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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/2177-6709.23.5.047-057.oar
Objective: To evaluate the smile attractiveness of different gingival zeniths by general dentists, orthodontists and layper-
sons and the esthetic perception in the symmetric and asymmetric changes in gingival zeniths.
Methods: Posed photographs of five patients were taken and digitally manipulated in Keynote software, in the gingival zenith
region, in increments of 0.5 to 1mm in maxillary central and lateral incisors, symmetrically and asymmetrically, in nine differ-
ent ways for each patient. The photos were then uploaded to a website, where evaluators (general dentists, orthodontists and
laypersons) could observe and vote according to their esthetic perception, scoring from 1 to 10, 1 being the least attractive and
10 the more attractive. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used for comparison.
Results: Asymmetric gingival zeniths were less attractive than symmetrical gingival zeniths; gingival zenith differences
greater than 1mm were perceptible in the smile attractiveness, both by laypersons, general dentists and orthodontists.
When comparing maxillary central incisors with maxillary lateral incisors, the aesthetic change performed in the central
incisors are more perceptible than those performed in lateral incisors, both symmetrical and asymmetrical. In a general
way, orthodontists and general dentists are more critical in the evaluation and perception of gingival zenith changes, with
the laypersons perceiving this change only from 1mm of maxillary right central incisor asymmetrical change.
Conclusions: Asymmetric gingival zeniths are less attractive than symmetrical ones. Gingival zenith differences
greater than 1mm are perceptible in the smile attractiveness. Orthodontists and general dentists are more critical in
evaluating smile esthetics.
Private Practice (São Paulo/SP, Brazil). How to cite: Nomura S, Freitas KMS, Silva PPC, Valarelli FP, Cançado RH,
Centro Universitário Ingá, Departamento de Ortodontia (Maringá/PR, Brazil). Freitas MR, Oliveira RCG, Oliveira RCG. Evaluation of the attractiveness of
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Programa de different gingival zeniths in smile esthetics. Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-
Pós-graduação em Odontologia (Bauru/SP, Brazil). -Oct;23(5):47-57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/2177-6709.23.5.047-057.oar
Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Departamento
de Ortodontia, Odontopediatria e Saúde Coletiva (Bauru/SP, Brazil). Submitted: October 15, 2017 - Revised and accepted: February 05, 2018
» The authors report no commercial, proprietary or financial interest in the products » Patients displayed in this article previously approved the use of their facial and in-
or companies described in this article. traoral photographs.
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 47 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
original article Evaluation of the attractiveness of different gingival zeniths in smile esthetics
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 48 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
Nomura S, Freitas KMS, Silva PPC, Valarelli FP, Cançado RH, Freitas MR, Oliveira RCG, Oliveira RCG original article
Patients were instructed to give a pleasant posed size proportion of the dental structures and their soft
smile as natural as possible, with their teeth in the tissue, when seen at the same distance.
maximum intercuspation position. Several frames All photos were converted from color to black
were obtained from the same patient to choose a and white to reduce the confounding factors.13
more pleasant picture to be included in the sample. To the different gingival zenith evaluation, five
For standardization, all the photographs were ob- patients with attractive smile and well balanced facial
tained in manual mode, colored, with fine qual- proportions were selected to use their initial images
ity, ISO 100, diaphragm aperture of 22 and shutter as ideal (Fig 2). The original photograph (ideal smile)
speed of 125. was then manipulated, by using a image processing
Each photo was digitally manipulated in Keynote software (Keynote) with different levels of gingival
software (Apple, USA) to be evaluated by laypersons, zeniths alterations (Fig 3).
general dentists and orthodontists, then they were The gingival zenith alterations were:
uploaded to a specifically designed website, in which 1) Ideal: ideal zenith, adjustments with incre-
evaluators could choose the smile attractiveness in ments smaller than 0.5mm in the initial photos, ap-
different gingival zenith positions. This digitally proaching to the smile considered ideal.
manipulation was also made to reduce distracting 2) Right maxillary lateral incisor (U2R): asym-
factors or number of variables, as explained: photos metrically altered zenith with an 0.5-mm increase in
were cropped to correct small head alterations and the right maxillary lateral incisor.
to diminish the examination area, remaining visible 3) Maxillary lateral incisors (U2) ½ = symmetri-
only maxillary and mandibular incisors with their cally altered zenith with 0.5-mm increase in maxil-
adjacent soft tissue, including lips. Height and width lary lateral incisors.
standardization was also made in the selected pic- 4) Right maxillary central incisor (U1R) ½ =
tures, to cut them all in the same size proportion. asymmetrically altered zenith with 0.5-mm addition
To the edited images, a magnification was made to in the upper right central incisor.
keep the proportions of teeth and gingivae, using 5) Maxillary central incisors (U1) ½ = symmetri-
the patient real incisor height measured in the dental cally altered zenith with 0.5-mm enlargement in the
casts (Fig 1). This way, all photos could reach a real upper central incisors.
