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Title: Whimsical Wonders

Author: Caio Mouriz Távola D20:
Artists: Hansuan_Fabregas, Caio Mouriz, Pixabay, Caio Mouriz/Nicollas Hanso/Renan Silva
Freepik, Rawpixel
Artwork Touch-ups: Caio Mouriz
Publisher: Livros Caio Mouriz @Tavola_D20
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Independent PDF
Pages: 22 linktr.ee/tavolad20
Available in: English


“Whimsical Wonders” is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content
Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are proper-
ty of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Caio Mouriz ©
Whimsical Wonders ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4

The Salesman ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5

Magic Items�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6

A Quick Thanks �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19

Art: lustigesrollenspiel.de Caio Mouriz ©

Whimsical Wonders

elcome to “Whimsical Wonders: venturers brave enough to seek them out. With his
A Collection of Magical Items for mechanical grace and enigmatic charm, The Sales-
Dungeons & Dragons 5e”! man adds a touch of intrigue and curiosity to your
campaign, weaving tales of wonder and whimsy
In this delightful supplement, you’ll wherever he goes.
discover a curated selection of
magical items that will add a touch As you delve deeper into the supplement, you’ll un-
of whimsy and laughter to your cover a treasure trove of magical items, each with
D&D campaigns. From the Poker of Darkness to its own unique quirks and abilities. From the mis-
Umbridge’s Cursed Pen, these items range from the chievous Poker of Darkness to the powerful Dragon
utterly absurd to the surprisingly practical. Guardian Ring, these items offer endless opportuni-
ties for creative storytelling and memorable en-
But don’t let their comedic nature fool you! Among counters. Whether you’re seeking comedic relief or
these whimsical treasures lie hidden gems that powerful artifacts to aid in your quests, “Whimsical
can turn the tide of battle or unlock new avenues Wonders” has something for everyone.
of creativity for your players. Whether it’s Graham
Bell’s Ring of Communication or the Arcane Tome So gather your party, prepare your spells, and
of Knowledge, these items offer both amusement embark on an adventure like no other. With “Whim-
and utility, providing countless opportunities for sical Wonders” by your side, the possibilities are
inventive roleplay and memorable encounters. endless, and the laughter is guaranteed.

As the author of this supplement, I’ve had the plea-

sure of using many of these items in my own D&D
campaigns, and I can attest to the joy and excite-
ment they bring to the table. From the laughter that
erupts when a character wields an Itchy Wand to
the strategic opportunities presented by the Soul
Removal Amulet, each item in this collection has
been carefully crafted to enhance your gaming

So gather your party, roll for initiative, and prepare

to embark on a whimsical adventure filled with
laughter, surprises, and magical wonders!

What You Will Find Here?

Within the pages of this delightful supplement,
you’ll embark on a journey through a realm of
whimsy and enchantment, encountering an eclectic
array of magical treasures to enrich your tabletop

But that’s not all - nestled within the enchanting

pages of this tome is an enigmatic NPC known only
as “The Salesman.” Crafted entirely from metal and
powered by steam, this mysterious figure roams
the lands, offering these fantastical items to ad-

Caio Mouriz © 4
Art: lustigesrollenspiel.de

The Salesman
While “Whimsical Wonders” introduces the enig-
matic figure of The Salesman as a unique narrative
element, Dungeon Masters are by no means obli-
gated to incorporate him into their campaigns. The
magic items presented in this book can seamlessly
integrate into any campaign setting, whether the
DM chooses to introduce them through The Sales-
man or through other means. Feel free to scatter
these treasures throughout your world, placing
them in the hands of eccentric merchants, hidden
within ancient ruins, or guarded by formidable
monsters. After all, the essence of tabletop roleplay-
ing lies in the freedom to improvise and adapt the
elements that best suit your campaign and storytell-
ing style.

Remember, the heart of tabletop roleplaying is

creativity and flexibility. As a Dungeon Master, you
have the power to shape your world as you see fit,
and “Whimsical Wonders” is here to provide you
with a diverse array of magical treasures to enrich
your players’ experiences. Whether you choose to
weave these items into the narrative as part of The
Salesman’s mysterious offerings or scatter them
across your world as hidden treasures waiting to
be discovered, the choice is yours. So embrace
the spirit of improvisation, tailor the items to suit
your campaign’s needs, and watch as your players
embark on thrilling adventures filled with laughter,
wonder, and excitement.

