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Item Description Unit Qty Excut. ነጸላ ዋጋ Total

A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Trench excavation for foundation to a depth
not exceeding 120cm from reduced ground
level. M3 727.60 780.00 245.00 191,100.00
1.2 Soft rock excavation to depth 150 cm M3 12.50 15.45 310.00 4,789.50
1.3 Back fill selected material and well
compaced at every 20cm. selected
material /soil / from site/. M3 740.10 0.00 153.00 113,235.30
Total carried to summary birr 309,124.80
VAT 15% 46,368.72
GRAND TOTAL 355,493.52
Item Description Unit Qty Excut. ነጸላ ዋጋ Total
A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Trench excavation for foundation to a depth
not exceeding 120cm from reduced ground
level. M3 668.80 580.00 227.00 131,660.00
1.2 Soft rock excavation to depth 150 cm M3 10.00 10.95 305.00 3,339.75
1.3 Back fill selected material and well
compaced at every 20cm. selected
material /soil / from site/. M3 678.80 232.00 135.00 91,638.00
Total carried to summary birr 226,637.75
VAT 15% 33,995.66
GRAND TOTAL 260,633.41
A. Sub Structure Unit Qnty Excut. Unit price T.Amount
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to an average
depth of 20cm M2 157.00 157.50
1.2 Excavation trench foundation,pit excavation to a
depth of not exceeding 120cm . M3 2.00 2.10
1.3 Back fill under hardcore around foundation wall &
footing column with selected material & well
compacted at every 20cm. selecte material /soil /from
M3 0.55 0.84
SUB Total
2. Concrete work
2.1 5cm lean concrete C-5 (150kg cement /m3) under
foundation masonary wall & footing pad mix concrete
(cement, sand, gravel ) M2 2.80 3.00
2.2 5cm thikC-20 mix concrete (cement,sand,gravel)for
coping ,for window sill M2 1.80 0.48
2.4 Provide,cut & fix in position formwork for
footing ,column & beams.
a) for copying . M2 2.08 0.48
SUB Total
3. Masonry Work
3 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent roughly dressed
stone masonry foundation wall beded in cement sand
mortar (1:4) ratio (material approved by the engineer)
M3 1.40 2.16
SUB Total
B. Super structure
1. Concrete work
1 Supply and fix 10*10*250cm precast reinforced
concrete c-20 mix (cement,sand, gravel )post elevation
.price including 40*40*50cm pit excavation ,filling
with c-20 concrete $ the post fixing Deformed steel bar
4Ø10mm $ plain steel bar & 06mm c/c20cm stirup,form
work & with all the neccessores accessories

No 140.00 140.00
SUB Total
2. Masonry Work
2 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent FOUR SIDE finely
dressed stone elevation wall beded in cement sand
mortar 1:3 internally &externaly left for pointing
(material quality approved by the engineer).
M3 2.75 2.88
3. Metal Work
3 Supply and fix main entrance door made of vertical &
Horizontal frame (CHS )(circular hollow section
galvanizzed steel tube )) diameter 48-50 *2.0-2.5mm
thick and (SHS) Square Hollow Section steel tube
25x25x2.5mm c/c 15cm for vertical rows &for
horizontal rows c/c 30cm . price shall include
30*30*50cm excavation and c-20 concrete mix
cement ,sand,gravel )iron mongory ,lock ,2coats of
antirust , 2coats of oil paint and with all accessories .
(drawing & material quality approved by the
engineer )

a) door size 150*200cm M2 3.00 3.00

b) door size 400*200cm M2 8.00 8.00
3 Supply and fix 2.2mm-2.5mm thick steel Gabion for
fence with all neccessories accessories (material
quality approved by the engineer ).
M2 320.00 320.00
SUB Total
4 Apply pointing to indicated external stone masonry
wall surface incement mortar (1፡3) M2 18.48 16.80
SUB Total

Project:- One block mai-worki BLOCKACADAMIC

Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works
No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description
A-SUB STRUCTURE 2.4/ provide cut & fix
2 33.00 a/ To ground beam
1 34.20 1.1/ Site clearing avg depth 200mm 2 33.00
9.20 0.25 16.50
314.64 M2 10.00 7.00
1.2/ Bulk excavation

0.25 17.50
1 33.00
73.26 m3
1.3/ Excavation
2 33.00 50.50 m2
0.75 Re inforced bar
1.23 60.89
5 6.00 1,049.04 Ø 8 deformed bars
0.75 385.92 Ø 12 deformed bars
1.23 27.68 3/ MASONRY WORK
88.56 m3 total excavated 2 33.00 3.1/ 50cm thick rough dressed stone

4 8.00 1.4/ back fill 0.96 31.68
6.60 5 6.40
1.00 211.20 M3 0.50

1.5/ cart away 0.96 15.36

62.93 47.04 m3
73.26 3.2/ 50cm thick semi dressed stone
88.56 2 33.00
224.75 m3 0.50
1.6/ 25cm basaltic stone hard core well rolled 0.82 27.06
4 7.80 5 6.40
6.60 205.92 m2 0.50
0.82 13.12
2/ CONCRETE WORK 40.18 m3
2.1/ 5cm lean concrete B/ SUPPER STRUCTURE
2 33.00 1.1/ Reinforced concrete
0.50 33.00 23 0.20 a/ To RC Column
2.2/ Reinforced concrete b/ To RC top tie beam
2.00 33.00 a/ in grade beam 2.00 33.00
0.40 0.20
0.25 6.60 0.20 2.64
5 6.60 5 7.00
0.40 0.20
0.25 3.30 0.20 1.40
4.04 m3
1.2/ Provide cut & fix

0.00 23 3.00 a/ To RC Column

9.90 m3 4 0.20

4.00 7.80
2.3/ 10cm thick mass concrete
6.60 55.20 m2

205.92 m2

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Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description

4.2 Dia 8-10cm eucalyptus Diagonal &

b/ To RC top tie beam vertical, members of truss



M sub total

60.18 m2 4.3, 50*70 mm sawn & well seasoned purlin

1.3/ Reinforced bar

a/ Ø 8deformed bars
b/ Ø 12deformed bars
709.16 M sub total

4.4 supply and fix 0.8mm thick chip

2/ BLOCK WORK wood ceiling
2 31.2 2.1/ 200mm thick hollow concrete m2

3 187.2 m2 sub total

5 6.8

3 102 4.5. Ribbed Sheet

m2 sub total
3 4.6 , 2.5*25cm fascia board

289.2 m2 m2 sub total

Deductions for openings 5. Metal work
16 1.15 W1 5.1 Metal windows
1.8 33.12 a) Type W1 size 120*180*16
12 1.2 W2 m2 sub total
0.6 8.64
4 0.9 D1 b) Type W2 size 120*60*12
3 10.8 m2 sub total
52.56 m2 5.2 Metal doors
236.64 After deductions a) Type D1 size 100*300*4
m2 sub total

5.3 Secutity grill shall be manufactured

3. Roofing Work from LTZ 20*20*1.5mm

3.1 Roof G-30 galvanized corrugated iron sheet a) Type W1 size 120*180*16

M2 sub total
3.2 G-28 galvanazed iron sheet gutter m2
m2 sub total
6. Finishing work
6.1 Apply 3coats of plaster in cement
Ml sub total sand mortar (1:3)

3.3 Supply & fix down pipe

Ml sub total

4. Carpentry and joinery

4.1 Dia 10-12cm eucalyptus upper & loweer,
members of truss

M sub total Top tie beam internal

771823075.xls Page 4



Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description

8 8.00 16 1.20 dedaction Door & windows

0.20 1.80
12.8 34.56
16 3.00 Column internal
0.20 12 1.20
9.6 0.60
16 4.80 Door & windows edge 8.64
0.20 4 3.00
15.36 W1 1.00
12 2.40 12
0.20 55.2 M2 sub total
5.76 W2 219.08 m2 Total
4 7.00 6.4 Floor finish tertazzo tile
0.20 4 8.00
5.6 D1 7.00
49.12 m2 sub Total 224.00 m2 total
6.5 10cm hight Terrazzo tile skirting
16 1.20 dedaction Door & windows 4 29.00
1.80 1.00 116.00 Ml total
34.56 W1 6.6 Fix 4cm thick window sile
28 1.25
12 1.20 1.00
0.60 35.00 ML total
6.7 6cm thick pri-cast concrete
8.64 W2 pavement
4 3.00 1 84.80
1.00 1.00 84.80 m2 total

12 D1 6.9 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone

55.20 sub Total 2 88.80
-6.08 m2 Total 1.00 177.6 Ml total
6.2 Ditto as item 6.1 but To external concrete
column beam. 6.10 Dressed stone steps 15x30 cm
A) To R.C columns 1 1.4
24 3.00 0.45
1 0.20 0.30 0.19
14.40 4 1.40
B) To R.C grade beam 0.30
2 33 0.15 0.25
0.25 16.5 Axise 1 &3 2 1.4
2 7.40 0.15 0.15
0.25 1 1.40
3.70 Axise A,C,E,G&I 0.35
B) To R.C Top tie beam 0.35 0.17
2 33 0.76 m3 total
0.2 13.2 Axise 1 &3 1 1.40 6.11 Ramp 25cm thickston hard core
2.15 3.01
2 7.40 1 1.4
0.20 2.55 3.57
2.96 Axise A,C,E,G&I 6.58 m2 total
50.76 m2 sub total 7. Glazing
6.3 Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering in 16 1.15
2 31.20 1.8 33.12
3.20 4 0.90
199.68 Axise 1&3 0.80 2.88
2 6.80 36
43.52 Axise A,C,E,G&I 8. Painting
Apply 3 coats of approved type plastic
paint to all internal plastered surface
3 7.40 above 1.8m height.
1 1.40 2 31.20
31.08 Axise A&I 1.20
274.28 M2 sub total 74.88
8 6.80

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Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works
No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description
Apply three coats of oil paint to
3 7.40 external tyrolen rendering wall surface
1 1.50 219.08 m2 Total
Ditto but to all external plastered
33.3 beams and columns
8 7.00 Top tie beam internal 50.76 m2 Total
0.20 11.2 Ditto but to ribbed sheet eaves
8 8.00 0 m2 Total
0.20 9. Site work
12.8 2.00 9.1 supply and fix Flag
16 1.20 Column internal 1.00 2 No
0.20 9.2 Supply and fix main entrance Door
3.84 1 4.00 D1 Size 4000*3000mm
16 3.60 Door & windows edge 3.00 12 m2
0.20 1 1.50 D2 Size 1500*3000mm
11.52 W1 3.00
12 2.40 4.5 m2
0.20 m2 sub Total 1 12.00 9.3 50cm thick ston masonery B.NGL
5.76 W2 0.50
4 3.30 0.80 4.8 m3 Total
2.64 D1 1 12.00 9.4 Ditto but A.NGL
221.22 0.50
0.40 2.4 m3 Total
16 1.20 dedaction Door & windows 9.5 Reinforced concrete C-25
1.20 3 1.50 a) In 150 x150x 40cm Fotting Pad
23.04 W1 1.50
0.40 2.7 m3 Total
b) In grade beam and top tie beam around
12 1.20 gate
0.60 2 12.00
8.64 W2 0.50
4 1.20 0.25 3 m3
1.00 3 m3 Total
4.8 D1 c) in Elevation column
36.48 sub Total Elevation column
184.74 m2 Total 3 4.8
Ditto but to ceiling surface, for better
finishing use Adi gudom gypsom product 0.5
4 8.00 0.5 3.6
7.00 224 m2 9.6 200mm thick hollow concrete block wall
224.00 m2 sub total 2 2.2
Apply three coats of oil paint to internal
plastered wall surface upto 1.8m height 2.2 9.68
2 31.20 1 8.00
1.80 1.4 11.2
112.32 20.88 m2 total
8 6.80 9.7 supply and fix sign Board
1.80 1 1.00
97.92 1.00
3 7.40 1 No
1 1.50
16 1.80 Column internal
16 1.20 Door & windows edge
3.84 W1
4 3.60
2.88 D1
256.02 m2 sub Total
16 1.20 dedaction Door & windows
11.52 W1
4 1.80
6.48 D1
18.00 sub Total
238.02 m2 Total

