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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree



ROORKEE - 247 667 (INDIA)
JUNE, 2006. _

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in this dissertation,


POWER GENERATION", in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of

the degree of "Master of Technology" in "Alternate Hydro Energy Systems",

submitted in Alternate Hydro Energy Center, Indian Institute of Technology,

Roorkee is an authentic record of my own work carried out during the period from Oct.

2007 to June 2008 under the supervision of Shri. S. N. Singh, Senior Scientific

Officer and Dr. R. P. Saini, Associate Professor, Alternate Hydro Energy Center,

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

I have not submitted the matter embodied in this dissertation for award of any other.


Dated: June,21 , 2008


This is certified that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the

best of my knowledge.

(S. .SINGH) (R.. SAIlVI)~

Alternate Hydro Energy Center Alternate Hydro Energy Center
Indian Institute of Technology Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, 247667 Roorkee, 247667

It is my proud privilege to express my sincere gratitude to Shri S.N.Singh,

Senior Scientific Officer and Dr. R.P.Saini, Associate professor, Alternate Hydro

Energy Center, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee for their kind cooperation,

invaluable guidance & constant inspiration throughout this work.

I also express my heart felt gratitude to Shri Arun Kumar, Head, Alternate

Hydro Energy Center, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee for his motivation

and full cooperation during the work of dissertation.

I am also grateful to all faculty members and staff of Alternate Hydro Energy

Center, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

I extend my thanks to all classmates who have given their full cooperation and

valuable suggestion for my dissertation work.

Last but not the least, I would like to express my humble respect and special

thanks to my parents & others who directly or indirectly helped me during the

completion of this dissertation work.

Dated: June,, 2008



Wind power is the world's fastest growing energy sources. There are many

thousands of wind turbines operating, with a total capacity 94,123 MW of which India

account for 8000 MW with an annual growth of 27%. In recent years Wind energy

technology has experienced important improvements due to increased penetration of

wind power into electricity grid. Wind energy conversion systems become a focal point

in the research of renewable energy sources. Most of the existing large systems are

built or planned to run at constant speed in synchronization with a utility grid. The

transition from fixed speed to variable speed wind turbines has been a significant

improvement in this technology. Doubly fed induction generator wind turbines are

largely developed due to their variable speed feature. The response of wind turbine to

grid disturbance is an important issue, especially since the rated power of the wind

turbine is increases therefore it is important to study the effect of grid disturbances on

the wind turbine.

Under the present dissertation the characteristics of fixed speed induction

generator and doubly fed induction generator during wind speed fluctuation and grid

disturbance are studied. MATLAB/Simulink software has been used to observe the

characteristics of wind turbines during wind speed fluctuation and during fault on

network. Simulation results show that fixed speed induction generator wind turbine

system will provide fluctuation in generated voltage as well as generated power as wind

speed varies also this system shows poor system stability during system disturbances.

Whereas doubly fed induction generator wind turbine system shows improved system

stability during wind speed variation and power system disturbances. Power electronics
converters used in DFIG system is the most sensitive parts of the variable speed wind

turbines with regards to system disturbances. To protect is from excessive current

DFIG system is equipped with over current and DC voltage overload protection system

which trip the system under abnormal conditions.


Title Page No.









1.1 General 1

1.2 Wind Energy 2

1.2.1 Power in the Wind 3

1.2.2 World Wind Energy Scenario 4

1.2.3 India Wind Energy Scenario 5

1.3 Wind Energy Conversion System 6

1.3.1 Wind Turbine Generators 8

1.4 Literature Review 11

1.5 Objective of Study 25

1.6 Presentation of Thesis in Chapters 26


2.1 Conventional Fixed Speed Concept 27

2.2 Variable Speed Wind Turbine 30

2.2.1 Induction Generator with full rated converter 31

2.2.2 Doubly Fed Induction Generator System 33


3.1 Ganeral 37

3.1.1 FSIG Model 37

3.1.2 DFIG Model 39



4.1 FSIG Wind Turbine System 48

4.1.1 Analysis of FSIG wind turbine system 51

4.2 DFIG Wind Turbine System 57

4.2.1 Analysis of DFIG wind turbine system 59

4.3 Comparison of Power Generated 68



5.1 Fault Analysis for FSIG 70

5.1.1 FSIG connected to weak network 70

5.1.2 FSIG connected to strong network 73

5.2 Fault Analysis for DFIG 75

5.2.1 DFIG connected to weak network 75

5.2.2 Voltage restoration capability of DFIG 78



6.1 Analysis of DFIG Wind Turbine during Disturbance 80

6.1.1 Analysis for three phase to ground (3LG) fault 80

6.1.2 Action of protection system 86


7.1 Conclusion 92

7.2 Recommendation 94




Fig. No. Description Page No.

Fig: 1.1 Wind energy conversion systems 8

Fig: 2.1 Fixed speed wind turbine equipped with induction generator 28

Fig: 2.2 Variable speed wind turbine with full rated converter connected

induction generator 31

Fig: 2.3 Active and reactive power flow in full rated converter connected

induction generator 32

Fig: 2.4 Variable Speed Wind turbines with DFIG 34

Fig: 2.5 Active and Reactive power flow in DFIG with regard to

speed regimes 35

Fig: 3.1 The wind turbine and Fixed Speed Induction Generator System 38

Fig: 3.2 Pitch angle controllers 38

Fig: 3.3 The wind turbine and Doubly Fed Induction Generator System 39

Fig: 3.4 Active and reactive power flows in WT-DFIG system 41

Fig: 3.5 Turbine characteristics and tracking characteristic 43

Fig: 3.6 Rotor-side and Grid-side converters 44

Fig: 3.7 Rotor side controllers 45

Fig: 3.8 V-I Characteristics 46

Fig: 3.9 Grid side controllers 47

Fig: 3.10 Pitch angle controller 47

Fig: 4.1 FSIG wind turbine system connected to grid 49

Fig: 4.2 (a) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for constant

wind speed 52

Fig: 4.2 (b) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for constant

wind speed 53

Fig: 4.3 (a) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for step increase in

wind speed 54

Fig: 4.3 (b) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for step increase in

wind speed 55

Fig: 4.4 (a) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for noise component

in wind speed 56

Fig: 4.4 (b) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for noise component

in wind speed 57

Fig 4.5 DFIG wind turbine system connected to grid 58

Fig: 4.6 Rotor speed and rotor voltage for operation in sub-synchronous

and super-synchronous region 60

Fig: 4.7 Rotor speed and rotor voltage for operation up to speed limits 61

Fig: 4.8 DFIG system stator and rotor powers 62

Fig: 4.9 (a) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for constant

wind speed 63

Fig: 4.9 (b) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for constant

wind speed 64

Fig: 4.10 (a) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for step increase

in wind speed 65

Fig: 4.10 (b) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for step increase

in wind speed 66

Fig: 4.11 (a) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for noise component

in wind speed 67

Fig: 4.11 (b) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for noise component

in wind speed 68

Fig: 5.1 Fault analysis of FSIG wind turbine system 71

Fig: 5.2 Rotor speed and generated voltage of FSIG wind turbine system

during fault (Connected to weak network) 72

Fig: 5.3 Rotor speed and generated voltage of FSIG wind turbine system

during fault (Connected to strong network) 73

Fig: 5.4 Rotor speed and generated voltage of FSIG wind turbine system

during fault (Connected to strong network with increased fault

duration) 74

Fig: 5.5 DFIG wind turbine system for fault analysis 76

Fig: 5.6 Rotor current and generated voltage of DFIG wind turbine system

(Connected to weak network) 77

Fig: 5.7 Rotor current and generated voltage of DFIG wind turbine system

(Connected to weak network with increased fault duration) 78

Fig: 5.8 Generated voltage of DFIG connected to strong network

during fault 79

Fig. 6.1 DFIG wind turbine during fault 81

Fig: 6.2 Stator voltage 82

Fig: 6.3 Rotor speed 83

Fig: 6.4 Stator current 84

Fig: 6.5 Rotor current 84

Fig: 6.6 Stator active power 85

Fig: 6.7 DC — link voltage 85

Fig. 6.8 DFIG wind turbine system with protection system 87

Fig: 6.9 Stator voltage after fault (without disconnection of generator) 88

Fig: 6.10 Stator current after fault (without disconnection of generator) 89

Fig: 6.11 Stator active power after fault (without disconnection of generator) 89

Fig: 6.12 Stator voltage after fault, with disconnection of generator

(Point D indicate point of generator disconnection) 90

Fig: 6.13 Stator current after fault, with disconnection of generator

(Point D indicate point of generator disconnection) 91

Fig: 6.14 Stator active power after fault, with disconnection of generator. 91


Table No. Description Page No.

Table 1.1 Total installed wind power capacity in world 4

Table 1.2 Installed wind power capacity in India 6

Table 1.3 Components of Wind Energy Conversion System and

there function 7

Table 3.1 Parameters of DFIG 41

Table 4.1 Induction Generator Parameters 50

Table 4.2 Transformer parameters 50

Table 4.3 Transmission line parameters 50

Table 4.4 DFIG Converter Parameters 59

Table 4.5 Power generated by FSIG and DFIG wind turbine system 68

BC Before Christ

USA United States of America

FSIG Fixed speed induction generator

DFIG Double fed induction generator

AC Alternating current

DC Direct current

WECS Wind energy conversion system

kW Kilowatt

MW Megawatt

LS Low speed

HS High speed

VSC Voltage source converter

SCR Silicon controlled rectifier

PWM Pulse width modulation

MVA Mega volt ampere

WT-DFIG Wind Turbine Double Fed Induction Generator

WT-FSIG Wind Turbine Fixed Speed Induction Generator

PI Proportional Integral

V Volt

kV Kilovolt

km Kilometer

Hz Hertz

Pu Perunit

kvar Kilo volt ampere reactive

Mvar Mega volt ampere reactive

IGBT Insulated gate bipolar junction transistor

µs micro second

deg. Degree

V-I Voltage- current

d-q Direct — quadrature

sec Seconds

m/s Meter per second

3LG Three phase line to ground




Energy is an essential ingredient of socio-economic development and economic

growth. The production and consumption of energy is often linked to other major issues

in the society including poverty alleviation, environmental degradation and security

concerns. Energy is available in two different alternatives, non-renewable (coal, fuel,

natural gas) and renewable (solar, wind, small hydro) sources. Most of the developing

nations are poor in conventional fossil fuel resources and have to import them at the

.expense of their foreign exchange reserves. The reserves of fossil fuel such as coal, oil

and gas are continuously depleting due to large scale exploitation. Due to constant

increase in the price of fossil fuel and its consequent effect on the environment and

ecology there is a consciousness all over the world of the importance for power

generation from renewable energy sources, wherever it is possible. Renewable energy

sources are indigenous and can help reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Renewable

energy also provides national energy security at a time when decreasing global reserves

of fossil fuel threatens the long term sustainability of the Indian economy. Renewable

energy is expected to create maximum impact in the production of electricity.

Out of all renewable energy sources, wind energy is the most promising due to

its cost effectiveness and environmental friendly nature. No other renewable energy

based electricity producing technology has attained the same level of maturity as wind

power. There are no major technical barriers to large scale penetration of wind power.

During the last decade, wind energy. -is developed and extended to industrial use in
some European countries including Germany, Denmark and Spain. Their success in

wind energy generation has encouraged other countries to consider wind energy also in

their electricity generation systems. Its clean, economic, practical and renewable

interaction with the environment soon draws attention from political, business circles

and individuals.

