Lecture # 5 Energy Resources & Their Application

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Lecture # 5

Energy Resources & Their

Importance of Energy Resources
Energy has a direct impact on the standard of living of
people and industrial side of the country and both of
these are a good measure of economic development of a
country. If people of a country are having a high
of living and their industrial side is progressing well
(means the exports are greater than the imports) than it
is a clear sign that the country is making full use of its
resources its growth rate is high.
Hydel Energy
When electricity is generated from flowing water,
this is called hydroelectric energy, and the prefix
'hydro' refers to water. Hydroelectric energy is
considered a renewable energy resource because it's
an energy resource that regenerates in a short time
period. You can think of this like the hair on your
Hydel Energy (Cont)
Hydel Energy (Cont)
Solar Energy

Solar power harvests the energy of the sun through using

collector panels to create conditions that can then be
turned into a kind of power. Large solar panel fields are
often used in desert to gather enough power to charge
small substations, and many homes use solar systems to
provide for hot water, cooling and supplement their
electricity. The issue with solar is that while there is
plentiful amounts of sun available, only certain
geographical ranges of the world get enough of the
direct power of the sun for long enough to generate
usable power from this source.
Solar Energy (Cont)
Wind Energy

Wind power is becoming more and more common.

The new innovations that are allowing wind farms
to appear are making them a more common sight.
By using large turbines to take available wind as
the power to turn, the turbine can then turn a
generator to produce electricity. While this seemed
like an ideal solution to many, the reality of the
wind farms is starting to reveal an unforeseen
ecological impact that may not make it an ideal
Wind Energy (Cont)
Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is the energy that is produced

from beneath the earth. It is clean, sustainable and
environment friendly. High temperatures are
produced continuously inside the earth’s crust by
the slow delay of radioactive particles. Hot rocks
present below the earth heats up the water that
produces steam. The steam is then captured that
helps to move turbines. The rotating turbines then
power the generators.
Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy can be used by a residential unit

or on a large scale by a industrial application. It
was used during ancient times for bathing and
space heating. The biggest disadvantage with
geothermal energy is that it can only be produced at
selected sites throughout the world. The largest
group of geothermal power plants in the world is
located at The Geysers, a geothermal field in
California, United States.
Geothermal Energy (Cont)
Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen is available with water(H2O) and is most

common element available on earth. Water contains
two-thirds of hydrogen and can be found in
combination with other elements. Once it is separated,
it can be used as a fuel for generating electricity.
Hydrogen is a tremendous source of energy and can
be used as a source of fuel to power ships, vehicles,
homes, industries and rockets. It is completely
renewable, can be produced on demand and does not
leave any toxic emissions in the atmosphere.
Tidal Energy

Tidal energy uses rise and fall of tides to convert kinetic

energy of incoming and outgoing tides into electrical
energy. The generation of energy through tidal power
is mostly prevalent in coastal areas. Huge investment
and limited availability of sites are few of the
drawbacks of tidal energy. When there is increased
height of water levels in the ocean, tides are produced
which rush back and forth in the ocean. Tidal energy
is one of the renewable source of energy and produce
large energy even when the tides are at low speed.
Tidal Energy(Cont)
 .
Wave Energy

Wave energy is produced from the waves that are

produced in the oceans. Wave energy is renewable,
environment friendly and causes no harm to
atmosphere. It can be harnessed along coastal regions
of many countries and can help a country to reduce its
dependence on foreign countries for fuel. Producing
wave energy can damage marine ecosystem and can
also be a source of disturbance to private and
commercial vessels. It is highly dependent on
wavelength and can also be a source of visual and
noise pollution.
Wave Energy(Cont)
Hydroelectric Energy

What many people are not aware of is that most of the cities and
towns in the world rely on hydropower, and have for the past
century. Every time you see a major dam, it is providing
hydropower to an electrical station somewhere. The power of
the water is used to turn generators to produce the electricity
that is then used. The problems faced with hydropower right
now have to do with the aging of the dams. Many of them
need major restoration work to remain functional and safe,
and that costs enormous sums of money. The drain on the
world’s drinkable water supply is also causing issues as
townships may wind up needing to consume the water that
provides them power too.
Biomass Energy

Biomass energy is produced from organic material and is

commonly used throughout the world. Chlorophyll present
in plants captures the sun’s energy by converting carbon
dioxide from the air and water from the ground into
carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis. When
the plants are burned, the water and carbon dioxide is again
released back into the atmosphere. Biomass generally
include crops, plants, trees, yard clippings, wood chips and
animal wastes. Biomass energy is used for heating and
cooking in homes and as a fuel in industrial production. This
type of energy produces large amount of carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere.
Biomass Energy (Cont)
Nuclear Power

While nuclear power remains a great subject of debate as

to how safe it is to use, and whether or not it is really
energy efficient when you take into account the waste
it produces – the fact is it remains one of the major
renewable sources of energy available to the world.
The energy is created through a specific nuclear
reaction, which is then collected and used to power
generators. While almost every country has nuclear
generators, there are moratoriums on their use or
construction as scientists try to resolve safety and
disposal issues for waste.
Nuclear Power (Cont)
Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Natural Gas)

When most people talk about the different sources of energy they
list natural gas, coal and oil as the options – these are all
considered to be just one source of energy from fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels provide the power for most of the world, primarily
using coal and oil. Oil is converted into many products, the most
used of which is gasoline. Natural gas is starting to become
more common, but is used mostly for heating applications
although there are more and more natural gas powered vehicles
appearing on the streets. The issue with fossil fuels is twofold.
To get to the fossil fuel and convert it to use there has to be a
heavy destruction and pollution of the environment. The fossil
fuel reserves are also limited, expecting to last only another 100
years given are basic rate of consumption.
Energy Resources of Pakistan
1. Conventional sources
2. Non conventional sources
Conventional sources

