Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Kay R. Dumasig
Quality of life and self-esteem are the most commonly used self-
assessment outcome measures. Under the quality of life and knowing their self-
esteem is necessary to inform us on their current state inside the jail. Measuring
their quality of life and self-esteem can generate baseline data to create and
design appropriate and effective rehabilitation program. The satisfaction level on
the different domains of life of selected inmates of Panabo City Jail was
assessed to determine their quality of life and level of self-esteem using the self-
made questionnaire of the researchers. The descriptive survey was employed in
this study. Results revealed that majority of the respondents manifest excellent in
all domains of life – physical, spiritual, treatment of the BJMP Personnel, self-
acceptance, personal growth, and interpersonal relationship despite of the
condition that they were held captive in prison. There is no significant difference
between the quality of life of inmates and their self-esteem.
Chaptr 1
It cannot negate that hte fact ttha society is judged by how it treats its
prisoners and that the methods employed in the past were harsh in terms of
treatment of its prisoners. The quality of life of prisoners decreases once they’ve
been imprisoned. They live in misery because of the barbaric treatments given to
them by jail officers. They were treated as animals and are deprived of their
rights (Villaluz et. al., 2012). When quality of life of inmates drops because they
have been treated as objects and have no control over their daily lives, they feel
unworthy and useless. The pain of imprisonment seriously hurt the prisoner’s
well accommodation, personal hygiene, clothing and bedding, food, exercise and
sport, medical services and respect of one’s religious beliefs. All accommodation
provided for the use of prisoners and in particular all sleeping accommodation
shall meet all requirements of health, due regard being paid to climatic conditions
and particularly to cubic content of air, minimum floor space, lighting, heating and
ventilation. Prisoners are required to keep their persons clean and shall be
provided with water and such toilet articles. If these necessities where given to
them, their quality of life starts increase. People should be aware that prisoners
This study aimed to understand the quality of life of inmates and their self-
esteem inside the Panabo City Jail. The primary focus of this study is for us to be
knowledgeable about the status of the prisoners inside the incarceration, to know
how being incarcerated changed them and to better realized their life inside the
jail and to help generate appropriate programs based on their experiences inside
the prison cell. It is for this reason that the researchers inspired and motivated to
conduct this study to establish essential information about the prison inmate’s life
and eventually use the results in the formulation of effective strategies for
This study determines the quality of life of inmates and their self –esteem
inside the Panabo City Jail. It attempts to respond to the following questions:
1. Determine the level quality of life inmates and their self-esteem inside Panabo
1.1 Physical
1.2 Spiritual
2. What is the level of self-esteem of inmates inside the Panabo City Jail in
2.1 Self-Acceptance
2.2Personal Growth
inmates and their self –esteem inside the Panabo City Jail.
and internal articles related to a certain degree to the area of investigation to give
place for punishment and making prisoners work at hard labor has been replaced
constitutes the penalty. While the penalty is being served in prison, there should
budgetary outlay, so that bigger institutions can be broken into smaller units. The
purpose of segregation is to prevent or physical contamination of one group by
that the first offender be kept separately from recidivist and habitual delinquents;
that sentenced prisoners and detention inmates occupy separate units; and that
and recreational programs; standard food services and failure to meet modern
have a sufficient equipment, supplies, suitable staff and trained officers for the
proper medical care and treatment. Inmates shall be treated in a way that they
et al., 2012).
inmates in Navotas jail (2016), the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
(BJMP) and the ICRC worked together to strengthen the health monitoring
system in seven pilot jails by introducing inmate health cards. The systematic use
of inmate health cards enables jail staff to keep track of detainees' health-care
Containing the inmate's medical history, his dental records, the details of his
medical consultations, and a health screening checklist, the inmate health card
keeps track of the detainee's health status from the moment he is detained until
his release. Along with implementing the health monitoring system, the BJMP
has been providing on-the-job training for jail nurses – in terms of medical checks
upon arrival and the use of inmate health cards – to help ailing detainees receive
prompt medical attention. The ICRC has provided furniture for the BJMP to
death in the jail, which now has a total population of nearly 600. The system has
increased, emergency referrals have dropped, and the supply of medicines has
(2008), the condition of all prisoners whether they have been convicted of a
crime or not, are pitiful. Inside the jail, life is unbelievably difficult. Food is always
wanting both in quality and quantity; and inmates are treated worse than animals.
