Shops of Borvia - GM Binder
Shops of Borvia - GM Binder
Shops of Borvia - GM Binder
History History
The many tongues from this necklace come from each A dying wizard created this ring in order to extend her life
creature whose language it's wearer can now speak. before succumbing to a rapidly growing illness. In the end she
only managed to save seconds of her life rather than the years
Sacrificial Dagger she hoped for.
Any living, humanoid creature slain by this dagger
immediately rises from the dead as a zombie thrall. Counts as
+1 dagger.
The zombie only is loyal to the holder of the dagger. It will
always attack the closest living creature within 30ft.
Once belonging to the famous necromancer Wiz-jak, this
dagger has seen it's fair share of sacrifices. With enough time
and fresh bodies, one could create any entire army.
Dragomir's Grab Bag™
Dragomir has a huge assortment of cursed items and relics. Most of them, however, are fairly mundane and would not do be a great
boon or bane to the player. He has been unable to sell these trinkets so tries to get rid of them for a paltry fee. When picking an item
out of the bag, the buyer must take the first item they touch. To see what item the player receives, have both the DM and the player
roll a d20. If the DM rolls 1-10, give the player a cursed item matching his roll. If the DM rolls 11-20, give the player a curio matching
his roll. They should not know which type of item they received. Any equipped trinkets cannot be removed.
Cursed Curios
Roll Item Description Roll Item Description
1 Pearl Ring The user skin becomes a porcelain white. Your eyes turn to cats eyes. You gain
1 Collar
Your heart beat is no longer detectable, for all
2 Red marble
you know it has stopped beating. Blood stained You can sense heartbeats within 30ft, but
necklace not their direction.
The flesh around the ring dies, but remains
3 Onyx Ring
functional. This effect spreads very slowly. You can use this needle to stitch on a
3 Needle dead limb to replace one of your own,
4 Silver Comb Your hair turns a silvery white when combed.
giving it life.
After touching the spoon, all food now tastes
5 Spoon When angry, your eyes turn blood red,
like hot borscht. 4 Charred Ring
giving +1 to intimidation.
You can now see dark spirits hovering over
Empty Hour Each round in combat you steal 1 life from
6 people who are about to die from age and 5 Bloodstone Ring
Glass any ally or creature within 5ft
You gain 10ft of extra movement in
Humming Ghosts are now attracted towards your 6 Fulgin Slippers
7 darkness
crystal presence when nearby
Nercomancer's You have advantage when making arcana
8 Dog's Tail Beasts no longer trust you. 7
Journal checks about necromancy
Your shadow now takes a life of it's own when
9 Black cloth You can make shadow puppets that come
no-one else is looking. 8 Black marble
alive, but are always just shadows.
A small shadowfell creature only you can see
11 Worn collar You do double damage to werewolves but
follows you around. 9 Wolf's Claw
they also do double to you.
You can escape into mirrors, but your
12 Polished Ring You can now eat rotten meat and not get
reflection there will try to kill you. 10 Gnawed Bone
The more cruel deeds you commit the more
13 Ram's horn You can sense when undead are beneath
your appearance becomes devil like 11 Toe bone
your feat.
Clouded You gain terrible visions of the future, but
14 You can see invisible creatures, but only
crystal ball unknown to you, they're always wrong. 12 Bronze Mirror
behind you in the mirror.
You start sleep walking, doing bizarre things in
15 Sheep's Hoof Your blood is now poison, if a creature
the night 13 Dead Rose
bites you, do 1d4 damage.
Embalmed You no longer need to eat. If you try to, you
16 Once per day you can become ethereal for
Apple immediately vomit. 14 Ghostly Ring
6 seconds.
Hot/Cold You gain resistance from cold but vulnerability
17 You critically hit on 19-20. But something
Talisman to fire. 15 Bone carved dice
extra awful happens on critical miss
If pinned on one's clothing, it turns their
10 Ebony Pin Gives you +2 persuasion against women
whole outfit monochromatic. 16 Musk spray
but also attracts wolves.
Your character will occasionally be shifted into
Shifting Sand 50% chance of doubling or nullifying any
19 the distant past or far future for several 17 Chalice
Ring drinks potency.
Bewitches an inanimate object 3 times
A creepy doll whose eyes follow you. If thrown 18 Dead Oak Wand
20 Creepy Doll per day, but they don't obey commands
away it shows up again the next day.
Summons a skeleton cat familiar. If the cat
19 Cat skull
is destroyed so is the skull.
