Lecture # 5 Energy Resources & Their Application
Lecture # 5 Energy Resources & Their Application
Lecture # 5 Energy Resources & Their Application
What many people are not aware of is that most of the cities and
towns in the world rely on hydropower, and have for the past
century. Every time you see a major dam, it is providing
hydropower to an electrical station somewhere. The power of
the water is used to turn generators to produce the electricity
that is then used. The problems faced with hydropower right
now have to do with the aging of the dams. Many of them
need major restoration work to remain functional and safe,
and that costs enormous sums of money. The drain on the
world’s drinkable water supply is also causing issues as
townships may wind up needing to consume the water that
provides them power too.
Biomass Energy
When most people talk about the different sources of energy they
list natural gas, coal and oil as the options – these are all
considered to be just one source of energy from fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels provide the power for most of the world, primarily
using coal and oil. Oil is converted into many products, the most
used of which is gasoline. Natural gas is starting to become
more common, but is used mostly for heating applications
although there are more and more natural gas powered vehicles
appearing on the streets. The issue with fossil fuels is twofold.
To get to the fossil fuel and convert it to use there has to be a
heavy destruction and pollution of the environment. The fossil
fuel reserves are also limited, expecting to last only another 100
years given are basic rate of consumption.
Energy Resources of Pakistan
1. Conventional sources
2. Non conventional sources
Conventional sources
1) Thermal energy
2) Hydal energy
3)Nuclear energy
Thermal energy refers to the type of energy in which heat is used
produce energy .
Thermal Energy is the oldest type of energy. With all known
available, Wood was always used for heating and cooking. In
2nd world
war fossil fuels entered in the form of coal to get the energy,
liquid fuels were discovered and because of their convenience
transportation they took over as major contributors of the
Thermal energy sources in Pakistan
Natural Gas
Pakistan has huge reserves of coal which can be used
to overcome the problem of energy crises in the
country . The government of Pakistan is making
hectic efforts to introduce the coal usage in the
industrial sector. The machinery for these units is
totally exempted from import duties and taxes. A
coal based power plant of 150MW has been set up
in the interior sindh.
Oil is one of the most important sources of energy through out the
world and its importance is increasing day by day. many wars are
being fought just tov get the reserves of the oil..the government of
Pakistan is making sincere efforts to find out new oil fields in the
country .the policy is to attain self sufficiency in oil because oil as a
source of energy is expensive if it is imported from other countries
it greatly increases the import bills of the country.at present the
generation capacity of electricity through oil is 12340MW
Natural Gas
Natural gas is also a precious gift of Allah to our country.
huge deposits
of natural gas has been discovered in many parts of
Baluchistan and
sindh.natural gas is a cheap sources of energy in
comparison to oil
and it can also play a great role in the industrial sector
because it is
used as a raw material in many industries like fertilizers
cement and
plastics etc.
Water flowing in the rivers has kinetic energy. Once they are
used to drive the turbine and produce electricity the power
generated as Hydel Energy.
Power produced by the turbines depends on quantity of water
flowing/minute and the head of water available.
Mostly river flows by melting glaciers on high mountains.
the water start flowing in the valleys it changes its head very
This energy can be converted into electrical energy.
method are normally used
1. Dams
2. Run of River projects.
Thank You