circular orbits. If a star, as in (b),
has a radius of 4M , then it will not have any photon orbits, but the
last stable massive-particle orbit will still be outside its surface, so all
stable massive-particle orbits will exist. Finally, in case (c), if the star
has a radius of 10M then there will be stable circular orbits down
to its surface, and of course any quasi-elliptical and quasi-hyperbolic
orbits that approach no closer than the surface radius.
5 (a) The question is badly worded, since the value 1−2M/R is the rela-
tivistic value of −g00 , not its Newtonian approximation.pThe function
that is to be compared with the Newtonian potential is (−g00 )−1 =
−M/r −M 2 /r2 −. . .. This differs from the Newtonian potential −M/r
by the term M 2 /r2 , which makes a 1% change when M/r = 0.01.
(b) For a 106 M black hole, this is at a distance of about 1.5 × 1011 m,
just 15 time larger than the radius of a normal star. So nor more than
of order 1000 normal stars can be entirely inside the highly relativistic
zone around a black hole of that mass. But if the mass is 109 M , then
the radius is 1000 times larger, and the volume is 109 times larger, so
that billions of normal stars could be in the highly relativistic region
near such a mega-massive black hole.
7 (a) Use Eq. (11.24) in ds2 = g00 dt2 + gφφ dφ2 to get τ = 20π 7 M .
(b) Same as coordinate time interval, Eq. (11.25): 20π 10 M .
(c) Integrate ds2 = g00 dt2 over the time in (b): 40π 2 M .
(d) 6.4 ms: innermost stable orbit.
(e) 40/ 2 yr, independent of M .
9 (a) Turning points are at r = 12.5 M and 5.47 M . (Notice that the
high L̃ enables the particle to turn around inside 6M . This is not a
contradiction with is radius being the last stable orbit, because that
applies only to circular orbits.) The orbit changes by ∆φ = 7.4 rad
between these points. A full orbit has ∆φ = 14.8 rad, or a perihelion
shift of 8.5 rad. The approximation Eq.11.37) gives only 2.3 rad. This
shows that highly noncircular orbits can have much greater shifts.
14 In arc sec per orbit and per year: Venus (0.052, 0.085), Earth (0.038,
0.038), Mars (0.025, 0.013).
22 Approximately 105 M .
origin because it belongs to the extended Kruskal-Szekeres metric and
is not easily examined in Schwarzschild coordinates, and also because
it is relatively easy to do the computation there!
37 (a) The photon follows a null line along which only the coordinates t
and φ change. So the relevant interval is
a correction. The limiting value of Ω = 1/r is just what one needs in
order for the photon to travel around a distant circle of radius r in a
time equal to the circumference of the circle, 2πr.
The coordinate time that elapses is 2π divided by the absolute value
of the angular velocity. In the forward direction this is
r !
2π ω2 ω
∆t+ = 1+ 2 − .
Chapter 12
8 (a) Use dχ2 = dr2 /(1 + r2 ). Integrating leads to r = sinh χ.
(c) A Lorentz transformation leaves the metric and hence the hyper-
bola unchanged, but changes the origin of spatial coordinates. Any
point on the hyperbola can be made into this origin by choosing the
correct transformation.
9 (a) In the text it is pointed out that pχ is conserved due to the homo-
geneity of the universe. A radially propagating photon has just two
non-zero four-momentum components, p0 and pχ , so we have
0 = g00 (p0 )2 + gχχ (pχ )2 ,
which by the diagonality of the metric can also be written as
0 = g00 (p0 )2 + g χχ (pχ )2 .
For each kind of universe gχχ = R2 (t), so that g χχ = 1/R2 (t). Since
g00 = −1, we finally get that
p0 = pχ /R(t).
The constancy of pχ establishes the fact that the locally measured
energy of the photon, p0 , decreases with time as 1/R(t). Notice that,
since the location of the origin of coordinates in a homogeneous space
is arbitrary, the radially-moving photon really can be any photon, so
this law is quite general.
(b) The redshift relation follows from the fact that the wavelength of
a photon is inversely proportional to its energy.
10 In Eq. 12.67, which is the result of the previous Exercise, expand R(tr )
about R(te ):
R(tr ) = R(te ) + Ṙ(te )(tr − te ) + . . . .
Now, for a photon traveling at the speed of light, tr − te = d0 , the
distance to the emitter as defined in Eq. 12.24. So we get
z = (Ṙ/R)(te )d0 .
Now, to the accuracy we are working (first order in time intervals or
d0 ) we can replace te in this expression with tr , which is the same as
today’s time t0 as used in Eq. 12.24. This makes z from Eq. 12.67
identical to v in Eq. 12.24 at this order.
13 Make sure you use the definition of the luminosity distance dL in
Eq. 12.34.
15 The result follows from the fact that the energy density of black-body
radiation is proportional to T 4 .
Then we get the number of photons per baryon to be about 2m−1 ×109 .
In the early universe, if there were no baryon-antibaryon asymmetry,
then one would have expected of order one baryon and one antibaryon
per photon, because the baryons would have been in thermal equilib-
rium with the photons at temperatures where the photons had enough
energy to create baryon-antibaryon pairs. What this large number tells
us is that the excess of baryons over antibaryons is of order one part
in 109 .
23 z = 3 × 103 .
24 The density must exceed ρ = 3H02 /8π = 10−26 kg m−3 . This is called
the closure density or critical density and is denoted by ρc .