Summons a swarm of rats (3 charges).
20 Bone flute
25% chance they turn on their attacker
Serpent's Kiss
Name Cost Weight Type
Bottle, Glass 20gp 1 lb. --
Alchemists Fire 50gp 1 lb. --
Entangling Sap 30gp 1 lb. --
Acid (vial) 5gp 1 lb. --
Potion of Unclouded Thought 50gp 1 lb. --
Potion of Water Breathing 30gp 1 lb. --
Healing Potion 50gp 1 lb. --
Greater Healing Potion 100gp 1 lb. --
Potion of Cure Disease 50gp 1 lb. --
Potion of Cure Poison 50gp 1 lb. --
Eternal Youth Potion (3 doses) 50gp 1 lb. --
Beard-gro Potion 10gp 1 lb. --
Night Mother's Kiss 50gp 1 lb. --
Love Tonic 100gp 1 lb. --
Potion of Gaseous Form 100gp 1 lb. --
Deadman's Draught 50gp 1 lb. --
Stinging Icor 50gp 1 lb. Injury
Assassin’s blood 150gp 1 lb. Ingested
Burnt othur 500gp 1 lb. Inhaled
Crawler mucus 200gp 1 lb. Contact
Black-cap poison 200gp 1 lb. Injury
Essence of ether 300gp 1 lb. Inhaled
Malice 250gp 1 lb. Inhale
Pale tincture 250gp 1 lb. Ingested
Serpent venom 200gp 1 lb. Injury
Truth serum 150gp 1 lb. Ingested
Eternal Youth Potion Deadman's Draught
Temporarily reduces the players age by one span per dose for The drinker will become cold and clammy with a slight rotten
one week. odor after drinking this potion. Creatures will have to make a
perception check DC13 to know you're still alive. Undead with
Age Human Years intelligence under 8 ignore you for 1 hour.
Ancient 100+
Elderly 80-100
Love Tonic
Old 60-80
The drinker of this potion must make a DC10 charisma saving
throw or they will fall in love (charmed) with the next person
Adult 30-60 they see for 1 hour.
Young Adult 18-30
Night Mother's Kiss
Teenager 12-18
When thrown, deals 2d6 cold damage and freezes the enemy
Child 1-13 in place, preventing movement. A DC13 strength check is
Baby 0-1 needed to break free.
Potion of Unclouded Thought
Beard Gro
After drinking, for 1 hour the player can perfectly remember
Grows an instant beard when poured on one's chin. Will grow anything in their memory. They also get +10 to history,
hair anywhere really. religion, and arcane checks.
Entagling Sap Stinging Icor
When breaking after being thrown, this jar creates a 20-foot A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 11
square of sticky sap for 1 minute. The area is considered Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (2d6) poison damage on
difficult terrain. a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
If a creature is standing in the splashed area it must pass a
Strength save of 13 or be restrained. A restrained creature
can release itself by using its action to attempt another
Strength save, being freed on a success.
Monster Hunter's Guild
Name Cost Damage Weight
Holy Water (flask) 250gp -- 1 lb.
Silver Morninglord Talisman 5gp -- --
Sunlight Reliquary 100gp -- 1 lb.
Barbed Net 10gp 1-10 Piercing 5 lb.
Bear Trap 10gp 1d6 20 lb.
Garlic Braid 1gp -- 2 lb.
Burning Blade Oil 30gp -- 1 lb.
Holy Incense 20gp -- 0.2 lb.
Censer of the Faithful 100gp -- 2 lb.
Silver Spear 50gp 1d8 piercing* 4 lb.
Silver Longsword 50gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb.
Silver Mace 50gp 1d6 bludgeoning 3 lb.
Brand of Repentance (rod) 250gp 1d8 bludgeoning 5 lb.
Morninglord's Grasp (whip) 200gp 1d4 + 1 slashing + 1d10 fire 3 lb.
+1 Throwing Daggers 30gp 1d4 + 1 0.5 lb.
Short-Bow of the Hound 150gp 1d6 + 1 3 lb.
Silver Arrows x10 50gp -- 1 lb.
Silver Bolts x10 50gp -- 1 lb.
Sacred Oak Arrows x10 100gp -- 1 lb.
Sacred Oak Bolts x10 100gp -- 1 lb.