5 Caio Mouriz ©
Art: Daniel F. Walthall
Magic Items
The items are arranged alphabetically in this book
for ease of navigation.

Arcane Tome of Knowledge

Wonderous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

This enchanted tome is an unparalleled source of

arcane wisdom, granting the user instant insights
into the mysteries of magic. Known as the Arcane
Tome of Knowledge, it is an essential resource
for scholars and practitioners of magic seeking to
deepen their understanding of the secrets of the Arcane Tome of Knowledge

Description blend with the very air around it. When worn, the
The Arcane Tome of Knowledge is bound in sturdy amulet adjusts to the wearer’s contours, emitting a
leather and adorned with ancient runes that glow subtle glow that fades as invisibility takes hold.
with mystical light. Its pages, covered in intricate
text, contain a vast reservoir of arcane knowledge, Ability
waiting to be unraveled by those who possess the Upon activating the Camouflage Amulet, the wearer
wisdom to understand it. becomes invisible while remaining still. This ability
By touching the pages of the Arcane Tome of allows the bearer to blend completely with their
Knowledge, the user is instantly imbued with in- surroundings, becoming virtually undetectable to
sights and understanding about any magical subject others’ eyes. However, any voluntary movement
they wish to investigate. Whether to comprehend or action will break the invisibility, revealing their
the principles behind a complex spell, decipher the presence. Detect Magic indicates the wearer’s pres-
secrets of a magical artifact, or study the writings ence.
of ancient grimoires, the tome grants instant knowl-
edge about the subject at hand. It grants a +2 bonus Price
on the next Arcana check the user makes. This 500 gp
ability can only be used once every 24 hours.
Art: Caio Mouriz
6000 gp

Camouflage Amulet
Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

This delicately carved amulet emanates an aura

of concealment and mystery. Known as the Cam-
ouflage Amulet, it grants the wearer the ability to
seamlessly blend into the environment, becoming
invisible to the eyes of observers while remaining

The Camouflage Amulet is an enchanted work of
art, adorned with intricate symbols that seem to Camouflage Amulet

Caio Mouriz © 6
Art: Freepik
Canine Talking Ring
Ring, Uncommon

The Canine Talk Ring is a peculiar adornment that

grants the wearer the ability to understand the lan-
guage of dogs, but does not offer the same benefit
to our canine friends.

This ring has a simple design, usually made of met-
al with a small gem embedded in its surface.
When worn, the Canine Talk Ring allows the wear-
er to understand and interpret the barks, growls,
and whines of dogs as if they were spoken words
in a known language, but in a rudimentary manner.
However, dogs do not have the same ability to un-
derstand the wearer’s speech, remaining unaware Canine Talking Ring
of any attempts at communication.

100 gp

Cursed Gauntlet of the Red

Shadow Art: GDJ

Wonderous Item, Very Rare

A black gauntlet with red details. Once worn, it

cannot be removed by any common or magical
means. In the first few days, nothing happens; it
appears to be just an ordinary gauntlet. However,
on the fifth day, the wearer of the gauntlet begins to
hear a voice in their head. First, the voice will assist
the gauntlet bearer, saying “behind” or “right” when
there is an attack towards the bearer. Then, the Red
Shadow teaches its first ability, the creation of its
spectral weapon.

Red Shadow’s Spectral Weapon

The spectral weapon can be any weapon, even if
the host is not proficient. It gains +3 to attack and Cursed Gauntlet of the Red Shadow
deals the same damage as the original weapon, but
you add your spellcasting modifier* and proficien-
cy bonus to the damage. Additionally, the target
hit by the spectral weapon must make a Strength
saving throw (DC 15). On a failed save, the target is
pushed back 10 feet. If it enters another creature’s
space, it provokes an opportunity attack.
In the meantime, the Red Shadow will gradually
try to influence the mind of its bearer, speaking

7 Caio Mouriz ©
false truths and always seeking to make the bearer and covers their entire body, forming a black ar-
stay on its side. Eventually, the presence of the Red mor with red details. In this scenario, the player
Shadow becomes so great that it can see and hear loses awareness and control of their actions and
everything the bearer sees and hears, able to com- will attack whoever the Red Shadow deems most
ment in real-time, but only the bearer can hear it. dangerous. In this case as well, the armor’s base
*If you are not a caster, you may add your strength AC is 18 + the bearer’s Dexterity modifier and it has
or dexterity modifier at your choice. resistance to magic and slashing damage.