Sometimes they are given food rations but the rice that is served smells spoiled
and the plate it is served on, too small but not really clean. Often, the same food
is served over and over again. In the morning, small dried fish; in the afternoon,
small and thin slices of fried fish; in the evening, vegetable soup that looks and
tastes awfully like the food fed to pigs. If one became sick no one really took any
notice. If the prisoners have a fever, the jail guardswould not give any medicine.
The prisoner would simply have to wait until some visitor came to air his
department’s investigation, released Monday and dated September 11, said that
Orleans Parish Prison doesn’t adequately protect inmates from excessive force
by staff and physical harm from other inmates. However, the investigation also
concluded that inmates aren’t receiving adequate mental health care and face
health risks from unsafe and unsanitary conditions, including broken toilets, mice
Fellowship Liberia, included one hundred beds and mattresses, one hundred
lockers, bed sheets, towel, bed covers, and five computers. The items are
intended for the Monrovia Prison and the Kakata Prison centers. He put the total
value of the items at 250 thousand United States dollars and said such donation
was made possible by the Swedish Army. He also disclosed that a three to five-
foot container will shortly arrive in Liberia with equipment to improve the prison’s
intended to provide surplus food to prisoners and teach them how to undertake
inmates at various prison centers lack sanitation, health, food and other basic
Nairobi Convention, signify that the prison centers should not be a place for
punishment but rather a place of peace and productivity aimed at becoming self-
reliant and productive in the society after serving their prison tenure.
Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor (2007), said that the
Provincial jails and prisons were overcrowded, lacked basic infrastructure, and
subsistence allowance of about P40 per prisoner. Prison inmates often depended
on their families for food because of the insufficient subsistence allowance and
the need to bribe guards to receive food rations. The slow judicial process
inmates or stay in the prison compound because they could help feed the
prisoners. Lack of potable water and poor ventilation continued to cause health
problems in jails.
detention that prevail at Chifeng prison are excessively poor and marked by ill-
to 16 hours a day, seven days a week. Food and health care are patently
being chained upright to a metal door for excruciating lengths of time, and being
sent to a cell with dimensions too small to allow the prisoner lie down. The
Boyden (2009), stated that spelled out that while many people have no
sympathy for prisoners, what’s often overlooked is that all prisoners are not the
same. One of the ways that can help improve their quality of life is to provide
spiritual counseling. Many churches have connections to local jails and are
religious and want to keep an inmate’s faith strong, contact your parish and find
inmates are important. Positive attitudes held by prison officers have been shown
officers are in day-to-day interaction with the inmates and in this unique situation
they have the power to enhance or undermine the primary goals of the
correctional institution where they work. The prison officers' work situation has
cynical, authoritarian and pessimistic. Some seem to hold the view that the
indeed the inmates' attitudes toward themselves, i.e. their self-esteem, are
important, because these attitudes are likely to influence the way prisoners
respond to the correctional regime and the over-all effectiveness of the various
depend upon the attitudes held by the population into which the prisoner will be
extent to which a person values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or
herself. Self-esteem is seen in every part of human life. Much of what people do
as humans is a direct result of how they see themselves (Mac Arthur, 2004).
situations. Even the most difficult and challenging offenders are encourage to be
interested in making productive use of their time while confined and hope and
fitness, increased social support networks, elevated positive affective states, and
personal growth and self- esteem through sport and physical activity. For these
relationships with others. Without it, individuals will deliberately hold themselves
back, in fear of being rejected when others find out what they were really like.
