A V Industries vs. Neo Neon Electricals PVT LTD
A V Industries vs. Neo Neon Electricals PVT LTD
A V Industries vs. Neo Neon Electricals PVT LTD
2. The facts in brief, germane to the present lis and as culled out
from the impugned judgement are as under:-
2.5 Thereafter, the suit for recovery was filed under the provisions
of CC Act by the Respondent/Plaintiff for an amount of Rs. 4,26,992/-
alongwith interest @ 24% per annum seeking the following reliefs:
16. Learned counsel had very vehemently put forth his submission
in this regard that even learned Trial Court did not direct the
respondent/plaintiff to file the Statement of Truth after such transfer to
the designated Commercial Court from the ordinary civil court.
Learned counsel thus submits that respondent/plaintiff cannot be held
at fault for non-compliance even when the concerned commercial
courts as per the CC Act was itself not established in the concerned
territorial jurisdiction. Learned counsel further argues that filing of
statement of truth is a procedural irregularity and a curable defect and
arguments so raised at the stage of appeal cannot render the decree
passed a nullity when the appellant/defendant though proceeded ex-
parte had appeared and was duly provided with the opportunity for
filing an appropriate application. Learned counsel thus finally argued,
failure of taking such procedural objections at the stage of trial and
Signature Not Verified
Digitally Signed
By:VINOD KUMAR RFA (COMM) 2/2021 Page 9 of 16
Signing Date:01.09.2023
now raising the same, should not be considered at this stage as neither
the same could render the decree a nullity nor they are in the interests
of justice and equity.
19. At the outset we had indicated to the learned counsel for the
appellant/defendant that since no written statement or any other
pleading on behalf of it was filed before the learned Trial Court, we
would permit the counsel to raise only pure questions of law.
25. Thus, the issue of part cause of action having arisen is wholly
untenable for the reason that the learned counsel for the
respondent/plaintiff was unable to show even one instance of any
cause of action having arisen at Delhi at all.
26. That so far as the second issue regarding the non filing of the
Statement of Truth alongwith the suit plaint is concerned, the learned
counsel for the respondent/plaintiff unequivocally admitted that no
Statement of Truth was at all filed along with the plaint. Having
regard to this admission, this Court needs to examine whether the
judgement and decree could at all have been passed, and if so,
whether the judgement and decree is at all valid and not a nullity.
29. In the present case, it is admitted by the learned counsel for the
respondent/plaintiff that the Statement of Truth indeed, was never
filed either with the plaint or any time later at all. Keeping this fact in
view, we are of the opinion that the same would fall within the
purview of issue of law and hold that the plaint itself is non est and
could not have been read in evidence either.
31. Resultantly, we allow the appeal and set aside the judgement
and decree dated 21.09.2020 passed by the District Judge
(Commercial Court) - 01, South-East, Saket Courts, Delhi in CS
(Comm.) No. 253/2019, however, with no orders as to costs.
SEPEMBER 01, 2023