Myntra - Product Teardown by Aman Singh
Myntra - Product Teardown by Aman Singh
Myntra - Product Teardown by Aman Singh
competitors traffic
$1 B+ Annual Revenue
User Experience
Key Metrics
Source Source
Business Model
Myntra operates on an aggregator business model (B2C) of
Overview premium brands. Myntra earlier operated on a B2B business model
prior to switching its business model to B2C. The business model of
Myntra is primarily based on procuring current season merchandise
from all its associate brands and making them available on its
eCommerce portal as soon as they are available in the respective
retail brand outlets.
User Segment
User Experience
Myntra PPMP
User Experience
Many sellers on Myntra have been migrating to Myntra PPMP since its launch. While PPMP is almost similar to M-Direct; there are
differences. Sellers have experienced better benefits from PPMP.
Myntra PPMP Fees: A seller pays Myntra, its fixed fees, commission, logistics fees (forward & reverse) and buys Myntra branded and
mandated packing material. The pick & pack fee that applies to JIT does not apply here.
Key Metrics
User Segment
Overview Segmentation:
Myntra focuses on Fashion-conscious customers who believe in shopping from
home irrespective of age and gender. Age distribution
Target Market:
18- 34 (max users)
The target market set by this brand is Fashion-conscious, medium-income, young
User Segment online shoppers looking for the best deals and good quality products.
Myntra is an e-commerce website that focuses on being Vibrant fashion stores at
affordable rates all over India.
User Persona
Top Countries
Geography & Country Targeting
Mainly in India
User Journey Map
Gender distribution
User Experience
Male - 55.14%
Female - 44.86 %
Key Metrics
User Persona
User Segment
The Fashionista Shopper The Value Shopper
Background: Background:
Shruti is a Fashion blogger who is passionate about fashion Manish is an Accountant who tries to balance work and
and trends, actively participates in fashion events and has a personal life, seeks affordable yet stylish clothing options
User Persona large social media following, lives in South Delhi, India. for self and family, lives in Bangalore, India.
"Fashion is my life, and I love expressing myself through unique styles and outfits." "I want to look good without breaking the bank. Affordable fashion is my go-to."
Enjoys experimenting with different looks and staying Budget-conscious and seeks value for money, prefers
ahead in the fashion game. versatile clothing that can be worn for various occasions
Key Metrics
User Journey Map Manish
The Value Shopper
Scenario: Manish purchased a blazer from Myntra. Although he is very happy with the product but
poor packaging led to marks and wear and tear of the product. He wishes to write a review on the app.
relevant product photo clicked by
and selects an item to rate and detailed review.
his wife and writes a review and
submit. Screen showing review
submitted pops up.
User Segment
Where would I find the Option Would I have the option to change Will write in detail and also upload Why are they saying to refrain from
of Review? Maybe in the profile the rating if I accidently tap on the photo as a proof so that writing any package/delivery related
section! stars? Where to write a detailed platform improves the quality of feedback?
review? packaging!
User Persona
Struggles to find the Review Tell us more option doesn't seem Info tab in the review section refrains
button. Finally thinks that it None clickable, doesn't look like a CTA. the user to add package related
User Experience might be in the profile section. queries.
Could be more precise and clear in Could take up the delivery related
designing the CTA and instead of reviews separately in order to improve
None None
"Tell us more" option it could be the customer experience. Also option
Key Metrics simply- " Write a review" CTA. to add a video can be added.
User Journey Manish
The Value Shopper
Scenario: Manish purchased a blazer from Myntra. Although he is very happy
with the product but poor packaging led to marks and wear and tear of the
product. He wishes to write a review on the app.
User Segment
User Persona
User Experience
Opens the Myntra App Clicks on his "Profile" icon Clicks on the "Orders" tab Selects the Item he wants to
Key Metrics to get the Orders option to view all his orders. review by clicking on "tell us
User Journey Manish
Scenario: Manish purchased a blazer from Myntra. Although he is very happy
with the product but poor packaging led to marks and wear and tear of the
The Value Shopper product. He wishes to write a review on the app.
User Segment
User Persona
User Experience
Key Metrics
User Experience
Suggested improvements/Solutions to
increase the no. of reviews and drive
user engagement
Social Media/visual Influence
User Segment
Share Positive Reviews: Share positive reviews
Yayy !! 5 SuperCoins credited ;)
on social media platforms, newsletters, or
website testimonials. When customers see their Share your Review to
User Persona reviews being featured, they are more likely to earn 5 more coins
leave additional reviews in the future.
satisfaction while the product is fresh in their These SuperCoins could also be
minds. used to get exclusive Myntra
Offer Incentives: Provide incentives for leaving
reviews such as discounts, loyalty points, or
exclusive access to new products or features.
User Experience This can motivate customers to take the time to
write a review.
User Segment
# Reviews Written
# Reviews written / # users who came to write the review
L2 Metrics
User Persona
% Drop Off
# Users who submitted the review / # Users who started
the process of writing a review
L1 Metrics
User Journey Map
# Successful Reviews
# Reviews Submitted / # Reviews Published
Key Metrics
"One stop for all your fashion needs".