Working at Height

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Working at Height

• Working at height is defined as
any work undertaken at any
place above at or below ground
level from which if measures
were not taken a person could
fall a distance liable cause
personal injury.
• It includes gaining access to or
egress from such a place except
by a staircase in a permanent
• Employees working at heights shall be provided with
an approved full body harness, lanyard and shock
absorber as a minimum. Lanyards shall be secured
when working two (2) meters above the ground at
all times
• Equipment shall be selected, used, and maintained
in such a manner to maximize personal safety and
minimize risk to the user.
• All personnel must be trained on the safe and
proper use of fall protection equipment.

• Fall protection equipment will be inspected by a

Competent Person(s) at regular intervals, and
colour coded in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and project requirements.
• While there is work at heights, the area below the
working area shall be barricaded and warning signs
shall be placed so that no unauthorised personnel
shall enter the area.
• Waste materials shall not be kept on the platforms.
• Tools and equipment shall be stored in a safe and
secure manner at the end of the shift.
The progression of work with regard
to providing safe access/egress and
for undertaking the work activity
should be considered while planning
the work. Typically, the items listed
below should be considered:
•Fixed or Mobile Towers
•Site specific risks
•Access onto Vehicles
•Weather conditions
•Access equipment
•Mobile access equipment
• If weather conditions deteriorate The criteria listed below shall be
and the work area is considered taken into account for the termination
unsafe, then ‘work at height’ shall of work:
be suspended till conditions – Heavy rain
improve. The items listed below – Harsh winds
should also be considered:
– Lightning
– Lifting operations
– Storm, etc
– Handling of types of
– Erection methods
– Operation of equipment
– Hazards at workplace
• Risk assessments, including
emergency rescue, shall be
carried out for the activities
requiring ‘work at heights’ and
communicated to each person
assigned work in elevated areas
or in areas that present any
possibility of falls.
• Supervisors must analyse all
tasks for their individual fall
potential and then ensure that
adequate fall prevention/
protection systems are in place,
prior to any work.

•Use Safety harness & lifeline

•Use Scaffolding/ Temporary
Work Platforms
•Provide barriers at floor
openings(safety nets etc)
•Provide appropriate lighting and
warnings signs at potential danger
working areas

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