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Sri PVSRM VI:Territorial jurisdiction: The suit

transaction took place at Tuni which

O.S.No. /2022
is within the limits of this court and
the court has got jurisdiction to
PROMISSORY NOTE adjudicate the suit.

---------------------------------------- Thus, on verification it is found

------- that the plaint is filed in accordance of
Section 26 Order VII of C.P.C. Hence
This is a suit filed by the submitted before your Honour for
plaintiff basing on promissory note necessary orders regarding registering
executed by the defendant dated the suit.
20.07.2019, for recovery of
Rs.34,37,333/- (Rupees Thirty Four VII: Process filed and found
lakhs Thirty Seven thousand Three correct.
hundred and Thirty Three only)
VIII: Caveat: No caveat is
against the defendant with subsequent
interest at 24% per annum.

II: Scrutinized the entire plaint

averments and the documents filed by S.F.O.
the plaintiff I.e.,

1. Promissory note dated 20.7.2019.

2. Xerox copy of legal notice, Supdt/SCJ-PTP
3.Office copy of C.C.323/21 on the file
of Addl.Judl.First Class Magistrate,
Tuni filed by plaintiff against

III: Limitation to file Money :

Under Article 113 of Limitation Act
Period of Limitation to file Money Suit
is 3 years. Hence, this suit is filed
within the period of limitation.

IV:Cause of Action: The cause of

action arose on 20.7.2019 when the
defendant borrowed Rs.20,00,000/-,
from the plaintiffs and he executed
demand promissory note in favour of
the plaintiffs and on all subsequent
date of demand made by plaintiff, and
at Tuni, where the suit transaction
took place, which is within the
Jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court.


Plaintiffs valued the relief under the

promissory note at Rs.34,37,333/-.

A C.F of Rs.36826/- is paid on

the plaint under section 20 r/w
schedule 1 Article 1 of APCF and SV
Act, 1956 and on verification it is
found correct.

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the Defendant

through Court and R.P. Call on

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri P.R. under sec.20 of APCF & SV Act, R/w
schedule 1, article 1 (b&c), table 1 of the
The amount as per the loan account
S.R.No.1748/18 ,dated: 25.11.2021. statement as on 31.01.2018.
I.A.528/19 is allowed on .11.2021. Rs. 6,89,535.84 ps
Delay of 433 days is condoned on
payment of costs of Rs.1000/- to On which a court fee paid is Rs.9,326/-
MLSA, Pithapuram. (Rupees: Nine thousand three hundred
and twenty six only) under Section 24 of
--------------------------------------------- A.P.C.F & S.V. Act 1956 and on
------- verification it is found correct.

This is a suit filed by the plaintiff VI:Territorial jurisdiction: The suit

bank against the defendant that to pass a transaction took place at Tuni, and which
decree in favour of the plaintiff bank for is within the limits of this court and the
the suit amount of Rs.6,89,535.84 ps and court has got jurisdiction to adjudicate the
to grant costs of the suit. suit.

II: Scrutinized the entire plaint Thus, on verification it is found that the
averments and the document filed by the plaint is filed in accordance of Section 26
plaintiff. Order VII of C.P.C. Hence, submitted
before your Honour for necessary orders
1) Loan application of defendant,
regarding registering the suit.
VII: Process filed and found correct.
2) Letter of request by defendant,

3) Take delivery letter to DPN and Submitted.

demand promissory note executed by
defendant, dt.13.8.2014.

4) Cash credit agreement executed by the Supdt/SCJ-PTP

defendant, dt.13.8.2014.

5) Acknowledgment of debt and security

executed by defendant dt 23.02.17.

6) Loan account statement.

III: Limitation to file Money : Under

Article 113 of Limitation Act Period of
Limitation to file Money Suit is 3 years. On
verification it is found that the suit is
within the period of limitation.

IV:Cause of Action: The cause of action

between the parties arose on 13.8.2014
the date of availing loan by the defendant
under loan A/c.No.4475261000063, later
executed take delivery letter and cash
credit agreement, subsequently the
defendant committed default in payment
of installments, demanding to pay the
balance amount, but the same was
returned, where the plaintiff bank is
situated and where the transaction took
place, are all within the jurisdiction of the
Hon’ble Court.

V:Valuation: As this suit is recovery of

money the plaintiff is valuing the same

O.S.NO. /2021

Presented within time and stamped

aright. May be filed.


Issue summons to the Defendant

through Court and R.P. Call on

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri PVSRM sale deed by father of plaintiffs i.e.,
Abbireddy Venkatareddy, subsequent
Suit for Declaration & Injunction to his death, plaintiffs became
absolute owners of the schedule
S.R.No.1954/22. property and have been in possession
This is a suit filed by the and enjoyment of the same and in the
Plaintiffs for declaration of their title year 2002 when the plaintiffs handed
over the plaint schedule property and over the property to defendants to
for vacant possession of the same lookafter the same as they are local
after evicting the defendants 1 to 3 persons, and later defendants
therefrom and for declaration that the postponed the delivery of property
regd.settlement deed dt.19.2.2020 and at Ramanakkapeta village of
bearing document no.2389/20 U.Kothapalli mandal, where the plaint
executed by the 2nd defendant in schedule property is situated.
favour of the 3rd defendant is illegal,
VI. Valuation of the Suit: The
invalid, null and void and for Costs of
suit is valued for the relief of
the Suit.
Declaration and consequential relief
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint of injunction at Rs.25,16,800/- and
averments, and the documents 1 to 9 3/4th market value thereof is
filed by the Plaintiff. Rs.18,87,600/-. A Court fee of
Rs.21,326/- is paid U/Sch.I, Art.I(c) of
1.Registration extract of sale deed in APCF & SV Act. For relief of
favour of deceased Abbireddy declaration that the settlement deed
Venkatareddy, dt.11.5.1978. dt.19.2.2020 under Sec.24(d) of APCF
& SV Act at Rs.2,00,000/-. A Court
2.Original Will executed by Abbireddy Fee of Rs.4426/- is paid U/Sch.I,
Venkatareddy, dt.28.12.2001. Art.I(c) of APCF & SV Act. Total value
of suit is Rs.18,87,600/- +
3.Death Certificate of Abbireddy Rs.2,00,000/- = Rs.20,87,600/-. Total
Venkatareddy issued on 01.4.2022. C.F is Rs.21,326/- + Rs.4426/- =
4.Registration extract of settlement
deed executed by 2nd defendant in VII. Process filed and found
favour of 3rd defendant, dt.19.2.2020. correct.
5.Title Deed passbook. VIII. CAVEAT – No COP is pending.
Checked and found correct.
6.Office copy of legal notice

7.Reply notice dt.05.2.2021.

8.Rejoinder notice dt.13.2.2021. Senior Superintendent,

Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
9.Reply notice dt.10.3.2021.
III. Limitation of the Suit: Under
Article 65 of the Limitation Act, the
Suit for Injunction shall be filed within
12 years of alleged proclamation or
infringement of rights. And on
verification of the pleadings in the
Plaint, it is filed within 12 years and
the Suit is filed within the period of

IV. Suit Locality: situated in

Ramanakkapeta Gramapanchayati,
Ramanakkapeta village, U.Kothapalli
mandal, which is within the local
limits of this Court jurisdiction, hence,
this Court has got jurisdiction to try
the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action for the Suit arose on 11.5.1978
the date of purchase of plaint
schedule property under a registered

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on 13.7.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri B.R.K., Sri P.V.S.R.M. into the schedule property and on
all subsequent days when the
Suit for Declaration & defendants are continuing in
Possession illegal possession of the plaint
S.R.No.1288/ schedule property.