In recent years, following the oil crisis of 1973, some researches and power

engineers focused their attention on the economical utilization of wind energy. Modern

power system in the industrialized world is characterized by massive incorporation of

electricity producing wind turbines. This development is the result of successfully

developing wind technology, the incorporation of more renewable energy and a

stronger demand for reducing pollution and improving the environment. Electricity

producing wind turbines are today the largest source of environmental friendly energy

production as they have gained the largest power efficiency compared to other forms

using natural free-of-charge energy sources such as tidal, wave and sun.


The power of the wind has been utilized for at least 3000 years. Wind energy

first used for boat navigation on the Nile River 5000 BC: During the same period,

windmills pumped water in China. The first written information on wind turbines is

based on a simple structural horizontal axis wind turbine during the region of

Alexander the Great. It is known that the Persians used vertical axis wind turbines

during 700 BC.

Windmills are introduced to the western world at the beginning of the 12th

century from Islamic world. In 1891, the Dane, Poul LaCour built the first wind-turbine

generated electricity. Danish engineers improved the technology during the World wars

I and II and used the technology to overcome energy shortages. Since then, there have

been some advances in understanding the aerodynamics and other fundamental

technological areas are continuously done.

1.2.1 Power in the Wind

The power in the wind can be computed by using the concept of kinetics. The

wind mill works on the principle of converting kinetic energy of wind to mechanical

energy. The power is equal to energy per unit time. The energy available is the kinetic

energy of the wind. The kinetic energy of any particle is equal to one half its mass

times the square of its velocity, .or mV z . The amount of air passing in unit time,

through an areaA , with velocity V , is A x V, and its mass m is

m = pAV (1)

Where, p = density of air (kg/m3)

m = mass of air transferring the area A in unit time (in kg)

Substituting the value of the mass in the expression for the kinetic energy, we obtain

Kinetic energy (in unit time) = I pAV 3 Watt (2)

For circular area of diameter D (m) in horizontal axis aero turbine the area

A = f D2
4 (3)

Therefore available wind power P = 2 p 4 D ZV 3 watts (4)

In practice the actual output will be smaller than that represented by equation (4) due to

inability of rotor to convert the entire kinetic energy, available in the wind. This is

represented by C p (power coefficient), which varies as a function of velocity having the

maximum value at the design wind speed. The power coefficient C, gives the fraction

of kinetic energy that is converted into mechanical energy by wind turbine.

1.2.2 World Wind Energy Scenario

There are many thousands of wind turbines operating, with a total capacity of

94,123 MW of which Germany accounts for 23.6 %. Germany, Spain, the United State,

India, and Denmark have made the largest investments in wind generated electricity.

Total installed wind power capacity in world is given in Table 1.1:

Table 1.1 Total installed wind power capacity in world [1]

S.No. Nation Installed Capacity (MW)

1 Germany 22,247

2 US 16,818

3 Spain 15,145

4 India 8,000

5 China 6,050

6 Denmark 3,125

7 Italy 2,726

8 France 2,454

9 UK 2,389

10 Portugal 2,150

11 Rest of the World 13.019

12 Total 94,123

1.2.3 India Wind Energy Scenario

The worldwide installed capacity of wind power reached 94,123 MW. Germany

(22,247 MW), USA (16,828 MW) and Spain (15,145 MW) are ahead of India (8000

MW) in fourth position [1]. Total installed wind power capacity in India is given in


Wind power is the world's fastest growing energy sources with a growth at an

annual rate in excess of 30% and a foreseeable penetration of 12% of global electricity

demand by 2020 [2]. This important growth has been achieved by concentrating on the

economical utilization of wind energy on a large scale. Consequently extensive

research and development activities have been going on the development,

manufacturing and erection of cost effective and reliable wind system for various


Table 1.2 Installed wind power capacity in India [1]

S.No. State Installed capacity (MW)

1 Tamil Nadu . 3457.5

2 Maharashtra 1484.9

3 Rajasthan Karnataka 969.9

4 Karnataka 849.4

5 Gujarat 700.1

6 Andhra Pradesh 121.8

7 Madhya Pradesh 57.8

8 Kerala 12.5

9 Others 346.1

10 Total 8,000


Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) convert the energy in moving air

(the wind) to electrical energy. The basic idea is quite simple and has been around for

centuries the wind strikes some sort of set of blades mounted on a shaft that is free to

rotate. The wind hitting the blades generates a force that turns the shaft, and this

rotational kinetic energy may then be used for any of a number of purposes

(historically, things like pumping water, moving a saw, or turning grain-grinding

stones, to name a few). Table 1.3 shows the components of wind turbine system.

Table 1.3 Components of Wind Energy Conversion System and there function [3]

Component Function

Blade Converts Kinetic energy of wind to physical motion

Hub Supports blades and converts, physical motion into rotary movement
of shaft

Shaft Supports the rotor and transmits rotary motion to gear box

Bearing Support and allow rotary motion of shaft


Gearbox Convert low rpm of shaft to match the higher generator rpm

Brake Consist of discs, calipers, and hydraulic system. Allows or stop the
shaft motion

Coupling Joins the output shaft of gearbox to the generator

Generator Convert rotary motion of shaft to Electric Power

Yaw control Aligns the rotor in changing wind directions

Nacelle base Consists if steel frame which supports various components as bearing
and cover housing, gearbox, generator, yaw motor, etc. Cover protects these
components from vagaries of weather such as heat, dust and rain

Tower Takes the machine above the ground level for better and uniform
winds and also for safety from rotor

Controller Start up, display and monitor of parameter, operation, stoppage and,
protection of machine

In a `NECS, the rotating shaft turns an electric generator that converts the

rotational kinetic energy to electric energy. There is a mechanical interface system

between turbine and generator and a controller to control the operation of generator and

turbine. The schematic of basic components of a wind — electric conversion system are

shown in Fig. 1.1. Wind energy conversion systems have become a focal point in the

research of renewable energy sources. Many in the electric utility business are

beginning to look at large scale wind power projects as an alternative to conventional

capacity expansion in the face of high electricity demands and growing uncertainties in

conventional generation. The aim of wind turbine system development is to

continuously increase output power. The performance of WECSs depends upon

subsystems like wind turbine and generator.







Fig: 1.1 Wind energy conversion system [4]

1.3.1 Wind Turbine Generators Synchronous Generator:

The major advantage of synchronous generator is that its reactive power

characteristics can be controllable, and therefore such machines can be used to supply

reactive power to other items of power systems that require reactive power.

Synchronous generators, when fitted to a wind turbine, must be controlled carefully to

prevent the rotor speed accelerating through synchronous speed especially during

turbulent winds. Synchronous generators are costlier than induction generators,

particularly in smaller size ranges. Synchronous generators are more prone to failures

[5]. Induction generators:

An induction generator offers many advantages over a conventional

synchronous generator as a source of isolated power supply. Reduced unit cost,

ruggedness, brushless (in squirrel cage construction), reduced size, absence of separate

DC source and ease of maintenance, self-protection against severe overloads and short

circuits are the main advantages. Further, induction generators are loosely coupled

devices, i.e. they are heavily damped and, therefore, have the ability to absorb slight

changes in rotor speed, and drive train transients to some extent, can, therefore, be

absorbed, whereas synchronous generators are closely coupled devices and when used

in wind turbines, are subjected to turbulence and require additional damping devices,

such as flexible couplings in the drive train or mounting the gearbox assembly on

springs and dampers. Reactive power consumption and poor voltage regulation under

varying speed are the major drawbacks of the induction generators, but the

development of static power converters has facilitated control of the output of voltage

of the induction generator, within limits. The major part of the wind turbine concepts

are today induction generator based. This implies that an induction generator is applied

to convert the mechanical power of the rotor into active electrical power supplied to the

power grid [5].

The most important parameter that will influence the feasibility of WECS is the

amount of wind energy available at potential sites: However, the total annual energy

output and the timing of the electricity production depend on the WECS design for

which variable shaft speed and constant shaft speed operations are two major

possibilities. Most of the existing large systems are built or planned to run at constant

speed in synchronization with a utility grid. However, since the generator is made to

run at a constant speed in spite of fluctuation in wind speed, it will results in fluctuation

of generated voltage as well as output power. Also it cannot optimally use the available

wind power due to constant speed operation. In order to withdraw as much energy as

possible from the often strongly fluctuating wind, the WECS should be able to follow

these variations so that maximum power can be obtained for most of the time. This is

especially important at lower wind speeds which occur frequently. For this purpose

variable speed systems are used. In these systems, the turbine is allowed to rotate at

different speeds with the varying wind speed. It is usually desired to ensure optimum

power transfer. Maximum power is achieved by ensuring operation where the turbine is

most efficient.

However since variable speed produces a variable frequency voltage, a power

electronic convertor must be used to connect the constant frequency grid. The power

converter size in the above system can be reduced by using it on the rotor side of a

wound rotor induction generator. The generator rotor is connected to the power grid

through an AC/DC/AC frequency converter which distinguishes this concept from

other. This arrangement is called Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). The power

convertor consist is now connected between rotor and grid, so it needs to carry only the

slip power, the magnitude of which will be machine slip times the stator power. Hence

convertor size reduced and hence cost [6].

The major advantage of DFIG system, which has made it popular, is that the

power electronic equipment only has to handle a fraction of the total system power.

This means that the losses in the power electronic equipment can be reduce in

comparison to power electronic equipment that has to handle total system power as for

a direct — driven synchronous generator, hence saving in cost of converter. Other

advantages of variable speed operation of wind turbine are possibility to reduce stresses

of mechanical structure, acoustic noise reduction and possibility to control active and

reactive power.


Literature review has revealed that a lot of work has been reported on doubly

fed induction generator for wind power generation. It is beyond the scope of this

dissertation to cover all aspects of it operations and therefore, a brief review of

literature presented.

The extensive research on the analysis, operation and control of induction

generator was started in late seventies after the oil crisis faced worldwide. It was

realized that fossil fuel would be exhausted completely after certain period of time and

excessive use of other conventional energy would results in serious environmental

degradation such as global warming. Hence, the greater emphasis was laid on the

efficient utilization of fossil fuel reserves and on exploring the renewable energy

sources for electricity generation. Wind had been identified as the potential source for

electric power generation and induction generator had been used for efficient

conversion of wind energy into electric energy.

A fixed speed system, even though more simple and reliable, severely limits the
energy output of a wind turbine. Since there was no torque control loop, fluctuations in

generated power are more. In order to withdraw as much energy as possible from the

strongly fluctuating wind, the WECS should be able to follow these variations so that

maximum power can be obtained for most of the time hence variable speed WECS

were proposed. Synchronous as well as induction generator can be used for variable

speed generation The major advantage of synchronous generator was that its reactive

power characteristic can be controlled, and therefore such machines can be used to

supply reactive power to other items of power systems that require reactive power [5].

