Caguioa Dissent - CICL XXX Vs People
Caguioa Dissent - CICL XXX Vs People
Caguioa Dissent - CICL XXX Vs People
The ponencia denies the present Petition for Review on Certiorari, filed
by petitioner CICL XXX to assail the Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA),
which affirmed his conviction for the crime of Homicide.
Particularly, the law categorically states that "[a] child above fifteen
( 15) years but below eighteen ( 18) years of age shall likewise be exempt from
criminal liability xx x unless he/she has acted with discernment." 5 Thus, as a
rule, minors within this age range are presumed to have acted without
discernment in the absence of proof to the contrary. The burden of putting
Real identity oflhe Child in Conflict with the Law (ClCL) is withheld in accordance with Republic Act
No. 9344, or the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, as amended, and A.M. No. 02-1-18-SC or
the Revised Rule on Children in Conflict with the Law.
Ponencia, p. 23.
The name of the minor victim is withheld pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Circular No. 83-
NAMES/PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, dated September 5, 2017.
Ponencia, pp. 16-18.
Republic Act No. 9344, Sec. 6.
Dissenting Opinion 2 G.R. No. 238798
forth such proof, therefore, lies with the prosecution, in line with its duty in
criminal litigations to establish the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable
Prior to the enactment ofRepublic Act (R.A.) No. 9344, 6 or the Juvenile
Justice and Welfare Act of 2006, Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC)
already considered minority as an exemption from criminal liability. While
the minimum age of criminal responsibility at that time was nine years, those
above nine but below 15 years of age, who acted without discernment, were
likewise considered exempt. Article 12 of the RPC reads:
Discernibly, what R.A. No. 9344 did was only to adjust the minimum
age of criminal responsibility, in line with the international standards on
juvenile justice. 7 In this regard, the Court has well-settled principles in the
determination of whether a minor acted with discernment in the commission
of the crime, the foremost of which is that intent and discernment are distinct
concepts, and it may therefore not be argued that one is equivalent to the other.
Id. at Sec. 2( d).
Llave v. People, 522 Phil. 340, 366-367 (2006).
Dissenting Opinion 4 G.R. No. 238798
- but the law nonetheless conclusively presumes that she does not have the
guilty mind necessary to be charged with theft.
Thus, while intent and discernment both refer to the mental state of the
accused, they are not the same and the presence of one certainly does not
necessarily connote the other. Thus, in the 2019 case of CICL XX¥ v. People
of the Philippines, 9 it was ruled that the lower courts erred in convicting the
child in conflict with the law when "they both equated 'intent to kill' -which
was admittedly established through the evidence presented by the prosecution
- with acting with discernment." 10
For the ponencia, this disputable presumption was overturned by: (1)
the gruesome nature of the act complained of, (2) the manner by which it was
executed, (3) the fact that the attack can be considered a form of retaliation
for the victim having testified against CICL XXX in a different case, (4) CICL
XXX's level of education, and (5) the fact that CICL XXX quit school when
the instant case was filed against him.
I disagree.
859 Phil. 912 (2019).
Id. at 926.
" Guevarra v. Almodovar, 251 Phil. 427,432 (1989).
Jose v. People, 489 Phil. 106, 113 (2005).
See Dorado v. People, 796 Phil. 233 (2016).
Dissenting Opinion 5 G.R. No. 238798
To be sure, CICL XXX did not carry any weapon at the time of the
commission of the crime. There is no evidence, as well, as to how he struck
AAA, or if he was even aware that he had dealt a fatal blow. It may be self-
evident to adults, like the members of the Court, that what he did was wrong.
But these do not apply to children in conflict with the law whom the law
presumes to have acted without discernment.
Moreover, even if it were true that CICL XXX's attack on the victim
was done in retaliation, it does not necessarily mean that such shows
discernment. That the act was done in retaliation shows CICL XXX's reason
for doing the act, but it does not address the question of whether he fully
understood the moral value of his acts. The reason for the attack shows,
therefore, CICL XX:X's motive but not the presence of discernment.
I also take exception to the ponencia's ruling that CICL XX:X's act of
quitting school shows that he knew what he did was wrong. According to the
ponencia itself, CICL XXX dropped out of school because he was scared after
he received a warning that he should watch his back. 15 Despite this recognition
that CICL XXX quit because he feared for his own life, the ponencia still
makes the conclusion that "to suddenly quit school and flee to his home shows
that CICL XXX had full knowledge of the gravity and consequences of his
I would agree with the ponencia had CICL XXX stated that he ran away
because, for example, he knew that what he did something wrong, or that he
was afraid of the law, or of justice taking its course, or that he was bothered
by his conscience. Flight, in the context of these reasons, indeed evinces an
understanding of the moral consequences of his actions._ However, it was clear
from CICL XXX's testimony, as recognized by the ponencia, that the reason
for CICL XX:X's flight was fear of retaliation - a sense of danger - which
had nothing to do with his conscience or his ability to distinguish moral right
from wrong.
Therefore, while I agree with the ponencia to the extent that the
circumstances of a case could be used to determine discernment, I disagree
that the circumstances, as they are appreciable in the instant case, show
beyond reasonable doubt that indeed CICL XXX acted with discernment.