This is a suit filed by the Plaintiff VI. Valuation of the Suit:

for declaration of title of the Market value of the plaint
plaintiff over the plaint schedule schedule property is valued as per
property and for vacant possession certificate issued by Sub Registrar
of the same after evicting the U/Sec.24(a) of APCF & SV Act.
defendants therefrom after 3/4th market value is
removing the constructions therein Rs.41,25,000/-. A court fee of
and for Costs of the Suit. Rs.43,726/- is paid under Sch.I,
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint Art.1(c) of APCF & SV Act.
averments, and the documents 1 to
VII. Process filed and found
5 filed by the Plaintiff.
i) Copy of Registered partition
VIII. CAVEAT – No caveat is
deed dt.28.9.1957.
ii) Representation given to pending.
Tahsildar, Thondangi Mandal.
iii) Endorsement dt.27.8.2011
issued by Tahsildar Senior Superintendent,
iv) Office copy of the notices got Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
issued by the plaintiff to the Pithapuram.
defendants along with postal
receipts and covers.
v) Market value certificate issued
by SRO, Tuni.

III. Limitation of the Suit:

Under Article 65 of the Limitation
Act the Suit for declaration and
consequential possession shall be
filed within 12 years of alleged
occupied the sites of plaintiff or
infringement of rights. And on
verification of the pleadings in the
Plaint it is filed within 12 years
and the suit is within period of

IV. Suit Locality: situated in

Krishnapuram village, Tuni
mandal, which is within the local
limits of this Court jurisdiction,
hence, this Court has got
jurisdiction to try the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action for the Suit arose on
30.9.1957 the date of registered
partition between plaintiff and his
family members and in May, 2011,
when the defendants trespassed

O.S.NO. /2022

Presented within time and

stamped aright. May be filed.


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on 15.6.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,


Suit for Partition

O.S. /22
VI. Valuation of the Suit:
This is a suit filed by the
Total value of the Items 1 to 4
Plaintiff for partition of the plaint
of the plaint schedule properties is
‘Item No 1 to 4 schedule properties
Rs.1,46,84,460/-.and in 1/5th share of
into 5 equal shares and to allot each
plaintiff in the plaint schedule
one share to the defendants and for
properties is Rs 29,36,892/- and 3/4th
costs of the suit.
market value there of is Rs
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint 22,02,669/-A C.F of Rs.33,230/- is
averments, and the documents 1 to payable thereon.
11 filed by the Plaintiff.
Since the properties are in joint
(a) Photostat Copy of Pattadar and constructive possession, a fixed
Passbook In the Name of Late Thota C.F of Rs.200/- is paid U/Sec.34(2) of
Satya Marideswararao. ACF & SV Act.
(b) Photostat copy of Death
VII. Process filed and found
Certificate of late Thota Satya
(c) Office copy of legal notice VIII. CAVEAT – No caveat is
dt19.11.2022 pending.
(d) Postal Acknowledgment of D.1.
and 2.
5.Postal Un served Covers of
Defendants 3 and4 Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
III. Limitation of the Suit: Under
Article 110 of the Limitation Act the
Suit for partition shall be filed within
12 years of alleged proclamation or
infringement of rights. And on
verification of the pleadings in the
Plaint it is filed within 12 years and
the suit is within period of limitation.

IV. Suit Locality: situated in

Chebrolu Village,Gollaprolu Mandal,
which is within the local limits of this
Court jurisdiction, hence, this Court
has got jurisdiction to try the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action when the Late Thota Satya
Marideswararao Died on 31.07.2020
intestate the Plaint schedule
properties are in joint and
constructive possession of the plaintiff
and defendants and on several dates
when the plaintiff demanded her 1/5th
share for partition of the plaint
schedule properties and on
19.11.2022 the date of issue of legal
notice by the plaintiff and o the date
of receiving the legal notice by the
defendants 1 and 2 at Chebrolu
Village Gollaprolu Mandal where the
plaint schedule properties are
situated within the jurisdiction of this



O.S.No. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri BLD The plaintiff notionally values
the relief of permanent injunction
PERMANENT INJUNCTION sought for in this suit under section
O.S.No. /2022 26(c) of APCF & SV Act, 1956 at
S.R.No.3196/2022 Rs.21,00,000/- and on which a Court
fee of Rs.23,426/- is paid towards the
court fee under section 20 Schedule-1,
This is a suit filed by the Article (a) & (c) of A.P.C.F. & S.V. Act
plaintiff against the defendants to 1956, and found to be correct.
grant permanent injunction restraining
the defendants and their men from VII: Process filed and found
ever interfering with the lease hold correct
premises till expiry of the lease period VIII. CAVEAT – No Caveat is
i.e., 14.3.2026 and for costs of the pending. Checked and found correct.

II: Scrutinized the entire plaint

averments and the documents 1 to 5
filed by the plaintiff. Senior Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
1) Registration extract of gift deed Pithapuram.
2) Lease Deed dt.15.3.2021
3) Rent receipts issued by D.1.
4) Copy of Bank Statement.
5) Death Certificate of Sakineti
Srinivasa Venkataramana,
III: Suit Locality : Situated in Tuni,
which is within the local limits of this
court, hence this court has got
jurisdiction to try the suit.

IV: Cause of Action

Cause of action for the suit arose on

19.5.2017 the date of execution of gift
deed by Sakhileti Venkatalakshmi in
favour of her son i.e., Sakhileti
Srinivasa Venkataramana, in turn, he
executed a lease deed on 15.3.2021,
subsequently he died on 20.5.2021,
when the defendants are trying to
interfere with the plaint schedule
property and at Tuni where the plaint
’B’ schedule property is situated and
which is within the jurisdiction of this
Hon’ble Court.

V ::Limitation of the Suit: Under

Article 113 of the Limitation Act the
Suit for Injunction shall be filed within
3 years of alleged proclamation or
infringement of rights. And on
verification of the pleadings in the
Plaint it is filed within 3 years and the
suit is within period of limitation.

