UoA Custom Mission F1

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• Some proper firepower.

F1 - CUSTOM MISSION - Each Red Objective gives 5 AP and the top Bounty Weapon to the
Survivor who takes it. The Survivor may reorganize their
THE SIEGE OF inventory for free.
- Set aside two Dynamite cards. The Blue Objective gives 5 AP and
FORT OMALA both of these cards to the Survivor who takes it. The Survivor may
reorganize their inventory for free.
HARD / 6 SURVIVORS / 120 MINUTES - The Gatling Gun can be moved indoors or outdoors but can only
Design and development: Francesco PREVITE and Paolo SOTTILOTTA be fired from the street Zones or from the Balconies.
I told 'em! I told 'em fair and square! We wasn't gonna be • More of them unholy creeps.
safe in that old fort. But now here we are. We barely - The Abomination Spawn Token activates alternately on Tile 8V
fought off the previous occupants, who had turned and on Tile 9V. Start activating the one on Tile 8V as soon as an
undead and were infesting the place, but all the ruckus we Abomination spawns. When the Abomination is killed, deactivate
made has attracted more of them unholy creeps and now the token and move it on the other Tile.
we got an ol' fashioned siege on our hands. It's gonna be - After ALL the Survivors have reached Red Danger Level, the
tough but we've been through worse and we will fight Zombie deck is removed from the game, and no more Zombies will
tooth and nail! Plus, there's gotta be some proper spawn during the Zombie Phase.
firepower inside here, maybe even a stick of dynamite or
two... • Optional Rule: Holy Water can be discarded by a Survivor to heal
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5V, 6R, 8V, & 9V. a wound of a Survivor in the same zone.

The Siege. Accomplish the Objectives in this order
to win the game: 1R 2R 9V
1 - Hold the fort. Reach Red Danger Level with
ALL the Survivors 8V 3R 4R
2 - Clean it up. Kill the remaining Zombies on the
board. 5V
• Setup.
- The Corpse Piles don’t generate Corpse
Spawning Zones. Instead, the Zombies shown on
the map are placed on the indicated Corpse Piles
at the start of the game.
- DO NOT place any Objective tokens except where
shown on the map.

Gatling Gun
Survivor Objectives
Starting Zone (5 AP) Spawn Zones
Noise Token


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