Afterward, the Red Shadow teaches another unique If the Red Shadow becomes too powerful (i.e., if it
ability to its bearer. can already take full control of the bearer’s body),
in case of emergency, it can detach from the bearer,
Flying Skull creating a temporary body with the empty armor. If
2nd-level Necromancy it does so, it will attempt to move away from danger
Casting Time: 1 action as much as possible until it can regain its strength.
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S To safely remove the Gauntlet
Duration: Instantaneous
1. Using the Wish spell: This powerful spell can
This spell creates a skull shrouded in negative en- undo the effects of the curse and safely remove the
ergy. When it hits the target, it deals 2D8+4 points gauntlet from the bearer’s arm.
of necrotic damage and dissipates with a horrifying
sound, leaving the target and all enemies within a 2. Engaging in Mental Combat with the Red Shad-
10-foot radius of it frightened (already frightened ow: The bearer can enter into a mental battle with
creatures are stunned for 1D4 rounds). Succeeding the Red Shadow inhabiting the gauntlet. If success-
on a Wisdom saving throw avoids the condition ful, the gauntlet will detach from the arm and fall
(other creatures in the area also have the right to to the ground. However, if the bearer is defeated,
make a saving throw to avoid the condition). the Red Shadow will take control of the body and
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using attack those nearby. The player can attempt mental
a 3rd-level spell slot or higher, you can affect one combat again after twenty-four in-game hours to
additional creature and deal an extra 1D8 damage regain control and confront the Red Shadow.
for each level above 2nd.
3. Making a Pact with a Deity (assuming multiclass-
At this point, the Red Shadow is becoming exceed- ing with Warlock): By forging a pact with a powerful
ingly powerful. When the bearer becomes angry, deity, the bearer may gain the strength and knowl-
the voice heard by others will be a mix of theirs and edge necessary to break the curse and remove the
the Red Shadow’s. At this juncture, a player with gauntlet safely.
any alignment other than chaotic neutral or chaotic
evil must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 25 once
per day or always after using the gauntlet’s abilities.
Dragon Guardian Ring
If they fail, their alignment shifts to chaotic, and Ring, Rare (requires attunement)
they begin to distrust everyone around them, who
by this point should fear their power. This elegant ring features a unique design that
evokes the image of a majestic dragon delicately
It’s from this point onward that the Red Shadow coiled around the wearer’s finger. Known as the
can take control of the bearer’s body if they do Dragon Guardian Ring, it grants exceptional magi-
something the Shadow deems dangerous to itself cal protection against the darkest arcane powers.
or both of them, if the bearer becomes too angry, or
if the bearer even allows it. The bearer must make Description
a Charisma saving throw (DC 20) whenever the The Dragon Guardian Ring is a masterpiece of
Red Shadow attempts to take control. If the charac- magical craftsmanship, with its band of precious
ter loses control of their actions and is overtaken by metal intricately carved with details depicting the
the power of the Red Shadow, the gauntlet expands distinctive features of a legendary dragon. Upon

Caio Mouriz © 8
wearing this ring, the user feels a protective aura Art: Caio Mouriz/
enveloping their finger, emanating a sense of securi- Al17
ty and confidence.

This ring has the unique ability to absorb up to 90
points of magical damage, originating from arcane
and supernatural sources. Whether it’s the blazing
fire of a sorcerer or the icy necrotic magic of a lich,
the Dragon Guardian Ring offers an impenetrable
defense against such attacks. Once it absorbs the
maximum amount of damage, the ring disinte-
grates, dissolving into sparks of magical energy.

