SSC Project 2024-25

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Sustainable development:

The purpose of sustainable development is to achieve human development objectives while

preserving natural ecosystems' ability to give humans access to the resources they depend on. A
civilization where resources and living conditions satisfy human needs without harming the
stability of the planet is the goal. The goal of sustainable development is to strike a balance
between social progress, environmental preservation, and economic growth. These days, the idea
of sustainable development is centered on the preservation of the environment for coming
generations as well as social and economic progress.

The Rio Process, initiated at the 1992 Earth Summit, initiated the concept of sustainable
development. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the Sustainable
Development Goals (2015-2030) to address global issues like poverty, inequality, environmental
degradation, climate change, peace, and justice.

We can link energy sources as wind energy, tidal energy and solar energy, etc. with sustainable
development as these energy sources reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the
environment. Also rainwater conserves water, helping in reducing the energy needed for
treatment, and helps manage water scarcity.

So lets further discuss about the following topics.

Solar energy:

Solar energy is the radiant light and heat of the Sun that is harnessed using a range of
technologies such as solar power to generate electricity, solar thermal energy (including solar
water heating), and solar architecture.

Installing solar panels can result in significant cost savings, with some governments providing
incentives and tax credits for installation. The solar energy industry also creates job
opportunities, with skilled workers developing and maintaining solar systems. Furthermore, solar
energy promotes energy independence by reducing reliance on the grid and providing a
consistent source of power, particularly in remote areas. Overall, solar energy provides numerous
benefits to both individuals and the environment. Further is breakdown of more points related to
solar energy.

Global Solar Energy Production:

Bhadla solar park is the largest solar park in the world, located in Rajasthan. It covers about
14000 acres of land. Its energy capacity is about 2245 MW; meaning this single solar plant is
capable to fulfill the electricity demands of whole Kolkata city. This is an example of what solar
power is capable of.

Globally, the country of Morocco is said by the world leader of the world; its 20 per cent energy
demands are fulfilled through solar energy. It has the world’s largest concentrated solar plant.
A concentrated solar power (CSP) plant use mirrors to direct sunlight onto a receiver, which
heats a fluid to generate thermal energy. This thermal energy can be used to produce electricity
or for industrial purposes.

The amount of solar energy reaching earth is unimaginable. At all times about 173000 terra watts
of solar energy reaches the surface of earth. This much energy would account 10000x more than
earth’s annual energy consumption.

Money Savings:
Job Creation:

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