771823075.xls Page 6
Project:- Mai-Worki P C S BLOCKLIBRARY
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works
No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description
A-SUB STRUCTURE 1.3/ Reinforced bar

1. EXCAVATION & EARTH WORK 400.69 a/ Ø 8 deformed bars

1 15.40 1.1/ Site clearing avg depth 200mm 206.02 b/ Ø 12 deformed bars
144.76 M2
1.2/ Bulk excavation 2 13.00 3.1/ 50cm thick rough dressed stone
1 12.00 0.50
4.00 1.20 15.60
0.75 2 6.40
36.00 m3 0.50
1.3/ Excavation 1.20 7.68
2 13.20 23.28 m3
0.70 3.2/ 50cm thick semi dressed stone
1.20 22.18 2 13.00
2 6.10 0.50
0.70 0.80 10.40
1.20 10.25
32.42 m3 total excavated 2 6.40
1 12.00 1.4/ back fill 0.80 5.12
6.40 15.52 m3
1.5/ cart away 1/ CONCRETE WORK
28.95 1.1/ Reinforced concrete
36.00 10 0.20 a/ To RC Column
32.42 0.20
97.37 m3 3.00 1.20 m3
1.6/ 25cm basaltic stone hard core well rolled
1 12.60 b/ To RC top tie beam
6.60 83.16 m2 2.00 13.00
2.1/ 5cm lean concrete 0.20 1.04
2 7.00
2 13.60 0.20
0.70 19.04 0.20 0.56
2.00 7.40 1.60 m3
0.70 10.36 1.2/ Provide cut & fix
29.40 m2 20 3.00 a/ To RC Column
1.00 12.6 2.2/ Reinforced concrete 0.25 15.00
6.60 a/ in 100mm thick ground floor 20 3.00
83.16 m2 0.20 12.00
2 13.00 b/ in grade beam 27.00 m2
0.40 2 13.00 b/ To RC top tie beam
0.25 2.60 0.20 5.20
2.00 6.60 4 12.60
0.40 0.20 10.08
0.25 1.32 2 7.40
3.92 m2 0.20 2.96
2.3/ provide cut & fix 4 7.00
a/ To ground beam 0.20 5.60
23.84 m2
4 13.00 1.3/ Reinforced bar
0.25 13.00 103.96 a/ Ø 8 deformed bars
4 6.60 294.82 b/ Ø 12 deformed bars
0.25 6.60
19.60 m2

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Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works
No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description
2/ BLOCK WORK 5. Metal work
2 12.6 2.1/ 200mm thick hollow concrete 5.1 Metal windows
3 75.60 a) Type W1 size 120 X 180 cm x 8 Pcs
2 6.8
3 40.80 m2
2 13 b) Type W2 Size 120X 60cm x 6Pcs
0.45 11.70
2 7.4 m2
1.4 20.72 5.2 Metal Doors
6 3 a)Type D1 size 90 x 300cm
0.4 7.20 Shelf
1 6 m2
b)Type D2 size 120 x 300cm
3 18.00 Partition
174.02 m2
Deductions for openings m2
5.3 Diamend or other shape of wire mesh for
window ,door & other works inculding
7 1 W1 40*40*2.5 mm angle iron frame
1.8 12.60
2 1.2 W2 m2
0.6 1.44
1 1.2 D1 m2
3 3.60 m2 m2 Total
3 2.4 D2 6.1/ Apply three coats of plaster

153.98 After deductions

3.1/ supply & fix G-28

3.2 G-28 galvanazed iron sheet gutter
Window1 edge

Ml sub total Window2 edge

3.3 Supply & fix down pipe
Door 1 edge

Ml sub total
All structural members shall be well
4.1/ Ø 10-12cm m2
Deductions for openings
ml W1
4.2/ Ø 8-10cm W2
4.3/ 50*70mm D1
4.4/ supply & fix 8mm

m2 m2
4.5/ supply & fix standard kasi ribbed m2 After deductions
6.2/ Ditto as item 6.1

4.6/ 2.5*25cm imported

771823075.xls Page 8
Client:- TDA
No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description
2 7.4 2 6
0.25 3.70 1.2 14.40
3.70 m2 12 0.4
2 12.2 6.3/ Apply final coat 1.2 5.76
3 73.20 2 7.4
2 6.8 1.4 20.72
3 40.80 7 3.4
2 7.4 0.2 4.76 Window1 edge
1.5 22.20 2 2.4
136.20 0.2 0.96 Window2 edge
Deductions 1 3.6
1 1.2 D1 0.2 0.72 Door 1 edge
3 3.60 1 3.3
7 1 W1 0.2 0.66
1.8 12.60 6 0.2
2 1.2 W2 1.2 1.44
0.6 1.44 95.98 m2
17.64 m2 7 1 Deductions for openings
118.56 m2 After deduct 1.2 8.40 W1
6.4 Floor finish with class B terrazzo tile (2.5
x25x25)cm 2 1.2 W2
1 12.6 0.6 1.44
7 88.20 m2 1 1.2 D1
6.5 10cm high class Terrazo tile skirting to wall
with cement mortar (1:3) 1.2 1.44 m2
2 12.6 2 0.8
1 25.2 1.2 1.92
2 7 13.20 m2
1 14 82.78 m2 After deductions
Ditto but to ceiling surface, for better finishing
2 2.4 use Adi gudom gypsom product
1 4.8 0.00 m2
Apply three coats of oil paint to internal
2 3.6 plastered wall surface upto 1.8m height
1 7.2 2 12.6
12 0.4 1.8 45.36
1 4.8 2 6.8
56 1.8 24.48
didaction 2 6
2 0.8 1.8 21.60
1 1.6 12 0.4
1 1.2 1.8 8.64
1 1.2 7 2.2
2.8 0.2 3.08 Window1 edge
54.8 ml After didaction 1 4.8
6.6 Fix 4cm thick window sill 0.2 0.96 Door 1 edge
7 1.1 1 4.5
1 7.7 0.2 0.9
2 1.25 6 0.2
1 2.5 1.8 2.16
10.2 ml 107.18 m2
6.7/ 6cm thick cast insitu 7 1 Deductions for openings
2 15 0.6 4.20 W1
1 30.00 1 1.2 D1
2 7.4 1.8 2.16 m2
1 14.80 2 0.8
44.80 m2 1.8 2.88
6.8 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone in C-
15 (250kg cement /m3) 9.24 m2
4 15 97.94 m2 After deductions
Apply three coats of oil paint to external
1 60 tyrolen rendering wall surface
4 9.4 118.56 m2
Ditto but to all external plastered beams and
1 37.6 columns
97.6 m2 3.70 m2
6.10/ Dressed stone steps Ditto but to ribbed sheet eaves
0.00 m3 0.00 m2
1 1.7 6.11/ Ramp
8.42 m2
7. Glazing
4mm thick clear glass glazed to metal bends
with imported putty
7 1.8
1 12.6
2 1.2
0.6 1.44
1 1.2
0.8 0.96
1 0.8
0.8 0.64
15.64 m2
8. Painting
Apply 3 coats of approved type plastic paint to all
internal plastered surface above 1.8m height.
2 12.6
1.2 30.24
2 6.8
1.2 16.32

771823075.xls Page 9
Project:- Location: Mai-Worki C P S 6 hole
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description

A-SUB STRUCTURE B) super stracuture
4. concrete work
1. EXCAVATION & EARTH WORK 4.1 Reinforced concrete C-25
1.1/ Site clearing avg depth 200mm 2 7.9 a) In 20x20 cm upper tie beam
1 9.90 0.2
6.80 67.32 M2 0.2 0.63
1.2/ Excavation on ordinary soil 2 4.8
1 9.40 0.2
6.90 0.2 0.38
3.12 202.36 m3 1.02 m3 Sub total
b. In pre cast R.C elevation columns
1.3/ Excavation on rocky soil 4 2.3
0.2 0.37 m3 Sub total
Reinforced Bar
1 9.40 45.07 a) Ø 8 mm deformed bars
6.90 227.42 b) Ø 12 mm deformed bars
3.12 202.36 4.3 Provide ,cut & Fix in position Form work
202.36 m3 total excavated a. To elevation Column
1.4/ back fill 6 2.3
2 7.90 0.9
5.80 12.42 m2 total
0.55 50.402 b. To tie beam
2 5.2 2 7.9
3.80 0.65 10.27
0.55 21.736 2 5.2
72.14 M3 0.65 6.76
1.5 Cart away surplus excavation material 17.03 m2 total
5.1 .20x 20x40 cm H.C.B wall
2 7.90
202.36 m3 total 2.30 36.34
2.Concrete work 2 5.2
2 7.90 a. In 50x30cm Grade Beam 2.3 23.92
0.50 60.26 m2 total
0.30 2.37

2 5.20
0.30 1.56
3.93 m3 Total 2 2.3 dedaction Door & windows
b)In 20cm R.concrete floor slab 0.8 3.68 Door
7.90 Windows
5.20 4 0.6
0.20 1.2 2.88
8.22 m2 Total 6.56 M2 sub total
2.2 Reinforced bar 53.7 m2 Net total
109.45 a/ Ø 8 deformed bars 4 6.6 5.2. 15*20*40 hcb wall
356.44 b/ Ø 10 deformed bars 2.1 13.86
278.12 c/ Ø 12 deformed bars 6 0.4
155.48 d/ Ø 14 deformed bars 2.1 5.04
2.3 Provide ,cut & Fix in position Form work 1 3.6
1 15.80 a. To ground beam 2.5 9
0.30 4.74 27.9 m2 total
1 15.60 6. Roofing Work
6.1 Roof G-30 galvanized corrugated
0.30 4.68 iron sheet
9.42 m2 Total
b. To slab m2 total
1 6.70 6.2 G-28 galvanazed iron sheet gutter
26.8 m2 Total
3/ MASONRY WORK Ml sub total
2 7.90 3.1/ 50cm thick rough dressed stone 6.3 Supply & fix down pipe
0.80 39.18
2 4.60 Ml sub total
3.10 7. Carpentry and joinery
a) Dia 10-12cm eucalyptus upper &
0.80 22.82 loweer, members of truss
62.00 m3
3.2/ 50cm thick semi dressed stone
2 7.90 M sub total
b) Dia 8-10cm eucalyptus Diagonal &
0.60 vertical, members of truss
0.41 3.89
2 4.40
0.60 M sub total
0.41 2.16
6.05 m3

771823075.xls Page 10
Project:- Location: Mai-Worki C P S 6 hole
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

No Dim. Qty. Description No Dim. Qty. Description

c) 50*70 mm sawn & well seasoned purlin 9.3 Fix 4cm thick window sile
10 3.80 4 1.20
1.00 1.00
38 M sub total 4.8 ML total
9.4 6cm thick pri-cast concrete
2 3.8 7 .2 2.5*25cm fascia board pavement
1.00 1 21.20
7.6 m2 sub total 1.00 21.2 m2 total