An induction generator requires reactive power but offers many advantages over

a conventional synchronous generator as reduced unit cost, ruggedness, brushless (in

squirrel cage construction), reduced size, absence, of separate DC source and ease of

maintenance, self-protection against severe overloads and short circuits are the main

advantages. Further, induction generators were loosely coupled devices, i.e. they were

heavily damped and, therefore, have the ability to absorb slight changes in rotor speed,

and drive train transients to some extent, can, therefore, be absorbed, whereas

synchronous generators were closely coupled devices and when used in wind turbines,

are subjected to turbulence and require additional damping devices, such as flexible

couplings in the drive train or mounting the gearbox assembly on springs and dampers


Rajib Datta and V. T. Ranganathan presented a comparison of a wind energy

conversion system (WECS) using grid-connected wound rotor induction machine

controlled from the rotor side was compared with both fixed speed and variable speed

systems using cage rotor induction machine and it was concluded from this

comparative study that a variable speed system using wound rotor induction machine

was superior because of higher energy output, lower rating (hence, lower cost) of

converters, and better utilization of a generator when compared to the existing systems

using a cage rotor induction machine. In this case, the rated torque was maintained even

at super synchronous speeds whereas, in a system using cage rotor machine, field

weakening had to be employed beyond synchronous speed, leading to reduction of

torque. It was therefore possible to operate the proposed system up to higher wind

velocities. The voltage rating of the power devices and do bus capacitor was

substantially reduced. The size of the line side inductor also decreased [7].

Reactive power consumption and poor voltage regulation under varying speed

were the major drawbacks of the induction generators, but the development of static

power converters had facilitated control of the output of voltage of the induction

generator, within limits [5]. The silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) due to their fast

switching characteristics had contributed significantly in the development of WECS

using induction generator. The exhaustive research and development on the power

generation, from wind resources through different schemes using SCR's, had resulted

in significant progress in the wind energy electric system for supplying isolated load as

well as grid connected. An extensive research and development activity had been going

on since 1973 on the development, manufacturing and erection of cost effective wind

systems for electricity generation.

The variable speed operation produces variable frequency output, hence a

converter-inverter arrangement was needed to connect the variable frequency generated

power to constant frequency grid. Since the power converter had to convert all the

stator power, the converter size depends on the stator power ratings. Using it on the

rotor side of a wound rotor induction generator i.e. by use of doubly fed induction

generator can reduce the power converter size in the above system. DFIG machine had

a number of advantages over the induction generator. The DFIG machine had a number

of advantages over the induction generator. Because the rotor frequency was essentially

decoupled from the grid, it can operate over a wider slip range (e.g. +/- 20%) compared

to 0 to 2% for a conventional induction machine [8]. Also the DFIG can therefore

manage active and reactive power independently by controls on the grid and rotor side

converters. The reactive power was created by the rotor side converter by the firing

angle and thus the field angle relative to the rotating field in the stator. The stator

similarly appeared as a unity power factor device even at starting. It required a

converter-inverter arrangement, but the maximum expected power through the

converter to or from the rotor was about 25% of the total output power of the generator.

Therefore the converters were found cost effective [8].

Variable shaft speed schemes employing induction generators had been studied

more closely and M. Ermis, H. B. Ertan and M Demirekler emphasize important

aspects of the findings. It was shown that a wound rotor induction machine can be used

to obtain a good quality constant frequency, constant voltage supply from a variable

shaft speed turbine for both autonomous and grid connected applications. The results

show that approximately 10% higher energy output can be obtained from a squirrel

cage induction generator driven by a variable shaft speed turbine than from a

synchronous generator driven at a constant speed. For the specific site consideration it

was found that as much as 40% more of the wind energy can be captured by a variable

speed system [9]. The doubly fed induction machine received the attention of many

authors concerning its behavior. This interest was produced from requests for more

efficient and reliable industrial drives systems as well as for application in wind power

generation unit employing doubly fed induction generators. This new application

requires the continuous improvement of the analytical and numerical methods which

were useful to the modern control of induction machine.

M. G. Ioannides present a paper on new state variable model for the doubly fed

induction machine in terms of displacement of both stator and rotor voltage magnitudes

and phase angle [10]. Beginning from the liberalized complex variable equations

describing small signal dynamic performance, the state variables model in terms of

magnitude and angle of both stator and rotor voltage was deduced, solved and compare

to the d-q model. The coincidence of response of both models was found. The study of

dynamic stability shows that the regions of instability were influenced by the variations

of speed, of rms value and of phase angle of rotor applied voltage. The transfer function

relates the variation of electromagnetic torque and speed to the variation of each of the

stator and rotor voltages and to load torque were' deduced from this state variable


Modeling and output power optimization of a wind turbine driven double output

induction generator was done on a reference frame model by M.Y.Uctug, I.

Eskandarzadeh and H. Ince. [11]. A double output induction generator driven by wind

turbine was studied. The reference frame model of the system including a fully

controlled rectifier on the rotor side was derived. Based on this model, the steady state

equations were obtained in terms of the stator and rotor currents, rotor voltage and slip.

These equations were solved both with a model of a wind turbine and that of. a DC

motor driving the double output induction generator. The results were compared with

experimental ones. Finally, an optimization problem was formulated to investigate the

condition of transferring maximum power from the wind turbine to the grid system, and

was shown that using a double output induction generator in either sub synchronous or

super-synchronous modes, it was possible to transfer maximum power to the network


in a wide range of wind speeds without exceeding the rating of the induction generator


A novel control strategy to realize decoupled control of torque and reactive

power for a doubly excited induction machine using position sensor less scheme was

proposed by Longya Xu,,, and Wei Cheng [12]. The critical issues related to the torque

angle estimation and control for a doubly excited induction machine was discussed.

Compared to the other position sensor less schemes for doubly fed machine, the

proposed control method uses only the rotor voltages and currents as the feedback

signals, which substantially reduces the costs and enhances the reliability of the

position sensor less control of a doubly fed ac machine. The theoretical results were

verified by computer simulation and lab experiments and concluded that for torque

angle estimation in a position sensor less scheme, information related to both torque

(active power) and reactive power must be used to uniquely determine the torque angle.

The estimation was independent to the selection of reference frames, and to the rotor or

stator circuits. Torque angle control technique could be used to replace rotor position

sensor for high-performance vector control of doubly-excited ac machines. Independent

control of the reactive power could also be achieved by the position sensor less control


The doubly fed induction machine using an AC-AC converter in the rotor

circuit (Scherbius drive) had long been a standard drive option for high-power

applications involving a limited speed range. The power converter need only be rated to

handle the rotor power. Vector-control techniques for the independent control of torque

and rotor excitation current were well known. Wind-energy generation was regarded as

a natural application for the Scherbius DFIG system, since the speed range (from cut-in

to rated wind velocity) may be considered restricted. Most Scherbius DFIG systems

reported employ either a current-fed (naturally commutated) DC-Link converter [13,

14, and 15] or cycloconverter in the rotor circuit. The use of a current-fed DC-link

converter had a number of disadvantages: the DC-link choke was expensive, and an

extra commutation circuit was required for operation at synchronous speed (which lies

within the operational speed range), and this had resulted in poor performance at low

slip speeds. In addition, such a converter drawed rectangular current waveforms from

the supply.

The problem at synchronous speed may be overcome by use of a

cycloconverter, and vector- controlled Scherbius schemes with 6-pulse cycloconverters.

Both of these schemes had the disadvantage of requiring a transformer to form the

neutral; in addition, naturally commutated DC-link and cycloconverter schemes may, in

many cases, require a transformer for voltage matching. The disadvantages of the

naturally commutated DC-link and cycloconverter schemes could be overcome by the

use of two pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage-fed current-regulated inverters

connected back-to-back in the rotor circuit. Doubly fed induction generator using

back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable speed wind-energy

generation was presented by R. Pena, J.C. Clare and G. M. Asher [16]. The engineering

and design aspects of a DFIG working with a Scherbius scheme, consisting of two

back-to-back PWM converters, had been presented. An experimental transputer

controlled system had been described, and the fundamental operational advantages

have been verified. These include the smooth operation through synchronous speed,

low distortion currents fed to the supply and the ability to control the system power

factor. Vector-control techniques have been applied to both converters. The vector

control for the machine had been embedded in an optimal tracking controller for

maximum energy capture in a wind energy application. Two such tracking schemes

have been described, and experimentally implemented, and the superiority of speed-

mode control for dynamic speed performance has been shown. This scheme employed

a torque observer, which also allows for simple implementation of stall regulation to

protect against generator overload.

Andew Miller, Edward Muljadi and Donald S. Zinger proposed a simple

frequency a simple frequency control operated at a constant V/Hz is capable of

controlling the power flow of the system to match the maximum power coefficient of a

wind turbine for standard operating ranges. This control did not require sophisticated

algorithms as do other variable speed control Schemes and can be implemented using a

standard induction motor and drive with a minimum of sensors. Simulation and

experimental results in a small system show the control is capable of shaping the power

to match the maximum Cp operating condition and place limits on the speed and

power. Simulation results of a full scale system show similar results with a considerable

increase in total energy generated when compared to constant speed systems. When

compared with other variable speed systems this control caused fewer power

pulsations. This simple control was therefore capable- of achieving improved

performance using a standard induction machine and drive [17].

A. Perdana, 0. Carlson, and J. Persson studied the Dynamic Response of Grid-

Connected Wind Turbine with Doubly Fed Induction Generator during Disturbances

and concluded that Wind power generation with DFIG provides better performance for

terminal voltage recovery after fault clearance owing to its ability to control reactive

power. However DFIG was sensitive to severe voltage dips that result in an. excessive

stator and rotor current, which leads to the rotor converter being, blocked [18]. Early

wind farms employed simple squirrel cage induction generators that operate at a speed

that is substantially constant and as a consequence of this were normally referred to as

fixed speed induction generator (FSIG). While it can be shown that such FSIG-based

wind farms can provide a contribution to network damping, their ability to survive

network faults is poor. F. Michael Hughes, Olimpo Anaya-Lara, Nicholas Jenkins, and

Goran Strbac proposed a Power System Stabilizer for DFIG-Based Wind Generation.

The proposed PSS had been shown to provide a DFIG-based wind farm with a

consistently enhanced contribution to network damping over the full operating slip

range envisaged for a DFIG. This range covers both the sub-synchronous and super-

synchronous operating regions [19].

Wind energy was often installed in rural, remote areas characterized by weak,

unbalanced power transmission grids. In induction wind generators, unbalanced three-

phase stator voltages cause a number of problems, such as over current, unbalanced

currents, reactive power pulsations, and stress on the mechanical components from

torque pulsations. Therefore, beyond a certain amount of unbalance, induction wind

generators are switched out of the network. This can further weaken the grid. In doubly

fed induction generators (DFIGs), control of the rotor currents allows for adjustable

speed operation and reactive power control. A control methodology for the operation of

DFIGs with unbalanced stator voltages was presented by Ted K. A. Brekken and Ned

Mohan Simulation and hardware testing have shown that the control was simple to

implement and very effective at compensating for the torque pulsations, reactive power

pulsations, and unbalanced stator current that normally occur when stator voltage was

unbalanced. This greatly reduces the wear on the mechanical components, such as the

shaft, gear box, and blade assembly, and also improves the quality of the power fed into

the grid. The presented control topology allows the generator to tolerate a much larger

stator-voltage unbalance than was acceptable with standard controllers [20]. Modeling

of wind turbine with a doubly fed induction generator for grid integration was also

presented by Yazhou Lei,Alan Mullane ,Gordon Lighbody and Robert Yacamini [21].

In this they developed a simple DFIG wind turbine model in which the power converter

was simulated as a controlled voltage source, regulating the rotor current to meet the

command of real and reactive power production. The model was simulated on the

power system simulation such as PSS/E.

Adjustable speed will improve the system efficiency since the turbine speed can

be adjusted as a function of wind speed to maximize output. A dynamic model of

adjustable speed doubly fed induction generator was developed in EMTDC/PSCAD by

Hans Overseth Rostoen, Tore M. Undeland and Terje Gjengedal to develop decoupled

control of torque and reactive power [22].