Thus without high self-esteem, deep and meaningful relationship, which depend
begins when the individual with low self-esteems acknowledges their feelings
accepting, it will, over time, result in the confiding individual acquiring increased
differences have been found between males and females in the level of their self-
groups among inmates. Inmates emphasized their need for positive interactions
with other inmates. By associating with religious peers and sharing experiences,
inmates reported that they were able to avoid the negative influences of prison.
In addition, inmates who enjoyed strong and consistent family support, either
through family visits, letters, and financial assistance, maintained a high level of
self-esteem. These group of inmates has inner motivation and has greater life
capital that drives them to have positive mind in the prison (Lafferty, 2015).
questionnaire. Also, concept taken from related studies were relevant to the
determination of the level of quality of life of inmates and their self-esteem inside
people. Furthermore, every inmate are also given an attention and basic needs
to ascertain satisfaction.
The stated theory is supported by Carl Rogers (1959) expressed that the
greater the quality of life of an individual the higher that individual’s self-esteem
person to grow, they need a setting that provides them with self-acceptance,
intellectual or psychological well-being. Next is, spiritual which refers to the ability
self, others or a power greater than oneself. Last is, Treatment of BJMP
deals with someone. The dependent variable is the self-esteem with following
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Physical Self-Acceptance
Spiritual Personal Growth
Treatment of the BJMP Interpersonal
Personnel Relationship
oneself. Followed by, personal growth which refers to an activities that improve
awareness and identity, and enhance the quality of life and contribute to the
The Local Government Unit of Panabo City. This research will help the
local government unit in terms of providing inmates needs such as; proper
hygiene and sanitation and giving assistance to their health conditions inside the
BJMP Personnel. This would serve as a guide for criteria for good
management, positive treatment to inmates, diversion of the acutely ill and the
Community. This would serve and help the community to understand the
students that being incarcerated is difficult. It would also help them treat the
prisoners and provide good management if they desire to become a member of
a new study about the quality of life of inmates and their self-esteem.
Definition of Terms
Inmates. A person being deprived of his or her liberty against his or her
free will. This person is most commonly confined in a prison. They most
Quality of life. Refer in this study as a status of inmates inside the prison
cell. The ability of inmates to enjoy life activities inside jail and perceived quality
Research Design
identify the connection between the two variables. Padua (1995) also added that
this design also estimates the extremity of the relationship of the variables to one
another in the interest of the population. This design will be fit for the study to
determine the quality of life of inmates and their self-esteem inside the Panabo
City Jail.
Research Subject
This study utilized the inmates of Panabo City Jail as the respondents and
questionnaires were given to them to provide the data needed in the study. The
researcher used the purposive sampling technique. There are 150 out of 461
inmates was retrieved and responded. The study was during the month of
August, 2017. The questionnaire was distributed through the help of jail officers
and inmate’s trustee. The researchers were given five days and thirty inmates
Shown in Table 1 are the respondent’s profile in relation to their age, sex
and length of stay. Male inmates have a frequency of 118 or 78.7 percent
Ossai (2004) that sex has a relationship because being male and female has a
of female inmates is lower than male inmates because men are more prone to
temptations and more aggressive than females. Unlike females, males are less
stress and lack of good communication, they would end up diverting their
attention in other ways like drinking or taking drugs thinking that it can help them
forget their problems. These behavior leads them to commit illegal acts.