7.3, Supply and fix Ø 80 mm PVC vent pipe

with elbow and vet cup according to drawing
9.6 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone
2 5.50 11 No Total 1 50.40
8. Metal work 1.00 50.4 Ml total
5.1 Metal windows 2 0.4 9.7. Dressed Stone Steps
4 1.20 a) Type W2 size 120*60*4 1.25
0.60 2.88 m2 sub total 0.25
2 0.80 5.2 Metal doors 0.25 m3 total
2.30 3.68 1 1.5 9.8 ramp
6 0.80 a) Type D1 size 80*210*6 2.5
2.10 10.08 3.75 m2 total
13.76 m2 sub total 9.9. 3 cm thick cement screed
9. Finishing work 4.4
9.1 Apply 3coats of plaster in cement sand
2 4.40 mortar (1:3) 3.4 14.96 m2 total
2.50 10. Painting
Apply three coats of oil paint to internal
22 plastered wall surface
2 3.40 120.42 m2 total
Three coat of plastic paint to the external
2.50 reandered area
17 48.92 m2 total
2 1.40
4.80 13.44
2 3.40
0.40 2.72
2 3.10 Paritations
2.5 15.5
12 1.30
2.10 32.76
1 17.20 G.beam
0.30 5.16
1 17.20 T.beam
0.60 10.32
8 2.50 Column
0.20 4
2 5.40 Door edge
0.20 2.16
4 2.40 Window edge
0.20 1.92
126.98 m2 sub total
Doors & Windows
2 2.30
0.80 3.68
4 1.20
0.60 2.88
6.56 m2 sub total
120.42 m2 total
All external stone masonry foundation walls above
ground level shall be raked out to a depth of 25mm
and be pointed in cement mortar 1:3
2 4.80
0.80 7.68
2 3.80
0.80 6.08
13.76 m2 total
9.2, Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering
2 4.40
2 3.40
2 1.40
4.80 13.44
2 3.80
0.40 3.04
55.48 m2 sub total
2 2.30 Doors & Windows
0.80 3.68
4 1.2
0.60 2.88 m2 sub total
6.56 m2 sub total
48.92 m2 total

771823075.xls Page 11
BOQ for One Library Block

Item Description Unit Qty Rate

A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to an average
depth of 20cm M2 144.76 144.76 5.00
1.2 Bulk excavation in Ordinary soil to a depth of 50cm from
reduced ground level M3 36.00 36.00 80.00
1.3 Excavation trench for foundation to a depth not exceeding
100cm starting from the reduced ground level.
M3 32.42 32.42 80.00
1.4 Back fill under hardcore with selected material from Site
and compact in layers not exceeding 20cm thick. M3 69.12 69.12 80.00
1.5 Cartaway surplus excavated material & deposite at a
distance not exceedig 1km from the site M3 97.37 97.37 50.00
1.6 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hardcore well
rolled consolidated & blinded with crushed stone.
M2 83.16 83.16 130.00
Total carried to summary birr
2. Concrete work
2.1 5cm lean concrete C-7 (150kg cement /m3) under
foundation masonary wall M2 29.40 29.40 100.00
2.2 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement
content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into formworks and
vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC
type cement.
a, In 100mm thick ground floor slab with trowel floor
finish M2 83.16 83.16 250.00
b, In grade beam M3
3.92 3.92 2000.00
2.3 Provide,cut & fix in position formwork
a) To ground beams M2 19.60 19.60 100.00
2.4 Steel reinforcement according to structural drawing. Price
sahll include cutting, Bending , placing in position and
tying wires.
b) f 8mm deformed bars kg 402.00 400.69 50.00
c) f 12mm deformed bars kg 207.78 206.02 50.00
Total carried to summary
3. Masonry Work
3:1 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent roug dressed stone
masonry foundation wall beded in cement sand mortar of
(1:3). M3 23.28 23.28 1200.00
3:2 50cm thick hard trachytic semi-dressed stone masonry
wall above NGL beded in cement sand mortar (1:3) price
includes pointing the external wall with cement sand
mortar (1:3) ratio. M3 15.52 15.52 1200.00
Total carried to summary
B. Super structure
1. Concrete work
1:1 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement
content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into formworks and
vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC
type cement.
a) To R.C. columns M3 1.20 1.20 2000.00
b) To R.C top tie beam M3 1.60 1.60 2000.00
1:2 Provide, cut & fix in position formwork
a) To R.C. columns M2 27.00 27.00 90.00
b) To R.C top tie beam M 2
23.84 23.84 100.00
1:3 Steel reinforcement according to structural drawings.
Price shall include cutting , bending , placing in position
and tying wires.
a) f 8 mm deformed bars kg 80.00 103.96 50.00
b) f 12 mm deformed bars kg 294.82 294.82 50.00
Total carried to summary
Item Description Unit Qty Rate
2. Block Works
2.2 200mm thick hollow concrete block wall of type class B-
with 28 days minimum crushing strength of 18 kg/cm2,
bedded in cement mortar (1:3) mix, both sides left for
plastering M2 153.98 153.98 330.00
Total Carried to Summary
3. Roofing
3.1 Supply and fix G-28 pre-painted in red color, galvanized
corrugated iron sheet fixed to purlins with dome headed
galvanized nails, Price shall include roof ridge cover &
two coats of antirust paint. (purlins measured separately).
Roof cover measured in horizontal projection. (for better
quality use Adama steel and Nail factory product)

3.2 G-28 galvanized iron sheet gutter (devt-33cms) welded at
joints. provide 2% slope towards down pipe & price shall
include 3 coats of oil paint Ml
3.3 Supply & fix down pipe, made in 0.4mm thick flat metal
sheet size 5x10cm . Provide proper supporting metal
straps at 100 cm. Price includes rain water strainer at the
down pipe inlet and 3 coat paint. Ml
Total Carried to Summary
4. Carpentry and Joinery
All structural members shall be well seasoned and free of
harmful defects. Each truss shall be painted anti- termite
solution and firmly fixed to RC beams with Dia 6mm plain
4.1 f 10-12 cm eucalyptus upper & lower, members of truss
4.2 f 8-10 cm eucalyptus Diagonal & vertical, members of
truss Ml
4.3 50 x70 mm sawn & well seasoned Abetto (Australia)
purlin Ml
4.4 Supply and fix 8mm thick chip wood (Maichew Particle
Board) ceiling fixed to and including 5x4cm sawn & well
seasoned Abetto (Australia) wooden battens c/c 60cm
both ways price includes 3 caots of synthetic enamel paint
and triangular corner lists for better finishing.(better use
Maichew chip wood product)
4.5 Supply and fix standard Kasi ribbed sheet ceiling fixed to
and including 5x4cm sawn & well seasoned Abetto
(Australia) wooden battens c/c 60cm both ways price
including 3 caots of synthetic enamel paint and triangular
corner lists for btter finishing.
4.6 2.5 x25cm imported abetto Australia wood fascia board
including a primer and two coasts of decorative wood
preservative paint Ml
Total Carried to Summary
5. Metal work
All metal windows & doors are manufactured from LTZ-
38, t=1.25mm profile frame and all the doors are 1.25mm
thick flat or ribbed iron sheet all as per Engineers approval
and window door schedule. with necessary iron mongery
approved type of locks,hinges,handles etc.Price includes
one coat of antirust paint & two coats of synthetic enamel
paint. The glazing frames should be Covered with wire
mesh and metal frame as a grill, the hinges should be
made of 140*60mm of high quality. sample Door and
window should be produced and Approved by the
supervisor before mass production. Cost includs local
made slide lock with imported type pad locker

5.1 Metal windows

a) Type W1 size 120 X 180 cm x 8 Pcs M2
b) Type W2 Size 120X 60cm x 6Pcs M2
5.2 Metal Doors
a)Type D1 size 90 x 300cm M2
b)Type D2 size 120 x 300cm M2
5.3 Diamend or other shape of wire mesh for window ,door &
other works inculding 40*40*2.5 mm angle iron frame
Total carried to summary
Item Description Unit Qty Rate
6. Finishing Work
6.1 Apply three coats of plaster in cement sand mortar (1:3)
up to fine finish to all internal walls. M2
6.2 Ditto as Item 6.1, but To exposed external concrete
column, beams M2
6.3 Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering in cement sand
mortar (1:3) to indicated external wall. Price inculuding
Apply 2 coats of plastering in cement sand mortar (1:3)
6.4 Floor finish with class B terrazzo tile (2.5 x25x25)cm
bedded in cement screed mortar (1:3) sample should be
Supplied and Approved to the supervisor before
transportation to site M2
6.5 10cm high class Terrazo tile skirting to wall with cement
mortar (1:3) Ml
6.6 Fix 4cm thick window sill bedded in cement slurry to all
windows,bedded on cement mortar mix 1:3 Ml
6.7 6cm thick cast insitu concrete pavement around the
building 100cm wide laid on 25cm thick well rolled
consolidated & blinded with crushed stone basaltic or
equivalent stone hardcore & jaints should be pointed in
cement motrar 1:3, Price includes dia. 8 RC bar 30cm c/c
both ways and Apply Cement Screed to maintain smooth
6.9 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone in C-15 (250kg
cement /m3) with concrete base internally as concrete pipe
for storm water drainage price includes excavation, sand
base and mass concrete with 2% slope as 1/2 ditch
6.10 Dressed stone steps 15x30 cm bedded & jointed in cement
mortar 1:3 . price includes hardcore fill inbetween the
masonary walls. M3
6.11 Ramp (25cm thick Stone hard core, Mass Concrete and
Cement Screed layed on Compacted Soil) M2
Total carried to summary
7. Glazing
7:1 4mm thick clear glass glazed to metal bends with imported
putty M2
Total carried to summary
8. Painting
8.1 Apply 3 coats of approved type plastic paint to all internal
plastered surface above 1.8m height. M2
8.2 Ditto but to ceiling surface, for better finishing use Adi
gudom gypsom product M2
8.3 Apply three coats of oil paint to internal plastered wall
surface upto 1.8m height M2
8.4 Apply three coats of oil paint to external tyrolen rendering
wall surface M2
8.5 Ditto but to all external plastered beams and columns M2
8.6 Ditto but to ribbed sheet eaves M2
Total carried to summary















Item Description Unit Qty Excute Rate Total
1 Excavation and earth work
Clear site and remove top soil at an average depth of 20cm to reduced
1.1 ground level M2 67.32
67.60 10.00 673.20
Excavation for foundation trench and for the pit to a depth of 520 cm,
1.2 starting from reduced ground level ON ORDINARY SOIL M3 202.36
203.38 90.00 18,212.40
Excavation for foundation trench and for the pit to a depth of 520 cm,
1.3 starting from reduced ground level ON Rocky SOIL M3
203.38 202.36 300.00 60,708.00

Backfill Around retaining wall with good dry filling material, compact well
1.4 in layers not exceeding 25cm thickness from quary waste M3
72.60 72.14 90.00 6,492.60
Cart away surplus excavation material and deposit at a place with a
1.5 distance not exceeding 1 km from the site M3
145.30 202.36 30.00 6,070.80
Sub Total1 excavation and earth work 92,157.00
2 Concrete work
Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement content of 360kg/m3
concrete cast into formworks and vibrated around rod reinforcement bars.
2.1 (formwork & reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC type
a) In 40 x30 cm Grade Beam M3 3.93 3.93 2000.00 7,860.00
b)In 20cm R.concrete floor slab M3 4.60 8.22 2000.00 16,440.00