Id. at 252.
See ponencia, pp. 17-18.
Id. at 18.
Dissenting Opinion 6 G.R. No. 238798
At this juncture, it is well to recognize that at the time the felonious act
was committed in this case in 2003, the disputable presumption was granted
only by the RPC and the Child and Youth Welfare Code 17 (PD 603) to those
over nine years of age but below 15. In the middle of the trial, however, or in
2006, R.A. No. 9344 was enacted which merely adjusted the ages set by the
RPC and PD 603. The minimum age of criminal responsibility was raised
from nine to 15, while the age of minors who can incur criminal liability upon
a showing of discernment was adjusted from "9 to below 15" to "15 to below
ARTICLE 189. Youthful Offender. Defined.~ A youthful offender is one who is over nine years but
under twenty-one years of age at the time of the commission of the offense.
A child nine years of age or under at the time of the offense shall be exempt from criminal liability
and shall be committed to the care of his or her father or mother, or nearest relative or family friend in
the discretion of the court and subject to its supervision. The same shall be done for a child over nine
years and under fifteen years ofage at the time of the commission of the offense, unless he [or she] acted
with discernment, in which case he [or she] shall be proceeded against in accordance with Article 192.
Dissenting Opinion 7 G.R. No. 238798
See Sedfrey M. Candelaria, ACA Nimfa Cuesta-Vilches, and Rita Marie L. Mesina, The Juvenile Justice
and Welfare Act of 2006: Changing Patterns and Responses jor Juvenile Offending, ATENEO LAW
JOURNAL (Vol. 52) (2007). p. 293.
19 A/RES/40/33 (November 29 . 1985). In the article of Klarise Anne C. Estorninos, Batang Bata Ka Pa:
An Analysis of the Philippine Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility in Light <~f International
Standards, ATENEO LAW JOURNAL (Vol. 62) (2017), p. 268, she observes that:
B. It should be based on the emotional, mental, and intellectual maturity of the child
The requirement that the [minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR)] should
be based on the emotional, mental, and intellectual maturity was set by the Beijing Rules
even before the [Convention on the Rights of the Child] came to be. These criteria show
the importance of considering the psychological and socio-anthropological component of
the juvenile justice system aside from the legal component. Many studies have shown
that the part of the brain that is responsible for planning and impulse control, among
others, is not fully developed until one is in their 20s. Hence, there is a need for a more
lenient approach toward children who commit crimes.
The Philippine MACR was set at 15 because of certain studies. One study by the
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (which studied the age of discernment of Filipino
children in school) set the age at 15. Another study done by the Philippine Action for
Youth Offenders, which studied the age of Filipino children out of school (a common
status of youth in the Philippines), set the MACR at 18. As a compromise, Philippine
legislators settled for 15 after studying the ages that different countries set. (Emphasis
N.B. The Supreme Court of the United States held in Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005) that minors
under 18 years of age and adults cannot be classified together for the following reasons: (I) "'lack of
maturity and an undeveloped sense of responsibility are found in youth more often than in adults" (p.
569); (2) "juveniles are more vulnerable or susceptible to negative influences and outside pressures,
including peer pressure" (p. 569); and (3) "the character of a juvenile is not a,; well formed as that of
adult. The personality traits of juveniles are more transitory, less fixed"' (p. 570).
Dissenting Opinion 8 G.R. No. 238798
In this connection, it has been pointed out that while the prosecution
and the RTC did not ask probing questions to establish discernment, the CA
nevertheless determined in its Decision that CICL XXX acted with
discernment. In fact, the ponencia uses this determination by the CA to bridge
the gap in the evidence to convict CICL XXX.
To reiterate, none of these were discussed by the RTC, and the CA was
also not in a position to personally determine the same as CICL XXX
never testified! in person before it. How could the CA, therefore, have
determined the presence of discernment?
llave v. People, supra note 8, at 367.
Dissenting Opinion 9 G.R. No. 238798
Supreme Court Revised Rule on Children in Conflict with the Law, must be
undertaken immediately after apprehension, and must be contained in the
requisite case report. 22 This preliminary assessment enables the minor to be
evaluated by a trained social worker who, at the earliest opportunity following
the offense, may pointedly gauge and examine for either the presence or
absence of discernment, as the case may be.
Despite this, the ponencia excuses both the prosecution and the RTC
for not availing itself of any of these methods on the reasoning that R.A. No.
9344 became effective three years after the Information in this case had been
filed. It is worth reiterating, however, that the prosecution and the RTC had
eight more years from the time of the law's effectivity until the promulgation
of the RTC's Judgment. The State had ample time to establish that CICL XXX
acted with discernment. It had more than ample time to establish an element
of his criminal liability, and to simply excuse the same would be to disregard
a clear substantive right of an accused.
See also DSWD Administrative Order No. 10, s. 2007 titled "GUIDELINES FOR SOCIAL WORKERS
enumerates the steps to be undertaken by a social worker immediately after being notified by !av/
'.,t,;_ sociaW Justice