Jorun I. Marvik, Torstein Bjorgum, Bjarne I. Naess, Tore M. Undeland, Terje

Gjengedal proposed the control of a wind turbine with a doubly fed induction generator

after transient failures [23]. In this the stability problems were pointed out and there

are also many papers describing control strategies for wind turbines equipped with

doubly fed induction generators. This paper focuses on stability after a transient failure

for wind turbines equipped with a doubly fed induction machine, some of the proposed

control solutions are tested in PSCAD/EMTDC. The size of the dc-link capacitance and

the control strategy of the grid connected converter affect the qualities of the total

DFIG system. Using a flux controller make the DFIG robust against voltage drops. It

also damps the torque oscillation rapidly, and therefore could increase the lifetime of

the gear and the reliability of the machine.

Modeling and real time simulation of a generic wind turbine doubly fed

induction generator in a power system was proposed by Richard Gagnon, Gilbert

Sybille, serge Bernard , Daniel, and Christian Larose. MATLAB/Simulink software

was used to develop the wind turbine DFIG model. The generated code of the simulink

model is linked to the Hypersim digital real time simulator in order to simulate the

system together with the wind turbine [24]. The case study illustrates three 750 MW

wind farms connected to a transmission system with a total of 25000 MVA of hydro

power generation. Each wind farm was simulated by a single wind turbine block with

the appropriate ratings of generator (835 MVA), turbine (750 MW) and converter (375

MVA). The capacitance value of the DC link is related to the WT-DFIG (wind turbine

doubly fed induction generator) rating and to the DC link nominal voltage. Results

shows that DC bus voltages of the wind turbines are strongly affected by the fault even

if this one is far from the wind farms. This suggests that nearby faults should be

simulated to study their impacts on the wind farms and also on the power system.

A control of a doubly-fed induction generator for wind energy conversion

systems was presented by F. Poitiers, M. Machmoum, R. Le Doeuff and M.E. Zaim

[25]. In this a variable speed device to produce electrical energy on a power network,

based on a doubly-fed induction machine used in generating mode (DFIG). This device

was intended to equip nacelles of wind turbines. After a description.of this device and

its connection procedure, they had established a two-phase mathematical model of the

DFIG. In order to control statoric active and reactive power exchanged between the

DFIG and the grid, a vector-control strategy had been presented. Simulations had been

investigated with two types of regulators: classical proportional-integral and

polynomial RST based on pole-placement theory. Their respective performances were

compared in terms of power reference tracking, response to sudden speed variations,

sensitivity to perturbations and robustness against machine parameters variations.

Simulations results had shown that performances are equivalent for the two controllers

under ideal conditions (no perturbations and no parameters variations). The RST

controller was more efficient when the speed was suddenly changed (which happens

frequently in wind energy conversion systems) and was more robust under parameters

variations of the DFIG (for example rotoric resistance in our study) [25].

Control of a double Fed Induction generator for wind power plants was

proposed by W.Hofmann A.Thieme. They realized 600 kVA wind power generator

system with a speed-variable electric converter based on a double-fed induction

machine. The wind power station was previewed for operation in a net-parallel mode

therefore the controlled induction generator system works in a line-voltage oriented

reference frame. To obtain the maximal power yield a special torque reference curve

has been used for generating the reference values for torque and power-factor control-

loops. The measured results were discussed with regard of the desired adjustment of

power [26].

Co-ordinated voltage control strategy for a doubly fed induction generator

(DFIG)-based wind farm is proposed by P. Cartwright, L. Holdsworth, J. B. Ekanayake

and N. Jenkins [27]. AC voltage control strategies for a DFIG-based wind farm

application within a transmission system and a distribution system have been presented.

OLTC control had been used to increase the dynamic range of the DFIG in the

transmission case study, where the DFIG was used to provide dynamic reactive power

control and hence voltage controls for a given reference. In the distribution, case study

the DFIG was used to provide dynamic reactive power control and hence voltage

control and an On-load tap changers (OLTC) is also used for steady state voltage

control for a given reference. Both strategies provide for a co-ordinated AC voltage

control system within a given network. Dynamic models of the DFIG and the voltage

source converters had been developed and simulation results have been presented to

confirm the effectiveness of the two strategies within the transmission and distribution

system implementations.

Vector control of a doubly fed induction generator drive for variable speed wind

power generation was described by Badrul H. Chowdhury, Srinivas Chellapilla [6]. A

wound rotor induction machine with back-to-back three phase power converter bridges

between its rotor and the grid forms the electrical system. The control scheme used

stator flux-oriented control for the rotor side converter bridge control and grid voltage

vector control for the grid side converter bridge. A complete simulation model was

developed for the control of the active and reactive powers of the doubly fed generator

under variable speed operation. Several studies were performed to test its operation

under different wind conditions. A laboratory test setup consisting of a wound rotor

induction machine driven by a variable speed dc motor was used to validate the

software simulations. The results obtained from the laboratory setup have shown that

the real power output of the induction generator can be varied by controlling the power

handled at the rotor. This factor was helpful in optimally trapping the maximum

amount of wind energy available in an efficient manner. Moreover, the power factor

and hence the reactive power of the machine can be controlled. Near unity power

factors have been achieved. The sub- and super-synchronous modes of operation could

be easily combined to provide a continuous operation of the system at various speed

ranges. The laboratory results also validate the results obtained from the software

simulations [6].

Vector control of doubly fed induction generator is also proposed by S Muller,

M. Deicke and Rik W De Doncker. Measurements were made on a wind turbine system

having a double fed generator of 1.5 MW and rated speed of 1,800 rpm. A dynamic

model of the DFIG was derived to develop a vector controller to decouple dynamically

active and reactive power control. Simulation shows excellent response of the DFIG

independent of speed. Measurement obtained from 1.5 MW units currently in operation

confirms the theoretical result [28].

The modeling of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine in large

power system dynamic simulation software was discussed, and the• steady state

equivalent circuit and reduced order dynamic DFIG models are described by L.

Holdsworth, X.G. Wu, J.B. Ekanayake and N. Jenkins[29]. A direct solution method

for obtaining injected rotor voltages, which satisfy the dynamic model control

objectives, was derived from the approximate steady state model. An initialization

procedure was given for the reduced order dynamic DF1G machine model. Simulation

results are presented from initialised dynamic DFIG wind turbine models. PQ and PV

bus representations of the DFIG for load flow studies are compared and simulated with

typical turbine and network data for wind farm installations. A case study based on an

operating wind farm was used to investigate the integration of a DFIG wind turbine

model into a commercial dynamic simulation package. As the procedure for starting

power system dynamic simulation packages is the solution of a network load how

calculation, the DFIG model required suitable representation. Depending on the applied

power factor or terminal voltage control, the DFIG model was represented by either a

PQ or PV bus. Using winter and summer loads the network voltage profiles and

reactive power flows were observed for a PQ representation. These simulations

illustrate that controlling the power factor at the wind farm to unity results in limited

voltage support for the connecting network and may lead to unacceptable network

voltage profiles.

With the rising penetration of wind power into electricity networks, increasingly

comprehensive studies are required to identify the interaction between the wind farm

and the power system. These require accurate models of doubly fed induction generator

wind turbines and their associated control and protection circuits. A dynamic model has

been derived by L. Holdsworth, X.G. Wu, J.B. Ekanayake and N. Jenkins [30]. The

model can be used to simulate the DFIG wind turbine using a single-cage and double-

cage representation of the generator rotor, as well as a representation of its control and

protection circuits. The model was suitable for use in transient stability programs that

can be used to investigate large power systems. The behavior of a wind farm and the

network under various system disturbances was studied using this dynamic model. The

influence of the DFIG control on the stability of the wind farm was also investigated by

considering different control gains and by applying network voltage control through

both stator side and rotor side converters. It was demonstrated that by properly

selecting the proportional gain of the speed and power factor controller, it was possible

to enhance significantly the stability of the DFIG.


The response of wind turbines to grid disturbances is an important issue,

especially since the rated power of wind-turbine installations steadily increases.

Therefore, it is important study the effects of network disturbances on wind turbine.

The proposed study has the following objectives:

1. Study the characteristic of FSIG under various input wind speed conditions.

2. Study the characteristic of DFIG under various input wind speed conditions.

3. Study the comparison of FSIG wind turbine system and DFIG wind turbine

system during network disturbance.

4. Analyze the characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system during network



The whole work has been grouped into seven chapters as discussed below:

Chapter 1: Chapter one gives an idea about the wind energy and wind energy

conversion system, literature review and objective of the study.

Chapter 2: Second chapter gives the idea about various wind energy system.

Chapter 3: Third chapter gives an idea about FSIG wind turbine system and

DFIG wind turbine system models present in MATLAB/Simulink.

Chapter 4: In fourth chapter the analysis of FSIG wind turbine system and

DFIG wind turbine system under various wind input condition.

Chapter 5: In fifth chapter the comparison of FSIG and DFIG wind turbine

system during system disturbance is presented.

Chapter 6: In sixth chapter the protection system for DFIG wind turbine

system in presented.

Chapter 7: Seventh chapter reveals conclusion and recommendation.



The major part of the wind turbine concepts are today induction generator

based. This implies that an Induction Generator is applied to convert the mechanical

power of the rotor into active electrical power supplied to the power grid. Various

concepts are use for wind turbine equipped with induction generators.


The oldest commercial wind turbine concept uses induction generator with a

short circuited rotor circuit. In this concept, the generator rotor is coupled to the wind

turbine rotor through a shaft system, whereas the stator circuit is AC — connected to the

power grid as shown in Fig. 2.1. This is call termed as fixed speed concepts because the

speed in normal operation may only vary with in a narrow range that is normally_up to

2% [31]. This speed range is defined by the electromechanical slip of the induction

generator. The presence of electromechanical slip provides a relatively flexible

coupling between the fluctuating power of the rotor (with a fluctuating rotor speed) and

the electrical power of grid (with a fixed frequency). Fixed speed wind electric

conversion system (WECS) generally use Squirrel cage induction generators as well as

wound rotor induction generator.with direct grid connection so as to maintain a fixed

speed that matches the electrical frequency of the grid.

In order to operate the fixed speed system at low and high wind speeds

efficiently, pole changing is generally employed. This allows the generator to operate at

different mechanical speed without affecting the electrical frequency. Induction

generator supplies active power to grid, but absorb reactive power from the grid.

Fig: 2.1 Fixed speed wind turbine equipped with induction generator [31]

Often the fixed speed wind turbines equipped with induction generators are

either no load compensated or fully compensated with the use of capacitor banks. Such

compensation arrangement is applied to reduce the reactive power absorption from the

power grid and to improve the power factor of the wind turbine [31]. The Fixed speed

concept has the major benefit of a very simple construction of the whole wind turbine

with very low investment and maintenance costs. No power converter or complex

controller is needed.

Fixed speed wind turbine are either fixed pitch or with blade angle control.

Fixed pitch wind turbine, are often called stall controlled because there mechanical

power is limited and controlled at the rated power during rated wind condition' due to

the stall effect. This passive stall control is slow, with the blades simply bolted onto the

hub at a fixed pitch angle. At a given wind speed, the wind turbine rotor start to stall.

Stall conditions start at the blade root and develop gradually across the whole blade

length as the wind speed increases. The main advantage of this design is that this is a

robust and cheap solution. However the drawbacks of stall control are the relatively low

efficiency at low wind speed, variations in the maximum steady state power caused by

variations in the air density and uncontrollable emissions of flicker.