Steel reinforcement for floor slab, cut, bent and placed into position, unit
2.2 price shall include cutting, bending and placing into position
a) Ø 8mm deformed bars kg 78.57 109.45 50.00 5,472.73
b) Ø 10mm deformed bars kg 140.97 356.44 50.00 17,822.00
c) Ø 12mm deformed bars kg 267.27 278.12 50.00 13,906.00
d) Ø 14mm deformed bars kg 155.48 155.48 50.00 7,774.00
2.3 Provide, cut and fix in position sawn pine wood from work of equivalent -
a) To ground beam M2 7.26 9.42 90.00 847.80
b)To slab M2 20.00 26.8 120.00 3,216.00
Sub Total 2 Concrete work 73,338.53
3 Masonry work

Basaltic or equivalent Retaining stone masonry foundation wall, thickness

3.1 varies according to drawing, bedded and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 M3
67.55 62.00 1200.00 74,400.00
50cm thick hard trachytic semi-dressed stone masonry wall above ground level
3.2 beded in cement sand mortor (1:3) price includes pointing of the external wall M3
with cement sand mortor (1:3) ratio. 6.02 6.05 1200.00 7,260.00
Sub Total 3: masonry work 81,660.00
4 concrete work
Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement content of 360kg/m3
concrete cast into formworks and vibrated around rod reinforcement bars.
4.1 (formwork & reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC type
a) In 20 x20 cm upper tie beam M3 0.66 1.02 2000.00 2,040.00
b) In 20 x20 cm elevation columns M3 0.37 0.37 2000.00 740.00

Steel reinforcement for upper tie beam, cut, bent and placed into position,
4.2 unit price includes cutting, placing into position and tying bars
a) Ø 8 mm deformed bars kg 40.00 45.07 50.00 2,253.48
b) Ø 12 mm deformed bars kg 105.85 227.42 50.00 11,371.00
Provide, cut and fix in position sawn pine wood form work or equivalent
4.3 for
a) To elevation Column M2 7.36 12.42 90.00 1,117.80
b)To tie Beam M2 8.32 17.03 90.00 1,532.70
Sub Total 4 concrete work 19,054.98
Item Description Unit Qty Rate Total
20x 20x40 cm H.C.B wall bedded and jointed in cement mortar 1:4,
5.1 external side left for pointing class B M2
46.24 53.7 330.00 17,721.00

5.2 15 x20x40 H.C.B wall as item 5.1 partition walls, above tie beam level) class B M 2
20.02 27.9 330.00 9,207.00
Sub Total 5 : Concrete hollow block work 26,928.00
Supply and fix G-28 pre-painted in red color, galvanized corrugated iron
sheet fixed to purlins with dome headed galvanized nails, Price shall include
6.1 roof ridge cover & two coats of antirust paint. (purlins measured separately). M2
Roof cover measured in horizontal projection. (for better quality use Adama
steel and Nail factory product)

G-28 galvanized iron sheet gutter (devt-33cms) welded at joints. provide 2%

6.2 ML
slope towards down pipe & shall include 3 coats of oil paint
Supply & fix down pipe, made in 4mm thick flat metal sheet size 5x10cm .
6.3 Provide proper supporting metal straps at 100 cm. Price includes rain water ML
strainer at the down pipe inlet.
Sub Total 6 roofing -
7 Carpentry and joinery
All timber and eucalyptus structural members shall be well seasoned,
straight and free of any harmful defects. Each rtuss joint shall be
7.1 connected with band iron, and truss shall be firmly anchored to concrete
top tie beam with diameter 6 mm plain bars
a) Ø10-12 cm eucalyptus lower/upper member (trusses) M
b) Ø 8-10 cm eucalyptus bracing and internal members (trusses) M
c) 50 x70 mm sawn & well seasoned Abetto (Australia) purlin M
2.5 x25cm imported abetto Australia wood fascia board including a primer and
7.2 Ml
two coasts of decorative wood preservative paint
Supply and fix Ø 80 mm PVC vent pipe with elbow and vet cup according to
7.3 drawing Ml

Sub total 7 carpentry and joinery -

8 Metal work
All metal windows & doors are manufactured from LTZ-38, t=1.25mm profile
frame and all the doors are 1.25mm thick flat or ribbed iron sheet all as per
Engineers approval and window door schedule. with necessary iron mongery
approved type of locks,hinges,handles etc.Price includes one coat of antirust
paint & two coats of synthetic enamel paint. The glazing frames should be
Covered with wire mesh and metal frame as a grill, the hinges should be
made of 140*60mm of high quality. sample Door and window should be
produced and Approved by the supervisor before mass production. Cost
includs local made slide lock with imported type pad locker

8.1 Metal windows

a) Type W-1 Size 120X 60cmx4 Wire mesh with metal frame M2
8.2 Metal Doors
a)Type D-1, Size 80 x 210 cmx 8 pcs M2
Sub Total 8 : Metal work -
Apply three coats of cement mortar plaster 1:3 to all internal walls and
9.1 external beams and columns M2

All external stone masonry foundation walls above ground level shall be
9.2 raked out to a depth of 25mm and be pointed in cement mortar 1:3 M2

Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering in cement sand mortar (1:3) to indicated
9.3 external wall. Price inculuding Apply 2 coats of plastering in cement sand
mortar (1:3) M2
6cm thick cast insitu concrete pavement around the building 100cm wide laid
on 25cm thick well rolled consolidated & blinded with crushed stone basaltic or
9.4 equivalent stone hardcore & jaints should be pointed in cement motrar 1:3, M2
Price includes dia. 8 RC bar 30cm c/c both ways and Apply Cement Screed to
maintain smooth surface

10cm thick R.concrete curb stone in C-15 (250kg cement /m3) with concrete
9.5 base internally as concrete pipe for storm water drainage price includes Ml
excavation, sand base and mass concrete with 2% slope as 1/2 ditch
Dressed stone steps 15x30 cm bedded & jointed in cement mortar 1:3 . price
9.6 M3
includes hardcore fill inbetween the masonary walls.
Ramp (25cm thick Stone hard core, Mass Concrete and Cement Screed layed
on Compacted Soil) M2
9.8 3 cm thick smooth finish cement screed M2
Sub Total 9: Paving and flooring -
10 Painting
10.1 Apply three coats of oil paint to internal plastered wall surface M2
10.2 Three coat of plastic paint to the external reandered area M2
Sub Total 10: Painting -
Project:- One block mai-worki Block:- ACADAMIC
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

Sub Structure
Bar Total LENGTH
Bar dia. Bar Length, No. of No. of
ID LOCATION (mm) Shape Bars Member
m Bars Ø6mm Ø8mm Ø10mm Ø12mm
Grade beam
12 35.00 2 2 4 140.00
12 34.40 2 2 4 137.60
12 7.80 2 5 10 78.00
12 7.90 2 5 10 79.00
8 1.30 168 2 336 436.80
8 1.30 38 5 190 247.00
Mesh -
longer side 8 7.00 35 4 140 980.00
shorter side 8 8.00 31 4 124 992.00

[Tot. Length - 2,655.80 - 434.60 -
Unit Wt. /ml 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 -
TOTAL FOR SUB-STRUCTURE - 1,049.04 - 385.92 -

Super Structure
Bar Total LENGTH
Bar dia. Bar Length, No. of No. of
ID LOCATION (mm) Shape Bars Member
m Bars Ø6mm Ø8mm Ø10mm Ø12mm

12 4.00 4 23 92 368.00
8 0.70 16 23 368 257.60
12 35.10 2 2 4 140.40
12 34.80 2 2 4 139.20
12 7.70 2 5 10 77.00
12 7.40 2 5 10 74.00
8 0.70 168 2 336 235.20
8 0.70 38 5 190 133.00

- 625.80 - 798.60 -
[Tot. Length 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 -
Unit Wt. /ml - 247.19 - 709.16 -

771823075.xls Page 27
Project:- Mai-Worki P C S Block:- LIBRARY
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

Sub Structure
Bar Total LENGTH
Bar dia. Bar Length, No. of No. of
ID LOCATION (mm) Shape Bars Member
m Bars Ø6mm Ø8mm Ø10mm Ø12mm Ø14mm
Grade beam
12 14.10 2 2 4 56.40
12 23.70 2 2 4 94.80
12 7.80 2 2 4 31.20
12 12.40 2 2 4 49.60
8 1.30 68 2 136 176.80
8 1.30 40 2 80 104.00
longer side 8 12.20 32 1 32 390.40
shorter side 8 6.60 52 1 52 343.20

[Tot. Length - 1,014.40 - 232.00 -

Unit Wt. /ml 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.208
TOTAL FOR SUB-STRUCTURE - 400.69 - 206.02 -

Super Structure
Bar dia. Bar Bar No. of Total LENGTH
ID LOCATION (mm) Shape Length, Bars Member No. of
m Bars Ø6mm Ø8mm Ø10mm Ø12mm Ø14mm

12 4.00 4 10 40 160.00
8 0.70 16 10 160 112.00
12 14.10 2 2 4 56.40
12 13.70 2 2 4 54.80
12 7.80 2 2 4 31.20
12 7.40 2 2 4 29.60
8 0.70 68 2 136 95.20
8 0.70 40 2 80 56.00

- 263.20 - 332.00 -
[Tot. Length 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.208
Unit Wt. /ml - 103.96 - 294.82 -

771823075.xls Page 28
Project:- Mai-worki PCS DPL 6 HOLES
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

Sub Structure
Bar Total LENGTH
Bar dia. Bar Length, No. of No. of
ID LOCATION (mm) Shape Bars Member
m Bars Ø6mm Ø8mm Ø10mm Ø12mm Ø14mm
Grade beam 14 8.20 2 2 4 32.8
14 5.50 2 3 6 33
8 1.70 41 2 82 139.40
14 7.90 2 2 4 31.60
14 5.20 2 3 6 31.20
8 1.70 27 3 81 137.70
Slab -
longer side 10 10.90 53 1 53 577.70
shorter side 12 8.70 36 1 36 313.20
[Tot. Length - 277.10 577.70 313.20 128.60
Unit Wt. /ml 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 1.209
TOTAL FOR SUB-STRUCTURE - 109.45 356.44 278.12 155.48


Project:- Mai-worki PCS DPL 6 HOLES
Client:- TDA
Contractor:- Tewelde G/meskel Building construction & water works

Super Structure
Bar Total LENGTH
Bar dia. Bar Length, No. of No. of
ID LOCATION (mm) Shape Bars Member
m Bars Ø6mm Ø8mm Ø10mm Ø12mm

columns 12 2.95 4 6 24 70.80
8 0.70 14 6 84

TOP TIE BEAM 12 8.20 2 2 4 32.80

12 5.50 2 3 6 33.00
8 0.70 41 2 82 57.40
12 7.90 2 2 4 31.60
12 5.20 2 3 6 31.20
8 0.70 27 3 81 56.70 56.70

- 114.10 - 256.10 -
[Tot. Length 0.222 0.395 0.617 0.888 -

771823075.xls Page 29
Unit Wt. /ml - 45.07 - 227.42 -

771823075.xls Page 30


Project: mai-worki
Employer: TDA
Contractor: Tewelde G/Meskel BC & WWC
Location: Medebay Zana Woreda, N/West Zone of Tigrai
Sno Descreption Excuted Amount
1 One Academic Block #REF!
2 One Library Block 218,998.40
Two DPL Blocks with 6 holes
3 529,408.13

TOTAL (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9) #REF!

REBATE = ____5__ % #REF!


