A Treatise On Ideal Form of Government
A Treatise On Ideal Form of Government
A Treatise On Ideal Form of Government
Today we live in a world where countries have adopted a democratic setup. The current reality is
opposite to the situation just a century ago. In 1800s, although countries like USA, France and ….. had a
democratic setup but majority of countries that include Othman Empire, Great Britain, Russia, Austrian
Empire, Persians and many others were monarchist state. For centuries, these states had been ruled by
Kings who exercised ultimate power in running the affairs of the state.
Various prominent scholars of the past have delved on the topic of type of government suitable for us
humans. From ancient scholars like Plato, Aristotle, Ibn Khuldon to middle age scholars like Voltaire,
Locke and Dilderoit and others have analyzed and suggested a government setup that is ideal for the
According to Plato the best form of government is that ruled by learned “scholars”. Ibn Khuldun on the
other hand had said that no empire, no country can sustain itself unless the individual tribes are
empowered to have their say in the government. Race is the term that the great scholar termed bonded
individuals together.
The medieval scholars who could be said the founding fathers of democracy suggested that the ideal
form of government is that in which there is a balance of power. Montesquieu, for instance, suggested
that the power to rule a country should be divided between the legislative, judicial and executives of a
state, who perform their tasks within the framework of specific rules included in the constitution of a
country. Diderot went one step further and suggested that they should be elected by the vote of
common people. John Locke…… Karl Marx and Eng… in their communist manifesto on the other hand
promoted rather incited the proletariats or industrial worker to shed their chains and take over the reign
of government from the monarchy to rule with a system termed as “social equality”.
The culmination of the illuminated ideas of these medieval scholars resulted in the formation of
democratic form of government. In mid-1800s there was a general feeling of agitation among people
who were sick of abuse of power by the monarchists. There were many instances of rebellions which
were instantly subdued by these rulers but they could not extinguish the flame of.. which was incited by
the writing of medieval scholars. The main reason for these dissidence or general agitation was that
people were fed up with the monarchy. Having realized their universal rights through reading the works
of scholars they were eager to gain hold of the reigns of state to implement rules that favor the rights of
the masses. The abuses, injustice, the subjugation of the poor masses forced them to take wage war
against the monarchy.
So was monarchy really that bad? Monarchy is a form of government of government in which a person
and his immediate family rules the entire country. The person rules with absolute authority and power
who makes laws, rules, regulations and changes them at will.
As you can see the form of government has the perfect recipe for abuse of power and subjugation of the
masses. All wealth finds its way to that person’s coffers through taxes and other state fees that is
exhorted from the common public. With no one to check the action of the monarch, that person feels
the divine right to rule at will without accepting any qualms and criticism of others. How the divine right
is utilized is also of no concern to the monarch.
The only benefit of the monarchy form of government was that having absolute power, he was able to
subdue others with ease. So there were theoretically less chance of anarchy and dissidence
overwhelming a country, which was in reality not always the case. The abuses, extortions and injustice
of the monarchs resulted in rebellions, revolts and uprisings which took most of the time of the
Looking at dictatorship, we find that it also mimics monarchy in manner and form. The only difference is
that monarchy looks like a family business while dictatorship is more of a state affair. The state takes
absolute power and wields total control over the affairs of the country. No dissent is accepted against
the state which is crushed with brute force. Communism and Fascism are also a form of dictatorship
with single party ruling the state rather than a person.
The term "democracy" first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought in the city-
state of Athens during classical antiquity. Led by Cleisthenes, Athenians established what is generally
held as the first democracy in 508–507 BCE. Cleisthenes is referred to as "the father of Athenian
Analyzing logically, there is no doubt that democracy is the comparatively the most humane system of
rule of the masses. Democracy traces its routes to the medieval writers who inculcated in humans the
fact that they are born with self evident rights like the right to live without abuse, the right to justice,
the right to earn suitable income without giving it all to the state or monarch in form of taxes.
The realization of these rights resulted in the move to attain those basic human rights. To throw away
the shell of despot rule people took matters in their own hands and hacked away the chains of
monarchy. Inspired by the teachings of Voltaire, Locke, Diderot and other scholars, people chose
Democracy or rule by the will of the masses as their form of government.
20th-century transitions to liberal democracy have come in successive "waves of democracy," variously
resulting from wars, revolutions, decolonisation, religious and economic circumstances. World War I and
the dissolution of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires resulted in the creation of new nation-
states from Europe, most of them at least nominally democratic.
The glorifying aspect of democracy is that the power to rule and govern is distributed with three
entities. They include the judiciary, legislative and executive powers. These three powers made sure that
others performed their tasks within the framework of rules and regulation with the intent of benefit of
the masses. They made sure that power is utilized effectively for the betterment of the masses.
Is revolution or rebellions against democracy is the cure these ills? Again, a big NO. What is needed is
subtle reforms to the democratic setup that will result in make it the Ideal and most perfect form of