VI::Valuation of the suit:


O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and
R.P. Call on 12.09.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri AMD, Sri S.M.Ali balance sale consideration and when
the plaintiff was ready and willing to
Suit for Specific Performance perform his part of contract in
obtaining regular sale deed and when
S.R.No.1070/24.3.2022 the defendant used to postpone the
This is a suit filed by the same on one pretext or other.
Plaintiff for Specific Performance of VI. Valuation of the Suit: Value
agreement of sale dt.7.12.2019 of the relief of Specific Performance
directing the defendant to execute a of Agreement of Sale dt.7.12.2019, at
regular registered sale deed over the Rs.30,00,000/-. On this a court fee of
schedule by receiving balance sale Rs.32426/- is paid U/Sec.39 of APCF
consideration from the plaintiff, or & SV Act.
alternatively, order for refund of
advance amount together with Alternatively,
interest at 24% per annum from the
date of suit till date of realisation, and For refund of advance amount
for Costs of the Suit. together with interest at 24% per
annum, at Rs.7,75,333/-. On this a
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint court fee of Rs.10226/- is payable
averments, and the documents 1 to 4 U/Sec.20 of APCF & SV Act.
filed by the Plaintiffs.
Since the relief of specific
i) Agreement of sale dt.7.12.2019. performance of agreement of sale is
higher, court fee is paid on the higher
ii) Office copy of legal notice along relief.
with postal receipt, dt.22.3.2022.
VII. Process filed and found
iii) Served copy of caveat petition.
iv) Photostat copy of gift deed
executed by Seeram Leelamurthy in
favour of Seeram Lakshmanaprasad,

III. Limitation of the Suit: Under

Article 54 of the Limitation Act, the
Suit for specific performance shall be Senior Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
filed within 3 years from non
compliance with the agreement terms
and refused to perform the terms of
the agreement. And on verification of
the pleadings in the Plaint, it is found
that the Suit is filed within the period
of Limitation.
IV. Suit Locality: situated in PITHAPURAM.
Kothulagudem area, near Gandhi
Statue, Pithapuram Municipality, O.S.NO. /2022
Pithapuram, which is within the local
Register the suit. Valuation accepted.
limits of this Court jurisdiction, hence,
this Court has got jurisdiction to try Issue summons to the Defendants
the Suit. through Court and R.P. Call on
V. Cause of Action: Cause of
action for the suit arose on 7.12.2019
the date of execution of agreement of
sale by the defendant on receipt of Senior Civil Judge,
Rs.5,00,000/-, and when the Pithapuram.
defendant agreed to execute regular
registered sale deed over the
schedule property by receiving
Sri AKVR borrowed an amount of
Rs.20,00,000/- from the plaintiff and
SUIT FOR RECOVERY OF AMOUNT jointly executed two registered simple
UNDER REGISTERED SIMPLE Mortgage deeds and on all subsequent
MORTGAGE DEED 23.12.2015 dates of oral demands made by the
O.S.No…………….../22 plaintiff, and on 24.5.2022 when the
plaintiff got issued a legal notice and
S.R.No.2572/22 when the defendants refused to
receive the notices and at Pithapuram
This is a suit filed by the
where the suit transaction took place
plaintiff against the defendant under
within the Jurisdiction of the Hon’ble
mortgage deed for recovery of amount
of Rs.24,80,000/- (Rupees Twenty
Four lakhs Eighty thousand only) with V:Valuation: The plaintiff filed the
the present rate of interest at 24% present suit for recovery of
per annum from the date of the suit Rs.24,80,000/- (Rupees: Twenty Four
till the date of payment together with lakhs Eighty thousand only) and the
costs. court fee paid is Rs.27,226/- under
Section 31 of A.P.C.F. and S.V.Act and
II: Scrutinized the entire plaint
on verification it is found correct.
averments and the documents 1 to 5
filed by the plaintiff i.e., VI:Territorial jurisdiction: The suit
schedule property situated at
1.Promissory note dt.28.6.2021
Pithapuram, which is within the limits
executed by the 1st defendant in
of this court and the court has got
favour of plaintiff.
jurisdiction to adjudicate the suit.
2.Registered sale deed dated
Thus, on verification it is found that
20.3.2018 in the name of 1st
the plaint is filed in accordance of
Section 26 Order VII of C.P.C. Hence
3.Xerox copy of sale deed submitted before your Honour for
dt.30.9.2021 in the name of 2 nd necessary orders regarding registering
defendant. the suit.

4.Office copy of rejoinder notice

VII. Process filed and found
5.Return cover.

III: Limitation to file Money Suit:

Under Article 62 of Limitation Act VIII. CAVEAT – No caveat is
Period of Limitation to file Money Suit pending.
under mortgage is 12 years.
Senior Superintendent,
IV: On verification, it is found that
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
limitation as to Mortgage deed. The Pithapuram.
defendants borrowed an amount of
Rs.20,00,000/- from the plaintiff on
20.03.2018 and the defendants
executed two registered mortgage
deeds in favour of the plaintiff. Its
expires by 20.3.2030. Limitation is
saved. Hence, this suit is filed within
the period of limitation.

IV:Cause of Action: The cause of

action between the parties arose on
28.6.2021 when the defendants

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation accepted.

Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on 29.08.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri AVKR nominal document and not binding
on the plaintiff, and the 1 st
Suit for declaration of defendant himself enjoying the
Regd.Sale Deed as null and property and to keep away the
void. schedule property from the hands
S.R.No.251/25.1.22, 4.2.22. of his creditor i.e.,from plaintiff, 1st
defendant executed collusive sale
This is a suit filed by the deed which is sham and nominal
Plaintiff for declaration that the and not binding on plaintiff and at
registered sale deed vide Gollaprolu mandal, where the
document no.2492/2020, schedule property is situated.
dt.17.3.2020, Sub Registrar Office,
Pithapuram, as null and void, and VI. Valuation of the Suit:
for Costs of the Suit. Plaintiff shown the value of
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint the property as per the sale deed
averments, and the documents 1 to is Rs.20,50,000/-, and a court fee
7 filed by the Plaintiff. of Rs.22,926/- is paid under
Art.37(A) of Sch.1 of APCF & SV
i) Certified Copy of sale deeed Act.
ii) Certified copy of plaint in VII. Process filed and found
O.S.55/2020 correct.
iii) Certified copy of attachment
petition in I.A.214/20 and its order. VIII. CAVEAT – No caveat is
iv) Certified Copy of Amin report in pending.
v) Office Copy of legal notice.
vi) Postal receipts (2 in number)
vii) Postal Acknowledgment. Senior Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
III. Limitation of the Suit: Pithapuram.
Under Article 113 of the Limitation
Act the Suit for declaration and
consequential possession shall be
filed within 3 years of alleged
occupied the sites of plaintiffs or
infringement of rights. And on
verification of the pleadings in the
Plaint it is filed within 3 years and
the suit is within period of

IV. Suit Locality: situated in

Gollaprolu mandal, which is within
the local limits of this Court
jurisdiction, hence, this Court has
got jurisdiction to try the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action for the Suit arose on when
the 1st defendant executed a
registered sale deed dt.17.3.2020
in favour of the 2nd defendant in
respect of the schedule property
and that the document is sham and