VAT 15%

Grand total
Summary Sheet
Project: G+0 Academic Block
Employer: TDA
Location: Mai-Worki C P S


1 Excavation & earth work #REF!

2 Concrete work #REF!
3 Masonry work #REF!
1 Concrete work #REF!
2 Block work #REF!
3 Roofing work
4 Carpentry & Joinery
5 Metal work
6 Finishing Work
7 Glazing Work
8 Painting Work
9 Site Work

one Block (A+B) #REF!

REBATE = 11.6 % 55,886.53


Summary Sheet
Employer: TDA
Location: Mai-Worki C P S Library


1 Excavation & earth work 27,406.30

2 Concrete work 63,865.50
3 Masonry work 46,560.00
SUB TOTAL "A" 137,831.80
1 Concrete work 30,353.20
2 Block work 50,813.40
3 Roofing work
4 Carpentry & Joinery
5 Metal work
6 Finishing Work
7 Glazing Work
8 Painting Work
SUB TOTAL "B" 81,166.60

one Block (A+B) 218,998.40

Summary Sheet
Project: Two DPL Blocks with Six holes each
Employer: TDA
Location: Mai-Worki C P S

1 92,157.00
2 CONCRETE WORKS 73,338.53
3 MASONRY WORKS 81,660.00
TOTAL-A 247,155.53
4 CONCRETE WORKS 19,054.98
5 BLOCK WORK 26,928.00
TOTAL-B 45,982.98

TOTAL - A+B (one Block) 293,138.50

TOTAL FOR TWO BLOCK=(A+B)x2 586,277.00

REBATE = 9.7 % 56,868.87


Programs Operation Directorate
Construction Case team
Payment certificate No - 3rd

Project : One Academic Block, One Library Block & Two 6 pit DPL in Sewhi Complete Primary School
Location: Medebay Zana Woreda Contract Value Amount (Birr)
Employer: TDA Main contract 0.00
Contractor :Tewlde G/meskel BC &WWC Supplementary contract
Varation order No 1
Varation order No 2
Varation order No 3
Sub total -
Rebet0 -
After Rebet -
VAT 15% -
According to the supervisor (s) of the works certificates of measurement the value of the work executed
material supply up to /01/2011 E.C date is
Previous payment Executed
Date Service Amount(Birr) VAT 15% Service sum #REF!
Variation order No1 0.00
Adva. - - Less Rebate % 0.00
Net service sum
1st pay 399,050.79 59,857.62 Add material on site
2nd 573,063.90 85,959.58 Deductions A=Total #REF!
3rd 352,163.94 52,824.60 1. Pre.Payments. 1,324,278.63
2. Retention 2.5% #REF!
3. Advance Re Pay. - 100 % 0.00
4. Penality
A= Total Deducation #REF!
B = Net (A-B) #REF!
C = V.A.T 15% (A) #REF!
D = Adv.Vat (15%) Repay 0.00
E = Pre.paid Vat 198,641.80
F = Retention VAT (15%2 ) #REF!
G =Total vat paid (D+E+F) #REF!
H=Net V.A.T. to con. (C - G) #REF!
Total 1,324,278.63 198,641.80 I= Net pay to the contractor #REF!

I certify that the contractor in now entitled to the sums of Birr #REF! /
Two Hundred Fourty Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Nine Birr & 21/100

____________________ ____________________ _______________________

Contractor Checked by Approved by
BOQ mother waiting
Item Description Unit QTY Excu Rate Amount
A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to
an average depth of 20cm 10.00
M2 76.96 76.96 769.60
1.2 Bulk excavation in Ordinary soil to a
depth of 50cm from reduced ground level 50.00
M 3
18.14 18.14 907.00
1.3 Excavation trench for foundation to a
depth not exceeding 100cm starting from 90.00
the reduced ground level. M3 22.08 22.22 1,999.80
1.4 Back fill under hardcore with selected
material from Site and compact in layers 90.00
not exceeding 20cm thick. M 3
32.95 32.66 2,939.40
1.5 Cartaway surplus excavated material &
deposite at a distance not exceedig 1km 90.00
from the site M 3
55.61 54.04 4,863.60
1.6 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone
hardcore well rolled consolidated & 130.00
blinded with crushed stone. M 2
34.96 34.96 4,544.80
Total carried to summary birr 16,024.20
2. Concrete work
2.1 5cm lean concrete C-7 (150kg cement
/m3) under foundation masonary wall 90.00
M2 16.56 16.56 1,490.40
2.2 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement
content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into formworks and
vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC
type cement.
a) In Grade Beam M3 2.76 2.76 2000.00 5,520.00
2:3 10cm thick mass concrete floor slab in
C-15. (250kg cement/m3) M2 34.96 34.96 9,788.80
2:4 Provide,cut & fix in position formwork -
a) To ground beams M2 15.30 13.80 120.00 1,656.00
2:5 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawing. Price sahll include cutting,
Bending , placing in position and tying
a) f 8mm deformed bars kg 175.00 277.11 50.00 13,855.50
b) f 12mm deformed bars kg 100.88 160.20 50.00 8,010.00
Total carried to summary 40,320.70
3. Masonry Work
3:1 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent roug
dressed stone masonry foundation wall 1200.00
beded in cement sand mortar of (1:3). M3 11.70 14.08 16,896.00
3:2 50cm thick hard trachytic semi-dressed stone masonry wall
above NGL beded in cement sand mortar (1:3) price
includes pointing the external wall with cement sand 1200.00
mortar (1:3) ratio.
M3 15.62 7.94 9,528.00
Total carried to summary 26,424.00
B. Super structure
1. Concrete work
1:1 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with
minimum cement content of 320kg/m3
concrete cast into formworks and vibrated
around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork
& reinforcement bars are measured
separately.) Use PPC type cement.

a) To R.C. columns M3 0.72 0.72 2000.00 1,440.00

b) To R.C top tie beam M3 1.10 1.07 2000.00 2,140.00
1:2 Provide, cut & fix in position formwork -
a) To R.C. columns M2 14.40 16.20 90.00 1,458.00
b) To R.C top tie beam M2 16.56 16.56 90.00 1,490.40
1:3 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawings. Price shall include cutting ,
bending , placing in position and tying -

a) f 8 deformed bars kg 64.63 103.96 50.00 5,198.20

b) f 12mm deformed bars kg 185.41 236.03 50.00 11,801.50
Total carried to summary -
2. Block Works -
2.2 200mm thick hollow concrete block wall
of type class B- with 28 days minimum
crushing strength of 18 kg/cm2, bedded in 21,146.40
cement mortar (1:3) mix, both sides left
for plastering
M2 77.28 64.08 330.00
Total Carried to Summary 21,146.40
3. Roofing
3.1 Supply and fix G-28 pre-painted in red
color, galvanized corrugated iron sheet
fixed to purlins with dome headed
galvanized nails, Price shall include
roof ridge cover. (purlins measured
separately). Roof cover measured in
horizontal projection. (for better quality
use Adama steel and Nail factory and
RT Steel products or Similar)
M2 60.00 400.00 -
3.2 G-28 galvanized iron sheet gutter (devt-33cms) 180.00
welded at joints and Provide proper supporting Ml 17.00 -
metal straps at 100 cm with 2% slope towards
down pipe & price shall include 3 coats of oil
3.3 Supply & fix down pipe, made in 0.4mm thick
flat metal sheet size 5x10cm . Provide proper
supporting metal straps at 100 cm. Price
includes rain water strainer at the down pipe 180.00
inlet and 3 coat paint, Tightly firm at pavement
with concrete mortar or 1/2 HCB
Ml 26.00 -
Total Carried to Summary -
4. Carpentry and Joinery works
All structural members shall be well seasoned
and free of harmful defects. Price includes
Each truss shall be painted anti- termite
solution and firmly fixed to RC beams with
Dia 6mm plain bars

f 10-12 cm eucalyptus upper & lower,

4.1 30.00
members of truss Ml 158.00 4,740.00
f 8-10 cm eucalyptus Diagonal & vertical,
4.2 30.00
members of truss Ml 80.00 2,400.00
50 x70 mm sawn & well seasoned
4.3 80.00
Abetto (Australia) purlin Ml 81.60 6,528.00
Supply & fix P.V.C /plastic/ ceiling
nailed to (4x5)cm well seasoned
Abetto (Australia) wooden battens at
c/c 60cm on both side price includes
P.V.C /plastic/ corner list.
M2 40.00 360.00 14,400.00
Supply and fix standard Kasi ribbed
sheet ceiling fixed to and including
5x4cm sawn & well seasoned Abetto
(Australia) wooden battens c/c 60cm
both ways price including 3 caots of
synthetic enamel paint and triangular
corner lists for btter finishing.
M2 17.00 350.00 5,950.00
2.5 x25cm imported abetto Australia
wood fascia board including a primer
4.6 and two coasts of decorative wood 150.00
preservative paint
Ml 17.00 2,550.00
Total Carried to Summary 36,568.00
5. Metal work
All metal windows & doors are manufactured
from LTZ-38, t=1.25mm profile frame and all
the doors are 1.25mm thick flat or ribbed iron
sheet all as per Engineers approval and window
door schedule. with necessary iron mongery
approved type of locks, hinges, handles etc.
Price includes one coat of antirust paint & two
coats of synthetic enamel paint. The glazing
frames should be Covered with wire mesh
and metal frame as a grill, the hinges
should be made of 140*60mm of high
quality. sample Door and window
should be Approved by the
supervisor before mass production.
Cost includs local made slide lock
with imported type big size pad

5 D1 size 120cm x 300cm.x1 M2 3.60 1500.00 5,400.00
Windows -
5.2 a,W1 size 1.2 * 1.8m x7 M2 15.12 1500.00 22,680.00
5.3 Standard Diamond or other shape of wire
mesh for window and door works
price including 20x20x1.50mm
SHS frame around the periphery
and one horizontal and one
vertical bracing

M2 16.20 4,050.00
Total carried to summary 32,130.00
Item Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
6. Finishing Work
6.1 Apply three coats of plaster in cement sand
mortar (1:3) up to fine finish to all internal 110.00
walls. M2 101.32 11,145.20
6.2 Ditto as Item 6.1, but To exposed external
M2 18.42 110.00 2,026.20
concrete column, beams
6.3 Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering in cement
sand mortar (1:3) to indicated external wall.
Price inculuding Apply 2 coats of plastering in 110.00
cement sand mortar (1:3)
M2 86.16 9,477.60
6.4 Floor finish with class B terrazzo tile (2.5
x25x25)cm bedded in cement screed mortar
(1:3) sample should be Supplied and 360.00
Approved to the supervisor or Office before
production & transportation to site M2 40.00 14,400.00
6.5 10cm high class Terrazo tile skirting to wall
Ml 24.80 80.00 1,984.00
with cement mortar (1:3)
6.6 Fix 4cm thick window sill bedded in cement
slurry to all windows,bedded on cement mortar 200.00
mix 1:3 Ml 9.10 1,820.00
6.7 6cm thick cast insitu concrete pavement around
the building 100cm wide laid on 25cm thick
well rolled consolidated & blinded with
crushed stone basaltic stone hardcore & jaints
should be pointed in cement motrar 1:3, Price
includes dia. 8 RC bar 30cm c/c both ways and
Apply Cement Screed on top of pavement to
maintain smooth surface

