Mockdrill Report-070518

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Main Block, Government Secretariat | 8th March 2018

Jointly Organized by
Kerala State Disaster Management Authority
General Administration Department &
Kerala Fire and Rescue Services
Ambulance of Health Services seen rushing to the Mock
Drill Site, onlookers are seen on either side of the road

Fire & Rescue Service Personnel in action

1. Introduction
The Kerala Government Secretariat in Thiruvananthapuram is the seat of administration of
the Government of Kerala, housing important ministries and bureaucratic offices. It is the highest
echelon of state administrative structure offering locus for the exercise of authority by state
Government. The secretariat refers to the complex of departments. Its political heads are the
ministers while the administrative heads are the Secretaries to the Government. The Government
Secretariat is a popular landmark and located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram City.
Kerala Secretariat Complex consists of 5 blocks. North block, South block, Main block
and two sandwich blocks. The main block has 3 stories and houses offices of various departments.
Apart from the central block, two new blocks were constructed on either side of the central block.
The North Sandwich Block, located at North Gate, houses office of Kerala Chief Minister, offices
of few cabinet ministers and cabinet rooms. The South Sandwich Block houses primarily offices
Government secretaries.
1.1 Mock Exercise
Mock exercises on various types of natural and anthropogenic hazards helps in inculcating
a culture of preparedness and generate awareness. Mock exercises will help the government to
assess the preparedness, review the crisis management system, Standard Operating Procedures and
to evaluate the readiness of various departments to any disaster or emergency. Mock exercises will
also give the opportunity to coordinate the activities of various agencies for their optimum
utilization and to use the feedback to identify the gaps and improve the capacities of the system to
face an actual disaster situation.
1.2 Objectives
The broad objective of the mock exercise conducted in the Secretariat was to review the
emergency preparedness of the Secretariat to any disaster like Fire. The other specific objectives
 Assess the response mechanism of the first responders
 Enhance coordination among the emergency support functioning agencies
 Awareness creation among the Secretariat Staff.


2. Fire Hazard
“Fire is a good servant but a bad master” is a saying which is
true with a fire hazard. Fire is a naturally occurring companion of
energy released in the form of heat and light, when oxygen combines
with a combustible or burnable material at a suitable high
temperature. There are three components in fire viz. fuel, heat and
oxygen. These three in the right combination produces fire. These
three forms a ‘fire triangle’. Taking away any of the three
components can extinguish fire.
Fire hazards pose threats to life and property. Fire is one of the most common hazards in
the state due to which many lives and damages occur every year, hence Fire safety is very
important aspect of disaster prevention. Fire can be prevented with adequate planning and
proactive response at the initiation of fire.
2.1 Procedure Followed for the Drill
The need to conduct a mock drill at Secretariat was raised in the monthly evaluation
meeting with the Secretaries chaired by the Chief Secretary. Hence, Kerala State Disaster
Management Authority was directed to facilitate the mock drill. Mock drill on Fire was decided as
fire is a probability in the Secretariat.
Joint Secretary, General Administration Department was deputed as the nodal officer for
this exercise. It was decided to conduct the mock drill jointly organized by Kerala State Disaster
Management Authority, General Administration Department & Fire and Rescue Services on the
8th of March 2018.
2.2 Preparatory Meetings
Three preparatory meetings were held prior to the actual conduct of the mock drill. The details
are given below
i) A coordination meeting was held on 19th February 2018 to discuss the details of the
mock drill which was attended by the following officials.
Sl.No: Name Designation & Department
01 Honey P Joint Secretary, GAD
02 Rajagopal K Assistant Commissioner, Disaster Management,
Land Revenue Commissionerate, Revenue Dept.
03 Noushad Divisional Officer, Fire
04 Abdul Rasheed K Asst. Divisional Officer, Fire
05 Rupesh S B Station Officer, Fire
06 Arun S Nair Dy. Collector (DM), Thiruvananthapuram
07 Suresh Kumar P B Office of the Chief Secretary
08 Shibi Abraham Section Officer, Disaster Management


08 Sajila T Sr Grade Assistant, DM
09 Bipin S Asst Engineer, (Elec)
10 Dr Anil V Asst. Director, Health Dept
11 Praveen P Asst. Housekeeping, Secretariat
12 Shreela PS Asst. Engineer, Electronics
13 Rajesh V Asst. Engineer, Civil
14 Deepu SS Secretary, KSEA