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on 04.3.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri KSB deed and D.2 and D.3 who attempted
to register the sale deeds from 1st
Suit for Cancellation of Sale Deed, defendant, when the plaintiff objected
Declaration and consequential the same before Sub-Registrar, Tuni,
injunction but the said officials said that he has
no right to stop registration except by
O.S. /22 court orders, and later plaintiff got
S.R.No.2409/22 issued legal notice to the defendants
and Sub-Registrar, Tuni, and at
This is a suit filed by the Bendapudi village, Thondangi mandal,
Plaintiff for declaration of items-1 to 3 where the schedule properties are
of the plaint schedule properties by situated.
cancelling registered sale deeds
bearing No.4396/21 dt.22.5.2021, VI. Valuation of the Suit:
6955/21, dt.20.7.2021 and 6956/21
dt.20.7.2021, and for consequential Plaintiff valued the market
injunction restraining the defendants, value of the items 1 to 3 of plaint
their henchmen etc., from interfering schedule properties at Rs.48,00,000/-
with the peaceful possession and and the half of the market value
enjoyment of the schedule properties thereof comes to Rs.24,00,000/-.
for costs of the suit.
Total value of suit is Rs.6,60,000/- +
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint Rs.14,04,000/- + Rs.3,36,000/- =
averments, and the documents 1 to 11 Rs.24,00,000/-.
filed by the Plaintiff.
Total Court fee paid is
(e) C.C of Registered sale deed Rs.9026/- + Rs.16,526/- + Rs.5826/-
bearing No.4396/21 dt.22.5.2021 = Rs.31,378/- under Sch.I,
(f) C.C of Registered sale deed Art.I(b)&(c) of APCF & SV Act.
bearing No.6955/21, dt.20.7.2021
(g) C.C of Registered sale deed C.F of Rs.15,626/- is paid in the
court fee account of Hon’ble
bearing 6956/21 dt.20.7.2021.
Prl.Junior Civil Judge, Tuni on
(h) Decree and Judgment in
11.4.2022 out of Rs.31,378/-. The
O.S.53/15, dt.8.4.2021 on the file of
balance amount of Rs.15,752/- is paid
Prl.Junior Civil Judge, Tuni.
in this court fee account relating to
(i) Legal Notice got issued by the
this court i.e., SBI, Pithapuram
plaintiff to the defendants,
branch on 27.6.2022.
(j) Acknowledgment of 1st VII. Process filed and found
defendant dt.20.10.2021. correct.
(k) Postal receipt
(l) Acknowledgment of 3rd VIII. CAVEAT – No caveat is
defendant pending.
(m) Acknowledgment of Tahsildar.
(n) Postal receipt of Revenue
Secretary, Bendapudi. Senior Superintendent,
(o) Reply notice, dt.18.10.2021. Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
III. Limitation of the Suit: Under
Article Article 65 of the Limitation
Act, the Suit for Injunction shall be
filed within 12 years of alleged
proclamation or infringement of
rights. And on verification of the
pleadings in the Plaint, it is filed
within 12 years and the Suit is filed
within the period of Limitation.

IV. Suit Locality: situated in

Bendapudi village, Thondangi mandal,
which is within the local limits of this
Court jurisdiction, hence, this Court
has got jurisdiction to try the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action for the suit arose on 22.5.2021
the date of knowledge of the plaintiff
about the execution of registered sale

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on 27.07.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri RSN VI. Valuation of the Suit:

Suit for Cancellation of Registered 1. Suit for cancellation of

Gift Deed and for permanent deed dt.31.10.2020 valued under
injunction Section 37 of APCF & SV Act at
O.S. /22
S.R.No.2904/22 2. For permanent injunction, it is
notionally valued under Section 26(c)
This is a suit filed by the at Rs.1,00,000/-.
Plaintiff for cancellation of registered
gift deed dt.31.10.2020 bearing Total value of suit is Rs.36,98,000/- +
Document No.8899/2020 of SRO, Rs.1,00,000/- = Rs.37,98,000/-.
Pithapuram, and for consequential
A C.F of Rs.39426/- + Rs.3426/-
permanent injunction and for costs of
is paid thereon under Sch.I, Art.1(c)
the suit.
of of APCF & SV Act.
II. Scrutinized the entire plaint
VII. Process filed and found
averments, and the documents 1 to 5
filed by the Plaintiff.
VIII. CAVEAT – No caveat is
(p) Registration extract of the
registered sale deed dt.2.7.1994
executed by Gade Venkata Rao and
others in favour of plaintiff.
(q) Registration extract of the Senior Superintendent,
registered sale deed dt.28.3.2014 Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
executed by Relangi Yesubabu in Pithapuram.
favour of plaintiff.
(r) Registration extract of the
registered sale deed dt.31.10.2020.
(s) Office copy of legal notice
(t) Bunch of two
III. Limitation of the Suit: Under
Article 113 of the Limitation Act the
Suit for declaration and consequential
possession shall be filed within 3
years of alleged occupied the sites of
plaintiffs or infringement of rights.
And on verification of the pleadings in
the Plaint it is filed within 3 years and
the suit is within period of limitation.

IV. Suit Locality: situated in

Kondevaram village, U.Kothapalli
mandal, which is within the local
limits of this Court jurisdiction, hence,
this Court has got jurisdiction to try
the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action for the suit arose on 02.7.1994
and 28.3.2014 the date of purchase of
the plaint schedule property as her
exclusive stridhana property and
since then the the plaintiff has been in
possession and enjoyment of the
same, and on 31.10.2020 the
defendants colluded together and
brought into existence of a registered
gift deed dt.31.10.2020 as if the
plaintiff gifted the plaint schedule
property to 1st defendant and at
Kondevaram village of U.Kothapalli
mandal, where the schedule property
is situated.

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on

Senior Civil Judge,

Sri KKSSN VI. Valuation of the Suit: The
suit is valued for the relief at
Suit for Damages of malicious Rs.25,00,000/- and a Court fee of
prosecution Rs.27,426/- is paid U/Sec.20, Sch.1,
S.R.No.711/20.4.2022 Art.1(b) & (c) of APCF & SV Act.

This is a suit filed by the VII. Process filed and found

Plaintiff to direct the defendants to correct.
pay a sum of Rs.25,00,000/- towards
damages caused to the property and VIII. CAVEAT – No C.O.P is
person of the plaintiff and for or pending. Checked and found correct.
reputation of the plaintiff and for
Costs of the Suit.

II. Scrutinized the entire plaint

averments, and the documents 1 to 5
filed by the Plaintiff. Senior Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
i) Copy of FIR in Cr.No.195/17 Pithapuram.
ii) Certified Copy of charge sheet in
iii) Office Copy of registered legal
notice dt.5.9.2021.
iv) Acknowledgment.
v) Certified Copy of Calendar &
Judgment in C.C.86/18 (Old CC
507/19) on the file of XIV Additional
Metropolitan Magistrate,

III. Limitation of the Suit: Under

Article 74 of the Limitation Act, the
Suit for damages for malicious
prosecution shall be filed within one
year of the acquittal of the criminal
case or the prosecution is otherwise
terminated. And on verification of the
pleadings in the Plaint, it is filed
within one year and the Suit is filed
within the period of Limitation.

IV. Suit Locality: situated in Tuni,

which is within the local limits of this
Court jurisdiction, hence, this Court
has got jurisdiction to try the Suit.

V. Cause of Action: Cause of

action for the Suit arose when the
plaintiff was implicated in a criminal
case in Cr.No.195/17 of SHO,
Bhimunipatnam, Bhimili P.S, alleging
that the husband of the defendant
married the plaintiff as 3rd wife and
the same was ended with acquittal on
28.12.2019 and having grudge against
the plaintiff, the defendant
proclaiming that she would see the
end of plaintiff, due to which the
reputation of the plaintiff is lost in the

O.S.NO. /2022

Register the suit. Valuation


Issue summons to the

Defendants through Court and R.P.
Call on 13.06.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

Counter claim

O.S.50/2021 Sri GER


This counter claim cum

written statement is filed by the
defendant 1 to 23 under Order 8
Rule 1 and 6-A of C.P.C is filed.