Forgetfulness Potion
Poriton, Rare
Dragon Guardian Ring
The Forgetfulness Potion is a delicate and enig-
matic artifact that offers brief relief from disturbing Art: Daniel F. Walthall

This small vial is made of translucent crystal, with
a cork stopper perfectly fitted in its opening. Inside,
a magical potion of yellow color rests, emitting a
soft bluish light. Its simple appearance belies its
powerful effect.

When ingested, the potion within the Forgetfulness
Flask allows the consumer to temporarily forget a
specific memory of their choice. The memory fades
away for a period of time determined by the user’s Forgetfulness Potion
Intelligence modifier, measured in hours. During
this time, the memory is suppressed. Art: Freepik
After the time period elapses, the memory returns
to the individual’s consciousness, without any per-
manent alteration.

2000 gp

Graham Bell's Ring of Com

Ring, Common (requires attunement)

This modest silver ring appears ordinary at first

glance, but it harbors a hidden power that makes
it an intriguing communication tool. This item has
the ability to transmit messages in a mysterious
Graham Bell’s Ring of Comunication

9 Caio Mouriz ©
and unpredictable manner. can employ its special ability, known as Licht Re-
gen. When using this ability, a storm of arrows is
Operation summoned, hitting a 30 ft wide cone from the user.
When a person uses the ring to send a message, The arrows are magically accurate and deal dam-
the message is magically transmitted to a random age to targets within the affected area. Everyone
individual within a 13ft radius. This person be- within the Licht Regen area must make a Dexterity
comes the involuntary recipient of the message saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + the user’s
and, upon receiving it, is able to send a response DEX modifier. If they fail, they take 10d8 damage; if
back, which will be heard by the original sender. they succeed, they take half of that damage.
The random nature of the transmission means
there is no control over who will receive the mes- Price
sage. It could be a close friend, a stranger, or even 6000 gp
an animal. Furthermore, since the response is
based on the recipient’s first thought, common re- Inkwell of Endless Writing
sponses are often confusing, such as “Uh?” or “Oh
my God!”, especially if the recipient is not familiar Wonderous Item, Uncommon
with the concept of magical messages.
This graceful quill is a truly exceptional writing
Price tool, infused with magical powers that transcend
120 gp the limits of ink and paper. Known as the Inkwell of
Endless Writing, it never runs out of ink and auto-
matically records the words dictated by the user,
Heilig Bogen whether to create a letter, a personal diary, or even
Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement) transcribe an arcane spell.

The Heilig Bogen is a magical pendant that attach- Description

es to the user’s wrist, revealing itself as a surprising The Inkwell of Endless Writing is a delicate piece of
weapon capable of conjuring arrows made of pure craftsmanship, with a sharp tip that glides smoothly
energy. over any surface. Its feather, made of an unknown
material, seems to emit a soft glow when in use,
Description indicating the presence of magic at its core.
This pendant, seemingly simple at first glance,
reveals its true nature when activated. Made of Ability
an unknown material and adorned with arcane When held and activated by the user, the Inkwell of
symbols, it emanates an aura of power that cannot Endless Writing never runs out of ink, regardless
be ignored. When activated, it pulses with a blue of the number of words written. Additionally, it has
energy that extends to form a long bow made of the ability to automatically write anything dictated
luminous energy. by the user in their mind. Whether a simple mes-
sage, a detailed narrative, or even the formulation
Ability of a complex spell, the quill transcribes the words
With a free action, the bearer of the Heilig Bogen in impeccable calligraphy.
can activate the pendant, causing a bow of blue
energy to appear in their hand. This bow does Despite its undeniable utility, the Inkwell of Endless
not require the use of conventional arrows, as the Writing is not without limitations. It can only re-
arrows are conjured from pure energy as the bow cord what is dictated by the user and lacks its own
is drawn. The arrows fired by this bow have the consciousness to discern nuances or correct errors.
same effectiveness as conventional arrows and are Additionally, the quill lacks comprehension power,
capable of inflicting damage as if they were made of so any command or speech that is not clear or spe-
solid material, causing 1d8 damage. cific may result in inaccurate or confusing writing.