6) Right maxillary lateral incisor (U2R) 1 =
asymmetrically altered zenith with 1-mm increase in
right maxillary lateral incisor.
7) Maxillary lateral incisors (U2) 1 = symmetri-
cally altered zenith with 1-mm increase in maxillary
lateral incisors.
8) Right maxillary central incisor (U2R) 1 =
asymmetrically altered zenith with 1-mm increase in
right upper central incisor.
9) Maxillary central incisors (U1) 1 = symmetri-
cally altered zenith with 1-mm increase in maxillary
central incisors.
After photographs digital manipulation, a print
screen was taken, then the image was converted to
black and white. The black and white space was de-
fined as standard, using the same percentages to the
following settings: saturation, brightness, sharpness
and contrast, for each subject group (Fig 4).
Three groups of raters were used in this study: laypeo-
Figure 1 - Dental cast. ple, general dentists and orthodontists. In this research,
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 49 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
original article Evaluation of the attractiveness of different gingival zeniths in smile esthetics
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 50 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
Nomura S, Freitas KMS, Silva PPC, Valarelli FP, Cançado RH, Freitas MR, Oliveira RCG, Oliveira RCG original article
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 51 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
original article Evaluation of the attractiveness of different gingival zeniths in smile esthetics
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 52 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
Nomura S, Freitas KMS, Silva PPC, Valarelli FP, Cançado RH, Freitas MR, Oliveira RCG, Oliveira RCG original article
Table 1 - Age comparison among laypersons, dentists and orthodontists (One-way ANOVA test and Tukey’s test).
Smile changes comparison among all groups and central incisor changes were statistically significant;
separately between each other (Table 2) has been to orthodontists, the 0.5-mm asymmetrical changes
statistically significant, with some relevant results in the right maxillary central incisor were statisti-
to be considered: to laypersons, the right maxillary cally significant, however, there were no significant
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 53 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
original article Evaluation of the attractiveness of different gingival zeniths in smile esthetics
differences in 0.5-mm maxillary central incisors that for the 1-mm increase in the gingival margins
symmetrical changes. In all three groups, right max- all they had statistically significant differences.
illary central incisor had the major significant statis- When comparing each smile change between lay-
tically difference. Among all groups, it was observed persons, general dentists and orthodontists (Table 3), it
Table 2 - Smile changes comparison among different gingival zeniths for all evaluators and for the 3 groups of evaluators separately (Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test).
*Statistically significant for p<0.05. Different letters in a row indicate the presence of statistically significant difference.
Table 3 - Comparison of each gingival zenith change among laypersons, dentists and orthodontists (Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test).
*Statistically significant for p<0.05. Different letters in a row indicate the presence of statistically significant difference.
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 54 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
Nomura S, Freitas KMS, Silva PPC, Valarelli FP, Cançado RH, Freitas MR, Oliveira RCG, Oliveira RCG original article
Table 4 - Comparison of each smile change between younger and older groups (Mann-Whitney non-parametric test).
*Statistically significant for p<0.05. Different letters in a row indicate the presence of statistically significant difference.
was statistically significant for the 0.5-mm maxillary requires a qualified professional who know how to
right central incisor change. Laypersons and general den- use this program for the digital images manipulation,
tists had a smaller statistical difference in the 0.5mm and to achieve a manipulated image as natural as possible.
1.00mm maxillary central incisors symmetrical changes. Due to this difficulty and so to the practicality that
In a comparison performed dividing each group Keynote software offers, with simple resources that
in two parts (Table 4) — a younger part (from 17 to enables the own researcher to operate it and make
40 years old) and an older part (from 41 to 75 years the wanted digital images manipulation, in the pres-
old) — smile changes in the right maxillary central in- ent study Keynote was chosen, because the digital
cisors, right maxillary lateral incisor, right maxillary images manipulations showed as high quality as
central incisor were statically significant, with the older those performed with Adobe Photoshop and in some
group always giving lower scores than the younger one, cases even better one. The maxillary incisors trans-
and this, as seen before, corroborate the fact that dentists fer and the ruler calibration have made the images of
and orthodontists groups had the older evaluators, and this study very similar to the patients’ teeth real size.
the laypersons group had the younger subjects. Canine is a tooth that has a prominent buccal bossa
and the photograph can suffer some distortions in this
DISCUSSION area. Due to this it was decided not to make any digital
In this research methodology, the authors have manipulation because it would be closer to the real one
pursued a manner to handle images that, when the and less perceptible to the evaluators than the digital
photos were digitally manipulated and so observed manipulated photo. There was also a concern to stan-
by the evaluators, these changes were as least per- dardize as much as possible the smile image attain-
ceptible as possible, giving to the observer a natural ment. The photos were taken only by a researcher at
esthetic smile visual sensation. In the vast majority the same distance from the camera lens to the patients’
of researches in which digital images are manipu- lips, under the same lighting conditions.