Blade angle control is applied in modern fixed speed wind turbine to improve the

efficiency and to eliminate variations in the maximum steady state power due to

variation in air density. The Blade angle control of wind turbine is usually active stall

which applies operation in the negative range of the pitch angles. The active stall

control is set to optimize power output in wind speeds below the rated wind and to keep

the power output at the rated level (power limiting mode) when the wind speed exceed

the rated level. In power limiting mode, the blades are turned into a deeper stall region

by increasing the angle of attack. The active stall control is characterized by a smooth

limitation of power when the wind speed exceeds the rated wind. The active stall

control contributes to reduction of flicker emission from the wind turbines [31].

Commercial production of fixed speed wind turbines equipped with conventional

induction generator started in Denmark in early 1970s. The rated power of the first

commercial wind turbine was in the range of 20 kW. But by the 1990s, the rated power

capacity of wind turbines reached and exceeded 1 MW [31].

The advantage is that a cost effective aerodynamic control like stall control can be

used .However the drawbacks in fixed speed systems are [6]:

i. It cannot optimally use the available wind power due to

• constant speed


ii. Since the generator is made to run at a constant speed in spite of fluctuation in

wind speed, it will results in fluctuation of generated voltage as well as output


iii. Low power factor.

In order to withdraw as much energy as possible from the strongly fluctuating wind,

the WECS should be able to follow these variations so that maximum power can be

obtained for most of the time. This is especially important at lower wind speeds, which

occur frequently. For this purpose variable speed systems are proposed. In these

systems, the turbine is allowed to rotate at different speeds with the varying wind

speed. It is usually desired to ensure optimum power transfer. Maximum power is

achieved by ensuring operation where the turbine is most efficient.


The use advance control system implies that the induction generator itself can

be used together with the different control systems. The control applied to induction

generators may be set to reduce flicker emission, improve efficiency and power factor,

and control the reactive power. Although the wind turbines are still induction generator

based, the characteristics of the wind turbines using power electronic converters may be

changed drastically when compared to conventional fixed speed wind turbines. The use

of power electronics converters together with induction generator has been a topical

issue in the control of modem wind turbines. Most wind turbines are now variable —

speed wind turbine where the variable speed operation is gained by application of the

power electronics converters.

2.2.1 Induction Generator with full rated converter

In variable speed systems, the turbine rotor absorbs the mechanical power

fluctuations by changing its speed. So the output power curve is smoother which

greatly enhances the quality of power. However since variable speed produces a

variable frequency voltage, a power electronic convertor must be used to connect the

constant frequency grid as shown in Fig: 2.2.


Fig: 2.2 Variable speed wind turbine with full rated converter connected induction
generator [311

Synchronous machines as well as Induction machine can be used in variable

speed operation. In case when synchronous machine and squirrel cage induction

generator are used in variable speed application the stator of machine is connected to

power grid by means of back-to-back connected power electronic converter bridges.

Such wind turbines are variable speed and so the electrical frequency of the network on

the generator side voltage source converter (VSC) must follows the optimized

synchronous speed of the rotor. The electric frequency of the generator, fE is

proportional to the wind turbine rotor speed, COM, and set the generator side converter

according to the reference power the rotor, Pp. The variable speed operation of the

wind turbine and the variable frequency operation of the induction generator are

applied to optimize the active power output of the wind turbine. Within the optimized

operation range, e.g. when the electrical frequency is below the rated level, PREF= kf, fE2

Here kfdenotes the design factor [31].

The rated frequency is reached when the power output is about 30% of the wind

turbine rating. When the power output exceeds this level, the electric frequency is kept

at the rated value. The generator side VSC also provides excitation of the induction

generator supplies active power to the grid through a back-to-back converter system.

The induction generator is de-coupled from the AC power grid through a DC-link

which is why the generator cannot be excited from the AC power grid. The induction

generator is then excited from generated side converter as shown in Fig: 2.3.

Induction Generator
Active Power
Active Power
SIrnG Powe

Esailatimt — - -
r DC lug

Fig: 2.3 Active and reactive power flow in full rated converter connected

induction generator [311

This control arrangement requires the generator side converter rating to handle

the active power as well as reactive power absorption of the induction generator. The

rating of grid side converter can be reduce by application of capacitors connected to

induction generator terminal as shown in Fig. 2.3 above. The grid side converter is set

to control the DC-link voltage to balance the power flow from the induction generator

to the power grid. The grid side VSC is also set to control the reactive power and

improve the wind turbine power factor.

The power converter size in the above system can be reduced by using it on the

rotor side of a wound rotor induction generator. The generator rotor is connected to the

power grid through an AC/DC/AC frequency converter which distinguishes this

concept from other. This arrangement is called Double Fed Induction Generator

(DFIG). The power convertor consist is now connected between rotor and grid, so it

needs to carry only the slip power, the magnitude of which will be machine slip times

the stator power. Hence convertor size reduced and hence cost. The DFIG is an

interesting solution which offers a reduced rating of converter and has the benefit of

operating the system over a wide speed range (including both sub synchronous and

super-synchronous speed) to maintain maximum power transfer [6].

2.2.2 Doubly Fed Induction Generator System

With increased penetration of wind power into electrical grids, DFIG wind

turbines are largely deployed due to their variable speed feature. The DFIG system

produces electrical power at constant voltage and frequency for a wide range of shaft

speed variations. In DFIG the generator stator is AC connected to the power grid and

the generator rotor is connected to the power grid through an AC/DC/AC frequency

converter as Shown in Fig. 2.4. The frequency converter consist of two back to back

voltage sourced converter (VSC) connected through a DC link. The rotor VSC is

connected to the rotor circuit through slip rings. The grid side converter feeds into the

power grid via a transformer. The frequency converter is required to provide electrical

coupling between the rotor circuit which operated at varying frequency to power grid

characterized by a fixed frequency of 50 Hz [31]. The rotor side VSC induced the

voltage vector in the rotor circuit that then has a suitable magnitude and rotates with a

desired (variable) frequency. The rotor speed can be adjusted by the dynamic control of

the rotor VSC. This makes it possible to operate such wind turbine within a wider speed

range. Thus these wind turbines are denoted as variable speed wind turbine.

Wind Turbine

—0 Gearbox

Doubly Fed Induction Generator


Smoothing Induction

Fig: 2.4 Variable Speed Wind turbine with DFIG [31]

Variable speed wind turbine with DFIG operates in the relative speed range

from - 40% to 15% compared to the synchronous speed. The wider speed ranges offer

better optimization of the power output in wind speeds below the rated level. In such an

optimization mode, the rotor converter causes the generator rotor speed to follow the

optimized speed, optimized to gain the maximum power efficiency at the given wind

speed. In light wind, wind turbine rotor is slow rotating (sub-synchronous range of

speed) whereas, in strong wind, the rotor rotates faster than the synchronous speed

(super synchronous range of speed) which increase the power output of the rotor. Rotor

VSC control is arranged with independent control of active and reactive power. This

implies that generator is not excited from the power grid. The generator is excited from

the rotor circuit with the use of the VSC control. This also means that the generator can

be set to control the reactive power and support the grid voltage in undisturbed

operation of the grid. There is therefore no need of capacitor banks for compensation of

such wind turbine equipped with DFIG. The frequency converter rating is only a

fraction of the wind turbine rated power. The frequency converter rating is slightly

above the generated rated power multiplied by the rated generator slip and typically in

the range of 25% of the wind turbine rated power [31].

Slip is positive in sub-synchronous operation and negative in super-synchronous

operation of the rotor. Active power of the rotor circuit is approximately a product of

generator shaft power and the slip. Active power is then supplied form the rotor circuit

to the power grid in super- synchronous operation, whereas the active power is

absorbed by the rotor circuit from the power grid in sub-synchronous operation. The

active power of the stator is always supplied to the power grid, independent of speed.

Fig. 2.5 shows the active and reactive power flow in a DFIG.

atatnr tinaror
Shaft power



Shaft power

Supersynchronous Operation

Fig: 2.5 Active and Reactive power flow in DFIG with regard to speed regimes


The grid side VSC is set to control the DC link voltage. It has control over the

active and reactive power transfer between the grid and the rotor, while the rotor side

converter is responsible for control of flux, and thus, the stator active and reactive





MATLAB/Simulink is a popular simulation tool that can be used to simulate

electric drives, power system, power electronic circuits or a combination of those.

MATLAB/Simulink software version 7.0.1 is used here for analysis. Fixed speed

induction generator wind turbine system and doubly fed induction generator wind

turbine system models are available in MATLAB/Simulink software version 7.0.1.

These models are used for analysis for various conditions and are discussed in this



The model of wind turbine Induction Generator (Phasor type) available in

MATLAB/ SimPower System version 7.0.1 is used here for analysis. The wind turbine

fixed speed induction generator (WT-FSIG) is shown in the Fig. 3.1. The stator

winding is connected directly to the grid and the rotor is driven by the wind turbine.

The power captured by the wind turbine is converted into electrical power by the

induction generator and is transmitted to the grid by the stator winding. The pitch angle

is controlled in order to limit the generator output power to its nominal value for high

wind speeds. In order to generate power the induction generator speed must be slightly

above the synchronous speed. But the speed variation is typically so small that the

WT FSIG is considered to be a fixed-speed wind generator. The reactive power

absorbed by the induction generator is provided by the grid or by some devices like

capacitor banks.

A Proportional-Integral (PI) controller is used to control the blade pitch angle in

order to limit the electric output power to the nominal mechanical power. The pitch

angle is kept constant at zero degree when the measured electric output power is under

its nominal value. When it increases above its nominal value the PI controller increases
the pitch angle to bring back the measured power to its nominal value. The control

system is illustrated in the Fig. 3.2.



-► .phase

Wind tram k) IJL

Pitch Control

Fig: 3.1 The wind turbine Fixed speed induction generator system [32]

Fitch angle max.

P alae + I
Pitch angle
Pitch angle
Controller (PI)

P ma
c nominal

Fig: 3.2 Pitch angle controller [32]


The model of wind turbine Doubly Fed Induction Generator (Phasor type)

available in MATLAB/ SimPower System version 7.0.1 is used here for analysis. The

wind turbine doubly-fed induction generator (WT-DFIG) is shown in the Fig. 3.3. The

AC/DC/AC converter is divided into two components: The rotor-side converter (Crotor)

and the grid-side converter (Cgnd). Crotor and Cjd are Voltage-Sourced Converters that

use forced-commutated power electronic devices (IGBTs) to synthesize an AC voltage

from a DC voltage source. A capacitor connected on the DC side acts as the DC voltage

source. A coupling inductor L is used to connect Cgr id to the grid. The three-phase rotor

winding is connected to Croton by slip rings and brushes and the three-phase stator

winding is directly connected to the grid.

Turbine I I AC/DC/AC converter

Ill AC Croton DC Cgrid

Rotor hhi
-> Drive -'
Wind train Stator i jar i Three phase
Induction Control

Pitch angle

Fig: 3.3 The wind turbine and Doubly Fed Induction Generator System [321

The power captured by the wind turbine is converted into electrical power by

the induction generator and it is transmitted to the grid by the stator and the rotor

windings. The control system generates the pitch angle command and the voltage

command signals V1 and Vgc for Crotor and Cgrid respectively in order to control the

power of the wind turbine, the DC bus voltage and the reactive power or the voltage at

the grid terminals.

An average model of the AC/DC/AC converter is used for real-time simulation.