Silver Talisman Brand of Repentance
These talismans have much less power than people believe. This branding iron, ending in the holy symbol of the morning
However, due to it's silver material, it can burn the flesh of any lord was once used to torture suspected werewolves, witches,
shape changer it's pressed against, providing an effective and vampires into submitting their guilt. By yelling the word
torture weapon. "Repent!" the end of the brand will turn white hot. The
weapon can then be pressed against a foe for 1d6 fire
Sunlight Reliquary damage, branding them with the holy mark. A creature
The church has found an ingenious way to slowly trap scarred with the mark has the effect of a Zone-of-truth spell on
sunlight in this reliquary. When opened, weeks of captured them.
sunlight comes pouring out, doing 1d6 radiant damage in a This weapon is otherwise treated as a +1 magic quarterstaff.
15ft cone. The reliquary may be recharged by sitting out in
sunlight. For every day its left in the sun, it does an extra 1d6 Morninglord's Grasp
up to a total of 3d6.
This ivory handled whip has the ability to ensnare and burn
Burning Blade Oil it's enemies. When you hit with an attack you may use your
bonus action to attempt to ensnare the target or pull them
This especially viscous liquid can be lit on fire without prone (but not both), using your weapon attack modifier in
running off a blade. If a user applies the oil to his weapon and place of Strength (Athletics). A ensnared target may not move
lights it, the weapon will be granted an additional 1d6 burning or use the ensnared arm and takes 1d10 fire damage each
damage for 1 minute. This cannot be combined with other turn until free. If you make a second attack while grappling a
elemental effects. target, they will be let released.
Bear Trap This weapon is otherwise treated as a +1 magic whip.
When you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw- Censer of the Faithful
toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a
pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy This swinging censer provides divine protection to anyone
chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven who breathes in it's fumes. After lighting incense and standing
into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate must near within 10ft of censer for 1 minute, all creatures gain
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 +1d4 on all skill checks for the next hour. Every time this item
piercing damage and stop moving. Thereafter, until the is used it consumes on incense which can be purchased from
creature breaks free of the trap, its Movement is limited by the any appropriate church for 5gp. However, they may eventually
length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature can use run out of supplies.
its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or
another creature within its reach on a success. Each failed Short-Bow of the Hound
check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature. This magic bow was crafted for hunting and staking elusive
Silvered Weapons prey. After drawing an arrow onto the bow, one simply has to
whisper "follow" in elven and the next arrow that strikes true
Silver weapons hurt certain creatures vulnerable to the metal. marks the target. For the next 24 hours the bow will always
point towards the target when laid on the ground.
Sacred Oak Weapons
This weapon is otherwise treated as a +1 magic short-bow.
Sacred oak weapons do critical damage on natural rolls of 18-
20 when fighting vampires.
Barbed Net
This barbed net can restrain solid, large creatures or smaller.
A creature can use a bonus action to make a DC 10 Strength
check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a
success. Unlike normal nets, a barbed net deals more damage
the more a user struggles. For every attempt made, the
creature also takes 2 damage. Dealing 5 slashing damage to
the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it,
ending the effect and destroying the net.
The Blind Witch
Name Cost Weight
Magic Jewelery
Hemlock Ring 300gp --
Talisman of the Mad Druid 300gp --
Ring of the Phoenix 1500gp --
Bracers of Bugbear Strength 700gp 2 lb.
Necromancer's Robes 600gp 2 lb.
Fey Guard Robes 600gp --
Vistani's Shroud 200gp 3 lb.
Wonderous Items
Immovable Rod 300gp 2 lb.
Magic Compass 150gp 0.5 lb.
Sending Stone XS 199gp 9s 0.5 lb.
Sending Stone 8 Plus 99gp 9s 0.5 lb.
Alchemist's Jug 250gp 12 lb.
Bigby's Bag of Destiny 1000gp 1 lb.
Hemlock Ring Vistani Shroud
Allows the user to cast the Poison Spray cantrip at level 1. This weathered fur coat is more magical that it would first
Requires attunement. seem. Used by enemies of the Vistani, this cloak protects the
wearer from divination and scrying that target them. While
Talisman of the Mad Druid the cloak is on, they cannot be seen by magical means and
Enchanted by a mad druid, this wooden talisman allows the their fortunes cannot be told.
user to shape change once a day. Unfortunately he never gave Magic Compass
the user the ability to control WHICH kind of animal. Have the
user roll a 1d100, where 1 is an beetle and 100 is a brown Sitting in a decorated case, this compass comes with a small
bear, to determine the size of the creature. The creature has to stone companion. When one separates the two, the compass
be a beast and cannot exceed a challenge rating of 1. While will always point to the stone. If there are obstacles between
transformed, the user follows the wild shape rules, but must the compass and the stone, the compass will point to the path
stay in the form for at least 1 minute. that leads around them.