Profile Variables F %
Female 32 21.3
18-25 34 22.7
26-35 70 46.7
36-45 42 28.0
Length of Stay
terms of age, majority of inmates having an age of 26-35 years of age has the
percent has the age of 36-45 years of age, 18-25 years of age has a frequency of
34 or 22.7 percent, and 46 years old and above with a frequency of 4 or 2.7
percent. As stated by Elliot (2000) that age has a significant relationship since
the higher the age the higher the capability of understanding. Specifically, with
percent, 3 years and above with a frequency of 27 or 18.0 percent, and 1 month
(2005), that length of stay has relationship considering that the longer an inmate
stays in the jail, the higher the level of realization, for it has a big impact to them
There were three sets of questionnaire utilized with three parts used in
the gathering of data. Part I of the questionnaire is the profile of inmates which
constitutes the age, sex, and length of stay. Part II of the questionnaire focused
physical, spiritual and treatment of BJMP personnel. Part III dealt with the self-
The following scale is for the interpretation of data for the level of quality of
4.21 – 5.00 Very High This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive
anexcellentlevel of quality of life.
3.40 – 4.20 High This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
very satisfactory level of quality of life.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
satisfactorylevel of quality of life.
1.80 – 2.59 Low This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
poorlevel of quality of life.
1.0 – 1.79 Very Low This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
very poorlevel of quality of life.
The following scale for the interpretation of data for the level of self-
4.21 – 5.00 Viry Hegh It indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive an
excellentlevel of self-esteem.
3.40 – 4.20 High
2.60 – 3.39 Modirite This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
satisfactory level ofself-esteem.
1.80 – 2.59 Law This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
poor levelof self-esteem.
1.0 – 1.79 Viry Luw This indicates that the inmate’s under the
custody of Panabo City Jail perceive a
very poorlevel of self-esteem.
requested from Dr. Carmelita B. Chavez, the Dean of the College of Criminal
the office of J/SINSP Jul Akbar L. Jamiri, Jail Warden of Panabo City Jail. The
researcher sought assistance from the BJMP personnel so that the questionnaire
3. Collation, Tabulation of data. Right after the data was gathered by the
researcher, it was presented to statistician for decoding the computer output and
part of the profiling of the respondents by age, sex, and length of stay.
Mean. This was utilized to identify the critical contrast of the level of
Pearson r. This was utilized to identify the connection among the quality
of life of inmates and their self-esteem inside the Panabo City Jail. The
coefficient of the correlation (r) was also used to determine the degree of
relationship between each indicator in the quality of life and their self-esteem.
Chapter 3
This cha pter presents the results and analysis of the statistics gathered.
This includes the quality of life, the extent to which being incarcerated influence
the self-esteem of inmates, and the significant relationship between the quality of
The level of the quality of life of inmates in Panabo City Jail is analyze to
determine and understand the life they have inside the jail and how being
incarcerated changed their life. It is also emphasize in this study that standard
Shown in Table 2 are the mean scores for the indicators of quality of life of
inmates with the inclusive mean of 4.36 labeled as very high and with the
customary deviation of 0.474. The high level could be attributed to the high rating
given by the respondents in the three indicators. This means that the
in the items of physical, spiritual, and treatment of the BJMP Personnel. The
cited overall mean score was the result gathered from the following computed
mean scores from the highest to lowest spiritual with the mean of 4.68 or very
Indicators x SD
Physical 4.02 0.714
It might be well-known from the data that the spiritual aspect of the
inmates obtained a highest mean rating of 4.68 or viry hegh with a customary
deviance of 0.487. This implies that the inmates attentively attended mass
weekly; shares spiritual beliefs with other inmates; and respect others belief.
Though, others may overlook that all prisoners are the same, they discovered a
way that can help the quality of life of inmates improved by means of providing a
spiritual counseling. Many churches have connections in local jails and are
(Boyden, 2009).