In this meeting, it was decided to conduct the mock drill on 8th March 2018. Respective
departments were directed to submit their plan for the smooth conduct of the exercise. It was also
decided to conduct mass awareness to the employees of the Secretariat by the Kerala State Disaster
Management Authority on this occasion.
ii) A follow up meeting was held to review the progress on 24th February 2018. The
following officials participated in the meeting.
Sl. No Name Designation
1 Honey P Joint Secretary, GAD
2 Jagadeesh Deputy Secretary
3 P B Suresh Kumar Chief Secretary Office

4 Rupesh S B Station Officer, Fire and Rescue

5 Bipin S AG, Electrical
6 Rajesh V AE, Civil, PWD
7 Sreela PS AE, Electronics, PWD
8 Preetha P S SO, Disaster Management Department
9 Sagila T Senior Grade Assistant, DMD
10 Firoz S Clerk, CLR

iii) Secretariat Fire Mock drill preparatory meeting and awareness on 05/03/2018

Sl. No Name Designation

1 Sajith S T Station Officer, Fire and Rescue
2 Sasi K Security Officer, GOK, Secretariat
3 Rupesh S B Station Officer, Fire and Rescue


4 Bipin S AG, Electrical
5 Sreela PS AE, Electronics, PWD
6 Nandakumar S S Clerk, (For AE, PWD, Civil)
7 Preetha P S SO, Disaster Management Department
8 Hari Krishnan M S Assistant Protocol Officer
9 Sumod P T SO, GA(HK-B)
10 Praveen P Asst. , GA(HK-B)
11 Biju S General Secretary KSSA

12 P Pradeep Kumar KSSA

13 Deepu S S Secretary KSEA
14 Anu S Nair Deputy Collector, Tvpm

15 Dr. Sekhar L MS, SDMA

16 Firoz. S Clerk, CLR

3. Awareness for the Employees in the Secretariat

Mock drill is also an opportunity for awareness creation. Kerala State Disaster
Management Authority along with Fire & Rescue Services and GAD department visited all the
sections and departments in the Secretariat on the 5th March 2018 to spread the information on fire
safety and the conduct of mock drill.
The following brochure on Fire was distributed to all staff in the main block to educate
more about fire hazard.


Flyer designed and shared through social media including Whatsapp

Photographs on
awareness generation
on Fire & Drought
through one to one
campaign on 5th
March 2018 in all the
sections of the main
block of Secretariat.
Educative materials
were distributed


4. Time Log

11:00am - Fire Broke out on the 2nd floor of the main block
11:01am - Chief Security Officer (Incident Commander) informed the District
Control room, Fire & Rescue Dept. and Health Dept.
11:04am - Fire tenders reached the spot and started extinguishing the fire
11:06am - Health Department reached the spot and provided BLS & First Aid
11:15am - Evacuation completed
11:30am - Briefing Chief Secretary near the assembling area
11:35am - Briefing the media by CSO & Jt. Secretary
11:40am - All clear, back to respective desks.

4.1 Positioning of Independent Observers from SDMA

Independent observers were designated in various as follows. Each of them closely observed the
entire process and response mechanism during the drill and a report was submitted on the gaps
1. Development Hall Athulya Thomas
2. Main Hall Neethu Thomas
3. Finance Dept. Anjali S Ravi
4. Tax Dr. Sreeja M U
5. General Admin. Dr. Asha Rose
6. Vigilance Ronu Mathew
7. Law Rajeev T R
8. Store Purchase Sathyakumar C J
9. Housekeeping Rajalakshmi Radhakrishnan
5. Observations & Recommendations
Independent observers were deployed at key locations of the mock drill area to observe the process
and to report the gaps identified. These gaps are given below with suggestive actions to improve
the fire safety system in the Secretariat.
1. Evacuation and Exit Routes are not clearly marked or displayed
Observations Recommendations
1.1) During the drill it was found that the 1.1) Evacuation & Exit routes shall be
staff were not aware of the shortest exit clearly displayed in common areas of
routes to the assembling areas. the Secretariat. The respective section


officers may direct the staff to evacuate
1.2) Some of the corridors were filled with in case of an emergency through the
unused furniture and other stationery shortest available exit route to the
which blocked the way thereby assembling ground.
reduced the mobility.
1.2) The exit routes should be clutter free,
so that it wont hinder timely evacuation
as time is very precious in a disaster
situation. There is also a risk of
subsequent hazard like stampede.

2. Use of Fire Extinguishers at the Secretariat and training to the Staff.

Observations Recommendations
2.1) There are 334 fire extinguishers 2.1) The purpose of conducting drills is also
installed in the secretariat (including to test the institutional readiness to face
Annex 1 which has around 60). Each a disaster, hence the existing fire
fire extinguisher was found to be extinguishers also should have been
numbered. All the extinguishers were used to douse the fire.
refilled and found to be within the
expiry date. 2.2) As office staff may also act as the first
responders in case of an emergency in
the office, it is recommended that staff
are adequately trained to use the fire
extinguishers. This will help the
officers to gain confidence to use the
extinguishers timely. It was noted that
such training has not been provided to
the staff and it is highly recommended
to conduct training to all the staff of the
Secretariat on Fire Safety, BLS, First
Aid & Disaster Management.