Phoenix's Ring Sending Stones
This magnificent is set with a glowing stone that swirls Sending stones always come in sets. These two are smooth
internally with fire. If the wearer fails all 3 saving throws the and delicately carved to match each other, so the pairs were
stone will will return it's master back to life with full hit easily recognizable. While two separate people carry the
points. During this moment fire will swirl and surround the stones they can freely use the Sending Spell towards any
ring bearer, causing 2d6 fire damage to everyone in 5 feet. other creature carrying another sending stone.
Once used the ring's magic fades forever. Uses attunement.
Alternatve Version: This magnificent is set with 3 glowing XS - Extra-planar range
magical stones. If the user is reduced to 0 hit points one of the 8 Plus - Single Planar range
stones will be spent and the user will return back to life with 1 Bigby's Bag of Destiny
hit point. During this moment fire will swirl and surround the
ring bearer, causing 2d6 fire damage to everyone in 5 feet. This one use item allows the user to pull a mysterious item
After being saved 3 times the ring's magic fades forever. out of the bag. The item will be whatever the user most needs
at that particular moment in time. Once an item is drawn or if
Bracers of Bugbear Strength someone looks into the bag, it will never produce another
item. The DM decides what the item will be at the time.
While wearing these bracers, your Strength score changes to
16. If your Strength is already equal to or greater than the
bracers' score, the item has no effect on you. Requires
Necromancer Robes
These black tattered robes give the user +1 to all of their
Necromancy spell Difficulty Checks. It also provides 1
damage resistance against all spell damage. Requires
Fey Guard Robes
These brightly colored robes seem impossibly light.
Enchanted by the fey, they protect the user from being struck
down in battle. Once per day as a reaction from being
attacked, the user may invoke the robes and be sent randomly
in any direction as if they used the Misty Step spell. Use a 1d8
to determine the direction going clockwise. The robes will
always move the wearer the full 30ft if possible. When using
their reaction, it must be after the attack is delcared but
before the result it's success determined. Requires
Jablonski & Sons
Armor Cost Armour Class (AC) Strength Stealth Acrobatics Swimming Weight
Light Armor
Padded Leather 20gp 11+Dex — — Disadvantage Hindered 8 lb.
Studded Leather 40gp 12+Dex — — — — 13 lb.
Plated Leather 80gp 13+Dex Str 11 Disadvantage — Hindered 20 lb.
Medium Armor — — — — — —
Chain Shirt 50gp 13+Dex (max 2) Str 10 — — — 12 lb.
Scale Mail 70gp 14+Dex (max 2) Str 12 Disadvantage — Hindered 45 lb.
Breastplate 400gp 14+Dex (max 2) Str 10 — — — 20 lb.
Half Plate 800gp 15+Dex (max 2) Str 12 Disadvantage — Hindered 20 lb.
Heavy Armor — — — — — —
Ring Mail 40gp 14 Str 12 Disadvantage — Hindered 40 lb.
Chain Mail 70gp 5s 15 Str 13 Disadvantage — Hindered 55 lb.
Splint 1000gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage Disadvantage Hindered 60 lb.
Shield — — — — — —
Buckler 10gp +1 — — — — 4 lb.
Kite Shield 20gp +2 — Disadvantage Disadvantage — 6 lb.
Masterwork Armor — — — — — —
Duelist's Vest 300gp 12+Dex — — — — 13 lb.
Magic Armor — — — — — —
Autumn's Shadow 700gp 13+Dex — Advantage* — — 8 lb.
Service Cost Time
Gilding 100gp + Gem/s 1 day
Spikes 30gp 1 day
Armor Fitting 20gp 1-3 days
Deep Iron Alloy 400gp + Armor 3-5 days
Services Armor
Armor Fitting Autumn's Shadow
The chances of finding a set of armor that is one's exact size Once known as the Cloak of Four Seasons. This magic armor
on a slain enemy is rare. For a nominal fee, a blacksmith will was used by elves on their hunts to blend in with the changing
tailor, hammer, and sometimes even modify the armor to fit a colors of the seasons. Sadly in Barovia's constant darkness,
customer. these leaves always look dead and rotting. When sneaking or
Gilding hiding among plants or trees this armor grants it's user
The process of decorating a weapon or suit of armor with advantage on all stealth rolls.
gemstones or gold, costing 100 gp in addition to material
costs. It confers no benefits on the battlefield, but grant's +1 to Duelist's Vest
all persuasion skill checks while wearing it. This finely crafted leather vest was made to protect the
wearer during a fencing duel. On top of the protection a
Deep Iron Alloy typical leather vest provides, this suit is reinforced against
An incredibly hard metal taken from the Underdark, armor piercing attacks. All piercing damage is reduce by 2.
made from this material can withstand the harshest of blows.