Licht Regen Price

Once per long rest, the bearer of the Heilig Bogen 60 gp

Caio Mouriz © 10
Art: Caio Mouriz
Heilig Bogen Lucky Amulet
Art: Caio Mouriz

Inkwell of
Endless Writing Itchy Wand
Art: Rawpixel
Art: pikisuperstar
once per long rest.
Itchy Wand
Wand, Uncommon (requires attunement) Description
The Lucky Amulet is a finely crafted piece of jew-
The Itchy Wand is a magical artifact that, instead of elry, adorned with shimmering gems that capture
casting powerful spells, only provokes an uncom- light in a dazzling manner. Its intricate design sug-
fortable itching sensation in its user. gests a magical origin, while its comforting weight
conveys a sense of confidence to the wearer.
Description Once per long rest, the bearer of the Lucky Amulet
This wand is made of common wood and bears can invoke its power and choose to roll a die again,
no special details in its appearance. Its simple and regardless of its type. After rerolling the die, the
unassuming exterior doesn’t reveal its true nature user can choose to either keep the original result or
until activated. replace it with the new one. This ability can be used
to influence the outcomes of skill checks, attacks,
Comic Ability saving throws, or any other dice roll.
When activated, the Itchy Wand emits a small mag-
ical discharge that causes a mild itching sensation Price
on the user’s skin. This sensation is not harmful or 5000 gp
painful but can be extremely irritating, especially if
prolonged for too long. Mirror of Random Reflection
The Itchy Wand is often used as a joke among
friends or as an entertainment tool at parties and Wonderous Item, Common
social events. Its harmless and amusing effect
makes it a popular addition to magic tricks and The Mirror of Random Reflection is an intriguing
comedic performances. artifact that, when used, reflects not the image of
the observer but that of a random person who is
Price looking at a mirror somewhere in the world.
50 gp
This mirror appears to be an ordinary piece at first
Lucky Amulet glance, with a simple frame and no distinctive de-
Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement) tails. Its reflective surface is flawless, and its com-
pact size makes it perfect for easy transport.
This enchanted amulet is adorned with symbols of When someone looks into the Mirror of Random
good fortune and is capable of influencing destiny Reflection, instead of seeing their own image re-
at crucial moments. Known as the Lucky Amulet, flected, it shows the image of a random person
it allows the user to manipulate the course of fate somewhere in the world who is looking at a mirror

11 Caio Mouriz ©
at that moment. The reflected person can be of any Art: Caio Mouriz
race, age, or gender, and the scenery around them
may vary.
This mirror only shows people who are on the
same plane of existence.

100 gp

Pair of Mimic Gloves

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

These curious gloves, a strangely complementary

pair, exude an air of mystery and unease. One is as Mirror of Random Reflection
white as fresh snow, while the other is as dark as
the night. Upon donning these gloves, you immedi- Art: Freepik
ately feel a strange sensation, as if your hands are
being guided by their own will.

The Pair of Mimic Gloves is a magical artifact that
drastically alters the way its user communicates.
When wearing the gloves, you lose the ability to
speak normally. Instead, any attempt to speak is
replaced by exaggerated gestures and theatrical

The curse of these gloves is that they cling to the
wearer, refusing to be removed by normal means.
Even if you try to take them off, they will remain Pair of Mimic Gloves
firmly planted on your hands. Only a removal or
dispel magic spell can free you from these mysteri- Art: Caio Mouriz
ous gloves.

Additional Effects
In addition to their main curse, the Mimic Gloves
have another peculiar effect. When worn, they grant
the user a +2 bonus on Performance checks related
to nonverbal communication, such as mime and

340 gp

Poker of Darkness

Caio Mouriz © 12
Poker of Darkness Portable Detainment Armor
Wonderous Item, Legendary Wonderous Item, Very Rare