Each extinguisher Expiry date 2.3) Each floor and the respective sections
is numbered 09.01.2019
should have trained staff on
emergencies including first aid.

2.2) Though these extinguishers were 2.4) Presently, a Fire Station Officer is
available, it was not used in the drill. deputed in the Secretariat with 1
Leading Fireman and 3 Firemen on
2.3) Staff of the Secretariat was not duty. Considering the less number of
involved in the drill (as responders) Fire personnel, it is recommended that
all the Security guards also get trained
in Firefighting.


3. Fire Alarms & Announcement system are defunct
Observations Recommendations
3.1) Fire alarms are installed in some locations 3.1) Fire alarms are very critical for immediate
of the main block, however, it was found to be alert to the staff in the secretariat in case of fire
defunct. or any other emergency. Hence, immediate
rectification of the error has to be addressed.
3.2) Alert & Announcement system was also
not found in place. 3.2) Sirens can also be used in case there is a
threat to the entire secretariat. Public
Announcement Systems should be there
commonly for the Secretariat and for each
blocks separately.
4. Assistance for the Persons with Disabilities and who needs special care
Observations Recommendations
4.1) It is recommended to implement BUDDY
system for timely assistance and evacuation of
the persons with disabilities. A buddy (friend)
should be pre-assigned who sits close to the
person with disabilities and at the time of an
4.1) Many Persons with Disabilities (PwD) are emergency, he/she can assist the PwD to get
working in the Secretariat, they may need evacuated along with the assistive device (if any)
special assistance for urgent evacuation, to a safer location or assembling area. In that way
without difficulty. There were 22 persons with caring for the most vulnerable is important.
disabilities who were evacuated from the main There are more than 100 employees who are
4.2) Observers also found Staff who are sick
(Cancer patients & Dialysis patients) in the
secretariat who found difficulty in evacuation.

5. Vehicle Parking
Observations Recommendations
5.1) Parking areas in the secretariat are notified,
however, security personnel shall regulate the
drivers strictly by avoiding parking in the ‘No
Parking Zone’, especially if it creates obstacle for
other vehicles to ply.

5.2) It is very important to strictly avoid parking

in front of the assembling area.

5.1) Secretariat is a place where many vehicles

ply & park. Many official vehicles of the


Ministers, Secretaries & Staff have to be
parked inside the compound itself. It was
observed that few vehicles were parked in the
‘No Parking Zone’ (shown in the picture),
especially in front of the assembling ground.
This blocked the easy access to the
assembling area.

6. Demarcate Assembling Area

Observations Recommendations
6.1) Assembling area is a designated place to 6.1) Permanent assembling point / area should
gather in case of an emergency. The garden in be demarcated and be known to every staff in
front of the Secretariat is the most appropriate the Secretariat. (as shown in the picture below)
assembling area.

6.2) As there were 1120 employees who were

evacuated from the main block, assembling
area could not accommodate this big number,
hence they had to find place on the drive ways
which created obstacle for the emergency
vehicles pass through the drive way. Police
had to work hard to regulate the staff.

6.2) Assembling area should be proportionate to

the number of staff working in the Secretariat
(Main block). Hence at least 3 – 4 locations
should be pre-identified and demarcated for this
purpose. Each staff should be aware about
his/her assembling point. Suggestions of
assembling areas are

a) Garden in front of the secretariat

6.3) It is also observed that the gate of the
b) Area in front of the South block &
garden is kept under lock and key, access to
South Sandwich block (near the banyan
this garden is generally restricted on a normal
tree in the left corner of the secretariat)
working day. The high fence around the
garden is a critical hindrance to consider it as
an assembly area.
6.3) Garden fence should be lowered enough so
that in times of crises all individuals (including
a saree wearing woman) can easily walk over.


7. Installation of Electrical Circuit
Observations Recommendations
7.1) It was observed that an electrical circuit 7.1) It is highly recommended to avoid
was installed between the Sections (Adjacent installation of electrical circuits where
to Additional Secretary, Finance Dept.). This employees work in close proximity to the
increases the risk to hazards like fire. circuit.

