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Batch For
• Judiciary Aspirants
• CLAT Aspirants (Legal Aptitude)
• LLB Students

Definition &
1 Sec 2 :- Definitions

2 Difference between Bailable offence & Non-Bailable offence

3 Difference between Cognizable & Non-Cognizable offence

4 Difference between Compoundable & Non-Compoundable

5 Difference between FIR & Complaint

6 Difference between Judge & Magistrate

Sec 2 :- Definitions

Clause Definition
a Bailable & Non Bailable Offence
b Charge r/w 211-224
c Cognizable Offence – r/w sec 2(l)
d Complaint
e High Court
f India
g Inquiry
h Investigation
i Judicial Proceeding
j Local Jurisdiction
k Metropolitan Area r/w sec 8
l Non-Cognizable Offence
m Notification
Sec 2 :- Definitions
Sec 2 :- Definitions
Sec 2 :- Definitions

Clause Definition
n Offence r/w Sec 40 IPC
o Officer in charge of police station
p Place
q Pleader
r Police report r/w sec 173(2)
s Police station
t Prescribed
u Public prosecutor r/w sec 24
v Sub-Division
w Summon case r/w sec 251-259
wa Victim (Amd. 2009)
x Warrant case r/w sec 238-250
y Words & expression used in CRPC
Sec 2 :- Definitions
Sec 2 :- Definitions
Difference between Bailable offence & Non-Bailable offence
Basis Bailable offence sec 2(a) Non-Bailable offence sec 2(a)
Definition Means an offence which is shown Means any other offence.
bailable in the first schedule or
which is made bailable by any
other law for the time being in
Claimed as A matter of right It depends on the discretion of court.
Crime intensity Considered less serious in nature. Considered more serious / heinous in
Provisions Sec 436 crpc Sec 437 crpc
Power to grant Either the police officer or the Mostly the accused get bail through a
bail court can grant bail. court of law. Yet u/s 437(4) empowers the
police officer to grant bail while recording
reasons in writing.
Examples Kidnapping (363), Stalking (354D), Criminal Breach of Trust(406), Theft(379),
Dishonest Misappropriation of Rape (376), Murder(302) and Culpable
Movable Property (404), Cheating Homicide (304)
Cases Rasiklal v. Kishore Khanchand Mansab Ali v. Irsan 2003,
Wadhwani 2009 , Supreme Court held that since the
Supreme Court held that the right jurisdiction is discretionary, it is required to
u/s 436 is an absolute & be exercised with great care and caution
indefeasible right
Difference between Cognizable offence & Non-Cognizable offence

Basis Cognizable offence Sec 2(c) Non-Cognizable offence Sec 2(l)

Meaning case in which, a police officer Case in which a police officer has
may, in accordance with the no authority to arrest without
first schedule or under any warrant.
other law for the time being in
force, arrest without warrant.
Permission Arrest can be made without Arrest warrant is required from
of court warrant magistrate
Severity of Cognizable offences are Non-cognizable offences are less
crime serious crimes. serious.
Initiation It is a wrong against the state, It is a private offence against
Hence, prosecution is taken another person. That is why
care of by the state, i.e. the prosecution in such crimes has to
government be initiated by the victims.
Information FIR or Complaint u/s 154 Only complaint u/s 155
Examples Murder, theft, kidnapping, etc. Assault, cheating, defamation, etc.
Difference between Compoundable & Non-Compoundable offence

Basis Compoundable offence Non-Compoundable

Sec 320 Crpc contains the
Any offence which is not
Provision offences that can be
includedu/s 320
compoundable offences.
Nature of The nature of the offence not so
The nature of the offence is serious.
Crime serious
Charges made against the
Withdrawal Charges against the accused cannot
accused can be withdrawn and it
of Charges be withdrawn.
amounts to acquittal
Affected It impacts only to a private It affects both, private person as
parties /single person. well as the society at large.
Settlement can be done either
Compound It cannot compound, the offence
with permission or without
ability can only be quashed
permission of the court.
Filing of the
By a private person By state.
Theft, Grievous hurt,
Example Murder, Kidnapping, etc.
Defamation, Trespass, etc.
Difference between FIR & Complaint
Basis FIR Complaint

Definition not defined. defined u/s 2 (d), which means any

it is an information given to the allegation made orally or in writing to a
police first in point of time relating magistrate, with a view to his taking action
to a cognizable offence. under the code, that some person whether
Recorded u/s 154 known or unknown has committed an
offence. It, does not include a police report

Who may may be lodged by any person filed by any person subject to certain
Apply? exceptions.

To Whom/ made to the competent police Complaint is made to a magistrate


Nature of must relate to a cognizable offence may relate to a cognizable or non-

Offence on the face of it. cognizable offence.

Investigation When a FIR is lodged, a policer when complaint is filed no investigation is

officer starts with investigating the done by the police officer until directed by
matter. the competent authority.
Cognizance no cognizance is taken by the A Magistrate takes cognizance on the
Magistrate until particular FIR is complaint made to him at the very first
reported to him. stage.
Format There is prescribed format by law No prescribed format is given for filing a
for FIR complaint.
Difference between Judge & Magistrate

Basis Judge Magistrate

Definition Sec 19, IPC- Sec 3(23)
Meaning not only every person who
is officially designated as a
Judge, but also every
person who is empowered
by law to give, in any legal
proceeding, civil or
criminal, a definitive
Appointed High court High Court (they can be EM or
by JM)
Jurisdiction Broader Narroe
Provisions Sec 9 , 10 Crpc Sec 11-15 Crpc

Powers Max- Death Punishement Imprisonment upto 7 yr (by


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