This set of poker cards is made of a shiny black The Portable Detainment Armor is a clever de-
material, with strange symbols carved on each of vice capable of temporarily confining a target in a
them. As you hold the cards, you feel a sinister en- strange armor.
ergy pulsating through them.
Description This small cube, fitting between one’s fingers,
The Poker of Darkness is a supernatural poker appears to be just a common metal artifact at first
game where players can bet their own attributes. glance. However, its true nature is revealed when
Each set of cards contains the essence of an an- activated by the correct command word.
cient magical pact, allowing those who play to use
the powers contained in the cards to alter their own Ability
abilities. With a standard action and the proclamation of the
activation word “Behave”, the user can throw the
How to Use cube at a target. If the target fails a Dexterity Sav-
To start playing, players must be willing to bet their ing Throw DC 17, they are enveloped by a strange
own attributes. Each player receives a number of armor that unfolds from the cube and locks around
chips equal to their summed attribute modifiers, them.
represented by the Chips listed below:
The strange armor immobilizes the target com-
25 Chips: 1 Point; pletely, rendering them on their knees with their
100 Chips: 2 Points; arms behind their back and a metal plate covering
500 Chips: 3 Points; their mouth. The target remains completely re-
1k Chips: 4 Points; strained until they manage to free themselves.
5k Chips: 5 Points.
The game is played in Texas Hold’em style. Players To break free, the target must make a Strength
can bet their attribute points during the betting check DC 20. If successful, the armor dissolves and
rounds. If a player wins the game, the number bet returns to the form of a cube, falling to the ground
will be added to the corresponding attribute, your and allowing the target to regain their freedom.
attribute can be over 20 with this method. If they
lose, the points will be subtracted from the attribute Price
bet. 8000 gp

Curse Consequences
The Poker of Darkness is a double-edged weapon. Scrying Orb
While it offers the opportunity to increase your at- Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
tributes beyond the normal limit, it also comes with
significant risk. If a player zeroes their Constitution This translucent crystal orb is a powerful divination
during the game, they will die instantly, consumed tool, capable of allowing the user to glimpse distant
by the curse of the cards. events in time and space. Known as the Scrying
Orb, it operates similarly to the Scrying spell, but
Furthermore, once someone starts playing the with some usage restrictions.
Poker of Darkness, the curse becomes part of their
existence. Even if they try to get rid of the card set, Description
it will always find its way back to them, as if bound The Scrying Orb is a polished crystal sphere, with
to their soul. intricate patterns that seem to shift and change
when observed up close. Its surface reflects light in
This item can’t be bought. Only found. a mesmerizing manner, giving the viewer the sensa-

13 Caio Mouriz ©
tion of peering into a distant and mysterious world. Art: Caio Mouriz
When activated, the Scrying Orb allows the user
to visualize a specific person using the same pa-
rameters described in the 5th-level Scrying spell.
Within the orb, the images initially appear blurry
and indistinct, as if seen through a haze. Over time,
these images become clearer and more defined,
allowing the user to observe the events surrounding
the chosen person with greater precision.

Recharging the Orb

After using the orb’s two daily charges, it needs to
be recharged to regain its ability to function again.
This recharging process can be performed during a
long rest.
Portable Detainment Armor
7500 gp Art: pikisuperstar

Slippery Stride Boots

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

The Slippery Stride Boots are a peculiar artifact

that, instead of facilitating the user’s movement,
make it a challenging and potentially dangerous

These boots, at first glance, appear to be a common
pair of travel footwear, made of sturdy leather rein-
forced to withstand long walks.
Scrying Orb
Cursed Ability
Upon wearing the Slippery Stride Boots, the user
becomes prone to slipping on smooth and slippery Art: Freepik
surfaces. From now on, all terrain is considered
Difficult Terrain for them.

Curse Removal
To remove the curse from the Slippery Stride
Boots, the user must seek the help of a powerful
spellcaster capable of casting the Remove Curse
spell. Then, they may remove the boots.