The next indicator on the level of quality of life of inmates with the very
high level is the Treatment of the BJMP Personnel with a mean rating of 4.37 and
standard deviation of 0.650. This implies that the prisoners found the jail officers
gives helpful answers to the prisoners questions, and talks to the prisoners
during association. Thus, prison officers' attitudes towards prison inmates are
this unique situation they have the power to enhance or undermine the primary
goals of the correctional institution where they work (Skoglund, 2007).
satisfactory level of quality of life with a mean rating of 4.02 and standard
deviation of 0.714. It implies that the inmates were served enough and nutritious
food, that their cell is well ventilated, they had monthly check-up, they were
provided of their clothing, and allows them to rest and give medicine when they
were sick. Furthermore, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
and the ICRC worked together to strengthen the health monitoring system in
seven pilot jails by introducing inmate health cards. The systematic use of inmate
health cards enables jail staff to keep track of detainees' health-care needs,
Containing the inmate's medical history, his dental records, the details of his
medical consultations, and a health screening checklist, the inmates health card
keeps track of the detainee’s health status from the moment he is detained until
City Jail based on the result of their responses to the question. The overall mean
score was 4.44 labeled as viry high with the customary deviance of 0.434. This
The cited overall mean was the result gathered from the following
Indicators x SD
Self-acceptance 4.49 0.529
personal growth with the mean of 4.56 or very high self-acceptance with the
mean of 4.49 or very high, and interpersonal relationship with the mean of 4.30
or very high. The main indicator with the highest level of mean was on personal
growth. This showed that the respondents perceived an excellent level of self-
To give emphasis the data for the self-esteem of inmates, the indicator
that had the highest mean rating of 4.56 or described as very high and having
with the lowest mean rating of 4.30 in the standard deviation of 0.546 is
interpersonal relationship.
It might be distinguished from the data that the personal growth of the
inmates obtained a highest mean rating of 4.56 or very high with a standard
deviation of 0.448. This value is obtained from the itemized responses with the
mean of 4.51 or very high for they can enhance their skills and talents by joining
activities in prison, 4.49 or very high for they are capable of overcoming their day
to day activities, 4.59 or very high for they develop good behavior in the prison
cell by helping other inmates and prison staff, 4.62 or very high for learning to
handle themselves and grow as a better person in the prison, 4.57 or very high
change and held positive attitudes, especially feelings of high self-esteem. Thus
work hard at improving their situations. Even the most difficult and challenging
The next indicator on the self-esteem of inmates with the very high level is
the self-acceptance with a mean rating of 4.49 and standard deviation of 0.529.
This rating is derived from the mean scores of the questions given with the mean
of 4.50 or very high for taking positive attitude towards themselves and recognize
their qualities, 4.49 or very high for feeling that they are a person of worth, on an
equal plane with others, 4.41 or very high for not shy of self-conscious, 4.23 or
very high for they don’t worry or condemn themselves if other people pass
judgement against them, 4.61 or very high for learning to value themselves by
accepting their mistakes. Self-acceptance and growth begins when the individual
the response is supportive, encouraging and accepting, it will, over time, result in
inmates has the overall mean of 4.30 and standard deviation of 0.546. This value
is obtained based on the itemized responses of the inmates with the mean of
4.43 or very high for it’s easy for them to become emotionally close to others,
4.27 or very high for they are comfortable getting close to others, 4.28 or very
high for they are willing to share responsibilities to others, 4.09 or high for they
find it easy to trust other completely, 4.45 or very high for they let themselves
share their own opinions and feelings to others. Inmates emphasized their need
for positive interactions with other inmates. By associating with religious peers
and sharing experiences, inmates reported that they were able to avoid the
consistent family support, either through family visits, letters, and financial
inner motivation and has greater life capital that drivesthem to have positive mind
The important purpose of this study was to determine whether the quality
inmates correlates to the physicalof inmates Kernis (2006) stated that high self-
of .239 and p-value of .003, which means those who have higher personal
growth incline to feel more confident in contrast, those who lack confidence in
Table 4.