lated, arguably the program of choice is Adobe Pho- In the age comparison between the three groups
toshop.13,15-21 Adobe Photoshop is an image editing (Table 1), laypersons were the youngest and general
program that has been marketed for many years be- dentists and orthodontists had their ages statistically
cause it has advanced features, but nevertheless often similar. Pithon et al17 showed that younger layper-
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 55 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
original article Evaluation of the attractiveness of different gingival zeniths in smile esthetics
sons are more critical to the dental aesthetic than pared to their corresponding lateral incisors, show-
older ones, but even though they were the group ing a greater visual impact to the laypersons, dentists
with younger subjects, they were still less critical and orthodontists’ eyes. Machado et al19 affirm that
than dentists and orthodontists when evaluating the maxillary central incisors are the key to a pleasant
smiles. When comparing the older and the younger smile and its symmetry is of utmost importance for
groups (Table 4), the older groups gave lower scores the smile aesthetics.
than the younger one, confirming the fact that gen- Based in these results, laypersons, general den-
eral dentists and orthodontists were the older sub- tists and orthodontists had a greater perception of
jects and laypersons were the youngest. A similar 1-mm changes in the gingival margin and when
result was found in a study22 of the perception of asymmetrical, these results are different to those
smile attractiveness and its aesthetics standards vari- found in other studies, 13,24 in which laypersons
ations, in which younger evaluators were more criti- perceived this difference in the gingival margin
cal when judging smiles with diastema. Sriphadung- just from 2-mm changes.
porn and Chamnannidiadha23 also concluded that Therefore, if 1-mm changes in the gingival mar-
age impacts smile perception. However, to Kokich et gins are perceptible and uncomfortable to the layper-
al13 the professional evaluators’ years of experience sons’ aesthetic perception, orthodontists must take
and laypersons evaluators’ age did not influence the a great care when finalizing their orthodontic cases
aesthetic perception. because the patients’ esthetic demands are increasing.
In the comparison of smile changes among all It also has been observed that when comparing
groups and separately between the three groups (Ta- maxillary central incisors with their correspondent
ble 2), laypersons had significant perception of 1-mm lateral incisors, always the same changes performed
asymmetric changes in the maxillary right central in- in central incisors were much more perceptible to
cisor, but in other studies these asymmetric changes evaluators than those performed on lateral incisors.
were noted from 2-mm asymmetry.13,24 This is simi- Therefore, dentists and orthodontists must preserve
lar to other study25 in which dental students were the and seek for the maximum maxillary central incisors
evaluators and these asymmetries were noted from aesthetics of their patients, because they are the most
2-mm changes. This findings suggests that any ther- visible teeth in people’s eyes.
apeutic attempt (orthodontic, aesthetic or surgical)
to correct gingival margins asymmetries between 0.5 CONCLUSIONS
and 1,5mm may be an overreacted measure of dental Asymmetric gingival zeniths are less attractive
professionals rather than an aesthetic appeal, since it than symmetrical gingival zeniths; gingival zeniths
seems not to be so relevant to laypersons.24 changes greater than 1mm are perceptible in the
Some authors13,26 demonstrated that dental and gin- smile attractiveness, both by laypersons as general
gival asymmetries have a negative impact on patient at- dentists and orthodontists. When comparing maxil-
tractiveness. The results of the present study shows that lary central incisors with maxillary lateral incisors,
gingival asymmetries are always less attractive than the the aesthetic changes performed in the central inci-
symmetric changes, that is, when small changes oc- sors are more perceptible than those performed in
curs the evaluators show differences in their judgments, lateral incisors, both symmetrical as asymmetrical.
where symmetric changes are more difficult to identify. In a general way, orthodontists and general den-
In another study, Kokich et al16 compared the dentists tists are more critical in the evaluation and percep-
and laypersons perception to symmetrical dental chang- tion of gingival zenith changes, with the laypersons
es, and noted that when the symmetrical gingival mar- perceiving this change only from 1mm of maxillary
gin change was evaluated, none of the three groups (or- right central incisor asymmetrical change. However,
thodontists, general dentists and laypersons) could dis- orthodontists’ perception is similar with the layper-
tinguish between levels of gingival margin discrepancy. sons when the gingival zenith changes are performed
It was also noticed that maxillary central incisors symmetrically in the maxillary central incisors.
always had a greater aesthetic relevance when com-
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 56 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Sept-Oct;23(5):47-57
Nomura S, Freitas KMS, Silva PPC, Valarelli FP, Cançado RH, Freitas MR, Oliveira RCG, Oliveira RCG original article
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