In the average model power electronic devices are replaced by controlled voltage

sources. Vr and Vge are the control signals for these sources. The DC bus is simulated

by a controlled current source feeding the DC capacitor. The current source is

computed on the basis of instantaneous power conservation principle: the power that

flows inside the two AC-sides of the converter is equal to the power absorbed by the

DC capacitor. With the average model, the high frequency components of the voltage,

generated by the PWM switching of electronic devices, are not simulated. This allows

to simulate with a relatively large sample time (typically 44 ps), which is about ten-

times larger than would be required to simulate PWM switching.

Operating Principle of the Wind Turbine Doubly-Fed Induction Generator:

The power flow, illustrated in Fig. 3.4 is used to describe the operating

principle. Parameters used in this figure are described in Table 3.I. The mechanical

power and the stator electrical power output are computed as follows:

Pm =TM (0, (1)

Ps —Tem (s (2)

For a lossless generator the mechanical equation is:

J- = Tm -Tem (3)

In steady-state at fixed speed for a lossless generator

Tm = Tem and Pm = Ps + Pr (4)

It fallows that:

Pr = Pm —Ps = Tm Cor — Tem O)s = -S Ps (5)

Where s = (cos_ wry/ os is defined as the slip of the generator.

Qst Ps t
AC . . DC yd AC
Tm col. 2em 2s
— a— III
Pl. 1 gc Tlree-phase
P •+ =. Grid.
m Stator Qr

Fig: 3.4 Active and reactive power flows in WT-DFIG system 1321

Table 3.1 Parameters of DFIG

Pm Mechanical power captured by the wind turbine and transmitted to the


PS , QS Stator active and reactive power output

Pr , Qr Rotor active and reactive power output

Pgc , Qgc Cgrid active and reactive power output

Tm Mechanical torque applied to rotor

Tem Electromagnetic torque applied to the rotor by the generator

c)r Rotational speed of rotor

ws Rotational speed of the magnetic flux in the air gap of the generator.

This synchronous speed is

Proportional to the frequency of the grid voltage and to the number of

generator poles.

J Combined rotor and wind turbine moment of inertia

Generally the absolute value of slip is much lower than 1 and, consequently, Pi

is only a fraction of P. Since Tm is positive for power generation and since ws is

positive and constant for a constant frequency grid voltage, the sign of Pr is a function

of the slip sign. Pr is positive for negative slip (speed greater than synchronous speed)

and it is negative for positive slip (speed lower than synchronous speed). For super

synchronous speed operation, Pr is transmitted to DC bus capacitor and tends to rise the

DC voltage. For sub-synchronous speed operation, Pr is taken out of DC bus capacitor

and tends to decrease the DC voltage.

Cgrid is used to generate or absorb the power Pgc in order to keep the DC voltage

constant. In steady-state for a lossless AC/DC/AC converter Pgc is equal to Pr and the

speed of the wind turbine is determined by the power Pr absorbed or generated by Croton

. The power control will be explained below. The phase-sequence of the AC voltage

generated by Croton is positive for sub-synchronous speed and negative for super

synchronous speed. The frequency of this voltage is equal to the product of the grid

frequency and the absolute value of the slip. Crotor and Cgr id have the capability for

generating or absorbing reactive power and could be used to control the reactive power

or the voltage at the grid terminals.

42 Croton Control System

The rotor-side converter is used to control the wind turbine output power and

the voltage measured at the grid terminals. The power is controlled in order to follow a

pre-defined power-speed characteristic, named tracking characteristic. This

characteristic is illustrated by the ABCD curve in Fig. 3.5 superimposed to the

mechanical power characteristics of the turbine obtained at different wind speeds.

Turbine Power Characteristics (Pitch angle beta = 0 deg)

16.2 rn/

Turbine Power characteristics

Tracking characteristic
C 0.8

0- 0.6

- 0.4
° 0.2
° B

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Turbine speed (pu of generator synchronous speed)

Fig: 3.5 Turbine characteristics and tracking characteristic [32]

The actual speed of the turbine wr is measured and the corresponding

mechanical power of the tracking characteristic is used as the reference power for the

power control loop. The tracking characteristic is defined by four points: A, B, C and

D. From zero speed to speed of point A the reference power is zero. Between point A

and point B the tracking characteristic is a straight line. Between point B and point C

the tracking characteristic is the locus of the maximum power of the turbine (maxima of

the turbine power vs turbine speed curves). The tracking characteristic is a straight line

from point C and point D. The power at point D is one per unit (1 p.u.). Beyond point D

the reference power is a constant equal to one per unit (1 p.u.).

The control for rotor side converter and grid side converter is as shown in Fig.

3.6. The generic power control loop is as given in Fig. 3.7. For the rotor-side controller

the d-axis of the rotating reference frame used for d-q transformation is aligned with

air-gap flux. The actual electrical output power, measured at the .grid terminals of the

wind turbine, is added to the total power losses (mechanical and electrical) and is

compared with the reference power obtained from the tracking characteristic. A

proportional-Integral (PI) regulator is used to reduce the power error to zero. The

output of this regulator is the reference rotor current Iqr ref that must be injected in the

rotor by converter Crotor. This is the current component that produces the

electromagnetic torque Tem. The actual Iqr component is, compared to Iqr ref and the

error is reduced to zero by a current regulator (PI). The output of this current controller

is the voltage Vqr generated by Crotar• The current regulator is assisted by feed forward

terms which predict Vqr.

Is I 1T
-4— -4—

Ir Crotor Cgiid Y c
-f— t i ~g


Induction Stator Vr I

Fig: 3.6 Rotor-side and Grid-side converters [32]

The voltage or the reactive power at grid terminals is controlled by the reactive

power generated or absorbed by the converter Crotor. The reactive power is exchanged

between Croton and the grid, through the generator. In the exchange process the

generator absorbs reactive power to supply its mutual and leakage inductances. The

excess of reactive power is sent to the grid or to Crotor.

v AC Voltage I V AC Voltage
Measurement J . Reguiator

I I Drcop I '
Qref Idr ref
~' +T
van Q van
I Mewux-ement Regulator +'

Jr Currant Current `Tr

Regulator (ard., Vrgr)

U~ , Tract ng Pref Iqr
-~ Power P Power
I Measurement Regulator Iqr ref
~ Pl
gc_ Looses

Fig: 3.7 Rotor side controller [32]

The wind turbine control implements the V-I characteristic illustrated in Fig.

3.8. As long as the reactive current stays within the maximum current values (-Im ,

'max) imposed by the converter rating, the voltage is regulated at the reference voltage

Vref. A voltage droop is used for the V-I characteristic (3% at maximum reactive power



Capacitive Reactive Inductive


Fig: 3.8 V-I Characteristics [32] Cgrid Control System

The converter C~;d is used to regulate the voltage of the DC bus capacitor. The

control system is illustrated in Fig.3.9. For the grid-side controller the d-axis of the

rotating reference frame used for d-q transformation is aligned with the positive

sequence of grid voltage. This controller consists of

i. A measurement system measuring the d and q components of AC currents to be

controlled as well as the DC voltage Vd

ii. An outer regulation loop consisting of a DC voltage regulator. The output of the

DC voltage regulator is the reference current Idgc_ref for the current regulator

(Idgc = current in phase with grid voltage which controls active power flow).

iii. An inner current regulation loop consisting of a current regulator. The current

regulator controls the magnitude and phase of the voltage generated by

converter Cg;d (Vgc) from the Idgc_ref produced by the DC voltage regulator

and specified Iq_ref reference. The current regulator is assisted by feed forward

terms which predict the Cgrid output voltage.


Vdc .
f ,_J DC Voltage I Idgc_ ref

Current ~ ~ ~ Currentnt ~ ~r
:asurement Regulator r
Iqgc —


Fig: 3.9 Grid side controller [32] Pitch angle control system

The pitch angle is kept constant at zero degree until the speed reaches point D

speed of the tracking characteristic. Beyond point D the pitch angle is proportional to

the speed deviation from point D speed. The pitch angle controller is as shown in Fig.


Pitch angle max,

tai' + Pitch Angle Pitch angle


speed D pp

Fig: 3.10 Pitch angle controller [32]

For electromagnetic transients in power systems the pitch angle control is of

less interest. The wind speed should be selected such that the rotational speed is less

than point D speed.




The behavior of large wind turbine system under variable condition may affect

the grid stability. To determine the characteristics of FSIG and DFIG wind turbine

system under various input conditions a WT-FSIG and WT-DFIG system connected to

grid is prepared in MATLAB using FSIG and DFIG model respectively as explained

before. To study the characteristics of wind turbine system under variable condition a.

large wind turbine system of 2 MW capacity is used here for analysis.


The model of FSIG wind turbine system connected to grid is prepared in

MATLAB as shown in Fig. 4.1. A 2 MW WT-FSIG system generating power at 690

volts is connected to a 0.69/11 kV step up transformer. The power factor correction

capacitor bank is connected between WT-FSIG system and transformer at bus B690.

The wind turbine systems generating power at 690V is connected to 11 kV grid through

a 690/11kV step up transformer and a 10 km transmission line. Scope is used to see the

generated voltage, current, active and reactive power as wind speed changes. The

generator, transformer and transmission line parameters are as given in Table 4.1, 4.2

and 4.3.


_ F
G V p m
a m 0 , a



k .~



5 00 ' S
c 0°
Table: 4.1 Induction Generator Parameters

S.No. Parameters Values

1 Nominal Power 2 MW
2 Line —to Line voltage 690 V
3 Frequency 50 Hz
4 Stator resistance 0.00488 pu
5 Stator leakage reactance 0.09241 pu
6 Rotor resistance 0.00549 pu
7 Rotor leakage reactance 0.09955 pu
8 Magnetizing reactance 3.95 pu
9 Inertia constant 3.5

Table: 4.2 Transformer parameters

S.No. Parameters Values

1 Rated MVA 2.5 MVA
2 Primary voltage 690 V
3 Secondary voltage 11 kV
4 Leakage reactance 5.9%

Table: 4.3 Transmission line parameters CSl ~3

SI&' TIT i
S.No. Parameters
1 Resistance 0. 08 SZ
2 Inductance 0.00182 H/km
3 Capacitance 9.81 nF/km
4 Line length 10 km

The power factor correction capacitor used for FSIG wind turbine model is rated at

30% of wind turbine MW capacity.

4.1.1 Analysis of FSIG wind turbine system Response to constant wind speed:

It is seen that the FSIG wind turbine start power generation at a wind speed of

8.6 m/s, however it generates rated power at a wind speed of 14 m/s. The characteristics

of WT-FSIG system under rated condition is obtained by applying a wind speed of 14

m/s at the input terminal of the wind turbine system. The characteristics of FSIG

system under rated condition is as shown in Fig. 4.2 (a) and 4.2 (b). On applying a wind

speed of 14 m/s the rotor start rotating, rotor fluctuates in starting but after 3 seconds it

comes to a speed of 1.005 pu. As rotor speed fluctuates the generated current also

fluctuates and become 1 pu after 3 seconds as shown in Fig. 4.2 (a).


Fig: 4.2 (a) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for constant wind

As rotor speed fluctuates generated power also fluctuates and after 3 seconds

when rotor speed comes to 1.005 pu the generated power also stop fluctuating. Under

this rated condition, the WT-FSIG generates 2 MW and absorb reactive power 0.88

Mvar as shown in Fig. 4.2 (b).