The defendants filed counter

claim in the said suit, seeking
permanent injunction against the
plaintiffs, restraining them from
ever interfering with their peaceful
possession and enjoyment over the
plaint schedule property, alleging
that defendants 5 and 11 are
absolute owners of the land in
Survey No.9 in an extent of
Ac.8.86 cents situated at
Dondavaka Revenue Village, Tuni
Mandal. The defendants 1 to 4, 6,
20 to 23 being the legal heirs of
defendants 5 and 11, have joint
right, title,possession and
enjoyment over the said land,
which includes the plaint schedule
property. The plaintiffs are making
proclaiming in the village of
Koruprolu Mallavaram, Tuni
Mandal since 27th November, 2021
that they would dispossess the
defendants from the schedule
property, if they allowed to do so,
the defendants 1 to 4 and their
successors would cause
irreparable loss and injury over the
schedule property. Hence, the
counter claim.

Value of Counter Claim:

Defendants valued the

counter claim for the relief of
permanent injunction at
Rs.50,000/-, on which a CF of
Rs.2386/- is paid U/Sec.26(c), of
APCF & SV Act.


Senior Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
HMOP No…….. /2022 (e) Xerox copy of Aadhar card of
S.R No: 3144/2021 Petioner.

FILED U/SEC 12(1)(a) and Sec 13 The identity of the parties tallied with
1 (ia) OF HMA, 1955 the record. As per proceedings in
G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW (L&J, HOME.
……………………………………………. COURTS.C) DEPARTMENT,
Dt.28.02.2004, Kothapeta, Gollaprolu
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP::
Mandal., comes under the Jurisdiction
I:Description of parties : of this court to entertain this petition
and the parties are staying separately
Petitioner:Randhi(Palli)Silpa. from 2021.Hence, submitted for
Respondent:Palli Shanmuka Rajesh.

II: Marriage date: 21/08/2016

Senior Superintendent,
III : Cause of Action: Staying Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
separately from the year 2021. No Pithapuram.
children. Parties are ready to take
divorce on the ground of Impotency
Court Order:
and Cruelty.
Perused the contents of the
IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:
Petition. Considering the same,
(a) Place of marriage: Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
Gollaprolu(M). /2022.

(b): Petitioner residence at the time Issue Notice to the Respondent

of Presentation of petition – by 03.2.2022.
Kothapeta, Gollaprolu Mandal.

(c) Lastly resided place: Bommuru

Senior Civil Judge,
Village,Rajamahendravaram. Pithapuram.
(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Kothapeta, Gollaprolu


(e) Respondent residence:


V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Wedding Card

(b)Marriage photos with CD

(c)Computer generated account copy

of D.C.C.Bank, RJY dt 17.11.21.

(d)Identification certificate issued by

the Z.P.P. High School, Pithapuram
S.R No: 2066/2021 -24/11/2021 The identity of the parties
tallied with the record. As per
HMOP No…….. /2021 proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
FILED U/SEC 13(1)(vii) OF HMA,
DEPARTMENT, Dt.28.02.2004,
1955 FOR
Latchireddipalem, Rowthulapudi
……………………………………………. Mandal, comes under the Jurisdiction
of this court to entertain this petition
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: and the parties are staying separately
from 2006 i.e., more than three years
I:Description of parties :
prior to the filing of this petition.
Petitioner: D.P.S.L.G.S.Sri Dharma Hence, submitted for Order.

Respondent: Dwibhashyam @
Senior Superintendent,
Varanasi Sai Srilatha. Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
II: Marriage date: 11/06/2020

III : Cause of Action: Staying Court Order:

separately from the year 2020. No
children. Parties are ready to take Perused the contents of the
divorce on the ground of desertion Petition. Considering the same,
Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19: /2021.
(a) Place of marriage: Issue Notice to the Respondent
A.Agraharam, Valluru, Tuni Mandal. by 24.12.2021.

(b): Petitioner residence at the time

of Presentation of petition –
A.Agraharam, Valluru, Tuni Mandal. Senior Civil Judge,
(c) Lastly resided place:
A.Agraharam, Valluru, Tuni Mandal.

(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: A.Agraharam, Valluru,

Tuni Mandal.

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent : A.Agraharam, Valluru,

Tuni Mandal.

V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a)Family photo with CD

(b) Wedding Card
(c)Xerox Copies of Aadhar Card of the

Identification certificate issued by the

Civil Assistant, PHC, Sankhavaram
HMOP No…….. /2022 (e) Xerox copy of Aadhar card of
S.R No: 623/2022 Petioner.

FILED U/SEC 12(1)(c) OF HMA, The identity of the parties tallied with
1955 the record. As per proceedings in
G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW (L&J, HOME.
……………………………………………. COURTS.C) DEPARTMENT,
Dt.28.02.2004, Kothapeta, Gollaprolu
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP::
Mandal., comes under the Jurisdiction
I:Description of parties : of this court to entertain this petition
and the parties are staying separately
Petitioner:Hanumanthu(Golapalli)Chai from 2021.Hence, submitted for
tanya. Order.

Respondent:Golapalli Raja.

II: Marriage date: 01/06/2021 Senior Superintendent,

Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
III : Cause of Action: Staying Pithapuram.
separately from the year 2021. No
children. Parties are ready to take
Court Order:
divorce on the ground of Impotency
and Cruelty. Perused the contents of the
Petition. Considering the same,
IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:
Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
(a) Place of marriage: /2022.
Issue Notice to the Respondent
(b): Petitioner residence at the time by 03.2.2022.
of Presentation of petition –
Kothapeta, Gollaprolu Mandal.
Senior Civil Judge,
(c) Lastly resided place: Bommuru Pithapuram.

(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Kothapeta, Gollaprolu


(e) Respondent residence:


V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Wedding Card

(b)Marriage photos with CD

(c)Computer generated account copy

of D.C.C.Bank, RJY dt 17.11.21.

(d)Identification certificate issued by

the Z.P.P. High School, Pithapuram
HMOP No…….. /2022 DEPARTMENT, Dt.28.02.2004,
S.R No: 3008/2022 Chitrada, comes under the
Jurisdiction of this court to entertain
FILED U/SEC Sec 13(1)(ia) OF this petition and the parties are
HMA, 1955 UNDER THE GROUND staying separately from 15.02.2021
OF CRUELTY. Hence, submitted for Order.

Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: Senior Superintendent,

Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
I:Description of parties : Pithapuram.
Petitioner: Talatam Veera Prasanna.
Court Order:
Respondent: Talatam Krishnarjuna
Rao. Perused the contents of the
Petition. Considering the same,
II: Marriage date: 26.05.2013. Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
III : Cause of Action: Staying
separately from 15.02.2021. One Issue Notice to the Respondent
Female child. Parties are ready to by 01.09.2022.
take divorce on the ground of Cruelty.

IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:

Senior Civil Judge,
(a) Place of marriage: Sri Veera Pithapuram.
Venkateswara Swamy Temple,

(b): Petitioner residence at the time

of Presentation of petition –

(c) Lastly resided place: Chitrada.

(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Chitrada,

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent: Kajuluru(M),

V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Wedding Card.

(b) Marriage Photographs with C.D.
(c) Xerox Copy of Aadhar Card.
(d)Identity Certificate issued by the
Gazetted Officer.