150 gp

Slippery Stride Boots

Caio Mouriz © 14
Art: Caio Mouriz
Art: Caio Mouriz

Steve’s Magical Pickaxe

Art: Freepik

Soul Removal Amulet Sparrow’s Compass

Soul Removal Amulet their hit points to zero, the soul is forcibly pulled
by the chain, reconnecting it to the body and bring-
Wonderous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
ing them back to the Physical Plane with zero hit
The Soul Removal Amulet is a mystical relic
shrouded in dark secrets and dangerous possibili-
If the chain takes damage and breaks, the character
ties. This five-pointed wooden amulet with a skull
dies immediately, without the chance of death sav-
carved in the center possesses the unique power to
ing throws. The chain has an AC of 21 and 50 HP.
separate the wearer’s soul from their body, allow-
If the character is able to cast spells, they are still
ing them to explore the vast and enigmatic Astral
able to do so within the Astral Plane.
10000 gp
This sinister amulet exudes an aura of ancient and
dark magic. Its macabre appearance and the en-
graving of a skull add a sense of dread to its wearer.Sparrow's Compass
A mystical chain emerges from the wearer’s chest Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
when the amulet is activated, connecting their soul
to the body in a tenuous and fragile manner. Sparrow’s Compass is a discreet and enigmatic ar-
tifact that hides its magical nature beneath a com-
By touching the amulet to their heart, the user can mon appearance, deceiving the eyes of the unwary.
separate their soul from their body, manifesting
in the enigmatic Astral Plane. The user gets their Description
soul separated from their body, but a strong long This seemingly ordinary compass features a black
chain that allows them to move freely keeps them box adorned with white details along the edges,
connected. There, they can interact with ethereal giving it a simple and elegant appearance. When
creatures and spirits while remaining disconnected opened, it reveals a surprisingly sober interior: a
from the physical world. However, they are unable black and white pointer oscillating over a white
to interact with objects or creatures from the Phys- background, with cardinal points marked in a cir-
ical Plane except through spells and abilities that cle.
affect both planes. Despite its mundane appearance, the true nature
of Sparrow’s Compass is revealed when in action.
If the character suffers enough damage to reduce When handled, the compass will spin the pointer

15 Caio Mouriz ©
wildly from side to side until it stops pointing to- Usage
wards what its bearer desires most, even if they To use Steve’s Magical Pickaxe, simply grip it firmly
don’t yet know what it is. This desire can be a spe- and direct it to the area you wish to dig. With a
cific location, a personal goal, or anything else the simple motion, the pickaxe will cut through the soil
bearer’s heart longs for. or rock, creating a 13x13 foot space that can be
explored by the user.
Magical Description
Nothing in the compass gives it away as a magi- Price
cal artifact until it is seen in action or detected by 10000 gp
magic. It emits no glow or perceptible magical aura
at first sight, making it a secret tool for those who
know how to use it. When attuned, the compass Thunder Voice Necklace
will spin until it stops pointing in a direction corre- Wonderous Item, Common
sponding to something the character desires deep-
ly. However, any change in the character’s mood will This imposing necklace, adorned with ancient
cause the compass to change its direction to fulfill runes and studded with shimmering stones, pos-
what they most want at that moment. sesses an impressive power that transforms the
wearer’s voice into a deafening thunder, capable of
Price echoing for miles.
1000 gp
The Thunder Voice Necklace is a magical jewelry
Steve's Magical Pickaxe piece of majestic appearance. Its gleaming chain
holds an elaborate pendant, usually carved with
Wonderous Item, Very rare(requires attunement)
symbols of storm and thunder.
This enchanted pickaxe, with its bluish hue and
sturdy wooden handle, is an essential tool for
Once the necklace is placed around the neck, its
explorers and miners seeking to delve into the
wearer can no longer control the volume of their
underground in search of riches. Known as Steve’s
voice. Every word spoken resonates like a booming
Magical Pickaxe, it boasts incredible abilities that
thunder, shaking the air and echoing across the
facilitate excavation and the collection of precious
landscape for miles around.
Removing the Necklace
The Thunder Voice Necklace can only be removed
Steve’s Magical Pickaxe has a simple appearance,
through magic. A curse removal spell or a dispel
but its true power lies in its magical enchantment.
magic spell can undo the enchantment that binds
The bluish blade glows with an aura of magic,
the necklace to its wearer. Without such magical
while the wooden handle provides a comfortable
intervention, the necklace will remain firmly at-
and firm grip.
tached to the wearer’s neck, turning every word into
a deafening roar.
This pickaxe is capable of digging a 13x13 foot
area of any material per turn. Whether it’s soil,
100 gp
rock, ore, or any other substance, Steve’s Magical
Pickaxe cuts through them with magical ease, facil-
itating excavation and cave exploration.
Tide Ring
Furthermore, if there are any precious stones in the Ring, Uncommon (requires attunement)
way, such as diamonds, rubies, or emeralds, they
are automatically detected and dislodged by the Description
pickaxe, ready to be collected by the user. This silver ring has a small blue sapphire em-
bedded in it. While wearing the ring, you gain the

Caio Mouriz © 16
ability to breathe underwater and to move through Art: Caio Mouriz
water as if you were moving through air. Additional-
ly, once per day, you can cast the “Water Walk” spell
as a bonus action.