Fig: 4.2 (b) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for constant wind
speed Response to step increase in wind speed:

The response of FSIG wind turbine system for a step increase in wind speed is

obtained by applying a step increase in wind speed from 10 m/s to 14 m/s at time 10s.

The characteristics of WT-FSIG system for step increase in wind speed is as shown in

Fig. 4.3 (a) and 4.3 (b). Initially when the speed is 12 m/s the rotor rotates with a speed

near to 1 pu and the stator current is about 0.4 pu and the generated power is about 0.4

MW. At t=1Os when wind speed input changes from 10 m/s to 14 m/s then speed of the

rotor also increases but it fluctuates to its steady state point and after three seconds it

comes to its steady state value of 1.005 pu.




Fig: 4.3 (a) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for step increase in wind

As the rotor speed increases at t=1 Os the stator current and the generated power

also increases with some fluctuation, but they come to their steady state value (2 MW)

after three seconds as shown in Fig. 4.3 (b).

Fig: 4.3 (b) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for step increase in wind
speed Response to noise component in wind speed:

The noise component best summarizes the state of wind fluctuations that take

place. The response of FSIG wind turbine system for noise component in wind

speed is obtained by applying a noise in wind speed at time 1 Os.The characteristics

of WT-FSIG system noise component in wind speed is as shown in Fig. 4.4 (a) and

4.4 (b). It is seen that as generator is made to run nearly constant speed in spite of

fluctuation in wind speed , it will results is fluctuation in generated voltage, output

power and reactive power absorbed.




Fig: 4.4 (a) Characteristics- of FSIG wind turbine system for noise component in
wind speed



' Fig: 4.4 (b) Characteristics of FSIG wind turbine system for noise component in
wind speed


The model of DFIG wind turbine system connected to grid is prepared in '

MATLAB as shown in Fig. 4.5. A 2 MW WT-DFIG system generating power at 690

volts is connected to a 0.69/11 kV step up transformer. The wind turbine systems

generating power at 690V is connected to 11 kV grid through a 690/11kV step up

transformer and a 10 km transmission line. Scope is used to see the generated voltage,

current, active and reactive power as wind speed changes. The parameters of induction

generator are same as used in FSIG wind turbine system. Other parameters of DFIG

systems are as given in Table 4.4.




Table: 4.4 DFIG Converter Parameters
S.No. Parameters Values
1 Converter maximum power 0.25 pu
2 Normal DC bus voltage 1200 Volts
3 DC bus capacitor 10000 µF

4.2.1 Analysis of DFIG wind turbine system

A 4-pole DFIG wind turbine and control model is simulated. The control

strategy presented in section 3.3 is applied for model. The Dynamic performance of

DFIG system is modeled by applying step increase in wind velocity. The operation of

the system in the optimal power extraction region (B-C in turbine characteristics in Fig.

3.5) is modelled for step decrease in wind speed (=7 m/s at t=Osec) and step increase in

wind speed (=12 m/s at t=50 sec) for wind plant in Voltage regulation Mode. This

models the speed control for sub-synchronous and super-synchronous operation. The

rotor speed and controlled rotor voltages are given in Fig. 4.6. Initially the rotor speed

is equal to synchronous speed i.e. 1 pu at time t=0 sec a step decrease in wind speed

(=7 m/s) is applied, the rotor run at sub-synchronous speed (0.7 pu). During this period

when the rotor run at sub-synchronous speed direct axis rotor voltage (Vdr) is positive

whereas the quadrature axis rotor voltage (Vqr) is negative as shown in Fig. 4.6. Now

at t=50 sec the step increase in wind speed (=12 m/s) occur. At this point the rotor

speed starts increasing and become 1.2 pu (super-synchronous speed) in approximately

21 seconds.

At this point when the rotor speed start increasing the Vdr starts decreasing

whereas Vqr starts increasing. At t=56 sec the rotor speed become synchronous speed

(1pu), at this poind both Vdr and Vqr is equal to zero. After time t=56 second the Vdr

becomes negative whereas Vqr becomes positive, this shows phase change in rotor

voltage as rotor speed changes from sub-synchronous speed to super-synchronous

speed. The rotor speed and rotor voltage require considerable time to reach the steady

state operating point. This is due to the-large lumped turbine, shaft and generator rotor

inertia dominating the dynamic control performance of the DFIG.

Fig: 4.6 Rotor speed and rotor voltage for operation in sub-synchronous and
super-synchronous region

The operation of the system around the cut-in speed and beyond the speed of

generator (i.e. between point A-B and C-D of turbine characteristics in Fig. 3.5) is

investigated by applying step increase in wind speed from 5 m/s to 14 m/s at t=50 sec.

to the model given in Fig. 4.5 above (for wind plant in Voltage Regulation Mode).
Fig. 4.7 shows the rotor speed controlled to operate beyond the limit of the optimum

characteristic. As explained above here also as rotor speed changes from sub-

synchronous speed to super-synchronous speed the phase change occur in rotor voltage

as shown in Fig. 4.7. The rotor voltages for this simulation are still within their

operating limits, due to the speed controlled characteristics.

Fig: 4.7 Rotor speed and rotor voltage for operation up to speed limits

The control system enables the rated value of power to be extracted through the

stator when the rotor speed approaches its upper limit, whilst limiting the speed of

operation and hence the power generated through the rotor circuit. As shown.in Fig. 4.8

rotor power is negative for sub-synchronous operation whereas positive for super-

synchronous operation, this is because of phase change in rotor voltage as rotor speed

changes from sub-synchronous speed to super-synchronous speed. This means power is

absorbed by rotor in sub-synchronous operation and generated from rotor circuit in

super-synchronous operation.

Fig: 4.8 DFIG system stator and rotor powers Response to constant wind speed:

It is seen that the DFIG wind turbine start power generation at a wind speed of

4.5 m/s, however it generates rated power at a wind speed of 14 m/s. Fig. 4.9 (a) and

(b) shows the characteristics of DFIG system for wind speed 14 m/s. On applying a

wind speed of 14 m/s the rotor start rotating, and becomes 1.2 pu in approximately 4

seconds. As rotor speed increases and becomes nearly 1 pu in when the rotor speed

reaches 1.2 pu. The generated voltage is 1 pu as shown in Fig. 4.9 (a).


Fig: 4.9 (a) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for constant wind speed

As rotor speed increases the generated power also increases and becomes 2 MW

when the rotor speed reaches its 1.2 pu. At this speed the DFIG wind turbine system

absorbs 0.68 Mvar reactive power as shown in Fig: 4.9 (b).

Fig: 4.9 (b) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for constant wind speed Response to step increase in wind speed:

The response of DFIG wind turbine system for a step increase in wind speed is

obtained by applying a step increase in wind speed from 13 m/s to 14 m/s at time 10s.

The characteristics of WT-DFIG system for step increase in wind speed is as shown in

Fig. 4.10 (a) and (b). Initially when the speed is 12 m/s the rotor rotates with a speed

near to I pu and the stator current is about 0.4 pu and the generated power is about 0.8

MW. At t=10s when wind speed input changes from 10 m/s to 14 m/s then speed of the

rotor also increases from 1 pu to 1.2 pu in approximately four seconds, with this

increase in rotor speed the generated current also increases from 0.4 pu to nearly 1 pu

as shown in Fig. 4.10 (a).

Fig: 4.10 (a) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for step increase in
wind speed

As the rotor speed increases at t=1 Os the stator current and the generated power

also increases smoothly with the rotor speed and generator generates 2 MW when the

rotor speed becomes 1.2 Pu as shown in Fig. 4.10 (b).

Fig: 4.10 (b) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for step increase in
wind speed Response for noise component in wind speed:

The noise component best summarizes the state of wind fluctuations that take

place. Fig. 4.11 (a) and (b) shows the response of DFIG system for noise component in

wind speed. As wind speed changes corresponding changes occurs in rotor speed and in

generated current and hence in generated power as shown in Fig. 4.11 (a) and 4.11 (b).

Excellent control is achieved for both real and reactive power.

On comparing the response of WT-DFIG system and WT-FSIG system for

noise component in wind speed, it is observe that there is a large fluctuation in

generated voltage, current and power as wind speed fluctuates, because the rotor speed
of WT-FSIG system is nearly constant in spite of fluctuations in wind speed. Also the

WT-FSIG system takes considerable time to come to steady state value when the

fluctuations in wind speed over.


Fig: 4.11 (a) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for noise component in
wind speed



Fig: 4.11 (b) Characteristics of DFIG wind turbine system for noise component in
wind speed


The power generated by 2 MW FSIG and DFIG wind turbine systems, as

explained above under various input wind speed are as given in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Power generated by FSIG and DFIG wind turbine system

S.No. Wind speed Power generated by Power generated by WT-

(m/s) WT-FSIG system (MW) DFIG system (MW)
1 5 0 0.05
2 6 0 0.15
3 7 0 0.27
4 8.6 0.01 0.52
5 10 0.4 0.82
6 11 0.74 1.1
7 12 1.12 1.42
8 13 1.5 1.8
9 14 2.0 2.0
From above Table 4.5, it is seen that DFIG wind turbine system start power

generation at a speed of 4.5 m/s whereas FSIG wind turbine system start power

generation at a speed of 8.6 m/s. This shows that total energy generated by DFIG

system is more than FSIG system for a given site.




The response of the wind turbine to grid disturbances is an important issue,

especially since the rated power of wind-turbine installations steadily increases. The

response of Wind Turbine power system under power system disturbance depends on

network parameter such as Short circuit Ievel and on thetype of fault and duration of

fault. To observe the response of FSIG and DFIG under power system disturbances a 2

MW wind turbine system connected to 11 kV grid is modeled The simulation is

performed for a 2 MW wind turbine system, with a three-phase short circuit fault as this

kind of fault gives the largest voltage drop.


5.1.1 FSIG connected to weak network

The FSIG connected to 11 kV grid through a step up transformer is modeled in

MATLAB, for fault analysis, as shown in Fig. 5.1. The induction generator parameters

are same as stated earlier. The induction generator is running at rated condition (rotor

speed = 1 pu). The FSIG is simulated with a three phase balanced fault is applied at t =

20 sec, with a clearance time of 300 ms, at the midpoint of transmission line as shown

in Fig. 5.1 with generator is running at rated condition. The network parameters

representing turbine connection to a weak network (15 MVA) is used as stated earlier.

For normal system conditions, the operation of the wind turbine is satisfactory.

- d d d
.n n v oQ

G I (7



'LL ddd
a V
II c_

7 1
Immediately after fault, stator flux and consequently stator voltage will drop

depending upon several factor such as fault type, fault location, fault impedance, short

circuit level etc. As can be observed in Fig. 5.2 stator voltage will drop below 0.2 pu.

As electromagnetic torque (Te) is proportional to stator flux with negative sign,

therefore electromagnetic torque increases shortly after fault occur. This increase in

electromagnetic torque will results in acceleration of rotor as shown in Fig. 5.2.

However it is seen that post fault, the busbar voltage fails to recover as shown in Fig.

5.2. This shows poor network stability of FSIG system during system disturbances.

Fig: 5.2 Rotor speed and generated voltage of FSIG wind turbine system during
fault (Connected to weak network)

5.1.2 FSIG connected to strong network

The stability of FSIG connected to strong network is investigated by connecting

it to strong network (40 MVA). The FSIG is simulated with a three phase balanced

fault is applied at t=20 sec, with a clearance time of 300ms, at the midpoint of

transmission line as in case of weak network. As fault occurs, the generated voltage

drop and the rotor speed start increasing. Post fault, the generator and the network

maintain stability after the terminal voltage variation as shown in Fig. 5.3. Here it is

seen that post fault the busbar voltage and rotor speed recover to its normal value.