M2 31.60 6,320.00
6.8 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone in C-15
(250kg cement /m3) with concrete base both
ways to provide internally as concrete pipe for
storm water drainage, price includes 200.00
excavation, sand base and mass concrete with
2% slope as 1/2 ditch
Ml 65.00 13,000.00
6.9 Semi-dressed Stone steps 15x30 cm bedded &
jointed in cement mortar 1:3, price includes
hardcore fill in-between the masonry walls and
3 coat plastering externally. Price includes 250.00
class B terrazzo tile Floor finish
M3 2.00 500.00
6.10 Ramp through Mass Concrete and Cement
Screed laid on 25cm thick well rolled
consolidated & blinded with crushed stone 200.00
basaltic stone hardcore. Price includes class B
terrazzo tile Floor finish M2 12.00 2,400.00
Total carried to summary 63,073.00
7. Glazing
7.1 Supply and fix 4 mm thick clear sheet glass to
metal beads and puttied with approved quality 600.00
of putty to windows & top doors. M2 16.20 9,720.00
Total carried to summary 9,720.00
8. Painting
All colors and brands of paints should be
approved by the Supervisor
8.1 Apply 3 coats of approved type plastic
paint to all internal plastered surface 30.00
above 1.8m height. M 2
58.00 1,740.00
8.2 Apply three coats of oil paint to
internal plastered wall surface upto 30.00
1.8m height M 2
56.40 1,692.00
8.3 Apply three coats of oil paint to
external tyrolen rendering wall surface M2 86.16 4,308.00
8.4 Ditto but to all external plastered
beams and columns M2 18.42 644.70
8.5 Ditto but to ribbed sheet eaves M 2
8.40 35.00 294.00
Total carried to summary 8,678.70
Item Description Unit QTY Rate Amount

9.1 Power & Auxiliary systems Intakes

(Provisional Quantity)
9.1.1 Manhole in HCB and with concrete base
internally of 700 x 7000 x 700mm
including cast iron cover with lifting hole 1000.00
No 2.00 2,000.00
9.1.2 PVC pipes -
a) 50mm diameter Ml 50.00 60.00 3,000.00
9.2 Low voltage system Earth -
9.3 Feed power cables Multi-core power cable
copper conductor, color coded, in PVC
conduits, connected and tested, all as
specified and as shown on drawings, price
includes 50 cm. depth x 30cm width
excavation, back fill and other activities
3x6mm Ml 50.00 80.00 4,000.00
9.4 Distribution Boards -
9.4.1 Flush mounting distribution board,SDB-
PUMP in sheet steel enclosure with
lockable door, and with phase neutral and
earth bus-bars of 63A rating, and
consisting of :-
6 pc MCB of 25A/3P -
3 pc MCB of 16A/3P -
8 pcs MCB of 10A/1P -
25% reserve pitches No 1.00 6000.00 6,000.00
9.5 Light points -
9.5.1 Flush mounted light points fed through
PVC insulated conductors of 2 x 2.5mm2
inside PVC conduits of 16mm diameter,
including junction boxes with cover and 400.00
insulating screw cap connectors, complete

No 6.00 2,400.00
9.5.2 Extra Over light Points for Switches
a) Flush mounting waterproof single
switch No 2.00 500.00
b) Flush mounting Double pole switch No 1.00 300.00 300.00
9.6 Flush Mounted Socket Outlet Points
9.6.1 10-16A/1 socket outlet points fed through
PVC insulated conductors of 3 x 2.5mm2
inside PVC conduit of 16mm diameter
including junction boxes with covers and 400.00
insulating screw cap connectors.

No 2.00 800.00
9.6.2 Flush Mounted Socket Outlet with
Earth Contract -
a) Twin Socket outlet of 10A/16A 1 phase
No 2.00 800.00
9.7 Light Fittings and Lamps -
Connected and tested including lamps and
accessories complete, all as specified or
described in lighting fittings schedule and
as shown on the drawing. Refer to lighting
fitting schedule for lighting fitting
9.7.1 Fluorescent Lighting Fitting type Philip
TMS 012/136 I with 1 x 36 w lamp No 6.00 18,000.00
Total carried to summary 37,800.00
Item Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
10. Site Work (Shaded Walk way)
A. Sub structure
1. Excavation & earh work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to
an average depth of 20cm M2 10.00
30.00 300.00
1.2 Bulk excavation in Ordinary soil to a
depth of 50cm from reduced ground level 90.00
M 3
12.50 1,125.00
1.3 Excavation trench for foundation to a
depth not exceeding 100cm starting from 90.00
the reduced ground level. M 3
12.00 1,080.00
1.4 Back fill under hardcore with selected
material from Site and compact in layers 90.00
not exceeding 20cm thick. M3 33.75 3,037.50
1.5 Cartaway surplus excavated material &
deposite at a distance not exceedig 1km 90.00
from the site M3 27.50 2,475.00
1.6 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone
hardcore well rolled consolidated & 130.00
blinded with crushed stone. M2 37.50 4,875.00
2. Concrete work -
5cm lean concrete C-7 (150kg cement
2.1 /m3) under foundation masonary wall
M2 5.00 400.00
2.2 C-25 RC Concrete in grade beam m3 4.50 ### 9,900.00
C-20 10cm thick RC concrete slab. price
shall include trolled floor finish and 5cm M2 90.00
2.3 thick screed floor finsh. 37.50 3,375.00
2.5 Form work M2 18.00 90.00 1,620.00
2.6 Steel reinforcment -
a) Diameter 12 deformed bars kg 72.46 55.00 3,985.30
b) diameter 8 deformed bars kg 124.74 55.00 6,860.70
Masonry wall below and above NGL.price
2.7 shall includes ANGL pointing m3 16.85 ### 20,220.00
B. Super Structure -
1. Steel structure -
Supply & fix steel structure fabricated
according to structural detal drawings with
two coats of anti-rust paint three coats of
syntetuc paint
1.1 Diam 60mm CHS post 2.5mm thick kg 89.46 60.00 5,367.60
1.2 Plates(150mm*150mmx3mm) No 20.00 250.00 5,000.00
1.3 Ancher 'J' bolts -
a. diam 16mm length 30cm No 80.00 80.00 6,400.00
2.1 Supply and fix Pre- Coated G-28
corrugated iron sheet fixed to wooden
trusses., price shall include ridge cap, .
(Wood truss, Purlins measured separately M2 400.00
and roof measured in horizontal
35.40 14,160.00
a, f 10-12 cm eucalyptus upper & lower,
members of truss
Ml 35.00
60.00 2,100.00
b, f 8-10 cm eucalyptus Diagonal &
vertical, members of truss
Ml 35.00
90.00 3,150.00
c, Wooden purlin 5x7cm sawn zigba Ml 90.00 80.00 7,200.00
Main gate lettering or naming through
TDA & A glimmer of hope Logos with Ø
120 cm and 3mm thick Aluminum Panel
and “ልምዓት ዓዲ ብደቒ ዓዲ!”, name and
source of finance lettering with 3mm thick
aluminum panel and 800 font size. Price
includes Production transportation from
Mekelle (for better Quality use Efoyta No ###
Printing Plc and other printing stations
here in Mekelle town only) and erecting
on site Size = 3 (4.00 x 1.00)

2.3 1.00 31,000.00

Total carried to Summary 133,631.10
BOQ for Kitchen
Item no Description Unit QTY Excu Rate Amount
A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to an
average depth of 20cm M2 47.36 47.36 473.60
1.2 Bulk excavation in Ordinary soil to a depth of
50cm from reduced ground level M3 16.63 16.63 1,496.70
1.3 Excavation trench for foundation to a depth not
exceeding 100cm starting from the reduced 90.00
ground level. M3 15.68 12.32 1,411.20
1.4 Back fill under hardcore with selected material
from quarry waste and compact in layers not 90.00
exceeding 20cm thick. M3 22.10 21.38 1,989.00
1.5 Cartaway surplus excavated material & deposite
at a distance not exceedig 1km from the site 90.00
M3 41.78 38.42 3,760.20
1.6 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hardcore
well rolled consolidated & blinded with crushed 150.00
stone. M2 16.56 20.00 2,484.00
Total carried to summary birr 11,614.70
2. Concrete work
2.1 5cm lean concrete C-7 (150kg cement /m3)
under foundation masonary wall M2 11.76 10.56 940.80
2.2 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum
cement content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into
formworks and vibrated around rod
reinforcement bars. (formwork & reinforcement
bars are measured separately.) Use PPC type
a) In Grade Beam M3 1.80 1.90 2200.00 3,960.00
2:3 10cm thick mass concrete floor slab in C-15.
(250kg cement/m3) M2 16.56 20.00 4,305.60
2:4 Provide,cut & fix in position formwork -
a) To ground beams M2 9.80 9.80 90.00 882.00
2:5 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawing. Price sahll include cutting, Bending ,
placing in position and tying wires.
a) f 8mm deformed bars kg 96.56 126.50 55.00 5,310.80
b) f 12mm deformed bars kg 75.30 120.24 55.00 4,141.50
Total carried to summary 19,540.70
3. Masonry Work
3:1 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent roug dressed
stone masonry foundation wall beded in cement 1200.00
sand mortar of (1:3). M3 8.80 8.80 10,560.00
3:2 50cm thick hard trachytic semi-dressed stone
masonry wall above NGL beded in cement sand
mortar (1:3) price includes pointing the 1200.00
external wall with cement sand mortar (1:3)
M3 8.80 7.48 10,560.00
Total carried to summary 21,120.00
B. Super structure
1. Concrete work
1:1 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum
cement content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into
formworks and vibrated around rod
reinforcement bars. (formwork & reinforcement
bars are measured separately.) Use PPC type

a) To R.C. columns M3 0.40 0.48 2200.00 880.00

b) To R.C top tie beam M3 0.78 0.75 2200.00 1,716.00
1:2 Provide, cut & fix in position formwork -
a) To R.C. columns M2 9.60 10.80 90.00 864.00
b) To R.C top tie beam M2 11.76 11.28 90.00 1,058.40
1:3 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawings. Price shall include cutting , bending ,
placing in position and tying wires.

a) f 8mm deformed bars kg 65.85 45.90 55.00 3,621.75

b) f 12mm deformed bars kg 202.29 171.38 55.00 11,125.95
Total carried to summary 19,266.10
2. Block Works
2.2 200mm thick hollow concrete block wall of
type class B- with 28 days minimum crushing
strength of 18 kg/cm2, bedded in cement mortar
(1:3) mix, both sides left for plastering
M2 50.46 53.40 400.00 20,184.00
Total Carried to Summary 20,184.00
3. Roofing work
3.1 Supply and fix G-28 pre-painted in red color,
galvanized corrugated iron sheet fixed to purlins
with dome headed galvanized nails, Price shall
include roof ridge cover. (purlins measured
separately). Roof cover measured in horizontal
projection. (for better quality use Adama steel
and Nail factory and RT Steel products or
M2 34.98 400.00 13,992.00
3.2 G-28 galvanized iron sheet gutter (devt-33cms)
welded at joints and Provide proper supporting
metal straps at 100 cm with 2% slope towards
down pipe & price shall include 3 coats of oil
Ml 10.80 180.00 1,944.00
3.3 Supply & fix down pipe, made in 0.4mm thick
flat metal sheet size 5x10cm . Provide proper
supporting metal straps at 100 cm. Price
includes rain water strainer at the down pipe
inlet and 3 coat paint, Tightly firm at pavement
with concrete mortar or 1/2 HCB

Ml 9.00 80.00 720.00

Total Carried to Summary 16,656.00
4. Carpentry and Joinery
All structural members shall be well seasoned
and free of harmful defects. Each truss shall be
painted anti- termite solution and firmly fixed to
RC beams with Dia 6mm plain bars