Significance relationship between the level of quality of life of inmates and the
Self-esteem of inmates
Quality of life
Physical Spiritual Treatment of Overall
Self-acceptance .379** .410** .367** .499**
value of .261 and p-value of .001, examined the importance of supportive peer
groups among inmates. Inmates emphasized their need for positive interactions
with other inmates. By associating with religious peers and sharing experiences,
inmates reported that they were able to avoid the negative influences of prison
p-value of .000 expressed that the greater the quality of life of an individual the
higher that individual’s self-esteem which means that a person needs a greater
environment that provide genuineness’ to achieve their goals with a higher self-
and p-value of .000, most inmates desire to change and held positive attitudes,
inmates engage in self-help programs like religious activities and work hard at
anrd p-value of .000, the important factor which influence on the growth, emerges
2005) thus, one of the ways that can help improve their quality of life is to provide
value of .326 and p-value of .000, the inmates' attitudes towards their fellow
prisoners, and indeed the inmates' attitudes toward themselves, i.e. their self-
esteem, are important, because these attitudes are likely to influence the way
prisoners respond to the correctional regime and the over-all effectiveness of the
release from prison (Skoglund, et. al., (2007) thus prison officers encourage to
computed r-value of .412 and p-value of .000, there is a potential for the
development of positive psychological growth, personal growth and self- esteem
through sport and physical activity. For these reasons, sport and physical activity
computed r-value of .392 and p-value of .000, the importance of supportive peer
to the inmates but also in the prison officers (Kerly and Copes 2009). These
group of inmates has inner motivation and has greater life capital that drives
them to have positive mind in the prison (Lafferty, et. al., 2015).
computed r-value of .455 and p-value of .000, which meansthat prison officers'
attitudes towards prison inmates are important. Positive attitudes held by prison
release from prison. Prison officers are in day-to-day interaction with the inmates
and in this unique situation they have the power to enhance or undermine the
primary goals of the correctional institution where they work. (Skoglund, et. al.,
value of .499 and p-value of .000, deep and meaningful relationship, which
encouraging and accepting, it will, over time, result in the confiding individual
acquiring increased confidence, increased self-esteem and thus increased self-
value of .492 and p-value of .000,those who have higher personal growth incline
consistent family support, either through family visits, letters, and financial
inner motivation and has greater life capital that drives them to have positive
Pnabo City Jails yields an overall r-value of 5.548 with the p-value of .000, which
means the greater the quality of life of an individual the higher that individual’s
self-esteem which means that a person needs a greater environment that provide
person to grow, they need a setting that provides them with self-acceptance,
personal growth and interpersonal relationship (Carl Rogers, 1959). Implies that
Chapter 4
the inmates and to better realized the inmates status inside the jail. A total of 150
respondents which were randomly selected from the Panabo City Jail and
considered as the source of primary data. The study utilized a validated, self-
made research instrument which intends to assess the respondents’ status inside
the Panabo City Jail as to the physical, spiritual, treatment of the BJMP
Personnel, self-acceptance, personal growth and interpersonal relationship. In
the analysis of the data, weighted mean and tests of relationship (Bivariate
1. The quality of life of inmates inside the Panabo City Jail in relation to
the physical, spiritual, and treatment of the BJMP personnel is very high
2. The self-esteem of inmates inside the Panabo City Jail in relation to the
1. The Lo cal Govern ment Unit in Panabo City may continue to provide
the basic needs of an inmates for a neat and clean environment like clothing,
educational activities in order for them to have brighter future outside the jail and
for them to be able to have more potential in acquiring skills that they can use to
3. The inmates may continue to participate the activities inside of the jail
productive member of the community after they have been released from the
correctional institutions in order for them to gain back the self-confidence they’ve
in our society nowadays. Specifically, inside the jail and the eminence of the
comprehensive and intensive focus on the factors that affect the quality of life
and self-esteem of the prison inmates with enough time and resources ready at
hand. In addition, it would be beneficial to consider the inmate’s criminal offense
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (2007). Prison and detention
centers condition. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology. Retrieved
December 16, 2016, from
Carlson, R. I., (2009). Prison and Jail Administration: Practice and theory
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Kerly, K .R., and Copes, H. A.,, (2009). “’Keepin’ my mind right’: identity
maintenance and religious social support in the prison context.”
The International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative
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