When getting hit while wearing Deep Iron armor, critical hits
will be transformed into regular hits. This process only works
on non-magic armor.
Fits iron spikes on an armor set. Not only does this create a
fearsome appearance, it will inflict damage on any successful
grapple equal to the wearer's strength bonus.
Bloodbath & Beyond
Martial Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Rapier 30gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Finesse
Greatsword 50gp 2d6 piercing/slashing 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Halberd 20gp 1d10 piercing/slashing* 7 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Longsword 20gp 1d8 piercing/slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Morningstar 20gp 1d8 bludgeoning/piercing 4 lb. —
Shortsword 10gp 1d6 piercing/slashing 2 lb. Light, finesse
Warhammer 20gp 1d8 bludgeoning 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Flail 20gp 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb. Wind-up
Dousing Blade 500gp 1d6+ special 2 lb. Light, finesse
Geist Bane 700gp 1d8+1 piercing/slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Service Cost Time
Silver Alloy 100gp + Weapon 1-3 days
Master Work 200gp + Weapon 1-3 days
Custom Scabbard 20gp 1 day
Weapon Properties Magic Weapons
Parry Terminus Est
This weapons can parry incoming attacks. If you hold your A sharp, intimidating sword, this blade once served as a
bonus action during your turn, you are granted an additional symbol of authority for executioners. The mercury in it's core
+1 to AC when attacked by a melee weapon from a target you makes it light to raise and heavy to swing downward, perfect
can see. Wielding a parrying weapon in each hand allows you for beheadings. When attacking a prone target, this sword
to boost your AC twice. always does critical damage on a successful hit. In addition,
Unweildy this weapon has the stats of a +1 greatsword.
Due to the sheer size and weight of this weapon, it is difficult
to wield gracefully. It has a -3 penalty when rolling to hit, but a Geist Bane
+3 to damage when landing a blow. This phantom blade is caught between the material and
ethereal plane. While the handle remains in this realm, the
Wind-up blade glows an ethereal blue and is semi-transparent. Because
You can prepare attacks with this weapon to make it even of it's semi-permeable nature, this weapon can pass through
more effective. You can use an action to wind up or set your enemies and damage them at the same time.
weapon. On the next attack you make with the weapon you As a bonus action, when attacking with this weapon you
add an additional weapon die to that attack if it hits. A weapon may attempt to roll to hit an additional target as long as they
can only add one such damage die in this way. If no attack is are within 5ft of both you and the attacker. You may repeat this
made by the end of the wielder’s next turn it is no longer on another additional target as long as every previous hit is
wound up. The wielder can use an action to keep the weapon successful and they are within 5ft of you.
wound up for a subsequent round. A weapon that is wound up This weapon is also a +1 magic weapon and does an extra
can be used to make an opportunity attack when an enemy 2d6 damage to ghost-type enemies.
enters its range.
Dousing Blade
Services This odd sword is made of a peculiar metal that takes on the
Silver Alloy properties of any blood it comes in contact with. Any time a
There are many creatures in Barovia that fear the sting of creature is struck with a slashing or piercing attack, the blade
silver. Werewolves are especially vulnerable. You may only add will absorb the properties of that creature, if acceptable. It will
silver alloy to a non-magic weapon. never inherit properties that make it weaker and it can only
take on one property at a time. As soon as a new compatible
Masterwork source comes in contact with it, it will change. The table
The weaponsmiths can make a masterwork weapon on below are some examples of fusions.
special order. Choose a weapon from the shop-list and they Creature Properties
will create the masterwork version. It gains +1 on attack rolls.
Vampire 1d4 life steal on hit
Custom Scabbard Poisonous Snake DC8 Con Poison on hit
Any legendary weapon needs to kept in legendary condition.
For only 20 gold you can have a custom scabbard of your own Ghoul DC8 Con Paralyzed on hit
design. Fire Mephit 1d6 fire damage on hit
Frost Giant 1d6 cold damage on hit
Fritz Von Weerg's Workshop