The identity of the parties

tallied with the record. As per
proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
HMOP No…….. /2022 The identity of the parties
tallied with the record. As per
S.R No: 2599/2022
proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
FILED U/SEC 13(1)(ia)(ib) OF (L&J, HOME. COURTS.C)
MARRIAGE ON THE GROUND OF comes under the Jurisdiction of this
CRUELTY AND DESERTION. court to entertain this petition and the
parties are staying separately from
…………………………………………………. the year September, 2012 i.e., more
than two years prior to the filing of
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP::
this petition. Hence, submitted for
I:Description of parties : Order.

Petitioner: Cheepurupalli Mutyalu

Respondent: Cheepurupalli Manga Senior Superintendent,

Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
II: Marriage date: 14.4.2012. Pithapuram.

III : Cause of Action: Staying

Court Order:
separately from September, 2012. No
children. Petitioner is praying to Perused the contents of the
obtain divorce from the respondent on Petition. Considering the same,
the ground of cruelty and desertion. Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:
Issue Notice to the Respondent
(a) Place of marriage: Tuni.
by 12.09.2022.
(b): Petitioner residence at the time
of Presentation of petition – Tuni.
Senior Civil Judge,
(c) Lastly resided place: Tuni. Pithapuram.
(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Tuni.

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent : Rowthulapudi.

V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Wedding Card

(b) Marriage Photographs with CD.
(c) Xerox copy of Aadharcard of the
(d) Identification Certificate Issued by
the Gazetted Officer.
(e) Office Copy of legal notice
(f) Served copy of reply notice
(g) O/c of rejoinder notice,
(h) Unserved return cover.
DEPARTMENT, Dt.28.02.2004,
HMOP No…….. /2022
Kolanka village,Pithapuram, comes
S.R No: 2574/2022 under the Jurisdiction of this court to
entertain this petition and the parties
FILED U/SEC 13(1)(ib) OF HMA, are staying separately from July 2017
1955 FOR DISSOLUTION OF i.e., more than two years prior to the
MARRIAGE ON THE GROUND OF filing of this petition. Hence,
DESERTION. submitted for Order.

Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: Senior Superintendent,

Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
I:Description of parties : Pithapuram.
Petitioner: Thummala Rambabu.
Court Order:
Respondent: Thummala Chaya Devi.
Perused the contents of the
II: Marriage date: 19-4-2017 Petition. Considering the same,
Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
III : Cause of Action: Staying
separately from July 2017. No
children. Parties are willing to take Issue Notice to the Respondent
divorce on the ground of desertion. by 06-09.2022.
IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:

(a) Place of marriage: Senior Civil Judge,

Venkateswara Swamt Pithapuram.

(b): Petitioner residence at the time

of Presentation of petition – Kolanka

(c) Lastly resided place: Kolanka


(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Kolanka

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent : Thondangi (M) Tuni.

V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Decree in O.P.No.63/2018.

(b) flegal Notice dt.22-4-2022.
(c) Reply Notice.
(d) Aknowledgment.

The identity of the parties

tallied with the record. As per
proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
HMOP No…….. /2021 (e) Copy of reply notice along with
postal receipt, dt.20.9.2021.
S.R No:2219 /2021
Identification certificate issued by the
FILED U/SEC 13-C OF HMA, 1955 Gazetted officer is filed.
BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGE. The identity of the parties
tallied with the record. As per
proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: (L&J, HOME. COURTS.C)
DEPARTMENT, Dt.28.02.2004,
I:Description of parties : Pithapuram, comes under the
Jurisdiction of this court to entertain
Petitioner: D.P.S.L.G.S.Sri Dharma this petition and the parties are
Sastha. staying separately from 13.06.2020
Respondent: Dwibhashyam @ i.e., more than one year prior to the
Varanasi Sai Srilatha. filing of this petition. Hence,
submitted for Order.
II: Marriage date: 11/06/2020

III : Cause of Action: Staying

Senior Superintendent,
separately from 13th June, 2020. No
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
children. Parties are ready to take Pithapuram.
divorce on the ground of irretrievable
break down of marriage.
Court Order:
IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:
Perused the contents of the
(a) Place of marriage: Pithapuram. Petition. Considering the same,
Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
(b): Petitioner residence at the time /2021.
of Presentation of petition –
Seethayyagari thota, Pithapuram. Issue Notice to the Respondent
by 03/01/2022.
(c) Lastly resided place:

(d) Petitioner residence: Senior Civil Judge,

Petitioner: Seethayyagari thota,

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent : Kakinada.

V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Two marriage photos.

(b) Copy of order in HMOP 5/19 on
the file of Hon’ble Senior Civil Judge,
Pithapuram dt24.6.2019.
(c)Copy of order in HMOP 90/20 on
the file of Hon’ble III Addl.Senior Civil
Judge, Kakinada, dt.6.11.2020
(d) Copy of legal notice issued by
respondent to the petitioner,
Sri BLD The identity of the parties
tallied with the record. As per
HMOP No…….. /2022
proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
S.R No: 1479/2022 (L&J, HOME. COURTS.C)
DEPARTMENT, Dt.28.02.2004, Tuni,
FILED U/SEC 13(1))(ib)(v) OF comes under the Jurisdiction of this
HMA, 1955 FOR DISSOLUTION OF court to entertain this petition and the
MARRIAGE ON THE GROUND OF parties are staying separately from
DESERTION AND VENERAL March, 2020 i.e., more than two years
DISEASE IN COMMUNICABLE prior to the filing of this petition.
FORM. Hence, submitted for Order.

Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: Senior Superintendent,

Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
I:Description of parties : Pithapuram.
Petitioner: Masineedi Devi
Court Order:
Respondent: Masineedi Manikanta
Perused the contents of the
II: Marriage date: 21/04/2019 Petition. Considering the same,
Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
III : Cause of Action: Staying
separately from March, 2020. No
children. Parties are ready to take Issue Notice to the Respondent
divorce on the ground of desertion by 02.05.2022.
and veneral disease in communicable

IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19: Senior Civil Judge,

(a) Place of marriage: Annavaram.

(b): Petitioner residence at the time

of Presentation of petition – Tuni.

(c) Lastly resided place: Tuni.

(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Tuni.

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent : Thondangi Mandal,


V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) marriage photos with CD

(b) wedding card.
(c) Medical Report of Respondent
issued by GGH, Kakinada.
(d) Aadhar card of the petitioner.

Certificate of the Gazetted

officer issued by the Petitioner filed.
VI: Identification of Parties and
HMOP No………... /2022 other proofs filed along with
S.R No: 3126/2022 petition :
FILED U/SEC 13-B OF (a)Wedding Card.
CONSENT. (b)Positive Photographs with C.D.

…………………………………………… (c)Photostat copies of aadhar card

. of petitioner.1

Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: (d)Photostat copies of aadhar card

of petitioner.2.
I:Description of parties :
(e)Photostat copies of aadhar card
1st Petitioner: Palleti Atcharao – of Child.1
(f)Photostat copies of aadhar card
2ndPetitioner: Palleti Neeraja – of Child.2
Wife. Petitioner.1 Identified Certificate
II: Marriage date: 16-10-2010. issued by the Gazetted Officer.