Fig: 5.3 Rotor speed and generated voltage of FSIG wind turbine system during

fault (Connected to strong network)

However that restoration capability of FSIG system depends on the capacity of

power factor correction capacitor and the duration of fault. If the duration of fault is

increase to 400ms the rotor speed continue to increase and basbar voltage fails to

recover even if connected to strong . network as shown in Fig. 5.4. The voltage

restoration capability of FSIG can further be improve by increasing the capacity of

power factor correction capacitor but this will increase the cost of system and hence the

generation cost.


Fig: 5.4 Rotor speed and generated voltage of FSIG wind turbine system during

fault (Connected to strong network with increased fault duration)


5.2.1 DFIG connected to weak network

The DFIG connected to 11 kV grid through a step up transformer is modeled in

MATLAB, for fault analysis, as shown in Fig. 5.5. Maintaining the power system

model parameters for a weak network connection, the stability of DFIG wind turbine

was investigated. A three phase fault applied at t = 20 sec, with a clearance time of 300

ms, at the midpoint of transmission line.

E c c

te' 1= Q m U p

111 0



Immediately after fault, stator flux and consequently stator voltage will . drop

depending upon several factor such as fault type, fault location, fault impedance, short

circuit level etc. As can be observed in Fig. 5.6 stator voltage will drop below 0.2 pu.

As electromagnetic torque (Te) is proportional to stator flux with negative sign,

therefore electromagnetic torque increases shortly after fault occur. This increase in

electromagnetic torque will results in acceleration of rotor as shown in Fig. 5.6. The

results, as shown in Fig. 5.6 indicate the transient stability improvements with the

DFIG system connected to a weak network compared to the FSIG.




Fig: 5.6 Rotor current and generated voltage of DFIG wind turbine system

(Connected to weak network)

Even if we increase the fault duration, from 300ms to 400ms for same DFIG

system connected to weak network DFIG shows improvement in stability compared to

FSIG as shown in Fig. 5.7. In both cases it is seen that the post fault the voltage recover

to its normal value with in one seconds.

Fig: 5.7 Rotor current and generated voltage of DFIG wind turbine system

(Connected to weak network with increased fault duration)

5.2.2 Voltage restoration capability of DFIG

For comparison the stability of DFIG connected to strong network, with FSIG

connected to same strong network, is investigated by connecting DFIG system to strong

network. The DFIG is simulated with a three phase balanced fault is applied at t=20

sec, with a clearance time of 300ms, at the midpoint of transmission line. Post fault, the

generator and the network maintain stability after the terminal voltage variation as

shown in Fig. 5.8

On comparing Fig. 5.3 and 5.8 we see that in case of DFIG system subjected to

three phase fault the voltage is recovered back to 1 p.u. ( steady state value) as soon as

the fault is cleared as shown in Fig 5.8. However in case of FSIG subjected to same

type of fault, it can be seen in Fig. 5.3 that until more than 1.5 second after the fault is

cleared, the terminal voltage has not yet reached the steady state value.

Fig: 5.8 Generated voltage of DFIG connected to strong network during fault

From this result it is concluded that the wind turbine with DFIG is able to

recover the voltage level to its nominal value quickly after the voltage dip. The terminal

voltage recovery of the DFIG is somewhat better than the identical FSIG wind turbine




The response of wind turbine to grid disturbance is an important issue to be

analysed to protect the system during severe fault condition. When the wind turbine

system is subjected to a short circuit fault, the grid voltage drops. The grid voltage

drops may excite excessive current transient in the stator and rotor circuit of the

generator and in the grid — side converter. The rotor circuit feeds into rotor converter.

Converters are power electronics devices which are sensitive to electrical and thermal

overloads. The converter can be subject to such electrical thermal overloads when the

excessive current transient occur in the the rotor circuit and in grid side converter.

Current transient may also excite fluctuations of the DC- link voltage which leads to

electrical overload of converter.


6.1.1 Analysis for three phase to ground (3LG) fault

To analyse the DFIG wind turbine under power system disturbances a 2 MW

DFIG wind turbine system connected to 11 kV grid is modeled in MATLAB as shown

in Fig. 6.1. The turbine is operated under its rated condition. Initially the generator

operates at super-synchronous speed where the rotor speed is 1.2 pu. At this moment

DFIG generates the active power of I pu. The fault is applied at t=20 sec for 300 ms as

shown in Fig. 6.1

r 4 Y

N q O

f) S d

m O p

Qm V N
O O O r

TT[TT ii

C, u N a
i EI Ei a
C_ W
Immediately after fault, stator flux and consequently stator voltage will drop

depending upon several factor such as fault type, fault location, fault impedance, short

circuit level etc. As can be observed in Fig. 6.2 stator voltage will drop below 0.2 pu.

Fig: 6.2 Stator voltage

As electromagnetic torque (Te) is proportional to stator flux with negative sign,

therefore electromagnetic torque increases shortly after fault occur. This increase in

electromagnetic torque will results in acceleration of rotor as shown in Fig. 6.3.

Fig: 6.3 Rotor speed

The fault inception produce large currents at stator terminals and consequently,

due to the existence of magnetic coupling between rotor and stator, at rotor terminals,

Stator and rotor fault current, as shown in Fig. 6.4 and 6.5, and hence DC-link current

increases. However, due to low voltage of DFIG terminals, stator side converter cannot

exchange this extra current to network and therefore active power falls towards zero as

shown in Fig. 6.6. This will, in turn, lead to the accumulation of the charges and

consequently DC-link voltage will rise. Shortly after fault clearance, rotor and stator

current will restore their pre-fault value and so does the DC-link voltage ensuring stable

performance of DFIG under transient conditions as shown in Fig. 6.7.

Fig: 6.4 Stator current

Fig: 6.5 Rotor current

Fig: 6.6 Stator active power

Fig: 6.7 DC — link voltage

As seen from Fig. 6.4 the fault current do not decay very fast, this might be due

to the action of controllers along with impact of converter.

6.1.2 Action of protection system

Power electronics converters of DFIG are designed to handle transport of the

rotor power and magnetization of the generator through the rotor converter only. This

may correspond to 25% of the rated power the generator. The use of smaller power

electronic converters is the basic advantage of this variable speed concept as this leads

to reduction of size and cost of the converters. However the use of smaller power

electronics converters introduces restrictions on the current transients and makes the

power electronics converters to be among the most sensitive parts of the variable speed

wind turbines with regards to system disturbances. When the power system is subject to

a 3LG fault, the voltage drops and introduces transients in the rotor circuit of the DFIG,

and consequently DC-link voltage will rise as shown above. If the rotor current

transients become excessive, it may cause damage to rotor converter.

To avoid such risk, DFIG system is equipped with over current and DC voltage

overload protection as shown in Fig. 6.8. Here the protection system is designed to

protect the system against abnormal stator voltage and abnormal DC-link voltage. The

protective system is design for maximum abnormal stator current of 1.1 Pu for 0.01

second and DC-link overvoltage of 1900 Volts for 0.001 seconds. The protective

system monitors the operation of the converter and generator and may order converter

to block when abnormal operation is registered. Shortly after the fault terminal voltage

drop and the stator current and DC-link voltage increases rapidly. When either stator

current or DC-link voltage reaches the setting point of the protection system a trip

command is generated by the protection systems which then trip the converter. These

series of events take place almost at once after the fault starts. It is seen that for three

phase fault the protection system operate because of abnormal DC-link over voltage.

111 0 q J

g R a

~at3 r


= O U G a
a m v ~N
0 0 0


7 aI Cil -g
If the generator is allowed to remain connected to the grid, the stator voltage,

stator current and active power fluctuates, particularly after the fault is cleared as

shown in Fig. 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11. This may induce instability on the system. In order to

avoid these circumstances, the turbine is to be disconnected as soon as possible after

the instant the converter is blocked. For this purpose, the generator is disconnected

from the grid 50 ms after the converter is blocked.

Fig: 6.9 Stator voltage after fault (without disconnection of generator)

Fig: 6.10 Stator current after fault (without disconnection of generator)

Fig: 6.11 Stator active power after fault (without disconnection of generator)

The disconnection action is simply modeled by assigning the stator current to

zero. The generator, is disconnected from the grid 50 ms after the converter is blocked.

As a result, the stator current and active power turns to zero, and consequently the

terminal voltage is restored immediately. The terminal voltage, stator current and active

power after the disconnection of generator is as shown in Fig. 6.12, 6.13 and 6.14

respectively below. The point D in figures below shows the point of generator

disconnection. As shown after point D the stator current and generated active power

turns to zero and terminal voltage restored immediately.

Fig: 6.12 Stator voltage after fault, with disconnection of generator

(Point D indicate point of generator disconnection)

Fig: 6.13 Stator current after fault, with disconnection of generator

(Point D indicate point of generator disconnection)

Fig: 6.14 Stator active power after fault, with disconnection of generator




With the rising penetration of wind turbine into electricity networks,

comprehensive studies are required to identify the interaction between the wind turbine

and power system. The response of wind turbines to grid disturbance is an important

issue, since the rated power of the wind turbine is increased. The objective of the

dissertation was to analyze the behavior of FSIG and DFIG wind turbine systems under

variable wind speed condition and during system disturbance.

MATLAB/Simulink version 7.0.1 software has been used to prepare the model

of FSIG and DFIG wind turbine system (of 2 MW capacity) connected to 11 kV grid

using FSIG and DFIG models present in MATLAB. The characteristics of 2 MW

FSIG and DFIG wind turbines during wind speed fluctuation and during fault on

network were observed and analyzed.

Based on the simulation following conclusions are drawn:

{i) Fluctuation in generated voltage and generated power has been observed in

FSIG wind turbine system where generator is made to run at constant speed in -

spite of variations in wind speed. Whereas DFIG systems shows improve

system stability during variation in wind speed.

(ii) Analysis of DFIG system shows that DFIG system generates power even at sub-

synchronous speed. The rotor of DFIG takes power from grid during sub-

synchronous operation whereas is supplies power to grid during super-

synchronous operation.

(iii) FSIG system shows poor system stability during system disturbances due to

limitations of fixed capacitor power factor correction and uncontrolled

acceleration of the generator rotor. Even after fault clearance FSIG take

considerable time to come to normal operation condition i.e. poor terminal

voltage recovery.

(iv) DFIG system shows improve system stability during power system disturbances

even if connected to weak network also provide better performance for terminal

voltage recovery after fault clearance owing to its ability to control reactive


DFIG wind turbine system is sensitive to severe voltage dips that result in an

excessive stator and rotor current and also in excessive DC-link voltage which can

damage the converter. To avoid this protection system is designed to block the

converter during such conditions. Blocking of rotor converter without subsequent

disconnection of the generator from the grid may cause voltage instability.

Consequently, the disconnection should be done immediately after the blocking and

before the fault is cleared.

In view of the above it is found that DFIG wind turbine system shows improved

system stability during variation in wind speed and during power system disturbance.

However since converter is very sensitive to abnormal conditions it is required to

protect it during disturbances.


In view of the above result it is found that DFIG wind turbine system is a

reliable solution for wind power generation. It should be used where the wind speed

variation is very large through out the year. However as the converter of DFIG rotor is

very sensitive to system disturbances therefore care must be taken while designing the

protection system for wind turbine operated DFIG.


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