Prison is a place where people who have been taken into custody by the
government or have had their freedom taken away after being found guilty
of a crime are kept. A felony or misdemeanor conviction could result in a
prison sentence being imposed on the offender. These prisoners may have
problems they encountered inside of the jail. The concern about inmates'
capacity to cope with life in jail or prison are still present. The brutal truth
of Prison can negatively affect inmates, affecting their ability to adapt. to
their brand-new setting. The process of adjusting to jail life might be
impacted by a multitude of problems.
This study, The research will focus on the
challenges faced by prisoners in the Lapu-Lapu City
Jail Male Dormitory and will cover a range of issues,
including mental health and violence. The aim of the
research is to provide a better understanding of the
challenges faced by prisoners and to identify ways to
improve the prison system and support the
rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners
Theoretical Background
The Social Learning Theory, Strain Theory, and Labeling Theory provide a
theoretical foundation for understanding the behavior and experiences of
prisoners in Cebu City. The literature and related studies highlight several
key issues faced by prisoners, including overcrowding, health concerns,
violence and abuse, inadequate facilities, and lack of rehabilitation
programs. These issues are closely interconnected and require
comprehensive and multifaceted solutions.
Related Literature
Local Related Literature
• The Cebu City Jail is among the country’s penal facilities facing problems
related to congestion. Designed to only accommodate 1,900 prisoners, it now
houses over 6,000 detainees.
• The Cebu jail outbreak is one of the biggest coronavirus outbreaks ever
recorded in the Philippines, where as of Wednesday(April 20, 2022), there were
6,710 infections and 446 fatalities. The facility had the highest rate of Corona
virus infections among inmates and employees of any prison in the Philippines.
As of Friday, April 24, 2022, there were at least 210 infections at this location.
National Related Literature
Correctional wardens are responsible for ensuring that their prison is safe for both personnel
and inmates. This entails defining training requirements for correctional officers and other
personnel. Prison wardens must be prepared to lead a diverse group as the breadth of their duties
expands. According to Mufarreh, Waitkus, & Booker (2021), with the increasing number of
offenders populating the criminal justice system and the imposed responsibilities placed on
correctional and community supervision agencies, effectively identifying and training leaders for
success is now more critical than ever (Mufarreh, Waitkus, & Booker, 2021).
Atkin-Plunk & Armstrong (2013) provide that prison wardens' administrative and
correctional obligations are extensive.In addition to carrying out the goal of the prison wardens of
the state, federal or corporate entities also oversee the order, security, and prevention of escapes
and riots in a facility. The priorities of a warden may include administering security and security
activities, managing human resources, handling critical events, managing the budget, promoting
an excellent organizational climate, presiding over a physical facility, administering public
relations, retaining professional expertise, implementing strategic planning, and supervising other
Statement of the Problem
• The main problem of this research is to identify the problems encountered by prisoners
during their confinement in the prison system. Specifically, this research aims to answer
the following questions:
• 1.What is the demographic profile of the inmates in terms of;
• 1.1Age
• 1.2Gender
• 1.3Race/ethnicity
• 1.4Length of your Sentence
2.What are the most common problems encountered by
prisoners during their confinement?
3.How do these problems affect prisoners' mental health and
4.What are the effects of this problems to the prisoners?
5.What strategies do prisoners use to cope with these
6.What are the barriers that prisoners face in accessing
support and resources to address these problems?
• This Chapter lay outs the research design and methodology that
is used in the study. It describes the data collection and analysis
techniques. The researcher explains how the necessary data and
information to address the research objectives and questions
was collected, presented and analyzed. The researcher design,
research flow, research environment, research respondents,
research instruments, research procedure, were discussed and
analyzed in this section.
Research Design