The parties are staying separately

III: Cause of Action: Staying
since June 2020 i.e., more than
separately from June 2020. Two
one year prior to the filing of this
Children. Parties willingly to take
petition. Hence, submitted for
divorce mutually in view of
disputes between them.

IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19:

Senior Superintendent,
(a) Place of marriage:
Senior Civil Judge`s Court
Hamasavaram (V) Tuni(M).
(b): Respondent residence at the
time of Presentation of petition-
being Mutual consent no Court Order:
Perused the contents of the
(c) Lastly resided place: Petition. Considering the same,
Hamasavaram (V)Tuni(M). Petition is numbered as

(d) Petitioners residence: O.P.No. /2022.

1stPetitioner: Hamasavaram Issue Notice to both

(V)Tuni(M). Petitioners by 08-02-2023.
(6 months).
2ndPetitioner: Hamasavaram
(V) Tuni (M).

(e) Permanent
Senior Civil Judge,
V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as Pithapuram
per Schedule I Article I(VII) of
APCF and SV Act.
HMOP No…….. /2022 the Jurisdiction of this court to
S.R No:2736 /2022 entertain this petition and the
respondent left the conjugal society of
FILED U/SEC 9 OF HMA, 1955 the petitioner since January
FOR RESTITUTION OF CONJUGAL 2022.Hence submitted for order.
Senior Superintendent,
Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP::

I:Description of parties : Court Order:

Petitioner: Seeram Amarnadh. Perused the contents of the
Respondent:Seeram Mounika Pavani Petition. Considering the same,
Petition is numbered as O.P.No.
II: Marriage date: 19.07.2017. /2022.

III : Cause of Action: Respondent Issue Notice to the Respondent

left the Petitioner from the conjugal by 17.08.2022.
society since January, 2022,Two

IV: Jurisdiction: Section 19: Senior Civil Judge,

(a) Place of marriage:Peravali
Police Station.

(b): Petitioner residence at the time

of Presentation of petition – Chitrada

(c) Lastly resided place: Chitrada


(d) Petitioner residence:

Petitioner: Chitrada (V)Pithapuram.

(e) Respondent residence:

Respondent : Chitrada

V: Court Fee : Rs.10/- paid as per

Schedule II Article I(VII) of APCF
and SV Act .

VI: Identification of Parties and

other proofs filed along with
petition :

(a) Marriage Photos with C.D..

(b) Served copy of HMOP 23/22
(c) Undertaking letter executed by
both petitioner and Respondent.
(d)Xerox Copy of Aadhaar Card.

The identity of the parties

tallied with the record. As per
proceedings in G.O.Ms.No.30, LAW
DEPARTMENT, Dt.28.02.2004,
Petitioner and respondent resident at
Chitrada (V)Pithapuram. comes under
SOP No…….. /2022 V: Court Fee : A C.F. Of Rs.8,235/-
is paid under Article 11(1)(i) of Sch.II
S.R No: 2601/2022
of A.P. Court Fees and Suits Valuation
VI. Cause of action: Petition arose
on when Battula China
Venkataramana opened S.B Account
……………………………………………… and he died on 22.9.2020, when the
…. petitioners got issued a legal notice to
respondents dt.26.5.2022 and 1st
Office Note by Supdt/SCJ/PTP:: respondent requesting to pay the
I:Description of parties : 2/3rd share over the schedule
property to the petitioners.
Petitioners: 1.Battula Lakshmi
2. Battula Anil Kumar VII Documents relied:

II: Respondents : 1.Death Extract of deceased China

Venkataramana, dt.22.9.2020.
1.Indian Bank its Manager,
Tuni 2.Bank account book of deceased
2.Battula Venkata Kumari. 3.O/c of legal notice issued by the 1 st
III: Schedule Property: petitioner dt.26.5.2022.

Savings Bank Account balance 4.Reply notice from the 1st

Rs.2,05,875/-. respondent, dt.4.6.2022.

IV. Jurisdiction of the Court as 5.Aadhar card of the 1st petitioner.

per Section 371 of the Act :
6.Aadhar card of the 2nd petitioner.
(a) The date and place of the death of
the deceased; 22.09.2020, Allipudi 7.Aadhar card of the 2nd respondent.
village, Kotananduru mandal, VIII Whether there is any
which is within jurisdiction of this temporary testamentary
Court. disposition: NIL.
(b) the ordinary residence of the Hence, submitted for Orders.
deceased at the time of his death :
Allipudi village, Kotananduru mandal.

(c) the family or other near relatives Senior Superintendent,

of the deceased and their respective Senior Civil Judge’s Court,
residences : Rajavaram, Rowthulapudi
Office Note :
(d) the right in which the petitioner
claims: Husband and Son. Register the petition. Publish in
General Notice in the locality by beat
(e) the absence of any impediment
of Tom Tom, on payment of process,
under section 370 or under any other
and by way of publication in Eenadu
provision of this Act or any other
Telugu Daily, East Godavari District
enactment, to the grant of the
Edition by : 01-09-2022.
certificate or to the validity thereof if it
were granted;