100 gp

Truth Lantern
Wonderous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

This peculiar lantern emits a special light that un-

veils hidden secrets and deceptive illusions. Known
as the Truth Lantern, it is an essential tool for those
seeking to unmask disguised creatures or dispel Thunder Voice Necklace
magical illusions.
Art: Freepik
The Truth Lantern is an elegant construction, with
a polished metal body and a clear crystal lens that
emits a pure white light. Its simple design conceals
its magical power, making it both a practical tool
and a charming adornment.
When the Truth Lantern is lit, it emits a special
light that reveals the true form of creatures at-
tempting to disguise or conceal themselves through
magical illusions. The lantern’s penetrating light
dissipates any camouflage or illusions, revealing
the true nature of hidden creatures or objects.
Tide Ring
500 gp
Art: Freepik

Umbridge's Cursed Pen

Wonderous Item, Rare

This seemingly ordinary pen hides a dark secret

that makes it a feared tool by many. Known as
Umbridge’s Cursed Pen, it is a source of pain and
torment for those who inadvertently use it.

Umbridge’s Cursed Pen appears to be an ordinary
pen at first glance, with a simple body and a sharp
tip. However, its sinister power manifests when the
ink touches a surface.

Curse Truth Lantern

When someone uses this pen to write, anything that
is written also appears on the arm of the person

17 Caio Mouriz ©
holding the pen. The text is reproduced exactly
as it was written, and the material of the surface
does not matter - paper, wall, stone, anything will
Art: Harryarts
serve as a canvas for the curse to manifest.
Additionally, each word written causes 1 point of
damage to the user. This damage is cumulative
and increases with each word written.

Delay in Text Appearance

A particularly cruel feature of this curse is the
delay in the appearance of the text on the user’s
arm. The text begins to appear as the writing
is completed, meaning the person will not feel
the pain immediately, but gradually as the text is
For example, the text “Hello, how are you?”
would begin to appear on the user’s arm when
the pen finished writing the question mark.

Price Umbridge’s Cursed Pen

1500 gp

Caio Mouriz © 18
A Quick Thanks

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your support and interest
in my Dungeons & Dragons supplements and adventures.

Your decision to download and explore these supplements means a great deal to me.
Crafting immersive and exciting content for fellow adventurers like you is a passion of
mine, and knowing that you’ve found value in my work is incredibly rewarding.

Creating these supplements has been a labor of love, and seeing them in the hands of
passionate players like yourself is truly fulfilling. Your support motivates me to continue
developing and sharing new content for the D&D community.

If you have any feedback, suggestions, or questions about either supplement, please don’t
hesitate to reach out. Your insights are invaluable as I strive to improve and expand upon
my creations.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. May your adventures
be filled with excitement, danger, and, most importantly, unforgettable memories!

If you enjoyed this adventure, consider downloading my other books “Goblins & Beavers”,
“Glyphs and Runes - Enchantment Evolved” and “Maledictus Sanguine - Bloodmancy
Spell School”.

Thank You so Much!

19 Caio Mouriz ©
Artists by showing order:

• Lustigesrollenspiel.de;
• Daniel F. Walthall:
This work features art by Daniel F. Walthall, found at: drivethrurpg.com/product/181517,
available under a CC BY 4.0 license: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
• Hansuan_Fabregas;
• Caio Mouriz;
• Al17 / Freepik;
• Harryarts / Freepik;
• Rawpixel.com / Freepik;
• Pikisuperstar / Freepik;
• Freepik;
• GDJ - Pixabay

Layout: Caio Mouriz;

Written: Caio Mouriz;

Caio Mouriz © 20
“Whimsical Wonders” is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content
Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are proper-
ty of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

21 Caio Mouriz ©

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