4.1 f 10-12 cm eucalyptus upper & lower, members

of truss Ml 76.80 2,688.00
4.2 f 8-10 cm eucalyptus Diagonal & vertical,
members of truss Ml 64.20 2,247.00
4.3 50 x70 mm sawn & well seasoned Abetto
(Australia) purlin Ml 60.00 4,800.00
4.4 Supply and fix standard Kasi ribbed sheet
ceiling fixed to and including 5x4cm sawn &
well seasoned Abetto (Australia) wooden
battens c/c 60cm both ways price including 3 350.00
caots of synthetic enamel paint and triangular
corner lists for btter finishing.
M2 10.80 3,780.00
4.5 2.5 x25cm imported abetto Australia wood
fascia board including a primer and two coasts
of decorative wood preservative paint 350.00
Ml 10.80 3,780.00
Total Carried to Summary 17,295.00
5. Metal work
All metal windows & doors are manufactured
from LTZ-38, t=1.25mm profile frame and all
the doors are 1.25mm thick flat or ribbed iron
sheet all as per Engineers approval and window
door schedule. with necessary iron mongery
approved type of locks, hinges, handles etc.
Price includes one coat of antirust paint & two
coats of synthetic enamel paint. The glazing
frames should be Covered with wire mesh and
metal frame as a grill, the hinges should be
made of 140*60mm of high quality. sample
Door and window should be Approved by the
supervisor before mass production. Cost
includs local made slide lock with imported
type big size pad locker

5.1 Metal windows & Doors

a) Type D1 size 90X 280 cm*1 M2 2.07 1500.00 3,105.00
b) Type W1 Size 120X 60cm Wire mesh with
metal frame M2 4.98 7,470.00
5.3 Standard Diamond or other shape of wire mesh
for window and top door works price including
20x20x1.50mm SHS frame around the 500.00
periphery and one horizontal and one vertical
M2 0.72 360.00
Total carried to summary 10,935.00
Item no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
6. Finishing Work
6.1 Apply three coats of plaster in cement sand
mortar (1:3) up to fine finish to all internal 130.00
walls. M2 66.48 8,642.40
6.2 Ditto as Item 6.1, but To exposed external
concrete column, beams M2 13.62 1,634.40
6.3 Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering in cement
sand mortar (1:3) to indicated external wall.
Price inculuding Apply 2 coats of plastering in 120.00
cement sand mortar (1:3)
M2 57.88 6,945.60
6.4 Floor finish with class B terrazzo tile (2.5
x25x25)cm bedded in cement screed mortar
(1:3) sample should be Supplied and
Approved to the supervisor or Office before 320.00
production & transportation to site

M2 20.00 6,400.00
6.5 10cm high class Terrazo tile skirting to wall
with cement mortar (1:3) Ml 17.10 5,985.00
6.6 Fix 4cm thick window sill bedded in cement
slurry to all windows,bedded on cement mortar 90.00
mix 1:3 Ml 8.30 747.00
6.7 6cm thick cast insitu concrete pavement around
the building 100cm wide laid on 25cm thick
well rolled consolidated & blinded with crushed
stone basaltic stone hardcore & jaints should be
pointed in cement motrar 1:3, Price includes
dia. 8 RC bar 30cm c/c both ways and Apply 190.00
Cement Screed on top of pavement to maintain
smooth surface

M2 22.80 4,332.00
6.8 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone in C-15
(250kg cement /m3) with concrete base both
ways to provide internally as concrete pipe for
storm water drainage, price includes excavation, 190.00
sand base and mass concrete with 2% slope as
1/2 ditch
Ml 50.00 9,500.00
6.9 Semi-dressed Stone steps 15x30 cm bedded &
jointed in cement mortar 1:3, price includes
hardcore fill in-between the masonry walls and
3 coat plastering externally. Price includes class 250.00
B terrazzo tile Floor finish

M3 2.00 500.00
6.10 Ramp through Mass Concrete and Cement
Screed laid on 25cm thick well rolled
consolidated & blinded with crushed stone 250.00
basaltic stone hardcore. Price includes class B
terrazzo tile Floor finish
M2 12.00 3,000.00
Total carried to summary 47,686.40
7. Glazing Works
7.1 Supply and fix 4 mm thick clear sheet glass to
metal beads and puttied with approved quality 600.00
of putty to windows & top doors. M2 0.72 432.00
Total carried to summary 432.00
8. Painting
All colors and brands of paints should be
approved by the Supervisor
8.1 Apply 3 coats of approved type plastic paint to
all internal plastered surface above 1.8m height. 35.00
M2 35.04 1,226.40
8.2 Apply three coats of oil paint to internal
plastered wall surface upto 1.8m height M2 31.68 1,108.80
8.3 Apply three coats of oil paint to external tyrolen
rendering wall surface M2 57.88 2,025.80
8.4 Ditto but to all external plastered beams and
columns M2 13.62 476.70
8.5 Ditto but to ribbed sheet eaves M2
10.80 35.00 378.00
Total carried to summary 5,215.70
Item no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
9.1 Power & Auxiliary systems Intakes
(Provisional Quantity)
9.1.1 Manhole in stone masonry and with concrete
base internally of 700x700x700mm price
including concrete cover with lifting hole. 700.00
No 2.00 1,400.00
9.1.2 PVC pipes -
a) 50mm diameter Ml 50.00 80.00 4,000.00
9.2 Low voltage system Earth -
Feed power cables Multi-core power cable
copper conductor, color coded, in PVC
conduits, connected and tested, all as
specified and as shown on drawings, price
includes 50 cm. depth x 30cm width
excavation, back fill and other activities
3x6mm Ml 50.00 500.00 25,000.00
9.4 Distribution Boards -
9.4.1 Flush mounting distribution board,SDB-
PUMP in sheet steel enclosure with lockable
door, and with phase neutral and earth bus-
bars of 63A rating, and consisting of :- -
6 pc MCB of 25A/3P -
3 pc MCB of 16A/3P -
8 pcs MCB of 10A/1P -
25% reserve pitches No 1.00 5000.00 5,000.00
9.5 Light points -
9.5.1 Flush mounted light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 2 x 2.5mm2 inside PVC
conduits of 16mm diameter, including junction 350.00
boxes with cover and insulating screw cap
connectors, complete
No 4.00 1,400.00
9.5.2 Extra Over light Points for Switches -
a) Flush mounting waterproof single switch No 2.00 350.00 700.00
b) Flush mounting Double pole switch No 1.00 350.00 350.00
9.6 Flush Mounted Socket Outlet Points -
9.6.1 10-16A/1 socket outlet points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3 x 2.5mm2 inside PVC
conduit of 16mm diameter including junction 350.00
boxes with covers and insulating screw cap
No 2.00 700.00
9.6.2 Flush Mounted Socket Outlet with Earth
Contract -
a) Twin Socket outlet of 10A/16A 1 phase No 2.00 500.00 1,000.00
9.7 Light Fittings and Lamps -
Connected and tested including lamps and
accessories complete, all as specified or
described in lighting fittings schedule and as
shown on the drawing. Refer to lighting fitting
schedule for lighting fitting description.

9.7.1 Fluorescent Lighting Fitting type Philip TMS
012/136 I with 1 x 36 w lamp No 4.00 2,800.00
Total carried to summary 42,350.00
BOQ for Toilet and Shower block with Septic tank

Item no Description Unit QTY Excu Rate

A. Sub Structure
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to an
average depth of 20cm 10.00
M2 22.56 61.84
1.2 Bulk excavation in Ordinary soil to a depth
of 50cm from reduced ground level 90.00
M3 6.94 51.50
1.3 Excavation trench for foundation to a depth
not exceeding 100cm starting from the 100.00
reduced ground level. M 3
8.48 85.84
1.4 Back fill under hardcore with selected
material from Site and compact in layers not 90.00
exceeding 20cm thick. M 3
7.84 20.16
1.5 Cartaway surplus excavated material &
deposite at a distance not exceedig 1km from 120.00
the site M3 19.93 17.44
1.6 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone
hardcore well rolled consolidated & blinded 150.00
with crushed stone. M 2
5.52 18.10
Total carried to summary birr
2. Concrete work
2.1 5cm lean concrete C-7 (150kg cement /m3)
under foundation masonary wall 80.00
M2 7.56 37.80
2.2 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement
content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into formworks and
vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC type

a) In Grade Beam M3 1.10 0.00 2200.00

2:3 10cm thick mass concrete floor slab in C-15.
(250kg cement/m3) M2 5.52 4.08 260.00
2:4 Provide,cut & fix in position formwork
a) To ground beams M2 6.30 10.56 90.00
2:5 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawing. Price sahll include cutting, Bending
, placing in position and tying wires.

a) f 8mm deformed bars kg 52.36 0.00 55.00

c) f 12mm deformed bars kg 47.60 1.51 55.00
Total carried to summary
3. Masonry Work
3.1 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent roug
dressed stone masonry foundation wall 1400.00
beded in cement sand mortar of (1:3). M3 5.30 181.40
3.2 50cm thick hard trachytic semi-dressed stone
masonry wall above NGL beded in cement sand
mortar (1:3) price includes pointing the 1400.00
external wall with cement sand mortar (1:3)
ratio. M3 5.04 13.14
Total carried to summary
B. Super structure
1. Concrete work
1:1 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement
content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into formworks and
vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC
type cement.

a) To R.C. columns M3 0.50 0.75 2200.00

b) To R.C top tie beam M3 0.50 0.94 2200.00
1:2 Provide, cut & fix in position formwork
a) To R.C. columns M2 9.60 12.00 90.00
b) To R.C top tie beam M 2
7.56 0.00 90.00
1:3 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawings. Price shall include cutting ,
bending , placing in position and tying wires.

a) f 8mm deformed bars kg 32.32 0.00 55.00

b) f 12 mm deformed bars kg 103.72 0.00 55.00
Total carried to summary
2. Block Works
2.2 200mm thick hollow concrete block wall of type
class B- with 28 days minimum crushing strength
of 18 kg/cm2, bedded in cement mortar (1:3) mix,
both sides left for plastering M2 41.56 0.00 400.00
Total Carried to Summary
3. Roofing
3.1 Supply and fix G-28 pre-painted in red color, galvanized
corrugated iron sheet fixed to purlins with dome headed
galvanized nails, Price shall include roof ridge cover. (purlins
measured separately). Roof cover measured in horizontal
projection. (for better quality use Adama steel and Nail
factory and RT Steel products or Similar)