7.2) If the above option is not possible in the

given situation, the staff who are sitting close
to it shall be relocated and be given a safer
place. (More vulnerable in case of fire,

8. Management of Visitors
Observations Recommendations
8.1) Secretariat has to deal with a lot of visitors 8.1) In an emergency situation a public alert &
every day. It was observed that visitors were announcement system is also necessary to
not briefed in any way during the drill. address the visitors.
Particularly, on the drill day many were
thronging in front of the Darbar hall for
attestation purpose.

5.1 Feedback from the Participants (Secretariat Staff)

“Drill was very informative and effective but we didn’t get

any information from the fire department and other official at
the right time”

-Krishnakumar, S.O, Law Administration

“Mock exercise was beneficial for us, conducting such kind of

Mock exercise in every year will helpful for the officials”

- Pushparajan, Section Officer, Law

“Felt suffocation during the fire since it was a bad odour,

there is no popper emergency exits and fire alarms in this
office, this is the first time that I am participating in a mock
drill and it was useful”
- Mochala, Section Officer, Law (Monitoring cell)
Media release on the following day

10 | M O C K D R I L L R E P O R T
6. Departments & No: of employees participated in the Drill
52 sections in the Main block, consisting of 1120 staff participated in the drill. The details are as follows:

Sl No. Department No. of Employees

1 Development Hall 80
2 Main Hall 40
3 Finance Dept (Budget Wing) 70
4 Home (SSB) 7
5 Transport & Revenue 7
6 Finance Dept. 3
7 Office of Secretary Finance(Resources) 12
8 Joint Secretary(Govt. Finance) 3
9 Office of Secretary Water Resource dept. 12
10 Special Secretary Appellate Authority (Law) 5
11 Office of Principal Secretary PWD 8
12 Joint Secretary (Finance Dept.) 3
13 Home dept. Secret Section 12
14 General Administration Secret section 6
15 Office of Executive Ass. To C.S. 3
16 Add. Secretary Home dept. 4
Add. Secretary & chief State Protocol Officer
17 (Political dept.) 4
18 Principal Secretary SCSTDD, Forest & Wildlife etc. 6
19 Additional Secretary Home dept. 3
20 Secretary Help desk 20
21 A.C.S Revenue 12
22 Petition cell(SPIO,SSA, Home etc) 6
23 Dept. of Tax 40
24 Law Secretary 6
25 General Administration Dept. 50
26 Accounts –A 25
27 Vigilance 45

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Sl.No: Section No: of Employees
28 PAB 9
29 House keeping 3
30 J.S. Law dept. 11
31 Law dept. 30
32 Law Library 6
33 Law Publication 15
34 Niyama Nirmanam 230
35 Store Purchase 70
36 Under Secretary Finance 35
37 Central Library 15
38 Electronics & IT 15
39 Deputy Secretary Cultural Affairs 2
40 Chief Security Officer 3
41 ACS Home & Vigilance 9
42 Food Secretary 4
43 Housekeeping A 50
44 Under Secretary General Admin. 9
45 Accounts -B 21
46 J.S. General Admin. 3
47 IT Cell 6
48 Central Agency 2
49 Chief Reception office 4
50 Store Purchase -A 6
51 Backward Development 30
52 Attestation Dept. 40
Total 1120

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7. General Observation
- During the drill 1120 employees were evacuated and assembled in the assembling area, out
of which 22 were persons with disabilities.
- The response time of Fire & Health departments were found to be satisfactory, however,
the evacuation time of all the employees could have been quicker. Suggested time would
be 3 to 5 minutes.
- Efficient Fire tenders with adequate fire men were deployed to the site from Chengalchoola
& Chaka fire stations. Three ambulances with doctors and nurses also were rushed to the
- The fire hydrants installed in the yards were used after the drill and was found working.
- Debriefing session (post drill) was not done with the staff on the lessons learnt in the
mock drill. This is important to share the learning.
- 5% of employees did not cooperate with the drill. Many were found to be inside the
building while their colleagues were evacuating. Refer the following photograph.

Employees seen on the upper floor,

who did not evacuate during the drill

Photo courtesy | I & PRD Department, Government of Kerala
Independent Observers & Contributors | Hazard Analysts, SEOC - Rajeev T.R, Dr Asha
Rose, Dr Sreeja M U, Anjali S Ravi, Sathyakumar CJ, Athulya Thomas, Neethu Thomas,
Rajalakshmi Radhakrishnan, Ronu Mathew
Report Prepared by | Joe John George, State Project Officer, SEOC, KSDMA
Report Approved by | Dr Sekhar L. Kuriakose, Member Secretary, KSDMA

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Chief Secretary being briefed after the
drill in front of the assembling area.

Media personnel being briefed by

Jt. Secretary, GAD & CSO, Secretariat

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Glimpses of the mock drill through the lens of I & PRD cameramen

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