(f) the debts and securities in respect Senior Civil Judge,

of which the certificate is applied for: Pithapuram.
ELECTION O.P. while, the Respondent No.1 secured
440 votes. The Respondent No.1
played fraud in respect of the Caste,
O.P.No. /2021 which was not entitled by him caused
this Petition. The respondent No.1
(O.P.S.R.No.884/2021) also suppressed his involvement in
Sri PRPR the criminal case and also suppressed
that he is not the candidate allotted
under the ST community, who played
This is a Petition filed fraud and in view of the same, he
under Sections 13-B, 17 and 326 of attained the eligibility for contesting
A.P. Municipalities Act, for as rival candidate against the
declaration that the Election declared Petitioner. The Election process
on 14.03.2021 for the Councilor of started on 13.03.2020 and the result
Ward No.21 infavour of the was declared on 14.03.2021.
Respondent No.1 of Jaggayyacheruvu
Therefore, the acts of the Respondent
of Pithapuram Municipality, is void,
illegal, arbitrary, malafide, No.1 along with the officials of the
discriminatory and against the well State warranted interference to
established principles of natural declare that the election that was held
justice as well as violative of the for the position of Councilor for Ward
mandatory provisions of Constitution No.21 of the Respondent No.1, who
of India.
secured the eligibility for the position
of the same and consequence thereto,
It is averred in the
the Petitioner is claiming declaration
Petition that the Respondent No.1
that the election of the returned
contested as independent under the
candidate is void. If the Government
symbol of “Vungaram”. The Petitioner
would have taken while probing into
was allotted with the symbol of ‘Fan”
proper enquiry of the eligibility, for
under Y.S.R.C.P., he lost in the said
allotment of category, the Petitioner
election against the Respondent No.1
would not have lost this election due
and who was declared as Councilor
to the high handed acts of the
for Ward No.21. Respondents No.2 to
Respondent No.1 and his men. Hence,
5 are the Government Officials, who
this Petition.
were representing the election
officers and the returning officers. Value of the Petition:-
The Respondent No.2 contested on
behalf of TDP with the emblem A Court Fee of Rs.100/- is paid
“Cycle” and the Respondent No.3 is under Article 11 (v) (I to iv) of APCF
an independent contestant. The & SV Act.
election was declared for the Ward
No.21 of Pithapuram Municipality. As per rule of the Municipality,
the Petitioner also deposited Rs.500/-
The Petitioner contested as Councilor
as security for the Costs.
of Ward No.21 at Jaggayyacheruvu of
Pithapuram Municipality, which was
reserved for ST general category. The
Petitioner belongs to ST, branch of Submitted.
Yerukula Caste published in the list of
schedule tribes in India, for the State
of Andhra Pradesh, while, the
Respondent No.1 belongs to
Parikimuggula by caste, and the same Superintendent.
was the category of BC-A of the
backward caste. While suppressing
the said fact, before the authorities,
the Respondent No.1 in collusion with
the other Respondents caused
election made and suffered the
Petitioner for loss of the said election.
The Petitioner secured 406 votes,
DEBTOR I.P. (a) Place of residence of
Petitioner : Tuni.
Insolvency Petition ……/2022
(b) Place of Business: Tuni.
S.R No: 1167/2021.
(c) Personally works for gain : Nil
U/sec. 10 of Insolvency Act 2020
(d) Place of arrest or Imprisonment
or in custody: Nil
I: Details of the
VIII: Court Fee :
Petitioner/Debtor: 1) Penugonda
Ramayyappa. As per Sch I Article 2 A of APCF
and SV Act - an amount of Rs 10/-
II Details of the
paid towards CF .
IX : Verification by petitioner:
1.Dasari Babji
2.Sivakoti Bala Subrahmanyam
V: Number of Copies to
3.Ulli Poorna
4.Chidam Ramesh respondents with process fee:
5.Biyyapu Apparao Paid and found correct.
7.Samayamanthula Suresh On scrutiny of the entire petition
8.Gada Anand contents it is found that they are in
9.Rayapudi Prakash order as required under law hence
10.Kola Nagesh placed before your authority for
11.Narkedimilli Jayaram necessary orders .
12.Mutya Swarupa
Superintendent/- SCJ Court –PTP
III:: Statement of Debts :
Court-Order: Date :: 09.05.2022
Petition ‘A’
schedule:Rs.31,50,000/- Petitioner is directed to the pay the
Petition ‘B’ schedule:Rs.3300/-. Admin Expenses of Rs.6000/-
Petition ‘C’ schedule: Nil. (Rs.500/- each) call on 15.6.2022.
Petition ‘D’ schedule: Nil.
Petition ‘E’ schedule: Nil.
IV : Assets of Debtor and value
there of with location and his
willingness to dispose the
property at this court order:


V: Details of the Earlier I.P if

any: Nil.

VI: Details of the earlier

Litigations : Nil

(u) Suit-Nil
(v) Execution Petition - Nil
(w) Arrest and Attachment

VII:: Jurisdiction of the Court

as per Section 13 of the Act
Creditor I.P. X: The act of insolvency on which
the petition is grounded has
Insolvency Petition ……./2022
occurred within three months
S.R No: 449/2022 before the presentation of the
Petition: The registered gift deed
dt.26.11.2020 and petition filed on
I: Details of the Petitioner/ 22.2.2022. Hence, the petition is
Creditor: Badda Subbalakshmi within the time.

II Details of the XI: Number of Copies to

Respondents/Debtors :: respondents with process fee:
Paid and found correct.
1.Kakara Solman
2.Kakara Subhadra Devi On scrutiny of the entire petition
contents, it is found that they are in
III:: Schedule property :
order as required under law hence
Petition Schedule property is placed before your authority for
situated at Gollaprolu necessary orders.
mandal,S.No.234, D.No.155,
Assessment No.55, 120 Sq.yards.

IV : Assets of Debtor and value Superintendent/- SCJ Court –PTP

there of with location and his
Court-Order: Date :: 28.03.2022
willingness to dispose the
property at this court order: Petitioner is directed to the pay the
Admin Expenses of Rs.1,000/-. Call on
NIL. 06.04.2022.

V: Details of the Earlier I.P if any:

VI: Details of the earlier
Office Note : Payment of
Litigations : Nil
Administrative expenses as per
(x) Suit Rule 4 of APPS Rules,1920 as per
(y) Execution Petition court order .
(z) Arrest and Attachment
As per the court order an amount of
Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/- for each
VII:: Jurisdiction of the Court as respondent is being paid by the
per Section13 of the Act petitioner).

(a) Place of residence of Petitioner : i.e Total an amount of Rs.1,000/-is

Gollaprolu. paid to CCD verified and it is found
as credited on Date::
(b) Place of Business: Nil.

(c) Personally works for gain : Nil

(d) Place of arrest or Imprisonment or SFO/-

in custody: Nil

VIII: Court Fee :

As per Sch.I Article 2 of APCF and SV
Act,1956 - an amount of Rs 10/- paid
towards CF.

IX : Verification by petitioner: Court order Date:

Badda Subbalakshmi
Sri P. Ravi

R.C.A.No. /2022


X:Territorial jurisdiction: The RCA
(Lease, Rent and Eviction) which is within the limits of this court
and the court has got jurisdiction.
Verified the entire material all
relevant documents filed and found to
be correct. Hence placed for necessary

I. Description of parties: XI: Process filed and found correct

Rayapureddy Nagarajarao – XII: COP: COP 1/2022 is

Appellant/Respondent numbered on 05.01.2022 and
Illapu Killadi – Respondent/Petitioner

II. Lower Court RCC No.

RCC 01/2017 on the file of Prl. Junior
Civil Judge Court, Pithapuram

III. Date of Disposal: 21.12.2021 Supdt/SCJ-PTP

IV. Finding:

V. Certified copy
filed on: 21.12.2021

Certified copy
obtained on: 27.01.2022

Appeal filed on: 24.02.2022

VI Court Fee:

Since the proceedings relate to A.P

Rent Control Act a fixed C.F of Rs.3/-
is paid under Sch. II Art.II(k) of APCF
and SV Act.

VII Memorandum of Grounds:

Grounds of appeal preferred by un

successful respondent is tenant in RCC
No. 1/2017.

VIII Identification of parties and

other proofs filed along with

1. Certified copy of decree and order

dated 21.12.2021 in RCC 1/2017.

IX: Limitation to file RCA : Under

Sec.20 of Limitation Period to file RCA
is in 1 month. Hence, this RCA is filed
within the period of limitation.

RCC.NO. /2022

Register the appeal.

Issue notice to the Respondent

through Court and R.P. and call for
trial court record. Call on 24.03.2022.

Senior Civil Judge,

In the court of Senior Civil
Judge’s, Court, Pitapuram.

E.P.NO: …… of 2021


O.S No: 180 of 2016


Execution Petition is filed Under

Order 21 Rule 11 of CPC .

Certified Copy of the Decree is


Suit Number, Description of the

parties, date of decree mentioned
in the EP are verified and found to
be correct as per Certified Copy of
the Decree .

Columns 4 to 7 in the E.P are duly


Claim in Column No 8 to 10 are

checked in terms of C.C of Decree.

E.P filed against : JDRS 1 and 2

Mode of Execution: Violation E.P

under Order 21 Rule 22 and Rule
32 of CPC

E.P signed and certified by Decree


Attested by learned advocate on


E.P filed within 2 years or

Beyond: EP filed beyond 2 years
of Decree.

Affidavit filed in the name of DHR

and signed therein by him.

Copy of Police report filed

Photos filed .


Court Order:

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