3.2 G-28 galvanized iron sheet gutter (devt-33cms)
welded at joints and Provide proper supporting
metal straps at 100 cm with 2% slope towards
down pipe & price shall include 3 coats of oil
paint Ml
3.3 Supply & fix down pipe, made in 0.4mm thick
flat metal sheet size 5x10cm . Provide proper
supporting metal straps at 100 cm. Price includes
rain water strainer at the down pipe inlet and 3
coat paint, Tightly firm at pavement with
concrete mortar or 1/2 HCB
Total Carried to Summary
4. Carpentry and Joinery works
All structural members shall be well seasoned
and free of harmful defects. Price includes Each
truss shall be painted anti- termite solution and
firmly fixed to RC beams with Dia 6mm plain

f 10-12 cm eucalyptus upper & lower,

4.1 30.00
members of truss Ml 38.40
f 8-10 cm eucalyptus Diagonal & vertical,
4.2 30.00
members of truss Ml 31.20
50 x70 mm sawn & well seasoned
4.3 80.00
Abetto (Australia) purlin Ml 19.20
Supply & fix P.V.C /plastic/ ceiling
nailed to (4x5)cm well seasoned Abetto
4.4 (Australia) wooden battens at c/c 60cm 400.00
on both side price includes P.V.C
/plastic/ corner list.
M2 7.56
Supply and fix standard Kasi ribbed
sheet ceiling fixed to and including
5x4cm sawn & well seasoned Abetto
(Australia) wooden battens c/c 60cm
4.5 350.00
both ways price including 3 caots of
synthetic enamel paint and triangular
corner lists for btter finishing.
M2 3.20
2.5 x25cm imported abetto Australia
wood fascia board including a primer and
4.6 two coasts of decorative wood 130.00
preservative paint
Ml 3.20
Total Carried to Summary
5. Metal work
All metal windows & doors are manufactured
from LTZ-38, t=1.25mm profile frame and all the
doors are 1.25mm thick flat or ribbed iron sheet
all as per Engineers approval and window door
schedule. with necessary iron mongery approved
type of locks, hinges, handles etc. Price includes
one coat of antirust paint & two coats of synthetic
enamel paint. The glazing frames should be
Covered with wire mesh and metal frame
as a grill, the hinges should be made of
140*60mm of high quality. sample Door
and window should be Approved by
the supervisor before mass production.
Cost includs local made slide lock with
imported type big size pad locker

5.1 Metal windows&Doors

a) Type D1 size 80X 230 cm*3 M2 5.52 1300.00
b) TypeW1 Wire mesh M2 0.60 1300.00
5.3 Standard Diamond or other shape of wire
mesh for window and door works
price including 20x20x1.50mm
SHS frame around the periphery
and one horizontal and one vertical

M2 1.68
Total carried to summary
Item no Description Unit QTY Rate
6. Finishing Work
6.1 Apply three coats of plaster in cement sand
mortar (1:3) up to fine finish to all internal 130.00
walls. M 2
6.2 Ditto as Item 6.1, but To exposed external
concrete column, beams 130.00
M2 9.67
6.3 Apply final coat of tyrolen rendering in
cement sand mortar (1:3) to indicated
external wall. Price inculuding Apply 2 120.00
coats of plastering in cement sand mortar
M2 36.34
6.4 Floor finish with class B terrazzo tile (2.5
x25x25)cm bedded in cement screed
mortar (1:3) sample should be Supplied
and Approved to the supervisor or 350.00
Office before production &
transportation to site
M2 7.56
6.5 10cm high class Terrazo tile skirting to
wall with cement mortar (1:3) Ml 16.40
6.6 Fix 4cm thick window sill bedded in
cement slurry to all windows,bedded on 500.00
cement mortar mix 1:3 Ml 1.10
6.7 6cm thick cast insitu concrete pavement
around the building 100cm wide laid on
25cm thick well rolled consolidated &
blinded with crushed stone basaltic stone
hardcore & jaints should be pointed in
cement motrar 1:3, Price includes dia. 8 250.00
RC bar 30cm c/c both ways and Apply
Cement Screed on top of pavement to
maintain smooth surface
M2 15.80
6.8 10cm thick R.concrete curb stone in C-
15 (250kg cement /m3) with concrete
base both ways to provide internally as
concrete pipe for storm water drainage,
price includes excavation, sand base and
mass concrete with 2% slope as 1/2 ditch

Ml 38.00
6.9 Semi-dressed Stone steps 15x30 cm
bedded & jointed in cement mortar 1:3,
price includes hardcore fill in-between
the masonry walls and 3 coat plastering 200.00
externally. Price includes class B terrazzo
tile Floor finish
M3 2.00
6.10 Ramp through Mass Concrete and
Cement Screed laid on 25cm thick well
rolled consolidated & blinded with
crushed stone basaltic stone hardcore. 200.00
Price includes class B terrazzo tile Floor
M2 7.00
6.12 25x40cm white glazed ceramic wall tiles
beded in cement mortar (1:2)to toilet
rooms & 40cm above sinks, hand wash 500.00
basines & other rooms, where indicated.
M2 3.20
Total carried to summary
7. Glazing Works
7.1 Supply and fix 4 mm thick clear sheet glass to
metal beads and puttied with approved quality of 600.00
putty to windows & top doors. M2 1.68
Total carried to summary
8. Painting
All colors and brands of paints should be
approved by the Supervisor
8.1 Apply 3 coats of approved type plastic
paint to all internal plastered surface 35.00
above 1.8m height. M 2
8.2 Apply three coats of oil paint to internal
plastered wall surface upto 1.8m height M2 30.00
8.3 Apply three coats of oil paint to external
tyrolen rendering wall surface M2 36.34
8.4 Ditto but to all external plastered beams
and columns M2 9.67
8.5 Ditto but to ribbed sheet eaves M2 3.20 35.00
Total carried to summary
Item no Description Unit QTY Rate

9.1 Power & Auxiliary systems Intakes

(Provisional Quantity)
9.1.1 Manhole in stone masonry and with
concrete base internally of
700x700x700mm price including 700.00
concrete cover with lifting hole. No 2.00
9.1.2 PVC pipes
a) 50mm diameter Ml 50.00 80.00
9.2 Low voltage system Earth
9.3 Feed power cables Multi-core power cable
copper conductor, color coded, in PVC
conduits, connected and tested, all as specified
and as shown on drawings, price includes 50
cm. depth x 30cm width excavation, back fill
and other activities

3x6mm2 Ml 50.00 150.00

9.4 Distribution Boards
9.4.1 Flush mounting distribution board,SDB-
PUMP in sheet steel enclosure with lockable
door, and with phase neutral and earth bus-
bars of 63A rating, and consisting of :-
6 pc MCB of 25A/3P
3 pc MCB of 16A/3P
8 pcs MCB of 10A/1P
25% reserve pitches No 1.00 5000.00
9.5 Light points
9.5.1 Flush mounted light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 2 x 2.5mm2 inside
PVC conduits of 16mm diameter, including
junction boxes with cover and insulating 350.00
screw cap connectors, complete

No 4.00
9.5.2 Extra Over light Points for Switches
a) Flush mounting waterproof single switch
No 4.00
b) Flush mounting Double pole switch No
9.7 Light Fittings and Lamps
Connected and tested including lamps and
accessories complete, all as specified or
described in lighting fittings schedule and as
shown on the drawing. Refer to lighting
fitting schedule for lighting fitting

9.7.1 Fluorescent Lighting Fitting type Philip

TMS 012/136 I with 1 x 36 w lamp No 4.00
Total carried to summary
Item no Description Unit QTY Rate
10.0 10. Sanitary Installation works
1 Supply & install galvanized steel pipes for cold & hot
water distribution to all sanitary fixtures according to
the drawing, complete with the necessary connection
pieces such as bends, unions, etc. unit price shall
include all the necessary assistance to the installation
of works such as chiselling of walls, slabs, beam,
floors, etc. & closing them with concrete or cement
mortar, to normal condition; the installation shall be
tested at a presure of 10kg/cm2 by the expense of the

a, 1/2' inch G.I. S pipe Ml 45.00 80.00

b, 3/4' inch G.I.S pipe Ml 20.00 80.00
2 Supply & fix get valves of approved standards
complete with unions, elastic water proofing &
hand wheels of normal quality
a) 1/2' inch gate valve No. 6.00 20.00
b) 3/4' inch gate valve No. 2.00 130.00
3 Supply & fix hand wash basins made of white vitreous
china equipped with consealed bracket made of grey
mallable cast iron white painted complets with plug 150.00
chains & traps.Price includes with vitreous stand
cover. size 500x 405
No. 1.00
4 Supply & fix Turkish with with all accessories, price
includes Fouset No. 1.00 50.00
5 Supply & fix toilet paper holder with metal roller
150x150x25cm complete with fastering screws. No. 1.00 51.00
6 Supply and fix crystal glass mirrors for toilets and
wash basins with copper back protection, size:
500x400 mm including chrome plated brass mirror 1500.00
clips with chrome plated screws and etc... for hand
wash basins.
No. 1.00
7 Supply & fix soap holder in white vitreous china 150 x
150 mm No. 1.00 100.00
8 Supply & fix standard towel hanger made of chorme
plated tubular metal rollers including fastering screws 80.00
and the necessary accessories. No. 1.00
9 Supply & instal shawer units made of enamelled cast
iron plate,including shower head & tap, mixing
battery, vaste water trap complete with all the 1800.00
accessories.size 70 x 70cm No. 1.00
10 Supply and fix floor drains made of enamealed cast
iron of approved quality, complete with P-smell trap
and all other necessary fittings and accessories. Size:- No 1.00 1500.00
Dia. 50 mm

11 Supply and fix install soil, waste and vent pipe in

horizontal branches and vertical stacks made of rigid
plastic pipes (Pvc) of approved standard including
the necessary fittingssuch as bends. Y.T. clean
outs, increasing and reducing pieces &including 80.00
the necessary accessories.(approved quality by
the engineer)Diameter 110 mm pvc pipe

Ml 20.00
12 Manhole in stone masonry and with concrete base
internally of 700x700x700mm price including concrete 700.00
cover with lifting hole. No. 3.00
13 Supply and install Roto capacity of 2m3 with all
accessories. Price includes 4.00x0.50x0.50m Column
With 6 Ø14mm bar, 1.50x1.50x0.40m Footing Pad
With 14 Ø12mm bar & 1.50x1.50x0.20m Top Slab
with formwork & Stirrup) it includes transportation 3000.00
and labour cost., plus 400x400x15mm RHS ladder for
maintenance service

No 1.00
Vent Pipe with Vent caps made of PVC,
14 complete with all accessories and as shown on the 50.00
drawing. Dia. 50 mm Ml 3.00
15 Septic tank (2.20x2.20x3.00) = Net Volume =14.52 M3
1. Excavation and Earth Work
1.1 Clear off the site to remove the top soil to an average
depth of 20cm M2 16.00 80.00
1 Excavation for pit latrine in Hard Rock to a depth of
300cm starting from reduced ground level M3 48.00 90.00
1 Backfill around retaining wall to an average depth of
300cm with selected materials and well compacted at 50.00
every 20 cm. M3 7.20
1 Cartaway surplus excavated material and deposite at a
distance not exceedig 2km from the site M3 41.00 90.00
2. Concrete work
2:1 5cm lean concrete C-7 (150kg cement /m3) under
M2 8.80 50.00
foundation masonary wall or footing.
2:2 Reinforced concrete class C-25, with minimum cement
content of 320kg/m3 concrete cast into formworks and
vibrated around rod reinforcement bars. (formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) Use PPC
type cement.

a) In 50 x30 cm Grade Beam M3 1.44 2200.00

b)In 20cm R.concrete floor slab M 2
4.90 380.00
2:4 Provide,cut & fix in position formwork
a) In 50 x30 cm Grade Beam M2 4.92 100.00
b)In 20cm R.concrete floor slab M 2
4.90 150.00
2:5 Steel reinforcement according to structural
drawing. Price sahll include cutting. Bending ,
placing in position and tying wires.
a) f 8 deformed bars kg 35.45 55.00
b) f 10 deformed bars kg 109.00 55.00
c) f 12mm deformed bars kg 92.35 55.00
3. Masonry Work
3:1 50cm thick trachetic or equivalent roughly dressed
masonry foundation wall beded in cement sand mortar 1200.00
of (1:3) ratio. M3 22.00
50cm thick hard trachytic semi-dressed stone masonry
wall above ground level beded in cement sand mortar 1200.00
(1:3) price includes pointing of the external wall with
cement sand mortar (1:3) ratio. M3 2.40
Total carried to summary

































































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