Conventional sources of energy are those

sources which are generally used In the country
for the production of heat ,electricity , and
power .
Conventional sources

1) Thermal energy
2) Hydal energy
3)Nuclear energy
Thermal energy refers to the type of energy in which heat is used
produce energy .
Thermal Energy is the oldest type of energy. With all known
available, Wood was always used for heating and cooking. In
2nd world
war fossil fuels entered in the form of coal to get the energy,
liquid fuels were discovered and because of their convenience
transportation they took over as major contributors of the
Thermal energy sources in Pakistan

 Coal
 Oil
 Natural Gas
Pakistan has huge reserves of coal which can be used
to overcome the problem of energy crises in the
country . The government of Pakistan is making
hectic efforts to introduce the coal usage in the
industrial sector. The machinery for these units is
totally exempted from import duties and taxes. A
coal based power plant of 150MW has been set up
in the interior sindh.
Oil is one of the most important sources of energy through out the
world and its importance is increasing day by day. many wars are
being fought just tov get the reserves of the oil..the government of
Pakistan is making sincere efforts to find out new oil fields in the
country .the policy is to attain self sufficiency in oil because oil as a
source of energy is expensive if it is imported from other countries
it greatly increases the import bills of the country.at present the
generation capacity of electricity through oil is 12340MW
Natural Gas
Natural gas is also a precious gift of Allah to our country.
huge deposits
of natural gas has been discovered in many parts of
Baluchistan and
sindh.natural gas is a cheap sources of energy in
comparison to oil
and it can also play a great role in the industrial sector
because it is
used as a raw material in many industries like fertilizers
cement and
plastics etc.
 Water flowing in the rivers has kinetic energy. Once they are
used to drive the turbine and produce electricity the power
generated as Hydel Energy.
 Power produced by the turbines depends on quantity of water
 flowing/minute and the head of water available.
 Mostly river flows by melting glaciers on high mountains.
 the water start flowing in the valleys it changes its head very
 This energy can be converted into electrical energy.
method are normally used
1. Dams
2. Run of River projects.

In case of Dams the water flow is restricted by

making a huge storage device and the head of water
is increased, the water then is allowed to flow by
means of gates and pass through the turbines, the
head of reservoir level is maintained to provide
uniform power, and the water stored in peak season
additionally is used for irrigation purposes in dry
Run of River projects
In run of river projects the water is diverted through the
tunnels and once it gains the head allowed to fall and
pass through the turbines and back to river. the water in
these projects is continuously flowing and not being
Geographical situation is paramount importance in
choosing a suitable site for the hydro project and it
evolves a very serious time and money consuming
Important Thing
Once a site is located further detailed feasibility
study is required before proceeding any serious
effort to start the work.
Feasibility Study Should Includes
1. Detailed Mapping of the area
2. Weather data containing, Temperatures, pressures, rain humidity
3. Water sampling and testing
4. Environmental study
5. Social impact
6. Wild life and fish study
7. Identification of stake holders of the area
8. Coring and getting samples of the soil at 50-200 meters
9. Laboratory testing of the cores samples
10. study to evaluate earth quake dangers
Hydel energy in Pakistan
In Pakistan hydel energy is usually generated through waterfalls
(dams).there are many dams in the country which play a great
role in
the generation of electricity for household, business and industrial
sector. since independence huge amounts have been allocated for
development of hydel energy as it is a main source of electricity
generation in the country as a result of this the generation of
power through hydel energy has been increased from 68MW in
1947 to
6555MW in 2009.
Nuclear energy
The importance of nuclear energy as a source of electricity generation
is increasing very rapidly throughout the world as many developed
well as developing countries are making use of nuclear enery to
generate electricity. the main fuel which is required to run the
reactor is called uranium.with the grace of all mighty uranium is
in excess in Pakistan. at present there are two nuclear electric power
generation plants in Pakistan namely Karachi nuclear power plant
chasma nuclear power plant
Non conventional sources

The less developing countries are now

developing other Renewable sources of energy .
these sources are comparatively cheaper to
those of conventional sources of energy and
these sources have a simplified technology
Non conventional sources
1) Wind energy
2) Solar energy
3) Bio gas (energy animal &plant wastes)
Wind energy
Wind energy is a very cheap source of generating
power.in windy
areas,the windmills can be used for supplying
electricity on a small
scale the windmill can be used for pumping water for
corn,crushing sugar cane,thrashing,cutting of wood etc
etc.at present
there are four mechanical wind pumpers and one wind
generation system has been set up
Solar energy

The sun provides 170000MW of power to earth on

daily basis.the
sunshine can also be used a cheap source of
energy.many developed
countries as well as developing countries are now
making use of the
solar energy in order to fulfill their energy demand as
it is a very cheap
and easily available source of energy
It is produced from animal and plant wastes although
it is a very cheap
source of energy but it can not be used on the large
scale like the solar
and wind energy. However it can be utilized very
well in the rural
areas.as 72% of our population live in villages they
make the best use
of this source of energy .
It isn’t easy to determine which of these different
sources of energy is best to use. All of them have
their good and bad points. While advocates of each
power type tout theirs as the best, the truth is that
they are all flawed. What needs to happen is a
concerted effort to change how we consume energy
and to create a balance between which of these
sources we draw from.


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